I've been warned they'll be suspended from the parliamentary party and will be able to stand as conservatives in the next general election M.P.'s of her return to Parliament tomorrow there are plans for a cross party group to introduce legislation to stop the U.K. Leaving the E.U. Without a deal one Tory rebel who backs the plan David Gork urged his colleagues to stay strong there are many Conservative M.P.'s who voted against the government line on European matters relatively recently and they're now serving around the Cabinet table it's obviously a sickly confrontational approach and I think designed frankly to realign the Conservative Party to transform the Conservative Party very much in the direction of a party the small in Germany corners found to resist moves by the government to suspend parliament in a speech in Seoul for he said this week could be the last chance for M.P.'s to stop or no deal breaks it they are of mental health incidents dealt with by the police across the U.K. Is increased by more than a quarter in 4 years research conducted by the B.B.C. Has shown that incidents rose by more than 100000 to almost 495000 last year police chiefs say responding to mental health incidents cuts back on the time officers have to spend on fighting crime the International Red Cross says hurrican Dorrian has destroyed or severely damaged up to 13000 homes it said shelter clean water and medical supplies are urgently needed in the a bike O. Islands. And then man who run an underground cannabis factory has been jailed for 6 years and 3 months 40 year old Daniel Palmer from pet rock star was found guilty after a trial in August when police raided Palmer's farm they cease to drugs with a retail value of almost 400000 pounds. There's evidence that some bird species which used to be more common in Devon are on the decline particularly because of climate change the British trust for all of college years analyzed decades worth of data says that species like the cuckoo in the willow warbler are almost among those affected change peers Higgins's from the B.T.O. Species like earlier golden plover you know they're being it negatively impacted by warmer temperatures among other things we're saying you know the bird communities around us reshuffling as a result of the changes that you know that we see species shifting their distribution at a pace of $33.00 or more kilometers a year. You know these impacts are real others mourn that story on inside out to us on B.B.C. One the seeding at half past 7 and the Exodus chiefs are forming a professional women's side with the aim of taking part in the Premier League Premier fifteen's league that's in the 2021 season. Former England international Susie Appleby has been named as head coach and she will be assisted by Amy Garnett who played more than 100 times for a country that's news on the sport now let's take a look at the weather forecast well some isolated showers and some spells of sunshine the softening but it will build at times talk temperatures of 900 Celsius and times of the next high water in Tokyo at 935 the sea evening and 913. And that start off in Plymouth Pike road is partially blocked by accident last between old Lera road and military road in Newton Popple foot on the A 3 o 5 to high street there are temperature starts for roadworks in Holland and there are temperate traffic lights and road works at the junction of High Street and street so expect allays there Tim with children ferry is running until 6 o'clock no problems at the airport but on the train Southwest and row is operating a reduced service across the network due to industrial action and there are supplementary buses running between Hans and Exeter today traffic is flowing well on the same as around a 15 minute wait with 2 ferries running between different ports and toll points and if you have a travel story that we're not talking about give us a call 112829. Because A. Once again to Maidstone speciate just outside etc Also taking a look at something which. I'm going to enjoy it's a brand new film starring at Timothy's bowl and it's the life of. Love is not if you call that out many people many people would say. Is in the mind of the behold when the eye of the beholder well the mind as well. We'll catch up with the director of the film it's a fascinating project and I'll explain something just before we go into it. And it's quite it's quite interesting the way that I've treated this interview mainly because I obviously don't like the mother LS Larry's mother she kept putting him down she kept on questioning why he was doing what he was doing and it was rather a overriding moment but that will become more noticeable when we do the interview in a few moments time it's working lunch. So . So I'm. Just about to sail on I'm alone by herself but it's not it's a long miles and a run away. Wonderful voice. Just coming up to 1214. Brass band playing. And I don't believe they do have a brass band joke we've all. Been trying for a working lunch. I'll go nose around various. Companies talk to the people if you'd like to nominate your particular company go to school. 101034 this is behind the glass or you can email me fits B B C dot co dot U.K. . We started a new workplace last week we continue where we're at the full body R.S. P.C.A. Animal center in Exeter. I was being shown round I got nibbled by a micro ferret I met some wonderful people I'm Jennifer Andrew and 9 McKesson I basically look up spend time with them to have checks cleaning and get them up for ready for the potential people to give them a nice How do you any idea how many accounts. Got here at the moment quite a lot we're pretty forward the moment we've got one Catarina here for a real homing and we've got a never cattery next door intake and then we've got a never smaller cattery of isolation for our poorly. We're pretty foreign cats at the moment please tell me I'm not cancer home I have to yeah. Yeah I've been told by my part not to spring any more home which is hard it's hard I mean look at the little faces staring out at the glass at the moment we've got most Horace's made a great impression on me already he's 50 horses an absolute sweetheart he describes attention soon as you go in they just want to sit on your lap straight away very very sweet boy so your working day what you do here I mean you don't feed them all to yourself Well we start work a half a and we get in and we feed them and then we do cleaning and then we spend time with the we disinfect. We talked of public things like that and little bits and bobs like vaccinations or anything and he's doing we just do it but it's awfully nice to spend time the cat. They get used to us things I'm assuming the public can't come here without a proper. Appointment just they can't just wondering No unfortunately we don't know members of Publix or especially for the dogs who don't wander around the kennels and things but when the publics do come in the fill out a form and we match the form with the correct cat and then we take them up and then we go through every think with them and then we do let the meat the cat if it is rethink their suitable for that cat and then we go through paperwork and things like that so it is all checked from start to finish that whoever is going to adopt these little creatures they get a proper home yes we do do home visits and things just to make sure that the home is adequate and things for the animal most. Just to make sure they have a big enough garden. No other animals and things like that she brought behind George so I was a bit distracted you could a little torture show who's this. Yes she was among. The just squeaking at me through the glass. Interesting to talk yes some people but not the right people for her. She's quite an independent. Thing so I playfully likes to wander off. And yes she's very very very very playful thank you for showing me around today it was one track we can play for you what would you like and share in place. Here and yes. A conversation with. Some. Reason. Coming. Up with. Something. We came we became we go in now on the 1st day you and me that you can. Play with. Our entire family do in the. Evening and the Taxi taxi tell the government. Again I'm not. Sure. If somebody like me come and see me. To. The least. In the coming. Week coming. In to see. Him play. If you want him to. Come up she's like he needs to learn something in. Common with me. And with. Me. And. With some. Yes later on we'll be talking to Adrian noble a living nominated director about a brand new film called Mrs Loraine son and. He has put his heart and soul into this film obviously it is a story that revolves around LS Larry a man who he stalked soul food. And his art I don't know most people don't take it seriously but if you look at it and study it and look at it again there is such movement and life and passion there and also. How can I put this a commercial dreariness which seemed to wash over the man himself will talk to Adrian all about this in a few moments time we're going to get traffic and travel underway in a few moments as well. Because in the woods with the kids the scenery. The fact is that you can still do everything you really want to I like the ultimate is the ultimate challenge us think is the run up to Christmas getting ready for the kids to spray tummy for the kids I like the definite. See. Also I mean Dad B.B.C. Radio dad. And the leaves are coming down already I've noticed I went out of the garden at the weekend I was wrenching up I would call it by was it by meet someone dying I'm waiting it was everywhere not just let it grow far too much but I notice that as I sat there things whistling past me head fluttering for the breeze Yes autumn is on the way and if I have that trail which That's what we call it that's a trail a tease if I have it once more with the word terrorist mess and it. Is going to be Oh. Plug. Iloveyou. All right who were they only on the cover can you remember I'm just taking a look I think it's Parkinson Kenny Lynch James Coburn Clement Freud Christopher Lee and John Conti 123-4567 are obviously McCartney and and Linda Yeah I think I'm right. It gets confusing at this time I need a nap. We a loser. You know as much as I read on this particular story of the cover of Band On The Run it was taken in Austin. $8091.00 of the studios down that I'm just looking at the top of the cover it was taken by Clive Aerosmith band on the run of history it is Poland are in Denny Laine and Parkinson Lynch Coburn Freud Lee and Conti but not on any point talk and even tell you the type of film it was used it doesn't say why why the 6 people. How. CCMA da Devon travel news. First question of violence introduce or interview simple McCartney that's going to be the 1st question South Side Street is closed from voxel street for repairs to the cobbles Now that was some time ago that like it's going ahead you can pop over to High Street temporarily while this temporary traffic lights for road works that's the A 3 o 5 to say there are some delays. In temperature finance roadworks junction of high street doll street no problems to report at the airports on the train southwest around why are operating a reduced service across the network due to industrial action and supplementary buses have been provided traffic following well to Marbridge yeah that's fine 15 minute wait to. Ferries running between old and 12 point He painted. That still absolute dogs. As the song inspired by Alice Lowery but that song and. May never have existed had his mother had a 1920 foot in the super flowery tried her best of the suede her song from pursuing his artistic ambitions now this has become quite relevant when it comes when you listen to the interview here because not at any point because I've got this sort of I don't know is this disc like for the woman I don't even mention that the mother was betrayed in the film and obviously it stars Vanessa Redgrave Have a listen to this the relationship is the focus of the new film Mrs Larry and son with Redgrave and Timothy Spall as Lowry and a little earlier on I spoke to the a living I nominated director Adrian Noble I asked him if like me did he love Larry's work well I learned to love the artists I knew Alice Lowery before I made. Movie but of course making a film like this and spending if you like months and months in his company you used start to appreciate him on all sorts of different levels you know on the one hand you know there's that there's the matchstick manager transaction cetera. But but but slowly you appreciate the fact that he had a unique vision that's invented it's never never been repeated actually and opened out a love of a love of soul for the Manchester and industrial landscape to the whole to the whole world action I think it's a it's a marvelous achievement where does the story take us where does the story start on this man the story starts in the 1930 S. After his father's death when his mother took to her bed and stayed there till the tears she died and it takes place in a 2 up 2 down in Pendlebury in Manchester and suffered and it tells the story of why effectively and abusive relationship this is Lowry loathed his work thought that it was. Not not not trivial but what it did is who it reminded her of the fact that she was stuck in a 2 up 2 down that she was stuck in the working class when she wanted. A life in the middle life of culture if you like in the middle class so it takes place in in the thirty's and it and it tells this extraordinary moving and very funny story of the great artist Laurie Lowery and his mother he shot that life he shunned the awards the accolades of didn't even turn down a knighthood himself. He turned on the night had several times and he turned to God the other gongs the O.B.E. Is in the Seabees and all of that and he said the last time he was off for the night he said since Mom My mother died the didn't seem any point because there was nobody to share it with so he had this this intense love for his mother even though she shit without that if our hold. And it was rather moving really I think Good bye then of course he was you know fated and was very well known and his pictures were selling for constant rable sums of money and she would have loved all of that but but but never saw any of it you know I've told the story on air before I was walking as a very young man through acceptor and I saw a print signed by Ellis Larry and one of the post to shops and a half from thought I should have bought it but then again I I saw a story any about 20 years ago he was rather abused later on in life where you know the agent said just sign these 50 sheets please and just sign these 20 prints and it was a real money making machine on the man's life well I. There's an aspect to Lowry of the innocent I mean we're in a way now it's hard to believe now that a painter of his talent and of. And of the for the for Couldn't ditty of his how to put under the painting could not be recognized until his 9th into his fifty's it's almost unbelievable nowadays you know but then for somebody in in Sulphur it who was a rent collector by day. It away doesn't it wasn't extra extraordinary but and so in a way he was sort of an innocent at large and the charming thing is he kept that innocence I think until that till the day he died he had few friends but close friends he never married he never had that we know of any relationships. And he. And as I say he lived he lived with his mom. And you know as soon as I saw the name Timothy Spall I thought No that's that's not going to work and then I've just seen one of the press photographs and the face is perfect the the dress is perfect the the rather haggard I've not been I and lately look at it and I think oh I mean yeah I mean I tell you brilliant and the the wall is perfect as well there I want to do clips of our walking around man just pointing out that it was shot in the 1950 S. And Tim told me that he would watch those clips of the real the real guy he said like dozens of times and you can see it's a color or not funny mixture of a constantly image of a stride in the shuffle and he had a habit it beautifully absolutely absolutely extraordinary which is why he delivers I think one of the great performances of obvious career one of the great films this year certainly I look forward to seeing this even for that walk alone because I've seen I can just remember and it was a documentary about the painting combination street. And I just saw that rather shuffling please ignore me walk does it does that make sense it makes Toad it makes total sense that. He he was a modest man and he in trusting me enough than this I think he inherited from his mother he was quite quite a stubborn man because you know I think you'd have to be quite stubborn to keep painting. When fifty's when when you have no recognition whatsoever when the few times you do exhibit a painting in the in the local academy Summer Exhibition you get here you get dismissed as being an insult to the people of Lancashire incompetent but he kept going he kept at it and he had a 10 hour city that I think is that you get with the with the with that with the true artist and I think that's a I mean thank God that that was the case because we because there are many many Lowery's now that that he created and I have to let you go I look forward to seeing Mr AT sorry Mr I look forward to seeing Mrs Lowry and son now there's a Friday and slipped the mother's affecting me now Absolutely and it's and it's Vanessa Redgrave we're talking about here so what we don't know Tara do apologize yes a big cheese as they say. It on what do you all flat out. Tell us all about your wife and all of them song but through you know that not all of the nattering. Made me to. My. Feet tell me. Now I'll resign the hall. Beside the great tits dome. I mean even the moment Liza takes a bomb. This tie at home with their life sing song all the kids time to call the pre-book a name on the little lot to use mom. And me. While the film is out my. Mind it was released on Friday. And my thanks once again to Adrianople to write up of Mrs Lowery and song and I just found my fascinating article on one of the B.B.C. Websites are trying to have a couple looks live remote. Would've been LS Larry's house ask her verb have changed it quite considerably but where he painted in the attic they have left and whether you like his odd sort of way you think no just too childish. He had a life which was dominated by his mother it's going to be a fascinating film Vanessa Redgrave intimate Timothy Spall and just problem to the cinema see what you think and I think they've captured it beautifully it was a little grim a little grim to say the least now it's our featured artist of the week Pink Floyd and there's one reason I'll tell you in a few moments why we're going to have 5 classic tracks from froid. It's. A. Mile. A. Minute. Goal. I. Told. You. A. Leg. Of the 6 of September 1943. Raja was. Marking his birthday all this way. And it's very odd to say that a member of pink. Well it will be 76 and I don't think was the guy you picked for do you know can you find out why they chose being for your point. If you're playing them all week which is something to to relish and look forward to but yeah I'd like to know why they picked a night rather than why they chose those particular 6 people for the front cover of band on the run and how they got together and it's a really odd collection to say the least but. The only reason I can see there was one of the drummers What's that McCartney and Linda were actually flushed out of a hotel once by by the police by mistake and they got caught in the searchlights that would make a great cover for. The way what is on the program well we're going to talk about this incidence of homophobic abuse at Plymouth Argyle at the weekend it's rippin reported to kick it out which is an organization aiming to stamp out not just homophobic abuse but racist abuse gender sexuality will all kinds of things anything that people will get abused for in a just a horrible way and I'm it's just beyond me why this is still happening so I'd like to know from you is this something that's been happening to you is this something that you notice how do you feel if people just shout stuff maybe in the street or at a sports much or any to what did you do about it because I know the people that reported it in the stand when it was going on said they felt they couldn't intervene. Because it would have just turned around on them so I want to know why people think it's OK to still do this in this day and age to just shout a make people uncomfortable about differences which is really what's at the heart of it isn't there so any abuse that you have suffered verbal or physical I guess for your race your gender the sex. See anything like that I'd like to hear about it and what you think we should do about it and teachers salaries are going up start to teach salary going up about 6 grand to 30000 which she says a decent amount of money but is it going to solve the teacher shortage I'd like to know if you teach now or teach in the past how it's changed over the years why you think young people are going into teaching whether you think the money is the issue or whether she's other things like all stat in the amounts of work the workload cheering the turn time and if you're a parent or grandparent what he think about the quality of the teachers in your children or grandchildren school no 9. Fingerpointing place but in general what do you think are the right people going into teaching can they do a good job are they hampered by all the paperwork and extra hours I'd like to know Oh wait wait one $1134.00 lines all open Syd Barrett I relate collected jazz musician records including those of pink Anderson and Floyd counsel and that is why they are paying for which could have been worse it could have been Louis Armstrong and Glen Miller and that would be Armstrong Miller. I mean the copyright issue there are. Bizarrely just that we get to blues musicians that influenced Syd Barrett. James by the way the Holly Story Travolta the 7th of September thank you for your inquiry that Christopher we got from that in the anybody noticed now think. Tomorrow's show oh things that will be a tomorrow show there will be Susan Penn Halligan with a mousetrap at the moment coming to Princess Theater took a week today I think she should be there in and around the 16th of September of just dug myself a pit there because I believe that would have been the birth Erica Christy. Did you know Susan pan Halligan was very nearly Demelza the 1st time around him really and therefore I think possibly the only Cornish person actually in the protests. So yeah that's going to great. Amongst other things yes and they will once again return to a big bounce up it's called fighting fit and the score to be 28 that's not bad at all actually right from the start brand new call of this morning which was Colleen Collins and King move. Because well because while what I'm Pike almost there. It was pitched out of B.B.C. South to South Africa to have a big radio. Devon's news at one I'm Abbie DAVIES There's increasing speculation this lunchtime that Boris Johnson is considering calling an early general election in a matter of days B.B.C. News understands there is a real possibility the prime minister might propose a motion this week asking M.P.'s to vote for an election it's understood that the cabinet will discuss this idea this afternoon and Pais will return to the Commons tomorrow when a cross party group will attempt to introduce legislation to prevent Britain leaving the E.U. Without a deal on the 31st of October our political editor Laura cousin Burke has the latest on what's being seen as a game of political brinkmanship sources suggested to me that is very real very live conversations happening at the moment about whether or not the government should ask in peace to back the idea of having an election in the next 72 hours so what might be spelt out is that the government would basically say it's rebels not only were you gives rise to Devin's most famous phrase I mean Uncle trouble from Kabul you know becomes Devon's anthem but it was sung as far north as Cumbria and as far east as Essex even the caller saying it. And there's evidence that some bird species which used to be more common in Devon are on the decline because of top climate change the British Trust for Thirdly Authen or phonology has analyzed decades worth of data and says that species like the cocoa and Willow warbler are among those affected James Pierce Higgins is from the P.T.O. It is like early golden plover you know they're being negatively impacted by warmer temperatures among other things we're saying you know the bird communities around us reshuffling as a result of the changes that you know that we say which is a shifting their distribution at a pace of $33.00 or more kilometers a year. You know these impacts are real and there's more on this story on inside out this evening at 730 on B.B.C. One and here a Devon pub has been named U.K. Pub of the year and the great to British pub awards of 2019 the court in located close to top nest took the title winners wearing categories from the best beer best for family best pub garden and best food sport now Exeter Chiefs are forming a professional women's side with the aim of taking part in the Premier fifteen's League for the 202021 season former England international Susie Appleby has been named as head coach and will be assisted by Amy Garnett who played more than 100 times for her country where the now they'll be some isolated showers and spells of sunshine but cloud will base 3 tax records already starting moment with the right to email jam instead B.B.C. Dot com The T K. Picture the scene you go to enjoy a football match ready to cheer your team on only to hear the worst kind of homophobic abuse being sung from the start not only that but it's coming from your supporters as well well that's what happened with Plymouth Argyle this weekend as the founder of the club's L.G. BT fan group was forced to publicly condemn numerous incidents of homophobic chanting made by Argyle supporters during Saturday's loss at Northampton just merely is the presenter of the B.B.C.'s L.G. BT Sport.

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