And what role might genes play so thank you for listening very good night until next week goodbye. Passion for Cambridge. On the. Radio. B c news that 7 and more old ison police in Essex say they're treating an attack on 2 Polish men and hollow as a potential hate crime it happened shortly after a March and vigil for another pole killed in the same town last weekend Jonathan Blake reports police have described this attack as vicious and horrible it was just after half past 3 this morning when officers were called to the William Aylmer pub in a hollow officers say 4 or 5 man attacks the 2 Polish men both in their thirty's one suffered a broken nose the other a cut to his head the attack happened less than 12 hours after a March and vigil were held in the town to remember. The Polish man beaten to death there last weekend 6 teenagers have been arrested on suspicion of his murder police say they are not linking the 2 attacks but will be increasing patrols in Holland to reassure and protect the community the prime minister tourism a has come under pressure over Britain's exit from the e.u. At the g 20 summit in China President Obama has repeated the warning he made before the referendum that a trade deal with the u.k. Wouldn't be a priority for the United States meanwhile Japan says BRICs it may have reputations for thousands of people employed by Japanese companies in Britain the Labor m.p. Keith Oz has been responding to reports in a Sunday newspaper that he paid for the services of male prostitutes he says it's deeply troubling that a national newspaper should have paid individuals who acted in this way the former Bishop of Durham David Jenkins has died at the age of 91 he was a. Controversial figure on the liberal wing of the church I'm one of the few bishops to become a spitting image character David Jenkins was a vocal opponent of the policies of Lady Thatcher's government wants to scribing them as wicked he said he hadn't realised at the time how upset she was by the criticism she was genuinely hurt and disappointed that we seem to misunderstand what she was after and how christian her motive was how deeply she was concerned about freedom and the flourishing of the individual and that therefore she felt that she was not getting the support and perhaps the positive criticism that she might have who. Has cut Lewis Hamilton's championship lead to just 2 points by winning the Italian grown Prix Hamilton faltered at the start of the race dropping from pole position to 6th but managed to finish the race in 2nd place was bugged says he wasn't aware of what was happening to his Mercedes team mate Well I didn't really know where he was although yes because I looked down and it was just a red car so for sure that it was that is not going to be an easy one for Lewis to come back from there but it's always this still difficult. So put a good pace and get the strategy right now everything about it all worked out the weather showers will die out the sea evening leaving a mostly dry and mild night across the country a band of rain heavy in parts will move into western areas during the early hours and overnight low of 16 degrees Celsius b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 7 so margins big night here. a on back off show well couple of weeks of rest and relaxation we got a fabulous show lined up for the save me some amazing guests and music from Essex we got to find musicians Levant and Taylor with their own style of gypsy jazz Plus you can meet singer songwriter Chris folks from Cambridge find out how you can get some vintage guitar sounds as a chat in a chain with the go to save guitar Shawntel McGregor. Plus legends of their own lunchtimes Foster and Allen are going to be here in the studio with a word about Mrs Brown's Boys. Plus she can try to solve the cosmic. More as well as from the chicken house social commentator House to say. Yes so good isn't it Wade in the water Rams in there is just had to play that now if you want to be in touch for the show tonight we love to hear from you the number it's a cool on is 345-3057 you can text message with the word Seuss sending it to one triple 3 and you can e-mail suit marchin at b.b.c. Took you k. Why would you want to do that when he might want to try and solve the cosmic cool which sounds just like that or you could try and work out. Well no not. Exactly get the right button a new clue relief for smelly seller relief for smelly seller but why isn't. The number supply of 345-3050 w. 7. My best friend Scott listening from America he says hi nice to know you're out there was so good he needs a lady as well nobody else wherever you are listening across the universe it's always great to have you along for see much and big night in on a Sunday evening on open a for a couple weeks but that was holiday and it was nice to have some time off without feeling in a rubbish because I'm up a while but since Google Glass has come out I must say. I've been feeling so much. Wow. Wow we love without you. Chris I know that. Was a little bit cool so we couldn't get all but thanks for listening and thanks for calling in as well if you want to share with us anything 3 full 53057 perhaps you know what. Or you can text instant message with the word sue send it to 81 triple 3 and you can e-mail pseudo marchin at b.b.c. Doc ek that is how cosmic order and what is it save. Smelly sorry relief for smelly Sela relief a smelly cellar What could that be yeah trying work it out if you must. . Damian Wilson and surreal maybe one of my side singers and I'm pleased to say that he came on the show some years ago probably about 4 or 5 years ago actually and played in the studio on my guess he forgot his guitars had to bring a guitar a form I couldn't play the guitar but he could and he's such a great singer in doing so say well he's in several bands called headspace also maiden United but on his own he's a great singer songwriter I'm hoping that he will come in and serenade us at some point he really does have an amazing an amazing voice but that's his latest single . With the lace on the right is now his I Marie thankfully will in her old wood it peeling on the south and arterial road westbound that's between legal tie lane and oddly Green Road and it's all because of Broadway acts on the trains now because of engineering lacks a belly a great Anglia have a replacement bus service running between its switch and stock markets and between Charlie I presume. I understand that you are the Matt you can help me to replicate maybe the sounds of the shadows of the sixty's yes but here we go all Vox echoes and hear. The thoughts. For some reason the name and the long tome but here's one of the signals from it. Now only if done is to change something with your feet on the patch on this unit here so this is the hole in Collin signature How did he develop this initially from programming 3rd party eco units with Prost divide times that are worked out using electronic equipment and progressed to developing this unit with John Collins in Australia had to do done well he contacted me through my life get off form and asked me if intense on developing an eco unit. Idea isn't and then I thought well of him to develop something like this must sell for a long time so I asked him if he was interested in chairing the project and doing it together so that's how it started in 2010 we spent about 5 years working on it and we've got this unit with what comes loaded with 64 different echo effects which cover a wide span of musical stange sounds very Satterlee in connection with Hank at all . Well yes because the only way we actually heard about it and wanted to know more about it I mean it was range within let him try it for himself and it went from there and he ended up using it for is $997.00 you cry 2 so that was a post type of this in months that a part of the of some of the work was in this but this unit goes further with Bill in the way on the floor more precisely of the old type is this increases that existed in the mechanical units then what is it about the sound of that time for guitar players because that is very iconic What is it here about the sounds it's the way the echo sound distorts because of tape recording process the high is to get squashed before anything else if that is a feature of the early recording techniques where you run the images into the Ritz to overload the recording to get a certain sound and we can reproduce that kind of thing with Echo drive control for to drive down in the Echo up train kind of. Turn the other drive. Down. The emulation of the type saturation effect. Is something believe no other units is doing at the moment is there a favorite sound from the unit. Some players like the top 10 perfect where they hit a foot switch in time with the music they want to play it sounds just aero because it's too perfect follow it give you an example of what I like to hear is with an echo that's actually faster than the tempo implying it just give you a single note that demonstrates the space of the echo. To play the next piece of music a little bit slower than that with the same echo on it. It is. Songs called blue ocean and that's one of the patch that I'm using it the point I'm making is that the Echo doesn't have to match the temper of the tune sounds better visitors like the head of the beat so anybody who wants to sound like Hank or maybe Chet Well they're all in. Disguise or fiddling with an alternate pressing the buttons to see what you get out. So that's clearly how it's done Charlie in complete live for. Done some waiting in the wings foster an island going to be in the studio very shortly. poll. The Big Easy as Brahm. Creed came home with me. Just to. And Maggie and I'm pleased to say they are here in the studio together good to have you here oh yeah yeah he regularly gets sun is. Going to get rid of it now absolutely he said make out with the horses and not just going fast enough and then all in all the I think the ressources we disagree but. We have a lead and. Probably are on the end of October and we have high hopes for him though that probably the hopes will probably be dashed Bourse worst job but. You know if the think that you know this horse might be caught Yeah the horse is wonderful anyway on the right but yes when I was just a Galahad a penny a stick a penny ride to gas stays a little secret a secret phone and if you have some kind of so on the ball than you're annoying you get up on a horse and yell for an hour you come back and go into another where are gone absolutely tell me if you got any hope is you know any no no no well television I think it is watch telly and take it easy yeah go to sport American culture Gaelic football which is like soccer except in unusual hands and right I'm going also have a game called horror which is played with a stick and I would say you know it all possible try to get to a few of those games like thank you all around her and finals on to the Crow park in Dublin but I mean you'd miss to be here instead so yeah we will see it again sometime now you guys are always busy busy in the last time we spoke I think you'd been you were on your way to Australia and here they were in every way so how did that good guy was great with a 20 inning different concerts printing concerts in 29 different cities and Australia between the middle of May and the end of June so by the time war coming home I knew it was 60 s and not 20 years but nevertheless it was it was great and. Distended after 41 years. You know why anybody's listening to was that all I got they are was good stuff well you've become very current actually because you just single out Mrs Brown's book. My mum loves Mrs Brown's Boys you know and it's just hilarious and I do it sometimes I miss it and go wrong just leave it in yeah I know. And so the song Where did the song come from well who. Or in New Zealand last year and like Mrs Brown's Boys is just huge in Australia New Zealand South Africa all over the world I mean it's just taken office like I think I say it's like Riverdance you know when Riverdance came out 1st it just went crazy Mrs Brown's Boys Assam but while we were in New Zealand we were checking into the hotel and there was a big poster from his friends but I'm when I looked again and such was actually a tribute to Mrs Brown's tribute show yes. That's great you know somebody was the brother of 2 Yeah that's how big it is yeah so we decided we'd try to get someone to write the song so we had this friend Peter Moore who wrote a song for us last year called we all to you for the 4040 year anniversary so we're going page and he said you have a look and see what you can do is make him up with this Mrs Brown's for he's Ok Well let me say this because he's good at school play. Oh. It's so. Good and they all hit could crack as well so I mean it is a serious. How are you promoting this some many. Finish up new video to go with the song Home Run We shot the video in Dublin in Morse to her Mrs Brown will have her stall and all that you know down the still women set on opposite oranges and stuff on the street you know so they're all of a. And to take part in the in the for you oh well cut phone a little cranky did you dress up. As off a little bit better than we are today. We just didn't dress up and walk up and down the street play and sing and yeah people or dance and behind as an all fan telling him along with us the 2nd kind of laugh yeah more that it was yes. It's something this pool I mean they are she but there's nothing quite like is there the well I'm specially like Dublin City humor yes like you know something about city humor which is it's good in that it lends itself towards tours doubly you know but yeah the other genres good yeah yeah I mean you guys many in the they love you all over the world yeah. We as in we're on we're on the going on 41 years yeah you know there's nobody more surprised than last of we've lost 41 years it was never the plan. You know we just that the initial plan was to be able to make enough money playing music that we didn't have to have a dead job as well show and we started in 75 we went professional and 977 and we're still there so I don't even get it. So I have to keep playing the music yeah I saw that you know I think I'm probably a d.i.y. Store or something like that but yeah I do not drive a truck so yeah before fully. Packing shelves or stuff yeah I just did were too long I had to stop no you can't stop you know you can't stop while there's still an audience he can strike back you know wrong and he will come to the concerts by the cds want to hear us wherever we are yeah that's still an audience which is great you know absolutely I think people are going out I mean I've just spent a couple of days in. Sunny Hunstanton it was sunny with my granddaughter 6 and the 1st day after the 1st day I felt absolutely shattered because we swam you know we don't we cycled we did all kinds of things and then statement was great and you know it got to the evening where it was like you know come on everybody get down on the dunks 4 and I thought right I'm getting up then and I said look I am I am an original seventy's you know rocker movement great sake or let's have some of that music on and they were going Oh and then it's not the sort of come on we know you like to get up on the bill yet but a bit time today. You know there's still no you know there's this audience is for for everything you know we have 3 or 4 generations of the one family in different parts of the world us. You know people who came in the early. As and then brought their sons or daughters and now they're bringing their shows the daughters are. Bringing little small ones you know plan for years of age as well so it's lovely and of course so many things have moved into theaters now with with clubs in and the not being so many clubs etc So I think it is a great. Thing you know you said that you are with your grandchild Yeah I just have a granddaughter Yeah granddad you find that your granddaughter will listen to music that you listen to rather than music or mother of others and yeah you know so it's skips a generation Yes So yes when it isn't done I was find this interesting the music that your parents play. Is I mean my dad was a huge for Sinatra fan and he had so much on the whole time on the radio gram you know which was worshiped absolutely absolutely brush the radiogram is worshiped it was like you know beautiful piece of furniture here is we did not own one it was no wood was you know we lived in rural areas to live in or were young you know by. Both of us would have seen electricity Come on yeah our part of rural life and you know also in the early there's that was the wind up gramophone yeah we'd be down the pub playing you know doing a session Ok playing it was not all of them had everything or not and it was yeah I was going to primary school before my mother and father were already Oh really so wow we are against. The youngest of 9 I was. Like a teenager when we got her 1st television Wow the youngest of not yeah oh like I don't want to. Entertainment I missed those as everybody went out all the time yeah you know you don't tell your friends and you you know you wrote Yeah you know now kids just if you go into a restaurant now you get 4 people who look for a phones. Very even if they don't feed us with different papers one shame oh. Yeah. Yeah and years back we did a lovely song called true love with Gloria Hunniford Oh yes I love that song now this cosmic connection that because when I was a little girl my mum and dad had a pump and there was a ladies and gents toilet in the public bar nice to appear at the lady just had a notch 3 and. You know and then the door was sort of through that but I would appear from behind the curtains and make my way and sit on the bar and sing true lump never. Heard Yeah that's all you were an entertainer from day one well. You go let's see what's happening on the rise and then we can hear some go away girl you would see what lead to would. First of all with the lights on the roads he comes on Marie and 3 when Harold would it still queuing on the south end here right westbound between legal tile Anunnaki green right now because the bright wax and in Hadley there are reports of delays on the scene London right westbound. It's because of an accident but we'll keep you updated on that one of the trains because the engineering legs. Running between it switch in stock markets and between a switch and cross country have replacement running between pizza. I'm on Marine One. With Shane Ward Foster And Allan what was he going to let with was he was like nice he was really nice and very. Very talented like me he's got a great production mind because when he came over to do the song with us and he committed the studio me to track down the road I made a few suggestions on the road brilliant things you never think of you know sympathy to young man and he was thinking of a pop science sound type of thing you know and of course we would think of the old yeah but yeah he was very much really nice to him yeah I mean he's incarnations recently so last thing if. Foster now and we're going to be you know in a sense. You know is that one of the choices are you packing the shelves there couldn't be able to hate a Democrat you know and that is unless Mrs Brown impulses and calling the reform is pulled well let's just play that's about I guess what I'm afraid our acting ability would be. Making the 0. Well you know I never. Would think it's something all the time because you never know I mean you. Could happen to me is whether more come could appear we could play a pair of well for us that to play music and have them sit in the pool so that you could be the team man of wisdom all after your little bit so you could be thinking big and pints of Guinness. Although the once. Was for the future guys well what you want to know well we used the Irish tour in October and Northern Ireland then we do English tour in November and we're back home then a Christmas work and we have an appearance some pointers in November as well all right we just recorded this I think it's not going to November but that was really funny was it yeah. It's great it's a funny show and then we had for Scotland the 24th of March Oh right or 2 weeks yeah so. We'll see what happened then at home and we'll be going to Canada in September and buy here again in November so. That's 2017 taking care of and we wound worry about 2018 then. That free in kids carnations succumbs Yeah you have a nice you know there are a spot in Mrs Brown's Boys Yeah good farm Well good luck with the single is available now on see day in this it isn't down unless it's down low you think you're going to unload the NASA launches most people know how to download what they did then they could have made on but sometimes I think they're going to get lost in the ether but he certainly wanted to summon up joy to see you want to see again you make faster and tell me how I thank you so much thank you and look after those who says it's window well go. Get you know. If. You do this sounds like. Fun but. Do you really clips a little. Bit. Like Am. How lovely to see foster mom again always welcome guests on the show and they're always busy belts as well have you want to be in touch with the show is 345-3050 double a 7 and we always love to hear from you. After the news at 8 am national news will be chatting to Sean Tell me Greg. And I have a life music from a young man he's a singer songwriter His name is Chris Fox. B.b.c. News at a time where Alderson the labor m.p. Keith Vaz is considering his position as chairman of the home affairs select committee following newspaper claims that he paid for the services of my last course the married father of to discuss. The actions of the Sunday Mirror and publishing the school's allegations as deeply disturbing the Labor leader Jeremy Corbin says it should be treated as a private matter and he is going to meet with her affairs select committee and discuss with them his role in the future I'm not sure what that was a way. To sell it but he hasn't committed any crime that I know of so far as I'm aware it is a private matter it was the case police say an attack on 2 Polish men in Essex is being investigated as a potential hate crime the pair was set upon by up to 5 men outside a pub in hollow in the early hours of this morning officers say they're not linking the assault with the matter of a Polish man in the town last weekend to raise the mayor who's attending has a g 20 summit in China is facing pressure about the impact of Britain leaving the European Union President Obama says he'd put in a huge trade deal ahead of any agreement with the u.k. While Japan says Broncs it could have harmful effects on the global economy Scotland's 1st minister Nicholas Dudgeon has been speaking for the 1st time about what she calls her painful experience of miscarriage Mr edgin who is married to the s.n.p. Is chief executive Peter Marshall was in the early stages of pregnancy in 2011 when she miscarried Alexandra McKenzie reports Scotland's 1st Minister said it was difficult to talk publicly about this private and painful experience she said she decided to do so to challenge assumptions and judgments made about women especially in politics who like herself didn't have children she also hoped it would make it easier for others to talk about miscarriage Nicola Sturgeon who was deputy 1st minister when she suffered the miscarriage as though it had been hurt by assumptions that she put her political career before a family she said there were many reasons why women didn't have children Formula One and Nick are also back has won the Italian grown Prix in Monza causing Louis Hamill. Championship lead to just 2 points and fell from pole position to 6 but managed to finish the race in 2nd place Sebastian Vettel was that Hamilton suggested his Mercedes team mate had been fortunate to win that it was a lucky day for me that. We try to you know a lot of all races from all this year so we need to try to make sure that is in tennis British women's number one you had a concept is out of the u.s. Open she's lost in straight sets to the Latvian Anastasia's have a stove or the weather showers will die out the sea evening leaving a mostly dry and mild night a band of rain heavy in parts will move into western areas during the early hours and overnight low of 16 degrees Celsius b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 8. It soo much as big night scene and welcome to b.b.c. Norfolk it's good to have you along. For the time on the out. Big night in recruit more great guests coming up here Mr Foster Nolen in the hour before they now you will be able to sing again and of course if you go to b.b.c. Talk. U.k. And find soo much should you be out and some but not until Sept 4th the show Don't go yet please because we're going to be talking to a goat east of the guitar Shawntel McGregor she has made a lot of waves over the years appearing in various festivals and playing with her distinctive style from her album lose control this is a track called Ben you know I got. The day. a frock and is very well turned out as I'm sure she just unhide she she's in the b.b.c. Leeds studio How do you Shontelle. Hi It's good to hear from you it's lovely to chat and say yet is I think it must be about 2 years since I last saw you since you were last at Cambridge rock festival so what's been happening to you oh gosh lots and the new album came out and there have been a couple of years peon taws back there again the end of this year so in about absolutely happen he just and of course here it was the new Mark if you pushing forward was Nick because you exhausted nothing every venue in there in the u.k. Scotland Wales and going out that was a lie for you playing in Europe as a female guitarist it's fantastic because it's so nice to go different places and you know meet new people and see different things as well so it's really exciting thing to do and obviously the audiences are because I'm new to them they're really really sort of responsive and stuff it's it's really cool I love it now I remember talking to you in the very very early days before we had any recordings out and I think about be about 45 years ago it was it is yes is it longer than that yeah and somebody said to me Oh you must like he must say this girl she's just died off and he was still at uni at that time. And you know things have really moved forward how do you feel that you've evolved as a player and as a person I am I think I've probably sounds a bit daft but I've probably got a bit more confidence because I've stopped caring what other people think but which is always a good thing yeah yeah I tend to say what other people think is none of your business exactly so I was always so conscious and worried about well will people like this new direction I want to take my music in and they do an acoustic sound will them around and now it's just that much leaf I'm enjoying it then they're going to see that I'm enjoying it and they're going to enjoy it so just have fun with it well you be pretty versatile out here because I know that watching Deborah bottom where you got up one night and you know I just came on stage with her and nobody knew about it and I you know I think you did till the last minute and he just came. On the stage and absolutely rocked it was incredible we all cried that was the yes yes yes didn't stage crying yeah I go I cried as well as I was with the I'm so proud of her that's amazing it was wonderful it was just so emotional that yeah that's one of my fondest memories that it is a good one as well so you are coming to visit us on you in East Anglia I am next is to act that way. And they'll be a lot of people saying wow because I know that you played the apex before you actually blew their socks off they couldn't believe that you could pick it's like you could and so they got you back again so if you know anybody I'm with you or is it just you your new I think it's just me in the band but I'm not sure they're my place apart and I'm not sure I should know this but yes yes one would hope so so you're touring at the moment are you yeah yeah we're in the u.k. Until November and then a month in year and then a month back in December in the u.k. And then Holiday Holiday Holiday you get chance for holiday where. As it as you know as a as a guitar player and people do get guitar acquisition syndrome how many how many guitars if you can tell Well don't tell my mom you know what probably up to about 5550 full Yeah. It's like a lot of girls buy shoes at home bags and I seem to buy guitars and she was in her back so. I went. Out to hide them for. You know I mean storage Yeah they go in storage so yeah she's she knows about most of them and has a few sneaky ones is a I got a particular favorite is that one that you tend to kind of go for you know you have won the Tour out all the time would use one change I tend to stick to 3 that I go on tall with which one of them's the acoustic that I've got with me today which is a tele it's just lovely and it's kind of like a smaller version as well so it fits my little tiny hands. I also use a music. Really really nice and electric stuff and also a strap because you have to use a strap absolutely absolutely in the 1st hour we were chatting Well we went to visit a man who Charlie hold he makes pedals and things because he said that. You know a lot of players like to have the sounds of the sixty's when they play because it's really interesting and he spent forever working out how you know the digital not the digital but that the tape player is the tape and things worked and which all out and has now created was with another guy a software this actual pedal that you know kinds of people using if you do use the last pedals when you play Yeah I use quite a few I do use the delays in the f.x. And things like that and for Echo and things I am and also a bit distortion and some crybaby as well because Because it be rude not to because it's just iconic so. You take your influence from you know from a player who we're listening to that got you changed into being wanted to be a guitar player I think originally it was things like Fleetwood Mac. And so like the room is here a fleet with Max I was obsessed with Stevie Nicks because she was just like this if the real beautiful woman with these lovely dresses Yes So that was probably my 1st influence and obviously Lindsay booking a plane is just like the best it's just incredible Yeah so I was always into that sort of thing and free and lights at play and this is that when I was like 2 and 3 years old right so probably my parents influence a bit to do that but nowadays I just listen to everything for inspiration be it couldn't try I'm really into country at the moment I did I can yeah yeah i'm did and why I just I go through phases of being a bit obsessed about certain bands are certain access and yeah but I would be in country music because it's quite a I'm trying to think What's the word I'm looking for not tradition but it's very. You've got to have the same rhythm and it's it's it's quite strict isn't it the way it is maps yeah but there are some things yeah I think I take inspiration from from the could increase stuff that I'm really into it's more about some of the some write in and the star Reis because that's kind of like the thing everyone always says that country music is about how to break all ever which is a suppose in some ways but to me it's about stories and I've never thought of being one for putting much storytelling in my songs it's always been about personal experience are things like that it's never been an actual you know a narrative with a beginning a middle and an end so it's something that I want to explore and kind of push my songwriting a bit to go that way yeah but it probably won't sound anything like country which is probably a good thing and my fans will be jumping up and down right now. Well you got to go tall in the studio with you. What you could play for us and I'll play a song called home off the new album Ok I and the story behind this obviously is that you love your home do you. It's a bit of a mess but yeah oh right oh Ok so it's it Ok yeah it's kind of about being away on tar and things and you know you long to go home but then when you get home it's like what do I do with myself so this is about that she is trying to McGregor. Leaving the Left Left Behind. Did and then to do this but. Now the. Founding. Through the cracks says see that. They. Really. Have a. Whole. Bowl that's. Too after everything. I have. On the ground. To. Tell me Grail would get me around to pills for that I think. They go the crowd level is you know it is it's not you know it's not that easy is it to sit sort of on your own in the studio I mean I've got you know well I suppose I'm on my own in the studio but I'm talking to you but when you perform a like that is one of those things that's and I just a bit different Yeah one of no bit strange just that yeah some got into the coffin Yeah well I'm Scott said he listens in in America he said that song could make it on country radio over here Sandra thank you Scott there's a start there's a whole new kind of thing there because your fans in a standard state when they've seen it the rap fest Well they know you for coming on and do some pretty rocky staff but also some are fantastic solos so is this something that we you know we're going to have again it's not yeah yeah I mean I love doing the electric stuff and things like that but I also lived in the acoustic stuff so yeah maybe I'll broaden my horizons right we'll stay there Shawntel because we need to see what's happening on the roads of East Anglia So we'll be back in a sack. With the latest his hammer a. Thank the woman Harold would it still queuing on the South End arterial road westbound between winglet highway and oddly green right and that's all because of road or sorry now the 8 that seen London right that has delays eastbound between Broughton road and Woodfield road and that's all because of an accident on the trains now because of engineering lax about a Greater Anglia have a replacement bus service running between Ipswich and stock markets out between its which had no reach and cross country have a replacement past service running between pizza bar and stumpage That's the latest I'm Anne Marie will. Say much as Big Night tension time occur in b.b.c. Radio Leeds up there in Yorkshire because that's where you help from but you've hardly ever there as we just heard as we were chatting is that even if you go particular place that you like to play Shontelle I don't fully know it's probably been recent adman's because when we did it last year it was just like the gig and it was so busy and just the sound was grey and the stage was wonderful and the crowd were amazing so I've been really good about this one 0 good i can and you know we're up and down the country. Going on is this the only place in East Anglia we can say yes I don't know my job is really Paul so I might be a bit wrong on these but looking through my diary it's a bridge still. Don't know. These are in the right couldn't train Oh right yes Ok. I'm just looking through my days and it's definitely not New Scotland. Brighton I suppose and that's it is that right so we better make sure that we're then next Thursday at the apex embarrass and Edmunds to enjoy what you what you don't I mean you've been shopping of people so many frocks Yeah well saying that I need to buy some more news you frocks but do you lose some weight before do you. Time it crashed you know again every time I see you. When it. Said we love you. We love you. And it's always a joy to say thank you so you say much you know for the. For the album that came out late last year didn't it lose control is that every written any more songs have classic strengths and acoustic stuff actually have it yeah maybe an acoustic album next Ok Well we look forward to it when they really have changes you want to a particular without have to get less black clothes and more country fied pale clothes I think I think it's a had going in for the country they're on that and it's like a Stetson that's the next thing and they say well what do you think about is that you know a lot of people like Madonna that they always recycle themselves don't they reinvent themselves so maybe that's a you know a good thing to do absolutely Yes All right well it's lovely to have you on the show and have a chat with you you're taking the power so we'll finish off with that from your album lease control this is take the passion tell McGregor thank you so so much thank you. Hello. Liz Perle. Since. You live with. Tell me Greg take the power she is going to be there at the apex in Bury St Edmunds and that's the next Thursday evening there might be the last bout. And she really is a force to be reckoned with she's done her apprenticeship and built her way up into the world of music and just place is just lovely So is he she's such a delightful person because singer songwriter to play for us live coming up next to Dusty Springfield. a. Dusty Springfield don't know who just. Myself Well I have to say a lovely welcome to a young man who I met at Cambridge Folk Festival when I was working as a reporter phonecalls when he was doing his show before I was gathering stuff for my show and that is a gentleman who is goes by the name of Chris folks Hello Hello it's good to have you here thank you and festival you went up on the dead on the might Did you think was the 1st time you've done that was yeah yeah me was a dream is it kind of something each thought yeah it was it was kind of like a dream turned into something quite scary when I was in the queue. And it's all I got there I was so full of you know adrenaline really and it just it was on and on with so quickly Yeah so next time maybe the club 10 b.q. For the Us Yeah yeah my way out of yeah that's the way to do it is apprenticeship business Yeah so when did you start your music to create cross musicians I was about 10. And I got into it's was about 15 and then about 3 or 4 years ago I started writing songs I guess is my mid twenty's Yeah it's a very slow gradual walk and get around to songwriting and yeah I just went I term probit 4 months ago fantastic now it's already it's taken me. 12 years but I finally got around to that's fine because a slave is always good and also. You gather you gather material as you as you watch and observe life where they need to find still songs and stories but Chantelle McGregor was saying them and she can really rip it off from the guitar exception and she says I need to be more challenging about the songwriting and stories and say so if your music was. How would you describe it if it was food. That's a good question. Kind of light why go my. Way just because it's like a lot of different things all thrown together Ok not to say that I was like a massive mix. Yeah I like that like the end like a wagon on a Roman That's how would I put it down i k sure he looks like eating out yeah. Yeah . Different like all right we like the idea that. Playing says are a filter you just stick into the Cambridge area at the moment 10 for now I am yeah I'm kind of looking into it in some stuff in London by I don't really know anything about it yet so I'm just in my research and trying to figure out some decent nights to start off in here and then I'm going to start looking to branch out a bit down under and I was impressed as well as understands the good folk music scene there is and well there is all around actually some lovely photo ops around and I suffer a success as this this gets there and I think really. You know you well let's let people choose for themselves because you're going to play you go you tell their say I want you to play for us so my 1st song Is That is a 1st I never wrote Actually I thought I did just that position in terms of the timeline Ok it is for my album it's called What's next I think my theory is live in the studio Chris folks. He just don't see the. 0. Johnny. Says. They say he would just. Not eat some. Was more a. Bygone. One song or. Look like I lose. The old. Johnny b. . C. Stand. Say Jews just. What school would. Be shut in on. The phone. Book. And then screen. This sinking ship we need to scan steam. So what's next. For you to name. Let's see. What's there. Thank you like music from Chris for us in the studio and what's next so that's the 1st summer you ever read yeah I was beside the kitchen table kind of messing around I'm going to a song I was determined and my mom was kind of walking in and out doing something and I wrote a little bit and she said I'll say this and then she got off and I put it put it in and we want to kind of almost write it together in a way but it just give me the push to finally finish one and say Ok here's a song I've done it well. Thank you that's the thing isn't it what's next in a way what is next sometimes when when things in life don't go right you should think what's next you know what nothing we're going to do yeah yeah exactly when it comes to performing live you know what does it feel like for us a bit of Billy Elliot to question that because Bill yelling at you when he danced it's like electricity What's he like for Chris Faulks when your playing life. Qual of Nerves I suppose. But I like it I've always been quite a quiet person I've never really had much to say and I think it is really given me like a voice to be out to go out really and I was also to express my ideas and things and you know things I want to talk about I want to say that perhaps we'll talk about in. You know normal conversations and it just gives me a sounding board really which is the most important thing I think yeah this important thing with songwriting to have a story. Yeah I was not born out of a broken heart what's next Yeah I think I think if you've broken hearts maybe oh right yeah probably draws on one or 2 stories Medicaid that they say they really love something you know a broken heart song Yes And and I think until we hear the song we don't realize you know how badly with her. It was you feel bad about that you know all the love songs that break and hearted and they were as women tend to go on with it. I think I think women talk talk through stuff more like men like to Bali up and then makes great material while you're on stage and. Everything else that you've done a deal in your life did you have a day job before what you're so used to I wouldn't supermarket for like 7 years. And I went to college part time and did some photography and then for the last 23 years I'm working as a commercial photographer. And yes that's pretty much me since I left school so you are a creative person yeah defo I've always wanted to pursue something creatively in terms of profession and I think this is the 1st thing I've really come across to. Commit to I see myself doing it rest of my life not just yeah and you feel comfortable definitely yeah I mean I should add that when Who is that when we met I was rushing around like a lunatic. And this is so after that they said all the gentlemen you've met Prince because I'm out of my yes. Yes yes yes clearly that would be a lovely night in audience and we're going to play battlefield from your album I mean it's great you pretty you know you've done your own album parallel processing music by Chris folks. And. There is a cosmic connection here because when I was enhanced my granddaughter they showed Sutro place and it was a bunny rabbit in a folks working together. That is there but because you got your little folks out of your of your cd there so what's the story behind battlefield. I was reading your article when I was you know studying was invested studying photography I was reading an article about the cost of war so I wrote my dissertation on. How to Overthrow we changed our we perceive conflict and I read this article about the cost of war it was very much focused on the price of bullets and the price of you know munitions and all of these movies kind of terrible things and I just thought there's so many more ways to price out such a tragedy. And I wanted to try to capture that in a story says sort of this song kind of goes into this is different it's different expenses and it's not about money and bullets and yes the life is not yeah it's the with the hardest things very interesting how hard article to read for it needed. And it needed to sound major to some Ok well this is battlefield out. About a few. Out of fear were brought. On about a few. Politicians bringing. A politician. Politician words. The cost of bullets. And. Punch Oh. Shoot his body bring the. Poncho. His life in to the gills to clean. Him in the rain to the reserve spray. The soldiers marching across. The way to. Feel you were was a. Battlefield. Rians are fighting for. Chris Faulks battlefield from his album power crossing is here in the studio talking about his his music and his life and maybe we met a Festool I love it when you go to festival pretty pumped into people and you find people I need to scuff people and the old you. Often goes home with treasure and I get to treasure may I have a shopping think Ok. A few dates but also you know other people's music musically haven't discovered it again so I have to ask you about influences Camembert he got very easy way of singing it just comes out it's very compressed Haitien all in the way he sings or here you play he could have done a guitar so he listening to we parents playing you something in the background I grew I kind of grew up listening to a lot of blues and soul music my dad was one of the kind of original models that would chase around on my parents looking for soul music great. So we had a lot of a lot of song music and then I guess in the last kind of I guess the last 10 years my mom started to get really interested in folk music and she started playing an Appalachian mountain dulcimer and then we seem to have a lot more folk music in the house Wow And I think it just got me thinking about you know songs that I've got a point to not just I mean not just music for fun music kind of rethinking about. Pushing ideas and stuff so I think it's mostly come from my parents that's good stuff a lot of my influences Well you know if it music with the newspapers they original songs with a nice papers of their day because that's how people got to tell the stories and spread the news yeah yeah Beck so it kind of you know it's never stopped. More you know more of the things that. The songs that you do and this is quite different to your album is quite different songs on it well until he has love love me it'll help you with this well yeah my life so this is there's plenty of you to discover you know what you want to achieve for the future I mean is there a you know a goal that you've got in the next I didn't I by January want to have got an intuitive clear position Well I've given myself. This 12 month window really I left work in May. I don't I really are not are quite like to have a career in music or something close to music it doesn't have to be like a big famous thing or anything to do with you know a huge heap of money or anything like that I just quite like to have a job that doesn't drive me mad really. And I think yeah I think if I am to I'm just going to stick with performing and stick with releasing my own stuff and hopefully carve out a little bit of a sore touring platform or I can go around and kind of do shows and. Just go and perform for a while and just sort of get to grips with that and then kind of tackle the other aspects of it like writing and selling and. I think that if you're a musician and you going out and you perform your own songs and cheering for the people who are listening that success and yeah oh yeah you know. And anything else is. Is is a bonus Yeah in that respect. Thing that you can bring if the fans as time is going on yeah it's it's slow but I feel like it's it's an honest reflection of the people who are actually interested which is which is not a Stronger than just everybody piling on it's people that really genuinely interested at the moment which is a nice feeling so I think you'll get that you were nice one person we're going to see what's happening on the road to the Eastern Counties and then come back to stay right there. And Marie has the latest on the raids Thankfully when Harold would those keys continue on the south end out here right westbound lane and oddly green right it's all because of road works and in Hadley there are still delays on the London Road heading eastbound. And Whitfield road and that's because of an accident on the trains now because of engineering lack the bellyache rates Anglia have a replacement bus that is running between its switch and markets and between its switch and cross country have replacement bus I was running between pizza and south it. That's the latest I'm and Mary will. See Martians big night in Criss folks going to place not achieving in a moment but just let me remind you if you're thinking after she played that chain again what it is is our cosmic order where we play a random piece of music such as and. You have to work out what it is there is also to it what is it what we take a strange clue to a random piece of something fairly ordinary and the clue for that is relief for smelly seller relief for smelly seller and David in will see how you. And also Graeme a new market is a peanut and. No plant and I can't find the song but Frank you very much back to Chris folks who is here in the studio with me and of course if you want to be in touch about anything send 345-3057 you can text in starting your message with the word Sue said it on triple straight and you can email pseudo marchin at b.b.c. Talk talk to u.k. Chris Fox is here in studio he's saying some writer based in Cambridge Yeah did you do your own photography as well I mean every e.m.p. Camera down altogether happy now I'm keeping it going videos and a little bit promotional fortune I've met loads of great photographers of got a really great pool of people to draw on for that kind of stuff yeah. And the other interesting you know. I did our probably watch far too much t.v. You. Know really I quite really just really hooked on writing and performing at the moment it's just so lucky I've got a one track mind set is all I can do for the time being and on a slow burn as well yeah yeah for sure which is a good thing yeah as we said you know you take an easy wanted into it yeah I think it's going to be throwing out more vision is about having a kind. Say yes to whatever comes along and says you know I get into the most interesting situations whereas I think if I if I went in and just was really fussy and picked picked and choose that I probably wouldn't have anywhere near what I would have done anything like what would have done so far so yeah I'm going to think favorite so far. First of all I mean I know I know I know it sounds like me to kind of blow smoke but it was just it was just a mad memory because it was I went to do. Carry on if I was sort of b.b.c. Tried I thought well not so well the famous people are like the next day I was over there doing something I thought this is kind of a record turnout for the books. Is great there's opportunities everywhere as well yeah saying. You know there's lots of places that have nice you know where they they get new artists in that club if he played for change but yeah I'm doing a showcase for them later on in the year they've got me up on a couple of other acts and it's going to be not about any new talent I think they're calling it it's some Yeah I don't know the date that's really bad but it was so it's on their website Ok I want to get and what about committing yourself from social media as everybody has to now it's. You know I'm kind of I'm just old enough to have not been like a real internet kid just kind of missed. Have missed out on a lot of that so it's not really 2nd nature to me but I do try to push myself and try to get stuff up on Facebook and think you know there's a whole well is a wealth of people out there and I'm not coming anywhere near it so I'm really working on that really bad as well all right well place your last 2 because we have to hit the news at 9 o'clock so here he is live in the studio what we can play for us to this is called It is better than not this is my this is this is the only repeat I'm releasing for Christmas and it's an anthem for giving up work in pursuing your dreams all right. Be inspired he is like. Chris Rock's. Good job you tried from make your way to the. Just is nothing there and there were. Serious. Back roads where the. Can find Joe way home. Just remember. You can do. You. Live in life in a. Just. Me crave back those way sneaky. No it don't come with a. Missing things for free. And it is to cheese is just. You can do. As you fish is a game. To. The world so heavy never know what's a shame. So come up again. In. Other people's choices they don't know what you have in store. Good and good to get. You both friend never made the. Stuck in a tuxedo. Just like a mouse for that she. Thing the trap is please and. You can do better than that. Just. Around. A ball and chain. Sticks around again. Just straight back on the train and be reminded in time. You can do. Weekend. Thank. This folks when we can do better. I mean must become a friend of the show which means that we keep up with the story every 4 or 5 months come back and see how. You've been a fantastic cast thanks so much in fine Chris on Facebook. You can find me back B.b.c. News at 9 I'm more wrong Listen the labor m.p. Keith Vaz is consulting his lawyer about claims that he paid for the services of male escorts the chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee has criticised the Sunday Mirror for publishing the allegations the newspaper says it's standing by its story. 20 minute meeting since becoming prime minister to raise them and has attempted to reassure wild leaders that Britain is still open for business despite voting to leave the European. Union but the u.s. President Barack Obama has repeated his warning that the u.k. Won't be at the front of the queue when it comes to trade deals and Japan has expressed its concerns about the effect Breck's it will have on Japanese firms in Britain 19 years after she died the Catholic nun Mother Teresa has been declared a saint by Pope Francis more than 100000 people attended a mass at the Vatican and thousands more watched in Calcutta in India where she carried out her work question Louis was rescued by Mother Teresa after he was abandoned on the streets as a child where the phone memories that I did try and hold on to is for example going to church on a Sunday with Mother Teresa and getting dressed up but also kite flying on the reef fish. Hundreds of mourners have attended the funeral in southeast London of 5 young friends who drowned in the sea account the Sun's Last month the deaths of raised questions about the lack of lifeguards at the beach resort in Iran a Sussex saw your Canon fan who helped organize the funeral and was a friend of the man says lessons must be learned we really want to use this opportunity to raise the awareness of beach safety and the importance of lifeguards on our beaches and the fact that you know us as young people and we need to know the little safety measures that could be lifesaving because we really believe these lives could have been prevented from going on and from East London has been crowned the new wild Scrabble champion Brett smother on a 37 year old recruitment consultant from Chingford Beach another British man month 9 men from Cheshire in the final at Lille in northern France he won thanks to his use of the word Brock in it a parasitic wasp which secured him $176.00 points plus an extra 5 points to 2 an incorrect challenge football and England have scored in the final few moments of their World Cup qualifier to snatch victory against Slovakia John Murray was watching her daughter cross was dead she. Was. In cricket Pakistan have beaten England by 4 wickets to secure a victory in the 5th and final one day international in Cardiff England won the series by 4 games to one the weather was will die out this evening leaving a mostly dry and mild night a band of rain heavy in some areas will move into western parts of the country during the early hours b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 9. In. A way. That. Coming. Week. Big. Live. Live. That's. Cut cut cut cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. So what the swings done straight to swing even straights and I want to dance with somebody Whitney Houston I'm going to introduce you to 2 young men who have their particular taken some. Gypsy Chaz they are from Essex and alledged issue in just a moment just a reminder about our cosmic chord which sounds just like that. But what is it and who's playing the song do you know. Do you give us a call or text Brian precinct Oh Chester thinks it's a hard day's night. No it isn't but nice answer 345-3057 you can text in starting a message with the word sue send it to one triple 3 or you can email pseudo marchin at b.b.c. Talk to you Kay and what is it it's what is it the actual clue is relief for smelly seller relief for smelly seller is quite cryptic just so I make it cryptic this week and still of course to come the chick in our social commentator and if you thinking that the chicken doesn't exist if you go to see margins big night in Facebook page then you can find the video that we make every week of the chicken saying what's coming up on the show and she got quite excited when I said that there were 2 gentlemen from Essex coming in to play some chips each as and I'm pleased to welcome into the studio and Taylor Hello it's good to have you here now to tell you yes I will tell you you came in some years ago now. To play the piano your own compositions researcher say what's been happening in your life since then. Forward Into that my family that's great since the. Start at a university playing classical piano. We have started out of of this gypsy just you I mean with him playing for about 2 years together on that project but overall together about 5 years I can yes folks there on the. Another band project going as well. So we see diversity going on at the London College of Music Wow that's cool is it yeah it must be what does a great opportunities get on the c.v. Isn't it yeah Ok what about you was you know what your background. Playing guitar since I was 12 start. Getting into kind of mess all right that's kind of what got me into playing guitar as a gold are going to different kinds of music and yeah I'm full time musician and I love it. Just when do and I said to them Look we can play some we have received you know we want to play live who want to play live so we're going to give you the opportunity straight away to play live we're going to play frisbee a song called Lafleur are on. A ball of one that we're born right. Ok that sounds good enough here they are 11 and Taylor live in the studio. Live in the studio. And say that it must have been good but no one maybe just one but it wasn't enough and you know. That's fantastic. It's great that you have that feel and that want to play this kind of music because I don't think is anybody doing what you are doing is they're not line no love. No guitar. And piano and. Small. Most sayings Yeah Yeah Yeahs angels in the kind of music you know here in terms of instrumentation. Guitar in the piano not really typical jazz combination that isn't mean she's the bass and. Guitar Yeah I know that's the thing. Was it Stephan Capelli and Django Reinhardt the tenure on to this. Well I don't know I think remain when I 1st heard remained I was really amazed by his playing the bar as well phenomenal Yeah there I. Go round house stuff and the petty sort of play together yeah I think it's like quite an interesting it's. An interesting you know that time and particularly in the club and. The whole thing is yeah he needs to come back when he doesn't Yeah yeah hopefully we're going to Bible yes he will come to gigs he playing softly the must be in a place in there that think yeah that would be that's good good music to. Be done is to have a meal where you play anywhere we play London club play like Granny and Camden and yeah here and there around Southend Yeah. Just wherever we were playing so you know if we could play every day you know it was. Very that way yeah when I could be somewhere like quite a big sort of almost rocky kind of venue but I saw a crowd you know the next time it could be like some kind of corporate function or you know something a little more intimate Yeah. I think if you added stuff to kind of make it likely let trace went because that's quite quite the moment isn't and we had a couple of times yeah. Yeah we play in Switzerland. Been going over there for the past. Well 2 years especially as. I meet my smart good friends and contacts I have a question of go over every couple of months we had a festival back in. July and July Yeah but this is fantastic this is great because when I 1st met you you know you weren't sure which way you were going you know you love playing piano and that's all that you want to do and now that's something that you've achieved which is crying I'm proud of it because he was having on the race and got more music from the vent and Tyler. Says they were Amery has the latest on the raids. And really. Just Oh she says she that now she's gone she can take about Ok I do apologize for that we seem to have. We seem to have no travel well there must be something happening out there and we will give you the latest news if there is something that we may feel you need to know if you're out there and there is to be careful there because you are important to get your feet tapping out to musicians here in the see how life musicians just play which is great it's a joy isn't it feet just to play Yeah yeah yeah yeah influences piano for you Taylor he way he's. Well when I was younger I used to really like Joe's Holland Yeah I used to love watching shows how they operate the way he kind of you know stuff can you do that yeah you'll give us a bit of that Ok. That's Ok and then houses are like this reason good to any of us. Well. Musically but more influenced by different types of music and stuff really especially in the past few years most overwhelming is it can be different types of light music even has often which will influence my playing quite a lot thank yeah and give us a little example. Just by using. Certain scales. It's like. Sort of yeah kind of takes you to another place where Ok Right now I know that you are both you know when you begin there's rundowns you are playing together which is very intricate so let's have a bit of this have a bit of noodling with you. Yeah yeah. Right Time Yeah. Tell acquisition syndrome. I've got about. You know not many not enough. I get 55 that day tell them I'm not ready just this man now you tell the play now is this is quite specialist mate for the type of music that yeah I mean well basically I wouldn't. Pops into his guitar shop I saw this guitar already had a similar kind of one of. A few months before and then I picked this one up played it and it was just. Have it just fell in love with it instantly Yeah it's kind of this. Gypsy jazz going to get over the small sound and. Loud So I think originally to kind of. Designed to cut through the kind of horn section. Before amplification. Because that's what you like to enjoy it for the air conditioning on. Yeah I would say that I would do that when you play my can play farce. And like yes poker play case kind of power one of your compositions Yeah yeah look at that phonies doing it it was freezing when I came many say but that's one of the songs available when I say I'm right which if you go into a website. Of an entirely dot com you'll see a little icon on their way you can click on that and then buy one if you like and find out more about you guys as well go in there play we just let me play. I forget . Vent and live in the studio one of the names again it's Leventon which is l e v e n t and Tayla and it's dot com for the website so much I can see people interested in writing. It is very energizing to hey you play you just have a special magic and a special chemistry between you and I mean if you just been friends what 5 years or so. Ok how do you. Have this idea to get well. We Met I think originally this because he was doing and I think co-writing it with someone some kind of music and I remember meeting him. And we spoke and we kind of were friends but then when we went college. In the same class or something. You know I would just became best friends and from Germany and now here we are and just say well you know power to you for doing this and this is something that you know this is special in the fact that you're writing your songs your chains. Your music together and giving it a definitive style that is beautifully vintage has I didn't and now this or is this me very much now about. Even had something I guess with fresh ears that. I don't know but just like it's magical actually I'm sorry I wanted to be sat here in the studio. Listening America says I love this music it's good stuff they just Leventon. Life in the studio is there anything else that you ever want today apart from play piano guitar. Yeah there's a lot a lot to do. But it's a start by a bunch of things. That's boy stuff maybe in my haste to look after yourself if you are musicians you know your hands are very important to you that's the thing. They get maybe you can bring out a selection of blobs you know men's clubs that vent and take that lapse how about that one good match hey they go yeah one Tele One of em just an idea just my Gifty tonight it's fun to see how many songs he'd be written all together. Got 7 all right I think. Yeah it's kind of stuff Yeah Ok And then when you play the rest it is like. And there probably did a lot. That's good there's always a chain that comes up in probably remember a Kenya that's the. Basic yellow it makes Now if the famous to ring own Thursday off to just think Thursday afternoon and it was a venue asking to put key where would you like that to be. Well is not limited to. Whatever. You know. That's a no expense everywhere I mean. I've been to France to play your music like this. Yeah not yet but. It's good stuff and you know you're available he did my play Edam I'm playing wherever you just happy to play Yeah Ok so if anybody wants to if we get they can do that on the website yeah you can look and we've got . Some there yeah so if you have a sense of this happening at a swanky garden party. You know with a very busy pair were something out there on the patio that would be ideal for you guys. I'm just not just painting pictures in my mind cause that's right and seeing and people Thanks guys Lent and Taylor gone place one more chain before with radio that. Says we're going to. One he'll. Yeah well this one's code. He stopped yeah Christmassy. Just struck and showing around. Their life in the city and. Take. Again a live vent and Taylor I hear live in the station this stuff all original there you know the from Essex that for. Their own take on gypsy jazz with piano and guitar. And someone here has just said it will love and Taylor play. By my pool love them love them love them mostly listening in New York. Yes they've said they were they will joy to happy where can people see you in the future is that one on the website oh yeah it's a page on the website I think it up on there yeah. A garden party or. Somebody with a nice. You know conservatory may be all in or wherever. Yeah it's good or to oh yeah whatever whatever let's hope the Jewish holiday picks up on you. Because you know could you imagine what it would probably be like jamming with Jools Holland be really cool want to have a little bit you wouldn't you yeah but he often enjoys Holland big deal as with any teenager tweet him or something on Twitter and you're on Facebook can you yeah yeah Ok expect not for Twitter I think you need to get get get on Twitter sweetie. It's been absolute joy having you here tonight your time it's fantastic the friends of the show please be French of the show tell you it's so lovely to see you again because last time you came you're playing classical stuff and I was like. But now that there's nothing I do there's anything you can place. Probably somewhere To. The. God only knows. God makes His play. To the. World Can't you come. Down. Simon slip sliding away now not going at. The precinct Oh Chester once again he thinks that. 8 days a week by the cosmic cooled. Is definitely not the Beatles Ok definitely not and what is it. A relief for smelly cellar relief for smelly salad it's not a pain and you kind of on the right track if you think about the bend I just mentioned it's time to hear from the chicken phrase and phrase you can find videos of his own See much as big night in Facebook page where we make a video each week and this week she was really quite vocal because I've not been here for a couple of weeks so therefore she's not making video recorded conversation we had an area. So sometimes she. Had a chance less stuff. Going on in the world I mean. What did you think about the Olympics. What do you think about the line up of strictly last night. Do you think everybody was what. Did you. Did you escape through your judgment. Street. Madness home whatsoever if you want to be in touch as 3453057. A. To. Madness and it must be love I'm pleased to say. I am Marie now has the travel for us thanks to you will all seems to be running well on the roads at the moment have a look at the trains because of engineering a great Anglia have a replacement fast service running between its switch and stock markets and between Ipswich and nor h. And cross country have a replacement bus service running between Pete and Stamford That's the latest I man Marie will. Go I go few gigs to tell you about her actually. Because happening next weekend the 10th of September is some licks Fest which is that castle may at the Nez have battled and order a live music in support of St Luke's hospice if you want to be that it's from 12 noon till 11 pm 1st bands on one and there's a great great lineup and let me tell you that it's adults 4 pounds an advance or 5 pounds on the door children under 14 free must be with an adult of course loads of bands including calico rolling machine far gone so all in aid of a great great cools I'll give you a few others when I can get my voice back in a minute but there's that loads of gigs to sort out for you so we'll we'll have some of this. Reading of Tomorrow Never Comes going to be Monday back to school day isn't it hi to Alan he says I think what is a. Relief for smelly Sela he says is a toilet in a flurry shop it isn't but you are kind of along the right lines if that's the way to bait me to say good evening k. In a warden as well lovely to hear from you and will say Sam great to hear from you so much to give out a recent Edmonds jazz at the hunter club that's next Friday is going to be jazz at the maybe's with a variety of people playing the jive aces are going to be playing at the olden theatre Kramer wrote in Holt on Saturday the 24th of September 15 pounds to see them they are the number one they really are a great string band they're fantastic but how many out have the many other Linda's Files story that's coming to you on the town gate theater at Basle turn on the 21st of September and there are other dates including this Staples at mit McKean's but I can't find it but they're playing that as well Luke fest we've told you about that one Jimmy Webb now Jimmy Webb is doing a very special show at the apex at various and Edmonds on September 20th and at the stables of Milton Keynes and he is doing. The Jimmy Webb the Glen Campbell years show which arrives in the u.k. It's just only 7 dates London Manchester time Phelim Glasgow Dublin Bury St Edmunds McCain's He's written some of the greatest songs in the Great American Songbook including by the time we get Trimix which to line him Galveston Well I know MacArthur Park he's amazing but he's coming to do a special show and that's on the 20 September Chantelle McGregor our guest earlier Don't forget she's at the apex at person Edmonds on the next there's a John Ward band with Ian sings bray on the your level of September at Beccles public or war that's want to go to lovely band really with going to see John a region will be playing in that jazz Hunter's. Person Edmonds gig as well every man for club has on the session temporarily Spencer and grant they I'm quick so that when asked if a guy what can I What can I can I tell you as well Nancy and the sweet visit to band they will be at the key theatre on Wednesday Oct 5th that's about it for me thank you for listening tonight I shall see you next Sunday between 7 and 10 you've been wonderful. The. Week.

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