One of the things is really extraordinary to me is that just weeks after the ball me progress to college was able to make a Christmas Day Miss trouble caused the empire as it was then. I am speaking. From the group of Coventry conceived. 6 weeks ago the end they came and heard fired into struction upon a city from the sky fall around me in the ruins. Of the cube you could muster of the cathedral choir. And they're going to sing I didn't shoot. I take my clothes. When the carpentry Carol was song Christmas Day 940 in the ruins of comin to cathedral it must have had a huge impact because the song is all about. What could possibly be lost and it must have had a very strong feeling the stars we nurtured it wasn't associated with Christmas and told how come to list point. My name is Bob Chilcote I'm a composer I don't attempt at conducting I will say I've been a singer and I've sung this piece the commentry car lots of times. The piece originates actually probably maybe as far back as 14th century but as we know it it's kind of 16th century and it's part of the mystery plays which were performed at Corpus Christi and they were performed actually over the country but here in Coventry this song was sung in a pageant which was performed by the Shipman in the tailors So the tailors of the city and also the people who share the shape this song is all about the slaughter of the innocents and it comes at the point in the drama where heard soldiers are looking for the children to kill them the slaughter of the innocent story is based on the idea that Jesus is a new king Heavenly King but therefore a new baby king who is going to be a threat to the north or today and then the idea is that King Herod recognizes that this is a threat and decides he's going to get rid of Jesus and now that Jesus was born about 2 years ago. And he's a boy. Sends his soldiers hands to kill in his region all male babies have 2 years old and. Thinking that by killing all of them he will thereby kill Jesus. But of course God is not in allow this to happen in the story God appears to Joseph in a dream and tells him to you know get Marian is his Charles out of the area to save them sad essentially it's a story of dictatorship slaughter and the family of refugees. My name's in put away and I'm a musician. The 1st time ever her current account was. The 1st time ever heard but I didn't know then it was early music mediæval nice. 1 and it was without a doubt the most powerful piece of theatre there the scene and every of the year back then this was in 1900. They used to be a mystery play the reconstructed mystery plays put Tom income from 3 cathedral in the parts stairs it's open to the elements that was bombed in will vote to and has been left in ruins. The way it was performed wasn't with the actors on the stage and a sitting down watching them we were among the actors so all the action was actually happening around us and when they got to the slaughter the innocent scene the women who were all surrounding us were holding rag babies and then the soldiers came in. You see it was such a powerful experience I'm getting upset just think imagine that. And I have these long odds and put the tip of the inside the behavior is. And here were these really. Red ribbons probably 15 foot long red ribbons stream of red coming at them. And everything went black. And we were surrounded by Lisa green in the dark. And then from the darkness a single female voice. Covered. As the song goes on a 2nd voice joins. In a 3rd 4th choice and throughout the song. The lights lonely slowly slowly fading back up again so the by the time the song landed back in the lines that he took the whole song to go back from down. South. Gets me from. My name's ab Hanson and I am the c.e.o. Of the charity Small Steps project my mom was the writer and Guardian columnist Michelle Hansen has started her career with a column called Treasure the trials of a teenage Tara about a North. By stone may. Before my mom was a writer she was a music therapist and she was also a musician her south but when she was a child she wasn't actually allowed into the hymns at school because she was a Jew and I know that my grandma once wrote a letter to the headmistress and said Would it be Ok if Michelle joined him with the morning hymns rather than sitting outside with the Jews and the headmistress said no you can't pick and choose Christianity and she was very upset so she's always liked him and felt like she's not allowed to like them so in the winter she would turn all the lights off and she would have a big roaring fire and candlelight and be listening to him playing her harpsichords thinking she was in the 16th century. I'm sure she was being a bit tightly electricity though if I'm honest with powers and. One of the songs that she really likes to listen to a while she was walking around the house in Cannes to lie was the cover trick how. My mom died on March the 2nd 2018 and it was very sudden she was out walking the dogs and she had a massive cerebral haemorrhage she went into a coma within half an hour and she never woke up she spent huge amount of her time. Feeling anxiety about about going all out so the only positive to that is her biggest anxiety will never come true. So while I was over in Kenya it was the anniversary of when my mom died and the children who I work with in Nairobi actually put on a memorial for me they're very young you know between the ages of 7 and 15 and they put on a memorial for me and song all these wonderful him that's when we decided to ask them to sing this 10. When I. Hear minds of my mom it does make me feel very sad but the hearing it song by the children that we are helping in Kenya song in their own rendition of it I found that really uplifting and it gave me. The only reason Coventry Carol survives today is by a series of pieces of she a look in 5091 somebody who we don't know wrote down the song called which included cover to Colonel by which time the mystery plays were long dead so he was writing this from memory presumably because he didn't want the tradition to die with him and then at some point it was lodged in Birmingham reference library and then it was nearly lost again because in 1909 there was a terrible fire. In Birmingham reference library which destroyed the original manuscript as look would have its Coventry and to Kraven cool Tommy shop had made a copy of it in $925.00 a few decades before and that's why we still have it today well I'm gonna Marmer Steen and I am a columnist in Aberdeen South Dakota in December 2001 I set up my Christmas card writing routine as I do every year the main thing is I bring up my stereo system from the basement this big monkey turntable with huge speakers I bring up my stack of Christmas record albums that I collect and I play them one at a time as I write my Christmas cards and to me that's the best part of Christmas when I went through my address book and began to write Christmas cards I came to my aunt's name and Helen we color twig twig was in there and she had just lost her husband to cancer in October so it was a fresh wound for her and I I remember sitting with my pen in the air unable to think of anything to write what can I tell Aunt Helen that would give her a merry Christmas she was going to be miserable. And it was at that point that the Coventry Carol came on my record player and began to play. At 1st to seem like oh this is misery the lyrics were so depressing. The. Hair of the king in his raging. Charge and this they. His men of might in his own site. All young children to slay. But I listened carefully to those words maybe for the 1st time as it played. And I made me really think I looked at my address book and I can see that it wasn't what it used to be every page of my address book contained abandoned dresses and not just people who'd moved away but people who died my grandpa he was long gone my grandma who she every Christmas she'd cook up a whole slew of fudge divinity sugared walnuts. And all these expired addresses seem to accumulate and I I remember just the empty feeling there but then the Coventry Carolyn or x. Played and I realized that Herod did not have his day Death did not have this day when you think of the whole Christmas story the Christ child which was Christmas personified escaped the slaughter the Christ Child became the redemption for humankind and someday we will see those relatives again we will be with those loved ones again. So there was. A 3rd at the end of the Coventry carols it's a short note and it's a late No but it has a positive upturn just that one little dude was to me it was like well here's hope . My name's Tori Amos and I'm songwriter. I started researching carols when I was asked to do a Christmas album and I thought Ok as a minister's daughter I had grown up with a lot of him and carols and so I wanted to trace back where did some of these carols come from I had never heard of Coventry Carole before somehow I came across this amazing book and I'm I'm holding it right here it's the New Oxford Book of carols once I understood what the carol was about I began approaching it differently because these women were hiding their baby boys from the soldiers of King Herod Mary and Joseph in the play are able to get the baby Jesus out so many miracles happen for this child to be born and for this child to not be killed yet there were other children and mothers who didn't get that miracle and that happens every year there are people around Christmas time who will have lost somebody dear to them and it might not be a baby but it might be a child and I felt like the Christmas how I needed to hold the space for those people I was hoping that the candle portion of Carol the new addition would be like a prayer that I have so much respect for the carol itself that I wanted there to be an invocation and acknowledgement that the children weren't say certain children weren't safe long ago and asking the question are they safe now. Candle candle are the children safe now unlike the one. Candle candle by the children safe. Seat sing their song and song. Cannot count on I think children safe now unlike we. Can. Guides and protect us from. Darkness. And Roxanne by rays so I went for the n.h.s. . I've always wanted children since I was a child a boy is loved being around babies never really knew what I wanted to do in the future when I grew up but ways knew I wanted to be a mom when I had my 1st daughter it was amazing to become a mom I loved being a mom we decided to have another child pretty much as soon as my older started sleeping through the night which yes did take about 2 years unfortunately we were very lucky we fell pregnant quite quickly I went to labor at a time and them when they saw us did all the usual checks that you would expect and try to find the baby's heartbeat with the c.t.g. Machine couldn't find it with theirs like a strap on a monitor I started to cry we had a scan. And they told us that Caitlin didn't have a heartbeat anymore. I was hysterical as you can imagine it was extremely traumatic very very traumatic and there was no sort of processing I was in labor so I was processing that my daughter had died and trying to give birth to her same time and I think my brain just broke Caitlin was born at 722 that evening. She's spirit food she looked just like a sister had the same hair they both were born with full heads of crazy dog brown hair. But she was perfect he would never have known she just looked like a sleeping baby when it came to thinking about the feud role I did what I do with every event which is to start with the music. With our eldest daughter she was born very close to Christmas and one day not long after we'd come home from hospital I was feeding her in the nursery had the radio on and Oh Holy Night came on and it was so beautiful I said to my daughter this is your Christmas Carol now this is yours I'm going for ever we play every Christmas she knows it's her Carol and of course this wasn't that long before Christmas with Kate and so I want to do the same thing and give Caitlin a special Christmas Carol as well and it away I think the music chose me I'm not convinced I chose it so for the funeral I knew I really wanted to have a choir there because I singing choirs and I knew Caitlin would have heard my voice while I was singing I wanted to replicate that for her funeral to say goodbye. The the and. The My husband and I carried Caitlin's cost between us and we walked up through the chapel while the choir was singing Coventry Carol. Yes. The. 'd the the. And it there's the my mind went blank to protect me I think I just felt. The. The. Until the very end what I've realized it was only from. That was that we had cake and cremated to sing. At the end of the service that's the last time you can see in the baby actually being physically here on Earth and my birth was very very hard to me the the the the. The. We were going to have to move forward in a completely different way I've learned how to keep the with us without her physical presence and I have no idea how to do that. The. The. The. We have such a sort of rituals as we light a candle for her every evening and we do that all together before my daughter goes up for bath time I have a back up to stays only leg. We have a cabinets in our living grave that is full of all of Caitlin's beautiful things has blankets and clothes that were made for her all bought for her before people knew she had passed away my oldest daughter draws pictures she puts them on the top of the cabinet for Caitlin to look at in front of her photo and sure rotate them says Caitlin's board of this doll now I'm going to put the tiger there instead the toy tiger or whatever it is so she will rotate things and she or she'll make sure the right things are positioned in front of Caitlin's photos as she could see them . Writing to her helps me to feel close to her I can tell her things and just tell a. Teller that I love her and I miss her that Bush will never ever be the same with our about what happens back ups going to be there for ever and should always be with us forever we'll always always keep her as a part of our family. When I hear the coffee tree Carol. I'm still in a place where the 1st thing I really want to do is cry have a completely honest I feel connected to the love that I feel for Kate and that's what it does for me it ignites my love in my heart for my daughter. Sometimes I see this Beings of Light or you see the sunlight reflecting off the water I often think of that's Caitlin. And then there'll be other times when I feel like she's really far away. The way we've had to describe things to my 3 year old the 3 year olds cannot do with ambiguity they need an image to hold on to they need something that they can understand to be Ok And so we've always used the image of the playground in the sky to Caitlin's gone to the playground in the sky that's where she is and I find myself really buying into that image actually believing that when I die I will find her in the playground in the sky and that's it we'll be together and we will be together forever. What we wanted. Then we price born again in our hearts today trying hard as it may be. Bracing us to finish this tremendous job of saving the earth to. Try to make a. Simple. A more Christ child like sort of. In the days beyond this life. In brave spirits and can wish the infile a courageous feasts. Soul music was produced by Sara Conky this is b.b.c. Radio 4 in a moment those comedies we join count off a strong his Christmas radio show and a bigger stage awaits Malcolm if everything goes according to Arthur's plan. They will it. New Year's Day on b.b.c. One I'm stuck to. The security of this entire. In the box you believe to say. Anything weird around here. Something's coming. New Year's Day at 650. Now here on Radio 4 back with us once again on Christmas Day The multi award winning count of the Strongs radio show. Now ladies and gentlemen it's time once again to join the show business legend. After dinner speaker and twice runner up in the national championships 968 to 969 count author strong never happier than when he's shoving things around count author was a natural and is considering office to make a comeback on the shopping circuit join him now for this week's seasonal installment of the Strongs radio show. The. Good. 7 goalie. Theme. Yes What is it you want about time. Well you. Know look I'm on a tight ship your Christmas. Christmas Well there was you know Christmas and Christmas. Merry Christmas Merry Christmas back to me but. What is it you want. To give me some money. What because there's a contravention to a tale as there yes I'm on your doorstep spreading Christmas cheer for cash. I. Know you. Look like you're demanding money with menaces Oh you got stung the results just so you will be able to put a middle on the ship a Christmas carol. I get it now would not was huge was it oh you recognize me it was only a mater of time. I wouldn't see the not no my wife heard the noise she thought the confit got them all again. Today I was just feeling a bucket of water to throw over them. Again listen I'm a natural bass monotone I am. Not Mario in London oh. Well Saudi. Can I shut the door no then no you can't look I can't help but think we got all the wrong. How about you just pay me for singing Westlife. Good King lifeless. You know when the fellows at the window and this doings on the right don't say. Yes so you will just pay me for by poking fireworks this fall and we'll forget all about being moved. You say to us but you know you've not been very nice to me so many here take not. Unexpected That's very kind of you I'm coming to the sea when the rest of mankind say I'm all right sure you will then. Brilliant Let's have a look what's a given me. 57. 10121440 . He has got all the time so it's give me 14 something pounds. I get on council wrong 0 one to come yes I'll be able to retire if this keeps up. I only made a pound and he ponders 8 problems oh how many homes is if you don't 8 upon the homes yes it will spring how much of your 14 Sultan depends on many houses if you don't put in groups. This one is the 1st that's given me and. What happened at the old the houses don't trust me I've been sick in my hotel all night I put a missile a compiler into this image of like a bomb and Earth Wind and Fire you know the blood sweat and tears and I'm. Into this. And. I'll do you know I learned many many of the will and some of the songs. I thought somebody strange reactions on the doorstep of those you know Anyway I published about you know. Where you go in generation cuff It's freezing out here and you have to think oh you can use your newfound wealth to get me to take. Oh come get it we're going to do you for Malcolm will be doing the ordering get it go on then tell him what we want can I have a take on a toasted tea cake and Augusta top water please Mr most and I'll tell you what getting put most comes topwater on my bill what you. Will what we don't actually show us fair enough isn't it Malcolm I'll get you that in return for you'll get me mine I think that's very fair minded of me a pain Mr Marston Malcolm by the window Hello Hello Arthur look it's the Lone Ranger toto. Paolo. Oh well oh how you know oh I don't for goodness sake how long. The are you deaf you're supposed to be the Lone Ranger's right up money you don't even know what how means you are Jeffery are a total disgrace to the entire block for nation. But only hope is that this never gets back to Fred died aged I. Still tell us that dug in the was it evolves what tell tell us the delta in the Wizard evolves are you telling me that for that looks a strange thing to walk into a coffee can burst out. I wouldn't walk into your house and tell you that the start of Saturday night finger was jailed revoting. Can't be bothered carrying on nice cumber sation No I'll go. With nothing what we've been up to we have been singing for our supper Geoffrey what you mean even carol singing Well some people would call it that's all you prefer to refer to it as a personalized quarrel Christmas experience on your own doorstep. Malcolm at the last ek How did you get home I made 8 pounds Oh right. No duty to be both you made it pounds doing what Christmas caroling what with him no he was doing it by himself how much did you make now do you mean how much did you make a salary are not quite sure what you mean. So he means when you are both independent carol singing Malcolm made a pound how much money did you make Thank you for making that crystal clear to me. Well well it was round about. Say a round about a region of the. River let's call it 14 give or take 40 pounds that kind of thing. I mean that kind of thing well he means 14 pence Thank you mother come I don't need you jumping in and finishing my sentences I was just going to say that Malcolm a day Palin's And you made 40 Yes Well he probably started a bit before me no I didn't I started after you because if you remember I had to go to the chemist and get some x. Laughs I got to poke right out loud with you shouldn't my most intimate details with off the world that's the last time I send you to the chemist to get me a gentle laxative and I am not sorry I wouldn't be surprised if you would overstep the it's a part of a zone I just have to confirm that with Mr Innes that the citizens of Oz brigade. In the meantime don't go speaking to the press about it I don't want to read a book be being bound in all the national papers I the last thing I need is a lot of the paper Oh my hunger I program me the. Proper Nazi you know. Papa Smurf I won't put up see. I'll get you t.k. . That's not bad though is it what 8 pounds just doing. Carol singing How long were you at it off last fall to the nearly 5 years that still felt like bloody years going to be 16 pounds an hour 16 pounds an hour it was my pencil and this is possibly one of those serviettes Jeffrey come right 16 in pounds an hour and tell you 8 days. 128 poems the time's up by a 5 day week. And. 640000 1000000 pounds. Times up by say 50 weeks because without a fortnight off in August. We don't want to overdo it for a while as 32000 pounds show talk I'm trying to model how much 32000 pounds yes but you can only do it at Christmas chemically and you can sing Christmas carols really well yeah well I know it's because it's not relevant the rest of the time out there you don't to be able to do December really would own which was given me a go at this 1. 2560 pound Do you mind I was hopefully through do enough to knock my brain has now been frustrated twice half way through a calculation Thank you I was just trying to have Yes Well that is akin to waking the sleepwalker up at the bus stop and hit his pajamas side the published with no notion of how it got but. Oh oh oh oh oh why I have got the 10 folks cover them probably but. With a nobody no job alone they can. Go $2560.00 pounds a year is not going to buy me an island in the Seychelles it's. Say Shell's shelves . Thank you no no Seychelles she's right well she says Seychelles but I'm not so sure. Thanks. That's a. Knowing your scheme is that it was now killing that made the money you ended up with $14.00 pence how much a month is that $22.00 pounds 40 already told you. 22 pounds full to go home there's no I don't because I was of but for 22 a problem for to go oh wait a minute what I've seen that look on your face before don't think never mind chills up and oh oh here he comes here years Ah here she toasted t.k. Cunts drunk oh thank you Malcolm How lovely of you to bring with us and make a bit of room for mother come everybody come on Jeffrey shift your big freight and Bert say it's got yourself sucked down there we are make yourself comfortable when you like to share a little bit of a tiny corner of a bite of one half of this of my toe city. What's going on. Oh nothing everything's just like normal isn't it your job as normal as it gets in here see you tell him Jeffrey Jeffrey Oh you kicked me oh was that you Oh I do apologize I thought it was someone else who who yes did you think you would keep her through the roof don't want special Sally No Wouldn't you know put it that way . Lovely to see you talking into your glass of water Malcolm Are you enjoying it it's it's very nice as well remember I paid for that for you so enjoy. How you're feeling then after your Christmas caroling Now now you've had a chance to put everything into a specific tip. I haven't given it much thought really are you see you 2 just what I was saying was it. Yes it was and you know when you were stood at the counter over there Malcolm I was just saying to these 2 what the talented young man needs is someone looking out for him and in the one. Profession acts as a sort of fluff and between him and the business I. Want to tell all sorry Tyler are you what do you mean I'm a do me your beauty is yes I mean potentially lovely client I want you correct Mocha how various you have to be old and. I'm for this service I would only require in return a small percentage of all your earnings for doing that to nothing it wasn't I saying that when he was at the counter now oh you kicked me again oh was that you again Jeffery Oh I do so wish that whoever I was trying to kick was where your leg is and. So what are your thoughts on say a 6040 split all I suppose it could be a 7030 split if you would prefer that if I was going to do anything like this I think 70 would be better brilliant but settle them oh you're so Malcolm What do you think you'll do with your 30 percent and I might get a new watch with my coat Yeah I'm not sure of that I wonder I have to say Malcolm There's just a little bit of me that and his you just starting out in the business everything ahead of you oh yes I only wish when I was starting out in this crazy business we call show that I had someone alongside me like me. Taking 70 percent of everything I own as I would have been to get and pay twice. In fact it would be getting paid twice as a bit recognition and the don't think I could do about it. I'm not sure about all this not quite misunderstand quite misunderstandable perhaps a word or 2 of reassurance from by accountants on. Numbers might help yes maybe Jeff rank walk Tell him tell him off figures Geoffrey projections come on what do I pay you for you don't pay me for anything have a bag with all that now anyway nobody pays an accountant I'm not your accountant Ah ha oh very good Geoffrey It does seem like that sometimes I'll give you that. I go on telling me how much 8 pounds an hour is over here that one well it's 32000 pounds but you see Malcolm And between you and me if we don't make that there's a good chance we consume Jeffrey for thoughtful falsifying and inflating your projected income stream was you don't need to know about that Jeffrey and. Sunny it would you type a contract up for me please do you think I have how does my personal assistant sound with 2 weeks holiday a year terrifying he must now make a prospective Sally to take in today's a so can I ask while on Christmas Carol in what will you be doing for your percentage what will I be doing will I be doing Goodness me what with what won't I bit doing you made. A house that's unsaid your question I don't really know what was the question again what will you be doing for your percentage without them getting on the phones and making sure the right people know about you and get in the belong to the concert I'm planning what concerts want to be a surprise for you. When tomorrow and who are these people you're going to get a load of see Android Webster. Kind of Mark Mark in talk and burn but bacon Bacharach I know I'm also planning to reach out to Christopher Biggins I miss that. At Christmas shopping about always trying to get out of it now I am not how I would tell you but all of them I could name and I have to say sadly I can tell a bit disappointed in you I expect a little more you'll take from my employees I'm not here in life just as well with the attitude. You can kiss goodbye to any thoughts of a Christmas Boni Oh no I like Christopher Biggins what I followed his career with interest over the 80s is he definitely coming oh for crying out loud Yes They're all bloody comin now if you'll excuse me because all of this has to trickle down through the beach at the rest of the team and in the meantime you get back on the doorsteps and get your tonsils going and don't go spending any more of our 8 pounds. Worth. Of our wealth What can I do for you oh no no sorry it's you with us make it our business. Oh I was miles away then I'm out of you got in your book cause window that I haven't sampled and come on will hit me I feel ready to broaden my meat horizons. Bring a consignment degree of competence there's nothin in this book as you haven't eaten multiple times certainly would've In your opinion is a must to butcher all brains any good for the brains for now I don't think there's any evidence to support that notion off the books a shame a bit by the same token tongue is not probably good for the tongue is it not all of the liver not all corned beef for your corns I. Know I would never say. Mind you it would change the nature of your job somewhat wouldn't it remain well you may begin to be perceived as more of a doctor than a bookie. And people would probably be coming to you with that ailments to get the meat on prescription and you know Oh I think my lip was playing up and what it sounds like you would need to me is. You could be one of the 1st but tribute page. Took to meet. For more awful m d i you want to give up some folk will clear out all this area here put some chairs up and bingo you've got yourself a number 12. Waiting Room. Look so in a rush you offer only a 7 o'clock shots actually being close for an hour and I only unlock the door to leave yet I've got rehearsals tonight rehearsals what for what were you dressed like a postman nice must sound where you should only uniform we've got the carol service tomorrow I'm in the back and on the 2nd Cornett wait a minute there's the carol service of course brilliant suggestion with quite brilliant Have you been feasting on the brains today put jobs. Not really full with you anymore all the cultural service isn't in the marketplace as usual yet what time does it start I want you coming while I hold the reindeer wouldn't keep me away when. Is it the full band Oh yes right well I might have to get the old gloves they could have wired up out and the microphone off and on the boss well you plan it all up nothing will of nothing Never you mind must get on and I've got to get the team to trickle down on to Christopher Biggins. And see you in the car oh service. Why won't you tell me where the showcase I want it to be a surprise for me about them and they'll be a full orchestra that there will come oh yes I told you I saw it is out didn't I hear see that's what you're playing your 8. Percent for. The Poles it was 70 Well yes but there's an orchestra nothing but should buy 3 courses only to come believe you made to move a 4 pound yesterday I might put you on the night shift as well 2 as days consing Carole's 24 hours a day why not you know young man no you did when I was your age I was workin a dumpsite more than 24 hours a day. How can you win more than 24 hours a day ticket last question but you never heard of overtime I. Only wish your talking stopped me and so argumentative and go to the bar and get this another drink and with the last 4 pounds you got to make sure yours is water again I don't want you drinking when you're working this isn't a show business isn't fair Malcolm That's why there's no business like it's I. Know you go there. This is the life this this being an agent game it's money for old so vulnerable. Is there anyone said Help yourself or wait a minute you're just the right build you up I'm good it's dark outside and you could be the icing on my Christmas cake I'm not bothering anybody I'm just having a few drinks highly commendable and listen how would you like to make yourself a shy you need new pound piece. Pound you say whatever I have to do while we go through. Her yarmulke alone speaking down that it was a taunt was a proper run take is not it's completely made out of Bakewell talks. To light. Sellers take the microphone to the sweeping brush umble. You know a proper Mike Stan of course of course I have I guess prefer to use one stuck on a sweeper broke and then if you had to make a mess. Couldn't sleep it oh oh. Oh Arthur oh I don't know your memory. So this is the big lunch then is it the Salvation Army cattle can't sit where all the celebrities than the probably rubbing cell just with their general pubic I. Am sure I saw it coming back my contortion No came back a pint of mulled wine just outside the intent at all you look all right that's quite a good turn out isn't it what you do with the sweeping brush Melcombe on the featured Alceste Oh you didn't lose wealth they about just start but don't think so I definitely thought I shoulda come took to Twitter making it stick and you're at your best to get over their shopping a rowing will want to we're starting with we'll we. Like the royal way you know I could easily have said my husband not a for instance. Wholly of the only fate although they were just discussed in China namely ivy. Brilliant did you hear that my husband and I. Am probably a male Ivy in the key of g. C. And they too will feel good it's gone right through the speaker up to the socket I'm not still Malcolm Then turning to him. That's a little late nowadays but if you knew anything about Haifa tennis to study a scope like equipment Sally you would know the basic will tell it's taken a long time to warm up. To you do you want to get a good seat somewhere you took there around to see the sights I'd rather be Randy Jackson is. Here we go pretty mild come. The. Lead. When they are both full grown of all the trees that's already in the wood the whole leave is that that's the that's not the right to Tiscali on the little finger this is. All you still. Well you see a couple Mulcahey think of the money I'll make. The rising over the sun on the running go good did. Everybody look who is this thing in the shadows I. Don't know I'm Christina big and so am I. I know yes he is around a pound Oh something big I. Let's not Christof it big Jeffrey you just know what's going on over here try no no oh it's constable it's condiments of the season into. Your disrupted the carry on that loudspeaker off no rest that man what why he's masquerading as a television actor and personality Christof a big aids. What is going on here it is said to give him a punk but I. Can't I'm not Mark and George come on come on I know you call me and I'll just go and tell him where I am at the ball come we'll kill it everything opposite that was his idea of God come back I'm coming who will. Be appearing in count all the strong radio show was Mel get Roy Dave minefield. And Terry Kilkenny is Malcolm The show was written by Steve Delaney and edited by Graham Duff and recorded at the Don's house this amount just count all the songs radio show was produced by John Lennon and does a comedia 7 digital production Thank you. And there's more Christmas comedy to come here on b.b.c. Radio 4 the missing one coax recreates those episodes of the classic one coax home that have been wiped all lost from the archive today Hancock has looked. Forward to Christmas but then his call up papers arrived and as if that wasn't bad enough his commanding officer turns out to be one Sidney James the missing hand coaxes this evening at 630 and later John Lloyd is curator Bridget Christiane joined by the music producer Glyn Johns the comedian Shazia Mirza and the novelist j.k. Rowling for the Museum of curiosity tonight at 8. To make time for drama this Christmas on b.b.c. Radio 4. I would not tell you just popping off after. Said I've got to tell you something you're talking about Pop in a freak show about 6 children go. Ahead and she looked at him. All the Way Thanks Jane for storing the time has come to turn this island of so into the cosmic Christmas on b.b.c. Radio 4. And Neil Gaiman's Christmas special is the story of Mrs Whittaker who finds the Holy Grail in a charity shop along the way she meets a dear friend Mrs Greenberg for macaroons and becomes the focal point of Saddam had his most important quest Glenda Jackson and Kit Harington star in Neil Gaiman's chivalry this afternoon at 4 o'clock. B.b.c. News at midday the queen and senior members of the royal family have been attending church service sundering the states in Norfolk clouds of well wishers waited hours to greet the party who were joined for the 1st time by Prince George and Princess Charlotte the Archbishop of Canterbury has referred to the Christmas Day sermon for the London Bridge terror attack last month in which 2 people were killed during the service Justin Welby also spoke about the Church's role trying to help people affected by a bowl of virus in Congo Pope Francis has delivered his traditional Christmas message at the Vatican in front of thousands of people gathered in St Peter's Basilica he called for an end to the conflict in Syria and an easing of the humanitarian crisis in Yemen the Grammy Award winning songwriter. Willis who composed the theme tune to the civi show friends has died the 72 year old is reported to have suffered a cardiac arrest in Los Angeles yesterday.