Road long he's only a 165 as part of the temple. And he's heading a little further afield on the M 18 southbound broken down they cool moment in chief will be a one on the don't just bypass anything spell it safe to do so on 3 I 123 I want to move in 30 minutes Cheers Luisa travel well travel safely wherever you go and on the show this morning amongst other things some members of the Labor Party in North Pole want to diesel sitting M.P. DONNA JOHNSON The process is going been going gone through you've heard from Donna Johnson on the program some people are saying that's democracy what do you think as you listen to. B.B.C. Radio Humberside. A lot of people like what they heard from Adam Fowler earlier re the Lord lawn building and told this program a developer has made an offer to the 3 people to own the land in and around the Lord lawn building one of them's King 2 and having nothing to do with it but he says it would clear the way for the council to compulsory purchase the land what do you think dumb suspensory I was a fisherman through all the cold war still 79 when the industry collapsed also logline employee but the building is in such a bad state it really needs demolition the cost would be astronomical to rebuild so this moment is an eyesore let's do something with the area the dock can be built on jus to subsidize storm but items and the marinas that capacity would get off a 2nd Marina town it would look nice What do you think today talk to me. That Kerry says I listen to out down the jumps in earlier on your show agreed with everything she said yes people voted to leave and. You know remain I've accepted but what Donna Johnson is saying is that for the people whole to accept a no deal would be fact bad for them and this is what she's fighting against She cares about the whole. She cares about the people and we need to trust her and believe she has our best interests at heart if you want advice about something you ask an expert people need to listen to what she's saying and supports our experts as Katie and hope. That this is my e-bay but I would go back to something I've been saying all along nobody knows what will happen. Post brags yet there have been some reports out there but nobody still knows the full possibilities of it. And you've got to remind remember that there are a party politics involved here. And that is not necessarily have a real good thing for the country as a party politics party politics has got us into this mess and it looks at the moment as party politics won't get us out of this mess. Morning Donna Johnson lady but hey what's all the fuss about since she was the Labor Party since when was the Labor Party set up to guarantee a lifetime career for the Labor Party representatives in Parliament that's a fair point it's a fair point I'll read more of that message in a bit what do you want to say this morning did you go to festival of the sky increase opes it looks good in what I've seen in the build up on Twitter did it work out help to go well let learn on Saturday but it was vetoed by executive powers above me in the food I mean little and just went to the park locally near on lobby common. So I didn't make it so what was it like we'll talk about chatty hole What did you make of back 2 hours and anything else there's a big thing it was front page of the Yorkshire Post today Humber 0 carbon economy there's a big meeting which starts now which is happening in our area about the home to becoming a 0 carbon economy in the future. The paper says we have the U.K.'s largest economy 55000 workers 18000000000 pounds in this area that will not pass me by we need to go 0 carbon otherwise we'll start cost in as money and will lose jobs if you read the article give us a shout would love to hear from you tweet me at B.B.C. Burnsy Caltex or even. Come Tax Day takes a $23.00 and start to Macy's with. Email to see ads B.B.C. Don't pay to EK cool cool the strain 10065959. Let me regenerate Samael in full Donna Johnson Labor M.P. What's all the fuss about Since when was the Labor Party set up to guarantee a long time career for Labor Party representatives in Parliament selecting a day selecting candidates guarantees a political voice that gives an overall representation a grassroots members. Regardless of the active number of the membership in shows the democratic accountability of employees to the majority of grassroots constituent party members if Donna Johnson is Labor Party supporters don't attend Labor Party meetings doesn't not speak volumes for Diana to threaten legal challenges in an effort to hold a safe smacks of a bureaucratic move from someone who no longer believes they should be accountable via the Democratic selection protests it's high time the Labor party selected work pays who pledged to live on the average wage of a skilled worker and accept the democratic right in the Labor party members to recall represented Representatives value mandatory recent election no should be above the bottom up democratic process that ensures accountability says Jana in hell thank you for taking the time just. Mark says I'm not and never will be called in as later but Donna Johnson is a hardworking M.P. That is a Spezza she served and represented whole superbly over the years Marcus says in government 2007 she told local She was found to keep stuff a season hole open went to Westminster voted for coats and thus closures she cannot be trusted I don't know Marcus I would have to put not one to you've included on the tweet I'm sure she will respond on a laser says Diana is not my amp A but is one of the most well respected committed hardworking and results driven employees with one of the best track records of all employees for asking questions in Parliament truly representing the needs of a constituents an excellent role model that last if they do there's obviously some constituents feel she's not representing them specifically over breakfast at breakfast at Bragg's Analisa and she could be a decent elected but I don't know anybody could dispute that she's not. Very hardworking M.P. And gets things done look at what she's done on the blood scandal in the N.H.S. She's done some remarkable work in that she says she's hammered away at that and kept not in the public eye and now we go public in inquest on that she's done some excellent. Work locally and nationally and that's a Macquarie says one reason she blocks anyone with a view different to hers free speech Brian and I says Donna Johnson is by far the best person for the city they need to look at a whole record not one thing look at a record on the N.H.S. For one thing while it's happening to her is despicable but Bryan I may if those are the rules then that's democracy the local Labor Party have not asked me my views on how the voting paper in the local Labor Party fell Rice as it's due to a new rule brought in by Comrade Kolbe and they change the selection rules so that if you're not a mentor member half a dozen momentum members can effectively diesel let you it's not the Labor Party anymore it's the momentum party like cuckoos in the last yap. Berrisford said at the last election Donna Johnson said nothing about wanting a deal that keeps us as close as possible to the she just ran on supporting the public vote to leave the deal may how it was just not so why didn't she do it vote for it playing politics. George McManus is involved with the Labor Party in the East Room leading might have some insight on this for us morning George what's going on here in your opinion. I want to David and my opinion I think the members of which I understand the some 7 or 800 people in whole not just insist have decided that they want to and the shit that Phil take a ball from for the next parliamentary candidate in the same way as they could have done in 2015 in 2010 but just as interesting 2010 when the talk about it was launched Diana was automatically selected which went to show that although there was only a couple 100 members in those days of course she had overwhelming support of public membership but last year the Labor Party didn't change the rule didn't been introduced in your own this to change the rule to meet. The flight to find it was no to over half a 1000000 members across the country who want to host A And here the parliamentary candidate should be undone the whole lost members have decided to do so they've basically said Diane is automatically short listed as a candidate and they would like to consider other candidates as well OK which I did some where he's been in many ways it sensible that's allowed but could 2 people just trigger about vote George No no they couldn't the rules that were brought and said from court incorrectly this was only introduced 20 times last year and it was democratically agreed by everyone it was a party conference that if one thought that the branches decided to call a through trigger ballot then they must undertake the fill triggered ballot so 2 members simply can't do that at least 3 of the branches and the whole North Little Party will have hearts of us for the. Brain in favor of running whole North Labor Party if given 3 Council wards 3 branches there are 3 people at the meeting and they all vote 2 to warm 6 people could decide it. No because again all these meetings have been standing orders quorums they can't meet sessions unless there's a minimum number they don't last so you know that's something not the case you'd do fail there's nothing sinister in this than this this is just procedure. Oh there's nothing sinister and scientists very open it's very transparent unlike the DOJ of procedures that you have with other parties to see Don't try to impose a political are you go George don't make your political calls right go even you asked me if I thought there was something sinister I said and the Labor Party process there is nothing sinister soul right there in black and white very transparent for anybody to see No I don't think it's any sense to I think obviously Don has been doing the job for the last 14 years and for the last 14 years he's been automatically recently to be the candidate and haven't had this massive influx of new members 3 times as many members as we had 4 years ago people have said the reason we joined up as to have a say and there's nothing more important when you're when you're a member in your opinion for quite a month there's nothing more important than having a say in who your parliamentary candidate should be just because somebody has been there in an excellent job for many many years doesn't mean it's say that there are not too much Sure and that's what being part of a Democratic Party. World. In that case George should we expect a lot of us would for instance in our area Nick Daken Melanie on call. And I'm a heart I might want them to them as well. At the end of June the general secretary the party rule to all 16 Labor M.P.'s and I asked them if they wanted to stand for election again my understanding and Earl local area the vote said yes they would like to stand for election again but each and every one of them could choose to exactly the same process and my advice to them would be you know hoppin you're confident with the job you've done you've got absolutely nothing but to wire the show to show it to the members tell the members what you've done tell them what you think you can do for the next 5 years can them behave. Get them to pieces the other ones they're the ones David the level the leaflets stuff they own the loads that make the phone calls that do all the like what between militias we've got an enormous resource in our membership the other parties would love to have we need to make use of the resource don't follow says this is about momentum Burns ing as in the old CAN ALWAYS variation within the Labor Party. Well. That's what the session was taken by the whole of Labor party conference last year to name the rules that have been in the place since the time Tony Blair was a prime minister and 6 into the momentum has just 40 so those numbers the way the party's got over Haas a 1000000 so common sense tells you that person to have a certain amount of influence in the way the party you don't run the show OK George thanks for talking to me and we avoided party politics well then we thought well well them to both of us nice to talk to George thank you for the insight this morning I want to you think this morning then say we need to remember there's no such thing as a no day long brags at least 27 deals have been done otherwise your holidays would be finished along with the jobs abroad No Dale is the term for no trade deals except for that would mean terrorists. But B.M.W.'s will still come into the U.K. Let's just hope Bragg's if it happens that B.M.W. Indicators on the on the brags that under no deal Bragg's if it happens or whatever they will get from Bragg's it will be nice to think B.M.W. Would have indicators that can use if there's no deal then we can only thank labor for a fact OK Thank you. Peter the David. Takes 813 and start to Mrs Reid 8 e-mail Burnsy ads B.B.C. Don't pay to eke a full call to spray on our 80065959. We're talking about chatty hall in a minute stay with us. Every Wednesday night join me. Down into the unknown to bring you some incredible stories from across sorry I mean literally spot a string out the synopsis for the parish priests like the 9th and since it's the last times a woman mentioned me like that. Marriage. Is a walkie talkie. Just like God keep it just a little stick with. The wrong I'm not. Proud of you call. Me lazy on B.B.C. Radio that will be going any award entries. Write my next guest say they've got some questions for me so next guess how it jumps in and. OK. I don't have so ask questions and we'll explore what this is all about is not the best way to do this yet come on well it only will live on the relative edge in radio land on the right how you might say. If you could be a biscuit what would it be. I'm thinking about chocolate hope not because it has common comedic potential I don't know yes yes hip spice yes or not you know oh what's your favorite family tradition. I don't know I don't think of coffee for a family tradition to meet me face and I love. Play cricket in summer no bowl and. The chocolate holding up is keeping me in this conversation but only just. Write down another or more if you could invite anyone to dinner party who would it be. I me I don't I don't have dinner parties back and chips without chips bars and some fish and chips but I'll have to think about this is too difficult right now. So I know. There's a very pleasant surprise about Totty ho Johnson home writes a campaign to get whole talk and. Be useless. When you're used to talking every day yet we found through the volunteers that people are worried sometimes about even talking to the neighbor or someone on the street and the holes that talk to the city we really want to sort of up the ante so we're encouraging people to do something different and to speak to people OK this is being driven by absolutely cultured Yes Yes absolutely so it's I'm well funded by the NICE TO foundation we've worked on a number of pilot projects across the city led by our wonderful blue curtsied volunteers and so one of the main things that came out was how it said was that people really really came to get to know their neighbors smaller and to get to know their communities and to feel more parts of their community and yet it's being led by our volunteers so how are you going to drive it to get people talking and what what what mechanics see you know use rather than asking me questions because you know most of all I don't know whether people do you want. Would you want to come to dinner with that get people talking I'm just feeling a failure. How what are the mechanics of getting people talking the. During the campaign which is just gets an outlet to as many places as possible we're going to do events and we've got lots of different partners across the city who are committing to do an event and we don't want people to feel like they have to do you. Can do anything because I V Do you want it always is great 3 in trouble you know lawlessness is there anything at all wrong with just saying to people. Things talking to someone on the bus stop I'm knocking on the neighbor's door and often to make them a bridge if you see somebody who needs help taking that day now just doing those are a little changes every day starts to make a better and stronger city or just one morning to people that a slave Yes arms starts a conversation and then you find one of those really simple things and then led by a volunteers in ourselves we've got events happening at 2 communities that we're working really closely with and we've been working with them since about June this year we're going to be on spring bank in the gypsy Valarie are on the 28th of September doing some really exciting stuff for the community again led by a volunteers so those are some about yeah absolutely that's what we build into that such as I have in a full day of activity happening across the city and we're also going to put volunteers on benches across the city want to have 100 seats and 100 conversations on you know I so people can spot a blue coated volunteer come and sit with them and have a chat about an Earth exactly free chats for the day or for a chat Sarai That's well that's not a lot I want the sound of us keeping it simple and. I get the bus home a lot and I always have chats of people I'm sitting next to and hear wonderful stories and you start to realize this rich tapestry across the city of what people know and most stores are going to get the bus to and fro from work every day you know and I get stories for this program and shout into the. People on the ball sorts Stauffer see on the bus or people come on and say I opened or whatever or it's just people say morning or knowledge you become a little sore community how do we how do you reach the people that perhaps need it most to sort of socially isolated and not just into anybody how do you get your message through to them I think that's a talent we talk about a lot in the in any community project so one thing we're doing is trying to be all over the place so you almost will be trippin over us on the 28th but then hopefully this is just the start of something and as more and more people feel more more connected those makes isolated people will be able to connect with someone who's more confident to talk to them and it's definitely a challenge and it's something that if more people are involved and we can all reach out to those for real people in our community then that's how we're going to make a difference so on the 28th Katie reminders of Spring Bank was one was the other one so you know 2 of the areas that we've been really keen to get in and work with and we're having a lovely time already and we haven't even got to the Eventually I will leave be out on the streets then we'll see the volunteers on benches will see lots of people lots of activities yet not origin people to come out we've got to really committed volunteer teams working in those both both in those areas in the have been like in NY since the summer just getting to know people and building up relationships with those communities and their aim is to put something really lovely on for them but we'll also have volunteers on benches across the city so look out for the uniforms they're really easy to spot you know go and have a have a free chat and tell them about your favorite place I still can't think of who I want to go to dinner or worse. You know or to take for fish and chips that's maybe something for you to think about and then have a conversation with somebody about I'm just so vacuous and shallow to me before I don't know that it's Dolly Parton bit in the studio totally totally Sharon yes. Totally throw me if if I'm honest now it's. See the pair of is there a social media site or website so I don't know yes. Absolutely cultured dot co dot U.K. Forwards just chatty hull and you can download to pack to take part if you want to do as an individual and then follow us on all sides for media channels under the hash tag chatty how. We might on you know a lot of talk to the producers some of the conversations that come out of the fundamentalist in people bring a moment to share when will you know follow the conversation since I am a sound as a mother have to do some of the Narcissi Katie Couric thank you very much in town thank you I'm still shocked he knew that would be my greatest contribution to a conversation today I know it's to say the power of his Thank you very much for coming in it's just gone half past 11 time for the latest B.B.C. News headline. News in Lincolnshire and these children are 95.9 F.M. And this is all radio and Freeview cellos 71. Is B.B.C. Radio one besides. Kill Senate with those B.B.C. News headlines the M.P. Final North has told this programme that only a small minority of local Labor members are behind efforts that could see her diesel acted after rule changes Dima Johnson faces a fight to represent the constituency at the next general election she's been the M.P. For the A rescinds 2005 the prime minister has told his Irish counterparts layover at Kota that he would overwhelmingly prefer the U.K. To leave the E.U. With a deal speaking before the 2 men began their 1st face to face talks in Dublin Boris Johnson said business is farmers and millions of ordinary people were counting on politicians to get a deal done and leaving without a deal would represent failure and most bike rider who was involved in a crash in a market Wheaton last weekend has died in hospital there was a collision with a car on the A 1034th Sandton road on Sunday the 1st of September councillors will look later at new proposals for what should be done at the toll ball roundabout at new water them after plantar place it with traffic lights was thrown out multi thinking she councillors will discuss whether to can crossing should be put in there. And sellers of the big issue are now able to accept contactless card payments the magazine sold by people who are homeless has launched the initiative as consumers increasingly move away from using cash for small purchases and today's weather staying largely cloudy and cool but any rain should ease today's highs of 15 degrees Celsius 59 degrees in front hight probably asked this before. The 2 can cross and. I thought I think it's where I'd have to double to get I think it's way if you've got a crossing for bikes as well as pedestrians I think this additional test of the day Luisa going she's a traffic and travel expert you know you know what you can crush on and I'm going to agree with that I'm just decided to run I think I was holding it right yes very well done and start going after that's my homework between now and when I'm next on yeah or a chair sorry what's up when it's I can tell you it is slower than 3 Grimsby this morning to level crossing for you know a peak at Penguin level a penguin a pelican even a level crossing failure in Grimsby on cost to get it means that it's really slow the moment it had from princes off need to with Chantrey lane is really slogans month to be food on the Beverly road the I 165 long keys again as you approach the ongoing works in templates on the skips the road it's slow again 3 K. Still only a 46 now that's because the temperature like that in the Nettleton right and the salutation in and has been slow this month 3 Belton is well on the high street not helped by some attempts like snow in place between Jeffrey Lane a mill is broke however not too bad a chain that So moving nicely as it is along our stretch of the M $62.00 on the M $180.00 and I delays or cancellations on the trains anything to do spot course if it's safe to do so on 30123 I want it to more infinity minutes. Like. It was like a zoo of corruption is there I've never heard of a party going grocery Well yeah there are some other US Yeah I was. You can't block as they are black and why they are yeah yeah. The story yeah don't worry about it moves may just Luisa travel well traveled safely wherever you go and . To hear. David on the B.B.C. Radio Humberside. Burns he says try if you seem to have a large number of left wing extremists trying to dominate your program not sure about the get rid of the Missouri Johnson I hope they get what they deserve she does a great job in parliament but maybe they should have the right to change your M.P. If you want but somebody makes a point the attempt to day select Donna Johnson illustrates another point. Highlights how the ordinary voter has an even smaller voice on their own democratic process if a select few decide to choose the candidate that represents their view and this is done by all political parties and this reduces the representation of our views even further thank you for making the point this morning keep them comin sadly Firefox is here with thoughts of what might dominate Monday afternoon show they are very much thought such when all is well because you work in progress. I'm sure you do yeah we all do not do this one isn't it's just that I can't get into my running order at the moment some and only tell you what I can remember that's all and so it will be very much edited highlights we're going to be talking about the history of the whole film or Nick orchestra I know that we're all so. Old Yeah I know what we're talking about we're also talking about and when you go out for a meal and you get kind of encouraged to go large don't you or you think that you get more value because you play is piled right but essentially very wasteful so at people being encouraged to say I sure don't want as many chips can you give me a half told me if you don't finish it well exactly you see I'm one of these people if it's in from to me I'll eat it yeah and I was. Hoover up the kids leftovers you know you could take it home and get back of course and you can finish it into the day so we're talking about. And on the subject to food have gone and bake off Nuncio not supplying enough she's not always it was not you know you don't know what it's going to slay Exactly that's why she's coming in and so we're talking to her and it's timely that she should be coming in because when she come an interesting question is bring in sausage rolls Well I have something to celebrate one year of my show. So your brave going to give Nancy Bake Off cake and it's often been so your for a very mean William made it. For a it's a carrot loaf and if you need anything if you need anything to keep the door open later on I can probably. Moron So tomorrow spends the show will be talking about the son demise of the well loved and legendary non-SI bake off thanks to the cake provided by B.B.C. Radio homeless and rely heavily a face she's no longer with us I don't want to say that she might say it's wonderful that she wants he's a lovely person she asked me what I did your say in it so I wouldn't touch it with a but you know what I did suggest to the boss that he bring a cake in we could have a little competition funnily enough he's not around and you know I smell failure. Not turned up she's a delight Anyway yeah well she got oh well the quiz record is clear as well and oh I know we talk about heritage open days right there because you like Kim's game and so you know when people like show you loads of objects and say in the way and you need to guess what's gone but I just remembered Mona No no I'm to say it never played that yeah it's a good yeah when he ran on a rainy day with the lads with them with Patton and you put. Different items like for example a comb a marble a milk and a pen and then you show them them and then you take one thing away and after many what it was. Don't you tell your i Pod seen our house with me and then we've got a barrel that we watch some of what's occurring. That's true you can use a mile. From 12 o'clock should be an absolute. Delight and you know it be worth it just because Nancy's going to taste the cake which by your own admission is not very nice so Sally said from 12 and the comfort is here from 3 the rewind our featuring songs from 996 and 972 he's got all the news of the day in the sport sports talk special is live from the cake home stadium tonight I'm going to the game tonight. England Under 20 one's you wrote 2021 qualifier I'm to Kosovo I'm just looking for to go in and join in but suppose talk is a long way from that comes up you know he says are in trouble and they are in what the heck is going on and whole chaotic What say you do in great chums to stay in the Premier League on Friday no I absolutely blown it now it's time to game with sulfa it will be like that 1000000 pound game to stay in the division no filter what Kofi smiles from 7 and Ross will correct say between 10 and the one I am this oh that's the kinks and. I don't see the problem here a possible day selection of Diana Johnson is democracy in action and people don't want Donna Johnson in. They just have to vote for if the constituents feel that she does not represent them then the candidate that does represent them will get it it's not about momentum it's about democracy says. Dependency reach out to the whole Not everyone wants to chat to others such as me I like to keep myself to myself I don't talk to my neighbors and go out my way to avoid gossiping with strangers such as using the self surface check out 6 such kind regards as Tony listening in Edinburgh each to their own Tony if you don't want to talk to people you don't have to talk to people but there will be people in our communities who would like to talk to people that don't really get the opportunity to mention self-service checkouts or feel bad or used when the other day I only had one item on the queues were massive and I thought breeze through the store did it for me and I feel bad about their lack of sold out because I think I'm not a big fan of them because I think it keeps people out of jobs and I'd rather talk to somebody but I didn't I was in a rush I didn't want to talk to anybody that got me I'm a bad person what can I. Let us move on shall we. I really wanted to go to this but I didn't manage it. Because higher authorities than me said No you're looking after a little learn and you can take him to the Festival of the sky in Cleethorpes this week and. We'll talk to a guest very shortly but he's been talking to people in Cleethorpes as to how it went I'm joined by Tina from think bubbles one of the independent clothing bill takes on Seaview story in clay thoughts morning Saina Good morning to you now did you get a chance to catch any of the festival of the sky this weekend or we're busy in the show well we were busy but I went very early in the morning made an effort and went down to see what was going on and I was so delighted to see what was going on it was wonderful everybody was happy there was so many events for children particularly They were loving it building sandcastles watching the cats kites of distinction that they know Superman Superwoman you know all the sting rays fabulous love it with plenty of bodies around Absolutely there was so much going on and also the food area was good everybody was able to eat it was perfect I loved it did you notice an increase in business case yes we did we got some good good business from it I wouldn't say a lot but the business we got was very promising and we got some of our all clients we haven't seen for some time came in and also some new clients which is great for us and we're hoping it will be an annual event so if you could change anything to try and build on the festival of the sky for next year what with that BT thing personally I think we just need more of what With we've done this time this was like a rehearsal if we can carry continue with more people that are coming in with the balloons particularly along the beach further along the bay she would be great so instead of one area if it can spread a little bit further think everybody will be happy or though it was tried Alix from oddballs crazy golf I mean you are right on the seafront right on the problem you must have had a busy weekend with the. Credibly busy Yes the Saturday not so much but the Sunday as soon as the parade came by it was completely packed you can see in front of you did you do involving trade this weekend for the at the crazy golf or people mall just walking past well people walking past it definitely did improve the amount of people who were coming towards us for ice cream and go certainly would you change anything when it comes back again next year I think it was advertised a lot more we'd have a lot more people and the parade although it was lovely it was surprisingly short expected to have gone among Divino Lay say from J.F.K.'s jewelry shop if you had a particularly busy weekend you know we were inspected by because it went across the front but the whole event tops it imagine did you get a chance to see any of it only a little bit on the way home. But it was beautiful it was a mess and you know you wet particularly busy because of the festival didn't and didn't mind it was lovely that greater than cvs or the West so many more days on the sea for why do you think I think I didn't want to come down the street has got lots of roadworks you know sort of things should this have been sorted before the final Yes yes definitely definitely Well hopefully it's going to be an annual event so still next year hopefully you are finished by the end yes I am so I'm listening to that is Julie Thompson who chairs coast and yell which I think I'm right in saying Commission 1st of all of the SCO you'll tell me. Yes we created it and then we're not in sync insecure out so i'm from brazil you live it this weekend OK we'll place it with how it went OK how many people did you get into Clissold So how many people turned out for a jog I know the exact numbers but it was tracked all along the street which was absolutely thrilling and everything from the north. All the way down to Meridian showgrounds and 7 different times with things going on over the weekend OK what did you learn because this was the 1st event. What. It was the 1st event could not have hoped for it to go any better such as the right to sometimes take you know world class who's the premier of a world class event the Fire Girls and around the better team like we have claimed to are in show ground to try to kite making workshop those particular highlight seeing the children make the kite and the parade itself the nobody will come along with the wings on the back and Mr Bombs you know absolutely fantastic one of the things I did I was told I was talking to James probably cause our Breakfast presenter this morning and I was sad I was going to mention it and he he found one of the things was that it needed more pre-pubescent because he said it looked fantastic but the publisher he didn't come early enough for it's a brand new event so the was there was things happening on social media. We were fantastically going because the graphics help promote it and suppose that free ticket that you sell to been involved that certainly is a brand new event one of the very 1st things that's hard to do is to get that message out but I think certainly you know through the Grimsby Telegraph truth from yourselves the social media campaign as well you know it got out and certainly now word of mouth next year if the nominal I mean standing at the FICA gardens in everybody with the phone still minutes sharing photographed with family and friends you know that is the best up tight and not so thrilled just to see everybody enjoy it you know and enjoy all of the activities that were going on will it happen next year that's the hope you know it's been a fantastic year the feedback has been great thanks to sponsorship from companies like D.S.T. Asked what their own kites you know they support the kite elements of it you know great. We've already had calls from another sponsor who loved what tucked in this weekend a month to be involved so. You know we would love you know companies to get behind it so you know to help support it next year and certainly the council has been fantastic they support it this year and I know that spoke to pieces with the reaction that there's Bain to see such you know sometimes take high quality coach do you have to make you have to make you know the funding bed to them or if they said we'll we'll fund will help fund again next year it doesn't automatically happen we have to go and ask you know may. The mention Instead the state back being great and I would hope everybody would want to be you know making it happen again next year bigger and better than ever Jillian keep in touch nicer told you. If you went to the Festival of the sky in Cleethorpes on I'm gutted I missed I would really like to be in I didn't quite manage it just for family reasons this weekend but I would have loved to have been there if you got some feedback on it like. David. Takes to bring. The mail Ben see ads B.B.C. Don't cater E.-K. Full frame rates 169959. Steve Hunter driving instructor says at Burnsy at 2 cam crossing as 2 separate areas one for the strains one for cyclists 2 can is an easy way to remember it we also have zebra pelican puffin equestrian equestrian and courtesy crossings how many of those do you know so Stephen to drive an instructor Well yeah pelican and then the rest never heard of a puffin Well supposing crossing state you'll have to let me know when a question one presumably to let horses across and a courtesy crossing where just you stop you can see somebody wanting to cross the road and you just say do go along we've got those in Hazell slack. Courtesy cross and soul of. Donald Scott if Donna Johnson is de selected I say bring it on says this correspondence whole north people voted nearly 70 percent to leave the you but she's consistently stood in the way of implementing this decision talk of people not knowing what they were doing or people didn't vote for no deal except trick ceteris patronize ing and an insult to voters intelligence if Labor M.P.'s from leave constituencies had been true to their electorate brags it would be over and done by now and the country would have moved on now Labor won't allow a general election because they know full well that in seats like whole the Braggs it Party will romp home and Bhutan these anti Democratic Labor M.P.'s great show Burns you know the tally goes says Tony Tony thank you for taking the time to make your point this morning no doubt we will talk more about brags that what you got for us on tomorrow share with the something going on. Do give us a shout. You can call it's free to call our wait times until 65959 during the show the best way the best way to get in touch with the bones the show when we're off air is to a Melbourne C.B.C. Don't kowtow U.K. You can tweet me at B.B.C. Burnsy all I will find out possibly on tomorrow's show and will definitely do it this week you can approach me when I'm So I mean I couldn't you know it's Wimpole. When you talk about this on the show so you know there is a way of a approach me in a swimming pool or a bar or a runner or if you see me out and about when you've got an idea for a show or something you want to talk about in your community i lady came up to me in the poll the other day and said well we will it will you talk about this on the show because I think it's an important local issue so I said to it yes we will because it's an important local issue so hopefully we might do that tomorrow but I was in the swimming pool a time and I don't mind talk to anyone anyone. Says No the link in. Radio. Now I know a puffin crossing is a pedestrian user friendly intelligent. Cross the US that's where they are pedestrian user friendly and. That's where the acronym comes from now you know how well can rest easy. Stuff to Macy Gray. You. Get. To. Laugh with. Me. Like they stop. That. Classified. Mission. Radio Amazon. And Tolkien of cake Nancy Birtwistle aka Nancy Baker off is coming in so it was rather brave of May to make a cake today because I have burnt it as well but I'm sure she'll be kind Well neat not to see a little later amongst other people today between 12 and 3 for now at midday there let's get the latest news headlines with Jill sent the whole north M.P. Says she'll consider a legal challenge over moves which could prevent her standing as Labour's candid it the next election the M.P.'s held the role for 14 years and was recently voted backbencher of the year Donna Johnson could face the selection under a new party rules after it was triggered by her constituency Association I'm the 1st one this has happened and I do think there is a challenge in the way these rules have been put together which I am going to look at whether I want to make a procedural challenge because I do think there are some problems with the rules the fact we're less than 2 percent of the membership of the whole no country gives a I'm not sure that's really what the Labor Party want to do when they want to give members their say Boris Johnson says he's confident there's a deal with the E.U. Can be reached by October the 18th and that and no deal breaks it would be a failure of state craft the prime ministers in Dublin meeting his Irish counterparts Leo Varadkar to discuss preventing a hard Irish border but midst of Radko one that the backstop remains a critical part of the BRICS agreement what we cannot do and will not do and I know you understand this is a greets the replacement of a legal guarantee with the promise. Our businesses need long term certainty and the people beside the north and south need to know that their livelihoods their security under sense of identity will not be put at risk as a consequence of Rex's new plans for a controversial road junction in Northeast Lincolnshire will be looked at today the new council administration postponed proposals for a roundabouts to be ripped up at the Waltham toll bar after years of wrangling and protests today new plans for 2 can crossing will be discussed his council leader Phil Jackson is only peak times as a problem the roundabout works perfectly well the rest of the time and this is part of the reason why a lot of local people objected to the traffic lights because they just felt that this would lead to contest or to hold up 24 hours a day rather than just dealing with the problems of peak time Yorkshire in northern Lincoln just take a more refugees from Syria than any other region in England 4 years on from a decision to help 20000 people this follows the government's decision back in 2015 to help Syrians under a vulnerable persons resettlement scheme as debate is a 17 year old student originally from Syria living in home our family is really integrating and trying to do our best to make our social life especially was the local people so we attend church we always get so you know it's one of the local people we all speaking to them that really helped our language and we made friends and then it just made us see the real people of this place and Kylie Minogue Greatest Hits says has become the most watched Glastonbury performance ever and average audience of 3200000 people choosing to see her play the festival's legend slot beating previous record set by Ed Sheeran and Adele that's all the news with the weather now his Lisa calico mostly cloudy day today with outbreaks of rain at times the right will be generally light and patch and will tend to fade out into the afternoon feeling colder than yesterday temperatures any around 15 degrees so dry so nice lots of cloud any clear spells. Patches of missing folk to form and temperatures down to around 8 degrees anyway so folks the more it will clear and the cloud will break developing and it will be a little milder around 17 or 18 degrees at 60 full found height. That sounds nice not quite old then he said It's 4 minutes past 12 and that's the latest on the roads this Monday afternoon his Louisa Gale yet remained slow heading she Grimsby on call to the level crossing has failed there between princes Avenue and Chantrey Lane So that's what's causing the congestion a busy down the I 46 heading 3 Caister That's because the road works in Tempe place the rest of the way between the Nettleton road and the salutation in and long queues already 3 ships in Thorpe on the A 61 for.