To convert the remaining 18 miles of the I 66 to a dual carriageway between Penrith and Scott Kona the preferred rate of the new road is due to be announced next spring. Weather tonight it'll stay wet with further outbreaks of rain heavy at times winds will fall and it'll turn cold at with a low of 0 to $3.00 Celsius than tomorrow starting with heavy rain but clearing a steward's to allow a dry afternoon with some sunny spells it will still feel cold with a high of between 6 and 9 Celsius the early yellow warning of rainfall that England has been changed so it doesn't now include Cumbria b.b.c. Radio Cumbria news. And information on. 21. Speak that. May yet come Brianna thanks. Simon Yaxley. Robert Miles and Maria and one of the one of from this particular time tunnel e a you're a better person than I am if you can keep up to date with the the the charts this particular year and this week and on this very day there were 25 going down 13 new entries one on mover and one re entry on the chart and Robert Miles was doing his thing in this year as well alongside Marine One and one and one very good afternoon she this is the time tunnel what was big what was going on in this year well I can tell you that it was the phrase It was all about Cool Britannia this phrase began to appear in the British press shortly after Newsweek declared London to be the coolest capital city on the planet. What else was going on in this particular year mobile phones became fashion accessories for all in this time tunnel here they were bulky there was no s.m.s. And reception wasn't brilliant but at least now you could call a taxi from the pub without having to take out a 2nd mortgage what year are we going back to can you answer me this time tunnel teaser in Brody teamed up with a deal in Skinner in this time tunnel year to form the 3 Lions but which group is Ian Brody best known for. Ian Brody teamed up with a deal and Skinner in this time from the form the 3 lines but which group is Brody best known for maybe we've given you a clue to the answer of the year there as well possibly 0800 trouble $14950.00 on the phone tower taking your calls for the next hour or so 813 double 3 on the text message or the word Cumbria text charged the standard message rate or you can e-mail us at b.b.c. Doco to u.k. And if you're tweeting it's Act b b c underscore Cumbria remember that no mover I was telling you about on the charts from this day this week in our top time time of year when it was this one from baby . Hands up who was singing the gormless to that gorgeous song from babyhood Yes I was it was me that's here it's me I did a governor it was me from a time tunnel here but which year are we going back to can you answer me our time tunnel teaser please embody teamed up with the beetle big deal and Skinner in this time tunnel eat to form the 3 Lions but which group a group. Which group is Ian Brody best known for its move on stack trainers were about I never heard of these apparently they gave short men. Shortening groaned when Winstock trainers came out because as well as stilettos they were replaced with another height nightmare the stock trainers blame the Spice Girls couldn't possibly running to this decade what platform shoes were to the seventy's yeah they weren't a good look to be honest what else was going on in this time tunnel on the toy front tumor Ada was out yes a shoot up computer game starring an impossibly buxom baby and in the tank top it says here I didn't write this I'm just remain out the original 2 narrator adventure game sold over 3000000 copies spawn 4 sequels and a movie starring actress Angelina Jolie. But what's the time Talia we're going back to and yeah we mention the spice girls about their platform shoes and platform trainers and stuff like that in the July of this time tunnel yet the Spice Girls went to number one they were there for 7 weeks with their debut single wannabe. Which many predicted and hoped would be a one hit wonder in fact it heralded the start of girl power a host of one of the spices emerged in the form of Bewitched Atomic Kitten and girl thing. Somebody who was above all that was. Just going on and on. It's another sting and the police. Were gone the minute I'm off to fill yet let's do another call just keep going off you just keep saying. How . Yet that's all she did basically Don Louis bless her and I love you always forever what's the year we're going back to today can you tell us. Can you answer me this time tunnel teaser as well in Brody teamed up with a deal and Skinner in this time tunnel year to form the 3 Lions but from which group is in Brody best known for. See I'm just trying to save the big juicy clues for later because you know that's going to give it away Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet was out in the big screen in this year directed by bad Learmonth who created a radically updated West Side Story version of the classic which gave Leonardo Dicaprio his 1st real taste of the limelight that was in the share what else have we got I can tell you about oh yes on the telly on the telly box on the small screen this life was on a group of attractive badly behaved lawyers lived in a posh house in London and spent their time in gauged in emotional crises. It was a British 30 something friends Allie McBeal all rolled into one this life was on the telly and also t.f. I Friday was on the small telly box as well in the market unscripted ramble for new laddishness and celebrity gossip with a supernatural ability to feature stars just as they were at their hottest t.f. I shut up shop at the end of 2000 but what year are we going back to on the soft against time tunnel we will be back with more great tunes from this year so we're looking for your answers we're looking for your time tunnel Yeah we're also looking for the answer to this time tunnel teaser teamed up with the deal and Skinner in this time tunnel here to form the 3 Lions but which group is best known for over 800 trouble 14950 on the phone speak to Harry this afternoon 0800 trouble 14950 if you're texting it's 813 double for a start message with the word Cumbria you text chance to standard message rate you can email me Simon dot com b.b.c. Doco to u.k. Or tweet us at b.b.c. Underscore Cumbria The Late Show. I see your bias from yet another vertical is. Going to suggest a song for you. Just to explain in case you've. Seen the Sheema for he is called as most. The ground is anybody who has the whole of Christmas central heating all the running water he just says it as he sees it. Monday to Thursday nights from 10 on your local b.b.c. Radio Cumbria. Just ignore it. If you like to treat this it's that b.b.c. Under school Cumbria. Space and female of the species right time for the big players in this particular time tell me if you struggling days will give it away here on the big screen we're watching Toy Story a film about. Would be a pull string cowboy and his favorite toy that is until Buzz Lightyear high tech space ranger comes along with his annoying catchphrase true Inferno you understand where we're going with that one this computer animated film had a small animation stuff the smallest actually that used in a decent feature I don't think that's probably the case now what we up to now to a story for now me anyway it was because of the mind boggling scale of the project each week of production produced only 3 and a half minutes of film did you know it took 9 months 9 months just to shade Andy's hair Reed. Trainspotting was also big on the big screen in this year Irvin washes coats novel about Edinburgh junkies brought to the screen with a pre Star Wars Ewan McGregor also launched the career robot full monty Carlisle and helped set in ensuring trend for lads to wear very short cropped hair. And new order almost succeeded with World in Motion Man United failed just as impressively with come on your reds but in this time tunnel year football mad comedians big deal and Skinner joined forces with the end Brody to form the 3 Lions to produce a masterpiece for the England euro squad What is the year we're going back to I'm can you tell me the group that Ian Brody is best known for. It's a new entry at number one on the chart for this very time tunnel year from the Spice Girls. Say you'll be there. 0800 trouble 14950 on the funds lost to a. Female Simon dot com or a b.b.c. To. On the roads on the rails with Mikey Scott it's 430 thank you so I've been on the. Actions in Carlisle It's very busy now because of the Victoria viaduct closure both directions straight congestion is too East and way out was working today coming in on the I 66 row between the working Academy roundabout and the 596 a $66.00 Penrith way it's a very slow both directions because the Friday congestion just around the camp about roundabout congestion the m 6 and slow coming away from Penrith only a 6 hours bridge lane still problems on the 505 northbound the Kermit that is slow from hard gets health routes that lead to more turn off isolated anything else you do spot call in on the Travel line if it's safe and legal 345-305-3939 you Scott b.b.c. Radio Cumbria travel ball in 30 minutes. B.b.c. Radio Cumbria. With the roads one of. The real weather. In the Weather Center for us this afternoon it's looking very grey and cloudy and horrible and pretty typical weather for this time of year is it going to stick for the weekend or are we going to get some sunshine. We will get some sunshine this weekend Simon Yes most likely on Sunday I think when the weather front that's bringing all these outbreaks of rain really clears away but in the short term we have a fair bit more rain to come through the rest of this evening that rain will continue it will be a fairly murky cloudy sort of a night wherever you are very slowly things are going to start to improve throughout the night the temperatures will drop down to around 4 or 5 degrees we've got a fairly light wind as well now tomorrow morning we'll start off with some rain 1st thing especially for southern most parts of Cumbria but gradually as the day goes on we'll start to see that weather front clearing so the rain will ease off the cloud will stick around for a time but eventually later on in the afternoon tomorrow we will see some sunshine breaking through is well temperatures throughout the course of tomorrow afternoon peaking at around 8 or 9 degrees Celsius now will be quite breezy and cold as we go through Saturday night and on toward Sunday we are expecting it to be clear skies just the chance of one or 2 showers especially further north you are but generally you look we're looking as a clear breezy night with lows of around $3.00 to $5.00 degrees Celsius so it is going to be a cold start for Sunday morning remember of course the clocks go back over night Saturday into Sunday and Sunday is going to get off to a cold bright start it looks like it's going to be a bright and breezy day plenty of autumn sunshine that will just how to lift the temperatures a little bit higher so a milder day on Sunday with temperatures up to 10 to 12 degrees Celsius so let's take a look at your intro waters for this evening the wind is variable force 2 to 4 becoming cyclonic mainly northerly or northeasterly 4 to 6 the Northwest 3 to 5 later the visibility is moderate or poor we have rain at times in the sea states move or slight and if you're heading out on the fells tomorrow Well the temperatures at 3000 feet at be at around one or 2 degrees Celsius where the fairly light west on north westerly wind that wind will increase as the day goes on eventually with gusts up to 35 miles per hour the cloud base will be at around 500 meters at 1st but that could lower as we get. Rain moving through the visibility will be moderate to poor and the freezing level will be at around 3000 feet that's running 100 meters thanks very much Dan you enjoy your weekend if you can write thank you. This time tunnel with Simon Yaxley. This time so no Simon Yaxley. Right let's see how well you did then with today's time tunnel Yeah and Time Tunnel as well he said he and Brody teamed up with a deal and Skinner in this time we had to form 3 lines but which group is in Brodie best known for and what was the year we were going back to outdo the well says Paul the drift on the taxi says yes that's the right yeah I think it could be Supergrass No but your 2nd guess is right thank you very much Colin beach and Barrow I don't think it's on the beach I think that's coming be Jim Barrow has the right answer 2 points for you calling. Roy reliving the ninety's thinking it could be yes it is Roy You're right well done Hi Simon your time tunnel here is and the group Brodie was a member of was 'd yes in the Ashes let's with Garden City 2 points to you. Sitting in a car park in a very wet through all this and I think this is I think this is Anyway yes right answer right answer Yes I think that's actually get in touch with. Simon the year yes correct and yes it was Christine 2 points to you Stuart on the Isle of Man Very good afternoon. Thank you very much for your call you have the right group well done Kelsey is in Barrow the softer in 2 points to you Kelsey thank you very much for the time tunnel and says yes it is easy and soaked in the in the rain the soft the moon getting the right answer Who else Lorraine interesting to know an email you come through with the right answer the anonymous text says is it this year yes it is this year and Tristen Toledo in Ohio says I'm a bit confused but I think it was either $96.00 or $97.00 I'm leaning towards $96.00 it was a great year for music and I was listening to push by much Box 20 and novacaine for the soul by the Eels Thanks for the memories hope you well says Tristian in Toledo was it 96 or 97 let's find out show am 999096 was the year Ian Brody best known for The Lightning Seeds well done if you said the Lightning Seeds in 1960 answers to today's time Tom Yes and Time Tunnel teaser more time tunnel fun with Vicki Monday afternoon from 4 o'clock. Signing YAXLEY On b.b.c. Radio Cumbria. So it never stops it's always on the go we're on the go. Canute choose me a song please we've got 2 choices here. In these final 20 minutes of the show I need you to choose the choosing which of these 2 songs would you like me to play as your song for the weekend would you like song. Which would be the Duran Duran boys and hungry like the wolf or would you like song be. Any Goulding and love me like you do your choice what would you prefer would you like Duran Duran. Would you like me like you do you need to tell us yet you get to close the show you can also tell for the weekend at the same time if you'd like to choose either it's up to you give us a call 084950 you can text 813 to. Leave your name and whether you want song or song Baby you can also let us know your plans for the weekend that would be great. Or tweet us at b.b.c. Underscore you going for Duran Duran or song or song. Thank. You shock on and I'm Every Woman to. Say enough in. The News Hour we've been made here from 5 o'clock just off to 5 Ben is going to be joined by the former England Rugby Union Captain Lewis Moody to look ahead to the England old blacks Rugby World Cup tomorrow. Here police reaction after a man was jailed. For at least 10 years for stabbing someone in the head at Winton earlier this year and find out how much of a recent food festival managed to contribute to west Cumbrian economy that's all coming up with Ben Maida on the news hour here from 5 o'clock tonight and we are currently looking for your plans for the weekend and your choice of song as well would you like song a. Duran Duran Hungry Like the wall for you prefer ng song Bay today. It's either song a or song b. Which one would you prefer to choose which one would you like to tab for the song for the weekend which will close the show the softening is your choice a or b. Give us a call 0800 trouble 149500800 trouble 14950 if you're texting it's 813 double 3 star a message with the word Cumbria place a text charge to stand a message rate you can e-mail me Simon dot Cumbria at b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. Or you can tweet us at b.b.c. Underscore Cumbria which one would you like would you like song a or song b. Song A's Duran Duran Hungry Like The Wolf song b is Ellie Goulding and love me like you do your choice for the song for the weekend plus ship plans for the weekend what are you up to let us know we'd love to hear from you this afternoon b.b.c. Radio Cumbria are proud to be part of the b.b.c. On b.b.c. One. To 7 extraordinary concert. a subtitle by the way that's just welcome to my life Land of Confusion. Your votes are coming in your choice of cheering for our song for the weekend this is your final challenge chance to choose those 2. We'll give you those clips in just a 2nd so very good afternoon to Kristin Christine's been in touch she says Can I have you can we've noted that one thank you very much Christine it's candle wool gathering this weekend and I'm going she's got my shopping list so I don't spend loads Kristie of those who don't know crochets quite a lot in fact is nonstop she's a nonstop. I think you'll find so she's going to the can will govern she said I've got my shopping list. So that's her plans for the weekend what are your plans for the weekend thank you very much for your text Christine appreciate that as always you can get in touch with us your final chance to choose which one would you want would you want. Every one of us is the latest offering from Rick Astley Enron the good it is to it's almost all we've got time for today thank you very much for your company on the Friday afternoon show we have almost song to play for you which will be your choice your song for the weekend thank you very much for your choice of June we gave you to choose from we said it could either be Duran Duran Hungry Like The Wolf or any Googling love me like you do which one has got through which one has been. By you the staff the noon song for the weekend we'll find out shortly from 5 o'clock this evening coming up after a straight after suspend medo with The News Hour on The News Hour the self the new Ben has served former England Rugby Union Captain Lewis Moody joining him on the show to look ahead to the England versus the All Blacks in the Rugby World Cup tomorrow plus you'll be able to hear police reaction after a man was jailed in Wigton earlier and find out how much a recent food festival managed to contribute to the west Cumbrian economy all of that in the News Hour with Ben major He's here from 5 o'clock the seafaring then following then at 5 What else have we got for you well from 6 o'clock at b.b.c. Radio Cumbria sport Paula Newton and James Phillips joined by a number of sporting guests to preview the preview the weekend action including a chat with be wiser to Kathy team boss Paul Byrd after his British Superbike Championship success last weekend playing you some fine tunes in here Friday evening it's the Friday showcase with Karen Milby He's here from 7 o'clock and then from 10 tonight Joe Costin's here with the decade show the best of the sixty's the seventy's and the eighty's that's how the rest of your Friday pans out here on your local It's b.b.c. Radio Cumbria So what did you vote for was it Sunday or was it song Be it was song b. You know that was a. Given As voted by Joan soon Christina Marie it sounds song for the weekend it's Ellie Goulding and love me like you. Can bend miter is up next after the traffic and travel which follows. The latest on the right to get off. Good afternoon Simon thank you very much data and the motorways from what I can say to watch out for some extra surface bright surface water out and about with the weather conditions not helping things today for sure the a 6 but to get both directions in Carlisle That's still very busy because of the Victoria vied closure that's around court straight congestion is too East and way slow on the I 66 they burned road on the inbound side towards Workington that's still very heavy there between workings and academy roundabouts and Washington Street slow in Penrith on the a $66.00 in both directions with the usual Friday congestion around the camp about rad about incursions St Mary still very busy in the roadworks area where there's temperate lights in place go through Kendall for I can say on the main roads and no problems getting through went to Mayor That's the latest Anything else you do spot call in on the Travel line if it's safe and legal to do so the number that you will need is 345-305-3939 I'd like you Scott for b.b.c. Radio Cumbria travel and there's more infertile minutes. Hello and welcome to the final News Hour of the week on b.b.c. Radio. Coming up between now and 6 o'clock hear why police are happy that a week Tin Man has been jailed for at least 10 years after a savage attack in the town could one of our mountain rescue teams be in the running for a national price for their lifesaving work and we're going to start the show tonight with the charts with none other than that Rugby Union World Cup winner and former England captain Luis moody this as we look forward to England versus New Zealand tomorrow morning. Working to bring. Us That is no Michael may yet come be at. 5 o'clock let's get up. Things started with the news from John Boehner s a witch and man who told police he stabbed a man because he was good at it has been given a life sentence for attempted murder Scott topping who's 39 for mulligans colt was told by the judge at Carlisle Crown Court that it was pure chance this was not a murder case topping carried out a violent attack on Robert Pattinson plunging a knife into his face. Meanwhile awake to a man who's admitted trying to kill one man and wounding another with a knife in the town center has been told to expect a long jail sentence Richard Moulton who's 50 from Redmayne court on the Station Road stabbed a man in the chest knifed another in the stomach and injured a woman apparently at random in King Street during the early afternoon at the end of July paramedics and members of the public tended the victims as police told others to stay inside with doors locked at Carlisle Crown Court Multan was remanded in custody he'll be sentenced on the 29th of November the Cumbrian father of a soldier who died during a training exercise says he's going to take legal action against the Ministry of Defense a coroner has told the Army she has grave concerns about its ability to learn from previous mistakes after an inquest into the death of Corporal Joshua who who'll who collapsed during a fitness test on a hot day couple whose father lives in Carlisle died following a March in the Brecon Beacons in 20163 years after 3 reservists died in similar circumstances during the selection process for the S.A.'s 3 Vietnamese families have come forward to say they're worried their relatives are among the 39 people found dead in the back of a lorry in Essex on weapons day 2 people have been arrested on suspicion of months water and people trafficking the driver of the lorry is still being held on suspicion of murder. And the Cumbrian Food Festival brought more than $2000000.00 pounds into the county's economy last month according to its organizers It was the 1st year in which they taste Cumbria festival in Cork amounts was run by al Adel Bora Council that's had a survey done to analyze the benefits of The Dalles events manager Anna Chippendale organized it she says those who come for a festival go on to visit other parts of the county things like a couple great big events like this to bring people from outside and they tend to go into different places after the event fantastic. Now the sports headlines with Harry Hardy England head coach Eddie Jones says any success that they have at the Rugby World Cup is about the team rather than him and Carlo United manager Steven Pressley says he shares the fans' frustration after 4 defeats on the trot these stories and more in half an hour your weather well tonight it'll stay wet with further outbreaks of rain heavy at times winds will fall light on it'll turn colder with a lot of between 0 and 3 Celsius overnight tomorrow should start with more heavy rain that will clear the law to allow a drier afternoon with some sunny spells it'll still feel a bit chilly though with a high between 6 and 9 Celsius. It's 3 minutes past 5 Hello there and welcome again to the news hour here on b.b.c. Radio I'm Ben made it with you through until 6 o'clock tonight it is the biggest game for English rugby in 12 years tomorrow morning Eddie Jones his team will face the mighty All Blacks for a place in the World Cup final in Japan kick off is at 9 in the morning I have to say myself and I are primed and ready for watching that game now if you saw bring stats unfortunately if you're an England fan the All Blacks have won the last 2 World Cups they've also won 15 of their past 16 meetings Winnie with England and all 3 of their previous world coping counters Well I'm very happy to say we are joined now on the program by former a former England player who was in that brilliant 2003 World Cup win for England against Australia and he also played in the 2007 World Cup to Lewis Moody welcome to The News Hour. Now then.

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