Live. Live live. Now and. Now a live. With the. B.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire. Good afternoon. Through until 5 o'clock. Looking on the news that appreciate your company. I know I always say it. But it really is nice to have you coming along with me. And I've got a great show once again. For you on the way between now and 5 o'clock. Got a real story of community spirit. I think it will. Face closure. Had so many memories attached to it has been saved and you know it was the team behind it they deserve a pat on the. So we're going to do that in a short while. And last night or did I do. That with my friend to the show. We had a about 2 hours we know what it is Nights where things really didn't go very well hell. I was kind of. You know you were looking for one thing I think we got to the shop or something left at the show I wasn't there when we go back. But one of the thing dropped on the way couldn't find the way back either. And it's just one of the things we just found about night but then it all got a lot better because the country to country line up was announced this is the biggest a global European country music festival that there is across London and Dublin Glasgow and they announced on it last night. And I literally brought my ice cream I'm. So happy with the lineup and if you're a country fan it's a good one to tell you. So I'll give you all the latest on that because that is what our hot country here is based around this afternoon. I want the music mash up as well feel later on. For new artists when you link between them. And you can help me along you did so well yesterday as per usual. I think oh good for you one for you. Will be testing you a little bit later on after 4 o'clock. Am between now and then of course great music on the way. Travis a loveless to take me right back. Roxy Music is while. Providing your soundtrack to your shoes the afternoon. And this obsolete by the heads of 5 by. Just months. And his pink with. Him on b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire get in touch and 101-217-5750 or we are. To appear. To be. In. Meet in. Rural. Pink here on b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire and walk me home I think that's her latest one isn't it possible the greatest showman covers that she did sounding as good as ever music all the way from Travis Roxy Music and Lady Gaga plus much much more what did you do with your Monday night then we got through it we got through Monday it's never easy is it you've got a strong sound get back into the routine of the weekend and then get going again but then choose day comes I'm Mike Pesca really think Tuesday is the worst day because Monday you kind of set yourself up Wednesday you feel like you're halfway through when you're headed towards the weekend Thursday you're on the home straight Friday you happy days to stay I think I don't think there is much advice out there as to how to get through it I think it needs to happen but anyway I got through Monday night and today you know I would just just ride with it and we've got plenty of good stories and stuff to keep you entertained but last night was a it was a ropey start my friend and I as a said we you know we had one of those evenings where nothing when right but then. We got some nice dinner on board and I was unbelievably excited because the country to country line up was announced last night biggest country music festival in the lineup is fantastic for your country music fan this is kind of the Holy Grail for European fans you know anywhere that you are in Europe they do it across London and Dublin and Glasgow and the x. Perform each s. Of the Sunday night in London is the Friday night in Dublin or however it works and they don't just announce the line not like you know reading in Leeds where they just put out there they do a whole event. To announce who is doing it so clever it was cut again hold down in London and they had the introducing Nashville u.k. Tour which is Danielle Bradbery Travis Denning Walker Hayes and Rachel while back there for artist open sore touring all over the u.k. And they were actually joined by Jake morale he was on Steve kitchen show last night and they kind of they were part of this announcement and they had these guys before Ming in Cadigan hall and then they announced the lineup as well where you have people kind of you have the headline is doing little videos to say. It's me I'm going to be performing a country to country this year and the crowd when Menzel it was such a good thing to watch and the beauty of social media I mean that's how I was watching it on people's stories and things on Instagram and on Twitter feeds all these videos and popping up on Facebook and I couldn't believe that I was so pleased the Sunday night being Lou Combs who is much all time favorite country artist right now I was unbelievably happy so I will be there. In my heart. On that Sunday at the To. You to. Come with me. From a b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire. Yeah Kevin's back home Sunday and we've got some great. Counsel you all weekend and if you miss Kevin last weekend or any of the shows here on b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire just download b.b.c. Sounds and you can find us all there but here's a story of success for you and new venue has been opened in Gloucester but in line to be a familiar one to some it's a form of Sports and Social Club in toughly area but it was falling into desperate times and she's a closed down but local family man Ross and his wife Hayley couldn't let that happen they couldn't help themselves instead they started a campaign to ensure the revival and savior of the building which is going on to become the club toughly Park thanks to him and his wife and it's now a thriving community center with a bright future and I'm pleased to say they join me in the studio Good afternoon and I'll just tell us a little bit about it then Ross you knew that this was about to happen give us a little bit of the back story here so through more of a business which is an event company we do a little part to did a lot of parties at the venue. And we're getting close to cancellations. For that particular venue and then when we spoke to the customers about it is because they were being told that the venue was going to be closing down which is when we can go a little bit concerned. Started the campaign I guess for you guys you know knowing it was a local venue that was well you must have you know you have a fear of it leaving a bit of a hole in the community area yeah it's really nicely situated between if you really get thriving communities and something that we saw could be a really great space for people to use in the was just currently in a state that people didn't want to use it but its position within the community is fantastic and everything it has to offer and we saw great potential there so we thought we'd get stuck in see what we could do with it so you didn't intend to sort of run it rusted you. Heard about how. Nobody else come forward and it was a case of. We take it on or it closes down so that's what we did so talk me through that process you saw that you needed you know it's how you said you saw the potential that and you grabbed it with both hands so how long did it take you to get it to the point that you are now. So it's been about 12 weeks. It's been hard 12 Yeah we've been supported by key members of the community we've had sponsorship from complete property solutions they decorated the fronts are builders came out construction of how long the way we have odd jobs in they come to do one job and they've not left since we've kept hold of them or both hands in the well let me go. And also will be rats sponsorship from other companies like be creations of eternal signage several signs who sponsored signage or forces Wow So it's been a real community effort that yeah there's been a lot of a lot of back in a lot of pulling the heartstrings and speaking to all of our contacts rim from our other profession or the business will have lots of people that we can lean on and people have been very forthcoming and then beyond that the community themselves have shown that they they do want my space and eighty's worth doing and they've come out in their droves not only it weekends we need expect kind of long and it's proving to be a real success but wouldn't have been possible without the support of the people that we've had on our side and it has been in the community for a long time hasn't it prior to you guys sort of giving it that river revival a new lease of life Yes Well I've actually lived in Linden all my life I'm 29 and I've always known it to be than I used is a child I used to go there with my friends and their families and I know it's been there we've done a little research in the history the place has been there a long long time and some of the people that use it night and it's been a family for generations they used to go up there with their parents and I bring their children and their grandchildren and that if anything was enough to make me think it had to stay you know because it means so much to so many people and then we just need to do any lease of life for cash flow injection in some people behind it that really wanted to see it succeed so it's not a club it's awfully Pog but for anyone who doesn't know you know whether it's doesn't mean anything to them just describe to us where that is geographically so it's on tough we have we're sort of the center of a little. Nash just off the stride route and it's a huge failt. And I was quite tract of looking better than people would perhaps know is that's another name that it was used by and you can gain access to it from the pubs need site where there's a new park as well. So it's nicely situated need people to get to but unfortunately it was in a state where people actually thought it was desolate for a long time so although it's been sat there and easy to find people didn't know it was there a life I can imagine if you guys it's quite exciting to see it up and running again having worked so hard for the last 12 weeks yeah once all the building work is finished in. Stops spending all my money. It will be quite nice to go there and. It was nice to see in the community coming together the dog walkers just used to pass by they didn't really talk to each other whereas now they come in have a coffee together and socialize and the whole community is stunned to come out which is which is nice we're going to have a bit of a chat about what's to come with it so just how tight but let's 1st of all. Have a look at those all important roads has all of that with an update in Gloucester only city End of London Road there's been a collision involving a pedestrian he can still get through but it's starting to cause queues this road works a bit further along on Black Dog way Ambridge some way up to the railway station or that's backing up on to Great Western Road to the hospital in Chatham tonight at one right there's the match kick off at 7456 that things people see later on at the moment on the m 5 north near Birmingham it's the standard road which queues between junctions 2 and one on the old revive that that's it for now more in half an hour which is all over and if it's safe and may go Has that number to call. Your travel cool our 801217575 b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire. Where. It's. Going to. Just. I must. Say. It's roxy music dance away here on b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire. Music on the way to Lady Gaga and that she in from Holland outsiders will love it but we are chatting a little bit about a new venue opened in Gloucester but not so new it's probably familiar to some which was formerly the wagon my exports and social club and before that the wing but also the Wingate depending who you are and how you know it which is now the club tough your pocket to be suspect Ross and Haley husband or wife join me in the studio after giving it a new lease of life so just remind us Hayley of a little bit about the story for anyone who's just tuning in the midst of it you know how we got to this point so it's been going for a very very long time and it was a kind of typical Committee run club where you had to be a man there and I think those times if slightly moved on and it wasn't successful as it once was and it just got to stay that way wasn't pulling in people like East and unfortunately they got to a point where they said we're going to have to close the doors not be the end of it and as we mentioned before we caught wind of that because of our over the business because we had a lot of party bookings that were due to take place and that it been canceled we initially set up a campaign to try and find somebody to take it on and save it but then it was kind of pointed out that perhaps we were the best people to London. And we've been working with it ever since and you cannot look back sort of 12 weeks of work continuing here we've not had chance to how well. It sounds like you know you guys are giving it a thriving and bright future it does seem to be the case doesn't it with these community halls where they either you know they sink or swim and I think for many of the villages and local community spaces that are across Gloucestershire it has happened a lot where you know it's come something's come to an end after having a great you know community feel I'm being the center of many communities in areas and then it just hasn't had that success that it used to have and I guess that's what you guys saw happening and of changed things to up a bit yeah times have changed massively in high people use their local facilities and what we need from our local it is it's changed in if you don't make the changes to the to the property to accommodate people's needs then in the forty's going to kind of die a death but we're doing our best to make sure that it's got everything it needs for very kind of bright and sustainable future within the community and that's the thing r.c.u. Running it now and you've got a jam packed show job for it but it's not you know it's not just the Friday night venue hire there's so much going on absolutely So we do free cinema days for for after school we've got one tomorrow which will be screen in Toy Story for so that's free to come along to and enjoy and that's from 4 o'clock and we do those once a week so we try and do as many things as possible for the children because we appreciate if you've got children you can't really get that much. To socialise because that was the thing for you guys and you knew as parents that you didn't have to have these areas available so that you can go along and experience things as a family Yeah absolutely and which is why everything we do there even. Sort of weekend detainment is all children friendly whereas before the children were at school. Did from from the club now we very much want to bring the children in because that's how next generation of customers so you spoken a lot about the cinema not that you've got coming what else have you got on the cards because it's not just a venue you've got cafes and also yes so we've got every Friday we do bingo and disco We have live music on most Saturdays and fret the week as he said we have the preschool and we have the coffee shop open from 9 o'clock in the morning so if you walk in the door come on in spirit of our friendly staff that's also how we can come in so we're inviting all the children to come in tributary on us and they'll be free sweets for the children and half price hot drinks for the parents to keep the Mormon every So we're just doing what we can to keep up an interesting people still working on the venue as well you still got some bits and pieces that if anything off Yeah absolutely so we've got a brand new disabled ramp in Stuart's toilets have been completely refitted the bars have been refitted in decorated. Drinks prices have been lowered to reflect a club rather than what I was sore similar prices to town before. And yeah we'll find the new things every day unfortunately at the moment will being let down by our roof because the building is really old. And as we would do in new things to build in we find another leak in the roof so we're hoping that the council is going to support us with replacing that it's you know a real inspirational thing to see you guys come together and bring the community back together have you had a good reaction from people yeah people have been very very happy to see what we're doing now we've put the word best we can I and people have been coming in much more than we were anticipating and like I said not just at the weekends but you're right the week they have to come in Ross is there most days now look to come in and meet him in talk to us about what we're doing is is well. You know using the venue for everything that it's got to offer so people have definitely taken us up on on our offers of what we've got that it's really nice to say and obviously you've got all this stuff planned for now and it is all brand new and shiny but how are you going to ensure that so long jetty of the community who want to keep it current In keep people coming in is moving with the times of what we've already been in business we've we've followed the trends and that's what we do we have with the club as we would keep it alive keep the events keep giving the community what they asked for so it's very much we work with a community of with their needs and so we do so like docu for state courses and we also have. The local police come in do surgeries in the local counsellors come in and so it's sort of a one stop shop for advice as well it sounds like a big old place really it is big you know we've got in the main bar the cafe and then we've got a really large function mean it's occupied during the week. But then it weekend that's available to parties and events. So there is a lot of space and then beyond that obviously we're situated in amongst a. Big field which is great for the kids to run around and it's a lovely park and it's dog friendly so it's got so much going for it so. It's a lovely place to work well it sounds like an exciting venture that you both embarked on whether you meant to or not. You know definitely a bright future for a thriving community center So just remind us where it is and if people can find out more information where should they go to so the main access points are on Tuffy Avenue and then impulse means it's got a large car park and the turf you have news just off of straight road by St Pancras church. You can access it again 3 parts meet near the park and there's no car park over that side but you can walk through through the main gates there as well so that's the best way to get that. And the main way to find out what we do is our Facebook page so the club toughly is our Facebook page and we put everything we do online we're also handy it's lovely to have met you guys and you know Palm about t. About something you need to give you something for making this you know such a place to be and I guess you welcome any feedback and ideas from people who tell them that Facebook page Well good luck with the old thank you so much and I wish you all the best. Tell that. I just love. This lady gaga about romance here on b.b.c. Radio last. Summer's in the film she was it like I say that all the time with the cinema. And then you know John and it took me ages to watch the Bahamian Rhapsody film but there we are that's just me I'm just behind the times but great to hear from Haley and Ross who are certainly not behind the times when it comes to the club toughly Park which is the old wing it Sports and Social Club or work and work Sports and Social Club or Wingate I think it was also named locally as that sort of on the toughly Avenue Pods me Area So given this new lease of life and save from closure and and you know they've got Phil Knight safe quiz nights at a cafe it's all going on there and great to see such a local community center thriving if you've got a local community center that sort of doing doing well do let us know it's 101217575 you want to give us a call or you can text one triple 3 Start your message with the word class I would love to know what you're doing with your choosing often and I still think we need a bit of advice out there because I never really know quite how to get through Tuesday you know that Monday is going to be a tough one so you get through it and you've got you know mentally you prepare yourself Wednesday you can't is that is the hump day isn't it you get over that in the wake way or you know you're on the run into was the weekend Thursday you're on the homestretch quite frankly on Friday you know it's got the Friday feeling and it doesn't really matter what happens with the day because the weekend is almost upon us but how do you get through a choose Day Do let me know what your tips are 101217575. I think one thing that should happen on a Tuesday is this song by Hall and Oates should be played on full volume everywhere is such a to turn this one up. Let's . Get. Wow Wow. Wow. This just reminds me of the Eddie the Eagle file. That scene isn't it where he's practicing all of his jumps. And he's sort of on the van is in a Do Not down through the edge and the mountain ranges it's just such a good film silly and so you know and you know I wouldn't you know it's like a local connection isn't it Eddie the Eagle just getting some advice on how to get through a chews day Mike intending to take the day off well. Well yeah I just I just. Might can come and do it that's his advice you can just get go that's how you get through it Tuesday I think that's a good idea not sure my bosses would agree but Michael can just blame on you is that what someone else has said Linda said coffee and lots of snacks I've just had been on or on of demolished 2 biscuits and some nice chocolate Seabiscuit So I'm on the right wavelength there with England. Now if you miss a. Dumbass obviously with your lunch time show earlier today from 12 until 3. Am Today he was chatting to all of us. And Patrick Moore now following their multi award winning success with a play that goes wrong on a comedy about a bank robbery they return with their West and smash hit Peter Pan goes wrong do you ever get any members of the audience like saying. You know i Pad track all of it we wink at a certain moment you know maybe until it's a member of your family or something like what's incredibly weird about the show is . I play Francis all of the plays Robert Francis plays than a writer and a Pirate Roberts plays a series of other characters that you do when your family and friends are right and you get because we go out into the audience before the show starts to sort of say hello to people in character and sort of set the tone of the show before the play proper begins and anybody you know goes hope Patrick and I said No I'm from 6 and I like sorry New York your project you know on France and there's this very uneasy thing where several of my parents' friends of come to see the show and left completely mortally offended that I couldn't remember them or that I'd ignored them or that I pretended not to be me to be someone else or you know when I think it's always been coming to it's never an easy dynamic. I've heard great things especially about the play the goes wrong and I think you know the world of improv is really moving on a. Piece of time goes wrong is the new west end fashion if you missed it and you can get it back on be. As it was previously. That's the new one from Eric Astley on b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire and it was said his new album and Steve kitchens album of the week which for tens of course from 5 until 7 on the drive time show producer writes When I was just saying that there's that video I can't I think it was Eddie of the summer whether it might have been last year you know but there's an amazing video that went round of record with the food fight is on stage doing a rock version of never going to give you up I tell you will get on you chip and have a look online I absolutely adore the Foo Fighters Dave Grohl is just rock god I just think he's insane I remember seeing video of him was in one of the festivals where he. He'd broken his I'm close and then continued to play with his foot up propped up on a chair or something he's just nothing stops that man from doing an incredible show and nothing stops him getting Rick Astley on stage to do never going to give you up and I think in an interview because he said I have no idea why Dave Grohl got me out there but you know what I think he's embraced it and taken it in his stride because it's not easy to stand there with absolute rock legend that is the Foo Fighters but he did it. So there we are we will get the latest on the roads in just a moment I'm talking Tuesday's as well I've said keep saying on the Monday you know you prepare yourself is the Monday blues Wednesday you can see the weekend insite Thursday you're on the home straight Friday you know Bob's your uncle and Gus has gone into from Phoenix Arizona who says severe Tuesday is a great day honestly this is in capital letters with exclamation marks I think we've got a fan of Tuesdays he says it's the victory lap we all get after surviving Monday and bask in the fact that there are no longer 5 working days left in the week rejoice that it's no longer Monday gas I love this hats or toot I'm going to have to change my mindset about Tuesday it's the new Friday not quite sure what that go but you know we can go with it. Thanks for Gus for getting in touch on the e-mail and Sophia dot Franklin 01 b.b.c. Doc at u.k. If you want to get in touch. Let's find out how all of the roads and things are looking here is all about in Gloucester on the city End of London Road there's been a collision involving a pedestrian the road is still passable but really slow most of the way along it's backing up onto great western roads to the hospital as well as busy only a 417 from after the birdlet turn towards the air balloon roundabout and also in Chatham on cheeks the roads in both directions get most of the way through tonight it was a town of playing metals field that will take off at 745 and the m 5 north near Birmingham junctions 2 to one on the or provide that it's about a 20 minute queue trying to get for the road works there that's it for now more in half an hour Cheers all of us if you want to get in touch and let us know anything we've missed and it's safe and legal it's 801-217-5752 give the call. Gus who got in touch all the way from Phoenix Arizona he says p.s. No more t a r r I I trust. Brackets toffee apple related incidents Yeah we won't talk about the toffee apple incident All right that's just great over that one glaze over that one . Anyone who missed it or one stuck in my mouth last week must say I feel that there's a. There's a queue to. Give Love me like you do by only Golding here on b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire right before and also the news even got maps in late ninety's buying up on the way a proper. To start off that 4 o'clock hour if you want a 9 to 5 job that is home straight isn't it and I've been discussing how you feel about Tuesdays. Mike in talking to says take the day off that's how you deal with Tuesday because I don't know how you get through the week you know we've got plans us for every day that we can take care takes care of itself but want to choose day how do you how do you deal with it Dave in spring rank says just be retired like me I would have a good day but I think that might be a little bit premature and I've probably got about 6 quid in a pension so I won't get very far with that because in Phoenix Arizona has got the right idea severe Tuesday is a great day is the victory lap we get after surviving the Monday rejoice it's no longer Manda quite agree with you there Gus So we're reframing our mind and we're celebrating the fact that it's Tuesday on the way after the news. I was having the best time last night finding out the country to country and. I've got one of those headliners on the way country here and the music match up Britain's next. On on line through your smart speech. Because we love stories we use it. Because we now can see. B.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire. With the b.b.c. News feed lots to share at 4 o'clock am Danielle Hunt Bob is Johnson has threatened to abandon the draft legislation to turn his brakes it ill into law unless M.P.'s equate to get it through the Commons by Thursday night a vote on the government's 3 day timetable for debate will be held the saving Mr Johnson has promised to deliver breaks it by the end of the month told the Commons he couldn't accept any delay conservative Forest of Dean m.p. Mark Harper is hopeful a deal will go through a by the 31st of October I think the numbers I hope all there for a deal it's going to be very tall each only the 20 will motion anyone who. Trying to throw roadblocks into this is not about the details of the Prime Minister's deal it's because fundamentally they don't want to do what British people who saw duty 3 years ago so I'm going to vote for the deal and I'm going to vote for the program motion like and hope we get it through parliament so we can leave next week with a deal as we promised the Prime Minister's threat to abandon the legislation unless the Commons passes it by Thursday night has been dismissed as childish blackmail by the Liberal Democrats presses spokesman Tom brake the labor m.p. Call Turner accused the government of trying to rush through complex legislation I was incredibly concerned when I was reminded by my wife earlier today that we spent my wife and I spent longer choosing a school for then that we have to be incredibly cool to be elsewhere today the home secretary Patel has announced that a public inquiry will be held into the deaths of 20 people in the Manchester everynight bombings 2 years ago she said it was vital that those who survived or lost loved ones got the answers they needed Northamptonshire police have defended their handling of the investigation into the death of her return the 19 year old killed in August in a road crash involving an American woman and secure left for turned home after claiming diplomatic community the place a she's asked to be interviewed under caution and officers are preparing to go to the us West in Bert's Arboretum is to expand for the 1st time in nearly 200 years for a Strange Land which owns the national operating southwest of temporary has purchased $29.00 acres of land next door to the current site it includes So what house made of traditional cuts will stay 3 grass fails in a series of outbuildings the operating director Andre Smith says they'll be able to plant a wider variety of tree species in this new section the reality is quite tight for space nearly all of the operates and is a great one listed landscape which poses certain heritage constraints on what we can do. And the large parts of which is also woodland which again places some constraints on what types of trees we can plant though there are no detailed plans yet as to how Western but will use the property g c h Q In Chatham says it wants to recruit more people with this lexia it's because they take a different approach to problem solving says their apprentices already 3 to 4 times more likely to have this next year than the national average but should Whitehead is an expert in dyslexia and director of the Davis learning foundation vastly encouraging and it's and it's an important message to us educated Ok believe individuals have mental and that they have a way of thinking that is powerful How can we channel that way of for.