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The. Coolest change we see on f.m. On c.a.p on b.b.c. Sounds see this is b.b.c. Radio he reaches. At 3 the b.b.c. News for Cambridge him I am and the Lake County lines drug dealing need to be Cambridge to police is Tom priority according to a local superintendent it's the practice of trafficking drugs into rural areas and smaller towns away from major cities and James Sutherland believes it's also the root of many other crimes in the county drug dealing behind county lines is what's fueling the violence in the city and that has got to be our number one priority and it's as bad as has ever been and it's not getting any better and it needs to it takes good work and good people to get it done so yeah in the long term I'm optimistic but in the short term over the next 5 years we've got an awful lot of whole work today the government says the Chinese take firm who are away which has a base in Cambridge will be allowed a limited role in developing the U.K.'s 5 g. Infrastructure the prime minister had faced pressure to block the deal on the grounds of national security the conservative m.p. Jeremy right says it's not just to walk away that should come under scrutiny those other suppliers are likely to have Chinese components in their technology too so if you're worried about China what you need to do is look much more broadly at the security of our telecom supply chain that's what the review initiated when I was in government was designed to do but I think it is possible to include Huawei so long as you are sensible you are cautious and crucially you're following the advice of the intelligence agencies Germany and Japan. Both confirmed cases of the coronavirus in people who have themselves traveled to China where the outbreak originated 106 people are now confirmed to have died from the virus and more than 4 and a half 1000 are infected Cambridge Bayside trist is calling for more investment and treatments for the present in which he says a desperately needed Dr gholam can darker says a 3rd of patients don't respond to currently available antidepressants Katie Prickett explains how to conduct her is part of the Cambridge based information in psychiatry research group which is seeking to find novel treatments for mental health illnesses research suggests low grade inflammation may play a role in the development and persistence of depression so the research group is investigating whether an anti inflammatory drug used to treat arthritis might help those with the mental health problem which affects 20 percent of the population if the drug is effective it could help thousands if not millions of people who suffer from these conditions according to Dr conductor the broadcaster Miccolis Parsons who's best known for hosting the Radio 4 comedy show just a minute has died at the age of 96 the B.B.C.'s director general Tony Hall said very few people have done so much to entertain audiences over the decades but 1st an ear smeared has been crowned Cambridge is festival of the year for 2019 more than 10000 festival goers voted in the East Anglian festival network poll but 1st takes place every summer in bugged him and includes live music entertainment food and drink hadn't a bear festival came 2nd with YAXLEY festival finishing 3rd and in the football Peterborough travelling to Akron to the sea evening party back up to 5th in the league table and Cambridge hosting sulfur to use have lost their pass to the abeam weather cold and breezy this afternoon by staying dry for most of us highs of 7 Celsius that's 45 in Fahrenheit there's more from us on Twitter surge b.b.c. Cameras It's 4 minutes past 3 thank you and the I think the listeners deserve to know how devoted you are to getting the pronunciations right there were a couple of moments. There were you really practicing some quite complicated names during the clips I ask you very much and it's lovely when you when he let people behind the curtain. You know if I'm doing well you know on the video when they have the will when they have the bonus features n'est of has that have you ever listened to watched with the commentary on for any movie yes I have what film. Crumbs you know I can't imagine Toy Story actually be a great yeah I think I think it was with Tom Hanks and. I mean that would be an amazing one the commentary if you've never done this sometimes video that they do anymore it was a real trend for a while in the early ninety's or something where they would sit some of the real big name actors Dan and get them to watch the movie and so you watch the movie with that commentary over the top which signs like a very old concept in there probably few movies you'd want to do it for but I think something like Toy Story because he kept all of that insight of what was going on made when they were filming it all recording the only other info that hates him to remember when we when we did that scene No I don't because I was in a separate studio 2 days later Worryingly I want to force a lot of the Rings Wow that must have been exactly I was a big fan so that's fine but I would necessarily recommend it for anybody else. change. And Grace Kelly really make me want to get those albums and listen to them later b.b.c. Radio Cambridge and good afternoon to Saudis here until 4 o'clock I really love the make albums and they came I have to listen to them for years so yeah I think I'll be doing that later on which will be the culmination to a pretty spectacular day what a morning I had beautiful bright and sunny driving down the adolescent equal to mid Oxford cold recent manner there is opening for the National Guard scheme next month but just in case the snow drops went over because they are flowering earlier this year and my many gardening charms some of whom are pretty obsessed with snowdrops have been talking about the ones in their gardens for weeks so I thought I'd better head over to the garden sooner rather than later and I was not disappointed today's program is all about snow drops those little subtle delicate beauties that can be overlooked which we all appreciate bring their blooms out at this time of year to talk all about them plus my Pick of the green news and it's day 6 of the mystery voice. Let me know you feel. Live I'll give you the. Looks. This is Grammys Ariana Grande day and with I want to break free it's all to use in the afternoon here on b.b.c. Radio Cambridge share later on we are heading to cold Reese man and to enjoy is that of snowdrops as another swipe of the woodland and if you say they're closed the crowds because the temperature is large and when the temperatures lie they hide if you like but when the temperature rises to about 10 degrees that's come out and then so that I can be poor and I to. The head will pay later all. Right. But. Craig and I want to break for a crush Greenburg. Radio Cambridge just gone called Pulse 3 Katie Tyler has the latest travel news. And I was starting off in piece to Paris looking slow only a 15 the southbound Parkway and their oath of lighting in to be to Brown. And 2 boards named Paul Quaid elsewhere heavy only a $114.00 that's between which I'm told and such in the right and in Cambridge fan right is blocked by directions at Mossbank because the level crossing is stuck down it's not causing make each and eye problems triple to make you train services it was a q. And if it's safe and legal to do you say 10859596 this is a time of the b.b.c. Radio came but she travels thank you very much Casey. So slow to say I'm still foreigner only barber takes over the airwaves with the drive thru I've seen him today will catch up with him in about half an hour's time to see what he's got planned from 4 until 7. On the playlist between now and then all kinds of things let me go my Cherry So Mark Ronson me in just a moment Celeste and stop this like. I have a full we do anything else can I just pass on summary really great you actually brought ta even a tear to my eye when I received that. We've been covering a couple of animals who really struggle to find homes that would bring the animals charity called Manchester over the past 10 days or so on this program and some of the pets we featured were cable the cat who I just couldn't understand why he was that really friendly cat totally huggable strike a glorious glamorous coffee table the cap went home this weekend just gone and I'm sure you could tell if you listen regularly that I basically forn in love with p. The pogs the little blind girl also just wanted the couples in with Basic. We wander along until she bumped into a person sort of following them with a flat overhead and then just sit down to present her belly to tickle well page has now been reserved so fingers crossed Pete also going to her new home which means there's just Elsie left and if you didn't hear about l. Say you can listen to yesterday's show on b.b.c. Signs for years old big Absolutely beautiful bang c. In c. Easy ass ticked all a little bit strong a little bit overenthusiastic but that's really the only things you could level at her she's basically perfect in a brilliant jogging partner if you're off to one so go look at Wood Green's website listen back to yesterday's show for all the details on that I'm very happy maybe this will shall mass into managing to get to the bottom of the battle a day 6 now of this mystery boy it was pretty cool we worked out it's not Scarlett Johansson Shelly's there are not Sharon Gless from Cagney and Lacey John Travolta John McEnroe George Clooney all share was pretty cool so who do you reckon that voice belongs to a one trouble 3 if you're texting start your message with the word camp over 808595962 call on social media where you can see all the aforementioned animals that is asked some the fair it was pretty cool breakfast we have law and some don't see much of a morning here we go Also I say we're going on b.b.c. Radio in Cambridge to. Go a bit more as we go off here this is fairly very serious indeed now it is news changing by the minute where the kind of news because police are not going to come in and arrest anybody on like they're off duty they're not back to work that actually occurred so I ran out to see any chance they wouldn't be with you feeling confident you know. Through thanks very much for talking to us weekday mornings from 6. B.b.c. Radio Cambridge to. Press the button nothing happened quite glad once I heard that little grant the star got about that. Next on b.b.c. Radio Cambridge where we're heading. To visit cold Teresa and a laptop that many beautiful snowdrops Some are close. To. The wall and it. Just. Ok I. a. Song Celeste and stop this flame is 24 minutes past 3 you change into b.b.c. Radio now if there is one flower associated with this time of year it's got to be the Snowdrop small often in conspicuous and overlooked they are the brave blames which flower at a cold inhospitable time of year and one place currently enjoying swathes of them is called Trace manna in ducks that they're open for the National Guard scheme in a couple of weeks time so I had long for a little preview a very very humble really about also like to upscale I've been here for 17 years and if I'm honest we probably took them a little for granted although sometimes they look lovely just like that but. Really I haven't studied them. As closely as practical and for far my I have been spending a bit more time over the last month or so especially with Open Gardens coming and spending a bit more time joining up on what we've got in the garden I think we've got about 3 varieties actually which is quite interesting and they've really naturalized just come around into a beautiful kind of shaded area with some water to our left and these big swathes of lawn to our right and there are hundreds if not thousands just speckling the lawn Yes there is and they're wonderful naturalize they the beauty of style Jobs's is that they just do look quite phenomenal on mess and you can have many different varieties of species mixed together and they still harmonize really well things like sometimes in daffodils if you mix it up too much it can be a mess but these particular they look really they look like they're meant to be there they've always been there so the 3 you've got I'm issuing are really good do it because I think that's the thing about people get really into snowdrops and start collecting them often even if something's got a really big price tag it doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be doing well in your garden Well the the big price tag stuff is expensive quite often because it's hard to grow we've got. Here which is the common snowdrop and that is that great beautifully We've also got another one called Desdemona which has got this sort of cluster of green petals within the flower which is which is also gorgeous has got slightly heavy ahead but it's quite subtle and lovely and then there's another one here called I think Post Hill which is very similar to to the mono but it's got the sort of the sort of big white fluffy petals that come out of the green petals with a neat there's another swathe of jobs here in the woodland and if you see they're closed the close because the temperatures low and when the temperatures low they play they hide if you like they they bow shyly. But when the temperature rises to about 10 degrees you get the pollinating insects come out and then they open up so that they can be pollinated which is beautiful is the funny thing about snowdrops you say that for a while you saw to the ground at the snowdrops are up there looking very pretty and of course we're often so pleased to see them because it's the time of year when there's arguably not that much going on but but when when you start to talk to people about some of the price tags associated with snowdrops and we are talking hundreds of pounds sometimes for thousands. Of people kind of fail to see why what is it that set some of that apart from being you know a bit difficult to grow what is it that sets maybe or a pricey a snowdrop apart from your average Snowdrop or I think probably it's to do with conservation and how hard they are to establish have slowly from seed they have which will take 5 years to flower so it's a big term investment to propagate growth. Offsets but. My guess is and I'm no good I'm far is that it depends on how difficult they are to to to grow and establish terms of building a collection I suppose that there are there sometimes quite minor differences between one and t'other but it can be a slightly more Glaucus foliage or a slightly yellow we green to the flowers slightly different markings or maybe doubles things like that as there is a surprising variation but you do have to look quite close. And it's quite difficult sometimes to see the difference between some of them there were those are quite nice variety that I found the other day not here in the garden but I saw one called Grumpy and it's got a pair of eyes and a rather grumpy looking face but it's very sweet I rather like a grumpy head gardener will Petit they're not grumpy as you can probably tell very joyful and it was wonderful to take a stroll around with him and if you don't know a lot about. Snowdrops we mentioned the file there is a huge enthusiasm for snowdrops because that Latin name is the people who collect in a cool go and the files and and Will is right the price tags can stretch up into the thousands in fact we do have one of the foremost Snowdrop grows here in Cambridge so if you want to start collecting hundreds of pounds with the snowdrops you very much in the right kind of drugs later on this hour and my green news is guest for some of them not like he does guess is coming in at one travel 3 today. Cambridge to do soonly to move on b.b.c. And regime change it up 1st on the green news we've spoken often of the craze for houseplants over the last few years on this program the role to cultural society says average sales in the 2nd half of last year alone were up 60 percent on the previous year but there's talk today about whether House plans could actually be bad for the environment you probably spotted if you're a big age of social media that has an increasing number of plant delivery companies you subscribe and they'll send you house plants because many has plants wherever you get them most likely grown in Holland your own kids can come from Indonesia some plants can come from Kenya or Zimbabwe so should we be worried about plant mild Obviously some time that it can be argued that growing plants in climates which better suit them saves energy compared to growing them in this country and highly heated greenhouses There's also a growing push for plant swaps and you've got places like Sheffield based community initiative plant swap plenty of gardening clubs in every corner of the country will allow people to swap all kinds of plants and indeed seeds Well we're joining your gardening club so that plant pots are another big problem plastic parts can be a nightmare to recycle I'm sure you've heard the black ones often can't be detected by salting machines at recycling centers so they end up in a landfill or incinerated to keep a lookout for the recyclable and even biodegradable pots you can get on the garden centers which also that take. Skiing's the d.i.y. Stores as well another thing to be wary of is peat in your compost the earthy substance found in waterlogged areas in the u.k. Is of course made of decomposed plant matter and can take sizes of years to form commercial extraction can remove over 500 years worth of growth in a single years so check with retailers about the use of pate or you can stick to plants that do not need to told Michael could so packed tight and there are increasingly pate alternatives up next in the green news India's top court has said cheaters can be reintroduced in the country 70 years after they were wiped out responding to a plea by the government the Supremes court said African cheetahs could be introduced to the wild in a carefully chosen location belt only $7100.00 cheetahs left in the wild almost all of them in Africa the Asiatic cheetah which once roamed parts of India is now only found in Iran where there are thought to be about safety Left studies show that at least $200.00 were killed in India largely by sheep and goat herders during the colonial period it is the only large mammal to become extinct after the country gained independence in 1947 India Supreme Court said the animal would have to be introduced on an experimental basis to find out if it could adapt to Indian conditions it's been debated for more than a decade whether this should happen but leading conservationists have harbored doubts about the plan they fear that it's haste to bring back the cheetah India will end up highs in the animals in semi captive conditions in huge secured open as zoos rather than allowing them to live free. Was a long time waiting for that post to be that finally from big cats to small if you heard about the cat banned from entering his favorite supermarket ginger tom pumpkin became an unexpected item in the bag an area of a Tesco branch near Norris all the Sunday he was seen online using that despite being banned almost 2000 people follow the adventures of this g.v. a Small guy who usually abides by the ban and stays x.i. The front door Tesco said they would be encouraging him out of the shop his owner apparently often pumps to the shop off to work and finds her way would be outside she then tells him to come home for tea and he trots off to her reacting to the latest photograph of him on social media she said pumpkin was likely to take no notice of the bad looking at us it's not cold and largely dry with long clear On the back flip from. How it was beach wonders if it was pretty cool is all seals but. Not all bad guess how late great is wrong very famous but will we get to the boss and all the mystery boys today I wonder about the cold recent man and now they're ripe of the National Guard scheme in a couple of weeks time I've associate has a different areas from a Japanese garden to Stumper ie sculptures palms and of course plenty of snowdrops and other winter flowers had gotten a will Petit took me on a tool to some preacher stuff on the right which we built last year and we're just now moving into the main part of the stock drops so we've we've seen a few but this is the icicle lights at the top here which is where they're most pretty Oh I thought we'd seen that I know it's always a snowy row so that was the I thought the long road and show you the the small of the splice but this is this is the mine this is the impact this is the so quite breathtaking Oh wow. Yeah I really thought we'd seen the main event when it came to snow drops but as we round the corner and go past a. Beautiful water feature and camera and. We're going past plenty of aces everything here is wonderfully marked up as well so you can say whether it's in a subpar mate a mystic jewel or. Can't say Bennet su casa. Was $152.00 varieties of ice or how might I'm in the garden probably over $200.00 pounds as such so we walked for an ending to the mind body on the left here. And a mixed bag as well so we have got here one of our lists so many clumps of Alice Oh yeah with the little green stripes on the inside they really are beautiful when you get up close for us a sign of purity that she really lovely getting down and kind of cracked seeing in amidst the 1000000 particularly we've got absolutely glorious winter sunshine today and when you kind of look along the snowdrops and you just see all those almost translucent bells it's absolutely magical and they just go on this I mean this basic garden in itself is huge and so frequent this is this is quite prolific lawn this one on the middle here but yes no there are there prolific here and by probably came I think there's some kind of religious connection with the with the manor here I think there was possibly monks here many many years ago and they would have probably brought these in possibly 50 ninety's when talks began to come finding their way into England probably with the Romans. That monastic connection might well be why they're here and they're accompanied by plenty of other low winter flowers and we've seen the odd winter flaring Shrub as well tree but there's some gorgeous hellebores nodding their bells and then you'll The little roughs around your your aconite so bright and bright yellow white about only looking at the carpet carpet of the absolutely and right or wrong we've got an enemy by. And that comes out which call which they say area then so we have a succession running lot the wife throw lots of daffodils Then come from particular I realize that I was there so it's quite something daffodils are something I get very excited about I keep waiting for daffodils to have their snow drop by I wouldn't take. That. Much fun I do keep waiting for daffodils to have a big snow drop moment though I'm not sure if. The files I'm all sure what Narcissus fans would be but. It is opening for their fabulous snowdrops and a so much more besides I have a son because on the 15th of February for the national golf skiing think that's a Saturday and actually that also I put in for wonderful some college on the 17th of October with all those aces you can imagine how beautiful it will be thank you very much the head government will Pettyfer my personal toll. Was. a mystery but it was pretty cool Meryl Streep told they see Greg says Melissa and Brett was pretty cool. I'm sorry all right but absolutely brilliantly crushed crane bridge. B.b.c. Radio Cambridge just gone cold to fall Katie tell me about the rides I will there tonight in Cambridge own cold and sleigh Now that's in both directions between right and the roundabout naysaying sprays because of right offend right is still blocked that said by their actions name Mossbank because the level crossing is stepped down and is heavy only $114.00 between which I'm told and Sultan because of legs on the trains London northeast and running with delays of around half an hour now between Peterborough and King's Cross is because the train is broke. Damn people to keep you on if it's safe and legal to be cyclists and I'm 80859596 this is Katie's high level b.b.c. Radio I came but she tried Thank you I tell you in my good books Bob Oh yeah because I just said you've got a nice jumper on and it is really old and they also say that people say oh he was always in a nice nice place to go with this whole thing thank you I am a big believer of sustainability so good on you such a holder of clothes I mean my clothes oh you're lucky you're still young woman yeah but I'm a recycler of material for an incident this should know I have very little carbon footprint in the show no because I'm recycling phone and it's great. To have the rovers but. You've been up to some stuff today I'm going to actually have. Yeah yeah you know what I'm going to go here translucent term Oh yes translucent Bell I think what with her. I like the idea of the so gonna love a source of all that wonderful is what I said all that 52 I says you know whoever it was one phrase here I'm going to take your I'm going to process on to the boss because I think I know what you're up to ROVs around your arcanite. Bright yellow I can I go let's put a cream for that. How does what I do is like heartless to say that he does what I can I your dog you need you I want to bring dinosaur bull. Let me show you a picture and then you'll know what I'm talking about you know here I can. See that they have a little rough secretly on and they have a little rough ride they like him are up oh right oh a row on a rough night yes I says when there's things like Yeah but I'm not ashamed too much if you're driving in to see a doctor to see that this was a problem don't get Russell remarking like Ok let me just give you a prescription for the you know the force today. We've got a thing to break but I know what you're up to the know you're going all these words and even some of the words you can pronounce by the way given that he said it's a brilliant Gallatin called Trees for labeling plants and so I boldly I was all that's pretty I can say that one and then and now and I can't and then I quickly dotted my eyes across to another label to see if that one was easy even more no it was worse I couldn't pronounce either I'm going to say. I even know them so you know this new telephone company ho ho yeah hallway like. Hawaii. Oh. Well well we'll see and they tell me told me it last night 7 times I was doing the interview on the introduction While way just like you don't say who are way where you who. Would be great never to go don't know who are well what to shoot alone. It does sound like oh yeah you don't have any aconite saying just the way I'm walking. Had the operation done what we do we decided that was anyway 33 is your age when you're at your peak he said yeah 33 so you still got to get there you know how you passed. All black shoes or used book. Queen of Versailles I know we don't see it so I'm going to ask. What year were you 33. So you know I was sort of that would be oh eat eat right you know peak here I mean obviously every Wednesday that was your peak Yeah I peeked all through her twenties always picking everything I sort the already have to know what to do my peak this is get Barbara doing something I had to paint the grass and things. And and and whenever the queen now open the door for the queen a lot yeah which is interesting the reckon 33 is when you're really your most vibrant physically mentally aspirational as well so I'm just going to find out what people were doing when. He's just your producer is winding me up but I did wait when the last website of what he was doing when he was 33 published or 33 you know we have some. Very hard to tell me Porky. And bless him Nicholas Parsons has passed away still working at 96 to 93 but oh well I interviewed him once and you did a lot of engineering Clydebank where my dad was from and we've been really and he started a Scottish accent but really good guy but he was a fantastic straight man in the films on doing comedy so I'm going to collect my straight man today I treat women the women and men who made the comment comedian sewn brilliant but got that one and I saw a car free zone in Cambridge we're talking about we're going to put the cars elsewhere and came here. And example Jeep told Morton. Ronnie Barber only 8 minutes until the drive through that mark a nice place I'm going to get a lot of. Stuff . Bagnoli. The silver. Bagnoli.

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