Transcripts for BBC Radio Cambridgeshire BBC Radio Cambridgeshire 20200206 160000

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Didn't is in place outside All Saints' primary school the a 14 upgrades between Cambridge and Huntingdon a said to be completed over half a year only highways England say the road should be open by the end of the spring well ahead of the original target of December its cost 1500000000 pounds has been Britain's biggest road project Dave runs a business in Ellington and says it's great news source has been nothing short on merit on the. 40 mall and. The process 'd it was very slow and it seemed to take forever to get this situation up . And we'll be speaking to the project director David Bray later in the show the 3rd patient in the u.k. Has tested positive for Corona virus mis understood they were diagnosed in Brighton and are receiving care in London England chief medical officer revealed they caught the virus in Asia but not in China health correspondent James Gallagher has more details there are 4 specialist centers in England that will look after these kinds of cases they have the dedicated facilities to minimise the risk of a patient with a highly contagious disease spreading it to anybody else so that's where they'll be taken and they were going move into the next stage which is basically detective work so health officials will go around looking at all the people that this person came to close contact with to see if there is a risk of those people catching the virus to more than 25000 people living in Peterborough have applied for the right to live in the u.k. Under the Government scheme for e.u. Citizens it's one of the largest number of applications outside local authorities in London Nationally the number is 3000000 more than half of being told they can stay indefinitely people from Hamden water in Peterborough are complaining against plans to build a Roman Catholic primary school the city council approved the proposals last month but some are concerned the school be allowed to slate the majority of its pupils from Catholic backgrounds Tracey lives locally and says it doesn't embrace diversity it's just not something that should be happening children shouldn't be discriminated against education based on the say we have lots of different faith in . Community and I should all be able to go to school together councils in England are being invited to apply for a 50000000 pound fund to create the 1st town with an all electric bus fleet the winning town would be used as a model by the government as it aims to ensure all buses are fully electric by 2025 and Cambridge United have declined to comment on reports strongly linking Brighton coach Simon Rusk with the managerial vacancy at the Abbey the you say their recruitment process is ongoing Rusk was appointed as Brighton's under 23 codes in 2015 He's never managed a senior side where they're staying dry and clear and only some light winds the odd patch of mist could roll in later highs of 9 Celsius that's 48 Fahrenheit there's more from us on Facebook search b.b.c. Radio Cambridge is 3 minutes past 4 and the are just because you're standing in tomorrow you're doing the drive through tomorrow obviously are going to leave you some not all are you can thank you very much are going to leave your high c. . Maybe a little b. a Thank you you can use that whatever you like as lovely All right yeah well i care nice haircut by the way thank you so because you stand in the drive through no not at all the drive through that's what listeners. Wanted to do we said. We don't want to talk too much. We had today were jazz was not there so this moment I'm going to teach you a magical trick Ok with your fingers. Which is going to blow your mind when I have this yeah my uncle used to get me to police finger right and I was happy doing and Jess is warning me no cuz ill thing is you did a description I'm going to try to get the clip he described. As a new feature just because into the lyrics of the song is something Radio 4 going on I don't know I don't know what's going on there I think he saw well I don't know that either and he had to get the smell of so you know drink around them nor most of the people around here do but let's not talk about you and me and they were the only sober ones of this station. Don't get me talking about Luke East how they keep the camera straight up there I'll never know yet today Andi. Douglas this past week 103. 2 things I could do here could do acting dentist east coast his son. Yeah yeah. But I want to do his story epics The Credo storing epics of type because he was an Spartacus Spartak us. Christmas. I thought we could do that I'll get me going on of another I'm going to do something about housework bonds but you with me yeah I'm good. Across Cambridge. Drive down from b.b.c. Radio in Cambridge. Previously trying. To drive through where Fudge is not Bond. To me. Scream. You one. Tumble dryer brackets it still works oh it's all about me tonight that. Struggle got you guess maybe it's the way you talk until you tell them up front me they're going to talk to you that's the problem. Ok. I'd rather. Not like. A finger of just enough to get the kids treat Let's take. This money yeah they do expect the b.b.c. Is not going to get. Through. Your money. When you point. This. Really weird with English struggle with things we struggle with language. Ok just leave it there Rupert right goodnight Robey. C.m. Story movie. Spartacus. 8595 here's Madonna. Madona. Studio tight. Little. Welcome and thank you for your ears to. All the drawing. Up the good ones. Here in a better mood than he was last night. Very well listen to radio program I think you'll find that we just to get gas in the future Sebelius. Is in charge today all of the news. Anything else better to do with. Listening and. Yeah. Yeah Douglas has passed away and yeah and he was he was a wrestler. Yeah it was very he could actually wrestle. Really well 103 Yeah I don't want to get under 3 I get this record being Scottish If I get to 70 you know people applaud me in school and the tone you want to 70 well done and so 103 years left. You ask you what about doing here. Why am I still here I want to get 8 years left before I kick it because I'm 70 I'll be 70 know what Martin Martin How old are you Martin you can ask him that. Night on ask him some of the 546424. And young age well then Martin goes on sale. But it looks after ever as here. I'd like to do 2 things with this the great epic historic epic movies of our time because he was in Spartacus while the other really Masa films I don't mean franchise movies I mean that must've big films everybody had to go and see because they were epic I mean real epics I only remember seeing him in the Vikings I love them oh yeah defy you can see it was in the Tony Curtis was yes him and Tony Curtis fighting and. All of the actress was Tony's come in with a cracker here Clash Of The Titans nice myself oh journey to the center of the earth all that was one I don't have to go there I don't work you know and well as a boss or some leader but they went to the center of the earth in the 1st weird stuff or that's great I'm going to put that that's a crock and start Clash Of The Titans it's not the one with me use the. C.g.i. Before c.d.r. It was. Very early Yeah give me the big epics everybody and I'll take love stories as well as story there was a big one scene. Ryan O'Neal. And. A. Girl Very much yeah and also I want to do acting dynasties as well because Kirk and Michael Douglas and Michael Douglas the folks there see their beginning in the u.k. Who are the other dynasties are acting to the cities as well. Dyson Dyson he makes things dice and yeah him yeah he's a nice and. You know he makes stuff yeah yourselves pretty well yeah vacuum cleaners mostly Yeah but he's come out with Peter headphones I'm not making this up listen you know I do make stuff up for for entertainment purposes but he's not make this he's made headphones to of go on the air filter a tarp so you will the whole thing like a mascot it would do you go to your ear and you'd be able to lose it I don't want to do that the simple one I want to do you've had of host buns could we have host what buns Ok I'll give you Iron Maiden's nice I'll give you just a Springfield nice officer Oh yeah ladies that sort of thing so don't expect big things now you are or this is good mark the trucker big epic film The Magnificent 7 was an epic Oh yeah I was on track as well. Do you. Make the previously Yeah probably you can join Voight anon Julie Julie has joined for you yeah she's done alright yeah yeah I think so yeah I do Julie starts John Voight I think so yeah I don't know that I or this is good I think we're on to something where Pete most of the Week this week um we have a lot of other just underline if you're expecting us to have another big name celebrity guest on the show this afternoon after we had to focus shock yesterday I just thought he could step in or said no we haven't we've got no one no that one to stay tuned for you just want to commission me finger trick I'm going to teach you a magical trick Ok with your fingers. Which is going to blow your mind I'm really uncomfortable and he's trying to show me as well you. Know so I already knew it across Cambridge. Cambridge. Percy Hi I'm Mark Thanks Johnny Good afternoon we got problems in Peterborough today the police have sealed off dogs thought road at the junction with Alexandra Road we're hearing that the ambulance service were also at the scene a little earlier it's left cues on all the approaches we also work here that a bus route to is being diverted elsewhere in Peterborough because a queue on past and parkway southbound to the I round about that's because of the road works closing at the 1139 Peterborough road southbound heading out of Cambridge we're already looking at 20 minute delays on Milton right up to the a 14 and only one there are 10 minute delays northbound to the blackout roundabout if you spot a problem and it's safe and legal call us on our 80859596 m r Percy for b.b.c. Radio Cambridge a travel Thank you Marcus. B.b.c. Radio Cambridge joined Jeremy every week for a midday for lunch time life its 3 hours of live a local entertainment featuring fascinating guests a look at health wealth the great outdoors history and plus your favorite tracks in the All Request hour Trust us this is a lunch break you don't want to scare. Me Jeremy said weekdays from his well the. Cambridge. Were got some good news stories tonight as well the 4 teams going open earlier and we thought. We would talk about openings as well we're talking about literally the big films of our time the coming and thank you Martin the truck the Magnificent 7. When Tony's come in. Acting dentist he joined Voight and Jolie. When Travers come in Guns of Navarone war that was yeah it was. Richard Butler the thing was and again I heard of and never seen in the dumb Busters all yeah but they meant to be remaking that one home I think they were doing recently to go and get their own stuff it's like you know somebody's stealing your homework. Don't to see Vogtle all yeah. Oh what was up with the David Lean classic. Oh. Peter O'Toole was an o. Yes. A lot of these as well have really iconic soundtracks to them as well which obviously does play a ponce in the. Acting dynasty tonight remember them on himself I can't Douglas I mean he was his son became a not to all the founders as well Jane Fonda Henry Fonda and there was the brother as well what and who the brothers had to say yeah. Right so we want some house what Bonds please house what bonds we've got artists we've already got Iron Maiden know how spontaneous What bunch. Want to dust the Springfield Yeah. I'm talking of dice and. The. Glue and I say. Oh that's great films you star tweeted me Ronnie Lawrence of Arabia was the big. The good the bad the ugly and once upon a time in the West I don't remember the Once Upon a Time in the West there Phil but the good the bad and ugly the epic films I'll take what we said in the lovely Duffy ones a love story was my ass if. Morris is give me Don't see if I go as well as must be there for. Film with the most no one ever. Yet incident a certain Russia and they just seem to go from one big policy to another on sledges Julie Christie. Omar Sharif. The great a stash me a proper moustache I'm on the Twitter radio Barbara you can get me there you can email me as well. Yeah Dr Zhivago is a good one but can I have some more housework bonds please Morehouse what runs. All this is George says Ben Harper Oh yeah that's the one with the famous thing that went wrong one of the I don't want Charles Thompson Heston was and wore a watch Jordan a big Gladiator thank you Claudia to. A race I had a watch on just a while there's another fall in for us you know our site sight for one in it see a side phone and what it is it's a side bar yeah what is one of the great film mistakes there are whole Yeah. Right yeah thanks. Good afternoon Ronnie I'm on the other modern diet it's really simple to follow you have to don't you ever don't you ever post Duffy. All rocket Roy high rocket Roy of Arabia Ben-Hur Gandhi. Gandhi. Gandhi's and their. Towing in fat no no there you go that was a film whopper of a queen isn't it yeah just looked on it. He was play you played the mains will find chieftain they trying to save on Robert Redford Robert Redford play the deeply the blue designed to go into trouble touring for an hour having Towering Inferno on putting the percentage in adventure in there as well when not putting a precise does not a big film say it's not the same length just do the same Dr Zhivago my deficit 7 if you haven't Towering Inferno then I'm just I'm just saying the Poseidon the very. I suppose title on it would be that but I want to go by the Titanic Poseidon Adventure I'll put it and as a. I'll let you have it you can tell me to the stars and Gene Hackman. And another one. You. Can. Keep the. Shoes. Yes. From 7 o'clock to Costco came to share with award winning the La Ford. Oh yes you're going to silver in the last like top clock 1st union broadcast. How you clear how are you on calling thank you how you ya good today I don't know why it's by last working day of the week I saw you get your forty's awakes quite nice clear you of you're retired Yeah. Well I'm girly. Why why are you an employed what's the problem health or what you can't get a job. Have a look at a girl and you know who. You touched. Yeah . Shorthand. But it's a shame that you don't get to computers can't do computers clear. You. Go on it well. I'm going to try Sieberg for you. I think I might become an employment agency who but. Now. We're talking I was talking about Ben Hur and the had a problem with the one of the actors name a chariot race wore a watch what if you go as well without one clear well. You know. And. I'm going to. Go as long that's still not yeah yeah even the chariot race is about half a known its own right yeah I think it might be one of the films I was the most the state Senate cleared of I remember rightly. When anything does very well. But it's a big gap I don't know how long it was but it must have Cliff thank you very much Thursday 859596 our travels come an airplane I don't have a can let you have that when traveling Cambridge it's not really. Sinking of the Bismarck myself from here to China to yes definitely right the fall out was from here to Tennessee because they. Take Commandments all you asked Ted combined with Moses Apollo 13 I'll give you like and reach for the sky talk at these big epic movies the films makes like you are trying to make says. Jennifer brush. For my people my high spawns and dustpans people. They would do the gunslinging like you make. Or judge says hope at the right. Thank you very much on my Twitter radio Barbara All right care Douglas says Blondie who has a record for starring in most films for the top off yeah but Blondie used to do that when he was the radio quite often when you want your t.v. Off Phil says Only the Good the Bad know when once upon a time the West were so Giuliani's Westerns after his daughter I once upon a time in the West a child presents and Henry Fonda Claudia Cardinale Oh yes the God far films qualifies as now I'm only going to let you have the one God for the number one fill I'm only going to because the Godfather It was an epic and then the other was kind of just full on this trio I would talk about the big epics I were looking for the house what bonds as well as what Bonds 080859596 I'll play you in a 2nd or played jazz jazz all of time ago on I'll do well to mark out just touch up I know explained jazz did something on his radio program does a lot radio program some of us know very well but but just country. By participating in Sammy our whole family. And. Finding coverage the positivity which my little nephew needs to live his life well does that make sense. Actually it's sort of tough. Which is worrying. Coming the license for you. Coming up. Right now across Cambridge. Cambridge the magnificent Mark Percy Thanks Ronnie let's just update you on the situation in Peterborough dogs thought road stays closed both ways at Alexandra Road because of a police operation also in Peterborough it's a struggle southbound on past and parkway towards the roundabout because of road works heading out of Cambridge the worst of the queue so far on hills road towards the Addenbrooke's roundabout Milton roads really struggling up the 14 with delays of around 15 to 20 minutes or so slow into the city on Trumpington Road and the a $48.00 is crawling westbound to the Tesco roundabout outside St Neots if you spot a problem and it's safe and legal call us on our 808595961 b.b.c. Radio Cambridge the travel. Time for the weather and if you want some weather yes plays who would you like to read bio tonight the Scottish Billy Connolly. Will be a long long spells that. Will mean our star was terrible. With long clear sparrows although a few patches of fog and low cloud may develop for a time. Chilly again with threat strength southerly winds later on their minimum temperature all my goodness 0 to $3.00 degrees Celsius as the attitude at $37.00 degrees finally you have to do is to more like when you're standing. Go to have to say how does on the read the well bore it to morrow after a chilly start any Meston for. Well smallish will have left the spot I thought to give a try and bright he with a good spells of sunshine by the way some of the southeast so 3 see when is trending in the afternoon Mike some temps are 6 and I agree Celsius 43 to 48. Easy way to Cambridge on the headlines. No man has been taken to hospital with serious injuries after a stabbing in Peterborough the emergency services were called to dogs or brode at 2 o'clock the man believed to be in his twenty's is being treated for multiple stab wounds a police cordon remains in place outside all same's primary officers are now searching for 4 men who left the scene in a gray vehicle before police arrived local businesses have hailed an announcement from highways England that the a 14 upgrade to due to be finished more than half a year early officials say the road should open by the end of the spring well ahead of the original target of December he England's chief medical officer has confirmed a 3rd person has tested positive for Corona virus in the u.k. Professor Chris Wade he says robust control measures are being used to prevent any further spread of the virus it's killed more than 560 people in China nearly 3000 people living in Peterborough have applied for the right to live in the u.k. Under the Government scheme for e.u. Citizens it's the 8th highest number of applicants north already in the u.k. Has seemed nationally 3000000 people have applied for the scheme and the Labor leadership contender secure Starmer has been promoting national well being during a visit to Cambridge. Adam Briggs hospital he says it should be just as high a priority as delivering economic growth the ballot for Jeremy Coleman successor opens in 2 weeks time we'll have more on that shortly b.b.c. News for Cambridge chip or a 5 time no for another feature will do for 4 to a 2nd but just the information you can't entertain thing is very important to us here the b.b.c. Rita came ashore and yes let's explain sometimes lyrics Ok. I always thought that song was about knights it's in White Satin and I never really it was a very confusing image for me I thought well that's I mean that's quite a head of its time as a look like a cat or can knights you wouldn't really want to be going into battle dress in in satin and it's not very something to keep you warm on the battlefield or that will afford you wonderful ease of movement and the how you get away with every day. I'm up in the boss's office every time I make some remarks and he's explaining lyrics to songs to fill 24 seconds on radio you know local boy I'm going to go get it yeah yeah yeah everybody loves jazz his figures are up as well. Would you like to play false or force or yes please your price tonight is what you're going to get tonight. All 3 split infinitives from a celebrated linguist. You don't get those 10 a penny more special than some of the university tell a bit of linguist a real rarity that you have to tell me which one is false which ones fault or false or hundreds of Australian you decide been banned from sunbathing cause authorities are not happy with them down under. Ok yes. Or is it number 2 East 17 will never be able to reform because of all moved to the other post court. Is it one. Hundreds of Australian you decide been banned from sunbathing because authorities are not happy with them down under. Or is it number 2 a 78 will never be able to reform because of no birth to another poor score which once force was false or well crumbs I think Down Under is false he 70 last fall said You are correct you have 13 split infinitives from a celebrated linguist you can do what you like with. Split infinitives it's fine. So well done you have a good week this week. Ok. Or you got benched even some wit no so I did make you start again is all we do bend your stomach I'm going to send men's answers yeah that's all he does it keeps time and only here every 6 months that's the only thing Ben Stevenson does yeah yeah you can yeah you know you love him. With the b.b.c. Funded we can afford a young reporter Ted reporter suddenly 6 months later she's been hard times I was Know when he's not singing songs making Christmas. All this a good bargain rum says. And for your household What about the carpenters the car the competence the competence I got yes this from Janet chairman of the board so you want to know again. You were you want in this up because I'm a link so it was John it was it yeah it was John I'm on tenterhooks she's gone but she gave it to what was it. It was the chairman of the army board's very good police well this is all or know it be trying to commit a serious thing hey one of the contenders for the Labor leadership was and came sort of a secure star of his the hostel in Cambridge or a political reporter. Ben Stevenson went on to speak to him well armed. Well. Arrived after unveiling one of his top pledges and you are right to refer to the fact this isn't his 1st visit to the county recently he's taken quite a showing to Cambridge sure he was there and head of the election of course but now he's got a different task at hand he wants to become the next leader of the Labor Party so he's a big one you've been hearing in the news they set off throughout the day here on Radio came and he wants to set a new indicators for national well being so like we have with the economy we have things like g.d. Pay that we can assess how well our economy's performing he wants a similar set of indicators for our wellbeing so he wants them to uncover things like health inequality homelessness and the environment and he wants to ensure that the government policies then prioritize people's quality of life not just economic performance so it's been championed elsewhere in the world New Zealand have their own wellbeing budget and claim that national wellbeing informs the policy in the investments that they make so I started with my very brief chat with him as to why this policy was so important to him this is really important because for decades we've been measuring the success of our economy just by g.d.p. And wellbeing is as important as that we've not measured it you know health and mental health poverty the impact on the environment etc These are things that really matter to people and yet we don't capture it a measure it so what I'm proposing is that that becomes a central measure of the economy but also a broader issue such as investment New Zealand I think is probably the lead example of. This the recent examples I'm Wales they've got a future generations well being act where there's a duty on public authorities in particular to show the impact of what they're doing so it's great that it's gaining traction but it needs to be mainstream in my view I was also talking about today event was quite a few topics came up as he spoke to members of staff at the hospital and to the gathering journalists he mentioned everyone he's spoken to on the campaign trail thinks the n.h.s. Is underfunded so that's not too a shocking statement and he also wants the National Executive Committee that's the governing body of the Labor Party to start Ham picking candidates which is an interesting one for the historical look back at how candidates been selects here only here in Cambridge because that's happened a couple of times and we also spoke about de volution it's a hot topic post breakfast and post the election where a traditional Labor heartlands in the Midlands in the north voted Conservative So we're expecting some sort of devolution whether it be powers or funding for those areas will kill a star has called for more diva Lucian across the country so I asked him how his vision for devolved powers would work if this is what he said. I are both your 2nd. Just too far away they're too remote and people feel like I can't influence what's going on around them so what I want is what I call federalism what I really mean is turning the political model upside down so the positions of my closest people if they can be varied in a town or city or region they should be on the same for Scotland and Wales in the comfort of Scotland of Wales so to devolve more power so it's closer to people and what's interesting Cambridge is we already have quite a few devolve power so we have an elected mayor we've got the county council we've got city and district councils and we've even got specialist bodies an example like the greater Cambridge partnership so do we really need more layers of local government will afterwards he did clarify he didn't necessarily want more layers but he did want these bodies to have more power in how decisions we make locally and of course he's just one of the Qantas just remind us who else is running the event so we're down to 4 now here start being Warney seen as one of the more sensuous candidates so they was part of a korban shadow cabinet we have Rebeca long Bailey who's been dug the sort of continuation of the Corbin agenda she famously rated his efforts in the last election as a 10 out of 10 Lisa Nnamdi has impressed she was written off by some when she will announce she was running but is gathering support and then this Emily phone Bray who is one of the Corbin Corbin's loyal left hand and she looks like she's struggling to gain support and may pull out before the race reaches its climax. Has to go to labor groups across the country. Are they backing yet is a complex process but each of the local labor groups get to house their say and put forward who they would nominate so 4 have already declared so voting for we had South Cambridge and Peterborough the likes of Northwest counties and north east Cambs of actually gone through back a long Bailey and then we have a few left to declare So we'll find out who the people of Cambridge wants on for. They then Huntington on Monday and I think southeast cams is on Sunday and then the winner of the whole contest will be announced at the beginning of April the 4th of April I believe now they're saying off winter that will be a sing off they remain Oh they would take the mask off we found out who it was and they get the job and so I make out the so that he'll get the final 4 it gets accustomed Oh yeah and it obviously decides what song will be released and so yeah . Last time you met here it was spelt rather nice remarkably sound like a stalker. Yeah how do you spell this time I was a hospital so. It was a change of ambience and also a change of regulation last time we were at the science is a farm. So it was very very big whiff of the hand sanitizer was going good I'm well that's good to hear some quarter good I thought that was Ben Stevenson everybody will get you to sign his leaving card. Not a minute across Cambridge. B.b.c. Radio Cambridge is a part per se. Thanks Ronnie in Peterborough dog's thought road stays closed at Alexandra Road because of a police operation the early accuse only approaches seem to be easing off but Bus Route 2 is still being diverted also in Peterborough we go to Q On past and parkway southbound to the roundabout that's because of road works closing Peterborough road southbound outside Cambridge the a 14 is struggling westbound to the m 11 interchange Sali queues out of Cambridge at the seething on Milton Road up the a 14 that's a delay of nearly 20 minutes or so slow outbound on hills road to the roundabout and the 14 a 48 story is crawling westbound to the Tesco roundabout outside St Neots if you spot a problem and it's safe and legal call us on our 808595961 b.b.c. Radio Cambridge a traveller are trying to market. Our tailors and. He's had to go because I fell off my bike today. In the back of the fans don't know what happened to be crashed into a dyke or just into the route I said to crash into a dyke or just not reserve very muddy it caught on and if you stop the dead and threw me over slightly over the handlebars are known to my side where I've previously broken ribs and then I rolled into the ditch but just avoided the water . He says sorry to hear about your bicycle crash I did really hope the address Vegeta Ok. Craig says Happy post peak day thank you very much Classic Movies Casablanca. Acting dentist these don't know Donald and Kiefer Sutherland Yes that's a good one household chore artist's house hold bonds long john loader laundry long john laundry and so long John Bolton Oh yeah yeah that's good folks explain yeah a movie mistakes as well we had to talk about Ben Hur and those loads of make mistakes and there there is a single idea to put a jet plane can be seen or flying over lots from pre-computer thank you very much David Peterborough gave me Casablanca go where the wind housework bond Florence and the washing machine. And James Kopp and dust Dusty Springfield where we've got to dozens of Springfield as well as thinking dynasties Carrie Fisher. Oh yes I know it's we've got another one as well that was Lisa Minelli and Judy Garland Of course yeah I was taught I did dentistry is called by some Douglas and it's passed away and it's called the Sun carries on so far we've got Jon Voight and Julian Julie didn't know you only your only shot in the forces didn't stay in the you know the founders the Redgrave's No you gave me what did you give me there Debbie Reynolds and very fresh Debbie Reynolds a Carrie Fisher So can we have 2 more of those please I think dynasties please say we could get those and Debbie Reynolds great actresses Carly for sure as well right and the host Pons Benz we've got Jennifer Rush Dusty Springfield dustpans people. We've got the Hoover we've got Iron Man it's Thursday I'm not going to do my best stuff on a Thursday. I made it on Dusty Springfield and human other one. You know formed when I was up post peak days now. Yeah or the site says Colton's lane is really heavy with traffic was directions with roadworks Yeah that's right thank you so I remember a lot has been mentioned earlier on this week so can we have some more of those let's open our office well we're talking about the great epic films of our time like I'm We've got some great ones or don't see if I go on the main lesson 7 Gandhi tiring affair no persona than Avenger. Zulu Gone With The Wind take we're taking are the Godfather number one I'm only will and will not one damn justice dumbass those Yeah where are the Graham Bell or war ones or Woody modulus co. It's a monosyllabic tonight now Mr memo. Oh tell us Commission was delivering this with but right now it's yeah it's good but it's not good enough for is not an epic film is assigned an adventure is no. Kill or be furious with projected on Twitter radio Barber some interesting tweets going around today nice one kitten coming 10859596 text. All right Ok that is not going to be happy is. Coming up we'll have the replay of last night with a fresh one tonight. Ok Michelle I'm only brought into 7 times. The big movie so it won travel 3 star measure am talking of dramas here's the key the song. Goes out with this file of suffering well done left does the Lend you don't dig a tunnel with a file you hot How was I to. Come with this. Oh this is stupid I thought that I would have moved on to another scenario the focus group doesn't like it was the same story line for too long fools don't like anyway whatever we do I know what the game of the I Spy Ok I'll go 1st I spy with my little eye something beginning with my. Perry Perry people in the prison often know. Just to keep my. 2 parts you can only play one. Show of your it through I was imaginary. Great. Love to see that nobody likes petty petty if I knew my dad was heat. So are you going to let Perry. As long as your you know cipher and inspect. But we can't. I've got a dentist appointment he needs to weld my fillings Perry let us go and we'll keep still nor do I need to know anything about this from the 3 people who will listen when the look east the lead. Boy oh how do you mean the great escape the lighting the prison cinema. Favor Now you boys have got to stop here or until. Your week or work out. If you can get. A said don't forget Clint Eastwood in the spaghetti Westerns. The Good The Bad and The Ugly. are more taken movie mistakes as well played across Cambridge. Came. In after a high mark Thanks Ronnie just updating you on the situation in Peterborough the place of close dogs thought road at Alexandra Road is also very slow southbound on passed and parkway 2 it's the road works at the roundabout heading out of Cambridge the worst of the queues are on Hills Road which the Addenbrooke's roundabout also a real struggle tonight on Milton Road up to the a 14 with 30 days of around 10 to 15 minutes or so heavy both ways on Trumpington Road and cold and slain the a $48.00 is crawling westbound to the Tesco roundabout outside to Sydney its with delays of 10 minutes and the a one has 10 minute delays northbound to the blackout roundabout on Mark Percy for b.b.c. Radio Cambridge a travel. Scheme which an essay on. The b.b.c. Sounds c s is b.b.c. Radio Cambridge. Had 5 the b.b.c. News for Cambridge Jim I'm and a manhunt is underway in Peterborough after a stabbing on dogs the road the victim a man believed to be in his twenty's has been taken to hospital with serious injuries officers are searching for 4 men who left the scene in a gray vehicle before police arrived.

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