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Because there are constitutional implications here when I'm joined now by the use of who's the cabinet secretary for justice in the Scottish government under Nicolas sturgeon Good morning to you. Could even wealth but just in the morning anyway let's not argue about that and also let's not argue about the number of seats precisely that you're going to get but it's it's pretty well agreed on all sides that you're going to increase that number tonight in one way or another what difference do you think that makes in the argument that will ensue with we assume the majority Conservative government about a 2nd independence referendum. First things 1st you know let's not argue that this is an exit poll. Result in terms of what it means the 1st minister could nor has been cleared her throat this election campaign what this election was about of course it was about stopping breaks it was a very knocking number 10 if we could work with other progressive parties to do so but importantly of course independence in the late for Scotland to choose their own futures front and high and same terms of this general election campaign the mandate that we already had for the independence referendum has no just been strengthened will understand the case and it's a familiar one that you've made the interesting question is this for people who don't follow these things because they don't live in Scotland very closely under the evolution settlement what's known as a Section 30 order has to be applied for from Westminster which has the power to refuse under the settlement it was agreed in 1970 now where Boris Johnson in the 1st instance to say no I don't believe this is justified and it appears that that is his preferred response to you how do you then proceed I mean I know they'll be a lot of huffing and puffing but do you try at some point as a party to initiate a referendum just off your own bat a unilateral one city points to make on the fast and foremost I think it's important. To stress once again that it is normal for a conservative prime minister anyways Minister government to dictate when a Scottish independence referendum should take place and I know you understand I knew it was certainly legislation your 2nd point and the 2nd point is this and I could not be Farmar about it nobody in the Scottish National Party is talking about an indicative referendum in 2014 behind a gold standard for a referendum and you had look to governments that were diametrically opposed in their position and independents come together in the table extensible Adams and agree what that legal gold standard referendum should like should be the standard this applied for the referendum in 2020 as I said Boris Johnson tangent and simply denies the mandate of the Scottish people look at I can tell you know for a fact that the support for independence will rocket not the use of member of the Scottish Government Cabinet thanks very much we can now go to and of course an important place to be right now and speak to all reporter Nick Robinson Nick in terms of Jeremy Corbin land Emily Thornberry land what's the latest word on the street because on Twitter it's trending care Starmer and Jess Phillips as potential replacements That's right everybody is simply waiting to see where Mr Coburn arrives here we're not expecting him for a couple of hours yet whether when he declares and says thank you very much for electing me is local m.p. Again but I've lost the election does he also say I'm standing down as Labor leader I did his only clear he'll do that today but it is very like he'll do it in the days to come and the expectation on both the left and the rights of the Labor Party is that within days Joe McDonald be acting the leader of the Labor Party why because remember the deputy leader the elected leader Tom Watson has stood down and didn't run in this election now why it matters that McDonnell takes over is that would allow him to lead. The full leadership contest with the agreement of Labor's national executive committee for potentially months in the hope that strong candidates of the left can come through people like Rebecca long Bailey a people like Laura Pitt Koch If that is lower pickpockets still an m.p. Because what extraordinary rumor a day more than a rumor at this stage but it's wood from Durham North East she might not hang on as poles of that sweep of Tory support that is going through the northeast of England at the moment but I think you'll seeing already from interviews you're having on the programme this battle of blame do you blame bricks it for Labour's words or do you blame Corbett and in the last few minutes one of the 1st M.B.A.'s to say in public what so many same private Ian Murray former Labor m.p. For Adam Rozelle who knows he may be and be again in the next year has tweeted every door I knocked door and my team and I spoke 211000 people mentioned Corbett not Brick City said but Corbett that's the route that's down taking place Nick Robinson thank you we're going to go to Wrexham and Shelley Phelps Now Shelley what's happening in Wrexham after a Labor seat for decades and decades I mean since the thirty's Yes exactly labor have held this seat since before World War 2 And there's also another seat counting here clearly itself that's also been since $1007.00 when it was created in the Tories take that they would be making history now this still counting in verifying the votes just looking out in front of me the counting of us both to look up at people in a festive jump has got you out sometimes have labor faces are looking very tense contrast that with the conservatives who are looking pretty cheery and they're very merry wandering around in the us now chatting to labor they tell me that despite what the exit poll is saying for sure it's out and Wrexham they've been kind of looking at the. Doing a bit of their own sampling and counting up how they think they're doing they tell me at the moment they think they're doing better than the exit polls said here in Wales they say that they think that they will hold on to clear itself but it's looking very difficult difficult in Wrexham and as they might be lost in Wales. And a critically remain party their policy is slightly different to the National Party and they say that here they think that's been a success for them because they've managed to squeeze the Lib Dems a lower and so they think that's helped them talking to the Bracks it Party Now interestingly they said they feel that they've taken quite a lot of states from labor but less from the conservatives say labor at the moment saying things are looking a little bit better if the for them here the exit poll is saying but they accept that it's a really challenging night Sheli thanks very much will be back when we get a result and just to mention one that comes to Sunderland Central a bit of held it but the majority which has gone down from just about 10000 to under 3000 Juliet Julie Elliott reelected there yes let's pick up on that point with Phil would want to say we've actually had 2 seats we have Newcastle upon Tyne East which is Nick Brown being returned and son central they're both slightly better for labor than the exit polls like he was the cause of his next well but neither were expected to go on the basis of example the other thing that is worth saying about the 5 seats we've had so far as the turnout is down in 4 the 5 that we've had so far which may surprise some people who'd read on social media earlier and seen a lot of fuss about huge queues at polling stations I was really a very high turnout election which it may still turn out to be was it may be that there are high turnout in some seats but of the 5 so far turnout is down in 4 of them Ok interesting Ross want to bring in the Bill Wilson in field Labor's seat as was Tony Blair's seeders was say for the Labor leadership of laying bricks if the result was mendacious nonsense Jeremy Corbin's leadership was a bigger problem has been the last 5 weeks have gone round in circles these constituencies talking to him talk. In talking to people and you are cautious as a reporter I might use exaggeration the people I happen to meet but again and again and again Labor constituencies you mention Jeremy Corbin's name and you've got a tirade of abuse much of which you couldn't broadcast and clearly that has been a significant element of how the seeds have played out well let's bring in now Margaret Hodge of course Labor candidate Good evening. Your reaction then to Labor's what could be the worst result since 935 who do you blame what kind of before I pay individuals and get involved in that I think I'm thinking about my community tonight there are 6000 homeless people in Barking and Dagenham in the last 6 months the Council of had to hand over a 1000 emergency parcels from the town hall and these are the very people in whose name the labor purports to be interested and I just think we've got to stop playing the Labor leadership has got to stop playing politics with people's lives what do you mean by that because of course we've we would have and will have throughout the noise people saying there was all that wrapped up in our amazing manifesto What are you talking about when you say playing politics Well I think you know what I heard John Donald's interview after the exit poll came out and of course we want to still talking a little it's early in the night thing it might change but it looks as if it's it's coming true and he tried to blame bricks and I think what the election is showing in a way that I hadn't even imagined is a really fundamental rejection not just of Jeremy Corbin But of course of his team of everything that he stood for the Labor heartlands appear to have fundamentally rejected or of that and the people who've always supported labor always supported anybody can use the name the Labor Party exists have said very clearly this is not for us we don't trust it. Do you regret staying a Labor candidate you of course of been very outspoken about the party's issue that he Semitism. No I've always said that I want to fight. In the. Bill actually. Going To Do you feel like you've won tonight. You know going back to going back to the people in Daraa I haven't won I'm sorry I wasn't bringing it back to those people and I really don't want to draw them into my question what I was also know is it's over it's a fine of Ireland there you just sorry I accept that and we'll find out the results of your count shortly I'm sure but the point that I'm trying to make is you said you want to fight for the soul of the Labor Party on your that particular point alone you've won your argument. Not in a way that I would have wanted Emma I haven't wanted in the way I want I think has been fundamental rejection of course as you asked me what. I think the part that was incredible economics believed in this scattering of promises like confetti. Irony is that would defeat because we can't carry out policies that people do care but I don't think they've been trusted on national security I think there is not just in this in the Labor Party in the anti semitism that nastiness and I hope now that I can be part of the rebuilding of labor that we can we do become a credible party again people in politics to gain power to use that power for the values in which they belief and I still want to be part of that argument Margaret Hodge thank you very much for your time this evening and no quarter past 12 let's talk to another bit of the opposition the co-leader the Green Party Jonathan Bartley is in studio with us one seat in the last Parliament of course breaking Pavillion Cullen Lucas you confident that that will remain in your column Yes I believe and we must get that over with I don't think it's one that anybody was expecting to go. There's a very interesting question lurking under all the discussions we've been beginning to have over the last hour and a half Jonathan and it's this that there's really a big question for all the opposition parties now after this if if the picture that is beginning to take shape is the same in the morning as it appears to be the Labor Party will be consumed by internal divisions but it will also have to look forward to how it behaves as an opposition in the House of Commons and to some extent although your strength isn't in the you'll be part of that you know how do you see it yeah I mean I think that the sort of things we need to take from this one as long as Labor doesn't embrace electoral reform it's just going to be lining up the next Conservative Government needs to make an unequivocal commitment to work constructively with other parties in the form of the voting system is part of that . Secondly I want to make clear we didn't vote for this general election we were very very clear that we were worried this was going to happen we warned about it Caroline voted against thirdly we reached out to labor and the other parties No we did this is going to arrangement with the Liberal Democrat Yes and I will see what happens tonight and how that impacts that you know we take votes off conservatives as well as labor and you know we can play a very important part in any kind of progressive movement but we need to recognise that the conservatives want to have this big majority in the House of Commons to drive through what I think is still a terrible deal for the whole country but with less than 50 percent of the vote you know they have they will get my food Steve 43 I'm not sure what the exact projection is but but they are going to have a big majority that without taking off the country with them but from your perspective there's another point here Boris Johnson is paying to argue but he frequently that you can say all sorts of things about him but he says I am a green politician I believe in cleaning up the planet I believe in planting trees I I do think that is a climate emergency he might not use that phrase but he or do you think there's something in not a michael girl who was in the studio a little earlier when he was that environment a lot of the greenest people in the land thought my goodness this guy is a good good cabinet minister do you suspect that out of this might come something that you don't find as awful as you perhaps he said during the campaign you know I think this is a very very bad night for the climate and for the environment and I'm very clear and my entire party believes that and I think most environmental N.G.O.s believe that campaigners on these issues believe that the record of the conservatives and the Boris Johnson has been abysmal when we see what they've done to feed in tariff for solar when they've put blocks on shore wind when they're looking to build more roads when they're looking at the devastated countryside presumably still with h.s.t. Will say will be tragic. And to stop that you know the fossil fuel subsidies and now we are going to see if this deal goes through I think a race to the bottom and that of course we don't have the cliff edge breaks that which is still potentially there if the trade deal can't negotiate in that ridiculous time frame that the prime minister thinks he can get it through and I think it's looking incredibly bleak for the country not just in terms of rampant inequality which is not going to be addressed but also the climate emergency which I can't see us making any progress on but we will be that fighting in Parliament to hold that this government's feet to the fire on every single one of those issues Jonathan Bartley called leader of the Green Party thank you let's now welcome to our studio cynical a son of course conservative m.p. From it Sussex and so having the whip removed when he voted against the government he's not standing in this election you are a free agent as it were to our election giving him it seems that the country doesn't share could I put it like this your disdain for Boris Johnson I don't have disdain for words just another fundamental disagreement with the New Deal which I believe to be. Fundamentally damaging to the interests of my country and I felt that with a number of other colleagues that that point had to be pressed. I'm glad to say you know Barr is very kindly and I was grateful to him to give me the whip back I didn't want to leave as a member of parliament after 45 years as a member of the Conservative Party in 36 as a member of parliament. I wanted to leave on good terms with my party but I want to say this what Boris Johnson has achieved tonight whether people agree or disagree with him is a earthquake in British politics and he has created tonight actually a new one nation Tory party from the far north it will be through the middle that's right the way through the country he has created a One Nation Tory party and he is a one nation do you fear hard because of course that's where your disagreement was I know it was about no deal specifically but of course Boris Johnson's Prexy is now well he's going to happen it seems I think it's likely that Boris Johnson's Bracks it is likely to be a softer breaks it frankly with a large majority the would otherwise have been the case and I think Morris knows very well. He's a very clever man and he now understands this perfectly that it is in by far the best interests of this country to have a very close economic and security relationship with the can with the European Union and I believe he has shown that he can balance all these interests but he is now free and I don't wish to be just respectful to my. Friends in the East free of the of the of the influence of Saturn he's back that meant that he had no room for maneuver we just had one of the many Francois he says no no that's not the case and. They will make the case very part and then there are a lot of new members upon to electric who want to see Bracks occur not it and that's what Boris ran on and he went I mean pressure is going to happen. That but I think it gives him more leverage more movement and if they really want to deliver for these people like that like in the Newcastle member of parliament who is elected tonight we're I mean Ronnie Blythe Ronnie Campbell's old city I mean unbelievable earthquake never seen a thing like it in my time in Boulder as your mouth hanging open Gondry Mars if I wasn't talking to it really at the floor if I had a few open mouth conservatives in here Michael David I'm sure The yourself now and I'm sure they'll be many more I say evening a bit maybe I pronounce on the labor side as well yes and I think it is you know I think I personally believe this is the last time. That this country will see a hard left manifesto led by someone on the extreme left of the party I don't think you'll ever see that again this you know the interesting about Jeremy Coburn is that I've stood in the t.v. Room queue with him for 36 years I've no doubt across where the music streaming coach is very polite but his views have not changed and his maiden speech in 1903 he's gone back 40 years and the people of this country are full of common sense they do understand that we can't go back that we've got to go forward I do think the bar is ready has fought an outstanding campaign and I take my tip for off well maybe those comparisons to Winston Churchill grandfather will keep on coming Well I don't know about that but he certainly delivered a stupendous Electra cynically sent thank you very much for your site thank you. Let's go back to the northwest to Workington and Sean Dilly is waiting there this is a seat held by Labor working to sue him in is the m.p. What's the new Sean Well the conservative team they say they're not partying but they have ordered pizza and they're sitting probably about 12 feet from me now so that smells wafting across almost rubbing in the face of the Labor team who are much more solemn they say that they are stoic about the result that may well happen just bombed in a short while ago to sue Heyman the incumbent defending her 9.40 percent majority I think you know from her point of view she's just seems stoic about the situation here but we're expecting a results around $1245.00 but it is looking potentially like Workington man in the theory of appealing to a voter who backed the Bracks who's a white older male who supports Rudd believe may well prove to be true in this election Sean thanks will be back with the result Let's cross now to the actual who's in Finchley tell us about where you are what's going on. Leslie we've got you. I'm hoping we can cross to Leslie Ok we'll go back to that line in just a moment as national You can hear me out now you can. Line coming in and out Ross I think is going to bring in Ross is there any flavor coming through on line the carousel now the stone was Labor m.p. Says he now thinks the conservatives are going to win all 3 Stokes unimaginable a few years ago and just this is a necklace stones there if you're on the sort of moderate centrist liberal part the Tory party this is what you going to do having argue with Boris Johnson you going to hug him close to going to say he's one of us well isn't it interesting that he's saying what next Holmes was saying was Look if you have a party that encompasses seats in you know blood Valley Workington perhaps with heating and so on then actually that plays to his part of the Tory party you've got to listen to that argument that's coming from you know many parts of the country that have not done well in recent years and any prime minister who's trying to hold the show to gether with a majority which allows and freedom is bound to take account of that what we heard there was the sound of the bit of the Tory party that lost the argument Albrecht's it completely in totally wiped out vanquished by their foes trying to win it on the coming arguments which are probably going to be doing on spending on public services and so on that's where they're going next with that just a little word here Alex welcome on the f.t. . Reporting that Labor will lose both over I mean just remind anybody who's arrived from Mars bowls over is the seat of the beast of that constituency Denis Skinner m.p. There for decades I think would have been father of the house the all discontinuous sitting member I think if it's not him if he doesn't get in I think it's a pita Bottomley will becomes father has but anyway but the idea of Dennis Skinner losing to the conservatives is one that you know most of us never thought we'd live to see and 70 percent leave and time and again people did the stories about would you get with the Brits it Party when there was the concern of the tensions Let's cross now to Marci's our. Political Editor Richard where are you what news do you have. On especially more leisure center which is the home for 3 counts now it was one we thought would certainly because hostess would definitely get away which is Bishop or could for the labor which focus never had a conservative m.p. But the big shock here is that actually Tony Blair's former seat of such field does look like the Conservatives will take it from labor I've heard from both conservative and labor sources here saying they expect the conservatives to take it possibly with a majority of more than a 1000 maybe even double that what's the exit poll Catherine that's amazing is this it just disappear a can impose on the areas and that's a that's a major moment. I mean this is obviously an iconic seat in Tony Blair very much basis new labor policies on the kind of people used to talk to in the search field seats. Tough on crime top of the causes of crime education education education he would tell you it was based on talking to local Labor Party members and their concerns of what they wanted in this constituency and of course the big concern pay Phil Wilson is absolutely clear that Labor's lost touch with those voters he's already tweeted that he says it's mendacious for the leadership to try and just blame it on prices he says breaks it was a problem of the doors but a much bigger problem was Jeremy Corbin's leadership now it has to be said Phil Wilson is no fan of John because when he never has been and there is this tussle is going to go on in the Labor Party about whether Bracks it was to blame entirely or whether the leadership on the manifesto took them in a completely the wrong direction for some of the core labor support in places like this but my understanding is that you know labor basing their prediction of a figure on the votes that come in from the pit villages the places that usually support them some of the communities that are much more conservative orientated haven't even reported in yet but because the support is so poor in those privileges compared to what it usually is they are you know absolutely convinced that they've lost the seat which should last thank you very much the Northeast political editor there for the b.b.c. Is coming up to half past 12 we're going. One of the interesting London seats which was very very close result last time when the majority was 20 would have been thought to be Labor Conservative marginal but then the Lib Dems in the person of Sam Jima former Conservative m.p. . Sort of pushed themselves in and has become a kind of 3 way fight there the labor m.p. With that majority of 20 was Emma dent code who joined just no good morning. Good morning how's it looking. I think it's looking pretty positive for us here in Kensington Market Oni's give thanks to the liberal Democrats who split the Tory vote for me yet again so bless them. So some genius the hero of the early you might be winning you think you'll be back in the house. Well that's how it seems to me and this is the b.b.c. Projection my I believe so it's looking positive at the moment that's hard to say. With no disrespect to you a tall obviously like everybody in the constituency you've gone through horrors in the last year with the Grenfell tragedy but it's a stroke of luck getting somebody parachuted in the next Tory who split your opponent's vote. Yes or no way I mean as the 2nd he was selected. He made a terrible allegation against me that I was actually partly complicit in the conflict our fire which is approved will lie so he kind of set the tone for his whole campaign so apart from splitting the Tory FOTA gain he has completely discredited the Liberal Democrats in Kensington which has been really unpleasant I have to say but so am I at guess I have to thank him for that. But looking more broadly away from central London it's clearly shaping up to be a dreadful night for your party what do you think has to happen at the top after this. Well I would never have stood for Parliament under any other leader in my lifetime other than Jeremy Corbin Well you're going to have to serve under another man I miss socialist but I'm not I'm not it's our flying club it's just my particular So if I lose some beliefs I wouldn't have stood under any other . Any other leaders so for me I hope he continues you know there been numerous other minority governments over the years who has ever said that people should step down after that it's yet again they overwhelmingly Tory friendly press who are going to do just can make up their own. Photos make up their own minds come out of course they can well they haven't. Sent it but this is a prick say it it's a prick so issue it just mean hideously divisive I have been a solid Charmain. Campaigner for 44 years since the 1st referendum in 9075. But this hideous debate has split the country down the middle they have weaponized this issue for political gain and has been an utter disgrace shame on them all Emma dent code member for Kensington in the last Parliament and until ending reasonably confident but holding the seat thank you conservatives take Swindon north just to bring you up to date on the now let's head to Dumfries and Galloway and talk to Jamie McCoy of all reports are there it's thought that the Scottish secretary to Jack could be one of those Tory losses tonight 6 thought it could be an s.n.p. Game talk to us more about what's going on where you are. Yes Yes indeed Mr Jack is actually on a bit of a shoe could be pegged here to his constituency is the constituency of the recent Galloway he wanted to the majority of 5 and a half stones and over the s. And p. You back in 2017 he came to the seat from there saying he read him who wanted to not and same piece an army of 2015 the s.n.p. Sources here are optimistic that if the current trains here continue they could be talking about gaining the seat with a majority of friend devoted voters and so that would be a significant scalp for them one of the most prominent Scottish conservatives the Scottish Secretary there's a 2nd seat being can teach here tonight as well that's a seat of them freeze share quite still and treaty 0 which is held by the former Scottish secretary David Mendell one of the best known of the Scottish conservatives at Westminster he has been an m.p. For 18 years rusting venti had a majority of almost $10000.00 over the s.n.p. It would be absolutely seismic if he didn't win here he was the only conservative elected in Scotland 4 years ago but certainly nobody's taking the result in his code for granted either Thanks very much that's Jamie McCarthy back let's have an update of the news now from Kate Williams the 1st results have been declared in the general election with an exit poll suggesting the conservatives are on course for a majority of $86.00 seats the Tories have already gained the former mining constituency of blight Valley Northumberland part of what's known as Labour's red wall the seat has been held by Labor since it was created in 1950 and it changed hands on the swing of more than 10 percent the conservatives Labor have held 5 other seats in northeastern England but with reduced majorities the conservatives have held Swindon north according to the polls the Tories could win $368.00 seats 50 compared to 2017 which would be that best result since 1980 said. An election under Margaret Thatcher Labor predicted to be down $71.00 on 191 worst result since 1935 the longstanding Labor m.p. Day Margaret Hodge told us the poll showed the party's heartlands had fundamentally rejected. The s.n.p. a Forecast when all but 4 of Scotland's 59 seats the poll suggests the Lib Dems will end up with one seat putting them on 30. Thank you very much Kate Well let's go to Scotland and talk about the Liberal Democrats we just heard from Jim in McCarver in the recent Galloway that our subject is called a secretary conservative Scottish secretary his seat is hanging on a shoe Glee peg it's the 1st page of the evening but there seems to be another one in the person of none other than Joe Swinson the Liberal Democrat leader in eastern Bart she had a fairly sort of comfortable majority last time just over $5000.00 but it's very close we got that Martha Carney is watching it all Martha what's the latest Well we're just trying to work out just how should we have paid is but I've been talking to a conservative and down and out on the a floor where they're doing all the counts and he told me that he thought the result of this contest was on a knife edge and the reasoning for this is that he said that she's not doing as well in an area where she should be the most popular areas like bears then though he did admit that in the end he thought she would scrape through an s.n.p. Councillor here said that they were quietly confident and but the Lib Dems are adamant that they don't trust the results of the exit poll when it comes to Scotland that they are confident that she will be able to come through but I think even if that's the case if she does hold on to her own seat there are a number of questions that she's going to be facing from people in the party I've been talking to a number of them off the record you know they're concerned about the fact that her own popularity plummeted during the campaign and for one senior figure said it really would be very disappointing if they get. Fewer than 20 seats but they are saying that they think they're going to be very many close counts and people in her circle are also blaming Labor actually saying latest the campaign concentrating on stopping us from winning seats in the Tories instead of concentrating on their own problems they've shot themselves in the foot well I was talking to a very senior figure in the party a couple of weeks ago about this and this person said to me Look it's quite simple if the number of seats does not increase significantly then it is absolutely inevitable unless they were not happy position in a hung parliament that very serious questions would be asked about the strategy in the leadership Well I think that's absolutely true and in particular aspects of the strategy the decision to say that if there were lip dam majority in government they would revoke Article 50 In other words stop breaks it without going to referendum lots of questions being asked about that questions too about whether they should have been more compromise on the ground with other pro remain comedies and you actually had live Dead candidates 2 of them deciding to stand aside in favor of labor in some areas but and I think it's certainly true to say that whatever the result tonight here in east of Boston share this with a huge amount of interest and we've just got the turnout figures 80.3 percent which is even higher than it was in 2017 which is the highest in her Scotland Well any idea of timing of the result we were thinking about $230.00 Martha does that seem reasonable people here from the council saying you know between 230 and 3 o'clock and it was 20 to 3 last time so we'll bring you the result is a series we know it's coming to will certainly. Not Thanks Martin I can now speak to the Co National Campaign Coordinator Andrew Quinn of the Labor Party's as he's counting Denson redish what went wrong with your campaign if you're going to have this great loss Well it's. Incredibly disappointing. That the Labor Party are having its very clear that the people in key parts of the contrary. Have decided the BRICs it is an issue they are just angry about but that they want to see. It completed. That the Labor Party I'm afraid was not able to convince them that they would be able to proceed with a conclusion to the bricks it issue that they would be satisfied with then it is so it's very clear from my own constituency where it was the predominant issue on the doorstep when you heard the exit poll as the co national campaign cooled innate or you've now know if it's right presided over a campaign that has produced the worst result for labor since 1935 How did she feel . Upset. Very very. Sorry for those communities that are crying out for a change of direction and you know feel not just a sense solve loss for my party but for some incredibly good colleagues that worked with for a long period of time there can be no joy in losing good. Do you take the blame as the co coordinator of the campaign well clearly I've been involved in the running of the campaign and I take my share of the blame but it's very clear that the Labor Party has stew over the next few days and weeks just to itself down take very serious stock of where we are. Because we have an absolute jus t. To those people who did vote Labor today to rebuild to regroup and to provide this government with a credible opposition and hopefully in the next 5 years with a credible alternative government where do you stand on the Jeremy call Been problem well look the leader of the Labor Party was chosen by the members of your labor. But we're talking about how people have voted on him and what we're hearing from a few more perhaps liberated voices in your party this evening is that it it's not necessary the message is a messenger I'm not going to put the blame on one person it is the Labor Party that has delivered this result it is an incredibly disappointing result and we have to take stock of that moving forwards regroup rebuild and provide a credible alternative Firstly as an opposition to this government and at the next general election as a viable alternative government and thank you very much for your time Phil Kelly just try to put in context for us perhaps historically sort of throwing this out you without any warning. If this trajectory that we're seeing the Labor Party on tonight continues you know through to 6 in the morning when we leave everyone had to digest what's happened where does it sit in the story of that party Well let's look at it there's a good news for the low body and there's no no been for no good news but there are $22.00 ways of looking in this one is seats which is what we're talking about so if you're in seats this is Labor's worst performance in 135. In vote share and we don't really notice remember that many of the seats in yet it might actually prove to be slightly better in vote share than for example 2010. Or even maybe out of 182015 certainly better than $93.00 so if I was on the sort of core being left of the Labor Party I think that is one of the straws I would be clinging to at this point I would say look we got hammered here because the remain vote splits are the next question would be in that case why don't we change the electoral see the states all about it's all of their service all that breaks it we've got trapped trapped between the sort of remain split and people's antagonism with Brits we've heard a lot of that already. But still it is the worst kind in seats the worst since $935.00 and I was not going to even try to quibble about that now. For the Tories this is their best result probably since 1902. And in vote share and again we have to be very cautious at this stage you know but inversion might even be further back in that sort of 18390 something not about you know the high point of the high point of such as. There will be lots of time later in the evening for this but you know it is whatever else you think about is a remarkable achievement by that and you could see 2 stories Ross unfolding of one on the Labor side and inevitably with concentrated a bit and that in the last half hour or so because it is so dramatic and so cataclysmic and Nick Soames was talking about an earthquake but it was fascinating to hear him we've touched on this earlier really talking about what he and his colleagues would want to see and what they would call a One Nation Conservative Party and consigning the e g The European Reform Group cross when the studio at their 2 sort of backstage role rather than the front and center role that they had during the breaks it argument Boris Johnson's like one of those lottery winners you sometimes see give press conferences or ask how they're going to spend it and haven't the faintest idea all of a sudden he probably looked splattered all. His words not mine exact all of a sudden he has a credibility and a majority of the sort that he probably couldn't have dreamed of how does he respond to it tell you the question what does he do with it now on the labor side let me just give you 2 competing views and one bit of news on the left and he see member tells me Corbin should stay on while they work out why the working class went Torii why vote on your oppressor this person says and just to give you the opposite view someone who was northern Labor m.p. Says the leadership needs to resign taking his anti west and unpatriotic economically illiterate sect with them let me ask you a pretty straightforward question and it's a bit silly at quarter to one in the morning because we don't really know the final result but if that kind of dispute about the causes and the answer to them continues. If the the korban faction as it were on the Any see any has a majority and then e.c. Say well it's the fault of the voters who didn't understand it's not our fault if that prevails isn't the Labor Party going to split fundamentally arguably already has I mean has a new Doesn't it pretty fundamentally already split the the power will lie immediately with the ne see one other important point John McDonnell as told Sky News that he's made it clear he's not standing for the leader of the Labor Party I've said that time and time again either as a temporary or permanent leader now if that quote is accurate and if he means what he says there isn't some context around it we can't say from reading it on Twitter then that would seems is just the theory that you have him as a stand in to hold the fort for a long time and you push back the leadership contest won't hold water the key question on the labor side of things play out as we expect is when does that leadership contest take place and how much time to the camps have to get their stuff together and who is still surviving at the end of this politically to actually stand in support just to say Washington and Sunderland's Shannon Hodgson reelected for labor but majority done from $13000.00 roughly speaking to under $4000.00 Let's talk now to our reporter James who's in Bowl so for a seat almost synonymous with Labor's dentist Skinner the beast of also over it is known for decades what are you hearing about this iconic see. The reaction he was very glad when the exit poll was announced I don't think anyone is expecting that outcome at all and the predictions that Dennis going there could lose his pulse over see what the results of the exit polls show it's almost certain and it's more than a 90 percent chance of conservatives going here now Mr Skinner is not here tonight himself and I've been told that it's unlikely that he will come to the count because he's not very well but I've tried to speak to his team who are being very very tight lipped in fact one of them told me he'd been told he'd been freed. Not to talk to me which is some indication of the feeding. On the conversation and. The story. So. It has been the m.p. Here for 49 years on the streets been nothing but. In 1950. To take the seat he's been a bit tight lipped as well he told me he's feeling tired but has. Said that he's looking forward to waking up to being the father of an m.p. Now Mr Fletcher is quite different to. 7 year old former miner. Is the former director of communications for how the company and the. Very big departure from what has been here for the last almost 50 years and his campaign message has been really simple get it done and in an area where percent of people who turned up at the polls in the e.u. Referendum voted to leave that message has gone very well. Also but we will await what happens there thanks for putting us in the picture we're going to Wales for the 1st time now 40 seats in Wales. In Cardiff labor and oppression in some parts and of course the interesting contest involving the Liberal Democrats and plug. Picture. I'm currently sit in a study hall I must say before we get into what's going on around the country it's officially lunchtime or dinnertime here right in front of me Everyone's talking into their sandwiches and their crisps and they can be very hungry it's 10 to 1 in the morning. And over I haven't eaten since about 7 o'clock but I'm starving. And all it's got a little orange and I've got some biscuits that Emma made and brought into the studio and start to top the sunlight test much pressure and we get on with it only if we could only we could share one cart of central and. It's going to stay. Ever see Thomas Labor leader of the Carter cunt said that is nice sure that they have hung on to both states with Johnson majorities night since 1800 Labor has won both the majority of votes and the majority of seats in wheels in general elections but they could be in for a long night as a couple of really interesting developments. Over insight wheels that voted for Bracks it we're hearing that it's neck in neck now it has not returned a conservative Stuart another not since 1903 election. And at 2017 Madeline min the local m.p. She and she increased her majority but it's looking we understand that quite good for them and when you look at places like Newport West the current conservatives there are saying that it's that it's just too close to call which would be a real harm or blue for Labor members been red since nuisance poor Flynn one in $1000.00 it is 70 this year and Ruth Jones not the actress Ruth Jones took over but it looks like she could be in for a real fight to hang on to that seat and one of the most interesting ones Jim is Nathan labor sources are saying that's in the heart of the site with volleys they're saying that the Bracks party vote has crumbled and is instead going to the conservatives that are still confident that they can hang on to the past in the heart of the well it sounds like will be more drama from you before the night is over very much just a word Newcastle upon Tyne North held by Labor and Holton Derek twig there that's 1st I think we've had which is done from 25000 majority it to 18 but obviously a very safe Labor territory in Cheshire Let's talk to the labor pay Lord Mandelson now the exit poll Good evening old Manderson appears to be accurate so far what would you be saying to Jeremy cool been right now if you were his advisor. I would be saying to him that I hope he shares the pain of every member and support at night it's absolutely heartbreaking for everyone who's been campaign. For a Labor government but heartbreak is nothing compared to what it means for the many millions of people up and down the country who desperately need. Defending champion and frankly have been comprehensively let down by this campaign are you surprised by how bad it looks like it might be for Labor having of course worked on campaigns yourself and right reading the manifesto seeing as of course you know a series of radical offers are you surprised it's gone down so badly when I've been on the doorstep I mean I've been in care in constituents is in London Midlands and the north over the last 3 weeks and I know exactly how people have reacted. To the campaign to the programme and to the leader himself I mean if we can take anything positive and it's extremely difficult to do so from this awful result I think is that 2 arguments of it has been settled the 1st is the hard left Labor Party of the sort that Jeremy Corbyn and his cronies have created and foisted upon us cannot win and that the only party in the u.k. That can fall a left of center government as an alternative for the Conservatives is labor but it has to be built on an electoral Coley coalition scripting across the country across class across ages in the way that we have done in the in the in the Labor Party in the past and could I just ask they when you were out on the doorstep so essentially you're saying you're not surprised because you've been hearing people's reservations what General I know I want them surprised by the scale of it I've got a 5 by the size of the earthquake you're surprised by the size but what did those people say to you listen a couple of things that what did they blame for not supposedly labor over and over and over again. It was. The leader himself and the programme of policies many parts of which aspects of which they liked and supported but which together they just thought were fanciful an affordable and just sort of incredible I mean they just didn't think that a Labor government could take on so much at such cost. Of 4 or 5 years it was a combination of the 2 What specifically was the issue with Jeremy Corbett it was specifically that they did not feel that. That for reasons of character and policy that quite simply he was up to being prime minister they just didn't think they just couldn't see him as being prime minister I mean they couldn't stand Boris Johnson by the way which which in a sense was slightly surprising I think he fluffed the entire election I mean they clearly saw it as a sort of lying pursuit but if the old town is not on the way as the Lord Mandelson he did but if the alternative being offered is a marxist of the sort that Jeremy Corbyn represents not just of the country I'm afraid that very very many people people whose votes we needed if we were going to say these Labor M.P.'s form a labor. Government they're going to choose the before and who do you want to take over the Labor Party rather than salute the no idea who I'll come on you know what . I didn't say that no. I said I'm I'm simply not going to discuss with you this time I'll go and you must have a wish list I don't. I don't you know it's a man short of opinion. Come on let's have a sensible discussion because I don't want to get into this nonsense. Would mean a lot so whoever that was. Let's have a discussion. Because it brings the building Well it brings me on the. Earth less is mine than me defeat me and what it means for the party is that you should be flattered we want to know how labor is going to get itself out of this extremely deep hole and in order to do so it has to have a dynamic leader the Labor Party now has to decide if you're serious about returning to its mission of winning power to change our country for the better and the 1st stage is about expecting and understanding why we lost not looking for scapegoats bricks it all blaming the media as I noticed Seamus Milnes line to take for the tragic happening he says is doing that's the behavior of a sect not of a serious political party it means by the way teaching any association with the sort of poison of anti Semitism that was brought into the Labor Party when Jeremy became. Leader but a powerful All it means understanding that when Labor needs to rebuild a coalition in the country that will include millions of people who were unable to vote for us in yesterday's election because without that we cannot win that is the beginning in the end of it we have to understand why people wouldn't vote for us what it will take for them to change their mind and what sort of party and policies and leader they'll support and indeed the leader will be hopefully coming into clear vision at some point but no names for me tonight thank you very much for your insights great pleasure. Lord Mandelson we're going but. We talked to. Made it pretty clear he thought he was going to lose his seat of Stoke in time Central. North is also a Labor seat is conservative and we can join. Just a list of us. Well I would say really that serious despondency as you've already heard from earlier in the evening amongst the candidates and labor supports his head there are 3 seats as you just said in the city of Stoke on Trent this area that would have one speaking been considered absolutely rock solid Labor territory it's a prime example of the traditional Labor seats in the Midlands and north that the conservatives have been targeting in this election these constituencies posted just under 70 percent even 2016 and as he said Labor lost stuck south in 2017 is a is 1st time that Labor lost that seat since the 19th and of course the conservatives head tonight really hopeful now that they are going to do the same thing in Stoke central and instead north I mean you were speaking to. He and his team pretty despondent his majority is just on the 4000 the majority. In the East and North Sea she's actually even smaller than Matt and both teams thinking that this battle has been lost really. Anger towards Jeremy Coogan I think and and the wider front bench that something. He was saying that that's been the front bench been pandering to that remain constituencies in London with one eye on the leadership and they've basically to say can the seats in the north in the Midlands and also hearing from people that Mr Tobin not playing very well on the doorstep in these traditional labor areas they're not sure about him as leader they're not sure about his policies in areas like foreign policy and hearing time and again from his head that that was what they were coming up against the door step. Elizabeth Lincoln stock will be back for results thank you there are rumors flying around by the way that in Lavery the chairman of the Labor Party whom we've. Heard from earlier this evening his constituency is one speck which is not a 1000000 seed old mining it he says x. Mine and of course he may be in a bit of trouble over his majority was over 10000 which is 25 years 25 fact 25 percent majority of the absolute rock solid seat and they've gone to a full recount Well let's now cross to Belfast where our correspondent Chris may Chris page me is there tell us a bit about the picture where you are. Well on a dog like decorations yet in Northern Ireland but it looks like the 1st sea which is in line to declare here may bring a significant story actually it is north on a constituency to the east of Belfast it's been hell for the last 18 years by the independent unionist city Sylvia Hermann to remain supporting the liberal unionist but she has stood in the Democratic Unionist Party been targeting that seat for years but so too have the cross Community Alliance Party and sources in the Alliance Party have been indicating they are not feeling very confident that they are going to take North drawing their candidate there is the deputy leader Stephen Fahri He's a former minister in the storm the executive the devolved government in Northern Ireland where it is it's certainly going to be close but alliance throughout the evening have been increasingly optimistic about that the chance is there we may get a result there pretty soon and if events unfold in that way well it'll be a significant breakthrough for the Alliance Party me the 2nd time at the left had an m.p. Elected to to Westminster at an early blow for the d. U.p.a. Chris Page thank you very much it's just on 1 o'clock let's get the news from Kate Williams the Airlie general election results of thanks to the predictions of a brutal cost his exit poll which suggests the Conservatives could win with a majority of $86.00 the Tories 1st game was Blythe Valley which they took with a 10 percent swing from labor the form a minor Ronnie Campbell had been the m.p. Since 1987 Labor have held 7 seats in the northeast and Holton in Cheshire but there was a swing to the conservatives in all of them the conservatives have held Swindon north with an increased majority the former Conservative M.P.'s Nicholas Soames who had the whip removed this year told us Boris Johnson had achieved a remarkable feat what Boris Johnson has achieved tonight whether you people agree or disagree with him is a. Earthquake in British politics and he has created tonight actually a new one nation Tory party from the far north it will be through the Middletons right the way through the country the Labor candidate in Barking day Margaret Hodge a former minister and a long time critic of Jeremy coupons leadership said that those around the Labor leader were playing politics with the lives of people they were supposed to represent or the election is showing in a way that I hadn't even imagined is a really fundamental rejection not just of Jeremy Corbin But of course of his team of everything that he stood for the Labor heartlands appear to have fundamentally rejected or of that Phil Wilson the Labor candidate in Tony Blair's former constituency said Field said Mr Coons leadership was a bigger problem than Briggs it and he went down like a lead balloon on the doorstep the polling expert Professor John Curtis says that while the early results appear to bear out the broad thrust of the exit poll there are likely to be variations around the country do not be surprised if particularly when we get further south and we get into much more programme a constituencies though we do not see spectacular advances by the conservatives but in the north of England in living as a working class seats the Labor Party does seem to be in serious trouble. Downing Street says if the exit poll numbers are correct there will be a minor reshuffle of necessary appointments on Monday the Cabinet minister Michael Gove told us that if the Conservatives did get a majority then the government would push through breaks it at legislation over the Christmas period if it is the case that we get a Conservative majority we absolutely will be cracking on an M.P.'s both reelected and newly elected can't presume that it will be a gentle glide path into the new year people want us to get on with it and if that means that M.P.'s miss a few Christmas shopping days or members of the House of Lords have to spend the period between Christmas and New Year legislating then I think the public would expect us to do that the Green Party co-leader Jonathan Bartley told us that the early predictions suggested it would be a very bad night for the climate turnout in 9 of the 1st 10 declared seats has been lower than in the 27000 election. Thank you for that well early results if you're just joining us welcome to election 29 seen on b.b.c. Radio 4 and 5 live with myself and the bonnet and James Naughtie and early results to suggest that the broadcasters exit poll which predicts a large conservative majority may be rights the Tories gained Bly Valley which they took 10 percent swing from Labor Labor held 7 seats in the northeast and halted in Cheshire but there was a swing to the conservatives in all of them the conservatives have held Swindon north with an increased majority let's now go to Stephen God who Zinka Stephen. Hello there yes yes I'm in Fife for the county your in Scotland 4 seats being counted here and the way things are going so far it looks as though the s.n.p. The words and body language very comfortable in 2 of them but the other 2 she cheered are fascinating for very different reasons the 1st of which is is North East Fife which you might remember had the smallest majority in the u.k. In 2017 we we had the vote we had the counting of the votes and then we had 3 recounts until half past 6 in the morning when eventually Stephen Geffen's was declared the winner for.

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