Some of the issues raised on Any Questions Cori thank you very much indeed the nation has spoken the conservatives have the biggest majority since 1987 and also the s.n.p. Have come back to dominate Scottish politics with Representative representation of Westminster numbering 48 of Scotland's 59 seats so a lot of things to discuss today I love your reactions to the results do you think it was a good day for democracy how did you vote in the end and why did you get the result you desperately wanted and it's talk about labor who should lead that party now and what should the left represent how did it go so very wrong we can talk about the fate of other parties too is there any room any point for the Liberal Democrats to carry on fighting when we have the system that we have or indeed any independent candidate and we can talk about Brick says it's often ready says the prime minister but what do you think it's going to actually taste like all of that and the question on the program with Chris said What is more likely now an independent Scotland or United Ireland what fate the union only 37010444 is the number to call you can use the hash tag if you want to tweet us you know what we are 45 minutes but I think it's going to be one of those days or it doesn't feel long enough because a lot of you want to have your say and I just start with Sue Cartwright who's calling us from family friendly green I should say I'm sorry and is a very happy so you can try to tell me why. Larry happy because I wanted Rex it and I think that since both parties stood on a manifesto in 27 day it should have been done to you know half years ago but it's going to happen now and that's wonderful but why I'm ringing is the climate imagine say they tell us it's an emergency with the ice caps melting flooding in Yorkshire sunrise in Australia and America they're out of control grass you know in Africa why shouldn't the Green Party do better well what I'm of what about of those I mean people. Who voted Green but one of the questions that I know is going to come up today is that we don't have a. Bushnell representation so you have a system where it is basically Tea Party slugging it out anyone who is small or doesn't have a look see him again a lot of votes but they don't get enough to get seats that is true yes what about from Brighton to tell me there see I mean just sticking with the conservative. When did you ever expected to be as big as this and did you think everybody else you should have kept the faith a lot more you know I generally so ship is on a knife edge and I in fact running the the office of our local m.p. Is Michael Gove a conservative and said I haven't seen any signs for him whereas I'd seen lots of signs the Liberal Democrats and I was very very worried that he was going to lose his seat I genuinely thought it was actors so what happened in the end what happened do you think to carry the consent of the so decisively over the line I think people said the country as a whole voted leave the politicians must respect the country they must respect the voters and they felt that the parliament as it stood did not respect the right and so they voted for it voted for it you know if years ago now I don't know how many years you have been voting soon I would have the temerity to ask if you want. But I can't remember a time when things were as bitterly divided as they are we've just heard the prime minister who is now speaking for the Sedgefield constituency the students Tony Blair said he wanted to he wanted to reward those Labor supporters who had had faith in him but he also wanted to bring the country together is he the man to do this and will that happen under the Conservatives. I think it's got to happen because they need to consolidate their gains and cadence in the next 5 years he is a very intelligent man with those sometimes he makes it and silly mistakes and I genuinely think that the Conservatives as a whole have the right message and the right manifesto to bring the country together start spending in those areas that have been left behind and make England Great Britain about given Great Britain as a whole is extremely successful after breakfast and when someone will turn around and say well look you know they've been empowered to 9 year. I haven't spent so freely so far what would you say I would say that was a different conservative government and. Philip Hammond in entries in May and obviously very Cameron and they did have to get us out of an economic mess left by Labor but now they've got the economy on track and therefore they're going to go full steam ahead and make Britain work thank you very much of course let us go to Richard Bruton who's calling us from the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire Richard how happy Harley Richard Burton was in the 'd actor but out of the price of the I'm very happy to hear from you would you back and what did you want status. For the 1st time in my life I'm ashamed to be British we've just elected 'd the biggest lawyer cheat hypocrite and a coward in the universe apart and all Trump and 'd I going to pretend to be Canadian 'd or or us or something I cannot believe we've done this to ourselves Well the example of the will trump in the United States this is going to destroy the u.k. I think why do you present who did you vote for and I voted for Labor or actually green member but I voted for Labor just tactically to try and keep out of his Johnson there was so much noise wasn't there about talk to voters in last week's program was dominated by exactly that with people calling up and saying look I actually I am I am I go back generations for this party but I'm going to vote tactically a lot of good it did the opposition what happened Richard Well a lot of people believe Boris's Lolis they voted Conservative of what happened 'd and only subject of proportional representation one of your 'd 'd panel members mentioned the s.n.p. Only got 45 percent of the vote in Scotland Well the Tories only got 44 percent in the u.k. If we'd have proportional representation they wouldn't have a majority I mean fight they'd be a minority party well and we don't we don't have p.r. And we get through those percentages a block or so use it when when the majority vote against you. You then end up with a massive majority part of the American force things through against the majority vote this it will all the people who believe in a referendum say it was 5248 there are 4 weeks of authority in this case it was 45 percent Tories 54 percent that's why I'm just going through those numbers now as it was in fact 43.6 percent the conservatives very Labor had 32.2 The s.n.p. 3.9 The Liberal Democrats 11.6 people voted against the for them correlated but listen to Labor supports a democracy you know what I have and I also clearly what it's the new democracy that we live in which it. Is it's a democracy that could have given the Labor Party a victory and has given the Labor Party veteran a passport only need to change your voting system can I put this into a moment let me let me put this to you Ok that these are places that you will know the names of great Grimsby Ok has been Labor since 1945 is not conservative bishop who planned has been Labor since 935 is now conservative Wakefield Labor since 932 is now conservatives don't vally 922 if you listen to the people they think you feature quite a lot of people who live in those places. All the majority of them say they voted Tory because they couldn't because they know they stand here in the cold and it's because the media campaign against him has been the most vitriolic tense. System voice ever seen ever seen a media campaign against a politician who is ethically morally 'd the head and shoulders of any politician we've heard of but you're saying this and I want. You waited but you're saying with your fellow Labor supporters who historically labor to the bone marrow I couldn't see what you say. Because well they were they were they were they were mystified by the media. Well the media say if you've had a fall leave your campaign as Goebbels and starling said the lawyer often repeated becomes the truth about what's happening is not possible who has lawyered attorney smeared Corbin lessly for 5 years and he's paid off seasonal post-game to lose the election is it not possible the b.b.c. Show I am so I can hear you Fieri at the at the media and on the b.b.c. Popular stating how can we do we'll have the Morsi Jeremy Corinna being treated the same way that Boris Johnson has been for the last 5 years he don't want Ok Ok and it's nothing to do with maybe a bit more clarity in Briggs's a bit more clarity on where the policy stood sensibly that's a fairly minor issue the all the people you've interviewed from those places where they voted Tory said that it was generally called in his character when you asked them why they said well if you are a supporter which he isn't but that's just the repeated media that he has actually take which is endlessly repeated in the media it's not true the media lawyers who do you want to lead now Richard sorry who should lead the Labor Party now I don't have no idea but that's up to them who would you like a new person to lead is a massive change in the media as well as the voting system we need a fair balanced media I'm taking up Boise space about charter is supposed to guarantee that but I'm afraid over the last 5 years on t.v. Shamelessly attacked during the course I have not as I've let you say that on the b.b.c. They're happy to do that but what I really I mean what I'm giving you the chance to say is do you want the soul of the Labor Party to go next I've no idea Ok boy I like to have a lady who is for the report all Russian interference in our elections to be released I have made you think somebody's been thanking me it's quite clear that the ball is located about why it was being delayed the same as he lied to the queen and a lot of the parliament you've made you made you could really see because recently that said and very interesting point. See when those papers will be released 37010444 before the election we were told soon soon now when there was soon means this is from somebody who calls themselves elite. Something Boris the prince of bricks it will be in power longer than fat and black. This one hand Dick says Boris is a One Nation tour like Superman was a priest that's right politician for the many not the few unlike the remaining rights the charms of big business and the elitists who insult the common man by marking his ex in the ballot box. That's have one more Stephanie says it'll be rather difficult for the Labor Party to rebuild and possibly change tack if the very people responsible for this election outcome are in charge of conducting that post-mortem into their election defeat Anna Pritchard is calling us from North Yorkshire from t.d. Not West Yorkshire just in West we know what we're getting every detail that matters right today and I facile Richard bathrooms Brewton you were North you west to look lovely to talk shit anyway and what did you want to tell us. Or how I guess perhaps it will save getting back in that sail but I feel great for 3 when Lee opposition parties were in the majority in parliament but they didn't take the opportunity to work together more either to suppress the customs union and I think that indicative vote got close but not quite over the line. I mean personally that would have been my 1st choice because I understand the point that you know we had a referendum that. There is a dent a Democratic argument that this you know people are more about the situation so we could have another vote. The opposition parties could have gone with that into if they had been able to agree on an interim leader who could put that into practice and it appears to me that. Everybody stuck to that best option and it was a gamble and that gamble was lost because in my opinion. You know there are still things to play for that a level playing field that people are talking about but you know in my opinion personally we're facing a harder Breck's it than I would've with you I think is necessary what about the argument that now that he has such a colossal majority or injunction he will not have to dance to the tune of the hardbacks details but he'll be able to do was we are told by some who know him is what he played which is something softer something a little more conciliatory something that works closely with Europe that I mean than that was said the argument was being presented before the election that so I'm pinning my hopes on I guess at the moment I think one of the 1st signs of whether he'll still be dancing to the to the algae. Except for and whether he really is a One Nation Tory will be whether he's moved on Rob and Tracy Purcell from those higher office is the states and has someone more inclusive I mean I think that was a lot for them pay for I respected in the Tory party who either left or who were Boris but I mean I suppose there's a big new intake that we we know they all signed up signed up to Boris's Dale but I'm hoping that really you know in their heart of hearts that they prefer something . Else then I guess you know that. I am and I need to hear that you are a man I can hear that from what you're saying but I'm not sure I would be happy with the so strictly I do understand that you know the referendum went one way and that serious issue traditionally where has your vote gone. The last few general elections I try to play my constituents think he's play. Conservative Labor marginal and our last m.p. Here in the community thousands and seem to feel a lot longer than that because as an individual he's he's very present He's very caring and very well loved and admired behind him but I have also said in other places or in European elections or other times that voted let them go clean as well right Ok I went with label it just it would labor for women because the labor collapse in the north as it's kind of one of the big stories of you know I. Should labor now look to to heal and to take the ground that has been lost the substantial grounds that has been lost in this election Well I I don't think it should be a London's another and probably not someone who is on the critically pushing for relaying. Lisa Landry. I respect. Phillips I think was was remains that I think she is she is someone who could bring people together and this is respected. Across the cocky and. Certainly has a huge charisma and impact was able to communicate well. Ok and I thank you so much from West Yorkshire for calling us this is from some cause in South backup boy on Twitter the election result is a demonstration of the bloody minded independent streak of the British people people want to see back to delivered control of immigration and an end to extreme political correctness another one here from Alan Smith who says you need to build a powerful left argument to combat the rampant capsule a society we live in idea is a required proper leadership David says no it is not a good day for democracy just look who was elected how on earth could these people vote for Johnson we are completely divided as a country and bigotry in xenophobia rule the land of shame on people who voted this way after show is calling us from can't tie alone there's a hell I often wanted you to share with us. I'm very depressed from where he was didn't go in. Thinking a long term breast I think in 2005 between the shooting started out really sold saying that we're going to leave the u. But we're going to leave the labor I mean I think another referendum or would do just enough for Jimmy worries remain that was just go on forever really so I really blame the remain the Labor Party I know is a remain a. Column and go because I don't think Obama the one why I think he was pushed that way really. See I mean that the kind of posts motion results as the election certainly seems to be that a lot of people didn't vote because of Jeremy Corbyn but you don't feel that way today. I think they probably did but I think Jeremy Corbin has been demonized like Richard you know I think Jeremy Colgan there's a great person that yes I mean he's a decent man is not a racist there's been the race and she racist all the people I think he was just demonize because the right wing didn't like his policies and socialist policies you know to say Jeremy Coburn is a racist just calling black white churches marginal and and now who should take that space do you think Arthur in the Labor Party leader you know I'm talking about leaving. Leader of the right because I thought I want to know who you think should be the leader of the Labor Party but also let's just extended about what should the Labor Party stand for now and the next well I don't think they should get rid of the policies the sanctions policies that they brought home so you were massively popular you know and I don't think that the left wing really if you can tell it's a Scandinavian countries you just middle of the road cauldron with its policies I think he's got to go now because I mean when he said he's going. No I really feel sorry for him is a great personally think for me that kind of who should come instead I mean you know looking at the field that you have to for we the people who won the people gotta hang on to their seats this time around who are this ill do you really like Arthur. Well I think race and then they are more elegant unless I mean she was drunk in some jeans from a leaf. Constituency I mean underwriting of grace Rebecca a very early I mean I would disagree lower a peacock as home but you lost their seats Jean brilliant or something great I think it should be able interesting probably I mean it doesn't make a lot of difference I think it should be really someone from the law you know what about Jess Phillips Her name's been mentioned a lot of people getting quite excited about her when you think about that to May. A shift to Right Wing she was against score against I think she's against the socialist policies are I wouldn't personally I wouldn't like to be Ok. After a very good talk to you thank you very much for time this one from somebody who calls themselves trot till you drop the Tories purged there remain M.P.'s who didn't get on board with supporting the referendum results Labor should have done exactly this I'm another one here I'm a Labor supporter and they say and Labour's loss is a blessing in disguise it's better Labor is not the government in power when the wheels come off this Bracks it bus and another one here I agree with Barry Gardiner Corbin has been vilified any leftwing leader would receive who would receive the same treatment by the press would suffer the same because a left wing agenda represents a threat to the rich and powerful truth is he's caring and compassionate and the other one him Martin Roberts is calling us from path and I. Oh I tell me where you were at before the election and where your thinking is now. Well I've been voting Ashanthi for so many years. Because in this particular constituency it's so razor marginal. And only the s.n.p. Could keep the Conservative party out. The reason I cooled was because about the staggering number of seats which went well for labor in the north of England. And it was I was shocked but really I shouldn't have been shocked because a few years ago the same sort of thing happened in Scotland only it wasn't the conservatives who took the Labor votes it was s.n.p. In Glasgow particularly which was solid solid labor and always had be. Fairly swiftly. The road is deserted Labor went over to Shelby So this is not a new phenomenon you know much of the bit to have now such a hold in Scotland now at this pivotal time when Bracks it is having Yeah when when Bracks is actually now here on the horizon and we're told that things are going to start moving in earnest by the end of January what is the fate of the Union what is the face of fact connection that Scotland has to the union. Who knows I think a person to direct friend about independence it's probably it's doubtful if if it would be a vote again but in a year or two's time quite possibly it could it could be voted. Right Ok thank you very much Phew move your thoughts on Twitter Surely this general election was in effect the 2nd referendum is so many anti democratic remain as have been using delaying tactics for and even pestering for since the referendum was actually one society Don and other one here who calls themselves random Gildersleeve Esquire said field itself in parts of county Dharma affluent but Will Johnson visit the places that have really struggling maybe some of the labor ways was the biased media and press but also the Labor party found to get across their policies and a 2nd of a Chris Pickering is calling us from Leeds hello oh I can I kiss and an little bit tells me that you are actually somebody who works really hard before the election to get your mic open in tell me what happened I certainly did yes so that campaigning and deliberately set knocking on doors a lot of time on their time to get the vote but of course I heard what a lot of papers on the doorstep I've been and I saw my party year capos Jeremy call them and I think it's very unfair hard to believe about sending him back I think it's very unfair. How did the focus to take. I think the Labor Party do need to peerage affection but what I worry about is that the people are going to be joining the selection of momentum and that there's this belief that the membership of the Labor Party are reflected in elect when clearly help campaigning and talking to people on the street that's not the case that general or lecture did not buy the policies it was to the left it was too much it was too far fetched the right wing made it didn't help if we've already heard all of that but I do think there's a lot that I party could have done to appeal to moderates like May couldn't swallow but totally left wing agenda. Still very sorry that the Labor Party of so to say about Tony Blair and all the good things that happened under his leadership and that not forget that he won the election he was in power he was still able to bring about good things and child poverty sure star and so on you can't do those things if you're in opposition you have to have power and have power you have to win over the electorate did you hear it's kind of a much repeated clip sustain a man's Alan Jones and facing John landsman in a studio I think it was i.t.n. Ron is talking about momentum saying that momentum has been the absolute problem in this and that he wanted them out he wanted them out of the policy completely because they were the ones to blame 1st would you think that could ever happen and secondly would lead now and who would actually take the vacuum that is left and take the Labor Party somewhere where you would like to see getting. An answer to your 1st question no I don't think that many of them can be banished from the Labor Party sadly but you know we live in democratic times and everybody has a voice don't. So it's up to moderates like made to persist in saying you don't speak for me there are other people who you don't represent so it's up to people who oppose them and to make the choice so I think that. So Crystal a vacuum I don't know of this have a paper if it was on the ballot papers the next later I will be spoilt for choice to say worst case Dharma just elected a pro Harry bet on the ballot paper I would struggle to know which one to vote and they're all remain how they were tainted with remain and they will sort of yesterday's news now. Possibly so possibly have just that and focus living in the pot Oh no that's not what I'm that's what I'm saying it was just it's a Christian q. Very much a holistic couple more of these and then we'll talk about the union the face of the Union we've already had somebody a friend ring up from Paris talking about the strength of the s.n.p. And although he thinks that if there was a referendum today it may not pay for independents that give it I think he said a couple of months and we'll see where we go Michael Potter do they want to talk about the general election result which way did you vote this time I rode conservative this stuff on right and have you always been a conservative Michael you know I've always voted live there are into the 2017 election right Ok so you are from more action so you are part of that red wall that we've heard so much talk of the moment what made you change this time around Marco basically because the more local M.P.'s opposition the Bracks it all voted for leave in 26 the. They stood on a mandate to leave on the 29th of March this year and I'm sure the back of that they shouldn't vote against it because the basic thing is that when we leave we leave whether it's a soft or out wrecks it will be decided after might be over the next 203040 years but it's not my generation that's going to benefit from it all it's going to be the generations down the line the ones that can choose or pick or choose where they want to adopt the rules in India or the Australian or or wherever in the world they want to adopt the laws from they can adopt I have got to pick and choose from and of them the title 2 times 3 here I know we've got the power of the rich. The stuff talk or whatever Think of praise that wrong he wants of. He basically wants the European Union but opposes America China. Ever arose in the world these things doesn't agree with you know I want to you know go on and want your opinion is I want globalization if we're going to change anything we need to do it from the top. And I don't mean from Westminster all from Brussels day of it was 'd mainly from you know the. Unicef than un got some issues about the maid to salaries Eunice found a good deal as it was just just very very quickly just and because it got old school so we could get through. Boris Johnson speaking today said he was talking directly to people like you Marco he was saying this and I know what it takes to change loyalties especially when they're tribal and they're deep rooted and I'm grateful and I'm going to look after you do you think he's going to look after you Michael on not sure on that. You know Blair was going to rubber 2005. Bricks that referendum it never happened if Blair had been in the know about just another part of this is quite important because it is now the future this is what we're living up to 5 years and you said you know sort of quite lightly I'm not sure. What it's like going to be like all the next election politicians get elected. And you know I read the Constitution of the Libre party why back in 96 these 364 time when the 64 general election was coming up or weren't even old enough to vote I wasn't even expecting the vote to them 21 all right Ok Ok Michael listen thank you very much for your call this is from Linda He says seriously wearing a threat to democracy people refuse to accept the results of a general election M.P.'s from all parties stop it from figures luvvies in the off the mainstream media who are. Fuz to accept and implement the results of the referendum have set a dangerous precedent the media getting in the neck from both directions today Anita the next Labor leader should be David Lammy or Jess Phillips writes this correspondent somebody's not associated with the disastrous Corbin or Miliband experiments Corbin's pusillanimous and delusional responses to defeat proves he is not cut out for this kind of thing let's take one more on this piece and Nathan calling in Cheshire and the 1st person to ring up about the Liberal Democrats. Pisa Hey good afternoon. Oh p.c. Can we protect you up some up with some money in the meter can't hear peace and try again can you hear me now oh yes Peter to unite taken us off mute What did you want to tell us Pisa. You know as I won't tire of the door on Thursday I hadn't a clue who to vote for and I was almost at the point of putting none of the above on the ballot paper I even asked the person in the polling booth if I put a cross and put a little explanation she said no that will be a spoiled paper but I did end up voting Liberal Democrats but I do feel sorry for to reason Manoel this because with the oven ready analysis I think all Boris Johnson deal is is her deal with a tiny bit of stuffing I don't think there's that much more in his day Lynn has to be honest. I felt that the Labor Party lost it because they they just had a bottomless pit of money to throw at these proposals some of which were fine but there's a magic money for is needed to pay for them and I don't think it wasn't just a question of robbing the rich to give to the poor because even Jeremy Corbin out method that some of those policies were going to involve having to hit so the middle income and some of the poor people's pockets as well and I also feel sorry for Joe Swinson Yeah and I didn't like the way Nicholas sturgeon reacted she kind of deserves it and she's also on Russell vantage of that this morning and I was quiet told by the what do you think the party that loses its leader like this and does as badly in an era as time or when the country will say divided I believe it remains but loss leaders before you know the rally back but they didn't get anything like the amount of votes I think they were proposing at the beginning of the election and they lost a safe and then fortunately law they lost the one seat that was that lever but also going back to the Scotland issue what happens then now if they go independent in Scotland what for example does the b.b.c. Do because they the British Broadcasting Corporation do they broadcast to Scotland if Scotland go into I mean guess what. As he does this kind of cycle but let's talk about Con there Peter thanks for taking us into the you know that's a good way to go now because what people like fickle what does happen to the union now because if you if you say look you know the election is an articulation of what people want of Scotland or you know the National Party did very very well the film very very strongly stood more strongly than most people so they minds Aric never track is calling us from Perth hell a film Hi Eric what did you want to tell us the world I represent the European citizens living in Scotland What do you mean what do you mean you represent them you're part of a body or you're just one of them are no longer sort of you know you used to speak to your friends you go had opinions and opinion seems to be prevailing. And out now we would support Scottish independence which we did in the during 2014 and the main reason was because we were like you know we were told. You leave United Kingdom means to leave European Union you know 5 years later we are getting the get out of European Union against our will and Scottish people's will. And now you know we're facing even harder drugs in the way that we ever hoped for when you when you say we do you mean we as in we Scots or we. I mean it's it's you know the discourse as well I mean the people that made the night scope on the 2nd home as well as Are you worried about your future and not know they are helping you know really even Scotland so we should be fighting you know there is quite a lot of old voices from Scottish people saying that they're that not gonna let us to come to come to any harm however if you know that I have friends of Polish people who live south of the border who live in England yes what are they saying to Eric and scum prickly it's it is different you know they don't feel feel as welcome as they used to. The recruiting quite a lot of effort to build their homes their underrated really contribute to the local locally total economy and you know they're not feeling. Very welcome and they're Ok All right thank you very much for calling in thank you for having the best stocks and I will hear today that police call shots and this is an e-mail from John Cox good day for democracy of course it's a good day for democracy the populist one that's supposed to happen in a democracy says Jack and democracy by definition is a system where the most popular candidate is when anyone who resists that what populist is a put down is clearly not a Democrat Frank has promised a Boris Johnson to thank who who by not of a single spoiling their votes helps this party on the brakes it cause failing to vote does not mean you're not responsible for this result it just means you did nothing to stop it the Tory right wing is calling us from Omar Hello Victoria Hello hi What did you make of the results. I was appalled by it here in the north of Ireland we are helpless in terms of focal conservative for labor so therefore we depend on immigration by the chill Scottish They have poker should say have you know some foresight some. Understanding of the consequences of their approach. And if there was a I know I was never for United Ireland if there was a referendum in the morning I would spoke for a united Ireland we had a huge change and so appalled how many people think like you do this morning Victoria or liable to talk around among my friends they are from various backgrounds so I'm getting in as some moderate some more explaining they would all be of the. Belief that we will for the north the correct thing will be a disaster we have so we're going there ever by day and we feel like voters. Here in the north. Our help terrible for example is on the telly for years with all of us and there's just a fight going on that hasn't really been reported in the national press. In no way that when it comes right as registering the choice of exhaust thank you very much a call from Russ he's calling us from Bangor also Norman and Victoria says that's it that's it and goodnight That's it for the union. She thinks that people will now vote for United Ireland is the to us one of the few that I'll see in my last time she's right if you ask all my friends and family hey are are in English and so our American immigrant parents are rich woman but I think it's where the best parts of the Union right that if you disagree to call it will be fantastic. I think the representation of Northern Ireland by the deeply is a bit of polling in the last 3 or 4 years that made us look backward stupid religious and none of that happens on in the alliance when you walk down area which is a light coming on in Northern Ireland that shows that there is progress these middle order people. But I agree I think the last caller was right I think you're already got it in our lifetime big as the people in Northern Ireland are moderates by our beautiful people on I'm proud to live here is an Englishman thank you very much for us you call David Wain's is calling us from Somerset Hello David hello Kalimantan a high and good afternoon to you 1st what happened did you see much of a caprice mark in this election because I didn't see much of what is your next constituency to May so I didn't see anything of interest in the wells constituency on the well thank you thanks David David but you weren't talking about some of that say want to pass comment is out there well I thought you got a lot of fund of common sense or if Liam Halligan is not a politician but when he appeared on the program I was impressed he's a chair for that in the party with yeah Yes well he pointed out that the contrary to what Nicholas that you would have people believe the s.n.p. Only got $45.00. Absent of the total vote and 55 percent The vote was against her so really the case that she makes for there being another referendum isn't made out in fact the votes are the same as in the 2014 Scottish referendum I mean she also implies that the Westminster government's got no role in preventing another referendum or controlling it I think she's wrong there because the Westminster government governs for the whole country and is a governing for the 55 percent of Scottish voters who did not vote for the s.n.p. And if there is to be another referendum Surely everybody in Scotland are entitled to see and understand exactly how breaks it pans out why they made such a decision stay with the status at the You think look don't panic that you know the s.n.p. Is making more noise and have muscle Let's talk in Moscow when his colleagues from Aberdeen Sunday and allowed to hear David just say look you know they actually didn't want to I don't agree with him at all till today the tell him what do you think he's wrong. I think you need to live in Scotland don't realise how ignored people in scope feel. If you want to understand what has happened to the with the s.n.p. Sweeping the board it's very much like the English feel about the e.u. Scots feel about England so it's like they don't feel in control of what happens to them Do you think definitely there was a chance to choose tomorrow yeah I'm not sure no I'm not sure I mean I voted to remain with England in 2014 and I've changed my mind and I know a lot of other people who change their minds it's not uncommon to hear people changing their mind but I'm still not sure that if there was a referendum tomorrow the. Separatists would win they might but it wouldn't be I think if you want to make major constitutional changes. It should be more than 50 percent and I think that really the one string with us coming out of the e.u. Is now let David come again maybe in a 60 percent Ok yes I agree I agree with that when I was speaking to your research earlier I mean I think the one thing we've learned from the referendum is that 5149 split it a very bad highly divided perhaps it really is about is referendum they don't want to pay for say 60 percent fall before such a major event took place. You know as well if you're going to do that we suggest that we better rethink the referendum as well and I'm just I'm just thinking it is and if even voted in the in Scotland and they've been ignored. Will they did on the issue just feeling ignored David did you hear instead he said Yeah I mean I know Scotland quite well I missed out on very frequent and got lots of Scottish friends and acquaintances I don't understand the political situation in Scotland but at the figures I gave earlier in Liam Halligan gave on the programme are absolutely right if if the s.n.p. Only got 45 percent of the vote the case for a new rest Scottish referendum now is not made out now I'm not against one of some point in the future I just think the Scottish people should understand the enormous costs of it it is hugely expensive and I was involved in Lithuania when Lithuania was trying to get into the if you look at the code uses from Scotland to the to the budget 150000000000 come into the u.k. Budget go Joy will we at the moment I have to look at 150 years of planning to make the anyone into a motorway more have we got a single carriageway between you called in this go to tens let me just let me just bring another voice I mean seriously going to have a say in with speaking from from Aberdeen Thank you call David to Somerset and Nigel and you gave us concern Glasgow Hello hello hi Ok So look we've had 2 people one who's very confident that look the union is intact another one saying I've changed my mind and I'm not sure how it's going to go do you think. Well I'm positive that start to move be independent in not necessarily in my lifetime time 87 but certainly in the near future because Home Rule has been around since 1913 there was a whole Scottish Home Rule Bill brought before Westminster and was only stopped by the 1st World War My father 'd started a party in 9 there early 1930 s. Called the Scots party at the same time there's another party has gotten called the National Party of Scotland and in the forty's or early fifty's the to merge. To become the s. And p. Ok so so there's a history to this but is there a future for there is a real question right now or a future for Scott and a future for Scotland out of the Union is that the way why use a candle immensely and why are you so sure about the way perhaps you do need to look at the small independent flexible countries there are in Europe already and how how they are doing look at Denmark look at Norway you know we have a sovereign fund which has an amp menso mounds of money we are the only country which developed or discovered oil off its coast and if poverty in poverty Ok no well fun Ok all right Nigel thank you very much and is it when we call another Scottish voice this afternoon Philip Mendelssohn you might be our last Also Corey calling from Gaffney what do you want to say but I just think you know I'm so much in with a sport you know she's only got 45 percent nickel and she's banging on that she's got a man in the. Ira And if you look at the Scottish ones get lucky with one Labor m.p. Left in Scotland that's because the s.n.p. Have called the sort of square use of a social democratic party has got one pitted you very familiar with who did you very very devoted liberal Democrat cards and what any of the mean parties were the earliest reasons I'm Jewish so Labor Party wasn't on my agenda and they just got worse and worse that they got more and more marxist money to your gender Ok All right Philip thank you very much thank you have to be our last caller thank you very much for all of your thoughts we're back same time next week till then any answers as presented by Anita Anand and produced by Mary Divine 3 sisters re was written and directed by Polly Thomas and Jenny series a radical reworking of checkoff and it's here on b.b.c. Radio 4 next. 5 short stories read by gratis khaki suppose a motorist deliberately left a dozen clues on b.b.c. Radio 4 extra a week of stories by the crime writer Patricia Highsmith I feel as if a lot of other people were inside me besides myself deep rooted psychological drama from the author of The Talented Mr Ripley husband kills old rival in love after 17 years isn't it the torch still burns high gratis khaki reads short works by Patricia Highsmith this Monday to Friday at 6 pm and midnight on b.b.c. Radio 4 extra Now it's time for 3 sisters rewired a robust modern interpretation of Chekhov's classic drama by Polly Thomas. Set on a remote Yorkshire farm sisters live here Maisie and iris are all deaf and longing for a different life today is irises 20th birthday and the guests eagerly awaited. Hi it's me but every best friend took one hit for the looking one vs soon be buried at one years to my birth and death cocktails being cocked tails I won yes in 19 yes it's my 20 past and today as you see I'm doing it best to. Take. And nothing could tighten my absolute doesn't want Sorry I need to stick something else in the last. Part to not want to and want ponder I don't come say hi I hope. It's me the housekeeper Hello you all I'll cooking lunch with dull from was potatoes Iris is helping I know you don't and eat to mess amazing me and not most iris that changed now please white to you see much are so good for my chance to shop. It come up to be young white on white east just go really do my hair we can do proper teach you have to do has stuff lope. I need to think about this Ok you're not light years to people really was a close call big fan base that there London this London has got nothing better to do they're all here yet to know that their wrist thought Oh I'm glad even in the buckle lucky beyond. Is not the back of beyond it's very innocent chilly summer. You will come to London me please point with ropes of just in London why London the Mecca just go gold I'm going. To have to. Mess up my hair my night. Off to fight. Through. Do you think should my care. And if. Not do you think I respond like this. Ok play it again. He loves top see. Let them cut the kite. Started to take a class he did he went and shucked paid the. Facit drank. Anything to help this mocking. If that address you got from the charity shop or you know we do my turnouts it's a new pin with victim it left chuck the cousin. So it. We were just talking about that it won't die out open the window the room stinks of near foreign ish. Open the window please wouldn't go amiss. We need to decide what to do with Daddy dashes not this again we already agreed so I'm here so the parks are not in London with Mom Now if how did that interview go you have not said anything to it spent it why can't we just stand up and guys only it was that simple we can have a proper look around when we go down to scatter the ashes. Mr. 2 darling Magnes you have no idea it is good or bad dear. Why is he both or any something more that counts now if you need a hobby a hobby mocking lesson planning timetable and musket and knit read to all those bloody girls I am used to that. Why do you need a stamps I'm a good look leader the girls would take more notice of the interpreter than the Rickman homeowner has happened not the Russian city south What time is everyone arriving Why is no one here yet here when they get here that is Angus with her face not PSNI can you do 2nd quote give us the. Oh I still she got a face like us not asked I just think to much and not a fan but I think she might be good fungus is he ever going to become Professor you can take her to London and she will leave her family so you don't bring not gonna happen I'm off Beatrice is not well my darling beautiful sister how are they not baby may you see Abi back and they took my cake a while so the whole dinner for me she laughed those count more than one that's for the can do else do you both some good to a nest meet girls I guess a arrived Captain Fraser a lieutenant Whittaker General Thomas Victoria b. You have a good memory. I know isn't it Oh it's oh dear oh sorry about that. Iris is for Iris how sweet you spoil me show and can you take peace come dear Would everyone like to come here to the summary of the drinks breast high sorry i'm What did you get me it's a surprise I love surprises well come to get you all and drank all the f.l. Love Welcome to my past in lunch made by my own fair hands. And this come on to me. Can be a case time I take the most about ya girl yeah yeah any girls come on oh. My stuff to you coming. Up by your outlook. Thomas I don't know. Well maybe you. Should be like Suppose a birthday toast happiest birthday to the loveliest bit they go too far it's so your iris my surprise I need to get itself it's all in the timing so do you Victoria it's been a good few years is. Probably no major language passed last year yes i did i was soo sorry to hear of it and you remember my 3 gals Well they're not mine but I love them tolerate the light meal I received she said turning right nice to meet you Olivia Welcome to. Maisie. Pleased to meet you. I will pretend I didn't hear that I'll be in the kitchen if you need me Dennis Lillee ready sure the time I need you help me set up top car technology but I need to sell. It cuts out and I really need to How about your new here Thomas Victoria you remember me. Have we met we haven't met. How years ago London it was your father who encouraged me to join the army. I used to visit your house in Stoke Newington but media. That's right color Thomas Victoria please and remember you now how lovely to see you again I have very fond memories of your house I have it in London last month statement train not all of it for the best homeless people at the raw it's a complex city full of contradictions but I do love it stir bloody spent in a coffee and across the board pound a staggering how many coffee and brush up and looming in the cut. And maze get the ipad on the tube with your credit card yes if you have contact us I wasn't sure what that meant to be honest I've got to know if that. Was part of the you from I live in a leafy looking for a drop in London oh it's not an easy a sizeable trying to sort the wife I am going with her How does one get the one I might branch out you know tip the language last Jan and the b d cocktail lung just keep markets making national brand not just for the Yorkshire posh it's in your past to keep you fat and water to work to be as free as a bird to do whatever I want I list it's not us them I rest my darling did you say work you sleep till noon and then fritter away the day flogging Livy can you come in give me a hand back down it's called for low gain. I mark these own lines and do all the local deliveries see the public face on the far. And and you I do callous. Sorry and the path of the animals easier that people don't also back exactly I hate this study found that vocal all today been don't help either I'm 20 it's the perfect time to start my life in London you know what I woke up this morning and for the 1st time in ages I woke up feeling happy more champagne Thank you my 21st will be in London London we can't leave me alone is full of young entrepreneurs you'll be brilliant there she's brilliant Now this one visit us leave this. Time you can keep Maisie and Kevin company he's fall too old to change and boring here is boring so. More something my mother still lives in bronze she would love you ours we can go dancing do you don't. Write a law school so I was surprised then. Here to see Thank you. He has a point you know there would be so much more opportunity for Iris in London she's young it must be tough on her only having the barracks for entertainment we were all news that if we didn't have your boys I was love to test. The hell me out when I go to a slaughter house I me when they're off duty I would have on them to get in trouble no no it's fine they're supposed to support the local community I'm glad they're making themselves useful. Tyra is like lovesick Poppy Iris based on the briefest encounter I cannot imagine Iris as an Army wife she's just for any Him All I have told him we can't tell the young anything. He'll find out the hard way there will be here. She seems young for a 20 year old. Some of the things my boys have seen by that age things you wouldn't wish on anyone do you join your work I love it I get to travel meet new people and it's an order to serve my country. It's your home in the Army how do you. Know my ring. Is well he has quite severe p.t.s.d. I can only leave London when he's stable. Do you ever come so I can leave the couse now it's only 5 hours by train the world is getting smaller No one has to stay put . Kevin can take care of the crowds campaign your brother. Tyrone said you have a brother and I was mentioned Kev It is my home and. This of course it it's Angus is your brother there is no point where even cows and Norma. I'm sorry. Dopey he's a housemaster I can see his home most Sundays based tie but most of the time I haven't got a clue why he said. I marry a. I did. If the military teaches you one thing it's to speak clearly and with authority but we're now in motion to generalize. Major at work and at home he loves us and he's our way he idolized your gods when Iran's. Book was working. Day you. They do you. Relate it is. Alright to use a belief sign Darlene broke you tell you not slave Angus taught me did I get your name sign right you do try doing this job or. Tory was nice this is been a wild goose use a girl over to see you again welcome welcome this is my girlfriend I know they were everyone iris a gift from the man he asked me what was your favorite cake and I said shocked that it is not what chocolate cake. Sure Claire. Can I. Be sure John o.c.s. Tricks the professor in the book since the last time I saw you separate or begin to do in my spare time go only what's your subject Kuai says. This my Ph d. Is in cartoonist philosophy Vic and standard papers on quietism if I got that right news it to my ears but my honest someone who understands crisis was a universal metaphor for this. She would have to put up with I am more than happy to share my latest research in the juxtapositions of picking science theory if not better than I and I don't want to talk about your bloody ph d. It would be a privilege it's been a long time since I nest you give me a job when you become a professor I can be your 2nd Terry I've got a lofty hand writing 3 and 00 becoming a professor won't know why wall to wall. A f. In my town and she's just winding you up sorry I was just trying every day going to perfectly well when she wants to which is really when I'm talking neat it is happening but I will not sleep shall we take a turn in the garden I'd love to. The bone thing really having come in time given the fact things beautiful handwriting. Alexa play Budapest my dog just wrote . Her. Alexa I tried to set it up for you when connected to the computer you can ask Alexa everytime you want a different song for your blog you don't have to text me just ask Alexa I wanna know about 10 songs she's got millions own and she just amazing toy and looks I can still tell everything are you not Cecile profer let me go. Functional. Crate time it is calf He says he's present in the desk. Deep in helping a brief history of time you are giving me because Alexa Stephen Hawking Stephen Hawking is professor of astrophysics not so clever she is did you know that sorry it's a good book for you to try I'll help you with the big words of ready source of men do you want it. Whatever a nice open air raid is something be you always done. Darling are Reese Happy Birthday. Dear Colby. Love Kevin meds sana in corpore sano Alexa what just me so good for Troy mens sana in corpore sano a healthy mind in a healthy body. Inspired present time she said a filthy mind keeps a body healthy. Sorry she said a healthy mind in a healthy body a good note to your martyr my is to get rid of the days and have the cult or die because they were American the curry be your best at the instinct of Big Bang. This is all about God. Trouble in paradise just to love us to really could you see them from here through the window. Oh yeah I say. Right now I want to go home. Go home yet I said it's just not the done thing I don't care if it's the done thing you. Should we be doing this it looks private Can you read the lips now not quite I was coming and there was this it. Not just told you.