Think of plenty of dry and broad weather ront temperatures falling to 12 degrees mainly dry tomorrow with plenty of sunny spells but expect a few showers in the afternoon and look for some to choose the scattered heavy showers on Sunday was the old rumble of thunder possible than Shara conditions lasting into next week because up becoming less breezy b.b.c. Radio 4 news we have been exporting up to 10 o'clock we now return to our colleagues on radio all star normal road is expected to close for a time during the period and Sutherland reporting from the chopper control center. B.b.c. Radio. The biggest show in the country staunch. A new twist in the Royal for bonfires of bed to give consular officials the park to remove material from bonfire sites a freak accident on a lot holiday and Michael life left Bangor mom with life changing injuries and his friend who saved his life burdened with killed it's an extraordinary story but you'll hear in the program today and the big fight tomorrow night's call the jackal frowned then takes to the ring a bell fast even abides by a we'll hear from his manager Barry McGuigan Here's the number 030-332-0555 extension 51 Twitter and Stephen Nolan and on Facebook and real Stephen Nolan. Good morning give council officials the park to remove material from bonfire sites which belong to statutory agencies and those which are in private ownership This is the motion that's been put forward by the Belfast City Council to Belfast City Council by Sion fans Jim make they have been speaking to instead Harvey I asked her to set out the reasons behind her party's motion. With this motion as a fighter and as rectify the interest decision by unionists this week to a policy that was actually working off on to last week and which Arias were rogue and the interest fires that were dating this contentious were we were left in the materials from those fires because of concerns around house and see if they and Fairmount delay shooters were laws or regulations were being broken and especially whether it was that the mom from the local community to remove the console were removing materials from law which was in their possession other statutory agencies such as the horizon executive and on private land and it was only this week at a party leaders meeting unionism tried to stop thought so our call for the meeting next week is to be at the policy that was working whaled But when the last we need do you pay say that this is the time to buying some kind slender Bob policy without its good name aside from the advice from all posters in compelling other agencies Dr inside their Porsche you know what I would completely refute that and I think they're trying to mislead the public this is an existing policy that we had been working to our officers would be working till it was all the rage and face only last week in North Belfast to the Consul along with the high is an executive in the p.s.a. And I'm a local kind of slur we're involved in actually enacting this policy and removing both our materials it was only unionism this week with the Belfast City Council took the station on but knowing to the rest of as to stop this practice so this has been on go on NY for a number of years there's no premature because there's an investigation by the console into bone farce no way or the investigation is into the story with politics and story and off materials which were stolen so the blue polyps which are owned by a company in Dublin so that's what the investigation is a fight there as a request nigh to review the bone for our program but the reality is here there is that the mom from rat why the rush. Then there is that the mom from restaurants Well there's health and safety issues and also environmental issues there are policies being placed and sparse substations next to homes there are policies being placed at apartment blocks we know the story of what happened to gramophone when things went disastrously wrong when public bodies doesn't listen to the concerns and calls of reference I don't want to see something hostile on on the streets of Belfast happen some people think once you're out here as you just want to get rid of all bonfires Well no we haven't we've been quite clear that this is the rogue and dangerous boulevards both of ours that are contentious but more importantly bone farce that have hospital everybody's hearts content just because there's some members again they don't think we should exist but this is a fight those which pose a house and see if they an environmental risk this is a fight those which are breaching the law to any laws which are Ok so any building fire that has a car on up you won't lose remains. I want the materials from it which are causing the who would have forced us to get on for well the agencies were Chertoff with and forcing the law of the law to you say that they should just ignore the law states but did resist front line workers you're talking about removing physically removing material of the place going in with the terms of the collection of material this is been happening all along they've been so that there isn't just a new policy which is being trained Doc were taken this decision to go to full kind for the next week because our officers on the other and say such as the get it and I am has an exact of have been doing this on telly are you expecting. The question why unionism have all of a sudden out of party leaders meet in a month they take the station the block that's work let me ask you who would remove it it would be the consul workers would be the man driving the van. $1520.00 grand a year there would be an assessment that would be carried out and there's a risk assessment that is done on each site we always take the health and safety of our stuff out of par might but I suspect it was a point of principle we expect the police to remove it or the council staff well we expect the police to assess to where they say look there's a house and safety risk so I'm not that hot button and the new launch area up north . But you know little those like yourself come out and pray and the actions not only of the local currency are but also of the agencies that were involved might have reality as their wrath and the shooters and denies any anything should I see the show on their property because people are you saying that they should be ignored I'm saying to you that no matter if a bomb farce contentious by its very definition therefore there will be a health and safety risk you don't need to think about it too long if it's contentious then people walking in removing material from a that will be determined as a health and safety risk so you must have thought he was removing the tires are you asking the 20 ground the year working man or woman to go in there and remove it I mean. If they are protected up the time are they going to have the windows put in well we are asking for the practice that has been done up until last week the practice that has been done for the last couple of years to still be an act that this week and for the next week that's what we're asking for all of us what we have all we remember is last week in this week it's unsafe a number of agencies including the kind still the p.s. And I the horizon executive but also a local sheriff and kind of learn actually show the leadership which was lacking in the previous months to get involved and remove that material and that was by that the moms of local residents in that area that had a fear that their lives and also their properties would become the in Germany the pharmacist has publicly or with this motion a lot of people to go on the private land at the motionless a public land and also private land but only were permission has been given by the private owner. Well that have to be permission and there would have to be a risk assessment that would be carried out where the health and safety of our staff would be key and part mind but we also state and have to think of the house and see if they of the restaurants here in our fireworks are failing on time and he added I'm threatened by this there's a sense of lawlessness that we just can't allow it to happen and to keep going on too so if it doesn't say in this post it would need the private owners permission doesn't it says this kind well because for missions our council poseurs to make boom for materials or employ contractors to facilitate the removal of bone for materials from consul sites and other sites which belong to Stubbs agencies and those which are in private ownership it doesn't talk about permission because that's on the waiter policy Stephen what happened on there has been a policy were we do you collect materials or permission is granted unionism this week then took the decision to block it out they said that we could remove materials from land which is owned by kind soul but that they wouldn't give permission to remove it from other land which is owned by other agencies and also by private landowners so they're Ok to remove that on off our stuff and other agencies to remove it from kind salaams but not private land or land or by other it's unsafe it doesn't make sense and we want to rectify the fact that the policy was working up and tell us. Where you want the policy to competitors I get out of town you are thank you for the morning to decide thank you reacting this reading this morning to 3030 in the 5555 show and from on a morning show I don't know what you're talking about was a respect of what say to her slate a ballplayer they're totally illegal it's against their will to born anything in public well they're not illegal are they if they have consul supporting and on their own they're working within the realms in the parameters of what they the local consul has said well if I turn around I'm born still for my line they'll do their fighting me. Well presumably not if they work with you know help you not to talk to legally kill not born stuff in public that's a totally other legal example you have to bring your tires through to get them to pay you know to get your tires disposed of a whole nother world you would want every bonfire by absolutely right everyone everyone along every last one of them there totally illegal I can clarify if I had rubbish on my account and from what I can turn right now late at a contractor had rubbish on a site that is better than the county license but yet they can like bonfires the whole thing is a bloody joke. Totally illegal John about a good morning John mornings Dave and I am anguished Katie because I agree with such. Telling you 100 percent shouldn't be bonfires like what we have saw at the absolutely ridiculous I'm not only that but it's still on the air with pollution not much wonder there's still money people know I was Asta you know bad chest and all the rest of us that burning tires did are saying altogether I don't mind it we tell you how been. Saying About a couple of feet I just put a place to learn but not them bloody mind. You tried upon these bone fires will be even more belt nobody even hire What do you say if you try to ban these bonfires there will be even more belt and they will be even higher here that don't pay for those days when people well have to start them they are not as good as dangerous as dangerous for children as in just a baby is just a danger that there is political life is too much concerts in the air so there is. Why he said because they're there and it's all these things cause let's learn entires like there's one that's one terrible thing for an entire year over you know it's time that the way stop the full auto this motion that's been said time action since Jim McVeigh would give confrontations the part to walk in and remove any of this material from bomb firesides country Jim Rogers from Moshi Unionist Party Good morning to you Jim Good morning Steve running in the lines of cancer Michael Long morning to Michael good morning morning Jim why do you support this motion. You don't of course are my fault said Michael Michael why do you support this notion well as Emma there is a sad this is actually just reinstating the existing policy which your father and all of us are the kinds of for a number of years so basically what has always happened is that we have had material removed from sites after it's causing for example. Problems in terms of interest to buildings potentially causing health and safety issues causing damage to property so this has been ongoing for years and years and the kind Suns been done either by and you are asking who does this kind of thing that even done by kinds of stuff or contractors been brought in to ensure the material has been removed but this has been done for years and years and then this week we have had unionist concerts and what they've done is that they refused to live the kinds will continue as policy and that's reason why we're having to have this meeting you may have a say will but as Rush will the reality has a beginning with nationalist bonfires and protector which are going to be burnt in the next 2 weeks and therefore we have to have the opportunity to have a Cherami from those bankers and their raw mixing is as the unions kind sir and Unionist have complained about this these bonfires and protect her because of the burning of unionists of the most material I have to agree that you know it's absolutely all right let me bring in General Jim you're against this motion Why well for Suppose Stephen I want to crack something that comes from Harvey said short time ago. We were not at any meeting on Monday the Australian house party were not represent the drop making So I think you need to get our facts right the 2nd mater is that. We see we haven't discussed sultriness party haven't discussed this motion were able to do so next week about a compensation but an auction of Poc the kind soul does not have the Pars to call when the private law on remove anything you don't of the parties knowledge of this motions power. Last unless you've got the permission of the private landowner according to Gerry Harding Well exactly I'm not a snob a say because continuously I get people asking me to get such and such from me from a site but never the I'm fast to get to your site it's either tottery bought a storm by a private individual or it's all clear and we are from and on and we could find the rate that's motions asking us a good time you're going to find people asking us to get the grass cut and Septenarius what you saw or by any fault ice is a red herring but you're not missing that I don't know if I'm wrong I'll tell you I'll tell you why Jim and might be a red herring for you from your are you telling me that if you got thousands of tires and put them in your back garden your back garden and you set them alight so you tell me when it was private land or not the country wouldn't be eyed and I was shocked to say that that's that's against environmental rules time is polluting the atmosphere and we're finding it of course they would this example 8 the red herring from yes that's not a red herring and 1st a health issue are to see if the the Concho will come right whether it's part of the plot and whether it's on a clay emblem on they will tell you that you will have to house the top material or whatever it may pave from not site or in your back often but that's motions and was just actually contradicted themselves totally there you know it you know I have a comforting adjusted just as a Jew you come to all of this land and now you're said election time day I don't know there's you know Jim I'm one of the time hold on one of the time though in terms of my need to stop the assault on both of you Shawn Jim Rogers didn't think health and safety issues Ok go on Michael Jim knows perfectly well that in the history of the kind so what way j.s.p. Work start to Trajan says I may get permission from such a trade. Since its release the ceria and whether the high sing is accurate over those they t.n.i. Over there it is that we work with them to make material I don't see anything and previous It times on private land lines and who knows about success so overjoyed as reinstating is to session so I'd be very surprised if they count just as Jim says their party were represented at the meeting the other day but the other unionist parties refused to allow this to go ahead and certainly I cried kind of surprised because back in June whenever this was discussed and lots of the in astronomy private business were quite happy Jim to have been Ok Cameron just beyond the private land a shoo in the other objections to this motion Well it's all on forcible just cannot be enforced and I'm not by No I am not prepared to offer an officer or a member of staff or Belfast City kind so a lot of contractors to go on to do that because I have times would not be prepared to put on we have a charity of care and the sponsor Beller they to every single employee on Belfast City kind so it was secure and a special kind from a think tank called the consent or both I might of monic question some considerable might of my There's no rush money whenever I heard Michael talking about it not just Republican bonfires that say she credible doubt whether or not a normal committee meeting of the kind self or not along Jamshed your country let me ask. You this farce today with Jim you say this is on forcible So even if the law is being broken you say this is forcible what a bad message to send to the community effort truthful. Well let's make it in 4 simple then rather than saying that those people who break the law can continue to break the law I think I'm totally opposed to people breaking the law all regardless what they have done Furthermore our position. Don't Bonfires are quite clear we're not opposed upon fires we are approved upon fires whenever they're close to happen I on the internet tell right on 11 assembly what we're going to cause so that's what the kind of solution would be in everything where there's health and safety issues whether it's used today with potential cause damaging property what will happen as we reinstate the position which the obscene us of all the other parties the previous day a great day which is where we may for Terrio where we possibly can to make sure that there isn't dangers to people's lives to get interest people's property is another topic for a number of years this is just trying to reinstate the public and terms of having it as committee meeting or committee meeting dozen or so ours to actually take decisions so we couldn't actually do that the only way to have a decision to force their special countrymen can I just met is the biggest waste of time and money but at the end they got to have with us back it started when we didn't have a problem can I just pick up again on your theory around it being forcible my challenge you say well it's the truth is it not dangerous for you public represented to say that for this reason if enough drug dealers peddle their drugs in Northern Ireland and stand up to the place maybe they will think that the police can't stand up to them in it's own and forcible if enough people drive along the motorway at 120 mile an hour and it's not just one isolated incident then that's old enforceable surely the principle has got to be from people like you if you break the law will come after you publicly saying it's were simple things an obsolete plate but you've got to be a realist and I'm being realistic here high are we going to enforce that protectively whenever there's a bonfire material or any material on private blonde or on telly I'm blonde we have to go through the courts I'm not country are all whites process on our own learning to simply saying is this motion husband Bob before I did you then support him I can't. Just particular one of my own on the moment the injunction that was issued a couple weeks ago did you support it because hard come you didn't think or did you think that was on and forcible let me set the record straight up what happens a couple of weeks ago we had cans of amazing all represented as they type tonic area where I'm fighting to come along on the group leaders of their nominate on party officers along with all the site it's unsafe at the beginning of top amazing episode of greed you Nama slay you not a mostly left me stray I thought the meeting would be confidential at the end of the meeting we were all sort of mindset that it was a confidential amazing fund for sex awesome top amazing 1st of all real honest party is sure to step month on to the name of a kind sure he didn't even attend the meeting family should stay and wasn't 1st of all it's on the. Eve Let me finish Michael Sheehan fans are going through what was on the way and who was not the meeting and and thirdly well even if they were only murmur you confidential Jemison hiding because you didn't want to take the chance of a friend hiding made I hardly know that I wanted a school where they were actually jam sessions no comments coming all sorts of things because it was a 1st it was hard to say no comment or public know what you're writing or setting up in the past know what is going on ever on your part I well you know my party I actually wasn't I actually was an adult and that's all starting about nothing to do with me but I will be ups they care that there was a number of meetings before the end of this and when I actually Jim's grip later was quite happy to support the removal of material as it needed to be done and that was a really good one saying we come straight until we come back please Jim Rogers to why did do you think that the injunction that was a should a couple weeks ago do you think that that was an forcible. I will not be perfect and for that very reason of just a little to tell you up to meeting which I have planned that but I'm not asking and I'm not on yet but I'm not asking about the confidential conversations of the meeting I'm asking about the principle you're essential he sang like if people build bomb fires that it's almost forcible to go in and remove the material which is why jam it's not breaking any conferences confidences to ask you look in the recent example there was a court order to stop people putting more material on a far why would you think if you do that the bet was on forcible but removing material isn't. Well you have to weigh up its effect relation as we say affect on Harley to the c.m. And I've always advocated Oz has my party pull from Belfast City Council on strike the length and breadth of Northern Ireland f. Upon fire as going to cause the insurer to life for them on the property they own the house to pay consultation with the Fire and Rescue Service the place and if necessary the local time it isn't forcible. Well I would hope it would be enforceable but your fines unfortunately a lot of the things are not and forcible It's all very well pursuing something kind of black and white or never you try to act upon and that's an entirely different matter can I just say as well Jim Jorrocks had said even just a bite next week is that the terms of this and forcible the s.j. And the reality is that we already have had material amazed in the last couple of weeks those particular sites with consent from local community representatives and all the time so the something asking us today was for that to be able to continue for the next couple of weeks on the Unionist kind sir she attended the meeting as British to live up to happen and not to raise my around the special kind so so there wouldn't really be an issue I don't think in terms of the inclusions in terms of this because basically what we would be having is a similar position what we had 2 weeks ago where such a change in safe place kind so bent and Renee's the material and that's something what we're asking to happen this case around just get totally caught up with the previous months what we have the reality is that we want to deal with the problem of those there at the minute which residents want to be sort of right and I think it's very frustrating and difficult to understand why unions chip also oppose this particular ban for this is the symbols been burnt on and everything else which I totally support and a great West don't want to have this on pharmacare really he's Michael Belfast morning Michael morning good morning Meg on Good Morning Good Morning Good morning Jim can I just take you back. About 10 minutes where you said that you would not ask any member of the Council or any officer of the council the goal. Materials because I Tang's you you wouldn't do it yourself. Tames you wouldn't do it yourself so that I'm taking it that there is tames that you were during. Those times on the geographical area of where it is or is it the panting on the strength of a par multi-organ a decent nunnery or what is a what oppression the professional who lives possession of his life. We have to calculate risk assessments. Wrong failed thought there's a risk to our conscious officer our loyalty we have to rethink what we have to say that I'm not prepared John that Iraq told me a great deal so let me repeat that I am not prepared to ask an officer or a member of staff the Belfast City Kaiso to do something that I would not be prepared to have always known that it was not a thing you would not be prepared to do so I mean if I ever thought of being told by the police and I ha been told by the place over the years that it wouldn't be advisable to a.p.c. And hauled. Down their recommendation. But Jim hold on Michael one second Michael Piceno who long Michael Jim the place on a regular basis and appealed to the public for help and information and support when there is any criminality and the message from the place says look if you come forward we will protect you because the rule of law is Tom and it seems to be that what you're saying Jim is that while you condemn the breaching of any law all that that you think that we have to send sent back and the for the paramilitary for other people building bonfires we have to sit back and watch because society is so impotent we can't take them on. Stevan on Fortunately Northern Ireland we know the problems of harder Northern Ireland for 40 consecutive years Ira some loyalist filings. Off to take the advice of the police and I will listen to the police not I but there is a place advised you not to take them on. Well the police said to me I'm talking about 70 years ago we would not. Make any past summer against these protecting our people because my I personally think that is unacceptable our position is that we want to say so in order and comfortable and to the bone fairish on like you know I want to you know the school. I honestly think as a as not acceptable what we have consented to say and there are involved fires as a law and order in our country as continued been suspended and I make people here day and day out of today for straight it up the fact that at times we're not getting things done and moving us forward and what I would also have said I do there is an issue because it's not just for the kind which seems to get the blame for everything and terms of this we need to step up and take responsibility it has to pay the Ts and I but also other statutory agencies working together to try and see where they can have material for his roommates and also what we need to stay as strong political leadership and what we're saying for example in the national bonfire areas where we have seen strong local leadership to have materials from saying we will support this and we will support them a for these materials that has happened but unfortunately what we say whenever we have stood up and said we want materials removed and areas where there are you know this bonfires unfortunately unionist councillors go to Grindrod and saying no actually we want this material removed and I think it's about time that you know it's kind slurs straight up for Law and Order and straight up for the local residents who are sick sore and tired of quite often loyalist paramilitaries during what they want Ok local community Jim what's the what's the card and 2nd protests here so I guess I get the current approach to those people who want to build bonfires within the rooms that the consul will facilitate them there may be some filming on the consul will try to protect them in their community with a bonfire on the site being a place where it doesn't endanger property so I get that right but what is the take Jim So for those people that want the adhere to the rules some work with you on the consul to build bonfires when they look at those who put 2 fingers up to the Consul and say stuff you we're out there not we'll build the biggest bonfire in the most dangerous place we can what is the stick to those people Jim Well 1st of all. The vast majority of our song fires not just in Belfast but Northern Ireland possible without any problem whatsoever that share but that increase in numbers of people who are on the conscious bonfire programme never lose sight of a lot of how the increasing number of becomes a lot could well be the rule that some strikes while the confession is that if you don't support the consul going in and removing a legal weight on the whole of what is the stick Jim stays on take out the part of the pond for a program. The bonfire children can build their own go on hard they don't need to be part of the program exactly what's the snake that's the punishment let me say the strategy of this morning the Ulster Unionist Party are those old order party. I and my colleagues in Belfast City I shall have spoken to your mother sponsor opposers we have got a positive response from them and regardless of the might of material that type of stuff that there are bringing in any real tough occultist whatsoever but there are small numbers of bonfires wethers me which are major problems and fortune and not small number of cases as you describe it what's the stake well. That is quite simple they can't be part of the Pontypool they cannot stand up for Manning money from Belfast City don't care I Not yet but see from you Tom Not me it people 3 things they don't want to tell you so they can do what they want to do it they can do whatever they want well that's the big tough occult The problem you try and bring people with you people have cut the face me on credit face all their public represent me who are prepared to get their hands dirty who are prepared to corn talk to people sometimes people we may not be successful but at least we have tried on like some other parties who simply just pay lip service that we are I didn't want to hear what's going on. All right the always nice to talk to you Jim Thank you very much Michael Long thank you here comes a nice. Piece Jeffrey Donaldson has described the port city government wants to see order with the Keiko sprites it economic. The Times newspaper says that they. Would like to see customs and immigration China. To be catered to a ports and airports while the border at least 60 buildings are believed to field an official fire safety test in which insulation and clogging of the type fitted to ground fulltimer in west London were analyzed together for the 1st time ministers will publish the findings today the u.s. Senate has rejected plans to repeal health care reforms and acted under Barack Obama delivering a major blow to President Trump and at least 48 people have been injured 5 of them seriously after a rush hour train crashed at a station in this Amish city a parcel those are the headlines more for me at 10. Morning Gary good morning Gary good morning to. This motion Belfast City Council functions in Belfast City Council as nothing more than an alert turned new state of Parades Commission but there are stark and it will be accepted. I mean what's wrong with regulation I have no problem well it depends what you mean by regulation and look what happened for its commission there talking to contentious foreign powers which is 1st off you know Mark I thank you I have no wish to damage anybody's property or anything like that oh it'll start off with a contentious one thing I know you're all about exactly the same way the British you want let's not get any heads around us Gary thank you we'll get your reaction today 03030 of the 5555 want to move on the extraordinary story coming up by a freak accident on a large holiday Magaluf it years ago left one young Bangor mom will dog with life changing injuries or injuries from his friend's car teams he saved his life burdened with guilt by the incident for years after the post 269 and have spent a long time coming to terms with the impact of that night physically and mentally I spoke to them recently and began by asking well to describe what happened a long story short and we decided to go down into the sea and I started to show off and I went skinny dipping and just where all of you didn't Lyster you know just tossed hints or girls that were fighting there and I was just showing a lot of I was just trying to show off skinny the most part of the show enough. You know I was younger with you know young and. And then just jumped and dived in the sea and must have a rock or som buying going to do within a night a few times jump in the hood Yeah we've been jump and I during the holiday but I was the 1st time not that night I just Ron just as you run in like a bay watch you know just run and jump dive and and whatever I had no idea what was a raw buying our way of even of hard people break in and I prayed had more we have sparked a set as I had it I just didn't feel right I felt limp and I was on the water out of a dead feel like a long time so stop there so you're in and you're under the water on the you're trying to move I'm trying but there's not an stop and I just saw it I just felt the pain in my shoulder so I thought of twig Mitchell There's something. It wasn't really an upon it was more of the is. That you'd see. It was strange I always say that was the back of this tall naked man rolling into the water and looked away and started job the girl straight away and then. It's one of those weird things when you hear by people saying that it's got a bit of a failing. It's hard to describe but I just was child just realize that I'll do a sort of hurdling in a while and just start and hopping to see just the tree as back just going across the water maybe by 20 yards in front of me has done it. And I just I just remember dropping a cigarette rip shirt off and just sprint the street I'm really thinking because I don't know we just got one of these weird feet and it's like that's not right them it's been too long so I just. I'm with you far away from see. The students want to know how many bakes there are so it's a gentle slope so I was able to style them a tip there was sort of just slightly to work properly and so what you did then was you you brought well. Yeah yeah flipped him over and then I think you thought I was sort of joking a bite Yeah because to stop and then he saw my face and I just couldn't get any any air in the my lungs at all there was no voice it was like you know when you scream but no those are going to look I'm going I'm just so full of water and you were conscious then yeah and like you know me trying to speak but just like sort of. And then just thought he was messing around and yeah and then the 1st word that you said was my shoulder sure and I went Oh sure that I was a militant or a baby and I went Oh you'll be alright blood and started moving towards the with things in them but that was when I was stored able to walk and felt that it wasn't hold me or take. Any control was bought and that's when I realised that they were really right so this stage then you're lying on the sun Yeah yeah what are you thinking well the shorts back on but it was your 1st year was the. Start of the point as well and I was not see I don't remember being that crazy panic maybe no I just I protect myself saying Oh I was I was calm but I just remember thinking you know it's just something one of her shoulder I'm fine on there's a crowd around and I'm naked. But it seemed like we were there for a very long time I was getting very cold and shivery and I just felt like this is something isn't right and then and we're trying to move yeah and I just felt like my body was in so much pain I was just like I was a frozen steak put on a frying pan that's what you know just stick burning when you would try to move when you were set not signal you know. From your ear your lens what you know what have up instantly feel like for the 1st time I get Dad where it just like nothing killed us. 0 there I don't know how to explain except for obsolete you know thing you know like when you sleep on your arm and you go to move it up 1st and feel enough oh it's really Dad and it's like not all over times a 1000000 it was very strange very surreal but I was more seeing the panic in other people's eyes as the time went on I was like this probably isn't Korea. And then this came and they didn't speak much English I was a big thing for me going to not hospital no one spoke English and was tell me what was going on you know in a little scum moment you know they wouldn't you know were you. Still in the Bates and so ad luckily what we did was my We've got a family. Sedan the road and the quieter parts and then as so my mom and dad just called will be at all the same time as the boys just in case something happens so as soon as that hopping on the ambulance arrived I was on the phone and he was with me in 10 minutes in a rented car type thing straight there and right at that although you know I've got to tell you what if he was the 1st person I remember it's very pragmatic and he was just like it just as straight and straight and mate you're going to get this sorted it's all fine where we've got you covered don't want to but. I just remember like just like and why don't we in hospital for all together but 9 months really yeah so no inspan I was there for about 10 off weeks we struggled to get home hard quickly did they tell you. That you won't when I got home because I had a break and I really struggled with preventing. A lot of respiratory arrests. Block respiratory arrest me. I had a truckie also me not blocked because of your neck but yeah that helps me brave that block when I was by myself I basically meant that I had no air to my lungs for a prolonged period time and I cure this. Many people down a 1000000 times but he's like exactly whatever you that is that you did all day and he you are lying your hospital truckie Yes in trouble yeah I was a make trouble start but I think quite early on they knew I was going to survive every just what quality of life was going to come off and so remember a doctor coming in and never forget it a. You know why some doctors can be quite cold it was very matter of fact you know this is your injury you've shattered my c 4 c. 5 and c. Sank I praise my spinal cord and and there's little did 0 chance that you'll be able to live without assistance for the rest your life. I don't know it's just Tory 7th straight or what you know that's you know there's no moment Dobber very very supportive but my mom struggled at the start you know to hear there's no positivity it was just this is what's happening Harvey how do you bring cope with. Assistance the rest of your life that. It was difficult Luckily I had a really great family really good friends who were on me all the time the nursing staff and doctor doctors I became very good friends with I still Mary good friends my friends using a lot so I saw it as very much a tunnel vision of that see how much it kind got back you know it was never so they're saying to you you won't walk again years and yes I will well I was pretty realistic early on that I will walk again but so was I don't know I'm a very relaxed guy like he said walking is the reason that you get up and hop in the morning there's people have millions of points on their side or makes walking the. Pale Ale and while I try to take out all my mom's car I was out after a while with the must have been a period I guess of you I was in a lot of drugs at the start I don't really remember a lot of it but I think I was quite low. Rent chop for the 1st sort of 3 or 4 months like walk on earth was he saying well it's as if there's quite a few times when you said he wished dragged to the water which is quite dense but that was after given a whole day of. Credit so. It's one of those things like you you feel sorry for yourself at times once you get over that a period of adjustment and moved into rehab rehab was a bass thing for me because it gave me targets Yeah if you don't know when I was just lying there waiting for me next those drugs because you were dead for the 1st few months when you're not on the drugs I don't want to labor this point but it's important and part of the story when you're not on the drugs and you've got your own senses a budget Yeah and you're thinking sensation walking freedom that's associated with walking yeah. What was the worst part of the. It was the norm Ali It's the small things you don't think a bite you know. Scratching the top of my head I can do not scratch my nose I can tell you you know a lot of point at the start was braver myself I'd sell a bit dull was such a huge part of my day was concentrating on every breath that a lot of time and then get a chance to think about the other stuff because I'm just you know and I enjoy it all day so you get very focused on not because it was scary you're scared and I had a very bad headache for some reason they didn't know why so it was just a lot of pm and a lot figure I think you're scared. You know he's very scared and everyone's going you're going to be great I never was grit you know Gary my friend Sarah where there every minute of every day they could be a moment where their mom died less a day visit for 9 months you know you want to be a life yeah I think that them they. You always have that fight you feel sorry for yourself and say horrible things but there was never a point when I was going to give all I could not see why the doctor said that. You know survived all these cardiac arrests and respirator Rastas because there was something I mean it was always going to you know keep one car with you you. Find it difficult psychologically. What part of that because you'd save someone's life surely surely you were proud of yourself for saving your friend's life. Well a strange one because. All of the well it was still in New York and the heads of care and things and I had come home and had a couple of weeks to myself or I was just like graduate I want to see people and you know I might go with the guys a couple times but every time I went or same 1st question was all of heard about this thing what happened and how the basically retell it every day for the next like 3 months 4 months on it was just yeah the Cape and then there was a thing that was actually child about yesterday with me and he said You're probably quite a lot of basically from the accident the next couple of years to be a bit of a blur supposed to drink in the head was all over the place and all that sort of crack so as a said to me you know one night when I was over with uni watching it I don't even watch many shows like shift but you did know about it we were there just to make sure you know things were going to Ok And he said you came and plastered at 3 o'clock for me on the front door she couldn't open the door I carried him and I saw jealous over and said you need to tell me what's wrong why is this Hop them all arrested and I said I don't know so he said he saw me for 3 hours and eventually I said. It was the guy at the ambulance start on the scene with well I couldn't speak English so when he turned to me he said your friend has neck and the media did it just went up so it's only really sort of a strange thing but I took it as when I left out of the water to the beach and left to make an old assault. That the way I'd left the door. To the neck problem that I had actually in my own head I had helped break it more and caused more of an issue because I thought about that myself I haven't told anybody for 6 months it was ingrained so that was basically the reason why I can went on to really 2 or 3 years that. If we had talked out earlier you know might not have gone you were blaming yourself and you were then seeing your friend. Brief he is for me like there is no way he but if for the 1st maybe 6 months yeah thank Rock started to show just you don't know me was always likes to say this in the same dynamic is not when you're getting stronger Yeah. The able bodied person who. Is getting weaker Yeah I think it ever was the one we used to all the time and he would sort of Skype and be all the be completely dark there'd be no light I need to put on a bit aware that I knew were really going right and then I was hearing stories about the wild like the wild stuff you were doing right there that was mental like whoa just what I thought was standard unique rock could go out I could get a rock to sell you things but it was sort of like when I was probably too bored people and stuff to hear our lives and that was sort of the level I was I was just drink until a Black Berry you know where you were you having flashbacks at night we finding it hard to sleep there I didn't really say been. So but they did at the same time so we would be talking till 4 or 5 in the morning we got like an arse label and crack and all the rest of the you know couldn't Slate It is a war so exactly it is so destructive to the human body and brain like so you are really really in a bad way and there are many adventures self that you're not going to get the last year on drink or drugs or whatever and every night it's the same thing it just turns into a horrible habit with hard like you know sort of you strangely like you know when I've started to. Get better as you said it was difficult seen it from you know that you know. Sums you know if I had been an idiot. We wouldn't have both been in the situation we're in then you're supposed to go and dine that's what I guarantee. You know you should have done and what was that there's often a there's often a low point from which you you build up again somehow and here was the turning point for you. Was probably understand that I just needed to give up on the idea of trained you know it can cause a sort of how to go in the 1st year and didn't make it but 6 months before a told I was going home and then tried it again the next year and again it was maybe 3 months and then it was very much your comment because you're not getting Oh my God over there type thing it's not it's not healthy or see it for anybody so. When it came I'm probably the main thing was when I went to start to see a psychiatrist and things like that I mean trying to get in touch with so many but it was very hard to actually I was looking at the thing but with them she wrote basically 3 years' worth of. Oh my astri through that whole period to show for the 1st psychiatrist that we basically got in touch with and it was the only way she could get it in her mind that this is where he's out because I mean when I spoke to her basically unless you go up to someone and say I am deaf so can you help me. But I was a guy that was like I shouldn't have an issue I'm not away chair Why would I have a problem I'm just going about Mt they'll be fine but anyone who spoke to if they asked me question like Are you fin might be like I'm fine because right that 2nd I was feeling fine so is that a go and actually here's all the low points and there's all this thought in the other I was near to convince the other person I was completely finds everyone to spoke to afterwards they said no he's all right so is it to be fine and now that you've been through with this I guess it was guilt. Yeah it was it basically was. That I had helped in some way to actually break your neck for moving you know more than once a gulp thought it was the idea that. I had been the one that won the 1st day playing so it was sort of a mix of the 2. I got the point where the 2 things that were a factor to me think about occasionally the psychiatric help work that they did the best when I phoned was a girl. Names and things was a girl who just said talk to me and I just stopped and chatted with her. Cried Felber loads and I got emotional and I got angry and I got everything and she just made me feel so good about myself and she was pregnant and I just I mean I did pretty much the guilt of a year I think whether the whole you as you are ha ha is your brain interpretating what happened differently after the psychiatric help than before well before it was basically I was sitting think of a list of all these people can say positive things but realistically I don't believe it I don't think of a good person something as silly as I don't think of a good person was the main thing and my sort of my go to worst word to use is stupid so if I feel like I've been stripped by it's open I go What am I just turned red and get really a weird about it so it was you're stupid or ship or disturb it will be a brand told me every day so every day I just felt so low you know you don't know I don't know I am like actually you've got yourself back on your feet you're in a good job you're working hard it was a good you know the most people I've spoken to of how to traumatic event in their life and what has helped them and it usually is 3 professional help because there's a way of. Talking is that incredible hard Marvel talking is if you're with an expert all the medicine that there is in the world the whole of all the chemicals that they're on the world to alter your mood is incredible heartbroken therapy can work you know you got yourself on the tender you know that oh my you know me you know what I'm going to go. You know it's going what's wrong with tender people will tell you you know you don't know. So. Far into the and to your disability you know you want to tender what when they came by it like I never really Yeah I never really. Dating so to speak at like I was never good before was yeah I was never so. You know and my wife and suddenly there was no no way she's with my chair so Ok so can I said I lied did you feel less sexy Did you feel less male did you feel less attractive because you were in a wheelchair Early on yes then. You know and you were. The 1st wake of tender and pretty sure all your profile pics were from chest up or else you're physically walking until way then to run away. You have to be fair to someone you can't poll that sort of thing and they just go by the way by the way when someone appears a blog but if they want to supply them. A fair bit of thought of that for a couple of old swimming pool when we said that we were like you know why would you be weird but you're a great guy and if they don't like you for they're not someone you will never speak to so the 2nd Get that they were more interested in you then is more girls I just. Thought back I think it would change you know well you know trimmer you say it's all the friends just like they really said after your 1st leg they learn things you were just like me and that was sweet she wasn't even mention your cherry point was this special when you when you met are. Feeling all you've been through this horrible horrible accident but now you're falling in love you're neither is. Yeah just your story yeah like I just felt and we relaxed you know sometimes yeah you're right you do feel like you know they've probably never beem I with a guy in a chair before are thinking about you know one doesn't think that was it was just different back it was we joked about it the 1st time we were very relaxed you know within a few days we were seeing each other again and I just mean very quick and she went away to Cambridge we lost a year away when she was in Cambridge I was no where she can Bach and we were married within 2 years I mean each other so it was just very easy back thank you. What's life. Well hopefully part of the games in 2020. And then you just. Become a real star taking responsibility because of sort of head behind a family. Really did out of a job where. I work for a charity Mary Peters trust Yes I help with the website and social media and just help and. I'm finally how would you put words to the board between you to myself and Gary Yeah well we were like we are brothers I will we always will be. If you ever blame him no there was not I was never an issue of my life like I was dad if he didn't call me night I could I could just feel like my lungs fill water he came just the right time so does that mean that there's a special bond for life oh yeah 100 percent yeah like my kids Godfather like there's no no one goes 1st obviously that's a thing I mean before I'll talk to anybody else well over the bearishness big Yeah you know knowing that it's as well as those river like all things bone loss like you know even the x. The bone was observing that happened afterwards that yeah yeah I mean we're the absolute We weren't even very close like on the holiday account there at the gays you know we would have been the 2 guys that were friendly all through school but they were never going to go all right how the crags you know what a singular night certain things but then afterwards it was literally I mean you know and soundly and chillers So you know and so on we tried to each other through other dark times I think people thing the accidents where the worst as it was. Sufficient it was dealt with very quickly and I have always think you know the chairs and the huge issue you know off the chair doesn't bother me at all anymore I get to travel the world and I miss boredom a Maret I've got a great family you know what as I've got a lot of the Frank before I was the difficult bit stand between we went through that so strong is the incredible story. Incredible thank you $300.00 thanks for helping us. 93 point one and 719 media b.b.c. Radio. Good morning it's 10 o'clock am with the news I'm Nicola we're the manager of send columns Park High says that some people are living in fear because of recent disturbances and the park a number of people have been attacked in the area in recent weeks and Helen Henderson says some of the incidents have been sectarian in nature talking to the local residents she definite get a sense of fear from the elderly space the elderly population up on street Dave would be very would be an older population but people are still using the park I think it's important to address those fears but I think the best way to kind of ensure the park doesn't become a no go zone as the ensure people use not to use piastre unionists on s.t.l. Pecans Lers walked out of amazing offer manna and Oma District Council last night after its chairman refused to condemn the Enniskillen bombing Sinn féin consular Steve McCann gave a newspaper interview and which he said the attack was wrong but he did not condemn the 1987 bombing d.p. Consular Keith alley it says he believes consular McCann should step down as chair not the 1st chairman of the from on a crime scene but that's what he called them then let's go home but then there's this message we all follow where look into the future day I believe I share my. Chairman of the bank so that has come so be representative of all our community obviously comments like that on a 41 year old man's Jian court this morning charged with robbery hijacking having a gun and having class b. Drugs the charges are related to incidents in Galle and larn on Sunday a 30 year old woman who was also arrested has been released on bail pending further police and choir he's the chancellor chancellor. Philip Hammond has said there is broad consensus in cabinet that there should be a transition period of up to 3 years after Bracks it but it should be concluded before the next election in 2022 he said a failure to set up a transition deal would mean chaos for business the B.B.C.'s business editor Simon Jack says Mr Hammond seems to be getting support for a more drawn night Breck set than some of his cabinet colleagues would like he's indicating that he thinks he's got cabinet support from this because there's been big splits between people in the capital for example even folks the trade secretary force Johnson the foreign secretary you've got all this David Davis the minister responsible for getting us out of the your opinion it's they've always been a bit reluctant of this and he's been seen as in the minority it looks as if he's beginning to win the argument with the help of business leaders and quite has the support Daryl Garnett is through to the last 4th the World Match Play Darts Championship in Blackpool the top man served 1613 and when I meet Peter right in tomorrow night's semifinal cricket play in today's Bank of Ireland Northwest Senior Cup final between Donna. Is due to get on her way of Beech Grove holders dawn of man are going for 6 in a row. To become the 1st senior to side to win the competition since 1975 and it's finals night at super cop at the groans with kind of kicking off against G.P.'s Byron of the USA in the junior final at 6 o'clock that will be followed by the premier decider between its right to dream of gamma and Cub America from Mexico thanks for that Eric and the weather right in Breezy spangles that's b.b.c. Radio 4 a news our next adolescent o'clock. Funnily enough the 86 money Neck Road and Mantle sign is closed for own going roadworks near Terry hollowly and so drivers can expect delays travel arrangements and 20. 4 o'clock this afternoon just like say passengers should expect delays and diversions to their on the road services tonight because in a period it will start black with straight out of mind or past 7 on the on the road is expected to close for a short time during the periods if you want to get in touch and be busy and I travel is the address to send a tweet or you can text us on it one double 71 in Sutherland reporting. Problems on b.b.c. Radio also. I'm buying this morning. At the. Radio Academy Hall of Fame and I am going to Macaulay inducted into the later graduation this year you have asked think it is. I'm overwhelmed I'm chuffed just so thrilled about a career in radio for so long and it's been reflected in this that they people know how much I love radio and the broad skills to write because I love radio so much as my life and there's not very many people on the right well there's big names like Bernie I mean I believe involved from here no they are already pretty much a short list very much well water Love is not to bite 3 or 4 years ago on our much missed love Jerry under some was inducted into the Hall of Fame posthumously which was you know pretty well listen you're really good company. And congratulations thank you one of the got tomorrow and I appreciate that coming from you from the amount of the radio and television and all that you've achieved which is huge tomorrow morning on your behalf we're talking about uniform grants free school meals and universal credit because there's a lot of pressure on parents at the moment what help is that will have both a c.b. Petition lines and buying tickets from secondary websites apparently court which says a quarter of the tickets are going on sale for these kind of websites and I went to see a woman yesterday. And she bought tickets a real spur of surprise for her husband to go to see the open imports toured a few weeks ago and up there went they stayed overnight and they got that park and ride they got to the gate they said no those tickets were invalidated they got them one of those websites about going to what I can protect yourself I nearly got stung because I tried to take it so the other day for the color McGregor fight across and Las Vegas and whatever site and looked up and I thought it was legit Yeah it wasn't I nearly got stung thank goodness and yeah you need to be careful and that's one of the things consumer consuls say tomorrow it helps how you pay you've got some protection and that's our consumer consumer conundrum this week do you know what Section 75 is with you as you well done so you have your credit card and I got protection even a little bit your credit card nor even the whole lot well well done because that is a way you can talk yourself about these tickets I think from to they had a problem with their tickets to that didn't they in Ed Sheeran also a woman who'd been overcharged you believe by her phone company for 5 years 5 years 800 pines out of pocket getting upset you know where well as you can imagine on your behalf the fact that's back in her bank account and we're talking all about your money in your behalf for gotcha nation no problem like you very much somebody coming from morning she is 7 minutes past 10 right talking about fights and me talking about I sat at the Mayweather McGregor fight of course the most important fight is going to be the From than fight because Carl takes the reg and Belfast more Knight is planning to buy a spike and from his loss in Vegas earlier this year of course we wish Karl all the very best no diary of buddies by Big Time is money Jim boxing legend in his own right by McGregor with us today good morning th morning Steve and so is he ready. You know down ratings that he's terrific sure we've had a. Along supreme court press in a period of time were frustrated with Santa Claus is going to come back and fight just like he ought and he said he would do if you if you become a common sight I'm an egg Assen from instead of a get he become a vitamin in Belfast City because I'm. Not a course change very quick a. Chance with the least Salbi and that was supposed to happen as well but he was forced to take his mandatory so we had to get. Somebody that was really challenging Why didn't Cruise come over for a while to break his word I don't know why you'd have to ask and not but soon as a fight was over you know they just didn't want to know and then and so I don't want to damage their chances of us negotiating it in the future. By going on about it too much but it's you know it was very frustrating very disappointing however I think in many ways this is going to be good for a cause because itis engaged 3 times in a row and we make it into a bit of a rut this is a change of opponent this guy is very dangerous 37 fights 35 wins at 25 not coaches had more fights more knockouts in college had fights very dangerous guy 24 years old he's coming here to win he's got the bit between his teeth and I knew that Conway did somebody like that to get him fired up he's been lookin sensational in training he's got the bit between his teeth again he really is looking to win to win back the title we can't win anything unless he wins on Saturday night when he was on the Nolan show last month I think it was called told us program that his career was on the line but a fence is a must win fight an obscene other copy similar to a lot of sense is that really happy loses that this fight is his career over well I don't think I don't even want to go there I don't even want to contemplate that. He did he compensated but it is part and I know that. He's mentioned that but. The reality is he would beat this guy and he would beat him in style and he will win the World title back again and we'll have to think but these things and they are in the back of your mind but you know if you think negatively your fight negatively if you think you win and you think positively your fight positively and I want to cause a fight at home in this comeback because he fights better in golf fast and he fights anywhere as his home. Says here in a family that the other say he fights better their sex fights 6 wins 6 not so he fights better at that size and he needed a colon to give him not sort of challenge and he's got it in Gutierrez and he would be fired up and he will look impressive and then we'll move on and hopefully get a world title fight before the end of the word. Well we would hope to get the world title fight a new note in a nightingale scenario he fights for either a w b o w b c or a b.s. Title fight Santa Cruz is fighting is mandatory in this and the mire is their fight in October and the chances are that we can have a world title fight of one of those other ones before Christmas and then hopefully Santa Cruz. In early summer and then in Windsor Park that would be the ideal scenario but these things never work out that way so that's what our plan is and of course that all is dependent on contingent on the workshop performances Saturday night. You said Windsor Park or yeah I think I think he will it last person wants to fight in Windsor Park and as so I think he'd like he'd like to have a big fight there and you know that would be an idea so now you know that's what I'm saying ideally But in boxing I idealism doesn't often happen so we're hoping that he'll get a world title fight for her and then that will take it from there. I can feel ready some of our callers asking why the b.b.c. Isn't showing this fight. On Channel 5 so that's why I thought I'd buy her sense of a life I don't feel under Soandso time with America and so with you know it's fake stuff again so then all the war champions are looking at him Oscar Val This is the w.b. All jumping gal eventually the w.b.c. Champion may still be the A.B.'s champion Leo Santa Cruz has a couple of the circuits they're all watching Belfast on Saturday night they'll be watching to see if there are difficult formants is he looking good as ever and they'll all be watching or so it's a really really important that we learn is fired up and I know he's fired up though he desperately want to get back to where he was. I know that every sports star and manager like yourself will say look the home crowd is important can you explain to me why Perry psychologically it's important so have Carly as is the optimum for this level on this conference themself why does it matter what is a day. Well it's it's almost it's it's on was own speak about it's almost unexplainable how. You can are an expendable whatever the word is how you can actually you can't articulate what a Belfast. I mean it just is amazing and I mean we have people coming from around the world talking about the atmosphere in Belfast and because I don't know what it is I don't know whether it's something to do with our history I don't know what maybe it's the fact that we never had many big events here during the Troubles this is where or whatever it is but we're fighting people that they certainly love a good fight or like something fun things were the same size of all time in which a special time for him in the general public know it's a special came the would last forever and they're coming out to support him because he is especially on. And I say this every time I don't want to ever come across as a 2nd found I hope I don't and I don't want to be repetitive just for the sake of it but I I do talk to an awful lot of people. Because of the job I do very few people have a bob or December call in the reason I think we all of morrow Miss both your feet are on the grind you have a genuine pride in this country and we're all behind both you and Carl and we wish you all a very bass and Carl thank you very much and only you are gay there are beyond the kind that God just before I go I would like to mention Conrad Cummings defendant is given a deal European title Gallagher thank they are the ideal title even more it's the most telling to Mendocino calland newest Kwok on aren't cutting McClory So we're doing our best to put all of them on as well and they will all develop on the on the cards and they're all coming through take one call for me George wants to speak it morning George go ahead why Stephen just just of are you just I beg thank you from the box in public and I'm well going to say don't promote down to card for keeping their promise about bringing it back to Belfast you know and hopefully when the protests Garware well come get the train that we all want and take it to when they're well don't forget that on terrestrial television very much thank you thank you much or so George you know and God Laughing is all thank you really appreciate art it's it's important that for us we've stayed to a college career to give free to air television for people to see fights for nothing you know we're sick to death of the middle child and overcharged watching on people as you so it's great for a chance to see world class action and miss this with the work class action of phrases Catherine promises and God Rush is all right listen to it thanks a lot just by all of my past fingers crossed when we shouldn't call the past thank you meant all the best right night a new study and the European hard general fund the people who work long hours were more likely to develop a condition leading the blood called stroke or heart failure that condition was it real febrile a sion and a regular quivering heartbeat those who worked long hours they were also more likely to be fat and active join their free time depressed and anxious I've been speaking to Dr George O'Neill. Well good morning Stephen I don't know science a description of yourself doesn't it it kind of doth Yeah yeah and then clearly your your staff and your colleagues are very concerned about you which is why they want to be this morning having read this I haven't had a chance to look at the 3rd study I've just got a press here but certainly a pace a day leads to heart failure that leads to an irregular heartbeat and the pink color that Stephen is that the heart forms clocks these clots fly off and cause strokes but the important thing is they are prayers again and I know you're deliberately scaring me no no no I wouldn't do that Stephen I mean you've tried I think Frank seen you you've gone to the hospital here at all sorts of tests you've lost with this or you spend ours in the gym Yes I contracted but no you can't of course Steve in my mind I might wish you huge for the last 40 years since I stopped smoking at one stage I had 3 sizes of 6 I go up and down all the time it's difficult it's a challenge with doesn't go on overnight and it will come off overnight you have to plan well ahead and a bit of exercise not too much exercise you do a lot of exercise and it's a 100 or so to reason amount of exercise and try and change your lifestyle slightly to tell you more the list even being the will this you've been through how many people have lectured to you offer your mistake telling to be fed up listen to them I've found fed up feeling loose from where everybody feels that it's a cycle and eventually you will crack it and if you want to live long and live well lose weight you don't smoke assume who smoke you don't drink excellent well you're halfway there already so all you gotta do is try to moderate your eating habits and limit the money you're arning you can employ your own personal cook don't you start no not just suggest want to spend can start out of your life right tell me tell me more a part that this will be so actually doest the heart of your piece the call stroke well that it doesn't cause at leads to a abnormal. Heartbeat the heart speaks of Normally it beats like a a a jelly Quivers blood clots in the heart of why does it why does that happen because because they the heart is working so hard to try and date and you think every pint of fight that you could on is another mile of compelled race at the hard times to push the blood around think about it so every part of the fight you put on a heart has to work harder to pump it right on remember the fight doesn't only set in your belly it sits in your heart it sits in your blood vessels throughout your body so if you lose it you will improve the function of your heart procedure well pain you also reduce the risk of arthritis in your large joints and you feel better too I mean this is this is you know people have told you this before Steve that's a no brainer. And and Ken here's the question I guess for people like me and many others who will identify with my situation absolutely if you please if you put it right. Can the body recover. Whatever damage you've done is repair as a perilous charge certainly. The damage if your arteries are clogged doctors on blogs I'm certain it will help the onslaught them yes but I mean you're going to look at your cholesterol level you've got to look at your family history like all things in life that's a whole lot of different things all come together to one disaster but replace a day and most cases can lead to one diabetes can lead to heart failure and as a result of the heart failure and irregular heart beat you can and up with a stroke which is devastating these are preventable one 1st of all you've got if you have an irregular heartbeat have it then decide it can be treated appropriately there's lots of new medicines available night to treat that and also from the point of view of if you look at your diet you can really control your diet but you know what I'm thinking of I was that you're in the show today but half an hour ago I'm thinking seriously I'm thinking of a big crusty how to spot you're thinking of your next meal time think of a big crusty home Bob with baller I seriously am an orange juice and I'm like that's what's in my mind as soon as I leave you I'm going to the Armor road and give them a crusty home bop a ball run home state you've got to make the decision yourself this is in your own hands you gotta decide I can't lose weight for you know one thing I can't stop eating if you ate appropriately you will lose with it there are lots of diets that can be used but make you feel you're full all the time we don't feel a date so I think I mean go and explore it look at the Slimming World diets they are the food as it's fine it's good food but you need someone to prepare it for you and. I think really that's I mean I'm on the do that might course you can you've enough money in the paper stop that clearly all the staff are really want you to stay on longer because that you must be sharing the money with some That's why they wanted a little on the keep going is that correct always they said told you George Ok Piers by the way. Right 030305555 you pick up the phone this morning what do you want crossed you find a little thing there if you push out other than the blue one yeah yeah talk to yourself or you know I'm right yes I don't yes I'm in the balloon Yes you know. What he told me I want to cross see how Bob you're going to big Belfast pops the biggest make Florida ones with Boehner. Possibly keep the Plas the butter on them because they're not think anyway but do you know you will not genuinely think that by now you should have learned how to crack this whole wheat no icon thing this you know well why not then think of a gastric band making good morning heart and Stephen Moore label I'm sorry it wasn't really all of it with the obesity not here or not did I want to but it's a shut up you're not you're not going about it showing what he what he 43 you're 40 you're B.M.'s when you're 60. To 60. I'm not mad you're talking you know he's telling us he tell you what you doing anything you want more yourself better to me I'll be a mess by 16 well sure you're are you so yes yes you're obese you're overweight yet I want you to get a salad so salad you were a mere as your Miles I don't know what you bring up again but I'm going we all are money out here not all of the enjoy it but I'm being serious you will not love to enjoy this but I can't stop eating you know after when I am. You know what you don't love you enjoy your movies I'm being serious the weird thing with you is I rarely see you eat and I mean I work with you for it 9 years now and very rarely would you see him eat anything. So you must go home at night and you must stop your fetus Yes I like credit my torso I do have you tried balance in that I could eat during the days you were not so hungry I've tried well you may have a try you know I haven't tried course I haven't tried oh you have to step back and have a try it's impossible to lose with so well God help you pour Stephen No one can lose weight Of course you can you are just your 4th term and in some ways and yet not miss which I don't understand maybe you just like to be able to go Ok Trad I don't know. I am more worried yes by how much well it may be our last either and I still want that's not over why it 13 and a half stone is not about. Well I'm a bit of a bell my mom said look on a lot if you don't mean. I mean nobody I'm serious knee injury is. You're going to do something because she's your young gotta go you're going oh my I'm sure Does that mean you'll get resume you'll get someone fresh in a new cheaper Oh I'm telling me how to put it up are confident when you are fragile he may go to see if there's an idea the thing is on it there's nothing in his fridge but it's all takeaways and you know how last 3 sided Ozzy That was John want good morning John. Good morning and I was having a knob stone for 28 years like you know you are. Now another where I see your biggest problem yet you see when you're in that conflict mode every day yeah immune system stops working that's why your me etc say he's keeps going away after South confident things that your friend is doing the best possible way so he's not senile now. But your immune system and your digestive system stops working and so you want to get under the chemistry of it all and I don't make any mistake about it we're all addicted to get me through school and every day when we used to go to get a couple of months years ago we loved the blood and thunder we loved our books but you don't stop to step on that I just know what you mean to know that show up doesn't have much called We have discussions we don't have the. Right justice or nervous or the faster blood pressure put a blood pressure monitor on the and see echoes of the here's the funny thing that's interesting we should try that no this is the funny thing right now might change recently absolve me feeling great recently bought and you see every time I go to get one of these tests John they say to me they don't know why I'm going away with my blood pressure is perfect. So I don't know but you find the scars because you're not pregnant a doctor I asked to ask them to put the blood pressure monitor on you're talking to Greg. I think doesn't talk to me that often anymore you know now concede there is a cheaters go he wanted to post an expose Not that I'm not going to mention a money. Maker on my book talk I don't but my money over the last week. So did you lose wit I asked for an abstinence and after I've kept it off congratulations you must feel a lot better for the loss of a loss of life completely camps Harald I had to take how did you get by listening to able to know better than I did. You see I thought it was a good start he said Man Bridgewater State and Belfast City ask what on earth coming towards a person that you dearly love with love is up to her shoulders was to surrender that you would think we're going to use her small cars. That are something. And so what did you do with your diet did you cut I told her a lot I cut out all the nonsense I still have to take every single day because I need my my head will tell me. The mid to low and go for the wrong thing but I go for the smallest possible worst thing that you know. That's just how low you are taking Lisa for stone. Probably 3 years until truth comes out cause attack the way I lost it right I wouldn't get up about 3 yes I won't listen 3 months I don't and you well but I put a 5 stone back on again and you know. What you lose before I'll set one stone and then you put back will it yeah. So maybe you should listen to this man and try and do it properly John thank you very much lovely to talk to you sing your morning for this morning once even Morning thing I want to talk to you about. That with by McGregor in there on the Common. Front and side of common the analysis and contrast that with the promotion stand for that as a promotional place for the fight. For love but I was just imagine that there's a lot of faith on the web that McGregor McGregor and I know that you're a member of the herd that there were. A lot more of them were finally yes. And I'm not sure I'm a fan of the Gregory right Ok well let's just as I'm going to ask you to do something or consider doing something with regard to McGregor and protect yourself . So called sports as well Ok. Listen to Breivik back and talk and talk about. Carol his favorite Carol from. The saying and what role models and men wore Yes our war but within the ring and I'd say the range in the pointer she was going to be over right Ok base and when I consider not doing any more promotional stuff on McGregor on the sport because I think the way the pre promotion stuff is done is a scris. At the brink of what the big sport I mean they're trying to talk you're talking about it when there are some very controversial things that were said some to people took great offense at them and so it's a part of the whole problem don't do I let them die I need to allow them to promote the faith and I don't think that I mean what problems they are I leave my cool fight well I might do well I know you may think about the mocks when you talk we have become so those rebels and over what we call them. Are going to take up responsibility for promoting the good for populate stuff Ok like that they're like you all right thank you very much indeed thank you going to go to the fight fight where you going to get a ticket for a lot of other a fortune. I know men who know men who know women who know men. Have a good weekend your man have a good weekend everybody wherever you're listening I'm on 5 Live tonight and 10 o'clock Saturday night at 9 o'clock Sunday night at 10 o'clock I'm back here at 9 o'clock on Monday morning. For go tell you slow diet isn't that high school time isn't it how can we can seal tonight but I.

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