A day just ago but no one's thought to actually throw it away that flat was dead it's been dead for a long time so now. That it was passed my shoulders back I'm going to show you how easy it is to go through store things out and feel more in control of your paperwork and reorganizing the mile you how I budget in my bullet Journal. Could I make a programme about the organization cranes and find out what getting organized can actually deliver. Was it something deeper than just making things look neat. High continues to be called I haven't already checked out the organize for me to do my best to display the stuff you have to carry to do this it was very noble design things are going to come out. Soon this is the program. The 1st thing to find was someone with a less than organized life whose experience would illustrate the process that was a real challenge I nearly gave up on the idea and then the perfect person just fell into my life Ok so I shot because Sandy single mother of 2 living in west London and I'm a stand up comedian and writer and whatever else they asked me to do I'm disorganized to the point of being quite pathological I should do something with all this stuff. This is my 1st meeting with shopping and as it turned out with Taylor too Taylor's a dog. Will come just. So when I was going to get some level to show just totally rational I press record and sat down to tell me about the kind of program we were going to made so I think the idea of the program is kind of you and your life as it currently is and us having a look at these kind of new. Self-Help Gurus I didn't know at this stage how much of this simply wouldn't happen next. You have to go with your tribe them. So this is the story of how I tried to get shopping organized and what we learned in the process. The nearest I come to routine is walking the dog every morning and I've only had the dog for 6 months . And the problem is because I do stand up people think there are when you just work at night but then during the day you've got to write you'll starve and also you have other projects on the go you know I write books I write a column and I tell myself that all of these things keep me busy but because my mind is chaotic actually what happens is that I spend a lot of time on social media just numbing myself out and not getting on with what I need to do and I can't sit down and one of my greatest pleasures in life used to be sitting down with a business but I feel guilty when I read I don't know I should be doing this are doing I should be writing I should be you know cleaning the windows when your surroundings are in disarray you deny yourself pledges So when you're doing your writing where you're doing it I go to coffee shops I guess a nice tidy uncut at coffee shops and I write that. Yeah I'm a big charity clothes shopper and then sometimes more stuff comes in then goes out and then I've just suddenly got all these clothes that I don't wear and I don't know where to begin none of it would matter if it didn't. Both of them a bit both as me. I needed to call in some professional help to get organized I couldn't believe it there is an Association of Professional de clutter is an organizers and I made a research call to the president Catherine Blackledge. Catherine. Figuring out I know. There has always been an interest in looking after the home Traditionally there would have been publications and so on teaching they housewife how to maintain an immaculate home that balance has changed that women are actually now carving their own careers they realize the difficulty there's only a certain number of hours in the day who do you have any top tips that she could use you know this is something that kind of would be our number one thing so my 1st top tip would be to tackle other areas that don't upset or worry you in quite the same way 1st until you start getting into a groove and feeling the benefits of it and it becomes a slightly more natural thing to be letting go of things sometimes setting yourself a finite amount of space and allocating that saying that's what I'm allowed for and this could apply whether it's photos whether it's socks whether it's cutlery kind of you know if you set yourself a finite amount of space and then the challenge is to fill that with your most treasured items and cut to that so it doesn't become overwhelming and over spill too much pretty good. So Catherine advises that you have to throw away the easy stuff to get into a groove and then that you have to set yourself a limited amount of space and stick to it Ok so in my house lives my 11 year old son my 6 year old daughter my dog Taylor my cats Oscar and little pursed a very regular visitor who doesn't live here but is here often is my boyfriend James and part the reason he won't move in is because he feels like there's no room for him here oh it's you know I understand you so do you get swallowed up by my house that they don't. Be a reason not to throw stuff away we need to focus Catherine suggested I speak to Stella. Psychotherapist on the presenter of Channel 4 was a hoarder next door I guess that yes yes I'm here I'm here and he knows all about what it is that makes us hold on to stuff we don't really need there's a difference between owning things and being owned by them our possessions whether it's a vintage desk or small item like a pencil sharpener is a contributor to a reflection of our identities to a large degree we are what we have and possess so shop is no different to any one of us of course the difficulties when these kind of possessions take over a long years in order for us to understand why we need to look at the clutter you know clutter is a very effective distraction back in his arms clutter can hide and comfort what we feel clutter can hide perhaps a relation problem we have a career difficulty the fact that we have experienced the trauma in the past that we can deal with it so clutter can hide problems that we haven't resolved. By. None of the excess suffer my house makes me happy in an ideal world I would have bought this shape. In my hand I'm holding a pencil sharpener in the shape of a brass minute check catapult. Sleeping bags. At the same time clutter can comfort you because there's a consistency items will never leave you there will always be there for you. Now the reason I have the sharpener is because we're little kids my dad had a collection of these so I felt really emotional when I suddenly saw them for sale in this gift shop and I bought one. However as the clutter increases it becomes more stressful and more difficult to get rid of it it creates a sense of overwhelming and side 3 because I thought well maybe I'll start a collection of the sharpness like my dad had when I was a kid difference is I don't have anywhere to put that just sort of sitting on the piano along with the dog poop bags in an ideal world I wouldn't buy things unless I knew exactly where they were going to go. You get so overwhelmed by that all the stuff you but your brain shuts down we have to be realistic about when it becomes a problem and I think each individual except it's like in a different way. I should throw that some plow away I could throw that away I know I still have some. Now this is what Marie conduce says you shouldn't write she says you shouldn't just on the spur get rid of a lot of stuff you have to dedicate yourself so we say to her saw that with right away something. Was making a start. I called Julia. Professional organizer undeclared to coach and we chatted about how to stop feeling overwhelmed when it came to work and izing our stuff really my yes the capturing is one of the activities that people most often procrastinate about the best way to overcome Procrastination is not think about the task in its entirety if you don't have to tackle it all at once I love hearing that you threw away that flower that one single that is going to make a difference but it's one of the I that's how we change our homes and our lives. Now live in my. House and I think we should all just get into a pattern of not tired you know when people come around so that we all if we all did it will. Be great there are definitely things in Chucky's house that she needs to let go of. But is that really what this is about everyone talks about throwing stuff out but perhaps it's more important to work out what you want to hold onto and why so. Say the house is on fire if. You have to say one thing what is it what part of the kids yeah. I guess my box of photos so this box of photos has been in my life since I was a child. So to smash out of our lives. That aren't in any order. I think if you saw books because. They're. The experts I was speaking to they were great I mean really insightful I sent recordings of their tips in a big envelope to sharpie together with some methods to try You Tube blogs to watch the journal to keep I had it all organized of course but the more time I spent with sharpie the more I was thinking that top tips from experts wasn't going to do it. Sharpies troubles were not as simple as finding the best filing system there were more complex reasons for shuffles mess on clutter. So with paperwork as to do you tend to just not open any paperwork kills me like I have a pathological a versioning to anything to do with finances with I just blindly walk through all that kind of thing in just hope for the best and then always check that I've been paid the right amount for things just my mind clouds over when asked there were finances I found that she had a big problem with money she seemed to be incapable of dealing with it was there anything I could do to help her. I spoke to lethal it on the money and pensions this a lot of people find that their money is controlling them and not them controlling their money and that way lies stress and anxiety it can lead to mental health issues it can lead to debt if you're not hugely interested in getting on top of your paperwork that you have to one of the things you can do with it yourself go give it a name visualize it stick it on the fridge and when you name a go most people find it easier I've got friends got his power. God if they're going to cut off my supply it can sometimes be really difficult to manage your bills and when you get that phone call a new you think have I paid that bill what we want to do is give you a few tips to get you on top so the 1st thing you need to do is get organized get a folder keep your bills in it and if your bills are digital put them on a file in your computer and keep track of when they need to be paid to see you this is why hey you get like a company going you must chorus now. Then they don't pick on are. But I don't have time to spend I'm a give them to moment check your bills regularly this way make sure you spot any mistakes and then to see if your bills rise or fall and pick a date every month to make sure you don't forget yet my surname is course only k h o r s a n d i a lot of these things you learn through making big mistakes here and with money when you make a mistake it can be quite major and it can have a very very long impact on your life and when you've done that once you try not to do it again I just got a message from you and I think I owe you money by for my part. Always on the brink of having my power supply turned off because I haven't paid a bell and then he will go what do you do under red dev it really takes a level of organization I don't always have There's always a 1000000000 things that rather be doing but then I think God if I actually did a day Id clotted I'd be so happy where I was it was at about this point that I realized that my radio program was in big trouble. I originally thought it would be about learning a few organizing methods trying them out be showing us how we can all get our organization right up to date so I have kind of have to remember that when you do like a creative job other things are going to just go by the wayside it's just simply not my priority to sweep the floor but shop he was beginning to demonstrate that how we are with our life is very much part of who we are. Offering more Top Tips was just overwhelming Catherine remember the president of the Association of Professional d clutter is an organizers gave me a number to Sara McNaught I had to find a new conclusion to my program and maybe Sarah could help me and help chappie. The Ok I. Asked all the usual Sorry it's not selling books and I am a Sharpie and I have been professionally disorganized for 46 years it is a privilege for me to meet you today and thank you very much for asking me to come in and help you make some decisions that you don't know how you have your to. Make How is it going to operate here. So if I have to tidy out what I do now I have to physically write a list of things to do it can be like hoover up the dog has clean it is clean safe while the windows and I try to do it all the same time assumption art and they are literally abandon the washing up and go in the dark we have the band that you just thought and action and something else so what you're not doing is you're not completely sane so everything gets left after Yeah which really causes me stress I think with half a session today what might favor the helpful for you or that could be painful is to find every single pay set of fun paperwork and mail it in. And let's bring it into the kitchen donate all because in no time I can open I and get you to do is together get them organize for you reduce that stress. How do you feel about tackling the paperwork I mean this is just why I've spent my life avoiding doing you could sit and watch me yeah. There's no shame around the mess I feel like Oh obviously this lady is good and no warning capable at all I have a pit bull these years and how I have this I. Started of being grown up in charge of 2 children by clicking at my bank statements that I was stuffing that's why I feel a kinship. You're not alone. But what we really need to be doing is to be having some very honest conversations and brave it is what it is yeah we walk out that door without percentage intact and we walk in and we fall. And yet to actually have somebody see it for what it really is is an awfully brave thing to do. It was time for the tea break. Coffee or. Would the salary cap should be on track cup of coffee aside driving through collecting and sorting sharpies paperwork always focused if you don't exactly know where things out the night is randomly picked up with. It's. Open mail that it becomes for the Titian already have any of a few fish if you may and trade them from the same person about the same thing the top of the page usually has a cow that's my nose and that's what I'm looking for is fine it's a bank so that made it Ok I'm sorting that it's like I'm talking off topic and that way I'm getting 3 parts from you when you get the bottom right hand corner saying oh my god I haven't paid that bill so we need to say pay off of. It quick play into all the bulbs. But. It's quite safe. Coming back to my house for a 3 month I might pay what sits small during the course my living room. Where we will being here is what will breaking the cycle a bit excited by I was a bit skeptical of being really wanted to be a man actually just emotions are real and we were still doing the actual mental health is not just cuts and dealt with out to me must be done. So I gathered and saw 2 papers from all over sharpies house she began to uncover a timeline of the last. Few months of Sharpies life they even sound so why did he have to answer this program it's not a letter from me. That is only right off the record that I didn't get out yet this is something to say maybe he said to turn off of me and ask me to record the only time we. Did this is my life that I didn't get to put it into to do. And all kinds of methods of putting your objectives and not about being neat and tidy your objectives of make sure that you don't miss these opportunities to be fabulous and be the best person possible getting organized isn't really about getting organized constantly throughout our lives we are bombarded with stuff all spaces and lives fill with it if we don't find a way of dealing with the torrent we find that we're drowning not just drowning in stuff but drowning ourselves so that our whole lives and our sense of who we are are stifled things from our past. Put in cardboard boxes never property address. When I could accept the what she wanted to save if a house was on fire she chose her box of photos with Sarah's help she went to find them. Oh yeah I would guess but 2005 is. Going to get out of. Welcome to 34566 boxes of phases but all in sauces and the best thing to do in this instance is to take it away and we organize it back into chronological order we don't throw anything away it's a good photo it's a bad sedative it's worth keeping it's not with keeping this is the evidence we deconstruct it you're lost in thought and what I gather is that the last and so it's so hard to say we want to face. This or pictures of my son's birthday which I have not looks happy because the 3rd birthday was. Traumatic for me it was the 1st birthday post separation from his dad and I look now that I physically feel the feelings out there yesterday. Oh gosh. This is where doing this reality agony I only see say right into it I have not looked at these pictures my son is going to be 12 next week I haven't seen these pictures since he was straight. Yeah oh. Ok I thought about fucking No I find I'm fine I'm sitting here with over 10000 pages and somehow you've just randomly picked up the one that probably hits the most. They get is a time in everybody's life when this is important to just talk to. And feel those. And it's very hard to do that yeah. That was really. He's actually in physical pain these are physical pain and I worked really hard to move through the pain and it's really interesting to know that it's all still that Kindle books it is. I'm brushing a book and I talk about the pain of heartache being like an elephant sitting room to check. And I remember writing these and thinking. It is no longer because I remember fading I'm feeling it right now that painters who I went through when I had to adjust to being. A single mom. All we did if we didn't deal with it. Is we not only just buried. It it's such a tough time. Tough home stations come out yeah. Very. Good people and they're actually saying it's not just. That one thing I'm worried about is that all of these memories are in dusty boxes that look like they could just go out in the recycling bin tomorrow and nobody would care and yet the world's most precious things sitting inside. So one of the joys that I would think bringing to this house would be to use that beautiful front room and make sure that these photos at. Somehow. In the happy place. And the finances the paperwork or the to do that has to go to the control Central which is your kitchen table Yeah if you've got space and clarity in the kitchen table it's more like. I watch the shopping together this was about more than stuff. It was about how well stuff and what we do with it is part of who we are. Sometimes we all need someone to help us. Just like with addiction I think that they get so point when you think my methods how. So now I need some assistance I feel really excited and positive that rather than. Constantly all my life to help myself one day I'll be one of those people who has failed to out the that makes sense one day I would be one of those people who has bank statements at the ready when their account needs. Meetings Sarah today maybe realize that I will be I definitely will and it's going to happen a lot sooner than one day it's not an abstract concept anymore I don't want to die and my children have to. Do with. 2 days off to Sarah visited her home shopping got back in touch with Sarah and they have a plan to get these 10000 photos in order as a gift for her family and a gift to herself. Sarah said it's not about the stuff. And it's not but the trick is that if we can find a way of dealing with the stuff we won't just feel organized. We can feel free. To. Think this is real people don't deal with best stuff for a reason I have not dealt with my stuff for a reason and haven't had the physical pain that I now think they're laughing after a long run I feel way been through the mill by feel great I've just done the impossible facing all the things I would say facing. Shot because Sunday gets organized was presented and produced in Cardiff by a wheel we'll meet 3 Vickers in our new comedy gods work in a minute but 1st can you spot the real and the fake voices in this trial. This is a fake voice generated by the Newark official intelligence model the launch of Ai thanks to reaching out critically to robot radio it would be amazing how a radio call in show what the problem you'd like from help it today radio for tests in college aid for everything we know your complete psychopathic I did this risk if listened to radio presenters and continuity announcers still have a job goodbye thanks so much for sharing with us make me a program next Monday night at 8. And that's here on Radio 4 where now we've a new series that follows 3 vehicles in the northeast of England over the course of a year this is God's work. Morning News. My name is Lisa Cooper I've spent 10 years now making award winning poker and documentaries such as the history of teabags slags a love poem to England and I and in the fire what Jeremy did next. Now I'm turning my attention to religion the religion of my childhood Christianity as a flag bearer for the local brownies a Sunday service I saw a lot of things when the flag was in the way I heard a lot of things some great sermons inspiring stories I met a lot of kind people now mostly but I always left feeling uplifted but it's not 990 anymore and I had to leave the brownies my decision the world has changed we're living in less innocent more narcissistic times and so I ask you is there room for God in a world of bomb implants and soupy arts I got in touch with 3 victims who work in parishes in the northeast of England and I asked if I could interview them this show focuses on them and those around them in their everyday lives over the course of a year to find out what keeps them working for the man upstairs God My name is Lisa Cooper and this is God's work. I began 'd this journey the day after the prestigious ne Baker of The Year Awards Reverend builtin see from some Matthews in concert had taken the title and I was keen to meet him fresh from his victory on the phone bill had been a modest and gentle person but as my dad has always said Winning makes people go up their own bombs and I was interested to see if Bill had gone up his it was a lovely day in concert as I met with him and his curate Rebecca down in Bel tell me how does it feel to win the award. Here. But you what I have Could you elaborate well but I can under back a board you see about wooden award you know that was so in the Big Smoke it was great we're all so proud of Bell where your biased bill everything all Rebecca dramatic but what makes you say that well when I was a teenager right I was off the rails proper mental and when he came in he would talk a sort of reach thing and he was one of only a few people who are for the help is long story short I didn't know what I was doing with my life and then saved it it was went on to assume and I thought I want to do that really and what was it about that salmon that was good good question I'd like to know myself it was a back door was right it was not even one of the top 5 sermons and I was amazed by the numbers that you had said well yes we're a very busy church and the choir are at the top of their game at the moment I have to see what do you think makes your parish so successful. Everyone's on the same page we all want to worship and we all want to help each other 20 years I've been here and then we've built this parish. Really. Watch the clip that stuff just so good quick. Hits Irish. You know it's not clear. What an ambulance but I really. Still I respect how he learns is called their views are clear that. The ambulance is coming. Here he's with God Now you know you're. Crushed into all his headstone. Oh my goodness. That's a fortune in. The ambulance was on its way and I took that as my cue to leave when an accident happens most people make the mistake of thinking they can help when really all they do is add numbers to a crowd of busy bodies and as I queued for affiliate fish at the drive through I knew that was being helpful to Iris in a way that someone who was slowing down traffic all making the ambulance driver a t. Could never be I then made my way to meet my next Reverend Wilson Penn and his partner guy and accountant Wilson as he insisted I call him was a breath of fresh air for his parishioners a man famous for making his sermons bright fun and full of music I was interested to see the challenges Wilson faced on a day to day basis as a gay Vica And as I joined him and Guy in Newcastle Central Station it appeared the 1st challenge of the day was the late arrival of the 11 o'clock from King's Cross although that had nothing to do with him being gay. Carol hi Lucy lovely to see you coming over Thanks for having me my pleasure etc What is happening the way we're having the church has got talent big sister why are there this evening at our church we spent months planning an eternity of yes for charity raising money for some new instruments for the church she's huge fan and we have a star performer arriving probably love that wow and you sound exciting Are you excited I had my excited out the am excited he really is I've been asking been since Agent every year for rice a year since 21 and this year he finally said yes it's all sold out we've got an audience to rival the so little amount the guy loves to show that he sometimes weeks the Bible I do but seriously this is the biggest thing to happen it's a cup or so it's we got the Bible we covered. All oh is this him it's him it's hilarious they're. Areas at the foot are at certain Sam. Time incidents Vincent breed great to meet you puts it this is my partner in center and this is will sit in case I guess trying to stick to meet you and this lovely lady you know I'm Lucy just ignore me I'm making a documentary lovely to meet you and so can I take it really. Sorry can I take you back it's a speech that's nice that just happened after that you tried to call. Probably best to comfort you because it tomorrow with the strength of Number 10 Downing Street and I need to be on top form for that oh I'm sure you will be going to refute what took them through to something's not quite right. Didn't do. What sounded beautiful. Winced let me take you back just walk a few yards ahead if you make sure I'm taking him her. It was time to me the last of all because I was excited Reverend Richard Crisp was on his way to his very 1st day in his new parish of St Luke's in Sunderland West. Which can tell me a bit about how you came to think. My father was a vicar. In the same parish that I've been at all these years at St Margaret's in South Kensington a very different place to where we're heading to sea. And my father had a very different style to me and to me. It was. Unpleasant you really meant business and he wanted you to be frightened of the wrath of God. As was. Relentless. Series whippings they were absolutely rudely. Anywhere. I studied theology doctrine and I just drifted into the family business as it were but I so wanted to be different to him at the roundabout take. That when you feel you can do it different than it was on the b.b.c. In south. Wales here there's the opportunity to really find the congregation reach out and build something from the ground. Everyone who works here just seems. Nice. I don't have any tummies in London. So here I am just a nation is on the rock literally here I am not seem to go quite quickly I hope to bang on too much Lucy right now his Julian Julian is head of the Procul church council. Richard welcome good to see you again this is Lucy was making a documentary you see it's lovely to travel to see will just be called rings around a bit Julian as we discussed recording a few things or birdsong. It was my father's it's a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow 967 the final drive needs a little work which I'm sure enough to break it to sit in that kind of thing. So we head inside and talk shop. Like your sandals by the way. Technically some bills you know. What I'm really interested in is innovative ways of getting people through the door I mean the congregation we have at present what are we looking at Fairview people very senior over the past week fall. You know to get a shipment I didn't put it in arsenic in the team. Although I have thought about it . That was it you know. I'm going to have to watch this one who seems. To know your city Well it's clear that we've got to reach out to young people you see itself can we run a series of very successful mother and baby groups how do you feel about something like that song's good we could introduce a playgroup one morning a week that can bring wonderful energy to a place we get started this Friday how others use keep you see of them and I tell you what I'll pop into town now and have a word with the moms of the school gates it's about that time of day 320 s West that was the primary school get on top of stock rose right I could introduce myself to some of that but there was a plan How's that for a keen right no good like this didn't you come to realize I'm excited I could do it if you want me to join you know you see here out who could Hello the school and we can be back here they said we need to talk about the calendar leading up to Christmas break the skin the seeds want to come along yet. Meanwhile in concert it seemed that Bella Rebecca had come up with quite the plan to raise money for this new headstone and as I wanted into some Matthew's Chatto it was like something out of the Livia Newton John's classic video Let's get physical. Proof he can change any of the fun next week while going to sleep. Because ours day oh she's just over there doing Jesus jumps Jesus jumps and I got like Star Jones for you just to be on the yeah all the bubble wrap shot in a car for the jungle sale so the question Das or she is right is raising kids I do see working but they are getting very full think that's what I would do well were why I never says Joan of Arc imo says it's basically Jesus but without the sash and I knew I'd build the wooden dog to go run most least complete with 2 of every animal credited job boards look at the goodies I Miss Grace who want to take a one to a seminar you know showing in a gym move well ladies after this group. Of students see rule training for the Brody the only exercise he's doing is left in the cattle to the top I'll go to a job lot of course to creat a good day once existed and you're worried about the lack of training number Regency is not what I would call a natural athlete if you know what I mean. Bill wasn't the only passing of us to warming up it seemed as I found out when I joined Well some guy at home with a rather poorly Vincent read this is when you listen honey to your lead slip. We are so excited that you have the church has got talent has been so loud for a week sending room only that hasn't been the case in our church since bad evil times that's actually a joke. Story. Could sing see. Why not I think you should have. Been stung good through to the bench when you think that this is just the status quo I'm sorry. To some selfish at the end because. Of what it actually does against France. That's very common. I can't believe this is happening that's these was an allergy it's not writing this for us and everything's riding on it it's like Vincent said gifted Pollie you the whole parish is on his back do you know anyone else who could step in somebody as popular as written since there are a great deal. Who could possibly replace the legendary vis the rain. Oh. No. I think I know just person over and Sunderland West meanwhile and Richard was every mother's dream a man in a car driving round and round a school watching children with a determined look in his eye. Day where my mentor. Who's the street. There's a mom now Shorty Hello hello excuse make I have a word I'm sorry I'm the new vicar at St Luke's on hold St Now the Reverend Richard crisp have you got any idea. Well. No I mean my dog when anyone could just make it. Ok Ok well just give me a minute I'm sure I've got some meat and. Last summer. They would go and Reverend Richard crisp. Name Sorry can't you can't be lovely to meet you Candy I'm with you and Richard the thing is we're organizing a stay in play at the church this Friday morning at 10 and it's pretty good o.t.l. Biscuits provided would you be interested in that with your lovely sons and. I mean even if you. Don't know man's call the other day he's a one isn't he there were these roses a pretty tough day I'm going to count to 3 long to the range. Get off get down at once. Freddy like. He was jumping up and down in my car I'm going to let you know now about the new Because out that market made him crawl you can do You can't miss it if I was doing. The same work for all the look at my mum's outside the school and the come down please. Then she yelled you know the quite loudly bit of a crowd gathered by that point and Lucy. Should. Be sorry to hear it was all my fault I shouldn't have shouted at someone's child I mean to him me wouldn't terrible still trying not to worry too much but this right I'm going to go into town and buy some toys I got us into this mess I'm going to get us out of it I'll go now and then I'll start a Facebook group for the parish to get the state of play on that soon. Go. Back to concert with Reverend builtin see on the day of the half a thon had arrived I joined an excited gang of run is at the starting line as Bill got the energy on top much like you have up the crowd for Prince Harry when he pretends to d.j. Hello everyone and welcome to the grid Iris Hoffa half a thought. Because it's irises fault we're all standing out here in the brig but from but experience is like goods we learn lessons and we come back and look at Iris or should I see join of Arc it's ready to run her 1st release at the age of 18. 2 a lot of us I know have never done anything like this before so we can all thank Iris for the extra years we've added a while lives by doing it right without further ado let's throw. Up with Dear dear sorry about that right off you go if you go that was it over to start. Your group room. Hi Lucy sorry I can't stop a half off a thought as of the way you are you feeling like you've trained enough but today Sorry pet I can't hear a thing since that gun went off I'll see you at the finish line Ok. But it will be at the Tesco car park when I next saw Bill. Half a kilometer from the finish line. You see I can tip. Is that good man. Who is me all the giraffe tells you all right he's marrying me Giraffe means for me oh how much to drop that's why I love to go back and find it oh let me help you build it look terrible if you don't finish the race that I thought it would be Rebecca are you running and yes some dolls of course now I'm nor didn't wear trainers on the ark We're back on that rag some rosewood tree and us and don't give us what cars. Done peace so it looks like you're going to have to lean on me come on look at that together. Had known about this. The 3 giraffe it was stock and we are the type who have served it right back or who have served it from the float Ok who right up and we should maybe just stay here for a little bit longer I don't think you're quite ready for any more running just yet how you mean really oh how good of. It was sometimes you need a friend to help you through difficult times and sometimes you realize the only person who can save the day is you as I returned to Jarrow I found that Wilson was very much being his own Batman and Guy was Robin me of course I was out thank. You. Really thank you to all Tonight's acts the 4th Plimpton brownies. Sandra leg and bomb know the dog. Frank McCarton is amazing chair and the wonderful magnitude dance troupes. Now as we all know we booked a special not so secret guest star to sing us out the seedling the wonderful Vince and re. But fortunately Vincent is not well and cannot sing for us tonight I know I know no one feels the pain more than I He will however be signing autographs and doing selfies at the end of the shell but I'm pleased to say we have a special guest replacement Yup and that is. Me. I would like to dedicate this song to my 2 heroes Vincent Reed and to my Potter guy my rock who told me a car Pugh karaoke that I had the best voice he had ever heard in his life struck which gave me the confidence to take to the stage this evening because he's the only other celebrity he knows there's only one problem last. Part of the night. Since. There's still. Wakes in. A show and. 'd the rest. Simply back. To. Feeling. And said to me. That. A. Hollow. Thank. You. Wilson How's that oh to see Vincent dividing towards me like that with such force with his own Bravo propelling him forward it was it was exhilarating but looked almost choreographed in that like when Bradley and God guy sang it the ask is who we were just really feeling each other out there oh hello Barrow Did you enjoy a meal and Daisy that didn't. Plan didn't things and. Of course you can't just give me one moment so what next for us Brits and the crowd were loving it. I'd better run through my treatment at the moment Wilson is my number of hope thank you thank you so much for this you think it was a great warm up for my gig at Number 10 Downing Street tomorrow I shall die. Out or. Vincent. Did you hear that he said call me bring Senator Reid wants me to college and you can get me as number is probably thinking about his next to be him I could be his wallop songs from the show's new one I give it my all in the presence of Jesus things always pay off always I gave that performance a 110 percent and now look what's happening and in a national tour with radio to the been some green I'd better go see Beryl over the she wanted a selfie with me Barrow. It's not good news no real confidence boost Yeah. You don't sound too shocked I. Am fortunate this mobile number Vincent is good Wilson It's only 4 digits now. You've got to back pedal from. Wilson was on a high in spite of a man giving him a fake phone number we've all been there would Reverend Richard Chris be equally ecstatic at the grand opening of his weekly stay in play here. It's after 11. Where is everybody. Here. Ok mistress what it is. In my last parish you just got to tell one person you're starting a group in the news would spread like wildfire. Thanks to you. As that pretty well this is all Candy I can become in command of no other children here at present I'm afraid that's 5 critical you get me a computer and get you a cup of tea my milk one shouldn't please. I'm just here to say I'm really sorry about the other day. Freddie was off his box of millions in a coma Phoenix for the Cure destruction your car thing is it takes a holy energy that didn't have any likeness left sometimes please no apology needed really because this legal people now but they'll call. It God Lisa Tori's it's free you can sue makes you were broke. I'm going to tell everyone about it. Write a damn good piano skills. It's not so bad is it I mean friends started something here serious. Words was. This week's show seemed to be about generosity on my part of life for the record I do take a packet of biscuits with me whenever I interview someone but rather generosity of spirit on the part of Al because Bell and his gang running for fun no one does that anymore most people just run so they can sound more interesting than they are my cousin Terence personality is exactly that she's a runner that's literally all she has but this rant was about office headstone and doing something for Iris there was very moving watching everyone cross the finish line Richard wanting to start again and challenge himself not an easy thing to do at his stage of law. But the unstoppable energy he carries with him will no doubt Power him through any situation he's like beyoncé in that respect and finally Wilson wanting to get a celeb along to his church has got talent evening to make it really special I once got Collin Jackson along to my e 6 assembly so I know the feeling and it's a great one I've been Lisa Cooper joins me next week as we open another window on God's work. God's work was written by Louise Ford and Yasmina and was produced by Claire Broughton it featured Rowan Atkinson Gillian Bevan Sarah Daken Victoria and it Louise food Clive Rowe. And my course New York. Is a hattrick production for b.b.c. Radio 4. With a vicar's at the same time next week the new novel by Jessie Burton the confession continues in 5 minutes and later on this afternoon it's money box life is Louise Cooper can my money help fight climate change a lot of people. Feel that. They are wrong and turned out. More and more people are saying that your money savings and investments can make a difference to climate change if you have a question about impact investing green bombs or carbon offsetting please get in touch email Moneybox at b.b.c. To code at u.k. Or taken out of this number 037010444 cool us in an hour's time that number again 037010444 Money Box Live at 3. B.b.c. News that midday judges at Scotland's highest court have decided it is not necessary to grant an order designed to prevent an ordeal Brecht said that John said it was because the prime minister has already confirmed that he would comply with the Ban Act which requires him to seek an extension if that is a possibility of a no deal accept. M.P.'s are to be called to a special sitting of Parliament a week on Saturday during which their approval for any last minute breaks a deal will be sought if there isn't one to bow to starts and is expected to lay out plans to avoid a further delay to leaving the European Union. The independent travel company says it will buy all of Thomas Cook's stores the move is expected to save thousands of jobs Thomas Cook faulted last month after failing to secure a last minute rescue deal. The Kurdish administration in North East in Syria has urged civilians to defend their territory ahead of an expected Turkish led assault people have been told to mobilize and head to the border b.b.c. News Now here's the shipping forecast issued by the Met Office on behalf of the matter time and Coastguard Agency at double 130 on Wednesday the 9th of October there are warnings of gales indoor white Portland Plymouth Rock all Malin Hebrides Bailey Fair Isle of pharaohs and southeast Iceland the general synopsis at all 6 double o. Low Pharaoh's 974 were expected fat i.e. 985 to buy or 6 double o. To model the area forecasts for the next 24 hours Viking North Sea and our south would see it a southerly or south westerly $4.00 to $6.00 rain or showers good occasionally pour forty's Cromarty forth Southwest $5.00 to $7.00 showers got. Time Southwest 5 or 6 showers at 1st court dog or Southwest 5 to 7 showers Gort fish a German bite Southwest 4 to 6 occasionally 7 later tundra showers good occasionally moderate Humber terms Southwest 5 to 700 showers good occasionally moderate door white to Portland Plymouth West store Southwest 5 to 7 occasionally Gale 8 at 1st showers country at 1st good occasionally pour Biscay westerly 4 to 6 occasionally 7 at Festing North showers Gort South Fitzroy north westerly 4 to 6 fair God North Fitzroy saw westerly backing south westerly 5 to 7 showers good occasionally moderate Lundy fronts not Irish Sea Weiss to banking Southwest later 5 to 7 showers Kundry at 1st good occasionally moderate Shannon West backing Southwest 5 to 7 perhaps calle 8 later showers rain later good occasionally poor later roll call West 5 to 7 occasionally Gale 8 at 1st becoming cyclonic later showers rain later moderate or good occasionally pour later Mallon Hebrides Why store Northwest 5 to 7 occasionally Gale ated 1st showers rain later moderate or good occasionally for Bally Northwest 5 to 7 occasionally Gale ated 1st becoming variable 3 or 4 later rain or showers moderate all Gord Fair Isle south west 5 to 7 becoming cyclonic 6 to get 8 rain or showers moderate all good occasionally pour Pharaoh's cyclonic becoming Northwest 6 to get 8 rain or showers moderate all got occasionally pour he's. And finally slammed northeast at least 6 to Gale 8 backing north westerly 5 to 7 occasional rain good occasionally pong. And that completes the shipping forecast. This is b.b.c. Radio 4 now we continue our reading of the new novel by Jesse Burson the author of the miniature wrist l c and settling into their new life in l.a. In the confession. 'd Elise was 7 and Patricia plenty can say kitchen counter and told her daughter she had a funny lump in her brain when Conny asked her about her dead mother Elise felt she could tell Conny the truth she had never told anyone else she told Conny how the doctors had cut a lump out leaving her mother without the power of speech and it had grown back again 2 years later and the 2nd time it was too much and it had killed her.

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