We'll hear from the brother of one of the 5 men who drowned yesterday campus I'm lazy as g.c.s.e. Results are showing the biggest year on year decline we'll try and find out why and is the driving test gets an overhaul I take it for a road test yes but only when you're already could reverse park for a couple college place but didn't. Find out before Fox. News and The Best Life Support this is b.b.c. 5. Live this is Dr please tell me live see it absolves my story today there's been another tremor in our tree chairs rescuers continue their search for survivors of yesterday's earthquake. Aftershock went on for some time if no sauce radio he said it's very difficult to stand up straight if I thought they'd support Bravo signs for safety but ever since say they have no interest in own thoughts I've been sure you can hear Allen Pizzey relay Team G.B.'s 1st Olympic gold of the games don't forget it was the race where he beats his own world record in 100 meter backstroke. This is b.b.c. 5 Live the b.b.c. News that on 5 Live a strong aftershock has hit in central Italy one of the areas worst affected by yesterday's earthquake it had a magnitude of 4.3 our correspondent James Reynolds was in the town the ground has just shaken again here and the effects were tremendous all that dust has been caused by the new aftershock I'm not even sure what to call it but we heard we felt the entire Tama here the entire ground move more than 250 people are confirmed dead as a result of the original quake which measured 6.2. It's emerged the 5 men who died at Camber Sands Yes they were a group of friends from London among them when the Tosh unraveling brothers Koby and Ken Nathan from Iraq the local authorities say they'll look into putting lifeguards on the beach Sally-Anne hearties from the rather district council regularly rather and the r n n i come together to look at what safety of course also to be christened place and so far there's been nothing more that's needed then we've already got the beach patrol it's got people on the beach with binoculars looking out there's been a wreck or drop in the proportion of g.c.s.e. Students getting a star to see grades the fall from 69 percent to 66.9 percent since last year is largely down to Ju-Ju a decline in England the percentage of good passes slightly increased in Northern Ireland stay the same in Wales Children's any services have been suspended at County Hospital in Stafford because of staffing issues seriously ill children will be sent to stoke Wolverhampton or Walsall Dr John Oxx to be is the medical director at University Hospitals north midlands our concern is really about resuscitate and of the very sick you children who might survive at the department and we do not believe that our service currently meets the exacting standards which exist today for provision of such services that migration to the u.k. Slightly down on last year but remains close to record levels $327000.00 more people came to the u.k. Them left the country in the 12 months to the end of March that represents a fall of 9000 on the previous year the Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe has been moved out of broad more psychiatric hospital and into prison the 70 year old has spent 32 years at the secure facility since murdering 13 women and attempting to kill 7 others he's now at Franklin jail in County Durham arm affairs correspondent is Danny Shaw I am sure that Sutcliffe will be under very close supervision indeed certainly in the early weeks and months of his incarceration. I believe that West Yorkshire police is also looking at other possible offenses that he may have committed so you know it's potentially there could be more developments on that front and what Amir Putin has condemned the decision to ban Russian athletes from the Paralympics in Rio the International Paralympic Committee imposed the sanction over accusations of state sponsored doping the Russian president has called it beyond more beyond ethics and beyond humanity that's the news for now Ben's here with all the sport Good afternoon cloudier Bravo has completed his 15400000 pound move from Barcelona to Manchester City signed a 4 year deal of yet out saying the club is building something very special and he hopes to be part of many successes in the years to come that pushes Joe Hart down the pecking order a city but it doesn't look like he'll move to Everton after their boss run a coom and said they have no interest in the England goalkeeper Tottenham have made a 15000000 pound bid for Crystal Palace winger Wilford saw a man just United striker Marcus Rushford has been named in Gareth Southgate's England Under 21 squad to face Norway next month for men one world champion Lewis Hamilton will face a great demotion at this weekend's Belgian Grand Prix he's confirmed he'll take an engine penalty and lympics swimming champion Adam Paty says he intends to race in both the 10200 betas breaststroke how the Tokyo Olympics this is b.b.c. 5 live on digital mind smartphone and satellite thank you very much looking at the weather showers for most of us tonight some will be thunderous to hang on to your pets will die out a bit later on though tomorrow mainly dry and bright with sunny spells not as warm though in the southeast as of today his own are 6 not that at the moment in Cumbria both directions are closed north and southbound from 42 to 43 at Carlisle The police of dealing with an instant it's been going on for quite a while since just before 3 o'clock and there is a diversion for both directions basically taking off at that close she said 42 for the northbound side 43 through the southbound side I'll have a full travel updates in 10 minutes time this is b.b.c. 5 Live 5 Live Drive when the bus. And Tony live say Good afternoon welcome to drive our main story today a large aftershock has hit the Italian town of. Rescuers continue to search through the rubble of yesterday's earthquake at least $247.00 people are now known to have been killed and hundreds more remain missing hopes are fading with every hour the Italian Red Cross says there is still a small chance of finding people alive and 4000 rescue workers involved in the operation a clinging to the hope of more moments like this guy. Was going to die was. Well that was a rarity of good news from several hours ago as an 8 year old girl was pulled from the rubble Lucy Gray's Inn where the heaviest death toll has been and the signs of the most recent Lucy tell us about that. Happened around lunchtime and I have to say I got quite used to them overnight there were so many I sort of stopped counting after the 8th or 9th one of my bed rattling and the windows rushing the doors everything sort of shaking but this one was a lot stronger I was sitting outside and suddenly the earth beneath my feet started moving it's such a disorienting experience to feel the ground that is you know through your whole life being this constant thing suddenly moving beneath you everybody around me started running towards the open spaces and started crying everybody is so nervous here it was about $4.00 magnitude that one lasted for a couple of seconds which isn't obviously as big as that $6.00 which is what the earthquake was but the buildings all around here are so unstable you've probably seen the pictures the aerial pictures that show the huge devastation here 3 quarters of I'm a treaty has been destroyed there's just like grave rubble where houses used to be and there's streets and streets of it then there was just saying that you know the town doesn't exist anymore and it really is a pile of dust a spirit to one young man who had died in her bed and he was saying how they. Sleeping in a tent overnight. What does it look like where you where you were he said. The rescue efforts as we've been hearing is is absolutely huge but how's it going. When as you said they still they are still hoping that they will find people alive here we don't mean every time there's an earthquake of people surviving for many hours and that's what they're holed holding out hope for the rescue workers worked through the night overnight they're going to be going for another you know 24 hours and beyond later on today I suspect to general. He's from the military police a little earlier he was saying you know that figure that we've been saying of 250 people dead he said that that is probably just for am a tree Che he thinks that there are 250 people who have died here and 50 more in the surrounding areas and the other figure he gave me was that he thinks that 60 to 70 people are still under the rubble here it's hard to know because a lot of the people here are tourist there are a lot of visitors who are here so it's hard for them to know how many people were in the town at the time it is such a small town there everybody here knows somebody who's been affected by this somebody who has lost somebody and for the men for general genomic men for them searching through the debris it's a very personal mission. The other the young. So we. Believe. Every minutes. Degrees and Lucy what about the people who survived this one of They've been saying to. The people who survived. And they're trying to work out what to do they have lost absolutely everything even if their house is still standing they're not going back into it with these aftershocks carrying on they're not try. Saying to to get their stuff out for the minute you know they are just trying to find somewhere to stay for the night then the main sports hall here which is where I'm outside at the moment is a modern building it was actually built to withstand earthquakes and they've got hundreds $100.00 beds there camp beds set up in the sports hall tonight that's for people who don't have tents and who are going to be sleeping in their cars like they did last night one of the people I met who is going to be state staying on one of those can beds and I met a medical earlier is Arbonne Mikhail he told me what happened to them this would just. When we woke up at half past 3 everything was on the floor there had been an earthquake a strong one we were saved because my house was still standing thank God because. You and your family how is everybody. Says. We lost my niece my sister's daughter is dead they brought out the body from inside the house yesterday morning she had 2 daughters one of 3 years and one of 8 years my wife is in hospital. And what do you do now what are you going to stay what you doing. We will say I have lost everything everything everything I had a shop yes I am an antiques dealer I have lost everything. There so you are been talking to 5 lives Lucy Gray she's also been speaking to the many people who arrived in am a treaty just over the last couple of days who are desperately trying to find relatives any news of them we'll hear from one of those people after 5 here on driving more from Lucy as well It's 11 minutes past for now more than half a 1000000 teenagers in England Wales and Northern Ireland of picked up their g.c.s.e. Results that I'm sure emotions a bit mixed this year's figures show that the number of students getting a star to see passes has fallen significant in fact is the biggest drop since the exams were introduced more than 25 years ago l.s.p. To our education correspondent Gerry and Hargraves Hello Julia hello why this for them and I start to see well it looks like an effect from a change in the rules that occurred last year the government is concerned about the roughly 40 percent of 16 year olds who don't get a grade c. Or above in their g.c.s.e. English and math and last year said you have to continue studying those when you go to a college of further education if you're doing an apprenticeship or other academic qualifications you've got to keep trying to achieve a great see in your English and math if you don't get them at 16 so the consequence of that is the number of 17 year olds this year doing a retake of English math g.c.s.e. Has risen by something like 25 percent more than 300000 of them are doing. G.c.s.e. English in math and they by definition all the sorts of people who will really you know have to work very hard to get from that grade d. Into a great See what seems to happen is they have depressed the overall pass rate as a result this year because in Wales for example the statistics have remained more or less the same this year compared to last year they don't have this change for retakes whereas in England this being. A significant decline in the past rate and that of course has affected the pass rate overall because many more people sit g.c.s.e. Is in England than than anywhere else so that is why we think there's been a drop this year it's interesting lots of stats to emerge from today's figures there's a gender gap as well 71.3 percent of girls get an a grade c. Or above compared to 62.4 percent of boys is there an explanation that well white working class boys are underperforming and all not improving at the rate of any other group of teenagers if you look at black ethnic minority candidates they're doing really well now many more girls are going into university many more girls from white working class backgrounds although the ratio is much smaller are also going to university compared to white working class boys this is a real problem and if you look at the gender difference Tony it's quite interesting because it's a little less at the top so the a stall gap is is is is is narrow and then the gap at Great see so you know the more able boys are closing in on the girls but when it comes to people who perhaps struggling a little bit just to get a good grade in their g.c.s.e. As the gap between boys and girls is quite wide and we know this is a concern because this is something the prime minister talked about in that very 1st speech went to reason may end to Downing Street just what 8 weeks ago now she said I am worried about on the performance of white working class boys particular because they're not going to university in the numbers that all of the groups of teenagers are going in and as have a jury and as you all know with education the systems are always the same to be in flux the grade system is being gradually abolished We'll talk about that later in the program half 6 we're also going to talk it about he backs I want to just pin you down on that if I can now that the government's trying to increase the teaching of the English Baccalaureate is known as the the back they say will improve teaching and raising standards can you just explain for us as a same. In a focus on this later on what is the bike and why has it come in for some criticism the very very easy way of describing it is a coeur of traditional academic subjects so English math history geography the sciences a modern language they are all back subjects now when the government said we will also measure how many traditional subjects a school is doing and what pupils are achieving there what they were trying to do was say state schools have to compete on a level playing field with independent schools we know that the top universities do like the more traditional subjects but a consequence of that is that. Subjects like music art drama are beginning to go out of fashion and there are plenty of Head Teachers around who say it's all very well putting emphasis on traditional academic subjects but lots and lots of people can't do them don't like them won't get good grades whereas they may enjoy something like drama or photography or art and shouldn't their subjects at least have some sort of parity because people need to leave school with qualifications they need to leave school with a sense of achievement and some of those core academic subjects just don't work for some students earlier today I was in an academy school in St Leonards on Sea which is down on the south coast of England very very economically deprived area and this school has really improved the performance of its pupils over the past 5 years they've had record results and they do teach subjects like Latin and Spanish and French and so on but the head teacher there was saying you know one in 4 jobs in Britain is in the creative industries and we can't just say those subjects on 2 important because for many candidates they are and they are a passport to work and this idea that somehow they're a bit Mickey Mouse. Maybe it's a little bit unfair. Good stuff Julian thank you for that joy and all groups are talking about the role later on after half 6 today we're going to talk about g.c.s.e. Is how were they for you is it all peace and calm in the home tonight or is there a child locked away in a bedroom screaming I'm going to talk about the back as well as Jane was alluding to that the government want to encourage more people to read 90 percent of all peoples and then there are 5 subjects English math science geography history I'm the language do you want to see your child pushed down the narrow for or would you rather they could take music drama. Religious studies for example people are going to amongst humanities It shouldn't just be history and geography lots to discuss your thoughts a night 5 o 5 maybe you're a pupil a teacher or just one of a 5 of a b.b.c. 5 Live 70 possible this is for a lawyer draw I. Rescue efforts in the Italian town of being hampered by a powerful aftershock results biggest every year on year decline in the top grades and it's emerged that 5 men who died at Camber Sands of the Sussex Yes Tyrone a day trip from London is one of the big problems in Cumbria it's closed in both directions north and south. Carlisle The police are dealing with an instant and queues go back to junction 44 on the southbound side into South waits on the northbound side the being taken off at the junction where the closure is whichever a. Top of the charts to be named the most disliked would need which language. Is quite imo I would. Just before but it's surprising. That you might. Just make. Sure you know the details now. If you can get used to. race commentary from 1 pm on Sunday we'll try. If you're less to fatten the day to the jewel for the Champions League group stages has probably never bothered you before but they still have it's probably been circles in the diary for weeks now that day has arrived it's up to 5 o'clock will sometime after 5 It depends what they come out in the drill folks as fans will find out who they will be up against joined in that role by the City Spurs and Celtic in Denis a senior football reporter is there at bringing is the news as it happens from Monaco. If you're less defined you'll just be sitting around at the I mean having said that would you want a drawer of beatable teams or would you want to go up against the big guns Try Well the beauty of it is the fact that the English champions are in part one they will avoid Real Madrid Barcelona by Munich eventis benefic a Paris Asian man and c.s.k. Moscow there is a possibility I think the worst case scenario for them would be getting Atletico Madrid from from part 2 I think the Dark Horse is to avoid from top forward the rust off who showed their intentions last night beating i.x. In a comprehensive manner and certainly as well I think the whole all the that the British side would not be wanting to be travelling to to the far flung corners of of Russia at this stage so. But I just think that they're looking forward to it was the last time they were in your it was it about 1617 years ago or so and the very fact that the debutantes in the in the Champions League along with the Russians rushed off I think everybody connected to Leicester City will just be thoroughly looking forward to it and wanting to to sample the experience of rubbing shoulders with Europe's elite and they're going to realise venturous nets What about the other British teams that Man City Spurs Austral Chelsea we said yeah the thing is that no side from the same association can face each other at this stage so less to sit here and talk one all still a month just to sit here both him talk. 2 and Tottenham are in top 3 so they will automatically be kept apart however Celtic are in top 4 so there is a possibility of Brendan Rodgers side facing one of the other English teams in the very nature the fact that they're in top 4 Celtic back in the group stages for the 1st time since 201314 could get you know a really really difficult draw but I'm sure you know the special nights at Parkhead looking forward to that naturally I think Manchester City and Guardiola they'll want to avoid Barcelona in the in the group stages Manchester City never seem to have it too easy this stage of the competition but I think and for Tottenham as well back in the in the Champions League after an absence of what 6 seasons looking forward to it you know it's like this thing you get the various montage is that if it's a draw procedure it will start at 5 the chances are it'll it'll finish near a 10 to 5 to 6 Yeah well good news is you're going to enjoy all of that stuff so we don't have to. Think enjoys the right well and maybe even. Though does it matter now it doesn't in fact lots of people have made a good guess already Dennis all senior football reports are. There so he said is it Manchester followed by United is not that is if we can rule that one out Stephanie Miller for 24 now accidents and emergency services for children have been suspended at the hospital in Stafford a senior doctors at the county hospital say the Children's Emergency Center isn't clinically safe because there aren't enough trained and experienced staff John Oxx to be is the medical director of the University of North Midlands n.h.s. Trust which made this decision what's happened is we've made a temporary decision. To close the county hospital. Children's Emergency Center and we've done that because after the external view and consideration of the implications of that from Okinawa zation we've. Decided that we don't have the. Requisite skills to guarantee that we can provide an ongoing safe service and a Children's Emergency Center County Hospital with the implication of that is that the service has been running it's an unsafe level for a period of time whether that be a day or a week or even longer so how he come to this. I don't think is quite as simple as that because Big what's happened is that there has been as lightly as there's an escalation and in requirements that would be expected to be met in order to provide a safe service so since the send opened and in May 2015 there's been an escalation in requirements the other thing that's happened to us is is actually the Children's Emergency Center wasn't quite as busy as we expected and specifically we had small numbers of very sick children that have acquired a substitution and while that's was that's good news that's meant to has been difficult for the clinical staff to maintain the the really quite bespoke skills and charmless that you need to to to manage these small number of very sick children so a compilation of increase in instances required to and the fact that it's been a little quiet has led us really to this position but it all smacks of an preparedness doesn't it I mean you mention May 2015 but essentially what you're saying is the rules have changed and the staff phoned up to it so were they surprised by those rule changes. Well I haven't I haven't. Said he wouldn't say that our stuff went out to Al Fayed prior to the stuff we've had in the service they provide but there has been a change in standards and that's really why organizations like ours participate in these external views so that we can see where we benchmark against was required and on falsely in this case the external view was that was you know holding a hand up and saying actually we don't think we're quite what we need to bait to man to a service that is as safe as it needs to be in 2016 so we've we've made the decision to close close the service with lots and the I should add to this that there's been no harm to any children this service just is that we have not met the requirements that we would expect to meet. That were investigated by the view Yeah and how does the choice view that because you know this book for the people listening University Hospitals of north midlands and it just was which you represent took over from the previous post after that was declared clinically and financially I'm viable says kind of embarrassing isn't it well I think it's an unfortunate situation to be in this is a really small part of the organization and what I would say is that it's much better for us to hold the hammer some say that we've got concerns about safety and that we're going to push it lights and Karen to be that the people of Stafford have got the safest service they can possibly have it's much better for us to do that than than I guess what happened previously which was a failure to recognize safety problems so we wouldn't want to make that mistake that John Knox to me that from the University of North Midlands n.h.s. Trust for 28 well guess is the word not the people getting it right as well this is the it's the dictionary's Who is that thing for the most disliked words in the English language and one in particular has already rocketed straight to the top of the list yeah there are quite a few suggestions though I was wouldn't be the verb to meddle are says James not of the Make It Stop does it matter to me. To metal Yeah and when you say ways that it's had become a new version isn't it where you say instead of saying somebody has won a medal you say oh he meddled in Rio she. Is not there I also knows his mucus you know mags says mega No that's a great word ruptures moustache no no wrong wrong wrong answer me in Cardiff jamming Gravesend in fact to say you hate a lot of people types in capital letters Robin in County Durham says awful awful words cringing in a as I type says Jim in Bedford. Phrases in Bedford as well it has to be moist feeling that way in my car in the leather seats in which I was a Mason the taxi driver saved. As c.z. Dense is from Channel 4 count Don's dictionary Kona Hello Susie how do you feel about moist if I say repeatedly make you feel. Any any of my Twitter followers will know I am from history rising in my feet. I've had such fun time there in a way I was a bit disappointed that everybody else hated it exactly like I need to live on that yeah yeah apparently according to studies are being done about it that are 20 percent of the population have a real aversion to choices or revulsion organized and fight psychiatry has started it and they think it's less to do with the sound which is probably the 1st thing we think and more to do with education or ration about yeah it's about the concept rather than the word but having said that I mean moist can be a horrible thing like for example when you sit in a seat that somebody has already sat in and it's a bit down but you know Yeah exactly I was if that was too much information as well but I when you think of Mary Berry talking about a lovely moist cake on the bike off is a bit different I know and I think Miranda reveled in the oyster Yes Actually the Great British Bake Off a charming myth say much of. The top of the most loved list I'd love to see that day sort of but. It's it's a strange one as you say such an enforcer I don't like such you know to know all. And some of them say just creative that actually you know we should embrace and that's one I didn't like to see was a horrible part of the function Alaska tar but I think it's such a point where they have brilliant styling and it does exactly what it says an attention some a it's so individual it's like a would have a common mistake if you like is that where it's taken individually what really gets going isn't it strange that he can provoke such a reaction like say from people who were texting in now with capital letters and so many experts saying I hate it I hate it's just a good 5 letter I know I'm so glad that Oxford English actually exists as far as I know the 1st official attempt to find not just one word but you know the whole sort of landscape if you like of words that people really find quite. Funny response and outreach is what I try to fly me mentioned when brainwashing actually gets one does anybody remember a night out. Such that's quite popular past you I mean there's a lot to do with putting the functions and gushing longing and not favorite This is like a game of operation. And some humans never fit together in waste and I'm just being one of the hard on her I think good bang says they were feeling right now. By the way for all of the like like when a light Tony's hands went to the had the wood flange is a legitimate. Projecting rim on a pipe so don't you know how I know I'm trying to get the tone of the program respect and like I want to have it tell me what Thank you so you say. From dictionary corner on Channel 4 is count so moist is is the right winner but if I mean she said so Killen I rather like his would there's one that you just hate Tell us what it is but also tell us why don't just text the word because that one that would be cathartic enough you have to tell us. Why you hate Is it the sound of is it the image that it can just mainly I want to use able words like that I thought about a room in the movie 85 o 5 am b.b.c. 5 live on social media help us for. Digital online smartphone and tablet this is b.b.c. 5 Live the b.b.c. News on 5 Live there's been a major aftershock in the Italian town over my tree Che one of the areas worst affected by yesterday's earthquake more than 240 people are known to have been killed in the 6.2 magnitude quake the proportion of students getting the highest g.c.s.e. Graters fall and 66.9 percent of those receiving their resources morning achieved at least to see that's down $2.00 percentage points on last year what details have emerged about the 5 men who died at Camber Sands in a success yesterday they were a group of friends who travelled to the beach in the same car among them were Natasha and Ravi and brothers coping Ken Nathan from here with an h s managers have suspended children's any services at County Hospital in Staffordshire because it's not clinically safe senior doctors said there aren't enough staff with the right level of training and that migration is slightly down on last year but it's still close to record levels $327000.00 more people came to the u.k. Then left the country in the 12 months to the end of March as a fall of $9000.00 on the previous year that's the news for now. I'm going to leave him with something I'm just mildly regretting the suggestion that you might want to text in words that you really hate because I'm now sitting down The Mall and they are a bit cringe you know we'll do some Soon we will get through is a word we like Ben with a sport like you know the new Manchester City goalkeeper cloudier Bravo says the chance to work with Pep Guardiola was too good to refuse after finalizing a deal worth up to 17100000 pounds is a move from Barcelona Bravo has signed a 4 year contract at the had with Claudio adding he's in the prime of his life which I hope looks set to be the number 3 choice between the sticks at City but a move to Everton appears fanciful after a manager run acumen said they weren't in the market for the. Goalkeeper has no interest don't talk about which Bush issues which players because then you start the preseason talking about transfers and you finish that I think it's next Thursday lots we play Stoke at home. This Saturday and it's more important than all the rumors transfers made a 50000000 pound bid for Crystal Palace winnable for Palace are believed to be reluctant to sell him about 30 minutes away from the Champions League group stage draw with the potential less the city in pots one also Spurs man city in Celtic will discover their fate but left the boss cloudy Iran Yairi things other teams in Europe will want to drop them I'm very curious just to know the name of the teams all the other teams are. Up for only to choose the less they're in the draw of is a normal winter we fight between us and there are others. I think. It would be a problem and one of the latest from the champ is later all throughout the evening on drive the family f one watch m.p. Lewis Hamilton has confirmed he will take an engine penalty for this weekend's Belgian Grand Prix the team will decide on the extent of the changes tomorrow the worst case scenario could see the Champions League to start from the back of the grid the moment it's just one race in the firing of a set of moments recovering from at the back this weekend trying to minimize the loss from the effectiveness of the beginning it's been a right if it's a day in the Specsavers County Championship in Division one with the chase is your share halted by the Scarboro elements let's get more on their match would not seem she and the rest of the county action with Kevin House a very bleak picture of the moment the 3rd day's play abandoned around a quarter to 4 with Yorkshire hoping tomorrow will be a lot better weather wise and also aiming for extra mopping up equipment to be transported overnight from the main ground at Headingley in Leeds the outfield here at Scarborough on the coast looks very wet indeed Notts in a relegation scrap 61 for 3 set 452 when Yorkshire declared just before lunch Gary Ballance having scored a century for the defending champions elsewhere Somerset 443 for 7 lead Hampshire by 105 runs like a 2nd innings at The Oval 144 to trail sorry by 53 runs still bad light causing problems at Darren between Warrick sure and Durham for other games in the 2nd Division and the latest Essex could be taking a very big step towards promotion 2nd place Leicestershire 137 still trailing the 2nd innings by 55 runs and Alice to cook has left that game the south to noon to attend an e.c. Be meeting in London the proposed England School of Bangladesh now came to need to win a Bristol to stay in the promotion race with their 6 they declared 533 for 6 at either 312 already Gloucestershire 13 for 2 and there's been rain at both Western and Cardiff Kevin thank you. There's full coverage all over Essex is game a way out less to show over 5 law schools extra This is b.b.c. 5 live on digital. Sound like Ben thank you very much indeed so much says he ah I hate the word faculty I'm not sure quite why but it's very mild with moving to say that doesn't sound right at all which may Auburn citing faculty silently to myself while Ben was remiss I now think I'll ask a comma when apocalyptic work out isn't it. Doable I use that all the time it's just lazy sounds wrong wrong wrong lot of things words you don't know this come out top keep coming in 8505 a top b.b.c. 5 Live his oh here's the weather he's really doing it he said introducing himself brought. Many parts of it in a way drive further north tomorrow no not more east further north tomorrow draw a broad cross much of the country probably will be moist a few showers especially across the north of Scotland temperatures will peak at 16 but rise to 26 across southeast thing that means we want to be made to remember show we've got a closure now it's the westbound side next in which happened at 29 saying James and then the 6 the police incident all over now in Cumbria all open again 42 Carlisle south to 43 at Carlisle But with long delays north and southbound and through the center of Carlisle city center and the m $2700.00 showed westbound 3 lanes a block to call his overturned it's on its roof in the middle of the motorway between round and junction $3.00 to $71.00 at sea travel update in the next 10 minutes this is b.b.c. 5 Live 5 Live Drive quick couple steps and turn you live say 6 police say 5 men who died in the sit converse and yesterday were a group of friends from London the brother of one of the men Natasha Ravi says he drove to the resort with 4 friends you know identified 2 of the other minors Koby and Ken Nathan from erythema 4th victim only as Kurdistan the identity of the 5th man is not yet clear our correspondent Kelly Price spoke to News. Robbie's brother who was visited by police yesterday afternoon already fully this point my parents my so my sister just song to you my relatives so we carried on rated creation to give them produce so by the end we found at 4 o'clock that there's been a problem with. Our situation where it's exactly matched the person who died the pasta me is unfortunately my beloved brother and his fellow friends so it's been a pleasure to talk to me moments for us and they were all friends even We've friends for years you know they've been friends for years officially from childhood is very they've been very deep for me close enough that they recognise each other and chill with each other a lot and they're very safe people. Really good characters so that's why it's very hard to forget this dude we've all seen memories and I mean it's unbelievable that all of them died for I mean does it bring you any comfort that they put together. But I mean it's one naturally upset about all of this happened the same day so it keeps on coming didn't you and again and again that means for innocent people just because of the swimming programs so from this we just want to do it make showed us really you mean like screeches and stuff are more secure depending on which location depending on how the it is so yeah I want to make show the people who control this mission a current of the waves off of it so I just wanted this to be improved so things like this doesn't happen again for the audience now obviously I can see behind you got you got a massive support from the community how your family coping my family's money just hopped into I mean they don't know how to explain to me they're just there. Confused I still feel like she's with us is amongst us as specially does for others he's very upset about the parents of them how their siblings coping just like me you know it's been a very emotional day for us it's very Africa to a little. More than 5000 people have signed an online petition calling for the reinstatement of lifeguards on the beach the Police and Crime Commission of the suspects is Katie I've spoken to the local council leaders this morning and we are definitely going to be talking further with the Our an ally and emergency services to see what if any more safety improvements can be made it can be a sense of 5 Live Stephen Chittenden is that today Stephen this is an absolutely horrific story and I was kind of surprised looking at t.v. Pictures to see so many people there again at the beach today after what happened. Yeah you might well be surprised I'm in today looks like a lovely sandy beach on a hot English summer's day however it is only half as busy as yesterday according to local beach patrol they were 25000 people here yesterday but it's still crowded there are family groups windbreaks children's buckets and spades However there are police vans in the carpark t.v. Crews milling with the somebody there's an occasional helicopter buzzing over the year the bathers who was splashing about in the incoming tide What have people told you then about this debate about whether the Big is safe or not. Well regular visitors here were when I spoke and they were 1st though pretty mystified at how far young man could die but they did come to the same conclusion that they are an ally of confirm they must have been stranded on a sandbar by the rising tide you can see the sand bars easily from the beach or low tide if you head out you if you head out from the beach from the top of the beach you don't go down that far but you do go down and then you go up from a channel and then down again and you know that the difference is about 2 feet when the tiger. And then as quickly as it does those 2 feet can be the difference between water around your waist and water over your nose which is obviously fatal for potentially fatal for a non-swimmer or even a weak swimmer and and so finally Stephen any extra safety measures in place today . Well the Coast Guard was on patrol there was a council run patrol there's no lifeguards there that is now as we just heard being reviewed by Rob the council they operate this beach patrol It keeps an eye out with binoculars and walkie talkies but they're not rescuers there are signs warning people to be aware of the sand bars on incoming tides to get children responds with parents mobiles numbers they're being issued at a police office where there's also a colorful warning printed to the door do not go in the sea fully clothed it says which perhaps reflects the range of different cultures among the many visitors who flock here particularly coming from London Yeah Ok Stephen thanks Stephen Chittenden there at Camber Sands is 444 a primary head teacher who used to spy pen to film children and adults in his school's toilets has been jailed for 2 years Night months Ashley ites he was head teacher at the timing school in South Gloucestershire admitted 6 counts of voyeurism and 3 counts of making indecent images of children John k. Reports from Bristol Crown Court Ashley 8 wept in the dock with his head bad over as he was sentenced by the judge the court heard today that this former head teacher was in hell and that he feels he has lost everything he's loved and worked for because of his actions because of what he's done his e will Ashley eighty's 45 years old he was the head teacher at Tyne ings primary school in the state poor Hill area just north of the city of Bristol he'd been in a position of trust and with already there for 8 years and in June so a couple of months ago he told staff and pupils that he'd lost what he called his special pen he asked them to look out for it and shortly afterwards one of the children found a heavy pen on the premises and handed it in but things quickly unraveled for the head teacher because it became clear that this wasn't really a pen at all it was a secret recording device which he'd been leaving in toilets to film people deliberately placing in strategic positions where he quickly admitted what he'd done yet said film 20. 2 adults and 9 children in all these admitted 6 counts of voyeurism 3 counts of making indecent images of children has been sentenced this afternoon Judge Michael Longman said he accepted that yet his sexual obsession as it was called was about snooping on adults rather than sleeping on children but he said this head teacher must have realized given the position he was in that youngsters would also end up being filmed by that spy plane jailing him for 2 years and 8 months the judge described his behavior as devious and as a most grave breach of trust correspondent Joanne k. Bristol Crown Court just to file this is for a lawyer draw it sidelines I don't drive this afternoon more than 240 people are known to have been killed in the Italian earthquake and a powerful aftershock is hampering rescue efforts they are annoyed says the 5 men who died at Camber Sands fail to realize how quickly the tide would come in and stuffing problems of blood to the suspension of children's any services the hospital and stuff but. We've got a big closure on the westbound side junction 29 it's in James this be the next and there will be heading for the bridge it will effect the a one m. In West Yorkshire heading south the breakdown $62.00 at $41.00 close to the saying that at the end 6 in Cumbria which is where we had the police instant all over now that $42.00 to $43.00 that's where the closure was it was affecting north and southbound traffic so we still have the queues some funky to 44 north on the north back to South Wales. And also city center extremely busy as a result of the m 6 in the West Midlands and heading south we've got a broken down laureates. Closed the m 4 London junction the was a break down the. Reading and the opposite side westbound junction 13 it cheaply and broken down lorry still at the same in one of the lanes which is closed the m $25.00 key. At the change which is being played by the queues. At junction for. Heading towards the crossing of the m $27.00 and westbound the car overturned and 3 lanes of blocked it's in the middle of the motorway so causing major problems between the cities. At the. Side of the m $27.00 the m 5. Northbound junction 6 is where we had to break. The word that sortie race to the top of the charts for being the most. Moist by the way. He couldn't even bring it down is almost as bad so I'd say things like keep it watered but not so you don't allow it to dry out try to keep the humidity level. Just. Keep. Definitely. Going to get everybody else created. When I finish work today I. Am very american It makes me cringe whenever I hear it just for you again. What was not one you read out to me earlier on about someone who likes to say the word. How they want to. Extend it to words that people really like. Is one of my favorite words. To. Extend it. We do every day but it was. The most disliked but if there's a word that you really really love into the mix we'll do it. B.b.c. 5 live on b.b.c. One. Some Food City football club owned by Gary and Phil Neville Ryan Giggs pull Scholes and. Nikki Burt finished last season on a high This was now this really is a better world but the promotion has had its downside which can sign a pledge for love and when it is again it's not easy because it would be no money to last in it just like Zimmerman going to the money because it's all now the copacetic sights on a much bigger prize all bets are off when the f.a. Cup. Is going to see the Class of $92.00 still out of their late returns tonight at 9 on b.b.c. One now chancellor Philip Hammond is already indicated that a trade deal with China will be key when the u.k. Leaves the u. However the Chinese are said to be upset at the delay to the nuclear power station project to point for which they're paying nearly a 3rd So what's the future for u.k. China trade 5 up one is quite a smith is spending the day at Manchester Airport which already has some of the strongest links between the u.k. And China collector. Hi there Tony Yeah I spent the day at Manchester Airport they're giving up what they're expecting to be one of their busiest weekends ever but as you say I mean here in terminal 2 particularly because they've recently established a direct flights from Manchester 3 to Beijing it's the 1st one outside of London and it's really gearing up for the whole region to try and take advantage of of Chinese investment and of Chinese business links I'm joined here by Reese Well he's the executive director of the munchies to China for him hi there if I there when it comes to this kind of relationship you've obviously been building up business links for a while how important is it is a direct flights to the whole area and that the northwest in particular. Since the form is established back in 2013 now the establishment of direct routes has been a number one priority for us because we recognise that the critical importance not only economically but across all areas of engaging with China the importance of having that routes into the mainline. And and obviously into Hong Kong as we can see with Cathay Pacific just it Apple is particularly interesting because of the basic instruction engineering great they're already investing 20 percent of the new at Manchester apple business every how it how important is that why are they investing here in particular z. Thing. It's hugely important and again you know b c g and being active here in the u.k. And in Manchester for the past 3 years and as you've seen they've gone on to invest across a number of other projects so their investment in Airport City was a critically important juncture in terms of u.k. China collaboration around infrastructure in Gauge Mint so that commitment particularly really is a 1st move into the north of England was was particularly important as we've seen over the past few years it's had a significant knock on effect both in terms of interest but also in terms of investment activity here in Manchester and across other cities in the northern powerhouse we've seen the Chinese becoming increasingly and she stays in football investment in lots of nice over recent weeks and months about that and and the clubs here in the Northwest are obviously in prime position to take advantage of that now absolutely yes so the recent announcement of see with c.m. Sees 13 percent stake and 265000000 pound investment I think it was into months of City Football Club was hugely significant We've obviously seen subsequent investments across football clubs in the u.k. . The president of China has identified for all this being a strategic priority for the country we're seeing really now is clubs grow in China that house ramifications globally both in terms of the play market but also in terms the investment the putting into developing skills for the future and that presents a huge opportunity for. Both clubs as well as academies here in the u.k. Responds very much for joining me I'll have more from Manchester in an hour's time so can suppress and as I'm going to be shifted over to the arrivals area catching folks on their way back from nice summer holidays a good stuff got to thank you 6 months to 5 and that migration to the u.k. The difference between those arriving and leaving has fallen slightly to 327000 which is still more than 3 times above the government's target and the number of people from Poland living in the u.k. Now outstrips any other foreign nation I've been speaking to home editor Mark Easton it's really same as as nice as the net migration figure still well over 300000 doesn't really seem to have changed very much a couple of interesting things in there we now discover that the largest foreign born community in Britain is now the poles having overtaken the Indians so that's an interesting thing we seeing with Rumanians and bulk Ariens actually more of them coming to Britain than from Poland on the other accession countries the 8 countries that joined the e.u. Back in 2004 so interesting to see the continued movement from area in Romania and also in separate data another aspect to how e.u. Migration migration generally has sort of changed our country but particularly from the e.u. I think in recent years and that is the birth figures showing that a that more than a quarter of all babies born in England and Wales were born to a foreign born mother so undoubtedly we are still seeing this very high level of net migration we're aware of the implications of that in terms of what our country looks like and how it operates. Dot Of course we're now in this strange situation where we don't actually have a new plan despite the BRICs it vote with kind of waiting to see what the government wants to do a few noises they've certainly said that you know want to get immigration done net migration down to the 10s of thousands. As David Cameron said before juries a man that still seems to be the the government Sam passion of course that's going to be easier said than done certainly in the in the short term less Mark Easton home at. 4 minutes t.v. It is indeed a lot of people send now sending in but more taste for their favorite words as opposed to words like more east which were going down to Adam in Cardiff has what word can be pamphlet straight can quote great words says Lauren 5 has could do a lot of it don't mean blade once have a dash right now the thing is you can have words you like words you hate but you have to tell us why that's the crucial 5 o 5 but you have to explain why we should use more up to 5 carry loads and loads is still coming in now on that subject though we'll move on because Debbie says My favorite word is champions I molest a fan and on that note lest the city will find out very shortly indeed are they going to face in the next in the group stages of the Champions League they're in part one with the likes of Barcelona Real Madrid and Paris and German I'm sure they're all still rubbing their eyes can't quite believe it call shows a less defined Georgia hello call me a lot of this is incredible isn't it for less to find to be in this stage now. This dream that you never saw you have a country for any others so yeah yeah we just keep living the dream and let it continue the way like you are among the crammed electrum of European football as we stand now so I'm going to take you through the pots and I want you to choose who you'd like a must see if you get your fantasy draw when it comes after 5 o'clock or right Ok fine pop pop 2 you can either have a logical Madrid brushy Dortmund Sivi Porto Napoli or by Leverkusen. Well I think a lot of paper lights go out of the sims on a trip but for me the one hour that one big Dortmund you know picking your holidays here call you know you are you picking up on what you're going to the best weekend away well and potentially it's a week away because it's also making the October so I've already got the family. If anywhere that beneath because I know why someone like you know we. Like you just him or did you say doormen Did you out on the doormen he's going to he's going gym in part 3 you got Dynamo Kiev you got Lille p.s.v. Eindhoven Sporting Lisbon club Rouge Bruges very nice. Brochure munching glass back . From a p s a p s family yet another iconic name Ok for finally Monaco is going to be mana can read on basic tests Elysia war so it's Celtic Rostov Copenhagen dynamos all grab. I think that new book I mean so I don't I. Yeah they go in there and something like that you have and how can you not 29 dollars next year I want to tell it would be good because it's run yeah results all 8 states all our locations in town think about allocation in Monaco I think if you very many know more of my fellow. Friends you know that all want to go so I think a lot of cations you know going to the Bulgarian somewhat because well yeah that's the 1st time I've heard that sentence and out loud but anyway you got to you go for dormant and open a little grass We'll see how that pans out after 5 got the draw life here on 5 Live . How do you think you'll do call that's the key factor all all joking aside about holidays and stuff how can I Let's go to my can you worm your way through the group I think we can get through the fruit tree every chance you get through the group. And then I think we'll get a scope and a qualifying round with us for a show like you know well funny fellows it probably should start in the group they have nothing to fear they're after last season. Not us all but one of them when you know someone you know you then you know what you've just already said that anything like it will you feel. You know in the group say you know I'll be nice but I will keep listening call you won't miss a moment thank you. Good luck my call shows alas to 5 we'll hear that you're going to speak to Carl again before 6 o'clock to hear his response to the actual drawl that was response you thought I mean then he says is that what you know. There is this swirling bulls in the parts the whole thing to when something when something actually happens he's watching it so he thinks off shortly. And then that's my sport this is b.b.c. 5 Live is 5 o'clock on 5 Live This is Dr Tony live see an ad is lost on my story this afternoon a major aftershock affects rescue efforts after the Italian earthquake the ground has just shaken again here and the effects were tremendous and we felt in time Tom are going to be. Try a ground move in sport British teams awaits their Champions League fight the l.t.v. Fully across that draw in Monaco I don't follow sports night special program for you 7 days that changed and for the Tom Coughlin guests look back at Michael Schumacher as debuts in Formula one which took place 25 years ago in Spa in Belgium at that moment that changed the sport. This is b.b.c. 5 Live the b.b.c. News on 5 live rescue efforts are continuing in central Italy following a 6.2 magnitude earthquake I'm powerful aftershocks much of the town of I'm a tree chain last year has been destroyed. Lost family members there. We lost my niece my sister's daughter is dead they brought out the body from inside the house yesterday morning she had 2 daughters one of 3 years and one of 8 years my wife is in hospital and. The brother of one of the 5 men who died of cancer Sandinista 6 says he wants safety at beaches to be improved the group of friends on a day trip from London when they got into trouble in the sea yesterday one of them was r g 8 and rob his brother knew Tashan my family is very disheartened I mean they don't know how to explain their agony they're just confused they're still feel like he's with us he's amongst us as specially does for others very upset about the parents of them how their siblings coping just like me you know it's been a really emotional day for us the Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe has been moved out of broad more psychiatric hospital and into a prison in County Durham health trouble you know found he no longer needed treatment for any mental health disorders the proportion of students getting the highest g.c.s.e. Grades has fallen 66.9 percent of those receiving their results to their change at least to say That's down $2.00 percentage points from last year our education correspondent is Gillian Hargreaves the number of 17 year olds this year doing a retake of English math g.c.s.e. Has risen by something like 25. Percent they all the sorts of people who have to work very hard to get from that grade d. Into a great See what seems to happen is they have depressed the overall pass rate as a result this year a primary had teacher used a spy pen to film pupils in the toilets at the school has been jailed for 2 years and 8 months. To 45 m. From Phil to near Bristol admitted voyeurism making indecent images of children a child found the pan and 100 to a cat a cow. And h.s. Managers have suspenders children's any services at County Hospital in Stafford because they say they don't have enough staff with the right skills that used to be known as Stafford Hospital and was the subject of a public inquiry due to the number of deaths between 20052008 Jerry Miller Freud's the town's m.p. I think the clear point here is that the hospital puts the safety of patients absolutely as a priority and if the the major lesson to be learnt out of what happened at Mid Staffs was that spatial safety is paramount then I'm glad that they've taken this decision at an early stage and decided to try and correct it rather than to muddle through 6 suspected migrants have been rescued in the channel off the coast of Kent the man was spotted in an inflatable dingo early this morning that due to be questioned by Border Force officers and that migrations fallen slightly since last year but it's still close to record levels $327000.00 more people came to the u.k. Than left in the year to the end of March that's a fall of 9000 on the previous 12 months that's a news Burns got the support the draw for the group stages of the Champions League will shortly be getting underway in Monaco unless the city or in part one of the Manchester City to Tottenham in part 3 Celtic amongst the lowest ranked sides in pot 4 in transfer news today cloudier Bravo has signed a 4 year contract at Manchester City of the finalizing a move from Boss Alona worth up to 17100000 pounds Meanwhile Everton look unlikely to sign Joe Hart after manager Ron acumen says they have no interest in the player Spurs have tabled a 50000000 pound off of a Crystal Palace wing it Wilfried Zaha there is Hamilton has confirmed he'll be forced down the grid at this weekend's Belgian grown praise going to take an engine penalty Yorkshire's hopes of wrapping up victory over not impugn the County Championship have been thwarted by the weather for today at least need another 7 wickets tomorrow and England's Tom Lewis leads the Denmark Open golf he's 12 on the path through 13 holes of his 1st round this is b.b.c. 5 live on digital online Savall and salad the showers for many of us tonight some thunder they will die out later tomorrow mainly dry bread. Some sunny spells not as warm or if you're in the Southeast a this is today here's your big problems with the mating Renfrewshire the westbound side of the motorway closure it's in James junction 29 queues go back to junction 26 detailing 10 it's all because of an accident on the opposite side you'll find a 2 lanes closed from the skin bridge to judge and 29 at St James again and accused of backing up over the guest can bridge the 80 to a great western writes a long delays that I'll have a full look at the travel at quarter past across the u.k. This is b.b.c. 5 Live 5 Live Drive with the foster and Tony live say Good afternoon welcome to drive our main story a strong aftershock has hit a tree chain central Italy one of the areas worst affected by yesterday's earthquake today's trauma had a magnitude of 4.3 and created a huge dust cloud more than 250 people were killed in yesterday's earthquake with the Italian health minister warning many of the victims were children more than 4300 rescuers are continuing to search for survivors using everything from heavy machinery and sniffer dogs to bare hands the search for survivors is being concentrated in 4 towns that have been reduced to little more than rubble and a treat Chez Molly postcard Ultron so. How the with the continuing aftershocks the piles of rubble unstable and rescue efforts of frequently being hampered the Italian Red Cross says there's still a small small chance of finding people alive all 5 lives Lucy Gray is in a treat she where the heaviest death toll is being the site of that most recent aftershock that we were talking about Lucy what are things like there at the moment . Hi Ana Well as you say thousands of rescue workers and their sniffer dogs are still trying they're still holding out hope they're still trying to find people trapped underneath the rubble here and they think that there may be as many as 60 to 70 people trapped underneath what is really just big piles of dusty stone and as you say this rescue effort is so dangerous now we've got these off the shakes after shocks that keep coming we had them it's quite a few Overnight several overnight and then at lunchtime today it was a really big 14.7 in magnitude People were running into the open spaces they were crying people's nerves are so frayed here and they're just so worried about what's happening every little bits of building and wall fell down during that just adding to this great pile of dust holes streets have just gone there are buildings with just one wall standing there buildings with 3 walls standing in the front is totally come off them there's one building along for me which is the roof is still intact but the 2 stories underneath just reduced to just piles of stone piles of rock with this intact roof on top of it it looks like it's just been squashed from above it really is a scene of almost total devastation and what about the people Lucy who were in those houses but managed to survive all of this just looking around the Mel seeing scene of devastation. Yeah they are wondering around wondering what to do really last night it happened at about 3 30 in the morning there some people just slept in their cars or in a few tents that were made available to them tonight is the 1st full night which they will need help with there is a sports hole which is a very modern building it was built to to withstand earthquakes actually and it's full of camp beds now they're expecting about 200 people to go and sleep there on the count beds of stocked up on a lot of water and a lot of blankets and there are other similar buildings around the region that people are being sent to. But it's not just of course the residents of Emma treat Shea that need to be looked after there are people who have been turning up here throughout the day desperate for news of their loved ones I met. Earlier who'd come from Rome to look for her family I have some relatives that live outside the old town and they're Ok. Some of them wearing the hotel one of them was very old shoes truly dead the other one was 2 of them were taken outside. Quite quickly from the hotel from the hotel but there. Their situation is critical. I think we hope they will make it probably they would probably make it but maybe with some damages and are they being treated and looked after I don't know exactly some hospitals not not in here if the people were. Taken in very disparate different hospitals very large and I have from mine on there are still missing and we we feared the worst you know they were really in the center of Indie the big street in the center of the town so did the ouse burned down. We know for sure we are from Rome we arrived right now and we saw the images in the on the t.v. And so we arrived soon as we could and what do you think now you've got here and seen it for us we we cannot arrive in the in the center if it is forbidden I've spent here all my my childhood and. I know a lot of people it's a small town we everybody everyone knows everyone you know so even if not some someone close to the community whole communities broken that is for sure but. People in here are tough so I. I hope. It was so overcome this that's Kara Felicie a from Rome he's in the am a treat Che the moment trying to find missing relatives speaking to our reporter Lisa Gray we'll hear more from Lucy after 6 here on drivers Tempest 5 now the serial killer Peter Sutcliffe known as the Yorkshire Ripper has been transferred to prison after spending more than 30 years in Broad more psychiatric hospital circlip who's now 70 was convicted in 1901 of murdering 13 women and the attempted murder of 7 others we can speak to our affairs correspondent Daniel Sanford Daniel and those of us who lived through all this will never forget what he did but for those or less familiar with the cases remind people about what happened well it was the most extraordinary reign of terror in Yorkshire and in the Greater Manchester area 13 women found dead in about her less than a 10 year period. A huge huge police investigation which actually turned out to be quite bungling at times but eventually Peter Sutcliffe who was a long distance so lorry driver was captured in $1081.00 and put on trial and found guilty of murdering 13 women in most horrendous ways slashing them. Really awful killings and also the attempted murder of 7 women and he was given 20 life sentences it has been decided that he will never leave prison but after just 3 years into his prison sentence he was transferred to a broader more secure hospital because he was diagnosed as being mentally ill and that was controversial at the time wasn't Daniel so why is he being moved now after all these years well people don't necessarily state mentally ill forever and although he's been in a broad more hospital for 32 years the assessment of a mental health tribe you know what happens is when people are in secure hospitals mental health tribunals sit every few years to consider what. Their state of health is and the assessment of a mental health tribunal was that he was now well enough to be inside an ordinary prison I'll be at a high security prison but that he's not well enough to be inside an ordinary prison and that has been now been signed off on by the new secretary of state for justice Liz Truss and yesterday he was moved from Broad more secure hospital to Frankland prison which is one of the 8 high security prisons in England Wales in fact is the largest high security prison in England and Wales holding a 100 men he was transferred there yesterday Such is the fascination within that anything that happens to me even today usually makes the front pages any any reaction to this move done you the hasn't been any immediate reaction but the was quite a lot of reaction when it became clear that this was what was going to happen and family members of those who were killed and also women who say that they are also victims of attacks from him because police are still investigating other alleged attacks by him have all welcomed it because I think there was a strong feeling amongst the families of people who died that he was getting our soft prison sentence that the regime in broad Moore was much too soft considering what he'd done and that he should be in the full high security regime inside the normal prisoner state so that was welcomed quite widely by people who had suffered in one way or another Peter stuck his hands Daniel thank you that's a home of ask us want to Daniel something on the news that Peter Sutcliffe is back in jail now after more than 30 years in broad Morris 515 this is 5 line drive headlines a 4.3 magnitude aftershock is a part of Italy where rescue efforts continue after yesterday's earthquake has just been hearing the Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe has been moved from board most psychiatric hospital to a prison in the proportion of g.c.s.e. Students getting at least as c. Grade. It's lowest level since 2008. Also the idea that the International Baccalaureate might be the way forward 1st of all the has to travel needs it's really bad on the m a to the moment to be heading for the bridge the westbound side there's a. Junction $29.00 on the opposite side there are also 2 lanes closed but they've just reopened so the latest on this now is that. At junction 26 on the opposite side that backing up over the bridge eastbound all the way to a Great Western Road because of this and so still completely closed on the westbound 29 the m 6 in the West Midlands and heading north we've got 2 lanes closed. To deal with an accident. And there's a breakdown blocking one of the lanes and the m $25.00. Junction 3 and this one the interchange we had a car which caught fire blocked at that scene but it was already busy anyway because of a breakdown which happened in the Dolphin crossings so the cues in total go all the way back to junction for. The 3 and heading south because of a broken down lorry it's between $25.00 and a junction. The road. Really slow anyway the m 4 and heading towards London we've got queues at. The breakdown as cause there's queues back to 11 at Reading. The Breakdown which is being cleared so that with queues and the $27.00 in Hampshire that's where we had a vehicle on its route in the middle of the motorway between random services and junction 3 at the. Sea And that's still the case with long delays there and. All but with queues. The word moist. Moist is topping the charts of on the most disliked words in the English language but actually we've opened because we've got most loved words as well. Such a lovely word especially. Now after I think it is so no. Sponge I can say it out loud without choking the length and then the word put in a double jam Martin from Suffolk says a great word because it sounds like its meaning if not as a was on a matter where it sounds like what it is and Gary for message to stumble across a word that I struggle to say every time on the radio statistic some are can say without a spare out of the list it out there you did try it and now. Yeah yeah. I . Offer my failings of one of the words we call a 5 o 5 by b.b.c. 5 Live b.b.c. 5 Live praising the bomb with Rob ring in this week's episode of raising the bar looking at how criminal law affects ordinary people we may think we know about serious crime and the effects that it has by watching t.v. Dramas and even by reading about it but really do we get the opportunity to hear what it's actually like to experience the impact and rarer still to hear from those who have committed these offenses praising the bomb with Rob ringing in this Sunday morning from 115 Live now England's cricket players could decide this evening whether or not to go ahead with their autumn tour of Bangladesh they might their minds up after a security briefing following recent terror attacks in the country most notably perhaps perhaps that attack in Dhaka last month where 20 hostages were killed Mon of the more Italian citizens so the team will be sat down they'll be run through this safety briefing one man who withdrew from an England tour it was India back in 2001 because of fears over security is the former Somerset an England fast bowler Andy Caddick Andy hello there even in case people are putting the dates together 2001 it was that the September the 11th attacks that changed things for you wasn't there 911 was there there was the one thing. Yes we did have security breach. Sorry brief from the Home Office for players. Players' minds of these. But I stayed on a personal I just had my mice my son he would been born after this for me to make a final decision it was a personal one and I decided not to go I mean it away it's good to be able to to be given the information to make that decision for yourself rather than being told well this is what we're going to do was very fortunate. That we had a we have a chief executive called here Anderson who is either x. X places x. Hong Kong place a lot of connections and the Home Office and I asked him Brian blankly we had a lot of home office we had British High Commission in India talking to his on on a personal aspect of would he go under the circumstances what just had happened in America and the fact that Americans had just about Afghanistan and he said no I wouldn't he wouldn't so I decided that was one of the things he was a very wise man not took. His advice on board but there was there was a things of a time and I just did not feel it was right to go so I got a lot of hate mail out of it. And into the day thankfully nothing did happen on that toll for the Test match and I subsequently during that does the one that after and after Christmas was it a decision that you did feel was with you was to make you didn't feel pressure all of the way there was a lot of pressure and the reason you gave a lot of pressure decisions and you get this with the guys today there are players on the fringe of cementing a position in the England team and there were guys back in 2001 exactly the same set are in the position they're in there for a lot of pressure to make the right decision and the decision for them would have been because some and and the majority of them did because personally for them it benefited them going far as being in England career I was fortunate enough. But Stage 2 to be in a position when some lamb was in charge at the time he said to me Look whatever decision you make we will back to you on that decision and we will support you in that decision and I just hope that they. Do exactly the same with the 2nd stance with the guys tonight and you think it will be at an individual decision because it's difficult when you do something as a team to make a decision that has to see everybody Don't get me wrong you're torn and they went all in there and for Christmas in 2001 it is probably one of the best tours I have a did it is a very much a team told sunlight touring Australia New Zealand South Africa with in these we do you can just disappear is as plain as you can go off and do your own thing in the groups when you turn Pakistan showing Bangladesh and the likes of India because of the security where you tend to stay together so as far as the team's consenting environment you really get to know you team mates it's a great tool to go on for that for that. That point but the problem you've got is right now you're going to have a lot of players senior class young players coming to the sized. Sitting there on a person what is the benefit to them and they will think that one of the benefits of them going on this top secret is yes it's a career thing people like Jimmy Anderson brought people like Jimmy coke even into the regime to the point route they will make a decision because they know there are strong very strong positions in the team and a person's right to decide not to go out there and have a very strong positions actually come back strength of the side the other players on the fringe they need to make their decision on whether that's benefiting their career so unfortunately it's not really a really nice position to being as a player because all boil down to your personal circumstances as to whether you go and unfortunately for me 2001 was great the fact that nothing did happen and that's all and I thank God today that nothing can happen on that top and I think you know and I hope that nothing happens in future tours that part of the world but unfortunately there is always that what if and if you got behind the office especially in light of what happened a month ago and that those things do why in clients minds and the city have to take it seriously and I know there will be and it's not under That's very insightful thank you so much good to Tootsie Andy Caddick the former sum is that an England fast bowler it's 22 minutes past 5 just for the scene of the Champions League group stage draw is underway unpredictable after 22 minutes nothing has happened asshole in Russia's struggle to get some of the bowls open though it has to watch the suns on these tiles as I would say the a bit more he sounds a very moist on the Somalis So this whole guide it's all going passionate and perhaps if they were passionate about bees it's one scrape right anyway we in Dennis's deference to the moment something interesting does happen happened too fast 23 minutes past 5 M.P.'s of a Q social media companies have consciously failing to combat extremist groups using their platforms the fast Committee says firms such as Facebook Twitter and Google which owns You Tube are leaving parts of the Internet own governed the firms though insist on taking that responsibility seriously. 5 lives Phil Mackey has been looking into this fellow Hello to you whatever you want to be found well some of those videos are still there today just looking on on one of those large social media platforms you can still find videos from Anjem Choudary who of course was just a few weeks ago we reported it for the 1st time last week after he was encouraging people to support the so-called Islamic State is also video by his right hand man the man who was convicted with him is no Rahman and he's talking in this particular video this was shown during the trial actually it's quite grim about ways for executing people and there's also a video I found today from Siddharta Donna he's the man who they now call the new jihadi John he's believed to have traveled to Syria and now be taking part in some of those I s execution video so that really backs up what the House of Commons Select Committee is saying they describe this as the Wild West of the Internet they say Khan the that Google Facebook and Twitter are consciously failing to stop radicalization online it's difficult though because there are plots of other platforms out there as well and other people are pointing out that you're not just going to watch Anjem Choudary talking about the Caliphate and suddenly Serat going to pack my bags and go to Syria and I it's going to be more complicated than that and there are lots of other measures which which lots of other radicalization measures which lead to people taking that particular journey in fact buried in this report today we concentrating on the social media they're also talking about the government's prevent strategy saying that it has become toxic within the Muslim community and it needs to be rebranded renamed and rethought and Ok so the headline is that these companies are consciously failing as we've said but what are they doing they didn't quite a lot really I mean one of the problems they face is the sheer volume of material that is out this for instance you cheap sees 400 hours of video uploaded onto its system every minute which is an enormous amount of it. Serial to go through they've introduced something called the trusted flag a system so basic someone's an expert they can prove it to Google recognised by Google as being an expert they get an elevated status and if they flag some material that will be taken down immediately. You Tube said that the company takes his role in combating the spread of extremist material very seriously Twitter pointed to a statement in which it. Reiterated its commitment to eliminating the promotion of violence or terrorism on our platform of Facebook insisted it robustly deals with reports of terrorism related content now there are so many new platforms out there which are perhaps not as well known which are also hosting some of this content that it becomes a very difficult job for people to do they are according to. Twitter suspending something like $300.00 or they have suspended 360000 accounts since the middle of last year for violating its policy so an enormous amount is being done and they are doing a lot more than they were doing before but nonetheless you know it doesn't take more than 25 minutes to find some of these videos out there today and people are still sharing them there are a lot of people looking at this and trying to do a lot about it but there is also a debate about free speech in there as well and how much the state the government the place and the authorities should be stopping people posting what is sometimes not quite a legal but quite controversial online as well Ok felt thank you very much indeed Phil Mackie reporting that 26.5 just to bring you some news on that earthquake in Italy at the foreign secretary Boris Johnson is just in the last minutes old she said that a number of British nationals have been affected by that terrible earthquake in Italy no more details on that at the moment because as soon as we know more we'll bring it to here on Dr about Boris Johnson the foreign secretary says a number of British nationals have been affected by the earthquake in Italy. $527.00 the driving test is being updated and today's the final day for the public to have their say on what should be in it it's thought introducing things like reversing into a parking bay or using a sat nav will make it more realistic and therefore improve broods road safety and he changes a lot to be introduced early next year when I thought I'd put my not inconsiderable skills to the twin you say I thought you knew I'm a. 99 he want to pass my test just to put some context on this so I've been driving a long time but that gives me a lot of time to forget the rules now I went out on the streets of Manchester with examine a gram O'Brien Ok then. First of all these follow directions from the sort of I'm going to start a sort of off now Ok so we're going to guess turn right then if you could follow directions from the south and from a place of yeah whatever you already up to 100 yards 10 right there at the end of the red light we ask kind of that song driving to us to drive independently for 10 minutes either following traffic signs or directions what we're proposing to introduce the site now because most people use a song of these days so your multitasking your dealing with distractions all the time you got the distractions of the traffic sometimes giving you directions while you're still having to scan them solo skills I demonstrate and we want to get across to you know it's a new novice drivers. What to do is drive forwards into anybody of your choice finishing within the lines Ok. It's. Just lovely thanks if you could reverse out to the left one of the already so the main changes that maneuver of maneuver zone by introducing driving forward into all conspiracies and every day maneuver that people conduct at below the time it's the most practical thing to do you know the boobs then for a fee it's about shopping and whatnot but the skill set involved in that maneuver driving forwards into a bit between $2.00 lines then reverse you now safely with good all round awareness of skill. It's very transferrable from the maneuvers that we do which we feel don't necessarily reflect real life driving. And when you're ready if you could reverse park for a couple of call and place. I do remember the reverse you can try to go around a corner and use a book why why only riding one pulled over into oncoming traffic if you were going down the road in there was no parking spaces on the left side and like it is today it's raining in the shop you want to go through on the right yeah would you pull up on the right yeah yeah and it's kind of like delivery drivers you know it's things that the day again it might not necessarily be doing best practice to pull up on the right but it's not illegal people do it and it is a skill set involved in the you know this plan in a way to say you've got the observations when you reverse injuries are very transferable skill again this maneuver is reflective of what people do Ok so now that's the end of the test and if this was a real life test I'd be saying to you now congratulations someplace that's all you've passed golden You did get 3 driving faults which I can go through you with but all in all it's very nice drive one for following distance which was one occasion you got quite close to a car at traffic lights would have broken down would have been no way we'd been able to get round it would have to reverse use a spade there was one occasion which I think you identified yourself where we slightly encroached on the speed limit. By surprise so if I surprise you so this can imply maybe could've been a little bit of that but yes it was just a little blip of the speed limit and you're in the reverse maneuver the one where we pulled up on the right some side of the road we were heavily reliant on the right Dalmiya as opposed to taking in a little bit more all round observations during that maneuver there were you know surround applause I when we finished that you know I was maybe I was mostly because the camera crew in the back seat never made a move. You can have a look at my driving skills if you want to live in short it was being videoed going to go between Dennis he's watching the Champions League joy development Yes and. Will have just been had with terrorists in group a we're awaiting Manchester City we're currently through thought are told it was a rather sort of like withdrawn affair and I could also tell you earlier that Leicester City the English champions have got Porto in group j. Basically pot one drawn 1st then top 2 top 3 and top 4 so Leicester City with Porto so far we still got top $3.00 and $4.00 to go we're still awaiting Manchester City as as well but are still got terrorists. No brim of it of course now quarter finalist last year the French champions and we await news of Manchester City top the Marine top 3 and Celtic to come in top 4 in Sankey will keep in such a it's just gone $530.00. This is a long one smartphone and tablet this is b.b.c. 5 Live the 5 Live news the foreign secretary Boris Johnson says a number of British nationals have been affected by the earthquake in Italy he says the u.k. Government soffit its assistance with the rescue effort which has been hampered by aftershocks the brother of one of 5 young men who died at Camber Sands says he wants beach safety to be improved he Tashan ravin 4 friends were on a day trip from London when they got into trouble in the water the ocean Ripper Peter Sutcliffe has been moved out of broad more psychiatric hospital after more than 30 years there he's now at a prison in County Durham a tribunal concluded he no longer needed mental health treatment a promise to go head teacher who used to spy pen to film pupils and adults has been jailed for 2 years and 8 months Ashley ates place a device in the toilets at the tanning school in south cost to share in Poland has become the most common birth place for people who've come to live in the u.k. It's overtaken India there were an estimated 831000 Polish born residents living here in 2015 that's you know he's been with a sport so to the Champions League draw we found out the fate of the less the city an arsenal and what a tie it looks like in tennis for Pep Guardiola. Well you're obviously ahead of me with the with the delay there because at the moment I'm still awaiting Manchester City but I would imagine by the intonation Well these are going to be Paso Robles Munich is never actually just looking at the screen because that's the other teams are almost halfway through arsenal as we know and in fact Manchester City will have returned to Barcelona the pack Guardiola because Athletico Madrid have got by in Munich and it means that Pep Guardiola who has this incredible record of reaching semifinals will be returning to Barcelona twice of course a winner when he was the coach there as well Barcelona Manchester City in group c. Athletic emigrate joining by Munich in group d. So we're halfway through earlier we witnessed Leicester City the English champions the Champions League debutante with Porto an arsenal will go to your man now it's on to Part 3 that will be taught them and then we await Celtic who are amongst the seeds of top 4 and thank you a lot more and drive throughout the evening the draw is tomorrow at 12 noon West Ham are hoping to be in its side a level at one all ahead of tonight's match at the London stadium there are many and champions good football and I'm not talking about life 20 or whatever years ago Euro 2016 for showing us that it's not about the name and it's not about the paper who is stronger on the paper it's about the performance on the pitch cloudier brother signed a 4 year deal in Manchester city says the opportunity to work under Guardiola was too good to refuse says he will pay boss a loan up to 17100000 pounds for the goalkeeper services Joe Hart services looked like their board London's at the exit had ever seen they are an unlikely destination for the England goalkeeper The Toffees boss run acumen says they have no desire to sign him no interest don't talk about. Which player then you start the pre-season talking about transfers and you finish that I think it's next Thursday we play a Stoke at home the. Said today and it's more important than all the room one of the goalkeeping move Chelsea of son the Portuguese international Eduardo from Deena most Zagreb Louis Amazonas confirms he'll take a grid penalty at this weekend's Belgian Grand Prix his Mercedes team of altered to change his engine after the defending champion suffered reliability issues earlier in the year to get through the season as up where it's coming all the way the cars the end up grades and reliability is a constant thing that's been at if you want to going to take it when you have the best opportunity to live as down to take it and then. Grade a couple races later as you not taken advantage of all that hard work that's gone in so that's what I wanted to make sure Essex started the day hoping for a big victory in Division 2 of the County Championship your shares efforts though have been halted in their division one charge Kevin House has the details from a moist scarper indeed So yes the Division 2 promotion race though is rather interesting the softer than just one team can go up in a very big step taken by Essex an innings victory of a Leicestershire Grace Road Leicestershire began the week 2nd in the table Jamie porter with 8 wickets for the much less a ship bowled out just a few moments ago for 175 saluting by an innings and 10 runs also down Lawrence now the making 150 for the teenager with Essex now 3rd place Kent still in the race at Bristol Gloucestershire in their 2nd innings 3444 still trailed by 278 runs for They've just come off just a moment ago the bad light meantime here at Scarborough just 35 overs were possible due to the rain today the weather forecast is much improved for tomorrow keen to complete the win also hoping the very wet outfield can dry out on the final day here on the coast needing to close that gap on Championship leaders Middlesex not seen their own relegation scrap $61.00 for 3 when they resume still $393.00 runs behind and over on sports extra at the moment we've come into the game at the care oval rejuvenating sorry have like a shoo in trouble in the 2nd innings the visitors 1845 and still to. By 9 runs Karen thank you very much Britain So I mean yes has produced an opportunistic attack 7 states 6 of the Vuelta a Espana Chris Froome remains 3rd overall in the standings and mignons Tom Lewis leads the demo and Gulf he's 11 on the par 314 holes was 1st round this is b.b.c. 5 live on digital all mine soft funk and sound let's just recap what's happening in the Champions League draw a few of you say what's going on for the moment or just be shown a video approved by Mr Roy so much the city of drum Barcelona p.s.g. Will play all. Porto that's all we know so far will bring you more within tennis as we get a quick look at the weather thunder showers in many parts are going to Wales tonight dry a further north tomorrow broad and dry across much of the country a few showers across the north of Scotland temperatures 16 of the highest in Scotland $26.00 in southeast England. A couple of things on the m 6 northbound in Lancashire. Blocked by a broken down lorry in Cumbria northbound junction 41 that council. Said just ahead of where the closure was there's now a rolling roadblock set up to clear a car which has caught fire it's been spilt as well so not good and the $830.00 for severe delays heading towards the 40 at junction 9 and the roundabout it was because of a broken down lorry but a lot of texts on that I'll have a full update in 10 minutes time. On digital online smartphones and tablets and this is b.b.c. 5 Live 5 Live Drive with us also and Tony live say they are and I says 5 men who died yesterday at Camber Sands beach in a society of fail to realize how quickly the tide comes in police said a group of friends were from London and on a day trip to one of the men attacks on Ravi is thought so driven the group to the beach his brother has identified 2 of the other man as Koby and Ken Nathan from heiress and a fall victim Oni is Cousens the identity of the 5th man isn't yet clear more than 5000 people have signed an online petition which is calling for lifeguards to be reinstated at Camber Sands it was started by Josie Holloway last month after a Brazilian my. Died that I've lived in camp for a number of years and I understand the dangers of the say however a lot of people that actually go there are holiday makers and they don't actually understand the dangers so therefore I think we need to ensure that they're fully trained lifeguards watching over the water ready for a life or death situation and obviously where there's no loss cause members of the public are actually risking their own lives to try and save others. Well David Walker is a leisure safety manager with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents joins us now hello David. We all know don't we all Dana how dangerous are breaches can be what can be done to prevent accidents on so at a community level what we're looking for is any local authority to look at their risks and plan accordingly so if you have lots of physicists to the coast or to the beach then it is a survey says something that you should be considering whether lifeguarding is appropriate notes now that isn't a law in the u.k. That local authorities have to do that so there's no statute g.t. To do that so it's very sometimes at least Apache provision around the u.k. . So that's the key thing that authorities can do and then individuals and parents really the biggest most positive choice she can make if you go in this weekend is to choose to go to a lifeguard beach you know if you stand in a weaver's face sure turn an uncle or you have a lost child there's always somebody there to help is a lifeguard there and then when there is a bigger event or more likely possible drowning scenario they are trained and equipped to deal with those they are I went to a few beaches on the East Coast last week and there were certain areas but when there are no lifeguards on duty ring this number should may say when there are no lifeguards on duty on this bridge don't swim yet quite quite possibly yes I mean you know and then that depends on the on the circumstances and what what the manages decide to do is best because they made the points and you towards. The next available open beach or so forth or they may have closed the beach so you very much depends on the weather and conditions but communicating that to yourself and I myself when I visit these beaches is critically important when the red flag is up please do not go in the water equally you can go to these beaches that are within a mile or 2 of where you are a lot of it depends there we does the just final moco knowledge is well these poor men came from London to Camber Sands would probably known the issues there but we're told possibly got caught on some banks and then stranded. Very very difficult if you faced with a beach that you don't know that could be a riptide all these unknown threats yes and it is a little bit unfair for people that don't live in the community to maybe make the subs aware of that and that's why there are some pains such as respect the water from our own eye and from from the Coast Guard in a cells to try to. Place some subtle information incipient so that the point so the for example parents today can go and have a look at the good speech guide to find out where the nearest lifeguards beaches on holiday so this really is lots of information for people to see do that and then what we want is information there they turn up at the site so they can make an informed choice so we're not telling them no not to do it unless we absolutely mean it where it's an absolutely lethal site where you see the vet flag and you see the reasons why we don't want to go into the water All right David thank you thanks for that David Walker from the Ross side of the Prevention of Accidents a timely warning me I guess with a bank holiday weekend approaching to take care 542 Champions League draw is happening now in Dennis is watching. You know just coming to the end of part 3 of course that's the parties which includes top moment top them are now in group a with yes came Moscow the Russian champions and by a Labor Cruzan top in his last appearance in the group stages was 6 seasons ago we're just awaiting news of Arsenal and Manchester City Manchester City very tasty already with Pep Guardiola and a return to Barcelona and Arsenal with your man which is an attractive tie bruiser just been placed into group g. With Leicester City so Leicester City now have porter in the Belgian champions club Bruges and the 2 teams left a brochure mentioned glad back and Basel the Swiss champions and they now will join the 2 other English teams are asked little parasite your man Barcelona against Manchester City if you stay with me we were able to work it out because Basel of the next team to be drawn was still awaiting so. By the way who are in top 4 and then finally this process will be coming to its conclusion football's a law that go in with group a or group c. It a lot of the terrorists or Arsenal or indeed Barcelona and Manchester City in Russia still having problems with his balls trying to open them up to find out which one this will go this which champions the atmospheric Sonja Cup stadium and its Paris. And Basel which means that the Russian mentioned back will go in with Barcelona and Manchester City and that not necessarily a straight forward group the top Gladiolus side already in thank you so senior football reports are in debt as well in the Champions League draw your right after one of the going to change those bowls every year the same things hard to and there was fear they want to just you can just buy a new lot say we don't think they had money you know I tell you why I'm 2 jars of piccalilli that had just come off and I wouldn't yeah says Says the man from back oh if you ever like it if you are going to experience this moment yourself and he was put in an empty piccalilli jar you'd feel very disappointed but I don't think we will as far as Bernie actually a concern thanks for bonus tax in the words I don't like Akron and Stanley after last night. And Jeff in Blackburn thanks for that 544 let's get the headlines this is fine line drive the foreign office says a number of British nationals have been affected by the Italian earthquake the brother of one of 5 young men who died of cancer sounds in East Sussex on speech safety to be improved on the option with that Peter Sutcliffe has been moved from a secure psychiatric hospital to press his want to be called long delay still affecting the. West Side his web had a full motorway closure junction 29 to St James all lanes are open now and the 2 lanes that are closed on the eastbound side of also have reopened so we're just left with it the days now and it's mainly affecting the westbound side back to junction 26 at Killington from 29 then we've got these queues on the m 6 in Cumbria at northbound junction 41 at cattle and to $42.00 at Carlisle south a cost. Now set up so you can get past. 41 to 42 northbound on the 6 but the problem we had up from 42 to 43 and again that was a police incident so we just got this now. That he wanted to. Buy a broken down lorry and. Coach and it's. Heading south. Which is being played the m $42.00. The m one in. 20. $834.00 this is heading towards the end. Of. The road heading towards the roundabout and. Heading towards London junction a broken down lorry with a couple in the same areas of the queues have been recovered. For the m 25. From for. A number of incidents of. 3. 25 to. One of the lanes of the road and the heading towards the coast and the extent. Of the. Morning a steady stream of. Double gold medalists marks which. You . Realise what kind of a. Brilliant performance from Team g.b. . We won the bronze in London and we found the biggest things. God was. Really 5 Live breakfast weekday mornings from 6 consciously joining us all the time on Dr I'll just recap what we know about the Champions League draw so far much to City have got Barcelona munching Gladbach asked what got p.s.g. And Basel unless the Porto brewed Spurs by the way got c.s.k. Moscow and by a Labor Couzin So we still Celtic not come out of pop for we'll get you that soon as we see now if a bit sorry for in a rush because every time he takes the ball out he's got to do one of those kind of fixed smiles to camera for at least 10 seconds which he's doing quite well with but you know after several So when it kind of drips off the corners of your mouth. Dennis again very soon if you've been on holiday abroad in particular some notice that you not getting anywhere near as good an exchange rate as you would have had at the start of the year compared to January the pounds down about 13 percent against the euro slightly less against the dollar followed money's Collette Ismay says spending the day at Manchester Airport is with passengers who have just arrived back from their holidays which I imagine collector is an absolute joy if you are not a tool making me jealous. You know as if anyone I know to spend a day and I know that I'm just changing on home again later on this. I know I know it overtakes sorry for me because I met in Terminal 2 at lunch to stay right at the arrivals and you know that scene from Love Actually where friends greeting each other and people are running right across the floor to see their loved ones arriving home it's a little bit like that from having that scene played out in front of me and there's people with believes this is a small girl standing across the other side with a bunch of flowers nearly as big as she is it's quite lovely said the cats This couple of price just landed here at time not to say we've got folks coming through a couple of different flights from Greece one from Islamabad one from Istanbul said the place is getting pretty packed and as people are coming through I've been chatting to them about how that spending money really has been while they've been away on holiday I haven't listened to. Couple of different families talking to me about their experience over the last couple of weeks while they've been away did you feel like you maybe spent a bit last on extras in the 18 hour you did anyway I think they did it is hard not to spend hours in that band and it's pretty it's all about you enjoyed it if you enjoyed your holiday idea what was the best thing about holiday this year it came. About you why did you enjoy it back. And change I live in. Where you've been to Casa del Saul. Without any. New Well I'm just wondering how it felt spending years ago over there does it feel more expensive than a little bit. It was a lot more to a property about 20 rows from men male. Where he says cutting down on you spending as it were all inclusive so I didn't really feel it but yeah I would probably wanted to maul than we actually could. To feel any more expensive right now didn't mention it's too much of an exchange for a different saw didn't feel too painful No no it just spend what you spend so where they end the day it is what it is unfortunately and I think well what generally they've gone. To reduce the price is to offset a little bit yeah So really we've been going for a long time and it was noted from was away. A couple of mixed views there from folks arriving back I've just been joined by the proctor family straight off the plane from Korea if you guys had a good time get out and have the most integrated in 30 degrees I'm jealous already bench How did it feel financially for ye over there in Crete did it feel a little bit more expensive and let's be fair we were all inclusive so if you don't notice it that much really and that's probably why would you go all inclusive because you know you're you know into. Things that you normally would do that's certainly been a big trend this year more and more people going on those all inclusive holidays so that they're not hit by that exchange rate fluctuation I checked here a little bit earlier on today against the year the pounds where one year ago 3 and against the dollar it's a $116.00 so obviously that's our court rates it's pretty tough at the moment for travelers going to and fro and we're just about to have the airport projects be one of the busiest weekends ever 400000 people coming through this apple which is of course the 3rd biggest in the u.k. So busy weekend ahead. Of monies collected Smith Manchester Airport the Champions League draw is drawing to a close Thankfully as far as Ian Rush is concerned because he's still struggling with those balls in that he says watch again Anything you. Well I can tell you that the city's group is complete it's Leicester City with Porter club brews the Belgian champions and Copenhagen and I would imagine that Claudio Ranieri is extremely satisfied with regards to that because a there's not a great deal of travelling but it's a very very favorable draw As for top them all they do have to go to the Russian champion c.s.k. Most going groupy by a Labor coups and and Monaco so their group is complete We're waiting for Manchester City who are already with pass alone or in brushy mentioned Gladbach Celtic remember still yet to be drawn an Arsenal group a complete with terrorism and the French champions the Swiss champions Basel and Luda Gretz from Bulgaria who last played in this competition with Liverpool a couple of years ago so we're still awaiting Celtic and we're still waiting for Manchester City's group to be completed and the dark horses rust off of being drawn out now this was the side that beat i.x. In the playoffs last night and they're in group d. So thankfully they have a job avoided Manchester City because that would have made it a very tough group but by Munich Atletico Madrid p.s.p. And last off is certainly one that will not be straightforward so we just are waiting now Celtic and it will be done just what we have Celtic can. Clubs from same leagues can be drunken Celtic play City I think they can come out yes they can yeah oh yeah Celtic we got there Celtic and. Now whoever Manchester City get here it's going to be a noisy affair whether it's the Parkhead or indeed it Istanbul and it is will now find out whether Celtic will go in with group b. Or group c. Depending on where the Turkish champions go here so it could be an extremely tough group the group c. . Is now going to deliver this this was. And it's with group b. Which means that Celtic will be in with Barcelona Manchester City and Borussia mentioned lot back so Benfica Napoli done. Murky haven't Benteke Tash complete group b. But it means that the Scottish champions and Brendan Rodgers with a return to face English opposition what a group that promises to be Celtic of course and the fable a memorable night against Barcelona and previous Champions League nights but group c. Barcelona Manchester City but Russia mentioned blood back and Celtic and that is some group that in is a cracker it was worth the wait thanks by Thank you very porting on the Champions League draw Celtic City boss on a month ago but just to recap very quickly p.s.g. Arsenal boss alluded Gretz Spurs group past c.s.k. Moscow by Leverkusen of Monaco and Leicester got a I think the easiest draw of all the British teams Leicester ago Porto Bruges and Copenhagen 5 to 6 now Dr is the final hustings in the Labor leadership contest this evening the ballot papers have already been sent out to more than half a 1000000 members and registered support his the result will be announced on the 24th of September and this afternoon Jeremy Cooper has been addressing a rally of his supporters in Glasgow ahead of this evening's hustings alongside his rival Owen Smith a political correspondent Glen Campbell was there I would expect from the hustings clan. Well this is that the latest in a series of hustings that these 2 men have been taking part in throughout the u.k. The significance of the Scottish hustings though I think is the decline in the party in recent years it's hard to imagine Labor winning back power in the u.k. And less they can regain some of the ground they've lost here in Scotland and just to remind you of the position the party finds itself in last year at the general election the last 40 of their $41.00 Scottish seats and they're now in 3rd place within the Scottish Parliament after the elections there and we're this year so tonight is a chance for these 2 main to set out their position and to try and persuade those who. Will take part in the Labor leadership election in Scotland that they are best placed to win back support in Scotland there's a story that's been rumbling on for a while now concerns about the Labor conference they saw in particular he's going to provide the security for it. All the way out of this contest is supposed to be unknownst in Liverpool on the eve of that Labor Party conference but labor is running out of time to get the necessary security arrangements in place to Dish leave the use the contract a g 4 s. But the party's ruling body decided it didn't want them anymore because of g. Forces links with Israeli prisons the only other private contract is sure The trouble with them is that they don't have union arrangements in place and the g.m.b. Union threatened to picket the conference if they were appointed we've had today that Labor has made a late approach to g 4 s. Asking them to get involved again they've turned that down so it's not clear what the party's going to do sources insist it will go ahead and that the negotiations are continuing but as I say they're running out of time again thank you that's all political correspondent Glen Campbell 3 minutes to 6 let's back into the show lest a phone call show hello call they've again now if I can remind everybody at the start the show you said you want to Dortmund. In the Champions League draw. Close on. You've got none of those you got Porto Bruges in Copenhagen How do you feel. I'm testing I mean you know all oh I profiled some. Old games that you know we could win but it was very good on the holiday destination was an Yeah I think as far as a lot today I was concerned you've hit the jackpot exact question and they 1. I think I think the month of fines for my case will be very happy that like you say European dates off and on I like yeah I just remind everyone Celtic and much to secure in the same good they've got boss low number one shingle back also have got p.s.g. Basile new to go rights and Spurs have got c.s.k. Moscow by late because the Monaco I think not only got the most picturesque group called actively I. Agree you've got the easiest way through. You know it's not easy comparison every time in perhaps Barcelona much the city and munching. Have not yet and I'm not why you on the 9th floor I. Mentioned that it could be cork right. You know what I want to call it a false security that is anyway you know we got rich but. Make sure that we get wrote you know what I am very proud of what we all know your manager will be saying deleting daily don't to himself quietly tonight very much indeed I think you would call good story good luck in the group stages. At last to come on Dr in the next hour have the latest on Camber Sands in Sussex there are still many questions after the deaths of 5 men yesterday after 6 were talking g.c.s.e. Today's results have shown the biggest ever year on year decline It's all ahead of a major change in England to the way they graded look in detail at the grades the system the challenges ahead the choices that your child might have to make. To news and. This is b.b.c. 56 o'clock on 5 slide this is drive me Tony lives and out of foster our main story tonight the Foreign Office has a number of British nationals have been affected by yesterday's earthquake in Italy as rescue efforts continue the whole communities are Ok but people here are tough so I think I hope. Overcome this in sports unless the club region f.c. Copenhagen in the Champions League last Pep Guardiola faces a return to the new cap if I get on 5 Live in show you can watch that video of Tony taking the new look driving to ask whether applauding him self and find out whether he passes or not and later on 5 Live Sports on Clarkson guest look back at Michael Schumacher in Formula One took place 25 years ago this week in Spanish and Belgium a moment that changed the sport. This is b.b.c. 5 Live the b.b.c. News that on 5 Live the Foreign Office says a number of British people have been affected by the earthquake in Italy the foreign secretary Boris Johnson says extra staff are being deployed to provide conscious support attempts to find survivors in the town of being hampered by aftershocks 5 lives Lucy Gray is there this rescue effort is so dangerous now we've got these after shocks that keep coming we had them it's quite a few Overnight several overnight and then at lunchtime today it was a really big 14.7 in magnitude People were running into the open spaces they were crying people's nerves are so frayed here at least 250 people are now known to have been killed in the earthquake more than 300 injured general genomic Carlie's from the military police his colleagues wife is still missing we all to find her believe but every mean it's all. Decreasing. Police say the 5 men who died in the sea a camera sans an Isa 6 were on a day trip from London they were all in their late teens or early twenty's many people have signed a petition calling for lifeguards at the beach David Walker's from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents lifeguarded beaches and help a lot of Sunni spots deaths are very very rare and they tend to be associated with people having heart attacks and medical conditions which the lifeguards can help but they may not be able to resolve the situation so they do very much make a difference people retaking English or math g.c.s.e. These are thought to be partly responsible for a fall in the overall pass rate the proportion of entries achieving a start a c. Grade has declined from 69 percent to 66.9 percent there were further falls in the numbers of pupils taking modern languages entries for French of more than half the last 20 years head teacher from South Gloucestershire has been jailed for filming pupils in the toilets of his school Ashley 8 souse 45 used to spy pen to make the recordings he admitted voyeurism making indecent images of children and was sentenced to 2 years and 8 months the Yorkshire Ripper has been transferred to a prison in County Durham after spending more than 30 years in Broad more psychiatric hospital in 1981 Peter Sutcliffe was convicted of 13 murders and 7 attempted murders and given 20 life sentences Daniel Sanford is our home affairs correspondent when people are in secure hospitals mental health tribunals sit every few years to consider what their state of health is and the assessment of a mental health tribunal was that he was now well enough to be inside an ordinary prison I'll be at a high security prison and yesterday he was moved from Broad more secure hospital to Frankland prison accident and emergency services for children have been suspended as a hospital in Stafford senior doctors at the county hospital say the unit isn't clinically safe because there aren't enough trained staff and law to me Putin has condemned the decision to ban Russian athletes from the Rio Paralympics the International Paralympic Committee impose a sanction over accusations of state sponsor. The doping the Russian president has called it beyond beyond ethics and beyond humanity thus the news the Champions League draws just be made Ben's hero Jim from Hartley's been on he's given his verdict Champion's League like to says Jim Austin allow Spurs less around Man City out or there's a but Lester been drawn in group g. No team in the last 13 years won the Champions League from group Cita So if you want bad omen less the fans sorry they have drawn club Bruges and f.c. Copenhagen in the Champions League all snow have got power. To correct Well I coulda been worse Michael c.s.k. In Moscow by Leverkusen on Monaco Manchester City have been drawn against Barcelona but received much and got back and Celtic some transfer news today cloudier bravos complaisant his transfer from Barcelona to Manchester City Everson boss Ronald Koeman says they have no interest in Joe Hart Chelsea of son Portuguese keep Eduardo or Spurs have made an offer 15000000 pounds for Crystal Palace wing at Wilford saw Lewis Hamilton will take a great penalty at the Belgian Grand Prix off the confirming he'll take an engine penalty this weekend and Essex have both that their County Championship Division 2 promotion hopes with that Manning's victory over less to ship this is b.b.c. 5 live on the just a long long slog Saubert has been the weather tonight showers in many places at 1st some of the thunder before they eventually die out tomorrow mainly dry and bright some sunny spells not as warm in the southeast as it's been today his own we still got this problem with the end the 6 in Cumbria heading north 4142 call ourselves the fire of burning Rose has been set up for quite a while now 41 to 42 feels also being spilled severe delays in the wake of this problem and we've also had long delays affecting the m 27 that's still the case around junction 3 from c. As well maybe. That's where we had an accident 3 lanes were closed because a baker was on its roof I'll have a full update a quarter past this is b.b.c. 5 live fire. Live Drive where the process ends when you live say good evening welcome to drive on main story more than 250 people are now known to have died in the earthquake that hit central Italy early yesterday in the last hour the foreign secretary Boris Johnson has confirmed that a number of British nationals have been affected by the earthquake but he hasn't said how many or more away in a statement he says the British embassy staff are in the region providing consular support the search for survivors is being concentrated in 4 towns that have been reduced a little more than rubble I'm a tree Che accumulate peschardt Del Tronto in a quater Del Tronto However with the continuing aftershocks the piles of rubble are unstable and rescue efforts are frequently being hampered in just a few hours ago an aftershock that registered a magnitude of $4.00 created a huge dust cloud and set rescuers back even further the Italian Red Cross says there's still a small chance of finding people alive album Buckeye's one of the hundreds of people who's had their lives turned upside down by the earthquake this is just so yeah. Yeah they're mad when we woke up at half past 3 everything was on the floor that there had been an earthquake a strong one we were safe because my house was still standing thank God order to get in the deal with you and your family how is everybody else in. The ship or so work or see that anymore years since the. We lost my niece my sister's daughter is dead they brought out the body from inside the house yesterday morning she had 2 daughters one of 3 years and one of 8 years my wife is in hospital in a more. And what do you do now what are you where you going to stay was she doing. Their job is a. Bit about that we will say I have lost everything everything everything I had a shop yes I am an antiques dealer I have lost everything and. Well tonight hundreds of people might homeless by the earthquake will sleep in the town's sports hall all fine sheltering cars and tents Bob loves Lucy Gray's been to am a tree chase emergency refuge inside the main sports hall in Am a tree Che they are stocking up on the campaign ads there are huge amount of water bottles and as far as the eye can see blankets clothing everything Louis d.d.e. Audio from the Italian Rescue Corps is right in the middle of all of these cameras how many people are you expecting to come here tonight about red then 50 people. And and these are people who have all lost their homes yes I think it is people of the lost in the homes or he's very. Difficult to stay in to deal. And prefer to stay here in security to please yes and how how safe is it because it's a it's a huge building isn't it everybody is so nervous we've had these aftershocks joining the day today people are running for cover if it's safe in Hair Is it yes yes this is a safe place why because it is a builder under the law had a cake I say this was specially built to be able to withstand an earthquake is a modern building is a model of that and just took me through all of these supplies I can see as far as I can see there are bottles of water here yes because today we transform this place in. Place for people and we must to take out these people and you did order and folks where we have 44 camps only in deciding. How many people in total are staying in the camps we don't know because that tonight is the really 1st night after the d. Of they have to we think about 6 or $700.00 that was new agey Diorio from the Italian Rescue Corps speaking to 5 lives Lisi. Tempests they are an ally says 5 men who died yesterday at Camber Sands beach an Isa 6 May have failed to realize how quickly the tide comes in the brother of one of the men Attash and Ravi says he drove to the resort with 4 frenzy and identified 2 of the other men as Koby and Ken Nathan from Erie thin a 4th victim only has commissioned the identity of the 5th man is not yet clear r.t. And Ravi paid tribute to his brother and friends Iran a day trip from London my family is very disheartened I mean they don't know how to explain their agony They're just and they're confused they're still feel like she's been with us is amongst us as specially does for others he's very upset about the parents and them how the simplest coping just like me you know it's been a very emotional. Day for us it's very our forgettable you know. I'm just finally what was it a person was a father supportive very supportive very talented very acknowledgeable person very helpful hand it's a. Very very mistaken it's a very very it's there surely will this. It's just awful is now reporter Camber Sands is Frankie McCann Lee Frankie I said this earlier I was surprised today to see just how many people went back to the beach after what happened yesterday. Well that's it Tony lots of people have been coming back but believe it or not have to seeing those pictures speaking to the patrol guards on the beach who hey yesterday they actually say the number of people here has hall of since that incident and the details of that incident are beginning to emerge which left those 5 men dead cumber sons are in a life saying that they believe the men got into trouble after failing to realize how quickly this height was going to come in they say they believe they believe they fell into these deep channels of water known as sand balls that deep until ations in the sand may deeper by the weekend storms now it is believed that these 5 men they were friends they all traveled down from London together just to spend a day at the beach but around half past 2 or 3 of the men were pulled out of the sea and then later on at around half past 8 after the tide had gone out to where the bodies were found on the beach and not to forget this isn't the 1st tragedy here there was an incident just last month another 19 year old man died after getting different into difficulty in the city just here on campus on that incident Frankie led to calls for lifeguards to be reinstated one of people who have been saying to you Well yes absolutely and those calls are have turned into any petition and money petition to get lifeguards on this beach has been gaining a lot of momentum stay nearly 6000 signatures but back on the beach here I mean this is a huge beach it stretches 7 and 7 miles long on a busy day attracts around 25000 people so you can imagine the reaction to this incident has been extremely mixed people out enjoying the sunshine as you can imagine building sandcastles doing what they you'd expect them to be doing on the beach but the mood has definitely been altered some have been saying then simply not letting their children into the sea today some because they're worried about the sea itself and they don't feel safe with lifeguards not being around and others because they're just simply in shock from what happened there. Others of the other rippin you know who say we've been coming here for years and they say the children are absolutely fine going into the city and they say that they aren't going to be changing a thing Ok Frank you thank you Frank Uma calmly the reporting from Camber Sands. Of time your mind of the thing with the bank holiday weekend approaching if the weather permits and you go into the seaside just do take care and truly terrible story in mind it's coming up to quarter past 6 this is far. From the headlines with 4.31 of the Italian still recovering from. The brother of one of 5 young man who died at camp. Britain speeches need to be better monitored and Poland has overtaken India to become the most common people who've moved to the u.k. . This is where we had the. All the after the accident until lanes were closed on the east side they've accused which was going. To. Come rare northbound a road. To clear. But also fuel has been spilled 4142 a stretch to the m 6 in the West Midlands and north. Still. Quite busy. Heading down towards junction 10 and towards the end 5. And one in. The junction the m 4 still very busy towards London junction. 12 The m $25.00 still heading towards stop the tunnel from Junction for. A number of incidents and a couple of breakdowns. And the m 27. Between. The car overturned across all 3. When I find life travel Oh I just thought well you know. There was it a piece of the program. Is driving test because it is due to change seen as a consultation is just finishing saw thought Have a look at it. B.b.c. 5 Live and the picture they have chosen. I think from the video I look overly concerned but I think I just sort of pigeon. Honestly you should see your wants is a shade stressful as pretty and speaking of which we were talking many hours ago it feels like. Words that you both love because Moist is very much winning the battle to be declared the most disliked. In the English language and the loads of suggestions both good and bad we didn't like. Which ones. But he was just like saying it is sort of like Christian Chelmsford says My favorite word is indefatigable mainly because the way that Richard. Of the words he just it beat like you know. You had brought it all in yeah yeah and once again more people saying I'm preaching this family I'm not going to read any more just look at them. They will also as well as we said you can't just have a would you have to say why that particular words. Particularly the words that people like loads of people say because of the way it rolls off the tongue says minimalism. Of Brian in small wood or maybe maybe these Brian Smallwood I don't know I'll give him the benefit insights Bryan small he says what about Matthew Arnold throw 3 on the overflow girth from a glue to many large initialise solution he says you might struggle struggle to say it's. Just what if there's a private word made some hyphens and the other guy has been told you got any more. Before the end of the program. If you will. Driving video. Based on the picture I think you'll enjoy at b.b.c. 5 live on social media. The Premier League is back and with a brand new way to stay on top of the action how do you. Feel I'm really a lucky guy 20000 people in the fleet go nuts join me Gabby Logan and a host of football stars for the Premier League Show on b.b.c. 2 as we look ahead to the weekend's fixtures with insider knowledge and overall given the 6 recall often keep in the stall month plus we go behind the scenes with some of the biggest names in the game if you want to just look at the bigger picture not what's best for yourself but for the team the Premier League sure would be like kicks off tonight at 10 on b.b.c. $21.00 man who would never allow an unflattering picture of himself to appear on social media as well Parry who stay with that during that trial Tony said one of the worst she's unflattering pictures of me and I said I said because he was. Also I've got an unflattering header I know that I don't really have a marvelous head do you said but you are no human choice don't you will absolutely no picture approval let's just pick the worst ones at the time. Of least favorite words Manchester City's has to be Barcelona doesn't it is what you get when you boot the u.a.e. For Champions League anthem Barcelona can you believe if you're a Manchester City fan. What do you think of that it's incredible and Celtic that's not going to be yet true but you know when you look at city and they've had it have had in their group over the last 5 seasons Real Madrid buy in Munich twice eventis in our Barcelona munching glad back as well as Celtic in their spurs Leverkusen c.s.k. Moscow Monaco Arsenal p.s.g. Luda Gretz bars all 850585 live Sport let us know what you think of those draws we could be talking transfer news as well 6 days until that transfer window closes cloudier brother arriving at Manchester City today what next for Joe Hart where does he go with just 6 days to go Wilford Zar to Spurs as well as another one that's a rumbling on after half 7 Rugby League Challenge Cup finals on Saturday Wembley will speak to good guess the head coaches of both sides early Radford and warranting coach Tony Smith at 8 o'clock it's a 90 minute f one special 25 years amazingly since Michael Schumacher made his f one debut at spar which is where the race is this weekend we'll look back at that special anniversary in the final half an hour a build up until 10 o'clock looking at the Belgian Grand Prix with r f one team at Spa Thank you Will all the way from 7 am now 6 migrants have been rescued after being found in a boat off the Kent coast it's the latest in a series of attempts to cross the Channel in a small craft our reporter is Alex Bish Alex what can you tell us what Tony these 6 migrants were brought into after being found in a small boat several miles out to sea on our side of the channel this morning at this stage we don't know if they were all men or what the nationalities are the Coast Guard received the call at 540 and it was the border force who sent their cutter the Valiant that brought them back into the eastern docks an ambulance was also there so we're not sure what condition these people were in Chris holds is a formal ports police officer with the Met and he's give me his reaction I think if I can launch itself into the channel and if I can get a response of the British I will end up on British show and I will then go into the . Asylum system whether they can be returned to France quickly or not will depend on factors such as whether their fingerprints have already been taken but the odds are they'll get to the you know stay in new u.k. For as long as the asylum system takes to process and that could be months it could be years and there's obviously a huge backlog as we speak so really if they if they set foot in the u.k. Then really they're halfway home and chances of them of being sent back frankly are quite remote and Alex this isn't the 1st case this year that's right Tony here a b.b.c. Radio Ken we've actually been tracking this it's been a problem for over 2 years now but we've had 8 rescues or interceptions of migrants in these small boats off Kent in Sussex since April the most high profile hit the headlines that was off Dymchurch where 8 same people including children were rescued a couple of weeks ago it was 5 Iranians found around the coast that we will see Mirai in Sussex the ring 10 on the French side of the channels well this year now the National Crime Agency says people are paid traffickers up to $12000.00 pounds to cross in small inflatables it's incredibly dangerous to cross that over straits but Chris hopes believes more could make that attempts I think it's highly likely obviously people are cattle I and along the French coast are becoming more and more desperate. Things have charged up a little bit Kauai we're seeing increased levels of violence a calorie trace desperation and so I'm sure there will be more attention that could be in rubber dinghies it might be in your seat my being fishing boats the problem is we are woefully resourced to do with it so what's the government doing then Alex well at the end of May The Home Office announced plans for h new fast boats around the coast and they've also given Border Force officers more powers to actually board vessels and make arrests but there has as we heard there been criticism the government only has a handful of cuts of boats can be no patrolling thousands of miles of the u.k. Coastline. Now Andrew Livingston is from the North Sea ferries Union he says there is an actual solution in front of us Tony he says there's a ready made supply of boat some people from the North Sea oil industry who could be drafted in one of the most obvious thing for. Comment about being laid up who could have action because the downturn in the north I mean literally crisis. In. Hundreds of. Leader lost jobs or. Working conditions. Down there but in spite of that the National Crime Agency still believes the greater threat is from people trying to get on to lorries in Cali the security there has been significantly increased by the u.k. Government so some traffickers are using these different tactics such as trying to cross in boats in some cases migrants swimming out to ferries instead Ok Alex thank you an expression reporting that 623 reports from the Syrian city of Aleppo say 11 children have been killed in an attack by government forces on a rebel held neighborhood Syrian activists say the children were among 15 civilians killed by a barrel bomb Meanwhile the u.n. Says that Russia has agreed to a 48 hour humanitarian pause in Aleppo to allow vital aid to be delivered it would Jim folks is our correspondent in Geneva we heard just last week image and they've had awful problems trying to get any kind of agreement going for weeks now. Well that's right and I think it's an indication of just how complicated and how fragmented the Syrian conflict is Russia has said in fact again today that it would support a 48 hour polls in the fighting but the problem isn't a leper you have multiple groups battling and it's a huge prize whoever has control of it. Is really on the front foot in this conflict the tragedy is for the $2000000.00 estimated $2000000.00 people inside the city is that those fighting don't seem willing even to stop for 48 hours to allow aid in people are running short of food and most specifically of water and it's horrendously hot there you can imagine aside from the barrel bombs you mentioned in your introduction they are the real deprivation people are suffering so is there a feeling that this 48 hour pause will happen and that when it does or if it does that there will be a secure humanitarian corridors established. Or what the United Nations has been asking for for many weeks now is 48 hours every single week you can see that is an indication again of how difficult this is the u.n. Is actually supposed to be brokering peace in Syria right now finds itself in particular today begging for 48 hours pause if anybody can put pressure on to achieve that is the 2 big powers Russia and America both of whom are backing some of the fighting forces but there are other forces particularly Islamic state self-styled Islamic state that no one is backing and if those particular groups don't stop fighting then other groups who are fighting will say why should we but that is I think really the nub of just how difficult it is nobody wants to bring 1st and everybody wants to have control of Aleppo which was warms not any more but once Syria's economic powerhouse image and thank you the Us image of folks our correspondent in Geneva the serial killer Peter Sutcliffe known as Yorkshire Ripper has been transferred to prison after spending more than 30 years in Broad more psychiatric hospital Shurtleff is now 70 was convicted in 1901 of murdering 13 women and the attempted murder of 7 others obviously. Into our home affairs correspondent Daniel Sanford Well it was the most extraordinary reign of terror in Yorkshire and in the Greater Manchester area 13 women found dead in about her less than a 10 year period. A huge huge police investigation which actually turned out to be quite bungling at times but eventually Peter Sutcliffe who was a long distance so lorry driver was captured in $1081.00 and put on trial and found guilty of murdering 13 women in most horrendous ways slashing them. Really awful killings and also the attempted murder of 7 women and he was given 20 life sentences it has been decided that he will never leave prison but after just 3 years into his prison sentence he was transferred to a broader more secure hospital because he was diagnosed as being mentally ill and that was controversial at the time wasn't Daniel so why is he being moved now after all these years well people don't necessarily state mentally ill forever and although he's been in a broad more hospital for 32 years the assessment of a mental health tribe you know what happens is when people are in secure hospitals mental health tribunals sit every few years to consider what their state of health is and the assessment of a mental health tribunal was that he was now well enough to be inside an ordinary prison I'll be at a high security prison but that he's now well enough to be inside an ordinary prison and that has been now been signed off on by the new secretary of state for justice Liz Truss and yesterday he was moved from Broad more secure hospital to Frankland prison which is one of the 8 high security prisons in England Wales in fact is the largest high security prison in England and Wales holding a 100 men he was transferred there yesterday Such is the fascination with him that anything that happens. I mean even today usually makes the front pages any any reaction to this move done you the hasn't been any immediate reaction but the was quite a lot of reaction when it became clear that this was what was going to happen and family members of those who were killed and also women who say that they are also victims of attacks from him because police are still investigating other alleged attacks by him have all welcomed it because I think there was a strong feeling amongst the families of people who died that he was getting our soft prison sentence that the regime in broad Moore was much too soft considering what he'd done and that he should be in the full high security regime inside the normal prisoner state so it was welcome quite widely by people who had suffered in one way or another Peter stuck his hands as correspondent Daniel Samford reporting is just going up to half past 6 5 line drive in depth with Tony live safe and. Has been a day inevitably of celebrations math based on history based music taste and commiserations with the bar you respect and anyway the guy I was very struck them laughs I'm going to retake it like a plague but away from the personal stories the overall headline is that today's g.c.s.e. Results have shown their biggest ever year on year decline I will look at why that is in our next year's changes to the grading system and school performance measuring in England might impact things further let's drive in depth after the nuisance boards. For midgets along the line smartphone and tablet this is b.b.c. 5 Live the 5 Live news Boris Johnson says a number of British nationals have been affected by the earthquake in central Italy the foreign secretary says the Government's offered its help with the rescue effort at least 250 people confirmed to have died the brother of one of the 5 men who died at Camber Sands. Any success he wants safety of beaches to be improved the group of friends one a day trip from London when they got into trouble in the sea yesterday there's been a record drop in the proportion of g.c.s.e. Students getting a star to see grades the fall from 69 percent to 66.9 percent since last year is largely down to a decline in England with figures improving in Northern Ireland and remaining steady in Wales the Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe has been moved out of broad more psychiatric hospital and into prison the 70 year old has spent 32 years at the secure facility since murdering 13 women and attempting to kill 7 others and then h.s. Managers have suspended children's any services a county hospital in Stafford they say it isn't safe at the moment because there aren't enough staff with the right training that's news Ben's got the support the Champions League draw has thrown up a couple of fascinating groups for Britain's clubs less the city will be making their debut in the competition with more on their fortunes on the other 4 sides is our senior football reporter in tennis a favorable draw for the champions of England however extremely daunting for the champions of Scotland Leicester City debutants in the Champions League should be satisfied with Porto Bruges in Copenhagen However for Celtic it's a much different task in a tasty group that sees Pep Guardiola return to pass a loner with Manchester City plus the lad back Arsenal are in group a with Perry says your man Basel alluded to reps of Paul Kariya while top the draw against c.s.k. Moscow and Monaco but it's group c. Involving Barsa pep and city plus Celtic and Brendan Rodgers that creates the headlines the rightfully draw takes place tomorrow at 12 noon West Ham will hope to be in it their 10 with you with an away goal ahead of tonight's match at a London stadium the Hammers face Manchester City in the Premier League on Sunday the manager sloven Billett says tonight's match takes priority at this stage we're going to put the strongest possible side was his top priority again we want to qualify that as we have been since the start of a prolific Asian. We are one game for qualifying we don't think the ball game to. Working with Pep Quadea was too good to refuse so says the boss a keeper cloudier Bravo after completing his move to Manchester City it means Joe Hart is likely to slip down the pecking order at the as he had so where will he end up well Everton manager Ronald Koeman told our reporter junior Farrington a switch to Goodison Park seems out of the question going back to what he's saying there is no interest was there any interest or did that interest perhaps fade away now not more so now elsewhere Chelsea a sign Portuguese goalkeeper Eduardo or spurs a baby not for 50000000 pounds for Crystal Palace winger Wilford saw the defending f one world champion Lewis Hamilton has confirmed he will take an engine penalty for this weekend's Belgian Grand Prix one commentator Chuck Nichols has more mechanical problems early in the season for Hamilton meant he always knew this danger a penalty was looming over him because he's now had to change 2 parts of the engine for a 6th time this season and that means he's going to end up with a 20 place grid penalty ahead of the race on Sunday Nico Rosberg has admitted that will make it easier for him because his main rival is out of the running for the race victory at least for Hamilton is a case of damage limitation as he tries to climb as high up the order as possible so that Nico Rosberg can't do too much damage to Hamilton's championship lead Essex have taken a big step towards winning the Specsavers 2nd division title and for motion they've beaten Leicester ship by an innings and 10 runs whilst championship hopefuls your share well are frustrated by the weather in Scarborough with Nottinghamshire 61 for 3 and still needing another 391 to win with a day to go in Division 13 bogeys in his last 5 holes dropped in Glens Tom Lewis into only a share of the lead of the Denmark open on 9 under par and Briton Simon Yes one stage 6 of the Vuelta a Espana to claim in his 1st grand takes ground to a stage victory Chris Froome finished in the peloton to stay 3rd overall this is b.b.c. 5 live on digital online smartphone and savvy. Perfect example. Is not a great word. Here on Dr. It's the word people love to hate so one of the words you like just a quick one here from. Another word here often but when you do you have to say you have to. Draw it out. In those fields has my least favorite word he's obviously a used. The word but the reason he says My favorite word. Because it's the sound that way to Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are which I loved reading to my girls when they were boys makes me smile. To have my beautiful kids let the wild rumpus speak and. Just give you the weather and if you can. It's going to move on it's going to be. Yes. It's. Thundery showers in many parts of. The north. Of the country few showers though in the north of Scotland Temperatures there will be $1626.00 across southeast England . Had a rolling roadblock set up in Cumbria northbound 41 to. Just 2 lanes remain closed the scene of the field spill. Heading south. On the northbound there are 2 things closed to claim a breakdown at Junction 30. 6. On the northbound side the. Junction to the m $25.00 vehicles along the same stretch is blocked. $21.00 to $22.00 when they blow out to play. A broken down Laurie severe delays anticlockwise from full adult content heading towards Dhaka tunnel after a number of instances on the m 4 towards London still killing from 12 as fail towards junction 10 at welcome one a match and 5 life travel the 2 sides of the shuttle was launched false extra. To see the field was. 66. 666. 66. 6663 race commentary from 1 pm all Sunday we'll try. That was in your house how many of the half a 1000000 teenagers a picture of the g.c.s.e. Results this morning will have got the grades they needed but the national results have shown a dramatic fall the largest in fact since the exam replaced o. Levels the riposte sion of peoples who gained a c. Grade or above dropped by an unprecedented $2.00 percentage points in large part to new government policies that forced 17 year olds in England who got a d. Or lower in English or math last year to reset those exams meaning more students overall was in the Tests but secondly skills are also going through a big upheaval with new courses being added a different grading system being introduced a new performance measures including the English Baccalaureate at the back being pushed by the government so how is all of that impacting on the way g.c.s.e. Is a top down the way people's will study in the future talk about in more detail in just a moment in particular is push for schools to focus on the cool academic back subjects English math science geography history and the language is a change is being criticized by many school leaders who think the choice of subjects is too narrow so before we get into that as a fancy peoples who went through that nail biting moment this morning as they collected their results out of the you have to forget actually even all this time later you still remember that moments like Georgina cultural and Julia Radcliffe study at Sutton Coldfield grammar school for girls in Birmingham hello both. Hi Ana I don't know if Congratulations you posted well didn't you how did you get on Georgina Great thank you very well I'm very pleased what did you get and Michael Eisner and 4 eyes wow what are you going to do what he can do next and I'm not really sure ready for a my a levels next year and I'm more or less focusing on all competing I'm not sure I want to do it you know 1st. Thing graphical say yeah and do you how do you date. I already feel he's. Got 6 I saw as 3 eyes in 2 days but you should be 30 days are you not a bit more just that was if it was you should be pleased I'm sorry please I'm just I'm over the moon is a better than expected Yeah it was kind of the result star wanted Yeah and this does not fit in with what you want to do next. Yeah I'm kind of I'm not. Just saying I'm not sure what I want to do by meaning or kind of the technology the design theory or French because I'm not really sure yeah wow they're just 2 completely different choices and yeah well it's Ok when they did the a.g. Right now you shouldn't be kind of closing off any doors about we'll talk about our stay with is going to talk about the the e baccalaureate whether or not that's a good thing or a bad thing in just a moment so be lovely to hear what Georgina and Julie think this day that yeah Julia needs to work on most days I don't know I want to they're both part of the last group of people still see he says he's in their current all for next year's cohort will take a mixed bag of new and old the new English language literature a mathematics being graded on a 9 to one scale that increasingly people's performance will also be measured by that English Baccalaureate or back at so what exactly is it our education correspondent Julian Hargreaves explains the very very easy way of describing it is a coup or a traditional academic subjects so English math history geography the sciences a modern language they are all ipac subjects now when the government said we will also measure how many traditional subjects a school is doing and what pupils are achieving there what they were trying to do was say state schools have to compete on a level playing field with independent schools we know that the top universities do like the more traditional subjects but a consequence of that is that. Subjects like music art drama are beginning to go out of fashion well as our education correspondent joining Hargraves Department for Education spokes person said and I quote We expect all skills to offer options outside the box so that people have the opportunity to study subjects that reflect their own individual interests and strengths we have designed the back to ensure that flexibility for people to take additional g.c.s. He's of their choosing including in the arts we've invested. 460000000 pounds in 2012 to increase people's access to culture cultural music education so that more people enjoy wider cultural activities and experiences that will help raise aspirations and build character that's in response to the criticism that the easy backs are going to be too narrow Let's speak to Deborah anot says chief executive of the incorporated society of musicians the u.k. Professional body for musicians she's also campaign coordinator coordinator for back for the future campaign Deborah and Jonathan Simons is head of education at the right leaning think tank Policy Xchange Hello Jonathan life and Anthony Bainbridge is Assistant Head teacher for a school for boys in Wokingham and a geography teacher there Hello Antony. Hello Antony are you there or will bring Anthony back in a bit later on Deborah 1st of all it will look at the a back then it's essentially focusing on 5 subjects English math science geography history and the language what's wrong with that because the government would argue that's a very strong core to any education in fact the way the back has been formulated by the time you have taken and it's not just 5 because you're looking at 3 science to English except for you end up with 8 or 9 core subjects which has the impact of squeezing out additional subjects such as music or drama often design technology etc which are the major subjects which underpin our creative industries which is such a major strength for a while why would it squeeze them out because I'm trying to think back to I was at stylus high school in 1800 at that point you still had to take English math or science either Judge appearance or knowing with no no you didn't have to it was an option what you would you know you couldn't drop English an earth you know no but you you didn't have to study history geography had to be one of them you didn't have to put it out there was an option and I think the concerning Oh no I'm sure I'm sorry to pin you down Deborah but that it was you had to take at least one of them and I'm on my point is there are still options even with the back you didn't it was not government policy it may have been the policy of your particular school but it certainly wasn't government policy and what we have here with the back is the government intervening into schools and the decisions that are being taken out of those subjects and which should be compulsory for children I think that there are some core subjects obviously which a very life math and English arguably science but apart from that I think it should be left to the discretion of the school the parent the child to work out actually what is best for them so that they can craft the suite of subjects which is going to support them and really suppose. Them in determining their life choices going forward so that we end up with the very best skilled population so that we can secure the g.d.p. Going forward Ok Jonathan Simons what what what do you what do you make of that the students should have more choices effectively Well I think I think you're quite right Tony when when you pointed out that of course even if they do study or fighting which baccalaureate subjects of their prescribe right that you know you study multiple sciences where you can do multiple sciences there are still options left so in fact if you look at the g.c.s.e. Entry data that came out today actually that falls in subjects like d.t. Arts and drama on Actually that's significant and in fact you know it's a lot of schools in my day job I've never once been in a school that doesn't have an incredibly flourishing you know arts and create it so I've never been in a school that doesn't have displays of the walls it doesn't have orchestras choirs it doesn't have drop must have gone to some Larry wonderful schools because I can absolutely assure you that music is disappearing from our secondary schools as a result of the influence of the back policy and well you decide in advance and I want to hold it now let me finish let in let Jonathan you know I wonder guys I don't Deborah just just finish that point because I mean just me just the more focus on that Deborah just finish that point about music then Jonathan I will allow you to come back as a result of the ipac policy which has been going since about 2010 in various formulations music has started to disappear once you get to children over the age of 14 and that's because g.c.s.e. Is disappear and then as you go down the cohort you'll find that music disappears for 14 year olds and that means the choirs disappear and the orchestras Ok just happening up and down the country Jonathan just respond to them Well I'm looking at the stats right here in front of me and I said last year no point 9 percent of entries to the sixty's were music and this year guess what no point 9 percent of all entries were music so I am afraid I just don't accept that music is disappearing from schools there are some schools that aren't teaching as formal subjects but as I say I'm not I go to a whole number of schools including some and you know to try. There is a country I've never once seen a school that doesn't have a flourishing extracurricular creative program and that's a fantastic thing and I would never once respect and want to deny all children the right to have a broad and balanced curriculum and to experience creative and artistic subjects as well but I just simply don't accept that requiring all children in only incidentally with almost every other education system in the world to study a core academic curriculum to the age of 16 if you look at any other world leading education system they all require to study home language study math study science and humanities this is just the same thing let me just bring on 3 babies now we do have him with his assistant head teacher to for school for boys in working him a job for teacher Hello Antony Hi there alright yeah you are at the sharp end of all this how do you think the back will work practically. Well so far what we've really seen is a major increase in the uptake of geography and history in particular languages is kind of relatively slower on the uptake and what we've seen really is as Deborah was suggesting a decrease in the number of students wanting to take the arts I mean I heard Jonathan talking about the extra curricular arts and the extracurricular drawbar and all those sorts of things and that is great but that's extracurricular that's not actually the examined kind of element of those particular subjects. And you know your point 9 percent to 9.9 percent we don't know what the total number of students actually is do we. You know if there's a smaller cohort this year the No point 9 percent is actually a smaller number. So you know we don't actually know that you know that's just a statistic and statistics can be twisted in all sorts of ways but from my point of view what I've seen is you know geography and history becoming much more popular but we've got students doing those subjects that really struggle students that don't necessarily have the skills in order to succeed in those particular subjects and and it's a shame to see them being forced into those subjects where yeah they wouldn't actually choose it Jonathan on that point I mean again you see my experience and I appreciate it was in everyone's experience I had to choose one or the other of geography and history why both know that's that's still the same now you. So that huge job history will look at No not not going to the research I've got here the 5 a black subjects the basic ones are going to be English math science geography and history always Are you saying is one of those in the language of material history. Of 20 or so so Deborah there is a I mean the there are those I mean for example when it comes to the humanities you look at history in geography other people say religious studies should be part of that group was also the role will always be people who disagree doesn't music have to earn its place I think what I'm saying is yes have a core I don't think there's any argument with that but make sure it is sufficiently well structured so that students can pursue religious studies history last in the arts whatever it may be their particular passion because if if children are given the opportunity to follow their passion that is likely to then support them through a levels degrees and then into a successful career and that's what we need to be focusing on we should not just have dogma for the sake of dogma in our schools we need to be fitted for configuring education for the 21st century post-breakfast said and we're just not doing there aren't there are always kids though who will follow the path of least resistance and try to put together the best collection of subjects from but that is a conversation to be had between the people and the teacher or what we're saying and very much my teacher members are saying that should be something for the school to be leading on with the parent and with the child and also just one other thing yes you're absolutely right that there are also there are countries out there that have a core but they also do not exclude the arts subjects or religious studies it's a much broader range of options available to the child and if China can do it then we should be able to deny Georgina and Julie are still listening to this our 2 peoples we had brilliant results earlier on Hello ladies. So you've escaped the bar but it but it is on its way what do you make of it Georgina and Judith Georgina start to the prospect of any back. Well school did we did have I think next month and all the sign language is well we didn't have to tie kissed your jokes but Mr Mao I think it's really important to take definitely in the Shema because if you think about it in every career path you take them skills are probably needed whether it's why China lesser role was king out measurement and they did so I think them 2 subjects are probably the most difficult so you would you would leave signs out of it would you as a compulsory element. I would definitely be. Opposing the sciences but I think history and geography should be an option Ok I like the languages Welsh band option All right Julia. Yeah I think I think the some are really important because that's fundamentally been quite a lot but I think they are and I think right. Incredibly important for education because it's just the same expression in creative I think so important for young people a few takes coming in actually Joe says Just by way of comparison I did Caribbean Examination Council assessments of the g.c.s.e. Equivalent in Barbados my school you had to take math English language English literature one foreign language a science a social study history geography and after that you could top up to normally a total of 8 subjects I think is a decent surprise said Joe This one says hi 5 I've just got my results today if you do the back then you only get one free choice one of the subject this isn't enough but then this one here from Vicki says My daughter starts her g.c.s.e. Next year and is forced to do a foreign language only able to choose one subject independently Yeah that's exactly what I've been saying and that just simply isn't enough Yeah I think I cannot just jump in there so I just kind of think about another element. As I had a sick form of being talking a lot today to students done really well and students I haven't done as well in what they then go on to do. And or read an interesting article recently boy the guru of Khan of mental health and education. And she wrote an article about the arts in education and how important they were in terms of student mental health and I've been dealing with a lot of kind of anxiety a lot of depression are good students and that is becoming a bigger and bigger issue in my experience and I just kind of think she said you know the arts and sports are so important in order to make sure that students are going to have good wellbeing when we talk about the arts and it's going to break it down into subjects What are we talking about music drama what else which is about music we're talking about drama we're talking about photography we're actually talking about. Subjects like like that all those creative subjects and creativity is absolutely voice you know. I came into teaching at a time when they had the slogan Every Child Matters which unfortunately is seems to disappear but you know it should be that it should be student choice it should be about the student and underscore in landing where the student should go in that set up then on to the if we're looking at the back how many out of say music drama photography an art could pupils choose what you just have to be one of those Yeah absolutely and there's no way they could they could really squeeze in anything anything more than Would you encourage a child to do more than one of those g.c.s.e. Level or level. I mean I would say is you're trying to kind of give an individual piece of guidance to a child so you know if someone's particularly talented in draw are an art then you'd want them to do. If they're kind of being forced into to geography for example which is my subject they're not really necessarily going to enjoy it or throw even that because they've been sort of forced into it and they've had their parents what would you be if if if if arguably Now if you don't preserve geography or history as part of the by then they could go the way that Deborah saying music's going and we're Would you accept that yeah I mean I think what it comes down to with regards to the subject when it's a when it's a level playing field when all subjects are options it's about quality of teaching it's about quality of departments and it's about inspiring and making children passionate about your subjects. So it's a would you I'm looking I mean I you go you saying it's English or math and then everyone else that's the strongest will survive I think it's English math science I think you know I can see the logic behind why it's important to have have those particular skills particular knowledge as kind of core I think beyond that I think then it's down to to students having choice and options I think to some extent it's about kind of the quality of teaching and as a school and as a senior management team you're trying to make sure that the teaching across all departments is of a high standard so students will pick whatever subjects Yeah they want and I'm Jonathan Simons on that and that point of view we talked earlier about the way that language is the use of languages or the studying of languages absolutely declined over the last 20 years or so so it's an effort to try and turn that around I mean our pupils voting with their choices Well I think that's part of it certainly I mean the language is issue is actually the most pressing issue because for an average school trying to timetable the e. Bacc relies on you having a sufficient number of teachers and actually modern languages teachers are all very very hard to get now because if you get into a cycle if your people do that you should see do it to a level to agree this year people then willing to become language as teachers you know 456 years down the road and then teach the next generation so one of my and one of my nervousness is about the compulsory ipac is that if you get to a situation where schools are being penalized because they can't and the children the subjects where he simply don't have the teachers then that strikes me as a problematic area and that is something which which a government going to need to think about and is potentially an issue you know if we think about the number of European Union teachers for example teaching English schools at the moment so last year out of 35000 new teachers in the English system 6000 of them were e.u. Nationals now in a world in which potentially that number starts to shrink in future years and a lot of them teach modern languages we could be placed in schools are being quite difficult situation Deborah just a quick word about music I mean do you foresee a future where music becomes kind of an after school activity and that set a voluntary exercise for people I think we're already seeing NASA a number of our secondary schools which is favor. Concerning because it means as I said earlier it feeds down into the 11 and 12 year old and music like art like design like drama is one of those great stress alleviate is and there's been some recent research from the girls Public Day School Trust which exactly said Antony was saying that it's absolutely critical particularly if the children are being asked to do huge numbers of g.c.s.e. That there is a counterbalance and and possibly a subject that is going to really inspire them for the rest of their lives yeah Jonathan Summers I'm struck thinking about what Tony Blair talked about about 50 percent of children ought to be able to go to university and there are problems on the one you try to when I j. K. She becomes too rigid because the it's certainly not a one size fits all policy is it it's not a one size fits all policy but again I just I just don't think we do we do have a moment if you go into schools and what is quite right it's all about quality of teaching if you watch highly skilled teachers teaching English and math and science there of course teaching in very very creative ways so creativity isn't something that you can just learn in musical dots or talk you can learn them except under a schoolteacher and so I'm not against creativity in school I just think that it's perfectly reasonable in the school children like children in almost every other advanced developing education nation in the world you know or to be required to study abroad is what's it all that's exciting squeeze in this email as well from a teacher who says I teach in a highly regarded school in the southwest of England over the last 7 years the grade boundaries of shifted upwards in my subjects 7 years ago 83 percent overall would get you an a star grade now you need 90 percent 83 would be a low grade a How's it fair How can all it was genes in the eye and say it's not their fault says this teacher I think I'm a good teacher I'm really disillusioned last word to Georgina and Julia that one celebrating tonight Hello again goes I don't know what's on the agenda tonight lemonade all round persuading your parents to part with about a 100 quid per per result Yes I just had someone's mom fight there and about. Well Georgina What's the going rate then for an a star is it 10 quid a result. I am I supposed to go in these days most parents pay their children for getting good results. That's all right that's so i Juliet will write Yeah all right well I've got to begin to go about your demands thanks for joining us. Right here. Tonight up everything has gone well whichever house you live in thanks to all guess as well thanks guys thanks to Deborah thanks to Jonathan thanks to our intimate you know the only thing we can be sure about coming out of the eyes the education never stays the same system moves on it changes if g.c.s.e. You are a fixture in your house today Phil Williams new Southam time he's going to open the phone line so any advice and help that you might want to today's g.c.s.e. Results you'll be able to keep in the cool of the light is from Italy and sure disco free is going to be playing in the studio as well as us with Phil at some time on 5 life will see some more of his well a penny.