All developments at the hospital where they are still open and operating normally as John McManus reports staff at Worthing Hospital have been told that one of their colleagues working in the accidents and emergency department has tested positive for the corona virus the health worker along with the 7 other people in the u.k. Who have so far been identified as having the virus is inquire in same the Department of Health says that all services at the hospital are operating normally but the news that's a 2nd health care worker has been infected has highlighted how vulnerable medical staff may be a local doctor working in nearby Bryson is one of the of the 7 cases patch of Nursing Home in the city which was visited by that g.p. Says that it is closed to visitors as a precaution though nobody there was unwell the veteran left wing Senator Bernie Sanders has narrowly won the New Hampshire primary putting him in pole position in the contest to choose a Democratic Party candidate for the White House close behind Senator Sanders came the more centrist contenders the film and there Pete Breaux to judge and Senator Amy Klobuchar shop the former Vice President Joe Biden a one time Democratic front runner finished a disappointing 5th Senator Sanders won New Hampshire more convincingly 4 years ago but that didn't stop in declaring it a great night this victory here is the beginning of the end for Donald Trump. They are going to unite to go over and defeat the most dangerous president in the modern history of this country the government has suspended its funding of the body that runs the Commonwealth from London until it improves its financial procedures and ordered his report found that normal competitive tendering rules have been waived 50 times over 3 years by the Commonwealth Secretariat which is headed by Lady Scotland Britain is the biggest donor giving the organization 4 point $7000000.00 pounds each year a spokesman for the secretariat insisted it was implementing recommendations made by the orders. The Equality and Human Rights Commission is threatening the government with legal action over what it's described as a repeated failure to move people with learning disabilities and autism into appropriate homes ministers say they are determined to reduce the number of people living in secure hospitals but the commission has concerns about more than 2000 vulnerable people in England is our social affairs correspondent Allison Holt the commission has sent a legal letter to the Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock arguing that his department has breached human rights legislation because it's consistently missed targets to move people with learning disabilities and autism out of hospitals into more appropriate homes in the community the 1st target was set 8 years ago after the B.B.C.'s Panorama program exposed abuse at Winterbourne View Hospital last summer the program uncovered bullying and intimidation at another hospital Walton hole the commission has offered to suspend the legal process for 3 months if the health department produces a timetable planned for change the government has 14 days to respond the media regulator Ofcom is sent to become Britain's 1st Internet watchdog with the power to punish tech companies which expose unit uses to harmful or illegal material under the government's plans a statutory duty of care will be imposed on websites such as Facebook and You Tube terrorist material or child sex abuse would have to be removed quickly. Research by the b.b.c. Has found that universities across the u.k. Are using gagging clauses to silence student complaints about sexual assault bullying and poor teaching the next episode podcast has found that nearly a 3rd of institutions have used non-disclosure agreements to resolve student grievances in the past 4 years Rianna Crockford Reports Our research has found that since 216 around 300 students have signed an da's with more than 1300000 pounds being paid out one student told the podcast he was threatened with expulsion from a course if he broke the terms of her agreement University's u.k. The body that represents the institutions said n.d.s. Should not be used to stop students from speaking out if they have concerns the Department of Education echoed that saying it was unacceptable she uses Saavik remit this unit complaints I miss legislating to stop their misuse from May energy customers will be automatically compensated for delays or errors made when they switch supplier the regulator off chairman says companies will have to pay $30.00 pounds to customers if they are switched by mistake if the process takes longer than 15 days or if the final bill takes more than 6 weeks to arrive the U.K.'s National statistician in diamond said the next year's census may be the last one to be carried out the compulsory survey of households every decade is increasingly expensive and will cost more than $900000000.00 pounds in England Wales alone in who was appointed to his role last year said he was hopeful that better and cheaper alternatives could be found. It's 6 minutes past 6 and it's time for the weather let's hear from Helen Willetts at the b.b.c. Weather Center good morning Helen and Emma Good morning to you with another storm on the way for the weekend but we've got a lot of weather to get to all through between now and then and we're still in Gulf by polar air which means the snow has been causing problems through yesterday and overnight still falling and still drifting in our strong wind So ice is a big hazard this morning even in the south where we haven't the snow showers right now across southern England and Wales we've got ice to contend with on the cars the set up this morning and that could be that I see here as well where we have had some showers now will be a few showers coming through on the flow today but also a good deal of dry weather and hopefully slightly less windy because we got a bump of high pressure coming in and that will bring a slight easing in the wind and a slight easing in the showers through many parts I $69.00 in the south our high Middletons eastern England will also have a good deal of dry and sunny weather it's a cold and frosty start and fewer showers here than we've seen but they're still pestering I spose the north middle and same particular 7 our high Northern Ireland north of England will see plenty more showers particularly through this morning's rush hour they're blowing around in that strong and gusty wind clearly ice is going to be has that there will be some sunshine in between increasing amounts as we get into the afternoon as the showers start to ease but actually 3 to 4 degree Celsius civil East for Scott we got plenty of showers here merging into long spells of rain low levels snow on the low hills only $2.00 to $4.00 degrees here at easing in the wind an easing in the showers later but some more uncertain whether overnight I'll tell you about that later oh look for that thanks Helen 7 minutes past 6 is the time 1st look at the papers and the front page there Telegraph is interesting in as much as it leads with a story you might not have expected to lead with scrapping the license fee will weaken the nation is its lead b.b.c. Chairman warning that it's. Scription model could mean paying to watch royal weddings this is a speech which the Telegraph says is likely to antagonize the governments the government as it considers plans to turn the b.b.c. Into a subscription service but it's a speech none the less that said a bit Clemente the b.b.c. Chair is going to use he will say the b.b.c. Is one of the nation's greatest assets we need to remind ourselves what exactly is at stake if the license fee is scrapped. And the front page of The Times main story dangerous criminals out in days Number 10 fares and this is talking about judges blocking deportations it said that 1st Johnson was on the stand last night to be furious that violent offenders could be back on the streets written within 48 hours after judges stopped them from being deported to Jamaica this was a judicial review which halted the removal of $25.00 serious and dangerous offenders last minute after claims that they've been denied access to lawyers there are a lot of maps in the papers of high speed to some of us ludicrously complicated some not there I draw your attention the front page of the eye which has the best map Vala view are looking briefly to see where this train is going to go where perhaps it's not going to go as well and they go nice map with London used at the bottom and Manchester Leeds at the top crews mentioned East Midlands Bernie and cousin street as well but nowhere else but you sort of get the idea of what Boris Johnson is calling the spine and the eyes headline high speed north on the way as pm takes h. S. To gamble and a really pressing urgent problem in the Times which is about how to engage your guests that your next dinner party might want to bother with mood lighting or fancy wine simply invest in a tablecloth and your guests will find your food much tastier that's what into any start 9 minutes past 6 it's time the government has decided not to pay for the body which runs the Commonwealth until it gets its financial affairs in order we can talk now to James Landale our diplomatic correspondent he's been following this and this is this is about funding for the com Well Secretariat isn't it James. Yeah that's right Martha a couple weeks ago on this program we revealed that the auditor has been sent in over Christmas to look at the financial affairs of the secretary this is the sort of the body that administers the Commonwealth from London and they have produced a very critical report specifically finding that no. Competitive tendering rules when people in contract is 100 the rules have been waived 50 times over 3 years and lately Scotland the commerce secretary general was herself accused of circumventing the rules when she awarded a lucrative contract to a company that was run by a friend something her lawyers still insist was fully justified so there was a big meeting of all the high commissioners all of diplomats in London last week and I've now learned that the British government has decided to suspend its funding for the secretariat until it gets its financial house in order something that the Australian Government and the New Zealand Government have also decided to do and most of the commerce secretary said about this well Secretary at Cagny specs a statement last night simply saying that they're not going to comment on specific conversations between member states but they insist that they fully comply with the audit process and that implementing all the recommendations Accordingly the Foreign Office has said that look the reason it set these conditions is because it wants to ensure the secretary policy is in line with international best practice the problem is this is that if the Commonwealth Secretary does not get this money it will face a huge financial crisis funding streams will have to be closed off this will deplete upset and disappoint and worry Commonwealth member states and of course it will raise fresh questions about Lady Scotland's leadership her 4 year term of office comes up for renewal this year and we already know the come with heads of government have rejected a call by his supporters for her to get an automatic 2nd. So the question will be is this you know just another reason for some people to say look should there be a challenger to Lady Scott and leadership as the prime minister has self is or has already hinted might happen in a letter that he wrote to come with has a government just a few weeks ago James Landau many thanks. It is 12 minutes past 6 now we turn to the business you saw Whitely late slightly later the norm slightly earlier than normal but still we are excited to be able to do it and Dominic is morning I turn excited Have you ever had problems switching your energy supply well from now on you get 30 pounds automatically of switch goes wrong we're going to talk to the energy regulator after about this new plan shortly Also this morning the problems of the 4100 hospital company n m c health we're going to talk to Carson block He's the founder of the short seller Muddy Waters research which 1st suggested the company might have big problems it's question the start of the slide in him see and also how to turn stand the chief executive of Cardo in $59000000.00 pounds 1st year even though the company's losses got bigger 1st so that guaranteed compensation for energy switches that go wrong Mary Starks is the off Jim executive director for consumers and markets and she joins us in a good morning Mary just explain what's happening how would you get the money $30.00 pounds or under what circumstances do you qualify for a morning so you qualify for this compensation if anything goes wrong with your switch it's automatic you don't have to do anything the obligation is on the company to know that something's gone wrong to put it right and to give you compensation if you're trying to do the must be some criteria they can be just if you decide oh I think it's gone wrong you know if the company has to check whether they've met the standards as switching to this which has to be prompt has to complete within 15 days they have to issue a new bill on time and they have to be no mistakes in making the switch happen sometimes the problem can come with the old provider and there's been a lot of providers have gone out of business recently what happens if it's their systems that begin to problem but they have gone under who pays the 30 pounds for them so this these down as they're announcing today relate to as it were normal which is where is still going on when supply goes out of business we have a separate set of safety net arrangements to it and they've customers as I mean it's only both coming just to us all trading How prevalent is this problem. Many switches do you think don't meet the standards at the moment so we. Are an earlier trial of standards at this time last year so since May last year companies have paid out about $700000.00 pounds to customers in compensation but that's against $6400000.00 people who switched in 2019 it was a record year for switching so it's only a small minority of cases that go wrong for the most part people can switch with confidence why are you doing or are you doing it to incentivize people to switch more freely as it were to make them feel happier about this which you know we're doing it to give customers more confidence and more peace of mind that they can they can switch we there are still very good deals out there in the market if people shop around we want anyone who feels unhappy with the supplier that they're with or who wants to save money to feel absolutely confident they have got to get offended because it is truism of the despite often specific then in fact despite all the competition is out there which is a relatively new thing in the You Can the market people are extremely reluctant to switch Well I wouldn't say that $29000.00 was a record year somewhere between one of $4.00 and $1.00 in 5 of us switch last year so it's quite a lively market but we want people to feel even more confident about the market so there's a group of people who are extremely reluctant to switch one slice of the market just doesn't seem to switch at all older people people more vulnerable. Feel comfortable with energy supplier or feel unhappy about switching So I think their price caps that we implemented the beginning of last year protect people who don't switch so it guarantees that if you don't if you stay put you will get a fair price the the improvements to the switching process should give people confidence that they can go out and save even more money by shopping without going to those $2.00 policies mutually they contradict each other you have but you have these incentives for people to switch but then you introduce the price gap which let's not forget often don't particularly want to do. These are 2 policies working against each other no they're actually completely compatible so the price cap works for those. People who either can't switch or don't want to or don't feel comfortable doing it but it doesn't it's in far as I'm from switching observe I don't need to I'm going to. Since the price cap came in. The good deals have not disappeared from the market and as I say 21000 was an absolute record year for switching so didn't seem to be having that effect at all thank you very much Mary Starks from off Jim in mc health was something of a stock market darling it runs hospitals and clinics across the Middle East that flow to the chairs back in London back in 2012 and they absolutely took off from 210 p. All the way up to 40 pounds and in the process the company joined the 4100 so whether you know it or not that might well be in this company might well be in your pension fund another come crashing back down to just under 8 pounds it's because a well known short seller that's in the best of the bits a company shares will go down publish the research report suggesting the company's accounts were not were not accurate since in the company has put itself up for sale and earlier this week it admitted that it didn't know exactly how many shares its founder and chairman be actually own and when I've been talking to Carson Bloch He's the founder of Muddy Waters research and I asked for him asked him for his reaction to the latest emissions from him see. We said in our initial report that we did not know how deep the rot goes at an mc and that released coupled with some events from the past few weeks involving the same shareholders makes me think that the rot actually goes quite deep and mc one thing that I would point out there it's not just evident confusion about who owns what but it's pretty clear that these stakes have been pledged in replay it seems and that really brings up the question about how much debt is actually in this structure because we suspected as we wrote about our initial report that there's potentially much more debt here than is disclosed on the balance sheet and it's not a question of the company just having more borrowings than it might appear but also I think you're suggesting rather like happened with Enron all those is the companies using that date to somehow make it apparent profitability larger than it really is right I mean we talked in our report about how the margins too good to be true and one of the things that we believe that an mc has been doing is we believe that an m. C. Has been overbilling in understating its rejection rates I mean a it's entirely possible that the margin also benefited from the related parties taking on debt in order to finance transactions with an m c I don't know for a fact that that's the case in even if I knew that that were the case I wouldn't be able to tell you to what extent but with this company it was clear from day one that there are a lot of issues we've had a few high profile company scandals here in the u.k. Recently we've had Caribbean patisserie Valerie where the accounts really turned out to be fiction Alison is hearing about this and we thinking well can we really now trust the accounts of any public company do you think problems of this really are widespread or is it. Just a few here and there so see answer in my view is yes and no so what I mean by that is problems that meet the legal definition of fraud I don't think are that widespread but to me the more insidious problem is that there are ways for companies to significantly manipulate their financial statements that are legal if a company doesn't want to report I should say really management doesn't want to report numbers that aren't that flattering on the income statement then they can conceive along with bankers of transactions in ways to manipulate the accounts that you know are usually close to the line but they call in the lawyer the auditor will work with them will be very supportive of management's goals of insulating income legally but they have their lawyers there consulting to make sure everybody feels good about it and you can get away with this that was custom block the founder of Muddy Waters research we did ask in mc health for response to all Muddy Waters was saying and they haven't yet come back to us markets cases warning is Shanti Kalam in the basement director at Brown Shipley shan't be should this talk about how the economy is doing because we had a g.d.p. Number you say for the last quarter of last year said that the 4th quarter Russia and it showed no growth told a 0 figure for g.d.p. Growth what does that tell you about the sort of the current health of the u.k. Economy and what might happen this year I don't think that it's the worth paying that much attention to the 3rd quarter that was when you know we were thinking we might go off the cliff in terms of the e.u. Then we had an election called that was contested and so I think what we look more at we're looking more at is what's the data are saying next and some of that has been fairly positive we've had some better numbers related to business investment intentions and activity in the services sector so we'll have to see if some of you know the government's promises around spending and things like that get consumers and be. Misses too out there today investors spend money we still have a potential potential cliff edge at the end of year when the transition periods could be in that with 2020 being a bit of a replay 2019 starting Ok and then tailing off as people get a bit worried about the state of play with the it's entirely possible so I think they've said if we don't get to a meaningful place with the e.u. Sometime in the summer then we'll have to start thinking about you know do do we go back on that pledge that was made not to extend do we make provisions to move forward Anderson you know some sort of other trading conditions so that's entirely possible I think what is positive is the government is spending a bit more money and doing a bit of fiscal stimulus in the economy so it's a Smith will be about 4 percent more spending this year which should you know provide some support let's chat about a car because the thing that caught the headlines in the papers this morning was the term start of the chief executive of cargo got paid 15000000 pounds was here despite the losses of the company actually widening quite a lot because Explain how that happened how his pay worked and how it ended up producing this this big result for him Yeah well 1st I didn't write the contract so but so they know they had a deal that was based on the share price and it had also links to outperforming the other u.k. Stocks by a certain amount and the share price for a condo has gone up 4 or 5 times in the past 4 years they've there for 4 or 500 percent for a 5 fold yes or 5 fold and they've got a lot of contracts out to provide online grocery delivery services for one of the biggest grocers in the u.s. For a casino in France for one in Japan so that's fueled a lot of the share price growth and they hit triggers in those contracts that led to a large payout now Ocado you know still needs to deliver on those contracts so. It is not the end of the road for the company they want some outrage about the fact that it's a very big number but of course it's all down to. Shareholders one of the shareholders said yes you can have this if you beat these marks so isn't this kind of the justice has been served here and it's a contract so so you can complain about the contract that was written you know 4 or 5 years ago but it would be wrong to go back and break a contract that's been legally written. About another big company into which is one of the biggest owners of shopping centers it's had has suffered with the retail downturn and it was talking to a big Hong Kong investor about participating What about the Hong Kong company putting more money in the Hong Kong company is now withdrawn What do you think in 2 can do now I think into it will likely end up being owned by whoever owns the debt because at this point they've got you know 4000000000 are out of debt and market caps about 160000000 they started to hit covenants in a lot of their loan agreements and I think it's just you can see that these are the conditions where where if you look like you have a mortgage if you don't keep up exactly the same you might lose your house yeah or the value the property falls below a certain level related to the loan and it's symptomatic of the wider retail sector with the trend of people moving to online shopping is not over but that's still continuing and then plus you have the headwinds of you know things like business rates minimum wages going up that will probably impact some of the retailers as well so it's probably companies saying do we really want to put more good bet good money after bad essentially Thank you very much anti Kellerman from Brown Shipley and now 25 past 6 it's time for the sport Rob say good morning what a mouth is well a big football league program last night with Leeds United only managing a one will draw a breath for the championship result which leads them just a point ahead a 3rd place full on but 3 behind leaders West Bromwich Albion who play the seething brain for the point further back and forth a move about not in forest who lost one deal at home to Charlton in the Scottish Premiership Hamilton I could never call it just a point about Hearts at the bottom of the table after losing 31 at home to Aberdeen who are 3rd this morning what are your football details of. On the b.b.c. Sport website. Batsman Keating Jennings and we keep a batsman then folks back in the ng and signed for the 2 test or Sri Lanka which starts on the 19th of March the names excluded Jimmy Anderson and Allie and Johnny best for whom folks is the direct replacement but national selector Ed Smith says best o. Still has a test future with Johnny not being in the test 11 at the mo but there's also an awareness that Johnny has a multi forma cricket has built this huge number of England tours o.d.i. t 20 and tests in recent is and hasn't actually had a significant break Jonny kid you're very talented cricket across the board but for England you know that it is very best Test cricket for a while we believe a break from the environment can help you come back strong Britain's Col Edmund and Cameron Norris both through to the 2nd round of the New York Open tennis Edmond beat Japan's yes to talk of which he Yama while got past American qualifier both in straight sets at the Welsh Open snooker the defending champion the Robertson is through to the 2nd round offer 42 win over Jamie cloth also wins for current Wilson Barry Hawkins and Sean Murphy who next plays out the burden his Melfi and his competitive mindset you know oblation it's a win of any ever been interested in the win in that insight in the driving home I was a SAHM and I was I in this design now is a very 7 year old man. I'm only interested in winning it's not the taking it's not the you know applied well Lerna take another good performance of why I'm only interested in taking the driving home at the end of the way he can in my opinion everything else is vital and Israel Folau controversially taken on by Super League side Catalan Dragons despite his previous homophobic comments still remains uncertain about when he will 1st play for his new side the Dragons coach Steve McNamara says he only select follow when the Australian can demonstrate that he's ready to slot into the team adding that he'll look at how he performs in training this week before selecting his team for the weekend's match against councils that tips then so. 435 number one decision maker Kempton 7 o'clock number 2 Harbor breeze thanks very much all right now we are going to turn to other matters including I suppose what happens next on Radio 4 which is shortcuts returning. For the final if not monkey cage of this series we are finally going to deal with real science we're doing a u.f.o. Special. Brian Cox and Robin in this series will be filled with utter nonsense last week you think on some mechanics no sense whatsoever I know you try to be for that but this is actually we will be asking It's called the center of this is how we got real start to talk about how to my alien visitation. By science the u.f.o. Special of the Infinite Monkey Cage on b.b.c. Radio 4 next Monday afternoon at 430 and you can watch the u.f.o. Special on b.b.c. I Player now. I promise you shortcuts is returning to radio for that wasn't about it. Maybe they could do that as well heck it's now it said 28 minutes past 6 you're listening today on b.b.c. Radio 4 with Justin Webb and Matthew Carney is a summary of the news from. A health care worker from the accident and emergency department a working hospital in West Sussex is among 8 people who tested positive for the corona virus in the u.k. They're in quarantine and the Department of Health says the hospital is running as normal elsewhere the number of people infected with the virus on a cruise ship quarantined in Japan has risen to 174 making it the biggest outbreak outside China. The left wing Senator Bernie Sanders as one the us Democratic Party primary in the Senate of New Hampshire it's the 2nd stage in the contest to determine who will challenge Donald Trump for the White House in November election 2 more centrist contenders came close behind Mr Sanders the foreman there Peter and Senator any close. The government has suspended its funding of the body that runs the Commonwealth from London until it improves its controls on spending it follows a report which found that normal competitive tendering rules have been waived at the Commonwealth Secretariat 50 times over 3 years the agency insists it is bringing in recommendations made by external order to us a human rights body is threatening the government with legal action and what it says is the repeated failure to give people with learning difficulties and autism the appropriate accommodation the Equality and Human Rights Commission is concerned about more than 2000 vulnerable people who are living in secure hospitals in England Ministers insist they are determined to reduce the number living in such accommodation. The media regulator Ofcom is set to become Britain's 1st Internet watchdog with the power to punish tech companies which expose users to harmful or illegal material firms such as Facebook and You Tube will need to ensure that such content is removed quickly is not yet known what penalties off com will be able to impose on those who fail to comply. After almost 2 centuries next year's census could be the last one ever carried out the U.K.'s National statisticians Diamond who was appointed last year said that in the future there could be better and cheaper alternatives to the compulsory survey of each household in Britain which takes place every 10 years thank you hope our 6 is the time Bernie Sanders has won New Hampshire the 1st primary in the nation Chris bucklers on North America correspondent who is expected to win was Nick Ross. Yeah justin but it still been a pretty good night for Bernie Sanders who of course is as you mentioned there a liberal left wing senator on the political polar opposite to Donald Trump and it's also been a good night for people to judge who is the former mayor of South Bend Indiana a small city but together they have managed to cement their positions as the leading so-called progressive a moderate countenance respectively on the other person who has been a really good evening for is Amy clover char he was up until this weekend looking like she was really struggling the Minnesota Minnesota status senator was 5th in Iowa last week and then on Friday everything changed with this impressive performance in the debate stage where she really held her own and she's been rewarded with a 3rd place spot why is Joe Biden carrying on. Let's just be blunt to go straight here because there is a big drop to the struggling and that is definitely Joe Biden who's had a really really bad night the former u.s. Vice president has got name recognition he's got loads of political experience but he hasn't got a lot of votes in New Hampshire but his argument is is that he counted better elsewhere perhaps as a sign of just how badly he's done here is that he didn't hang about in the States even see the results he went to South Carolina where the next primaries going to take place but that is the argument that he wouldn't do particularly well here because he tends to fare better for example with black voters Iowa and New Hampshire they are predominantly white South Carolina he argues could be different but you have to say it's extraordinary disappointing for Joe Biden and another person who was in the New Hampshire Mike Bloomberg from New York who who hangs over this doesn't he bets literally and metaphorically he is then he's in the wings. Is the party wondering now or whether he is a rather more serious candidate than 1st they thought he was. Yeah well it is his numbers are rising in the national polls which is good of Portman else because it helps him get on the debate stage as. You say he's not here just and the truth is is you wouldn't know he's not here because every time you turn the television on he has got another play you can or a skit might block Bloomberg adverts he is throwing caution at this and of course it does set up the potential of a battle with the billionaires and somebody who is watching isn't a member of the Democratic Party and that is Donald Trump you know he's given him the nickname many Mike he's talking about him on Twitter it is clearly playing on Donald Trump's mind and it's playing on Donald Trump's mind perhaps that will be something that Democratic voters pay attention to but he doesn't join the race until Super Tuesday which is the 3rd of March we still have time for others to build up a bit of momentum not least because Nevada and South Carolina do have that very different population or Latino and black voters really kind of have a big say and there are some candidates a hope that will make a difference for them including of course Joe Biden more on this tend to a crisp for the time being thank you very much it's 26 minutes to 7 hour health care workers at wedding hospital is money 8 confirmed cases of Corona virus a new campaign to follow those cases further on the south coast including a locum g.p. In Brighton and the more is our reporter there and what can you tell us about this latest case and. Yes this emerged overnight a health care worker Worthing Hospital I'm outside the hospital at the moment it emerged overnight that a health care worker in the accident and emergency department was one of those in Brighton who had tested positive for the disease and this news emerged in a roundabout fashion in a memo sent yesterday to members of staff at the accident and emergency department telling them that one of their colleagues had been do. He knows we did see these and now we understand the hospital I mean size hospital is operating as normal. Ambulances I can see it coming and going the Accident and Emergency Department is is open as normal Beyond that I can't tell you very much more because we haven't had this information from official sources so I can't tell you the capacity in which that health care worker. Does work at the hospital though it was reported certainly earlier on that both of those health care workers in Brighton were doctors we just don't know that for sure so there's a certain amount of information emerging but the full picture is is still emerging as I said in a sort of a piecemeal fashion and e-mail in Worthing sanctuary all scientists from all over the world have been meeting in Geneva to work out how to tackle coronavirus and they've given a new name coded 19 image and fixes our reporter there and so imagine what exactly the scientists been discussing. Well they've been comparing notes if you like things they know about the virus things types of treatment that may prove successful some because there's no specific treatment yet for that as we call it now covert 19. And looking at the spread I think they're particularly interested in finding out more really close analysis of how this virus spreads because we do have these $42000.00 and more confirmed cases in China now still only 395 outside China and this is why the director general of the World Health Organization said about 6 times yesterday it is closing press conference window of opportunity said I know you may be tired of hearing me say we should grab this opportunity we still got a chance to contain it and how does he think that should be contained. Well 1st of all by learning more about the virus I mean he said very openly yesterday look at the end of today which is when this this meeting ends we're not going to have answers to all our questions but what we do want to have is a road map an agreed road map on the questions we absolutely need to ask and develop a coordinated response and highlight key things that seem to be working and make sure that every country on the planet is prepared I mean this is his key message countries with weaker health systems need support in diagnostics so that they know they've got a case and can isolate it the infrastructure to do the isolation and then support for whatever treatments are proved to be the most effective I mean we see in Britain. You know 8 cases that obviously the British system is working rather well this is the case tracing system and contact tracing system working that's what the w.h.o. Likes to see interesting really what the w.h.o. Doesn't like to see and I was quite surprised with this identification in the press of the individuals who have coronavirus I got the impression that they were quite angry about that possibly to do with the fact that w.h.o. Also works in other big outbreaks like Ebola or indeed HIV Aids where stigmatize ation is complete really very harmful for people and the press at the press conference yesterday were given quite a little lecture about well what is the need to name people image and fix in Geneva thank you the time is 22 minutes to 7. Universities are using gagging agreements to stop students from going public with complaints about sexual misconduct and poor teaching Rianna Crockford has been looking into this and what we found Rana and I know so I found since 2016 nearly a 3rd of universities in the u.k. Have used non-disclosure agreements and da says you didn't grievances I put in Freedom of Information requests and found $45.00 unis have had around $300.00 students sign n.d.s. Paying out about $1300000.00 pounds as part of those agreements individual payouts range from about $250.00 pounds 240000 pounds and then days coverage a range of things firm complaints about mis advertising of course content poor teaching but also complaints about how settlers so allegations were handled so why some students agreeing to these getting orders so the students I was making to say they felt believed into keeping quiet who were made to feel like they were to blame for their complaint especially to a Ph d. Student who was employed by the university to help out with student welfare alongside her degree and he says when she raised concerns about failures in support they were getting a university over her an n.d.a. Along with 5000 pounds as an incentive to move college. Students who complained of sexual assaults and if their cases have been dropped by the police because of lack of evidence the universities offer them and V.A.'s with conditions like being sued or expelled if the details became public and a few of them have described feeling really traumatized as a result one student Charlotte whose name we've changed said she was sexually assaulted by another student after a night out she reported to the police as well as a university but her case is dropped over lack of evidence to complain to her university for making her feel unsupported during this time for instance I didn't make adjustments for her. P.t.s.d. Diagnosis. And they also threatened to expel her as a result the university offered to pay her legal costs along with a 1000 pounds on the condition that he signed an n.d.a. That's what he told me and her words here are spoken by someone else it was written in the contract that I had to keep it confidential and couldn't disclose or communicate to a 3rd party without the brand permission if you need us required under law I've got a copy of your non-disclosure agreement here. What did you think when you read it. When I signed mess I was just glad 1st to be over I didn't think much of it however looking back essentially silences me I just think considering. Their charge to have pastoral care for young people it goes against what the value should be. Syrian or our universities allowed to use these nondisclosure agreements in some cases or the main university bodies have a similar stop so the student complaints regulator the office of the independent educator says these event da's is an appropriate advises against them if a student similarly said it would even intervene and investigate why universities are mishandling these procedures and the main diversity body universities universities u.k. Which represents most of these institutions also said and the a student visa silence student so it's quite clear as things stand there's nothing in law or regulation stopping n.d.a. Is from being used or the government is currently trying to tighten the rules on how they're used Rianna Crockford reporter for the next episode put cost thank you thank you 80 minutes to 7 of the times I was in the papers the news website in the lead in The Times is dangerous criminals aren't in days Number 10 fears it suggests that Johnson was furious when the Court of Appeal ruled that some foreign born criminals could not be deported from the you. Hey Jamaica yesterday the paper's opinion column points out that this is not the 1st government to express exasperate in it its inability to do something that seems both legitimate and popular but it goes on to warn against what it describes as a strike against the judiciary by ministers The Guardian has 1st hand reports from some of the offenders with him it was in contact in the hours leading up to the deportation flight one sent a text telling the paper that this waiting is worse than being on death row Another described his confusion when having thought that the Appeal Court ruling apply to him he was taken in handcuffs on a bus to the plane this morning the front page of The Daily Mail from England's new Chief Medical Officer Chris witty he believes drastic action is needed to ensure the n.h.s. Can cope with a surge in the number of patients age over 65 or so which he believes that the dangers particularly acute in areas with older populations such as rural districts coastal towns as well he's quoted as saying that the problem is predictable and solvable provided we take a long run it the may never Merican papers digest the results of the New Hampshire primary the Washington Post focuses on job Joe Biden who came last saying that after 2 dismal showings the former vice president is now looking towards the South Carolina primary at the end of the month to revive his fortunes the political website the Hill believes that a meteor butcher who came 3rd did much better than expected it quotes her telling supporters we've beaten the odds scrapping the license fee will weaken the nation is The Daily Telegraph's front page headline it says The argument is going to be made today in a speech by the b.b.c. Chairman so they were Clemente after suggestions that the government is going to consider alternative funding options for the broadcaster according to The Telegraph So David will say that no other national asset has the potential to serve Britain as powerful as the b.b.c. And finally the law is one of several papers to reveal that the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust wants to extend the protective railings around the house where the playwright was born in staff to pollinate and this is because some to. Sure a survey of move parts of the buildings such as tiles from the front porches souvenirs the sun is unimpressed describing the route and its leader column as much ado about nothing the Times called Who's in the main headline this morning is the member of staff at Worthing Hospital is among the 8 confirmed cases of current virus in the u.k. Officials say old apartments there are continuing to run normally the announcement that the h.s. To railing will go ahead was hardly a surprise but when the prime minister got to his feet yesterday in Parliament he was typically lyrical about the benefits His our parliamentary correspondent Susan Hume politicians and Venter Tanner's know the importance of getting a tough crowd onto your side so 1st throw in a couple of little jokes not asking whether it's face to be or not to be that is not the question to speak then reel them in with the things they like Jewel carriageways roundabouts bypasses underpasses and those are just the roads in deep because there was also beautiful British book buses cleaner greener quieter safer more frequent and even a shout out for cyclists enjoying hundreds of miles of brand new separated lanes but where we're not expecting this to be an and i'm spent that the controversial high speed to rail project was going ahead hugely unpopular with a lot of the Prime Minister's own M.P.'s But Boris Johnson didn't even mention it until about halfway through his statement and even then he'd jellied his M.P.'s along gently explaining that it can't be all about popular local transport projects we will not fix the great muscular skeletal problem of u.k. Transport Yes we must fix the door to the Kneebone of the fiber to the shin bone and the I go back and yes he must fix the arthritis in the fingers in the tights but we also have to fix the spine Mr Speaker and our generation faces a his store. Choice so finally he said it today in the speaker the cabinet has given high speed rail the green signal. We are going to get this done now h.s. 2 was begun by the previous Labor government the party's former transport secretary Lord Adonis was watching from the gallery So Jeremy Corben didn't deny much the decision far from it once again we see the government taking ideas from the Labor Party. Adopting the language but for ling very long way short on the substance of it the prime minister though didn't deserve credit for the h.s. To go ahead The Labor leader said it was only the failure of successive conservative governments to manage the project that had put it in any doubt and he just wasn't convinced Boris Johnson would deliver either given some of his previous transport ideas the Prime Minister's clearly strong and over announcing big shiny projects like the scheme to build a bridge over the Irish sea. Why not go the whole hog and make it a garden bridge. Connecting to an airport in the sea a. Big Stearns's much chance of actually being built as any of those failed projects by the former mayor of London put forward criticism from the Conservative benches was quite muted though not silenced and while Caroline Lucas from the Green Party backs cleaner transport such as rail h.s. 2 is another matter entirely h s 2 is a direct election on this government's environmental credentials with the destruction of $100.00 ancient wood loans and a miserably small Moodle shift of just 5 percent of passengers who would otherwise fly or drive northern Arlen's a long way from. H.s. 2 bought the piece Sammy Wilson chipped in I welcome to use a prime minister own words his investment in the skeleton of the u.k. Economy the steep the thigh bone and the bone the ankle bone but he has forgotten about the Red Hand of Ulster which appears to be detached from his Palm because he hoped h.s. Too would bring manufacturing opportunities to Northern Ireland well you might say the prime minister has an inimitable style clearly that is quite literally true his statement was read out for the benefit of the House of Lords by the transport minister Lady Vere whose natural style is less swashbuckling it was a tricky read yes we must fix the joint between the Kneebone in the buyback and the . And the shinbone and the entrepreneur. And yes we must fix the arthritis in the fingers and that is who wrote this and new generation of cyclists pedal safe and happy to school and work in treatable sunlight on that was where she did make it to the end I commend this statement to the house there. Were. Some rare but hard earned applause at the end there. That was Susan human reporting on yesterday in part more from her on b.b.c. Radio 4 longwave at 830 the time now is 10 to 7 which means it's time for the puzzle for the day it's been set by Dr Nick us Georgia who's a senior mathematics lecture from the University of Sussex Here we go under Charlie and drew want to take Robin Jordan an alley out for Valentine's Day They're all single Andrea is shy and prefers the cinema alley and Robin like the cinema too Jordan loves the idea of a romantic restaurant and both Charlie and Drew would go to one if necessary Robin prefers cocktails Charlie doesn't mind cocktails how can they all be happy tells all round. It's 10 to 7 now the government plans to ban the placement of children in care in unregulated homes in England following 2 b.b.c. News investigations which covered cases of abuse and violence the education secretary Gale Gavin Williamson has said that the b.b.c. Has highlighted something that just needed to be changed our special correspondent Ed Thomas has been part of the team investigating this for 12 months so it just explained to us what you discover debate happening inside these homes which aren't regulated the resounds of children living in these unregulated homes or so-called supported accommodation in England alone there are 6000 young people in them they're not inspected by Ofsted in the months or provide support to not care for young people from around the age of 16 and that is despite the deep vulnerabilities of many of those who live in them and last year we spoke to many children young people who had the most horrific experiences one was exploited by county lines gang kidnapped stabbed he told as he was water boarded by a rival gang Another described their unregulated home as a drug house with constant drug deals every 20 minutes now the B.B.C.'s investigations across b.b.c. News and Newsnight revealed that children as young as 11 years old to be in place by councils in unregulated homes we also linked more than a dozen cases of organized abuse to the sector and as you been hearing the government's going to make it illegal for children the 16 to be put in places like this but they're proposing other things as well yeah they are and it's worth remembering that councils are under huge pressure the number of children in care has reached a 10 year high in England but despite this the education secretary says that councils will have their children's services departments taken over if they continue to place children under 16 in a regulated there are also plans to provide additional powers to offset the regulator of registered children's homes to intervene when they suspect. The setting is being used as an illegal a registered home the education secretary govern Williamson totals here and have to act after the B.B.C.'s reports there are children that are being placed in that type of care that isn't something that we're going to allow to continue to go forward so the local authority thinks that they can continue to place children in those types of environments quite simply they will be have their powers withdrawn in order to be able to continue to look after children services and what kind of reaction it has that been from Am people working in the castle if you just look at the broader picture taking only 100 of the 6000 residents in unregulated homes are under the age of $68.00 that means there are a fountains more 16 and 17 year olds placed in all regulated homes and we spoke to Ed Nixon from the independent Children's Homes Association he said this distinguishing between children under the age of 16 and those under 18 is entirely misguided he questioned why the government is prepared to treat 16 year old child care leavers as if they're ready to live independently with very limited support he said any care provider offering accommodation for adults and children must be regulated at home a special correspondent thank you 6 minutes to 7 is the time the European parliament is debating its view of what the trade deal should look like between the e.u. And the u.k. The German m.e.p. David McAllister is chair of the European Parliament's u.k. Coordination group that's the successor to the BRICs it steering committee and is on the line morning to you good morning Strasbourg France and there is one central trade off here isn't there really that that all of this hinges on and that is that if we want. Better access to the European single market then we have to have a closer regulatory relationship is that right. The parliament will adopt a resolution today under the. New night guess we will have a broad majority of any peace this Parliament resolution views our contains our views on the content of the architecture of a future you care relationship and we've highlighted a number of important principles for the negotiations among others about there has to be a right balance of rights and obligations and this will swing through to a level playing field and the level playing field meaning that Britain signs up at least to some extent to the. Affected by a fine put it on European rules and regulations into the long term siege. The level of quota and duty free access to the world's largest single market in the e.u. Single market still is willfully correspond to the extent of regulatory convergence and the commitment taking of a suspect to observing a level playing field the little playing field for us as a new piece is an absolute priority and precondition for any future agreement and this level playing field has to be guaranteed through robust commitments and forcible provisions on competition and state aid it's about relevant tax matters and it's about the full respect of the social labor standards we have in the European Union one thing is clear many colleagues pointed this out in the debate yesterday morning we will not enter a race to the bottom we are striving for a close economic partnership with the United Kingdom and we should now start these negotiations from a position of certainty goodwill shared interest and purpose we want to have a close as possible partnership with the u.k. Maybe a close relationship isn't possible maybe the u.k. Will wants to do the gin the way the government has hinted at least and is talking now about friction on the board as its center and maybe both sides just have to live with that. In the end this is educated decision we are ready to negotiate a new partnership with fear of terrorists with 0 quotas in 0 dumping our new relationship is not only about trade we want a partnership that goes well beyond trade a relationship which would be unprecedented in scope everything from climate action to data protection fisheries to energy transport to space financial services to security we want as close as possible partnership with the u.k. And now we should start negotiations because once again the clock is ticking David McAllister m.e.p. Chair of the u.k. Coordination group of the compartment thank you very much it's 3 minutes and 7 times you look at the weather and the minutes is here high far too much to tell you about of the coming few days with an inverse of the storm on the way for the weekend and some potentially disruptive snow tonight as well as been disruptive anyway hasn't it in the past 24 hours many finger new Wales with most of England Wales away from the north it will be a last a bright day with some sunshine initially but clouds will tend to spill in later in the day for you a shower as I think in the winds will tend to ease back under a little rich of high pressure but it's a cold start chance of a few icy patches and it's not going to be a woman day around 7 to 9 a high now for the North of England along with Northern Ireland and Scotland we're still in this post here as well and there are plenty of showers rushing in along the spells of rain at low level snow is relatively low levels as well have been causing some problems and Deron for example blowing around and all strong winds which will gradually ease through the day but I should imagine with all the risk of ice because temperatures are below freezing on the votes morning it's going to be quite treacherous and a high is even with a little sunshine today barely 45 degrees but as I mentioned change on the way will see a band of rain pushing north was but it will turn to snow for time in Northern Ireland but a slight cool some issues than all the. England parts of Scotland even the central belt tomorrow morning. Thank you next week short cuts returns to Radio 4. In a piece of a few paper I wrote down only needs I dreamed one day eating again. And adventures and. Putting about a mile into the race to grab my sweat shirt and started to grab the number on my back potato. Out of my race and give me those numbers so presented by me there is a woman who fell to her knees when I went by and she says Come on honey go for it do it for all of us starts next Tuesday afternoon at 3 on b.b.c. Radio 4. And coming up in the next hour in this program trapped on a cruise ship with a coronavirus now called Covert 19 we hear from one holiday makers of asking how cruise ship companies can deal with a crisis you're listening to today on b.b.c. Radio 4 with Matthew Carney and Justin Webb. It's 7 o'clock on Wednesday the 12th of November the headlines this morning health care workers in any department in West Sussex is one of the confirmed cases of coronavirus in the u.k. The veteran left wing Senator Bernie Sanders has won the latest round of the contest to become the Democratic Party candidate for the White House and next year's census of British households could be the last because of soaring costs the b.b.c. News.

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