These books I saw all say that to do you don't have to be in the restaurant to make it easy for them the cheek of you should apologize for his friendship with a convicted sex offender Geoffrey Epstein a lawyer for one of the dead financially is accused this is set Spencer Keven said royalty has failed that stains alleged victims he called Prince Andrew's interview with b.b.c. News night on Saturday sad and depressing the prince has stood by his decision to take part despite many critics describing it as a car crash in rugby England side coach Eddie Jones has told the b.b.c. He's used in the post World Cup period to rethink how he takes thing then forward England lost to South Africa in the World Cup final last month Jones also says he's only thinking about the next 6 nations and not about extending his current deal beyond 2021 meanwhile Gloucester South African lock Frank and mustard is back in training with the 10 wise today after his post World Cup celebrations and tickets are now on sell for b.b.c. Radical last issues Christmas celebration it's be on Wednesday the 18th of December with doors opening at 7 pm most tickets calls for power 50 and are available from the Gloucester tourist information center on Brunswick road going to be a bright day today but tempted only around 8 Celsius but clear and frosty Ivan Watson night that's the b.b.c. News for Gloucestershire over 3 minutes past 11 because. It's because we're sick because we can't to a. B.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire. It's. Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow with 2 drops Welcome to Monday morning man b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire How was your weekend mentioned managed to go and see the film last Christmas yesterday enjoy did despite what the critics say if you've been to see it will know someone who has let me know your review because the Guardian is saying clichéd fest if any one stall I wouldn't agree with that. But then I did read some of us' where they said oh well you know these these review as we're guessing the plot twist at the end within the past 20 minutes and these are people who had and I might be paid to be cynical a little bit and I was thinking that I didn't get the plot twist until the end until it was that in front of me but then again see that many films are you know not sort of looking out for it's my mind perhaps doesn't work in the same way as a film of us. So I enjoyed it if you'd been to say let me know your review was billed as the new Love Actually perhaps not the new Love Actually in terms of how much people begin to see it time and time again but I think it's a good Christmas film anyway if you have been or you know someone who has Did they enjoy it let me know we've been reflecting on how difficult it has been to get around the county things reason I think now sonny coming in from the 1st Dane to Gloucester it's not as busy as it was in the a 48 but of course if you come across anything let us know a lot of it is due to flooding flooding did sort of play a part in my weekend as well a friend came up to visit who lives in Sussex and she lives south of Gatwick Airport and she came up to visit for the day it was the only weekend she could make it and she wanted to oversee deliver Christmas presents and see myself my cousin before Christmas and say the plan was for her to come on the train on the day real good meeting with stare but the 1st problem was that the train was only going as far as morning Mass and then it was buses which would take ages and the fact you're doing it in a day it just wouldn't be worth it so we drove to Milton and we had a lovely time we had a lovely lunch and then we went to a place called fairytale farm which is just over the border in Chipping Norton because my cousin got 1000 month old who loved it we saw the rabbits the guinea pigs the donkeys also alpacas were there as well so had a lovely afternoon then when it came to just assessing getting the train back from or to March to London to go on to Sussex Well they were all cancelled by the train so in the end a driver to Gloucester station and she eventually got to Sussex but it was a little bit later than planned yet all the trains were cancelled on the line. To London and soon managed to get here but would have got back home again apparently Gloucester station she was talking to the tickets out there say yes loads of people have arrived here not planning to travel from Gloucester station but their plans have been changed by all the problems of matter the line in the more the marsh line so that was Saturday anyway got across the station. I got to London went on to Sussex and I think I was asleep of it's own as you go home I actually. Got with Apple anyway so oh good fun on Saturday hope you had a good weekend and lots to come on the show before midday today we are going to hear from the 5 year old he's really making waves in the world of go karting his story on the way some great music as well. As songs to sing along to the best from Travis. With the full season. Our. New one from the script. Big sound that one isn't it the script to the new song The last time it's all this show before midday. Is this is the elevator with Livin Thing Welcome to the show it's b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire for a Monday morning. Eh Eh eh players the leg. Length. Below we're living thing on b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire very nearly quarter past 11 so that say about 70 say very young go kart or he's got a big feature it's a 5 year old he's a regular go karting track in Gloucester and they reckon he could be the sport's next shining star so he's called up Jay and started at j.t. Our karting aged 4 he's already scaled up to drive at full speed and is beating the lap times of adults at habit that up about all she experiences anxiety and finds it hard to communicate sometimes but his parents say go karting has given him a huge lift reporter Catherine Emerson has been to meet the family during a practice session. Paid to see my commute paunchy on their head there are places that have them. means everything here what's so special about she what is the biscuit in. The skew and why don't weigh against an actor got caught and you can tell me what it looks like a woman. Born and what about this one will yell out that is right and what number is on it. And is that because you are number one. High 5 to that one and now if you want to start up how did I have to do that that. Was it like watching Does it ever get any less exciting to say hell no I love it yeah so much wish I could fit in it but definitely I mean look at that see I wouldn't get it right there doing I don't like Times Well Wolf I asked the most out of La Times are pretty and stuff with him or batter out cheese talons at the age of 4 he's now 5 at the go karting trucking Gloucester and beating his adults not times which is very impressive but his death will him and his family all just looking up to see actually how old Lewis Hamilton was when he started karting as they left us out with karting and then you know I moved through the ranks very quickly if you're someone like Lewis Hamilton and he began cutting in 1993 when he was 8 and this is great story so 2 years later when he's 10 he approached the Formula One team boss for McClaren Ron Dennis for an autograph and this is what he said to him Hi I'm Lewis Hamilton I won the British championship and one day I would be racing your cars and apparently Ron Dennis wrote in his autograph book Find me a 9 years will sort something out that and we know what's happened of course so yeah Lewis Hamilton started when he was 8 started when he was 4 who knows what will happen but yeah they all start in the world of karting that my good to him from his family more coming up. The. No. No. Yeah that sudden stop now by Julie on b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire and her debut album has sold more than 4000000 copies worldwide 40000000 singles sales and is the most streamed album by a female artist in Spotify history that's the new song Don't Stop now b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire to come we have Travis we have the full seasons as well all before midday today and we will return very soon to him all from he's a 4 years old and loving his time on the go karting track of course as we head now how do you take yes I mean they've been on so for an hour and 20 minutes they will be unself Well it's a little go and this is full the Christmas celebration for this year the b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire as it is in the 18th of December that's a very important I feel diary and it's all happening at Chic's pre Abbey It was our 1st year at Shakespeare happy last year 2nd year at this time so the 18th then is the day it's doors open at 7 o'clock and of course throughout the evening that the music that we Cowles up the readings will be that be some special guests as well on the. All evening is hosted by Mark Cummings from the British I say you can join in the singing of course plenty of opportunities just to sing along but it will also be recorded of course as ever so if you're not able to get there you can hear the highlights on a special program on b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire on Christmas Eve and also Christmas Day morning so plenty of opportunities to go along all to try listening for your own voice if you do go along the tickets most of them a 4 pounds 50 and they're available from the Gloucester Tourist Information Center on Brunswick why they went on sale at 10 o'clock this morning or you can give me a call at 145-239-6572 extension 0 you could go online and it's lost at ticket shop dot co dot u.k. That's how to get your tickets for this year is Christmas celebration. Kids. Join me Steve Monday's drive time from 5 when I'll be chatting with Beverly Knight will be looking back on a 25 year career this started when she signed her record deal while the student in . The she was tempted to quit I didn't join my degree I'm being around all my friends. And everything I wanted to get under my belt never not close my parents would go. With me be the same thing from. B.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire. Big name and I'm Dr Tom Schatz nights with Steve kitchen all the news of the day and you'll hear from Bette night as well on the drive time Album of the week it's the comeback album from Westlife who were on Strictly Come Dancing last night and of course they are playing it Kingsholm next year say Westlife the album of the week. 25 past 11 to the roads how are we doing now Aaron a good morning but if you're traveling on the a 4 and 7 is still twice because of flooding between the a verandah bounce and the winds hard in so traffic it's still fairly busy is diverting through high lead and down towards the a 40 high. I'm still fairly heavy implant she's 3 stretch but the. Notes now just go to Key 3 vs roundabouts on the a full device starting to ease now at the I'm $58.00 still that can slow at Breda so because of those ongoing right bugs flooding is still affecting rates across the county. The a at the b. 413 is still plugs because of flooding between School Road and Church Road and also House ride. Is also closed because of flooding the roundabout they can see bad and traffic through Stroud and Soarin Sr quite own at the senses no delays on the m 50 or the trying on of Will few in half an hour. You'll travel cool Travis a genius to sing on b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire tell you what we'll be doing later in the week dancing. Very energetic show planned for Wednesday we're already Jane and I was producing the show just sort of packing the right gear for Wednesday because we got a spot of yoga 1st of all and then some for mankind on saying would you believe yes we'll be doing math after 11 o'clock on Wednesday so suitable footwear possibly different for 20 did for both so yeah very energetic they were prepared for that on Wednesday coming up in the next few minutes you were able to hear from a screenwriter who wrote the theory of everything Daucus tower behavior maps the someone I spoke to earlier on the Shia about the difference between critics view of a film and what the public think of a film I think last Christmas this new Christmas film is going to be in that category where possibly the public going to think something very different to the critics so I went to say yesterday enjoy it is not the best film in the world but Sunny a very enjoyable film very festive and Emma Thompson is for funny and she wrote it she's appearing in it but yeah I got home went online and had a look to see what everybody else thought of it and that they were not impressed so I'm still cots and here is the screenwriter in question who came into the studio earlier this year he's been through this we'll hear what he thought about the critics he wrote about Bahamian reps of the very same bus to go back to the go karting in Gloucester and the 5 year old it's all she has any 5 he started cutting aged 4 and as we heard he can drive at full speed and he's beating the laptop. Of the adults. Through them a son has been to meet the family let's hear more from the mother Hi I'm Sam and I'm his mom so. What was your 1st reaction when you guys decided to get him in to go karting So you're. Scared. Because of the state arches quite a nervous child so yeah I didn't really know how would react to it at 1st but he's done amazing and really proud. So talk to me a little bit about Chief Yes a literally archly is very very shy he doesn't like to talk to new people or even sometimes family members he doesn't. He has trouble. But yeah as soon as he puts at home on these He's a different child even me and me might say to each other is that really our change it's yeah it's amazing how different he is really and he's got very very good he's very close to to breaking overall record today and I'm not just in his age group but adults as well so well as I'd like to see him progress Yeah brilliant Yeah yeah it's just astonishing how brilliant he's been and obviously he hasn't even had his car yet because he had it last Christmas Yeah he's good. Good to see him happy yeah he's just really confident on air and it's just nice to see him happy and I mean he's going pretty quick as a mom standing here on the side but have you kind of got over that initial oh that's my baby or was it still a little bit of a heart attack every time you see him you know when he 1st went on It was I was literally scared but seeing how good he is I'm not one bit now so I just popped into the cafe now and we shall get introduced self for me I'm Richard getting. Founded Jadar karting back in 1903 so tell me about. The moment that Mike approached you and said You know I want to put my 4 year old on track Yeah very unusual thing to be asked but I've known my for about 15 years and started as a customer is always very well friend every week and it's always been very respectful but as a person I'm very very well so it was a bit of an exceptional thing that I agreed to take on a 4 year old on my track safety is a very important factor. But yeah I spent a lot of my time personally training. Because it needs a lot of attention for the safety but I was incredibly impressed by his not trying to belittle me to drive we had the car slowed down so it's nice and slow like a fast walking speed once I saw it was very capable each time he's come we've increased the speed to full power now and he slides the car in various conditions sometimes when the weather is very cold that's not a lot of grip there and help balance the slide naturally and he listens to every word that I say very very careful way and each time he's got better and better and he's incredibly quick now so he gives me a really good run from on my that's amazing So what do you look for in a driver what sort of thing as Woods show talent Ok 1st of all smoothness so being relaxed in the vehicle and being at one with the car and getting a lot of feedback from what the carts doing the very role so any sliding. Understand there and it's how they react to that and with smoothness and calmness which he's very calm cool calm and collected in the car for sure and then when I go out with them it's very much where where I am located he's looking at his surroundings doing his own risk assessments very very well and very sensible coal driver and you've got. I know what she is well it's how he's been hair so what is it like for you to see him being himself and quite shine and putting that helmet on and becoming a whole other person while it's a massive transformation you're so always extremely shy and quiet and we get into a car and a sudden becomes a superstar but she is going to be the next Lewis Hamilton that would be lovely I'd be so proud I'm already very proud voice achieved and I think he certainly has a lot of natural ability so yeah I think you know very impressed with him obviously that we're going to keep that So in 20 years time when he's just Lewis Hamilton winning titles and races we're going to make sure we keep that recording so we can go back to it and say look look when you're going to be a success when he was 4 years old well then out she started it j.d. Are karting at the age of 4 or 5 and beating some of the adults that impressive. One of. 28. Time Dominick also a puppet in just a moment to tell us about his show today but yeah I mentioned the miss is someone I spoke to earlier on the show and he's a scream. Scream Oh it's a produced the film the theory of everything. The film about Winston Churchill. Darkest Hour and also right behind me in Rhapsody and what made me think of my interview with him was the fact that I went to see the film last Christmas and really enjoyed it and got home and read the reviews and they didn't like you told these these critics Guardian saying cliched festive failure mode wasn't keen on the b.b.c. Reviewing films and highly respected he said he wanted to like it but couldn't bring himself to enjoy it at all and let that cloud your judgment go and see if you keep on saying it I think it's great but it reminded me of what the McCarton sets me earlier this year because he came into the studio and during our chat he told me that the critics were determined to criticize him in Rhapsody but the public thought otherwise of course it was a huge hit doesn't it let's say part of that interview now he Firstly told me what he thought of the finished version of the film when he saw it for the 1st time I was thrilled I watched it on my own eyes had a private screening for 20th Century Fox called me down to the London studio and gave me some popcorn lonely figure and I watched this thing and I thought that is such a pleasing wonderful spirit filled warming movie and then the reviews came out. Can I have a vindictive and right next question do you know how much notice to take of reviews after watching it on your own in the cinema you in your career you'd expect a certain amount of negative press and stuff and but it was like I'd driven over their cat with my car or something this was just it was relentless the negative negativity and they they weren't satisfied with writing one bad review they came out and wrote 5. But it was enormously satisfying to see that the public started to embrace this film and then it became a kind of landslide and it was one of those films where the reviews just didn't match up so the public made about yeah and the reviewer was. Not happy with that the distance between themselves in the public and the and so that was the subject matter of their 3rd and 4th and 5th reviews reminding the public how wrong they were about this terrible film I wonder if that will happen with this particular film at some time a concert in a very talented screen might say he has family in Gloucestershire He was him earlier this year and right but he maps today as he had what states with some popcorn in the cinema on his I had was with my prior to the finished product lots of people enjoyed it I saw it but it was fantastic and so many people did but the critics that she had as he says that they were one review and then another review and they were determined to see change public opinion that people have to. Just reminded of that out of reading the movies of Christmas having seen it yesterday. Told in a call to will be here to tell us about the lunchtime program off the fall season. Lou. Palumbo least. Some. Sleep. Of all of these it is I who was in a baby seat waiting at the last it is a quarter to 12 than it cost us here and. That's a good linking to my 1st guest on the lunchtime show off to 12 talk about seasons. Incidentally is going to be for you the valve theatre in Star insist after Christmas as Scrooge can't go wrong Scrooge he's been in quite a few series off the crown in fact 3 of them. Yeah yeah amazing amazing actor he was in The King's Speech as well as a save coming to Simon Sr We have a chat and he was saying actually when he's on top when he's I did out of the start of the world sometimes he sees himself on the telly it's quite a strange experience I watched and it was a bit of pyro I was in Australia when you watch oh yeah and I switched on and I always thought I'd be in the murder of. But before lunch better I think you know. So very often you don't really have to know a lot about the rest of the plot to go in and do your bit. Just you know but you know how to I think I was the merger of this have all know all of a. Good idea that will catch up with him if it was such an interesting interview going to run over a couple of days here and previous or any Gloucestershire is a wonderful wonderful actor called Patrick Riker he's one of those actors when you see him in the studio or to a photo of him you think yeah you were in that you were probably in there as what you were in there so we'll catch up with him a little bit later all now have to say after looking forward to the crime being released for many many weeks and rushing to watch the 1st 2 series didn't have time on what you're the weekend Tell me about I was watching Strictly Come Dancing because before sorts of reason I was out a lot over the weekend 1130 last night and I that knowing he got to know I weirdly I did watch the results show last time that I know the good thing about the result chance to at least it tells you everything you need to know the short clips of the dances but then if you want to go back and get the whole feel of of black poll you just go back to him really yes and I think they're all out there again really and what I was saying earlier is that I think for black people to make it such a spectacle they give them dances to do which play to their strength to make the spectacle look amazing just my theory it is amazing isn't it so what we'll talk about that we're going to have them all together the whole panel here a little bit later on James how much of a swing a lame proverbs and also Linda every time I see black Paul on the tele I just every year I think we've got to go for a holiday that we got to go for a few days ago just not experience that whole find Yeah I have to. Believe that I will close down the competition I wasn't good enough to dance and it's because I went with when I used to do ballroom dancing I went on a coach trip there lots of other people from the dance school I went to watch them you would not believe how much fake tan and look there is involved in a darn thing competition in black bar so you can imagine that was quite a memorable we could. I would say about science and I see full dumbstruck hold on to the news thank you very much you're fond of a festive film lover faster Phelim I mean home and. Father Christmas the whole if you look at Channel 5 at the moment every Sunday afternoon they're all well let's see last Christmas would critics reviews put you off going they're saying basically is terrible everything says I'll go watch anything. Because I'll just like to just go to Joy Yeah you'll certainly feel festive if you didn't like the trying to show. You know a couple of months later he's. Back tracking 50000000 people. Thank you. Her. The script the last time. The fair it is Monday morning and he just. Nearly Monday off again and Dominic also with you with the strictly panel and I'd love to know what you thought of strictly ever the weekend did you love the Blackpool bonanza over the weekend they'll be back in Elstree in the studio next week and of course getting very thin on the ground in terms of how many don't there's a left in the competition we're getting towards the end up way say all that 184 is dumbs that Cate at the afternoon show is looked after by David Smith between 3 and 5 o'clock and it's cheered with drama who are joining Davies in the studio to talk about their latest production they're putting on no coward's Blithe Spirit sat in the in the studio telling David all about that and also looking ahead to each express light switch on it's that time of Yeah in fact when I was in Morton Marsh at the weekend on the way that through still plenty of signs up for various lights being switched on in various places in the cults Well that's happening in the next couple of weeks and also another round of the joined up quiz but they did so well that between 3 and 5 and then yes guest with Steve kitchen it is Bethany night she was a university student living in Cheltenham when she signed her 1st record Dale she's not celebrating had 25th year as a recording artist save an interview with Beverly nice between $5.00 and $7.00 tonight. Just before Sixpence None the richer we've got the latest on the rise with . Good morning if you heading on to the a 4 and 7 is still closed because of flooding with Sweeney a veranda bounce and the winds hard in sounding words on the continue but now in traffic was diverting via high lead and down to the a 40 That does seem to be easing on the a 40 and the a 48 to 4 mins to a flowing freely just a bit slow through Gloucester on color the road into Cheltenham is busy and just got some heavy traffic heading up quickly here towards the Ebel he went about on the a 417 traffic day 3 strongest Saren Sr and the force why not look into the moments to go floating affecting some routes across the county particularly 3 with low Apple a b b. 4213 is still closed because of flooding between School Road and Church Road the m 50 eastbound will slow it to that bridge because of road works that does seem to be easing now know as she was on the m 5 all the trying has more fuel in half an hour. So much yes we will keep an eye on the roads schools as we go through the day updates every half an hour of calls and then on the program tomorrow I have to say no might sound simple but I wonder if you'll dreading all the social Dumond's over the next month we're going to get some advice for a child in life coach on how to decline politely if you don't want to go somewhere and sometimes it's awful is that when you say yes you commit to something then you spend weeks dreading it so talk to the. Sixpence None the richer b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire. Just say no the also likely declining on. A really good question the. Old double book of how to live. I love all of that as it's got to start with you for 3 down 3 o'clock this afternoon we have all Strictly final in the studio a little bit later on after what I would say about the 19 Eighty-Four of the news and say I would talk to a wonderful actor who's of the Crown called Patrick right come on and sat on my I'm through your smart speak because we are stories people music school because we now can see. B.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire. Going off the newness 12 o'clock with the latest b.b.c. News for Gloucestershire on Mark Smith the Environment Agency says the level of the river 7 through Gloucestershire peaks late last night and number of flood warnings are in place on the river from chooks Prita Gloucester the Environment Agency says the levels should rise further for the time being because there is no rain in the short term weather forecast but respect changes from the Environment Agency says the level won't fall for quite some time the peak from downstream we talk about the Welsh mountains that coming from down there it's only sort of reached at the moment the butyl area so in Worcester sure it's not there it's sort of bumping into all the other events as well so we're sort of peaking round about now that's that's just staying I was not seen something like this for a long time it's just like a very very prolonged peak it's always flat lined there Boris Johnson has abandoned plans for further cuts in corporation tax as promised by the government if the Conservatives win the general election their prime minister told the annual conference of the c.b.i. That he would reduce national insurance contributions for employers and slash other business taxes but in a significant you 10 he said corporation tax rates would stay the same to allow the money saved to be invested in public services Meanwhile Jeremy Corbyn told the conference that he would create $80000.00 new green apprentices. As every year if he became prime minister as part of a drive to tackle the climate emergency he promised a Labor government would invest more in manual energy schemes low carbon industries and sustainable development projects the Liberal Democrat leadership just wins and will take to the stage or later candidates for next month's general election being given safety advice by the local police force and leaflets being drawn together by the police there at the Alex. 6. 66. 66.

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