That's the news now with this boot his Katie Smith England's money to a lag has stressed how essential sense to Henry Slade will be for them in their rugby World Cup quarter final against Australia this morning it comes off the George shoulders dropped from the side with Captain I would follow moving over to fly off with commentary of the game here on 5 Live build up from 730 following the island take on champions New Zealand fly half Jonny Sexton says it feels surreal to finally be playing off to so much focus on the knockout stages Meanwhile on the opening night of the Premiership are still schooled 7 tries to see off rivals both finish 4360 to focal and Lee Thomas late goal from a free kick gave Cardiff City a point against Sheffield Wednesday in the Championship and it won one in that one there were also 2 draws in League One Lincoln City Shrewsbury Town and $11.00 between South and United but Gary Ballack off has left Israel saying the situation isn't rosy at the moment is that in the wake of the year I qualify with England which was disrupted twice due to racism from home fans in Safin and Andy Barry has reached his 1st semifinal since 2017 he beat Romanian Marius couple in 3 sets at the European Open this space b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. South it's small speak of. Saturday's weather and it'll remain unsettled with a mixture of sunny spells and showers some good 10 heavy and thundery long spells of rain pushing south towards across Scotland on into northern England windy if a Northern Ireland is a pick Dean degree Celsius in London 9 in Edinburgh and 12 in Belfast in Cardiff. Coming the end of the. Premier League then anyone else he was carrying was the Premier League is back on family values this week and the spotlight seems to die a big story called The Dream and she's shown see against Newcastle plus 5 likes premier league someday. This. Sounds rough for kids was going to come for world football funding and this one we're talking football in North Africa and South America and plays from over there playing in our leagues representing the say hello region of Africa as we like to go to is my head Mazhar a or a k. a Is we like to call him the Chicot chicken tikka most. That chips melt for a moment May I welcome back thank you for having me on again it's always a pleasure and of course a legend victories over there in the u.k. Says it beside me in the studio when it said that morning how you find that so much usually I don't have to work your microphone not have been down the line and somebody else doesn't fall just for missing that 1st time around a loss it's all about. Talking 1st of all before we get into the football from either of your regions did England do the right thing with regards to the racism that was seeing them play as bball Garion fans at the beginning of this week how is that being covered where you 1st will man. Well over the international break I was actually in France played Colombia in Laos so I was over there and. I got through a whole host of. Soft scan. For me on the Turkish national team and we heard a lot about England versus bog area as well as I was passing through transit in the airport and I didn't watch the match so I wasn't I can't really speak for it from that side of it but I did read about what happened and I did read the comments of the English Federation and a lot of English players on social media after the match and I think they absolutely did the right thing I think now it is there's a pretty there's a manual about how to deal with these things when it's crits crazy to mention and it seems like every time I'm on the World Football phone and we talk about racism but there seems to be like a sort of go to manual on how to deal with this where an issue lead it to interrupt the match and then there is a speaker for from the from the match announcer that will say I'll have an announcement saying that match will be interrupted if. If the fans don't stop what they're doing and then eventually I think said that they were ready to walk off and I think absolutely doubt that be the right thing we cannot force a player to sustain racist abuse and continue on to play I think that's that's unfair the only thing is Jim if they had walked off we would have had the pleasure of seeing them put 6 balls the ball Guerin's which was another way of. Well yeah that's one way but that's a sporting why when beating a side doesn't necessarily give you a moral superiority you know they might be much better than you at football but if they're right cysts then you haven't nothing has been proved one way or the other necessarily by the result I think the sporting side is one thing and and this this social disease side is the other I'm struck you know because I don't live in this country I'm struck by how far the DEA byt has progressed in our country since I used to live here these a. And it bites I used to have all the time in when I was in college now we're going back more than 30 years and I would hear all the time that it's not a problem because at that in those days what happened in Bulgaria was mild by comparison with what happened in football stadiums all over Britain it was mild it was normal and accepted parts of football culture and I used to have these are going to look this is unacceptable and all the time people would argue back that what it would have if someone's got ginger hair you know or beginners or something you know and it seems that in our country the debate has progressed much much further there is a realisation now that the context between having ginger hair and the context of a different race is that they are entirely different situations now other countries are perhaps well behind the curve. Because partly because they haven't been through the same process of immigration that our country has been as has been thrown on for example. To be racist against black people in England now is to hate parts of England. Now to be racist against people from the Asian sub continent Sister White the best part of cuisine that we have in this country now that doesn't apply to bug area I don't think my wife was in Bulgaria briefly. And. She suffered deplorable Reisa racist treatment from a taxi driver who left her in the middle of nowhere took a money and kicked her out in winter where he you died she didn't find shelter you know so I have my certain thoughts about about where both Gary's on these issues. So I'm happy to see that in this country it's been that the debate has progressed some much I quite like that the comments after the game of the forget his name apologize from the Football Association who said that we can't be how you have been there it still happens in our country always used to happen in our country it still happens in our country I think the English have to be careful about how the debate is one I know in South America there's a certain be amusement our number few years ago I think when played Brazil in 95 and only been there for a year and you know the England teams lining up and Brazilians Ramey somehow comes out can you got black people when they didn't fit their idea of what England was. And so in their eyes the English word a rice ists and now they're trying to be holier than thou and you know and teach everyone else about racism the town that the English f.a. Use I think is very very important here you know because. You don't want to preach at people you want to say look this is a situation it's a problem it's not acceptable we have faced this problem we have done these things and they are they have had they have a good results and because if you want to change people's behavior you've got to pick them up from where they are in order to take them to to where you want them to be. From a South American perspective was already thinking about this a lot this week the question of racism is very very different and a European concept it is intrinsically linked to immigration in South America it is intrinsically linked to enslavement the Afro population in South America where their same Cerys before. A lot of the the European descendant population who in say Brazil Argentina Uruguay Chile a lot of them are like 19th early 20th century immigrants from all over Europe and so on now last Saturday in American our in Rio There was a match a 1st person match from an unseen by 2 black coach who's That's really really rare that's extremely rare I think there's only one other black coach in the in Brazil in the top 2 divisions in Brazil and to mark the occasion both of them warty shirts saying enough of prejudice. And one of them easy is name is Charlie was a really good left back in his playing days he's now very intelligent and articulate as a coach and it was his big subject him in a press conference afterwards because for many years Brazil had this this myth if you like of racial democracy it was a state sponsored me if the use of carnival of salmon musicians to help create the image of a happy go lucky population. First that was for internal consumption and then later it's very useful for the for the tourist industry now there might be some value in a country creating a nonracial identity for itself when you think of Brazil you don't necessarily think of black or white thing but the reality is that the legacy of slavery runs really really deep and hard to mush out of his coach after going you sign up my experience of racism is that I don't feel it's so much an insult. I feel it when I go to the restaurant and I'm the only black face I feel it when I was in my university course and I was the only black black person there I feel it when I see the sat the salary disparity between whites and blacks I feel it when I see that overwhelmingly the number of the the biggest victims of violent crime are young black males I see it because we had 398 years of slavery over 10000000 people in slaved 25 generations and still the state does something about this that's the way it's it's going to be very difficult to get out of this situation and football shows this so clearly ever since football became professional in Brazil there has been a place for black players cross the floor to coaches that's much much harder and you might say with all every rights there's a problem for opportunity for black coaches in England there is but the black presence in English football dates really from the late sixty's early seventy's the black presence in Brazil it was always there and still there struggling to have full opportunities so different sides of the Atlantic different contexts and a problem of discrimination that football doesn't cause football is not the cause of racism football is a is a forum where racism can be manifested it's also a forum where racism can be combated because when you deem me unacceptable this kind of behavior is not acceptable there's a kind of social shaming that goes on on those people involved area they have shamed their nation some of them I'm sure will feel proud of this Others won't feel proud of this they will they will see the international consequences and maybe they will rethink things and for the. Frame Sterling made which I thought was very intelligent and mature response he said it's the ball Garion people that I feel sorry for. Because you know they are being shamed by these hundreds of. Hooligans be smirched in their name and so it anyway let's go in circles 188-590-9693 if you'd like to join in this morning's Well football phone in we're talking football in North Africa and South America we've got the she can take most a law with us in Algeria you know yes I can all Jerry essence yesterday Sandison Algeria and we've got the legend victory and the u.k. For one week only well this week only and then you're back next week and offline back on Sunday night I mean it's an officer born is out is on Tuesday for the limited go to semifinals is no rest for the wicked indeed not even your week in Seoul Don't get me wrong we've got Jose in Austin is it Jose Oh Josie. Remind me. Thought it was Eric great to have you on again because broken before Jose let me just read you if you don't mind Jose what one of our listeners who's e-mailed me Tristen says he says Love the show and the podcast I listen live when I can but most of the time I listen to the podcast is the 1st thing I listen to on a Monday morning at work and I've had a few beers playing darts today which is give me the confidence to Mitt message in good good good I've always wanted to know what got yourselves into football and what do you all miss about those early days I remember seeing Dennis Wise at Chelsea and thinking wow the passion and will to win of that bloke is amazing and I've been a Chelsea fan ever since I was the one thing for Tim Dawson I'm staying out of it and she can ticket Mozilla for a similar question that you have is it doesn't. Say great minds think alike I ask in your way the. Well. I was I was at a soccer store today or a football store and I dropped a footballer's name because we were reminiscing and I brought the biggest smile to my buddy's face and I was wondering if I could do the same to you and hopefully all the listeners can join in as well. Who is that soccer player that you remember as a kid that just takes you back and puts a smile on your face that's a really good question and I will throw that to non listeners as well in 8558. Noticed his question Who is that sucker playroom football player if you prefer from back in the day that puts a smile on your face when he's names too comes up in conversation. With you she could see Cuba's Alma. Yeah so my earliest footballing memory is the 1998 World Cup. And it was I believe. France was playing and and my my parents called me into the living room and they pointed pretended and said hey look Mary's all Jerry and and I remember just watching for a bit and seeing Emmanuel pity's ponytail and that member I remember thinking wow he's so cool and and I ended up asking my brother who is a manual pity play for he told me Arsenal ended up supporting Arsenal immediately after so my 1st memories are from the World Cup and and my favorite player at the time was Emmanuel pity but I think what I miss most is probably because I grew up in Canada and my grandparents there were over and Algeria for most of the time my grandfather was an international referee 960 s. And he actually even officiated 965 Africa Cup of Nations and so he was the one that really got my father into football and he's the one that got me into football as well so he used to come over and at the time I used to prefer watching basketball the n.b.a. I was a big it's Carter stand trying to rafters but he would come over and just watch television all the time and I used to get angry because I wanted to watch my basketball and eventually I just ended up watching with him eat because it was a little bit of a language barrier and I just ended up started to watch I ended up watching football with him and we grew closer and closer so now he's still alive but he's like he can hardly hear anything he's blind out of one eye sleeps a lie we don't speak that much anymore so I just remember those times where I was getting closer to my grandfather so it was more of that than the actual football in the ninety's you are listening to this. I am because. Who the football is that puts a smile on your face as well if you don't mind perfect thank you let me just put a little bit of a smile on to you can take the most a lot of. Go ahead. No because I knew your grandfather. Chicken Tikka but I guess he bumped into nice airport when I was about to fly. Surveillance week in the south of France. Are we what you. And I to say to him Look 1st of all. It is that's all right said now can I have this so. I keep those shame what I would check and I actually said to him Why don't cope with the world news that yeah. We're still waiting for that Emmanuelle I even started supporting the good news for you anyway I'm only kidding Tim what about the buy the put a small office get into it I had no choice when my my dad he didn't get married and start families in his forty's which in those days is just really really rare you know and that's because all you have a did was play football in winter and cricket know someone and that was just what he did you know he got married when he was too well to do those things and always use 1st son then there was an email he got needy might have trials for Charlton couldn't even get a gig without rappel. It's a low blow now and. As his 1st son. Always expected to fulfill his dreams for him you know and. There was no one from an academic family anyway but there was no pressure to do well at school none at all but it was intense pressure to be good at sport and I wasn't I tried so hard I was absolutely rubbish and you so used to go and watch me any good at the same page so I knew from a very early age that I was going to make my living playing from it but everything about it fascinated me. I learnt to read a collection of football stickers which in those days had a little biography and it was it was very very strangely written Bogan phrase it was. The what was what would today be called a playmaker was like an elegant schemer who made his bow against Charlton had. Thought he had a very strange vocab when when I was a kid and there were certain memories on our Remember listening on the radio which is always and you know we talk about this so much 972 is the old you wife a cup semi final and it's Tottenham at home so I see meal and who are glamorous club and Tottenham win to Neil and to the goals are scored by Steve Perelman who is the youngest member of the Tottenham side so he was the one I most identified with round about the same time it's a historic game in the decline of England national team England at home to West Germany in the quarter finals of the old European Championships home annoying the quarter finals and Germany came expecting to be slaughtered and played England off the park on 131 and I can remember there's so many Vivi things I can remember of that game Camembert Geoff Hurst being substituted and he never played for England again it's his last game and you know Hurst it was this was at Wembley and Hirst in 66 had scored the hattrick against the Germans and here he was ending his international career against the Germans and I can remember David Coleman was commentating saying someone and her asked withdrawn after failing to do what. It On Lisp h. Against these opponents 7 years earlier and 7 years was that was my entire life you know you're actually 66 years old it was my entire life so I remember that kind of blowing my mind and I don't uncool who went to the game and each brought me back a program and I found that's so exciting you know program he was actually at the game he was there he was breathing the same errors as these players so that those are memories that took a big smile on my face said the memory this put a big smile on my face today I was a for your information other I have anything to contribute to this is when I was talking about racism earlier and then he referred back to the days when you know people would say words no different from you know pointing out there's some he's got ginger hair I saw a Leeds United play and I cannot remember any. You know the mickey of Billy Bremner for being red haired and he was that even when you saw him on the pitch he looked like the hardest guy I knew the short little guys have you ever seen a picture of Dave McCoy lifting him up to see that he died because he was a lot younger there he was he was a lot you know you look silly I'm telling you Billy Bremner I want to do it again so I won't do it again I have seen that venture actually actually but I can assure you it was a number four's I remember and this guy that was in the middle the center half a century was knee I mean is wind field is made for Ok well this guy that looked like the smallest of the pitch also not like the heart is the pits I went when he was mentioning Ginger and I thought of thinking big of an Irish cop in New York City that corner thing you know I was Scott Yeah but you don't you're going to bow down Yankee to Mesereau the so what what is it for you is it which player was it for you the broad sports your friends for this. It has to be Francesco thought. That would bring a smile to mean as it went through all these well I can't say Ok That's right that's right. She's been doing this agree is to bring in some cake was a good point good point well my you know I never forget no fruit. That is fresh is good so see why interest. Goes back to Euro 2000 for whatever reason. The Mexican states so I'm from Laredo Texas and that's on the border with Mexico so we get Mexican channels and for whatever reason that Mexican channel had broadcasted all of your 02000 it was the 1st time I was. Shown just European international football and she was just a magician and then I found him again at Roma and when he was playing with but the steward and I fell in love. Well a few people fully in love with your questions let me choose some of them and feel free to small all contribute with a comment of your own Alan emplaced says Pele during the 1970 wealth Cup dazzling and compelling I think those of us who said Now you just definitely remember that not least. Bangsa save from him. This one from is it Gough food he says Kevin Hector Darby counting going to remember in German Yeah he was a little left striker he was a good little pli When Darby won the title in 72 he was a minus i.q. Weapon and going for Joe Jordan here is well I'm in deep says j j o coach shows a player who brought a smile to me especially although I'm a Man United man but I loved what she him play for Bolton especially when he embarrassed us though I was in Year 8 when he moved to Bolton so it was amazing to see the guy gracious always Henrik Lawson Yeah I'm not surprised by that one or as we say Sweden lost Shaun. Lofthouse the line of England both wonders from Pat in Winchester Well done you yeah back in the game back. Play the puts a smile on my face as Robbie Fowler said hash tag God says David in Suffolk Robbie Farah did have a little kind of way about you know put a small amount was an artful dodger. Yeah it's probably some players feel like you know working class hero Yeah and he for me he was like a working class hero whereas in Russia not say he was a working class hero but he's a little bit more slick didn't play with the same charisma you know yeah I mean Parsons a great player but really I'm playing great goes Cor as well but you have the Mistah rush which is a little bit. Little Bit live like a machine Yeah you know where is where is found it was more human perhaps Yeah I love that kind of awful dog just so I mean simple Regis when he played he was the best guy on the pitch but as per the pitch every time says how did North Somerset. Oh. Fits in County Antrim says George Best Year has to be the one and only over he admits he might be a little bit biased in that because he's from County Antrim. And yeah you should be this is entirely safe it's been a biased and the West Kirby's go physique freeze free kick spreading the ball is cool too you see what you've done now you don't we're going to be here all night we were here to talk football but now you're talking smiles you know you have a saying smart when this has a song go to him you're old enough to remember the sino Yeah I was a joy to sing small you know when the world is genuine. I bet you do you just know what he's seeing on. T.v. Singing. Thanks Love record. Oh no thank you it's a pleasure. 808-590-9693 is an homage to go if you'd like to join in this morning as well full Phone We're talking football or stance oblique cue football in North Africa and South America and players from thinking about leagues and with smiling as well why not let's get the latest 5 Live headlines. Allison he's on digital b.b.c. Sounds small St John w. Venus is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live Boris Johnson has made last minute appeals to M.P.'s asking them to support his breaks it daily in a crucial parliamentary vote later today he said no better outcome was available international weapons inspectors say they're investigating reports that Turkey has used chemical weapons against civilians in northern Syria Doctors say an increasing number of children a big treated for severe burns violence between protesters and riot police in the Spanish city of Basra Alona continued into the night about half a 1000000 people held a peaceful demonstration against the jailing on Monday of Catalan separatist leaders a spacecraft assembled in the u.k. Has completed its final checks ahead of next year's launch to take the closest ever pictures of the sun the solar probe will obits around Mercury the closest planet to the sun it will face temperatures of 600 degrees Celsius that's the news never spoke with Katie Smith England's Ben Youngs says they will learn from disappointments of the past as they prepare for their Rigby Well Cup quarter final against Australia England haven't won a World Cup knockout game since 2007 is a fantastic Asian I was fortunate to play in 2001 you know I suppose my experience of that is just going to show the intensity the game doesn't shock at the beginning you know from start day raisen into a lead on the concourse or sparks I bring that intensity from the start of the 1st 20 minutes away pretty pretty full on I'm going to make sure that we get off the start we want with the commentary of England against Australia from 730 on 5 life following that island take on the old blacks in their bid to reach the semifinals kept him worry best as the quality in their side is promising a head of the game to a very competitive to the bunch and not probably starts with with the like a team selection you know I think up everyone pushes hard to be a not squad it's no longer you kind of know what the 15 is going to pay on. The rest just sort of are there to make up the numbers he can also his. Own 5 Live build up starts at 11 in the Premiership season opener Bristol run in 7 tries to beat local rivals boss $4316.00 at a sold out to Gates boss only try came from who says they weren't good enough in the 2nd Hoff free to push to oversee the we'll cross that we were in the game came back up to you. Can still win the game and we got the sprinkles to. Say that it was to late only rescued a late point for Cardiff City in the Championship as they drew 11 of home with Sheffield Wednesday the Bulgaria coach Ballack of has resigned in the wake of the racist actions from home fans in the year at $21.00 to qualify a loss to England but Gary say it's because the performance of the national team has been on satisfactory in recent months while also a club Premier League commentary game is Chelsea against Newcastle and Chelsea boss Frank Lampard says he didn't speak up enough about racism when he was an England player he does I insist progress is being made after the problems in Bulgaria we all felt I might be didn't speak about enough and I think the big progression of Monday night and the positive governing body knew when I was actions now have to make a big step I don't think it should be relied on for individual prizes to be in my can step to think the people in charge. And then the collective night show how England dealt with it meanwhile you a façade they will not allow Russia and Kosovo to me in European competitions until further notice because of security risks Russia have not recognized Kosovo as an independent country since it declared independence from Serbia in 2008 tennis an Andy Murray is through to the semifinals of the European Open he Romanian Marius cocktail in 3 sets it's his 1st a.t.p. Semifinal since 2071 or Kenny's picked up a 2nd medal at the cycling European track championships she took silver in the Army a McCain bronze in the individual pursuit for Great Britain and all he would to bronze in the men's Omnium is now from people. The bats live spalled seal misspellings kill kill physician the Champions League. To find meaning. Only sees the knights can spur us turn things around as with an icicle take off for us against red sun Belgrade this is your full station this is 5 life this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live available on the b.b.c. Sounds a couple nights with Dawson at a bar and we've chicken. And the legendary as well I was talking football in Africa north and Americas south and plays from over there playing in our legs as well chicken secure identifier you had that moment. When they. Yeah Grant told them to go back and Munich 7 and yeah they were Ravi and. Tim was a very happy about that show but we as a play didn't get to play Denis Law a lovely man says Nicky Yeah talking about football is a put a smile on your face for Once Upon a Time gold machine Steve Bull of walls Yeah Edward in Hastings is going for remember him a very was he though he was a gold now he was a terrific old dame to stay safe of the statement I remember stand up going along to one of these for him I mean his 1st game at Wembley for England it was a friendly against Yugoslavia was it him was in the run up to the $9090.00 World Cup and Steve Ball was selected and mean he might win up to. Approached Wembley. Seems to be there's a lot he just loves come to the sky when he can it's really you go slow down the old I'm here slots you know because they seem to be speaking some such a thanks language and it was. Something. You will never be allowed back into their original country ever again it's like could you send on some ice cream when you know you can go in there at 3. Cents and no I mean. Compose myself I'm not going to allow you 200-080-8590 extension 9693 is a number of course you'd like to join in the world for phone in this morning 808-590-9693 you can send us an e-mail to up all night at b.b.c. Doco dot u.k. And if you stick your phone number in the mail we'll call you back as well or you can text us an 8558 let's take a call from Russell in Enfield Hello Russell Hello don't know you're doing I'm very well thank you very much Many thanks for calling. Yes well I'm sorry to impose myself on you 2 weeks in a row this is a rather unusual and I would say painful Hindu's many ways in a rosy like Dome are also in some plans actually that great cheers thanks and well what I wanted to talk about was obviously something because a flag up at the beginning of the show the racism issue in Bulgaria or in general the wider connotations of I mean I think. The agree that both Pfieffer and to a for have been pretty ineffectual in stamping this out they haven't had really strong enough sanctions when incidents of racism have occurred certainly in comparison with say for example punishments for commercial infractions has been a number of examples of that. So I'm wondering I mean I think you a phonied to be a lot harsher with punishments they've got to just step on I think the global pressure is being such for Monday on which that things have changed and I think the . The wider picture is changed here and I think it can have to stand on stand down on a lot more I'm just wondering if your wife or could learn anything in the way of how they go about choosing the sanctions from the respective regions of guest today I think it's a great question. From your region can do anything with regards to the d.d. With racism you know I'm trying to rack my brains and I'm trying to think of any racist incidents of had international matches that and the Confederation of African football and I honestly can't think of anything off the top of my head not to say that racism doesn't exist I think it exists everywhere it exists in England in barbarian all Geria wherever you go it exists to some extent and we all have to do . Everything that we can to stamp it on at every level but I can't remember for example a time where a Moroccan or a Libyan match is being played and that a black player is being there does monkey chants raining down on him. You know or her. Why why is that I'm not sure maybe because we have black populations in Morocco Algeria Tunisia Libya especially in the south but all over the country as well I'm not sure it's but can you if a learn from calf I don't think they could because we don't have as much experience on this side of the world as you might in Europe with racism but I think I mean reading over what's happened obviously the Bulgarian f.a. President and the coach resigned and I think Chris was I would say probably one of the most well known footballers or football personalities involved area I think what he said was quite important and he was very sad and I think he even said that bog area should be excluded from international competition for some time and I think that was very encouraging because you need one of the biggest problems I think before the match was that the coach apparently downplayed racism in Bulgaria and the i.c.c. The 1st that you need to take is to is to recognise that it exists and that it's a real problem so to have a personality exposed kind of say that and even propose that his side be banned from international competition I think that's a very healthy 1st step but it shouldn't be up to the federations proper it should be up to you a fine and I think. I think automatic disqualification shouldn't be off the table so what's it like when a. In the calf competitions the Confederation of African football competitions the national competitions when a team from south of the South. Which would be mostly black Africans if you like. Goes to play. In North Africa where the population would be largely sort of but or extraction if you like whoa whoa is there no sort of prejudice. Issues at all. I wouldn't honestly there's only a one time of ever seeing this happen. And it was again from a small minority and it was the very 1st match I went to and it was I was your against Burkina Faso and. I remember when the players came out there was the you know if I saw goalkeeper and he had German warmups he was. He was yelling as the founders got a leg which when he says it very quickly sounds like I got it I got a leg and a subset which means sorry in French it means come on guys come on guys come on guys and a certain subsection of the Algerian fans in that corner of the stadium thought that was very funny and they started saying Dang the Indians are here the Indians are here meaning that this person is uncivilized because they can't speak French properly or something like that which I thought was it was racist and then I've heard them repeat that chant but not towards black players I've seen them like speaking about themselves like if they enter a stadium won't like one club supporters one upon entering a stadium if they want to shoot it's their way of saying we're about to cause a ruckus so I think that's. That's obviously racist to an extent but I've never seen them single out a player as we've seen you know and it's only recently or or in other places in Europe never seen them single a player for racist abuse I've never even heard of that Tim. Well I don't it is a great deal to learn from from the South American experience here because life been very very lenient with it very very lenient there is an atmosphere in South American football that what happens on the field stays on the field and I think of that they've been slow to identify racist manifestations as unacceptable it's almost as if there's a historic view where it's almost as if football is where you go and do things that my otherwise not be except to is where you go to let off steam and you know what happens there stays there things are beginning to change we're seeing progress we're seeing actually surprising progress with moving movements against homophobia . There's a certain chant that it's come from Mexico but it's been picked up. By Brazil by Chile. It's a homophobic abuse that a goalkeeper is he as he takes a go kick Now there have been plenty of fines handed out to the f.b.i. For 4 days and it just hasn't worked and I want to caution in Chile this is the stadium was closed down which is meant that the fans went to another stadium didn't really do anything maybe there's more happening now at club level. Where there is the possibility of a club facing sanctions of losing points I'm a great believer in consequences you know when there are consequences it tends to concentrate it tends to concentrate the mind but really I think. South America is probably starting Europe at the moment and seeing how this plays in Europe on what it can learn from your work rather than the other way around maybe you have to sense North America to dizzy because as far as I understand the wrong that you don't care about this in North America to the. Races since I suspect that's got to do as much with the power of television there as much as anything else because there would be. Some strong reaction I magine How would you feel most o. Ne Ne is Jesu from you yeah it's an interesting comment so I think for me Art I certainly think there are some parallels between South America and Europe and Europe in various places goes through different phases England obviously had a big problem with racism from the seventy's on which probably earlier which gradually got sorted out to a degree it's obviously now coming back unfortunately which is not good and hopefully will get snuffed out again but I think over time making it socially unacceptable and creating an environment where self policing to a certain degree then happens within the crowd I think is what's happened I remember going to a lot of games and just not seeing any racism at all in on the very few occasions where somebody would say something they would quickly be sort of snuffed out would be a holster sized reported to the police thought 'd stewards or whatever it might pay and I think that's that's certainly worked when you look at what's going on in Bulgaria and I think as I understand it from a Bulgarian journalist I heard on a radio show earlier this week she was saying that there's a lot of problems across the whole of the ex Soviet era era area and the ex-communist areas of Europe where there's a lot of neo nazi isn't a lot of nationalism and a lot of racism which prevails and I think that's that's probably not surprising I think there's a there's a vacuum and the void that's filled with that and that's unfortunate but I do think that those nations are perhaps now having to go on a journey but we've gone on before 'd 'd and go through that process of creating as Tim says. Making an unacceptable knowing that there's consequences and going from there and obviously that has to come through sanctions from elsewhere on a new way for do you think it's going to be a long journey and up will be a way to go as. You know as mentioned earlier there's been a sense of well denialism basically. From the coach and from other members of the Bulgarian party over there regarding this before and after and to deny it afterward seems frankly ludicrous as well as a bar and get it taken the office 1st want to say it's insulting intelligence they didn't. In terms of what your wife it does I mean I think just escalating to a strict form of their current sanctions list at an earlier point would would help so not just having these sort of peppercorn fines and small little punishments like that for example to Bulgaria again they had a 5000 seat. Close off for their stadium which had absolutely no effect whatsoever because the stadium was far from selling out so that was a 0 Polish Mint altogether. If they had for example immediate close behind closed doors bans straight from the off bigger fines proportional maybe to the country. And then from there obviously look at points deduction or exclusions from other tournament's I'm guessing they could only do you a foot ornaments are Imagine fee for holds court on their own particular events by the World Cup but but just going in harder earlier I think it's just to make it clear to everybody so there's and there's no day under any illusion that there's has to be snuffed out and I think that's probably the best they can do really apart from obviously the other aspects of education and and that sort of thing you know I think we can always human thank you very much really present thank you and yeah mustn't call up any time generally you know this is something the Russell said there that I come from is anything used you know when a small team here when up all night Be real with you and tomorrow night of course they'll be a lot to do with breaks it will come and after that decisions be made in Parliament when we were another but the. What Russell struck me what struck me was when he talks about how we have learned in a way that there is some pride that we should take for having dealt you know not completely but nevertheless having tackle the issue of racism not just in football elsewhere and week it's a continued continuum continues problem. But nevertheless I magine that after Monday there's been a huge debate in Bulgaria about the issues of racism generally in society and I'm wondering whether we should hear an up all night. Trying to get that debate bring that debate to listeners just to get an idea of what people have been talking about in Belgariad since Monday with regards to this because that's what happened here in the u.k. That racism got so bad not just in football but on the streets opened up a kind of a national debate around and it was I was living in Sweden where much of this debate was going on and there they didn't want to talk about it you know what I mean they want to talk about it because it didn't. Bring didn't raise its ugly head in public as it were they don't need to talk about it but when something like this you're confronted with it on your television screens it forces you to discuss it and we are going to try and see if we can do that on up and what we're part of Generation formed by Rock Rock Against Racism yell really out totally you know it's one of the most important things in terms of just getting the idea around the amount of things I thought everybody you know everywhere I went across Europe by the way there was an equivocal since when it was Rockmore to rass. I saw that sign everywhere was such an iconic sign in any case anyway let's bring in clear the book who is in all the shop into the conversation Oakley are you. Signed up. In the whole am. 17 or cup in Brazil like today from one of the that. Into the current holders by the way they do qualify for. The last 2nd flies less than a goal and 9. Consistently is a racist comment only one child is. Laid back in 2. As a. Golden Virgin plane is going on but. One places and then they go live but as a problem or a range plans they say as a heck of a stage. Of the sea cast on the staff of the boat something that is look to the wrist of the other player and. How many others are arranged as is a S's. The only reason that Brazil is staging it because Peru and a light point was stripped of the right to stage it the Peruvian government didn't give the fee for sufficient guarantees and so it was moved so it's going to be held in pretty much low key stadiums in in Brazil and the only reason that Brazil are playing in it is because they're hosting because they didn't qualify well if it wasn't a factor there they are hosting it they would be playing it now that for the Brazilian . Is a disk rice and they didn't qualify for the world under 20 Cup for the 3rd time in Fort ornaments and then qualify for the autumn under 17 Cup So they've gone all out to try and improve the squad there some club free country battles going on at the moment because the way that Brazilian football works at the moment the way a South American football works is going to make sure veterans and and youngsters and there's a couple of 17 year olds who are important players for their club sides so there's one who's got a lot of high profile accord. Who's not the crown prince of Monaco but he might be the crown prince of something because he looks very very classy as an attacking midfielder has been linked with English clubs being linked strongly with Everton it looks like Frank are not going to let him go they're not they're not going to release him for the tournament they get there they're saying it's not a fee for date it's not an official Fifa date and so we don't have to release the player there's another one who looks very promising for Vasco da Gama for local tallies magna cum a big big. Broad striker plays wide very fluid very very talented who I think he may get released and Brazil hope with this I mean that they they will put it in a challenge but I think you've underlined the point there you said Fabregas came through but a lot haven't and I think that success under 17 level can be an illusion. Under 20 is they want to take very seriously. Under 17 Firstly it's so early in players' careers you never know how they're going to develop and sometimes Osan think success on the 17 level can spoil them a little bit it can bring too much too early so what it's all about for me is not necessarily who wins or even who shines it's about who picks up the most experience and comes out of it better. Thank you very much as always a lot of players put smiles on listeners faces so smug even though your hearts is aching all the time Scott from Bernie says Rinaldo it was a play that open my eyes now the now that man could play in the ninety's I would say imagine you know it's a game versus Bradford. Bradford City with Mancow He's united fan but he spent the entire game as I remember in a 5 no win few knighted extolling the virtues of Benito Carbone a year he was good actually remember him very much I admit it changed how I view football. Or how if viewed football from then on Woods. Small for me is back about the 1st 4 name I heard when I was young started following his performances every time he happened to be on t.v. Still smiling now just at the thought says Mrs Harris and you say love pronouncing those foreign names that we love pronounce in the back about Franz morrow and the. Chris Waddle that's a foreign name if I ever heard one Jack use his share for Chris Ward and I thought he said something quite profound about the racism when he said look you've just got to stop these countries ban them from entering those competitions which isn't you know nice but nevertheless I'll get the message through is the point he was making every Chris Waddle that's what we need to talk to the Bulgarian journalists about yeah because yeah yeah you know one question what do you think is the best way to get through to majorities I think 100 percent and what you draw the line of this country has too much racism we should be kicked out because as we said it exists everywhere from England to say the far eastern borders of Europe and also is Bulgaria raisins and I went to bug area when I was a teenager and it was the communist days and I remember. I didn't speak the language so you can always get the sense of it but it's a funny thing I think under communist days people are under manager so I went to Moscow and should the cover his the receiver forming over themselves to sort of flick a people from Africa at the time give them degrees or scholarships rather than Zone or the great dairy do get wolves great shows usual says Alister no can yeah feed there you can yeah number 9 was a big character yeah yeah I had a mustache as well as our Yeah yeah he was good guy handsome guy James in share food. Oh you mentioned James Jeffords Chris what Sheffield Wednesday still small at that video of him putting Ryan Giggs on his back twice we want cheerful. Chris what he looked at him and he was a cost slope shouldered in to yeah didn't look like an athlete at Seoul didn't look as if he was that Bono and then he just gloated past people I decided he was an extraordinary class profits. Malcolm c. From Donald did so to legend of the team since I've been in O'Bannon people forget they have a virgin him knowing Carney had trick against Chelsea in the miracle of World Cup and city from Essex What a classy plaque on a suburban and a player who made me smile was Luigi Reaver of Italy he was pretty it wasn't he was brilliant and a forward and he sang and he's Cobb and Alaric caviare of course it is I remember him well from World Cup 9774 and his great goal celebration of 40 back in those days we never really saw him in club matches in Italy but good memories nevertheless is at least in Scotland more of your memories of players put a smile on your face when you reflect on them now days 808-590-9693 if you'd like to join us with this morning's well full funny we are talking football in North Africa and in South America we've got a man in North Africa may here he and we've got team victory with us over here was take care of North African and South American football respect simply says in a 558 we met up with not a big secret because of a test for use. He's playing for. C.c. Right. It's straight talk Good morning this is not on fire I'm Dawson at a bar the may need done 5 lines to prime ministers and the moment he has to back is . Dale Spaulding led an island countdown to that Rugby World Cup quarter finals. This is b.b.c. We feed babies. As well as Johnson's aged m. Pays across Westminster to unite behind his brags that Dale ahead of a crucial vote in the Commons later the prime minister spent Friday trying to secure the 320 votes the government needs to win a majority for his agreements several Labor M.P.'s have suggested they'll.

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