A very good morning to you it's four o'clock on Wednesday the thirteenth of September twenty seventeen I'm Anna Perez sitting in for Sophie who in turn was sitting in for Wally and yet does that make sense hopefully you're still with me good but let's start though with your Look at your very latest B.B.C. News for the east the government's being accused of not doing enough to tackle homelessness in England the National Audit Office says all forms of homelessness have risen steeply in the past six years it also says the government's own welfare reforms are partly to blame for the rise Polly meat is from the housing charity Shelter and welfare reforms have absolutely trampled a people's ability to find someone to live the government must and the phrase on housing benefit for renters and Local Housing Allowance without dads we will never see an end to this crisis menace to say five hundred fifty million pounds is being invested over the next few years to help deal with the problem of homelessness the government has for the first time breached its one percent cap on pay rises for public sector workers in England and Wales will be one point seven percent increase for prison officers this year and one percent rise for police who will then receive a further one percent bonus union leaders claim that many workers are ready to strike for fairer pay Annelise dogs the shadow is a shadow minister says it won't need to get that far Well I don't think anybody wants to have a strike I think the whole point is that people have been pushed very far that they're starting to talk about this labor is said we shouldn't have and Austria watching we shouldn't be pushed into the situation because government should be actually listening. The government has won a vote that will ensure the conservatives have a majority on key committees despite not having a majority in the Commons the leader of the house under that some says the tie up with the T.V. Meant the government had a working majority and should be able to make progress with that Islay Sion has shadow Valerie vast accuse ministers of a power grab She also sparked cheers when she commented on Mrs That's an outfit she sent out in a bright outfit like that that television presenter from North Korean T.V. To reach. Was. Sent to the center are not enough profit to tell us everything is well when actually something really bad and dramatic is happening and it is to our democracy and international news now the USA officials say twelve people are now known to have died as a result of hurricane in Florida there are fuel and power shortages as well as long traffic jams as residents return to their homes the foreign secretary Boris Johnson is traveling to the British overseas territories in the Caribbean which were affected. The Met Office has issued a number of warnings as the first named storm hits our country Irene is bringing high winds and rain to much of Wales and England the funeral of the former Archbishop of Westminster cardinal Colm Murphy O'Connor will be held at Westminster Cathedral today he died two weeks ago at the age of eighty five let's take a close look at your weather for the eastern region now Gail's all severe gales will ease Jewing the morning but should stay windy old day with heavy blustery showers perhaps with hail and found as well often bright sunny between the showers there with a maximum temperature of seventeen degrees Celsius US sixty three degrees Fahrenheit . Looking on the B.B.C. . Yes a very good morning to you I hope I find. On this Wednesday Mitch week. It's lovely to be his to see him for Sophie and she'll be back on your way to tomorrow not to worry and and all because in the next couple of weeks we'll go into more details late the first week of the start as we usually do with your song choice and how to fix this and then I. Love my. Luck tonight for a. Block from my music and spread a. Bible in the lead to. A lack of sleep the blue ocean. You. I mean I saw John thanks very much for your company the small they I hope I find you well yes in good spirit and very dark very very dark that's what I've noticed from the last time I was covering Wally. It's all of a sudden very dark outside but that's fine it's OK It means everyone you know some people are tucked up in bed and and when we're hard at work and it's nice to be here thanks for having me yes just to give you a recap so Sophia's on the next couple of days and then then covering for the next couple of weeks so that means I'll be doing my that's your job quiz after quarter past five with posting Pat and today's one is very good here like today's one by Kathy but also got your song choices to pick now they're very good today although I've had to use my imagination it's involved a little bit of brain work so you can only imagine what we've got on hit. It's Roald Dahl's birthday today I K Roald Dahl's birthday today he's not with any more which is a terrible shame but I absolutely adored his books an Oscar going up and he seated many and he did lots of adult stories as well that you couldn't say at all just stories for grown ups want to and I thought that I. Still read Fantastic Mr Fox but that's just me anyway so I've picked four songs on the theme of Roald Dahl and you'll never guess what they are will that will have a Texas Midnight Runners and just think that's going on what four has that crazy Chinese and he. Come on. Have your message he said last time you know I suggest you play on a. Cool. List and I'll play in the next couple of weeks. Just for me he says good work. As Wally's stand in thank you very much indeed and it's lovely to have your company this morning and well every morning really nice to be here to cover it but also if you've got a favorite song it can be of any genre absolutely anything we can have rap we can have heavy metal. Yet anything you like really or just you know something else. You'd like to hear from four o'clock in the morning then just drop me an email and I'll add it to our list so it's an adoptee at B.B.C. Dot co dot U.K. That's P. Double R O Double T. And I'll come into my inbox and then I can add it to one of these magic list and then that can be added to the list a new one day might wake up in the morning and you might hear it being played in going away I chose that one. And I'd suggest going out and buying a lottery ticket and if you win. You know he put on the list it was me so give me all your magnetic tape. Now I said it's Roald Dahl's birthday so what four songs do you think I've linked. Very tasty with rolled off the seven list and see if you can work it all out. Son. What do you think that my cases go for songs that you can vote for obviously in the usual way one three three Start your message with the word Wally or you can call me three four five thirty fifty seven we can e-mail an adult parent at B.B.C. To U.K. With choice one two three or four so the first one was Fox on the run by the sweet as are all Manfred Mann and it's very difficult one sixty nine one seventy five. So about the sweet anyway so folks on the run that's of course Fantastic Mr Fox Yeah I get it and then Peaches by the strongest which my mom or so it was creatures which I think is very adorable she was walking on the beaches looking at the creatures. And they didn't actually mean Peaches the fruit I thought let's say so that alludes to James in the Giant Peach I love to feel so good anyway and then we've got Elton John Crocodile Rock for the Enormous Crocodile brilliant you know I was surprised this is well this is fantastic. And the last chain if you didn't recognize that chain it was by a band called Rusted Root and in the video they all stand on this mountain and and they're wearing hippie clothes very poncho and you know looking very very earthy and send me on my way and that's the theme tune played on the song in. Matilda the film so Matilda a lovely story again and actually true to fashion of Matilda someone that some chocolate cake up status so I'm doing a bit of a brew spoke Trotter an eating all the chocolate cake the totality what will you thought secret if I said no for those four. One three double three star it was this ripped the word wall a. Time ago. I can still remember how the music used to make me smile. And I knew if I had my chance that I could make those people didn't send me be they happy for a walk. But February May shiver every day I deliver bad news on the doorstep I couldn't take one more step. I can remember. When I read about his widowed bride. Something to me. Day. Them you. Dad. So. In. The. Lead it was. In bowls with drinking whiskey and Be the day that. American Pie Don McLean thank you so much for your coals It's lovely tasteful So OK . So nice to speak she will get there nice to be have your company now Richard had a lot to vote for number three that's Crocodile Rock The Enormous Crocodile. He's not an enormous crocodile you know I mean you know I mean we're going on we're going on my roll dollar example so thank you Richard I am in the truck up is pulling the birds number four Rusted Root said male My wife put in some nice to hear from you as well and I'm one John would like number one so old difference this morning. And I said I was talking in some cake yes I have pain and it's very nice I choccy cake and it is now Have you been watching the new bike cough let me know what you think. It's well it's the bake off. The Bake Off slightly different different present is. Still food to to be able to watch as well adverts bit of an issue but you know there. Anyway there is something about bake off it's because the person who baked it was on the last series the previous serious Kate Bombay and she she lives in Norfolk and she she came in yesterday to for an interview and she always brings in a K. So she's lovely. Sort of off favorites. Looking at the text messages this morning hi good morning and a nice to hear you again are you enjoying the program yes of course I am did you say that while he's away for a further two weeks yes he is he's often his holy ballz got another two weeks he's a good boy and they need like number one that's from J.C. In Milton Keynes Thanks and have a good day yes I certainly will but I have to turn the sound down on my computer like you can all him e-mails coming through in their vast numbers. Yes. Super So thank you very much for that that's number one for you say for who else twizzle number three they go twizzle nice to hear from you and good morning Ana nice to be woken by a giggle or two Ha song choice for me today is number three that's from Jeff in great glee Number three make a record All right good song that they're all quite good songs actually fit well I don't ever try and pick rubbish ones but you know if I say so myself I like the ones today I'm happy with any of them so go ahead you know going to offend me hello on a nice to have you back number three for me today that's from Gene in pake field and number three please. And. Now we've got small Masters coming in already some of those in a few moments we're getting through and I'm we're getting through him but keep your thoughts coming in for what song you would like his devoting choice again. Number one contest against the folks on the run. James in the Giant Peach Peaches by the strike it was sunny. Enormous Crocodile. All right number three. If you have a good time. That's Rusted Root send me on my way the song from Matilda the film Danny De Vito do you remember is that the safari in that the she when she clues his hat to his head and. This from Take That loud. So this is a Christmas song. And we've come along with. The big. Clue. We've got some sort. Of good news on the. Polls. Close. To. Zero. Zero. Zero. Zero. The BE . Observed. As a. Us. LOL LOL. Lol. LOL LOL. Lol. Eleven. Eleven eleven. Eleven. So. You. Lose. Lol. So. Close. That does sound like a Christmas song I don't think I'm on my own for the area of mind thank you so much your text messages coming in number three fleas was what I'm going to say and I found it very panic over after he Number three please you should really be playing with wet wet though because that's what I now think of us poor milk toast working away that's from Nathan the wet but very happy milk oh you're doing a wonderful job Nathan well done that man Number three is on there for you song right now someone's got to and you did a wonderful chop Good morning and. Thank you very much to the Good Shepherd lovely to hear from you. Morning pair O. John Denver drops Well I never have root choice of all for all pony and trap. So no vote today oh D.J. Cheer up look please add up to Broadway and love token to the list yes of course I will mark that said I'll go on there for you and I have Vaseline Vincent of dear in . Place and what was yesterday's for the initials Yes I will give them out in a moment I'll get Today's out and also remind you of yesterday's as well that let me think it will you well Tiffany to that extent K. Morning sweetness good to hear you again can have number one today places of course can that's crazy coyote that's on there for you have a good day and good morning and I mean old duck please can have some number two for you today that's from beauty the say yes of course she can be the first one to get that one area now yesterday's initials are sure to the US all to the. So I'm a doctor at B.B.C. Talk morning sugarplum lovely to hear your gurgle for a giggle again. I'll plump the number number two this morning plays and is going to give us a call at five fifteen now who is that supposed to pat course is number two for you the second one to vote for that one I swear I loved it if it would be nice to have a child again because I missed it last time now hi and welcome back from Jen and in a windy Houghton Regis are spot on with the opening song loving the music so far number three for me are thanks Jenny see D.J. Not everyone hates John Denver. Soup but number three there we go that's on there for you Jen lovely to hear from you hope whiskies behaving himself and hi and welcome back to four am Please can I have some Elton John yes of course you can and make it snappy caricature that's vote for number three for you I've been keeping So Sophie up to date with the weather here oh yes yes that's very important eight twenty. It's still about eighty eight degrees Fahrenheit that's certainly one Celsius outside and a bit of a cool breeze starting to pick up though now might be more pleasant later that's from San Francisco Bay day. Yes Blimey got this really not you've been keeping in touch with you've actually written the weather report slightly better than the US. So this one was lovely to have that all brilliant and I hope your dog well and to behave themselves all so now your initials yesterday Sophie did. What noisy S. P.J. Arrived in the U.K. On this day in one thousand nine hundred seventy and it was supersonic passenger jet so well done if you got that one as a tricky one what noisy supersonic was as P.J. Supersonic passenger jet jet arrived in the U.K. Yesterday nineteen seventy fab now your initials today S P S P Sierra Pappa Sierra Pappa what S P goes well with the point and was also a cartoon dog. Quite easy this morning I think well yeah I think so what S.P. Goes well with a pint and was also a cartoon dog K. S. Pay what you reckon. Start a message with the word Wally or give us a call or three four five thirty fifty double seven or an e-mail. At B.B.C. U.K. And keep the votes coming in as well about twenty well about twenty minutes to get your vote in for the songs today we've got folks on the run the Fantastic Mr Fox James the John peach Peaches by the Stranglers Crocodile Rock Elton John at number three for the enormous profit all my way Rusted Root the steam Chuen song from Matilda old today because it is Roald Dahl's birthday. To. Me I want you want. You. To pray. That. You. In knowing that. I'm seeing some signs on your lawn and being. There. And I saw that. I'm. Going to say I'm going. To get back on. The let alone long. Dead and I'm going to Bangkok they are. Going to hang a long long in the example above and beyond the band. In a long long and strong. Home and so. The longer you limit the. Game. As you. Get there. Is no longer. There. Dreams thank you for your calls I'm talking to them slowly I'm sorry the biggest quickest thank you so much for your patience it's lovely to hear from you all. And lots of it for number three they and great you almost had like number three as well like a rosemary and. John in Woodbridge voting for number one has got S. P. Has got our initials to say well done you say put wealth on job supra put your vote on there as well so S.P. What S.P. Goes well with a pint and was also a cartoon dog oh right and Steve and Samantha in we got to vote for the three and Scooby Doo doo doo it's S. Pay sorry for that so S.P. Sierra Pappa super hope you guys have a safe journey and one John has got a speedy and jiving Jeff has also got S.P. You would like to vote for number one they get. Susana in Cambridge we got to vote for number two and she's got a spade as well so very well you guys I'll give you another play of the song choices just so he calls more I hate but number one all to do with Roald Dahl's story so they link in nicely he would get. Tested Mr. James and John Page Number two. Enormous Crocodile number three. And the theme song to Matilda was also used on the ice age company off shore was a very good song at least when I when I used to live in London with my flatmates I used to be my friends. For what's that called Ring toad. We've gone from the Crazy Frog to that last song as a ring tired Crazy Frog to remember that goodness me oh so well I speak as well with a pint and it was also a cartoon dog what do you think three double three Start a message with the word Wally and morning on the place could I have. The strongest this morning that's number two James and John Page and it's you and spade. Well that's very silly. That's very lovely to hear from you on the porridge and NORAD's alas not but I have put your down that as well not a problem thanks for getting in touch and keep the thoughts come again I'll try to get some of these phone calls nationally. And I'll remind you of our top story in a few bites as well. Wow Wow. Cut So what goes well with the. What do we thank. You. Because it means you have a good start to the tightest brain whirring law two of the quizzes starting off the quarter past five after a chat with post and we'll have the local line and we'll have that's your job to launch as well so you can guess what the person's job is. To get it I hope you get nothing so Rose being Chrome has been on the phone is a shepherd's pie no Rosemary I'm sorry that's not but you'd like to vote for number two so that's absolutely fine we got that on there for you June with she's got a spade. And she'd lost it at number two and top she's been on the phone is just on his way to work this driving driving his truck well done that man did like number two and you've got S.P. As well so that's very good number two is catching up with is very exciting in terms of the votes it's getting close it's getting closer now than we got here wait for it hang on it's worth it. Thinking oh yeah this is slick isn't it bring back Wally. Did of mud Good morning and welcome back I know who say. I'm so sorry to be late sending in my request this morning but I was on duty at the homeless street hope soup kitchen last night oh good for you nice one salvo However I'd like to chew number three please this morning yours and service south is really nice to hear from the south and I hope all is well with you and if you've been on the pier and and busy and that's really nice to hear from you and well done the country for doing your your wonderful work that you do. There is so if it goes. Off he goes in to eat and our top story this morning. Will be playing our song choice in a few moments time our top story this morning is the government being accused of not doing enough to tackle homelessness in England the National Audit Office says all forms of homelessness have risen steeply in the past six years he also says the government's own welfare reforms are partly to blame for the rise and ministers say five hundred fifty million pounds is being invested over the next few years to help deal with the problem so well done South Africa ground and and doing what you can it's very very good of you keep your thoughts coming in there for less pay what S.P. Goes well with a pint and was also a cartoon OK. Three Start your message with the word Wally three your calls would get in their own way. OK so. The final requests coming in thank you so much for messages twizzle you've got S.P. Well done and and super Thank you so the Good Shepherd Scooby Doo now alas that's not the answer so about that good chef enough to hear from you good morning and a number two from a place Yep there we go that's on there for you and maybe the most risky radio yet miscues song from indie Steven Durbin and yes because this is a very naughty word halfway through I've got the edited to read the radio version I made sure I did just in case. Because that would be rather awful and probably into my radio career. Hi it's S P Yes it is that's from shonky in Cheshire yet lovely thank you very much well done S.P. Crazy coyote well done Gina MPEG fields you've got it as well so as Martin and Heather said call well done well done that super And number one please There we go . Are the is the answer yes it is yes you got yesterday's as well I love your little giggles It makes me giggle to. Bedford all pressure it's nice to know I'm not laughing on me out. There having a final count on your votes number one for me that's proof Welcome back he says and you've got S.P. As well that super nice one number one sure vote and morning I know two. To go sisters in one week yes S.P. Yes it is well done that's Dave the milkmen Well the new super is the answer yes it is out on the truckie you got it as well. Good morning and welcome back to the radio thank you very much that's for Melissa impeach Brooke and I vote for number one yes of course she can the guy an S.P. You got it you got it see her and. Jeff in Southend would like to vote for number three Crocodile Rock yet they get that song. I have a final countertop that will play out. Was Well not long till news time know how many final votes coming in who how exciting Well they're going to be then what's that going up a recall vote number for that's from from Jethro that's not going to be that but it got from nail in I came to chit. Not waiting for someone to problem over that message out in a bit but keep your thoughts coming in for S P What S P goes well with the pond and was also a cartoon talk attack would like number three on their feet by would like number two but talk of shock He's got your You've got your wife today and that the winning song leading is up to the news is Crocodile Rock good choice. Good morning the time now is five o'clock on Wednesday the thirteenth of September twenty seventeen TOG off your latest news the official body which monitors public spending has said the government's welfare reforms A likely to have contributed to rising levels of homelessness in England the National Audit Office criticizes ministers for what it sees as their light touch approach to the problem also she affairs correspondent Michael Buchanan reports homelessness in England is on the rise the number of families in temporary accommodation is up sixty percent since twenty eleven while rough sleeping has more than doubled this report paints a picture of a system that isn't fit for purpose being overseen by ministers who have little interest in tackling it well the National Audit Office says a reduction in housing benefit is likely to have contributed to the increase ministers haven't actually assess the impact of many welfare reforms on the problem ministers say there is more to be done or will shortly outline plans which they say with eliminate rough sleeping entirely the number of recorded incidents of anti-Semitism in the U.K. Has risen according to the Institute of Jewish Policy Research who say that more than a quarter of Britons held at least one anti semitic attitude they say their report is the largest survey of attitudes towards Jews in Israel ever conducted in Britain . Officials in Florida say hurrican has killed twelve people on the keys and mainland the state is still affected by power cuts the foreign secretary boss Johnson is to visit the British Virgin Islands and will a new guidance suggest women who go into early labor should be offered antibiotics to prevent an infection which can prove fatal to babies the Royal College of Obstetricians says around five hundred newborns in the U.K. Develop Group B. Strep every year PROFESSOR PETER BROCKLEHURST co-wrote the new guidelines although some very rare infection the severity of the infection first small numbers of babies is is worrying it's clear that although only about twenty five percent of women carry creepy strap a pre-term baby is more susceptible to become infected with Group B. Step than a baby is born out. The funeral of the former Archbishop of Westminster cardinal call Mark Murphy O'Connor will be held at Westminster Cathedral today he died two weeks ago at the age of eighty five Apple has launched a new smartphone the i Phone ten celebrating the tenth anniversary of the company's flat flagship product it doesn't have a physical home button and uses facial recognition for security to cheaper models have also been unveiled the ten comes with a hefty price tag which Charlie Brown a technology commentator believes will to term many bias with your final ten which is designed to be there ten years special there may still be everything there is some other cleverness in that it is a beautiful headset and the story thing about it though is that if you want purchase it when it comes out in November it's going to cost over a thousand pounds and for most of us well look at. What we want to go for. And your weather for the Eastern Region Abigail's will severe gales will be easing of cross the morning hopefully but it will stay windy old today with heavy blustery showers and perhaps some hail and thunder on the way as well often bright and sunny though between the showers so that's something to look forward to a maximum temperature of seventeen degrees Celsius that sixty three degrees in fact height. On the B.B.C. . A mobile phone costing a thousand pounds but some believe above that final news story well I have to talk about that I mean think of how many phone calls you could be on the phone for days for the amount of money but if I ever get me to love a talk your company is on a pair of sitting in for Sophie he's sitting in football a so it's all very confusing but hopefully I've kept up with this lovely tap your company will have a synchronized sit very soon so if you're going to join me for the cat long run yeah I. Cool. At the. At the. You'll. Ruin ask. You a risk pool. Cool ask us. Geeks. Back. Exit. Ask. You actually. Glenn. Glenn. Glenn. Glenn. Glenn Glenn Glenn. Glenn . Stevie Wonder and superstition thank you so much for your calls I think a master get told him Well done me thank you patience of a Didn't sorry. Son lies today by the way I won't be with you well I'll be with the Norfolk law if you hang it on that I'll be at six twenty five this morning twenty five minutes past six because I don't get to play the day oh do I which is very sad and sunset the seasoning is at fourteen minutes past seven. Oh we're losing a lot on life with us not on Mind you it'll come back it always comes back so that's the main things and that thank you for your calls as well so security Steve rang and said I did a wonderful impression of victim Meldrew Well I'm sorry a thousand pounds is a lot of money for a mobile phone I think I think it's crazy money I wouldn't but well Mark can afford it. I'll be one of those people with those plastic cups and have a streak. That's me that's how I make my calls. For him I mean picking up the phone in the studio here as a complete luxury fifths there yet I can't see a thousand pounds that could that that could pay for a trip to Australia I could pay I could do so much so just having on a phone and then with the facial recognition what if you what if you lose a lot of white or you put a lot of weight on what then. Haven't thought not so clever say I've worked my way around it. And I was picked to track at Jack as well who asked me how my holiday was because I was on the holy Bob's last time. Finish on the Friday and then we drove to the Lake District Well that's quite a long way isn't it. That was quite a long way in that and a half to sort of twenty two hours of not sleeping I. Did I did did really like finding my bed it was very very nice to sleep that night a beautiful house beautiful place voting Hills sheep lovely What more could you want in life is very very nice and the weather want to bat to be honest you don't go to the Lake District if you want to be Sunny do you but it isn't Beatrice a little couple of days really otherwise it was mild mild a nice you go to. You go to Malaga if you want to be hot and sunny you don't go to the Lake District but you do go there if you like hills so it's lovely had enough lead time to. What Espy goes well with a pint and was also a cartoon What do we think what S.P. Goes well with a point and was also a call to S.P. Sierra Papo that song initials for today I'll be speaking to post to Pat in a bit after this from food no muss. With. You Jim. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you you. Thank . Bruno Mars I'm trash. I like the strike. Will travel update in a few moments time how few be to your kitchen or have you got a Teasmade Let's hope you to it on her. I have been very sly not managed to get a hot drink in time however I do have a mug of Cold now who dares me to take the work of coal to say all right and I will I will just for you not to worry don't you know think of me having this poor horrible dregs. Poor old May Time now for synchronised pirates. Get the better go and come and all that but I am going to go by I don't know don't you got one long way. Everything. Everything. And said. I. Won't recommend that and don't put your nose in the cup. A quick look on the roads this morning not a lot to report if you do come across anything though do let me know the B. Eleven five one town road in both directions and that's in Norfolk Town Road in both directions is still closed due to a building fire at the Swan Pub between Mill Road and Grove Road also affecting the eleven five one sporting road in both directions Police say the club road may be closed for several days has been closed for a couple of days now for cleanup and any potential. Best occasions but otherwise all looking fairly good on the roads unless you can tell me otherwise it's safe to do so I three four five thirty fifty W. Seven. And on the line now one of my most favorite people in the word this post good morning and I was already this morning did I get how you are and thank you my own cult he. Has indeed been on chocolate cake at this time of the dice don't tell and. Tell will admit you know it is you're . Always going to say as well you can sue for you giggling girls you have far too much fun at their treasure Quest on a Sunday morning we do don't want to be much fun a laugh you take it seriously do you know we don't quite right the way we did make it seem that we want to get there but yet it's very funny and at a lovely time when some lovely place certainly did yeah you know we always listening going across the ferry I think was my favorite sudden going across the ferry had been on that no no good the man's ever so nice on there in his high biz jacket and the thing excellent well been a touch of all and he's all nicely and firmly tied up so he's a sheriff on this who read this blog when I saw it at the moment on the hub it's a bit disconcerting on the boat I'm sure it must be that we've got good sea legs just as I have the dogs Oh I love it I laugh out what your are a little of you forgot on Facebook of sherry with Fudge across her lap just chillin I big toe I think I've seen that one she looks great doesn't she look yeah every day and how was your holiday Oh it's lovely thanks yeah we are now a star on lovely and relax and as always and next week I'll be on the right you would be on the phone we got another holiday right down the caravan again for another week or even north look you can guess where it's run Oh how lovely a proper break then without being. Without me disrupting your holiday is silly o'clock in the. What the people come across from well to stay with us the reason. What I would normally go up and be in touch with be was actually you know more of a much less annoyed if the call for me at the very late now schools in the doors I'm really sorry I haven't got it or I should. Just have to talk amongst ourselves I'm going to just look can guess twenty for Crocodile Rock and maybe a nine for the Stranglers and say another nine for the sweet fox on the run and ninety two for us to foster got to be to be honest but yes also popular choices today. Yourself or you think anyone would win what was your favorite Roald Dahl's writers. Strike last us what was your favorite Roald Dahl's. James majority page which probably more to their. Story is a good story did you ever see the most recent one of the B F G. Oh no ask it in see that that's a very good film that's And look I'm sure they will get all fantastic stories as well and they are getting your people as a genius and I love to just created brand new words like snails come. I mean that they should be in the UK in the English dictionary because they're better than some of our words. Now would you like your liver Colline what would please. Say feared That's why it's so confusing this week isn't it now we've got You'll be pulling out your had drowning in despair you'll be pulling out your hair drowning in despair. Think I'm the one who will have to have a think. So familiar but after thinking I have to email you back I LOVE FOR YOU THANK all and would you like to hear from our clue person totally lost it as you'd well expect when you busy today I'm always busy you know I don't have to die I don't only want to know which of her things I thought was getting them out of the game don't worry you'll get there no panic on the day it's a funny day now called fund the introduction but never mind I will play Clue one anyway All right ready Yeah give people skills that everyone hopes they will never need to use. People skills I hope I will never have to you. By the way Rory. So you'll be pulling out your head. Today. Well isn't it wasn't you know hey we get it. Everyone hopes they will never need to . Send it well. I expect an email from you shortly There are a I'm losing my religion thank you for your calls and your messages coming through so we've got three quizzes going on at the moment we've got our job so what job does Anthony to OK here's how I give people skills that everyone hopes they will never need to use Ok so that's his first clue and I lyrical line you'll be pulling out your hair drowning in despair what song is that from and your initials for today S.P.C. Error PAP or what S P goes well with a pint and was also a cartoon OK eight one three double three Start your message with the word Wally or you can give us a call three four five thirty fifty double zero seven thank you for your patience on the phone I'm getting there. And only e-mail an adult pair O. B.B.C. Don't go to U.K. That's P. E. Double our double duty thanks very much B.B.C. Cases double T. Morning treacle dreadful start to the show says Jethro hardly be up anyway I thought scooter boy was back with the shocking choice of four Joe look no vote from this greaser but can you check plenty of the dickies and their song Killer Klowns from outer space yeah of course I'll add that to the list no problem let me mark your email and this is a classic Chuen from a cult film check out I will do thank you very much indeed and deposit pyro. You've got a vote in last that didn't win and S.P. Is it Scooby Doo Sandy panda. City Parma or sugar plum. Last. And are you Georgie Are you a Jordy or Norfolk definitely a Norfolk girl I don't have I don't have a Jordy accent I can do accents but I can't do a Jordy one particularly well. Take that our Yes it was a good song was that thanks very much. Lovely to have your company this morning and . S.P. Special person no state pension no I'll ask it because it's coming in there and private Godfrey even in touch hope of spell your name correctly this time he says yes yes you have indeed and you have got S P U clever thing you that's wonderful how sugar plum I rather think those lyrics are yes they are can't remember who did it oh it's not like you and it is the job yes it is you've got the job well done your first answer is correct well done post nice one very good day around a S P Yes You got it lyrical line is it tainted love by Soft Cell No it's not and this is the job Neil you're very close came the chip with the job the first two words right you need another one and on top of that one as well OK and it's your chap Antony. You're very close as well Karen you're very close as well here's the second clue for you from an Acer Here's Anthony's first one I give people skills that everyone hopes they will never need to use and that's have the second one OK ready it can happen anywhere boy you'll be delighted to have one of us with you OK what do we think will three Start your message with the word Wally S P S P goes well with a pint and was also a cartoon. What do you think what do you think any idea at all. You are doing very well this morning actually very well indeed some of your calls I think coming in as well. Valerie is Sugar Puff No it's not a fright lovely to hear from you and security Steve is off to Australia smarter have a good trip and Richard in Wyndham's got three three well done that man and Julian with and how you got the job well done that girl. If you've got the. Travel updates as well for you in a few moments time after this. Week And let me Winehouse back to black. They are lucky to be lots of travel problems today on the rise make sure you keep huge into your local radio all morning if you all. The storms will bring down some trees and undoubtedly obscure your they so I'm twenty five Q.E. Two bridge two lanes closed and heavy traffic due to strong winds on the M twenty five Q.E. To bridge clockwise between junction thirty one the A thirteen of six all Tiriel road in West the rock. Towards the junction one eye as well so one lanes one full of being close that these are tough Alliance due to restrictions due to the strong winds that. Virgin Trains West Coast in Cumbria delays on version trains coast to signalling problem between ox and home in the Lake District and Lancaster speed restrictions and there's a fallen tree removed on outward common roads near the A one to nine South End Road that's in the Ricky in Essex and we have half the way roads both directions and graze in Essex Hathway road in both directions as blocks due to a fallen tree near Fairfax road traffic is coping well there but do be aware if you are on the approach to that and the B one eight three the street sharing in Essex reports of a fallen tree on the B. One hundred three there just near to back so again be aware on approach Mills Road both directions battled in an Essex Road both directions partially blocked due to a fallen tree again between Wood grade and be careful there traffic is coping well at the moment but it will build as the trafficking increases throughout the morning and we have. A three six one Daventry road and kills the Northamptonshire tree removed on a three six one near the bridge way there as well and twenty five both directions in Hartford shift there's no fuel available on the M twenty five in both directions it says just to be aware that's just off the roundabout junction twenty three also thanks to Gordon for getting in touch he says of the A one M. Dwelling and between Wellington Stephen H. Is close between there and also the Burnham green road towards north towards the well north of railway is closed as well to fall in tree there so if you are using the railway they may have to make different arrangements give yourself a little bit extra time to get there this morning if you come across anything they do let me know and I can keep the rest of the region updated its zero three four five thirty fifty double zero seven. It's an apparent sitting in for so fiddle who's sitting in for Wally web this morning it's lovely to have your company Let's take a look at your headlines at half past five well for a bit later it's thirty five minutes past five am. So the official body which monitors public spending says the government's welfare reforms are likely to have contributed to rising levels of homelessness in England the National Audit Office claims that in the last six years there's been a sixty percent rise in the number of households in temporary accommodation including including one hundred twenty thousand children the number of recorded incidents of anti semitism in the U.K. Has risen according to the Institute of Jewish policy research they say more than a quarter of Britons hold at least one anti semitic attitude officials in Florida say hurrican has killed twelve people on the keys and mainland the foreign secretary Boris Johnson is visiting the British Virgin Islands and angle which were badly damaged in the storm. New gardens suggest women who go into early labor should be offered antibiotics to prevent infection which can prove fatal to babies the Royal College of Obstetricians says around five hundred newborns in the U.K. Develop Group B. Strep each year and a look at your weather for today the storm is arriving and making its way across the country so do be aware that going to be blown a Hooley today so this gales or severe gales will ease hopefully across the morning but it will stay windy all day with heavy blustery showers and perhaps some hail and thunder often bright and sunny though between the showers throughout the day so maximum temperature seventeen degrees Celsius at sixty three degrees Fahrenheit but very very windy keep me updated with anything that you have wind wise be nice to keep everyone well on board with it wasn't too bad when I was coming in but I think it's it's getting worse it's picking up in London Portland there's been been a touch that it's very windy where here's the docks there he's got the job by the way he's guessed the job correctly so well done you and Chuck for the Supreme us S.P. So it's S P Y S P goes well with a pint and was also a cartoon he's got steak pie no that's not quite right it's a smaller snack than a steak pie but it's make me hungry again chocolate cake already this morning I can't have any more surely let's hear our clue a game from and snake so his first clue I give people skills that everyone hopes they will never need to use and see what your second it can happen anywhere boy you'll be delighted to have one of us with you and your final clue this morning and they are trying to make you really far been a real scenario it won't be anything of the sought what is Anthony's job let's listen to that last clue again I try to make your. Been a real it won't be anything of the so what is his job like a in your lyrical line today you'll be pulling out your head drowning in despair what song is that lyrical Line song is that from and S. Pay what I speak as well with a pint and was also a cartoon eight one three double three Start a message with the word Wally three four five thirty fifty. Coming up very strongly on your B.B.C. Radio Norfolk well B.B.C. Radio stations locally we have North Hampton one your breakfast show this morning and in Suffolk Luke Dale will be looking after you for an R. And then in Cambridge Cambridge chair we have taught him a cloud ready to take control and if you stay with Norfolk you've got mad me for another half hour and half the six o'clock and three counties radio on to Collins will be there with your latest breakfast news now on the text messages Evil been very very busy texting and all this so well done. So the perp we've got Anna is S.P. Yes That's Terry in Canvey you've got that one well done S.P. Yes Jenny of saffron roll Walton you've got it if you're mystery person yes that's A.J. Well done A.J. You've got it you've got the job safe or well done and in the paper you've got less pay more Nana very nice to hear from you thank you very much shoulder of Colline Yes it is is your man a self defense expert No he's not oh but Pru your second answer is perfectly one hundred percent correct Well the new Anna is your job yes day of the mill Commonwealth and a place to hear that you'll be on for nothing further to weeks all that's very nice that will take me up to when I retire Oh congratulations on but you can't wait to wait. You'll never have to get. But this time again I will miss you still get up never mind lyrics Yes they are well done you and you've got both of them well done nice one that's from Jeff a great Oakley and well done chunky you've got the job as well get high on is the song yes it is and this job a pathologist no that's wrong that's from Cage or Western favorite village but you have got this lyrical lied so well done to you is the song title yes it is and this is the job yes it is well done Terry and lyrical line yes well done on the trucker you've got it. And Urban Ipswich you've got the song as well and Katie you've got the S.P. WELL DONE SO WHAT S. Pay goes well with a pint and was also a cartoon so you've got that one hello is the job yes it is S.P. Yes it is that's right chill in sunny knowledge doing the ironing this time in the morning you know amazing core a funny story about an I I went I went on holiday recently as I said I went to the Lake District and about myself two things First thing I bought myself an ironing board which is not what you buy yourself when you go off on all of that some of those really old vintage ones are good and one and I think it's got asbestos thing on the top which I probably should change but I will definitely will change used so that's all I can. And yeah wonderful on board it's nice and small so it fits into the cupboard where you want it to go into but you have to so it's quite a funny thing to to buy when you're off on holiday then you know that well done Perry and House did you've got the lyrical line and I are in the truck or you've got the job as well and so has and the G. And is the job yes it is and the lyrics well done Jeff you are all on fire Good morning and it's S.P. Yes Yes And you got the job is the song yes it is. Nice one now then well that's from Eddie on his way to best and he said for the Jordy accent try pronouncing cow is a cow Zacky a New Castle New Castle New Castle New Castle Yes Got it got it. Jodie X. It's not my top on the way so you had just three clues what do we think his job is . Here we go OK here the three close for a final time and then I'm going to play him next OK Nice job I give people skills that everyone hopes they will never need to use a clue to it can happen I was there anyway boy you'll be delighted to have one of us with you like a and final clue you are trying to make he really thought been a real it won't be anything of the sort OK one three doubles three Start your message with the word Wally OK that's what we want so send that over to me or you can email me an adult para B.B.C. Talk U.K. Or Kaline you'll be pulling out your head drowning in despair and join issues when I speak as well with the point and was also a cartoon. The The two. Graces nice that some have since really nice now. And you'll be pulling out your hand. Drowning in despair Well then if you got the song right you could have it in if you saw the top on the back east on super well this morning this is your going out your head sounding in despair it's of course the Four Tops with going like a down and I. Love that song it's a quite a few If you. Have one he's got this one correct I'm told get it and ski and good job out of this group. Oh The to. Live. On his own correct this morning you will turn particularly well today looks if you can three out three now for job today. Antony you don't and quite well on this one as well on the texts and on the phone some of the e-mails he was a first aid teacher first a trainer shall we meet him I went on a course yesterday so I grabbed that speak to me Let's do this and he did it and this is him everyone welcome Say hello to add to Nick Hi my name's And I'm a first I trainer for the British Red Cross here in Orange to get different levels of ability some people have done lots of first day before a really confident and others are quite shy and I've never done first day before and within certainly in three days of a two day course even if you see people whose improvement for zero and some people are really shy to start off with can be really interactive So yes it is a life saving scale but the same time proves people's confidence as well just of their own character and surprising the difference even in one day say from from the do you think classes like this do you think they save lives yeah definitely I think the reality we're on a first day at work horse but the chance of performing first aid are usually anywhere on the drive home or home or in on a holiday and just the accounts of people I've seen again on courses that attended the stories that I've done and I've saved lives is amazing. If someone's listening and they're thinking yeah perhaps I could learn a bit from the I am sometimes in the. Yeah that might be a good thing to learn how could how would you attract someone to come along to one of these courses I don't feel intimidated or if you speak to people when they say the first I. Challenge You know it's. First I. But there are courses that you can you can do on your own for public courses and your. Parents new parents course is a matter for the moment so yeah. The. Situation of RAI your comfort and having a go thank you so much to me for speaking to me. Yesterday it was wonderful. And yes pay. Goes well with a pint also. So peanuts salted peanuts it's not. So. That's. OK Have a lovely rest of his Michael Jackson program have a wonderful wonderful Wednesday Sophia back tomorrow. Please please. Please. Please. Please please.