Into the Champions League absolutely off the league table absolutely off the Premier League this year download the free b.b.c. Sounds and the new 6 radio and podcasts. The air. Around the world and across the u.k. On digital and online I'm Richard Foster and we're up all night. And. There are growing concerns about the health of the Philippine president Rhodri go deterred after his spokesperson said he'd be taking 3 days' rest and chatting to our correspondent in a few minutes on found one asking about the significance as well of that potential story much of Venice still under water as we speak and being swamped by the corruption of Italian politics as well flood defenses which started in 2003 have still not been finished causing great concern for the nation's I'll ask about the best possible ways to protect the historic city and it took off from Heathrow just after 6 o'clock yesterday morning flight q.f. 7879 is landed in Sydney after 19 hours a 19 minutes in the air will ask a passenger how they feel whether it be happy to do the journey again. First then this hour there are growing concerns about the health of the Philippine President Ford Rigo deterred after his spokesman said he be taking 3 days' rest the been rumors about the state of his health since he took office back in June 26th seen early this year to 30 was forced to cut short an official trip to Japan after he fell off a motorbike and hurt his back before the accident there are videos on social media showing the president looking uneven on his feet as speak to our correspondent in Manila Howard Johnson Hi there Howard how much more do we know about the health of the president the turtle at the moment. Well we know that he has this condition that he said in October because it Miocene this and that's a condition that causes a drooping of the eyelids it can make your limbs feel weak his arms and legs feel heavy and he said that he does feel tired now looking at the n.h.s. Website it says that this condition can be life threatening in severe cases but it doesn't have a significant impact on life expectancy for most people and what we've seen you know what I've seen over the last few years of covering this country is the president go from being this very strong man who you know was very bellicose in his press conferences and would issue these fiery ad libs telling people that he would kill drug addicts or he would tackle people who were involved in corruption by stuffing money in their in their mouths and dumping them in the river in Manila or here and now we're seeing a slightly more subdued president he still has those lips from time to time but we're seeing that he's a little bit. More unsteady on his feet from time to time I saw him at a an event where it looked like he was holding the wall as he was leaving after the speech his spokesperson says he's fine though he says all he needs is a bit of rest and if he has to rest he recovers his strength again and we mustn't forget this this president is 74 years old so you know age is also an issue here he's taking the 3 days off what more do we know about that is easy just retiring to a country Villa or something like that. Yeah initially his spokesperson Salvatore panellist that he was taking 3 days' rest and then he elaborated saying no that's that's not the case is going to be working from home so he's down and devour city which is his power base is where he was mayor of Deval before he became the president of the country he gained the reputation of being the Punisher as they call him here for his strong man approach to crime and law and order he took a sort of vigilante approach there are allegations that there were 1000 extra judicial killings there before he became president of the country now he's resting up down there but doing work he took paperwork with him according to his spokesperson so he using time down there to perhaps gain his strength back but also today he was supposed to be meeting some farmers who had an issue with the donation of faulty tractors but his most trusted aide Senator Bongo said that this had been killed so that he could condole with the families of soldiers who'd been killed instead in-service down in Mindanao this rest of island in the south of the country where President the teddy has his political power base how is the news of his rest and relaxation as it were been going down with ordinary Filipinos. Well this country is an interesting one in that it's split between those who really care about politics and a lot of people who sort of tap in according to what's on Facebook the sort of gossip that flies around so for the most part the educated liberal elite of the Philippines are concerned because of this issue that if he has a serious illness and let's not forget last year there was also a cancer scare that was later diagnosed as benign you had to choose but it was found to be benign there is this concern here in the country that in the Constitution if you have a serious illness you have to pass on control to the vice president of the country if you are incapacitated or if if the worst happens if you die the power be passed to the vice president so there's concern about that so let me repair a go the current vice president who is currently taking on the war on drugs this controversial campaign that seen thousands of people killed here where she's you know in waiting in the in the wings in case something happens but for the most part people here aren't really that concerned they still see that this is a man who still has the power to rule he's not in a condition where he's not able to still make judgments and to control his troops and to order his cabinet to carry out different executive decisions so at the moment there's not grave concern that there is growing concern because these accidents and these ailments of the president do keep popping up from time to time Howard Johnson in Manila thanks very much indeed for speaking to us here on up all night about the health of the Philippine president. Now as you've been hearing a passenger planes arrived in Sydney direct from London after carrying out a test flight of the world's longest nonstop commercial flight some of the passengers and crew wore lights and motion sensors to study the effects of the journey which lasted for 19 hours and 19 minutes the experiment was run by Quantas the stray be an airline which is considering the possibility of introducing the route for people who can well that's from the state that's frankly stated they can stand the stand being on that plane for that amount of time one person who can is Sam to he's an aviation blogger who was on the flight Hello there Sam. Hi there Sam to me we don't seem to have Sam just now let's just see we can see we can possibly talk to Mr disparate bit more about this fight it was a 7879 plate brand new just been delivered from the factory in Washington in Everett They flew from Everett in Washington to Los Angeles and Santa leased to London and then London to Sydney and that's the 1990 minute flight there was another one in 99 when they took delivery of a 7 for 7 Sam Chu he's with us now hi there Sam Hello hi Larry Well thanks very well now yes just landed How you feeling after all that time in the air. 19 hours 90 minutes not too bad actually because there was a good job less strategies advised by Qantas so all the passenger were climatized to Sydney's body clock after takeoff so we heard very long and disrupt rest or sleep and so we are common ties and when we are arriving and we don't feel so badly each I liked there were about $5052.00 people on the on the fly when there wasn't exactly full no it's your right as about 50 passengers including crew as well so we will in business class it made it made sleeping off a lot easier. It definitely helped the recent day put people only in business class this is a research and study and should they really go ahead to launch the nonstop flight in a few years time the economy is going to be different the economy is going to be premium economy is going to be a lot more leg room so they don't want to put passenger on this Charlie on the economy flight because the product will be entirely different would you be happy flying in an economy or a premium economy seat for all that time do you think. I think I would like to try at least once but probably not a middle seat still yes certainly a bit a bit of a crush I would think in getting out to go to the toilet might be a little bit difficult but that the flight itself he took off at 6 o'clock yesterday morning from Heathrow in London you arrived at lunchtime in Sydney just this morning it's about about what is about 2 in the afternoon that now and what you saw 2 sunrises on the way I understand. That's right so immediately after takeoff from London around 40 minutes heading towards east over another lens we saw the 1st sunrise and then as you continue having East you quickly lose the sun and you go into a night's mode and then the 2nd sunrise came over around 5 hours before arrival just over Indonesia in the island mbo on so Qantas has relived the old tradition in the 1940 s. They used to operate a flights from Perth to Sri Lanka and the passenger on that flight also got to see the double sunrise and that flights from Sri Lanka connect to the u.k. Onward so that's why did name projects on rise came from do you think that this has the potential to become a commercial airline route I sing so I sing in day to day is a very much history making flight that is going to shape the future of the ultra long haul travel in fact from East Coast Australia nonstop to London or nonstop to New York it's the last frontier of aviation and I think that this last final frontier aviation's about to overcome and you had to add some sense I understand it was that about. No I actually am maybe a member so I observe they are selected passengers while interiors that wearing the sensors and also the crew including the cockpit crew and also the cabin crew they wear census so these are all test for alertness basically just to see how quickly people react so maybe before the flights during the flight and after the flight they've been going through monitoring their alertness and also monitoring the brain waves of the cockpit crew just to see how much for t.v. Has been affected there are you know some flying semi where you are an aviation blogger you've taken presumably hundreds if not thousands of flights how does this one right. This is a very unique flight and it's a very history making flight that connects London directors to an 830 years ago they did it with the advanced technology and the efficiency I'll see you in the aircraft now days today what we accomplish was taking barely over hot what's 40 years ago in terms of feel so we say we literally consumed only half to see you what 30 years ago on a 7 for some 400 quantised it nonstop to Sydney as well so it's a very very much advancing in the future aviation so it's a great slide today I think is what you call progress Sam thanks so much David speaking to the aviation blogger who was on that flight from London to Sydney which touched down just under 2 hours ago now it's a good declared a state of emergency in Venice after the city was engulfed by a 6 foot high water levels flooding its historic Basilica and cutting power to homes it tell Italy's prime minister Giuseppe contains describe the flooding as a blow to the heart of our country Professor Nigel Wright is an expert in flood risk management and nothing I'm trained University professor what exactly caused such extreme flooding this time around do you think. I say combination it's a double whammy with the high tides you get each year but then with the store which causes a low pressure which more or less sucks the water further up and adds to the high tide level and then it goes into to Venice and it's not that it's been particularly controversial hasn't it because Venice has had flood defenses in the making since 2003 and that's still not complete. Definitely and I've been talking about it for a long while before 2003. Stories taking some time but when we had the floods in the u.k. In 1953 and with that on the in the Thames estuary they did take us about 2025 years to build the Thames barrier but completely vanished it was pretty quick they've been looking at this for a long time that that now is a risk in Venice and it's not that they the levels are I think I'm Not all sorts of allegations which I don't know the Holy Ghost so I don't but there are allegations of corruption bribery within the system but also I just you know politically get an agreement to spend that amount of money because it's a national government asked to spend it but it really only benefits the city for those discussions seem to be taking a lot of time and it's a way and I understand as well the the passage of cruise ships through Venice isn't exactly helping the situation with regard to the risk of flooding to not only not creates obviously wives have an impact on the embankments and can damage the Hypertime but at least erosion some of the banks around but I don't think that's contributed to this event this event is a more extreme want where the effect of the cruise ship some of the things relatively minor politicians have also articles but been blaming climate change full days just how much of a problem do you think that that is going forward. I think it is a problem I mean the sort of events have happened before there was one in the sixty's but the difference now is that they're happening more often not just what we expect to say with the predictions of how climate change is going to affect the weather that we count more an Italian weekly basis. Emergency now but they're probably going to be declaring more emergencies in the future and with that in mind do you think that the flood defenses they have planned and indeed being built for the city do you think there will be enough. I think that will make a significant difference I don't necessarily think they're going to be enough. They may need to do more of that because well those defenses were designed that may have been 2030 years ago and that was you know different estimations the same of all the climate changes over time adding to the amount that we need to to add on to the defenses so they need to get those quickly but then start thinking about what they would do is next steps Professor Donnelly issues for them is to build something the last cruise ships for the last thing they want to stop cruise ships and into Venice Commission because of their economy it's a very very tough balance isn't it between the environment and the the needs of tourism in the attraction of Tory's to such a fabulous site Professor Nigel Wright expert in flood risk management at Nottingham Trent University thank you very much indeed for speaking to us now bushfires in Australia have killed 4 people and destroyed more than 250 homes crews are still tackling more than 124 as in New South Wales and in Queensland and now local people in Western Australia have been warned on extremely dangerous conditions that our correspondent in Sydney is Phil Masel Hi there Phil what's what's the latest on the 5. Well we know that a buildup of intense heat will see temperatures in Western Australia as Saul to the mid forty's Celsius this weekend and there is an expectation that this intense heat will be dragged rides across the continent writing to parts of New South Wales and Queensland that have been devastated by bushfires now the critical parts to add to this is what the weather forecasters say about the wind because it is those strong gusty winds that are the real menace in all of this you have various factors Richard conspiring to make this emergency worse it's very dry underfoot we have a longstanding drought here in eastern Australia when it gets very warm and the humidity is low it feels extremely dry so fires can stance easily and they can easily be spread and quickly spread when the wind is very strong so conditions in the next couple of days in New South Wales looking Ok but to wards the early part of next week we are expecting those very hot conditions to return and then see say at the moment we know that 4 people have being killed 2000000 acres of land have been destroyed by the bushfires and more than 300 homes as well so this is an emergency that continues in a place called Taare this is a town about 200 miles to the north of Sydney fires have been raging there for the last few days and ball pope is a fire brigade captain there and he believes that this against the bushfires could last for months before next door switches in the area but it's going off it's bright tin trucks being brought in from in a site. And they crew and they're all heading out there now they're all talking about we won't have a rest so Christmas Day If we die going to you right and we'll just keep on going probably too much we'll have it. We just like supporting community sort of gets in your blood a bit and you love control and Fawaz as you get up in a few years you know how to control them so you just put if any to as much as you can yeah the story has is that we side yes that I understand well I've been more protests in Alice Springs after an alleged murder of an Aboriginal man by by a police officer. Yes this is a story that along with the bushfires is making national news now there's certain 19 year old man died after being arrested at a house in the Northern Territory at the weekend his death has sparked community anger and protests right across the country now a policeman being charged with murder over this shooting death and this policeman is Zachery role fees 28 years of age he was arrested on Wednesday and the police union here in Australia says that he will be pleading not guilty to murder this death is being treated as a death in custody it's a very sensitive issue for Indigenous Australians many many years ago there was a Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody because there were a series of these fatalities in the hands of police stations and other facilities so even now it's a very sensitive issue and as we've indicated there have been protests very noisy demonstrations in Alice Springs which is right in the heart of Australia and their protest is demanding justice and I've got at my now that I. Am not we get from some pretty. Broken the law that we've. Committed to child abuse a Cardinal George Pell has been given a final chance to clear his name as well thought he was jailed for child abuse on 2 choirboys in the 1990 s. . Yes He's currently serving a 6 year jail sentence after being found guilty of sexually assaulting those 2 choir boys when he was Archbishop of Melbourne in the made 19 nineties Cardinal George Pell is 78 years of age a couple of months ago he lost an appeal in the Victorian Supreme Court against his convictions and he has one fine or throw of the dies his lawyers made an application for an appeal to be heard in the highest court of the land the high courts and 2 judges there have been deciding and modeling over the application and they have decided to refer George Pell's case to the full bench of the Australian High Court that is a full panel of 7 judges and that hearing is likely to happen sometime next year in the meantime Cardinal George Pell Once upon a time a senior advisor to the pope in the Vatican continues to serve his prison his prison sentence he has always maintained his innocence the victims of his crimes one died a few years ago from a drug overdose in the surviving man and his family says they're very disappointed that George Pell has another opportunity to escape his conviction but this is the way the law works he was convicted by a jury he lost an appeal in the Supremes court and he's now able to take his case to the highest court in the land and his conviction will either stand or be thrown out after that judgment by those 7 judges sometime next year at the same time Phil is concern from Australian universities about the threat from foreign interference are they worried about. Well mostly China there have been great concerns that cyber espionage political bullying and inappropriate donations by groups linked to China have been influencing activities on Australian universities no new guidelines drawn up by the federal government in association with the universities are designed to prevent Australian universities being exploited or infiltrated by foreign agents or governments there are claims that researches here have collaborated with Chinese groups involved in Beijing global surveillance network so what the government wants they want research is to know exactly who they're dealing with and what their research could be used for and also they want the Australian university sector to be far more wary of infiltration by foreign agents some china is mainly the focus of this but of course Australia has to use very diplomatic language to say that other foreign entities and foreign governments could be involved in this sort of in from Trey Sion and influence but reading between the lines many government M.P.'s here in Australia have been worried for a long time that China is trying to exit too much influence on campus here in Australia fill in Sydney Film oser in Sydney thanks so much indeed for speaking to us here on up all night where the time is just approaching 430 on digital b.b.c. Sounds smart speaker. This is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live where the headlines his 2 o'clock said Labor says it will pay for free broadband for every home and business by partly nationalizing Bt and taxing big tech companies plans been criticised by the industry body tech u.k. Which says it would be a disaster a proposal to reduce business rates for small firms in left behind towns tops the agenda for the conservatives today. They also want to extend the offer to smaller cinemas and music venues if they win the general election 20 people are being treated in hospital after they involved in a mini bus crash in Cambridge Police say a number of those have serious injuries new n.h.s. Figures show that the number of children being admitted to hospital in England with a severe allergic reaction has risen every year for the past 5 years 1700 children were treated for an afflicted shock last year that's up from a 1005 years ago for the sport now and England's cricketers playing in New Zealand Let's get an update from Adam foot $298.00 to $45.00 is the New Zealand a scald on 57 the captain Mick shore 99 we have some good news on the England captain Joe Root he's back on the field after an injury sky had hobbled off chasing down a ball that was some concern but we are told all is well Jack Leach finally into the findings of Glen Phillips out for $116.00 course in the deep Stokes has to work it's including Jimmy Nishan for nought one for archers cause plenty of problems and one for Stuart Broad said to 98 if we can hear comments on this match now over on 5 Live Sports actually here on 5 Live Let's get the rest of the sports and Sharman units any end of book their place at Euro 2020 by winning their landmark 1000 game against Montenegro 7 nil hurricanes scored his 2nd hat trick in as many games Tommy Abraham got his 1st goal for his country Alex Chamberlain a Marcus Rushford are also on the school she's the only thing manager got Southgate was disappointed about on the night was some booing by fans when Joe Gomez came on the Liverpool player was involved in an incident with Raheem Sterling earlier this week which the munches to city forward is drops as a disciplinary measure have Bernie and are on the verge of appointing former Sunderland manager Jack Ross as their head coach to succeed Paul hacking bottom he was sacked by the Scottish Premiership club last month and Roger Federer has beaten Novak Djokovic in straight sets to go through to the last 4 at the a.t.p. Finals that defeat for Jack a rich knocking him. The event in London also means that Rafael Nadal will end the season as well number one this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sound this small speaker. You warning yesterday was another Barry White Day across some parts of the u.k. It feels as if the rain is relentless at the moment the across parts of the Midlands and. There is a bit more rain in the forecast for today but hopefully not as much most of the rain will be quite light and patchy and some parts of the u.k. Actually will see some spells of sunshine it during the their head but let's begin with the forecast for England and Wales because here while a largely cloudy day in prospect I think there will be some brighter glimpses at times but generally if you expect a lot of crowds you won't go too far wrong the background will continue to produce some outbreaks or rain much of that rain will be quite light and quite patchy may well be that through this afternoon we see some slightly heavier more persistent rain working its way back in across the southeast in East Anglia perhaps starting to fringe into the Midlands as we get towards the very end of the afternoon add it is going to be another breezy day but not quite as chilly as it has been temperatures across England and Wales up to 8910 degrees for Scotland here we're going to see crowd and very patchy rain spreading into southern and eastern portions of Scotland at times northern Scotland starting today with some showers some of which will be wintry but most of those showers will fade and actually through the afternoon across northern and western Scotland we're looking at a decent amount of dry weather and some spells of sunshine temperatures across Scotland 7 or 8 degrees to Northern Ireland so that could be one or 2 icy stretches around 1st thing this morning to do bear that in mind but essentially it's a fine day here some spells of sunshine just maybe creeping into eastern parts and temperatures around 80 degrees the saving it tonight we will continue to see areas of cloud and some patchy rain clear spells for Northern Ireland and Scotland as we go into the weekend we will see some rain at times but not all the time Rich whether these. Election. On b.b.c. Radio a special election. For the leftists the rest. Of the moment the big Narain what their constituents want they need to change it does need to be changed definitely everybody wants to be listened to everybody wants to know that their voices heard action you know you see on b.b.c. Radio 5 Live and join me Steven Nolan Friday night 10 life from Aberdeen in the build up to the election 5 East as you know from digital b.b.c. Sounds it's small street going on long days is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live. With me Richard false till 5 Time to get political Again let's join the crew Here's Briggs it cast. From the b.b.c. . Understood the full extent of this we could see clearer longings be moved. To. One she has the doomsdayers to do still is going to get it wrong again. This is going to end with a speech by going on described as a dog. In a car park. With 2 friends Kathy this is quite nice. And it's made out of your sight so right the big story all together. And you're here in spirit and in van and the big story on the election campaign today of course has been immigration free movement who will do wards after Bragg's it and I think it was summed up the conservative position by Steve Barclay the secretary he was talking about football he would always put. Together unless it's going on about the main again. One of the things about taking control of immigration. He's we can decide Do all English qualified players in the Premier League which is something the f.o. To see or do want to have more talented players from Brazil Africa Argentina and elsewhere in the world and the Premier League keen to see some well actually how much more so as to where we close from do it on talent rather than it being because them in Europe as opposed to the rest of the world other brother to the feel of it who is a week into the campaign we do some social media so he has his phone on record in their ears I think in a constituency office and then talking about the Premier League I'm not sure I was all that much the wiser by the end of it than I was at the beginning of the curiosity in terms of well both what the conservatives have been saying about immigration. Is that I guess one of the consequences of the imminence of is that the parties have to decide what they want to say about immigration and the 2 big parties are both kind of picking their language pretty carefully around it whether it be Steve Barclay Boris Johnson pretty Patel on the conservative side or Jeremy Corbyn on the Labor side and in Scotland where you are that's absolutely right and they're really interesting thing about immigration this time around is that you know the 2 parties genuinely have very very different approaches because the Tories who want to say to the European Union after Bret's it in January would be able to as they would say take back control and have a system where the u.k. Is making decisions over who can come in and who can't and they would and free movement on the other side you've got the Labor Party of course say they want to have another bracket referendum and if that referendum and we stayed in well then of course would be a limited e.u. Immigration because that's part of being in the European Union but if not well they still kind of believe in favor of movement and they want to make it easier for people to bring family members here to do so-called family reunion but exactly as you say Chris. Both parties have been kind of getting a bit snarled up talking about it today you know we asked Jeremy quote below the Times today if he thought immigration should be higher or lower He wouldn't say a colleague of ours I think from i.t.v. Asked the Home Secretary pretty Patel if the Tories really wanted to cut immigration and she kept going on about control the Tories don't want voters to think they're really mean and hard and they want to slam the door on everyone labor doesn't want voters to think that they'd open the door to everyone so exactly as you say they're both kind of tripping over it a bit because they know it's such a big issue for loads of voters and then there's this phrase about the in the Australian point system for immigration that this keeps being wheeled out on the conservative side I'm not everybody understand do you think sort of in the general public what what's meant by that because I mean there's quite a lot of controversy around the phrase to mean that they're given a smidgeon of the tile about what might account for getting points and what might not so they were saying last night into this morning that having a decent grasp of English for working and living was important that it was all about skills gaps in the economy because that's the curiosity is not on the 100 some people talk about reducing skilled immigration but then if the government was to conclude that it needed people to pick fruit for instance that could be a skill that was required or a labor market that needed filling rolled not just being super qualified and when there is salary limit or one point and you know that is something that's in the mix with the migration advisory committee the experts and I don't as everyone is punting all the difficult decisions or whoever's in government or the boffins on the back as it's called Laura you mentioned to begin to be with Jeremy Corbyn in Scotland today which we call a sit down in the trades What is the big thing that he said in the sit down yes I think for me the most interesting thing was how he just didn't want to go there on immigration as we were just discussing but the other point that I really wanted to put to him is on Brecht it which we've talked about so many times on breaks that cast have only the agony over high labor of move to this position of offering another referendum. But not wanting to say which way they would go around and remember it's important right now because we're in an election and in the last election Labor used the phrase in their manifesto that they accepted the results so I wanted to ask him if he thought he was maybe breaking a promise the 2017 manifesto also said Labor accepts the referendum result now you are offering people another referendum so you don't accept that result as being conclusive doesn't your change of heart on undermine people's trust. I think what we've done is a sensible approach I recognise why people voted remain why people voted to leave in different parts of the country for different reasons in my own communities were represented also across the country I also recognise that a note from the you would be catastrophic in many many ways and there was a deal on the table you could have voted for and you made you made people a promise in 2017 and you haven't stuck to it that does not matter. A promise I made was that we would respect the results the right exactly referendum result is what your manifesto and we would have done that and therefore we've had many meetings with the you about the the issues of what would be the possibilities on the brain of a reform and so on as well as belief and what we've come to conclusion as a party has put to the electorate the principle that the Labor government elected on December the 12th will within 3 months negotiate with the you an arrangement by which we could leave the e.u. But protect market rights and the Good Friday Agreement which are absolutely crucial and put that alongside remain in a referendum but if you're a Labor candidate trying to explain that on the doorstep I mean lots of Labor candidates I've talked to you know before the election and since the campaign I mean they are getting it back on the doors and leave voting areas but the fact that they have some people perceive it that they went back on their promise and that could be a big problem for them in this campaign when we were asking price of justice what we said on social media for their questions for us on the whole issue of the election and what might happen afterwards and I think we can take a quick listen to one Hi I'm sorry I'm 25 and I'm from Spain and I just wonder how likely are they to accept a new being negotiated for a Labor government structure Yes Well. Drawn close to the other week told me that he thought it wasn't very realistic but he also pointed out it would be up to the new commission and frankly still it'll be up to e.u. Leaders to decide and I think you know if we look back at these negotiations they always said it would change its red lines if the u.k. Changed its red lines and it's always in the E.U.'s interest to have the u.k. As close as possible if not inside the e.u. Then as close as possible to the e.u. So if you labor comes along and says you know what we think we need to have we need to negotiate a deal anyway and put it to another referendum. We are in favor of a much softer Breck set much closer to the single market part of the customs and so on then then I think your leaders will say Ok the fact that they've said they won't reopen they they always say they won't reopen put it this way I remember I'll keep this brief but I'm just going to illustrate it when I was at school I had to wear a school uniform and we hated it and we always want to get rid of school uniforms and we were told the reason that you have school uniform is because then you can rebel against something quite minimal as opposed to having lots of freedoms and to take more so if the e.u. Says it won't reopen the withdrawal agreement and then does people say oh they've they've broken their words but actually on substance so far they haven't given away that much and I think this would be in their interest the e.u. Compromises when it's in its own interest and this is why I cannot wait for the labor market fester whenever it comes because the actual details of what the labor a new deal would look like a quite sketchy you know the outlines we know the big themes single market relationship and a customs union how that would actually work in practice and so it was all over the conservatives you say we know about this point by system but not the specifics of what would get points and over what timeframe but do you perhaps want to reduce the number but a word of warning guys I'm not sure that the manifestos are going to be encyclopedia like I think they're going to be more like a pamphlet than War and Peace and also I think I'm free movement it's worth pointing out that even if you know the Conservatives win a majority come into government passed this Brecht deal put an end to free movement when it comes to trade negotiations you can expect it right back on the table because what does the e.u. Want from the u.k. When it comes to trade negotiations the e.u. Wants access for fish there fisherman to u.k. Waters and they want access to the u.k. Labor markets as well for their workers so you may say bye bye in the end of January if that comes to pass and you'll say hello again to the issue. You and when it comes to trade negotiations I'm going to Schumer's in those negotiations the future on trade deals around the world but other countries might bring migration in that you are saying some things actually in return for other elements of it and we'll know when think of the low paid international global football players rights Nigel Farage party ought to be no know about what they are and aren't doing in this election Chris so they half saying that they aren't going to stand in those seats that the conservatives won last time but they are going to start elsewhere subject to potentially the old local kind of deciding that they don't like you know that we will find out pretty soon when we have the full grid of who is standing where Let's take a listen to Nigel Farage we've seen him 3 and a half years now of former Prime Ministers the Labor Party Bill liberal Democrats actually saying that they want to effectively overturn the greatest democratic exercise in the history of our nation when I mean I'm going to stand up I'm going to fight labor every sea in this country down. The curious and curiosity here is that there was kind of a logic to the party saying we're going to start everywhere because we think the Boris Johnson broke the deal is rubbish and that kind of be a logic to saying well we're not going to stand hardly anywhere because Boris Johnson needs to get a majority in order for Britain to be delivered and there concluding position seems to say awkwardly halfway between those 2 Yeah very irritatingly for the conservatives you know I mean Mississippi sensibly this week if he really wants to get press it down why isn't he pulling out those marginal seats and you know all the candidates list goes today I would not be surprised if some more aggressive party candidates actually stood dang in the next couple of weeks and I think you know Nigel Farage is cross I think he's really really cross and I think also the Brits the party are disappointed because just a couple of months ago they were promising to shake up the whole system to completely transform everything Remember they came 1st in the European elections but where we are at the moment in this general election campaign. As the great Professor Sir John all the bells and whistles Curtis said Today Show me a seat where actually looks like the Brits a party might win to paraphrase Can I just ask something that considering that a lot of people who move towards Ukip or the bricks at party are former Labor voters if people are turning away from the backs of policy as polls are suggesting at the moment all those people even if they voted leave or in favor of Bracks are they likely to go to the conservatives or are they more likely to go back to their original home labor I mean how how can one know which way they go if they leave is curious isn't it Laura because on the 100 will far she's been making a big play in the last few days about how dangerous he can be to labor on the other hand a lot of number crunching that's been done by people in the past around those have suggested that that party and before them you kept more votes from the Conservatives and the did for labor and then on the opinion poll point the curiosity is that some of these opinion polls were when it looked like they were going to be standing about your party everywhere in England Scotland Wales pretty much and over the last few days of course we've learnt about is going to be the case here would how much you can actually read into that and it's not even more complicated because you've got the Unite to remain there alliance of remaining parties which is like Comrie greens lots of debate about whether that makes any difference whatsoever and then of course you've got these individual races where there's high profile people who might be standing as independents and then you've got people from the parties who have done deals only not to deals then there are some of their projected people standing as independents so the arrows actually kind of going all over the place and at last Laura and I realize what you mean it's about 650 different elections or maybe 540 different elections Yeah exactly I mean that is why all of that is what makes this election completely fascinating completely unpredictable and very very very hard to read that said it is clear that more Levis tends to sort of the Brits a party is more likely to take votes from conservatives. Sending voters than from Labor voters but we know it's absolutely essential to the Tory strategy is to try to get those hacked off disgruntled Labor leaders in places like. Parts of the Midlands and parts of the northeast that's their target that's who they're going after and that's the gamble because you know in number 10 and in Tory h.q. They reckon that we might be living through this big alignment where people identify more lever says remain than they did Tory Labor Blimey a sick ambles a huge one right let's get another break the castors question I've a feeling this one is a bit speculative and looking into the future Hi guys My name's is a I'm 20 I'm from has failed question my question is if there is no is a hung parliament the Conservatives as the largest party would partnering with the d b much harder because they're strongly against Christians say oh thank you by the way I think you guys are amazing. Thank you it's always good to sort of hard question though it's a hard question which I'm going to start by saying honey but it sounds like you had to you had it inside that it was coming and that kind of question that was coming out then was cheating I think my answer to that I mean obviously it's hugely speculative isn't it but I mean wouldn't be virtually impossible for a Tory Party government with I majority to do a deal again with the d.p. When the d.p. Was so unhappy about what happened to the Arnold protocol in the patrol agreement there really isn't going to gain of it or try to yeah I'm Laura Ok virtually all right I was going to say yeah very strange occurrence situation to be virtually impossible for that to team up again yet because unless Boris Johnson said Ok I will undo the deal that I just want to let the matter Brosnan go back to Brussels with Eileen Foster So I think it's pretty tricky there's a lot about feeding there too but you know never say never in this process never say never to anything I told never said. Never to screaming and such making a comeback and sweep it all before you know who we might never hear from again or certainly not in this forum Donald Tusk president of the European Council he did a big speech in Bruges last night which is his last set piece speech before he leaves the Europa building in Brussels at the end of this month things become you have. People start to think flow so the only words that come to my mind are simply to give up. In this message we heard. Extra time perhaps it will even go to Pelosi. Some more football yes yes almost like he knew what we were starting the podcast with tonight there was the don't get we won't sing Don't give up of course but don't know had seemed that he had sort of given up hope men but you know clearly hasn't he also then went on again about staying with football how after Bret said he said the u.k. Would become a 2nd rate player and he didn't just leave that in his own words he said you know I've had that when I've gone to India and listen to a whole load of of other countries as well but just just to say that Donald her skin his parting words he doesn't just give it back so he had the good old go Emmanuel McCall as well so go all the way through the speech yeah what was he saying about what was he saying about the French president that. This is this is probably another cost for these for the considering that we've got so much to talk about but put it this way don't want to polish and France in Poland have got very different ideas on defense relations with NATO relations with Russia at the moment and how to approach to me Putin so I mean that is Wednesday night but tonight on Thursday night as we were recording this we've got a bit of breaking news about the absent visible u.k. Nominee to be the next commissioner That's right because because at the last summit of e.u. Leaders the u.k. Agreed to a communique which said that the u.k. Would have to nominate a new commissioner if it was still in the block and even if the u.k. Were to leave in the 31st of January we are supposed to say look this is our suggestion for a new commissioner why is this because John Clune Juncker is about to leave and you're about to have a brand new commission and the u.k. Space have another commission and now Boris Johnson said you can't do that because we're in the middle of an election campaign but the European Commission who call themselves the guardians of the laws and they are. You know so it's you know trumps u.k. Law and therefore you do need to give us a commission and yet so it's going to get legal and more there's more than a smidgen of politics in all of this because from the government's perspective of course the still is the government the conservatives want to be able to say well we're going to be shot of this lot fairly soon so why would we want to send a commissioner and can kind of hide behind this thing about her during an election campaign and say look this is a political appointment and want to be terribly wrong of us to send out a political appointee because who knows we might lose the election and will be up to the next government to decide what exactly and I think you know Boris Johnson said We will never send a commissioner So politically he wants to stick to that promise what they say I don't get about it is that the cabinet guidelines that say in black and white page $36.00 paragraph 10 I think it does say really clearly the u.k. Rules say we shouldn't do it during an election period and as I understand it other countries have also made a similar decision in years gone by the thing I don't get is why it took so long either for the u.k. To find that convenient rule or for the e.u. To say oh right Ok so I don't really know other than maybe both sides wanted to have a bit of a ram amount but it is it is interesting and what it does take you to also is that well which is more important the u. K. Law is you can't do this by u.k. Government regulation or the e.u. Law no you don't stop before we can answer that freezes the whole of the e.u. Treaty say but that's something for the courts to fight. It's Ok Larry. Very literally that we have today only having only met the Brussels crowd I know that Laura we have no humor but this is also I think partly the incoming commission they're embarrassed Anyway it's not just about the u.k. The fact that they delayed in taking that position as we know old sorts of embarrassments and goodness and complications around different countries commissions including France so yes I think there's an element of theater and the commission would be able to work without the u.k. And by the way the. Has been treaty looked at narrowing down the number of commissioners Anyway 2 thirds of the number even though I will go into the Lower House why that's not. I don't know I'm nervous because you're wielding a 4 piece of pipe and shielding it from the cause. So this is a bridge based on your of Donald valedictory speech in that beautiful Belgian canal filter teacher so right thinking hats on can I just say before we all I know about Bruce is that I went there once for a weekend and I had strawberry beer and it was a big mistake. For. The Venice of Belgium right so it's not it's not a trivia quiz this is how it's going to work I'm going to give you a series of quotes you have to tell whether they're from Donald Bruce speech last night Margaret Thatcher's Bruce speech from 1988 or the film In Bruges. So here's the practice here's the 1st this is just this is not for any points Here's the quote a great day this is turned out to be I'm suicidal make tries to kill me a gun gets nicked I'm a still in. The sense of manufacture yet your final answer. It's about this trail not a bell nothing else corrects Ok so that one was just for fun but you've got the spirit of the right here's the next it's going to be. It's like inviting gang can to speak on the virtues of peaceful coexistence. But if you just do all 3 you're going to get our and well that's the way to work it was to really answer Margaret Thatcher 980. Years ago here's a quote is it to score in bridge. Lore this one's for you. After all even the Germans are sometimes right. To us actually Fasher it must be. Know it was done all to school last night but. This is going very well here's the last one in the in the British quiz so is this Margaret Thatcher done to us or the film in British That's one thing I like about Europe though you don't have to learn and their languages. You. Wouldn't be if you said I would say that you're. Wrong it's from embrace your clothes there's a reason you know yeah but without the food lot of times well that was just for fun I just tell you yes please. Just to salvage to salvage my quiz reputation I'd like to say that me and my crew in this van today got everything right apart from one on Pop muster this morning as we were driving I think you know that isn't a good thing working hard today than that's what everyone says they were that brings up the day after. And I have a quick going to make important point to make I think about big fail about Big fail fail Hogan he's going to be the commission of the trade in the incoming commission he's from Island very outspoken seen as a tough guy he said something yesterday to r.t.e. That on the one hand help Boris Johnson on the other didn't really say he said listen you know we could definitely start free trade negotiations by some Patrick's Day He said you know and yes it could be conducted really quickly because you know we've got so much in common already with the rules and regulations so big tech for Boris Johnson they're less good for him he just said he then added breezily because of course the u.k. Would be signing up to you know e.u. Norms and regulations because you know u.k. Voters wouldn't want to sort of you know reduce their rights and everything so of course that's not necessarily about what Boris Johnson does want to do because remember all that talk about leveling level playing fields and so on you cannot do a quick trade deal when the devil will be in all of the details I mean realistically speaking before we clear off let's do that traditional thing of looking ahead and oh sorry Ok I think we've lost the car park has given up on you I think I've lost myself by now. Bobbie but next week is manifesto week next week big one. So I can wear a manifesto it's like you know what it's like to but it's just equivalence of sort of Strictly is never there so you know next week is how do we you know I think what our week it's Monday if I'm sorry yeah we should because even if you don't quite fit Islam I would say you know she getting into the detail and underlining but I. About immigration like I was going to start other thing is happening in the very near future on Saturday will see Task Force 50 the European Commission's negotiating team become the u.k. Task force focused on the negotiations for the future relationship weirdly starting on a Saturday but also I want to subsidize the labor getting together to actually know that I was in there about a Fastow proper meeting where they have to noble but i'm could be interesting to hear what knowledge is off there are in terms of priorities that's the close 5 meeting it's called is that some get used to this domestic politics. And they also want to I think we very possibly very soon may find out since we talked about the commission that will see the year out with us rather than handing over to the new commissioner with the new u.k. Commitment no not another 8 it's already being extended my friend all of the other one yes there was space to have started on the 1st of November so I'm taking that can down the road I don't nearly all of those days you'll be able to listen to it fresh up sort of election cast which is our almost daily podcast about the thrills and spills from the election campaign and just one other future date you mentioned Patrick's Day Hogan the trade commissioner coming in and talking about that as a sort of point to aim for some progress to say this is a. Jab. Like Rabbi such. A. Cool. We. Could definitely use a fine fine or a James Labor is promising free ultrafast broadband to every home and business in the u.k. By 2030 if it wins the general election the posse would nationalize pos of b.c. To deliver the pledge and cover some of the $20000000000.00 pound cost with a tax some big Internet companies the industry body tech you can. Has said Labor's proposal would be a disaster for the telecom sector and the customers it's. The Liberal Democrats said they would spend an extra 100000000000 pounds on tackling climate change over the next 5 years the party wants to make Britain the world leader in offshore wind energy in tidal power the conservatives are promising to help struggling high streets with support for small retailers and pubs 500000000 pounds also bring him out to reopen rel while lines to connect isolated communities to biggest cities. The breaks it passes accuse the conservatives of trying to intimidate its candidates into standing down because of party has described the allegations as completely unfounded but appearing on yesterday's evening's Question Time programme on b.b.c. One the party m.e.p. Alex Phillips insisted Tory party officials were acting like overlords there has been an operation coming out of c.c. H.q. Coming out of 10 Downing Street what is under the Tory tree this Christmas is it's a peerage is it penance have you been naughty or had he been nice they have been interfering in our selection of candidates are placing of candidates they've been incentivizing people to step down it has been interference on an industrial scale it's estimated almost 2400 young people could be homeless or at risk of homelessness in the southwest this Christmas according to the charity Centrepoint the organization has gathered data from local councils to work out how many 16 to 25 year olds it thinks will ask local authorities for help with housing between now and January Centrepoint says for many finding somewhere safe to spend the festivities will be rife with dangerous and impossible choices 2 students have been killed in a school shooting in America 3 others were seriously wounded when a boy opened fire with a semiautomatic pistol on his 16th birthday in the Californian town of Santa Clara he said he shot himself in the head but survived this student escaped unhurt. Absolutely terrified my friends were Ok trying to reach my mom but. I was God. And it's b.b.c. Children in need and they see as the man is to get together so we've brought together 2 young people who both involved in different ways Danielle and Damon Danielle has been fundraising for the charity since she was 6 years old and Damon has been benefiting from children in need since he was 62 they must sit in the illuminated gardens of Dartington home it's been such a crazy experience I loved it so much and it's so great to finally see what differences I told like changes that I made from. I will have more.