Yes I want to know. What it's yeah it's a covert scoffed at a quote to buy Ok mostly specially the usual time but was going to keep me here for days then why didn't you need it so much in the room you left Russia when a you got to love from the way down your throat must carry out your threat. To your little pissant you don't know a wave breaking all right you paint. Was the shukra you want from eat I want you shit cat then I did for a bit but I left them with the runs on their hands and went to get me cold and suddenly come face money most I never went back. To grow longer so. Sorry if you spot see Brett play through the shop steward he's got a new watch and of course someone missing link to find compass you know Lexus as he flashed it lately not a teacher's anyway not a moment that once was the only time reports of problems some of the older women might keep quiet open for more about who never heard of since the price of shortest teaching career a record 35 minutes. Now. I don't scan them anymore that's all a thing of the past I just stare in wonder is the only amongst that of my imagine it. To break open today but all couple years ago. I was the plaintiff So I met Jews who many met well. Scott Base that put to bed you know that she could very. Well count she well I should see. That anyone has 7 and I promise to pay some scenery before that 4th. But it is in the oven not to much. Take out any time have to 7. In the Company is a job I had finding a miniature bottle of cash and the local off license they offered to spawn I spend rose and instead look layouts going into Tatham got it that I had to take those old clothes into their marriage mothers' they were only collecting months when you can feel. That wealth the order of the clothes. And. Then let the cats the guinea takes the goldfish to stick insect so. You better run. Oh and remember not to let it pass and I found a few you need to do again and this afternoon I did my out some collection and looked after Jenny's children while she got a coil sees to it. Quite a day one way or another what are you thinking regarding the color of the Southie would. Be big. If you didn't factor a why didn't you come with me tell you was she to suffer because of that it nearly broke you. As a fire truck for Christmas decorations Thank you Jess the both of them are said to still affirm that it was a real lesson of the sea before so you know you see how this group of awkward pause although calling from a cold visiting class is all that no one. Does you harm no. Bro the Fairy Prince Harry he said. You know most going to change you know you made out of this event well. Most find something. Come with me to have some do you want to get out see some people all people from day plenty of whiskey after all the whiskey food all the bleeding Fred and O'Reilly part of what you care about we more coming for you. Shall I ring your mother and see if she's throwing a deal mostly in Prospect mind although Freddy you do miss a Freddy in the playoffs there's Joe remember that. At least just about well in self-pity at least to do something about it you're afraid to go Yeah Lisa dressmaking rock was concerned it. Was. Him Oh. That's all. We have a love like oh yeah. This is Joe said Bojo. Maybe I'll go. Really both. Reading the posts and you can go to the Dr Who did you. As a public good. You saw a Christmas tree is. What you say so Jesus was a what was you just. Pools of. The city Oh my great big he said oh you know my. Cook a big beautiful case the money. Oh I love me she said but she says Book of a way to get a good girl that did the lady said a very good moan suck I have a driver did. Did you say. So the Christmas trees will see the Christmas tree is what. Jesus Jesus they do like in the sky us clues don't know many things on top of the electricity building holy act Oh it was I jumped for a minute that seen Jesus and I don't like this no one don't but no she's doing well they say oh please pay still trying what with your heaven plus on the way. You want to get some additional skills I don't want to be shunted into some secondary modern celebrities and why the woman judging works nobody knows of it she says at the spot Styx nursery I want to go into the training center help to make those ballpoint pens charring my heart to see says you keep Bill my girl here's a note from Mrs from the. School Report mom. Thank you for the present focal length of the little boy and activists that you sent a 1000000 persons I sent a card and a cookie Bunny Ranch the thought that counts and quite a few of the parents remembered in the kitchen latest made a lovely cake with 7 candles and we held the call in so you can see them. Then we go out and blow them out. But still therapist lady came of looked at as all today and said Josephine shoulders show signs of improvement she says keep up with the exercises do you know what look good that he has she will be able to help she's going up for illness let me call you know that piece how low is the subsidy was this. She said a few fits that I both think it must have been the excitement over Collins came to me and I was. Gung ho to control how you raise yourself above the general level with you keep popping fits this is the 1st 2 weeks that except in the case you know most girls are so I just don't know what you think she policy oh oh oh she could cope with an eyeful look up she's not bad it was just the right people. Who will spare the rod spoil the child moment. I mean no no but no sign of the man. Oh that's right that is a plane that won't run to convulse and beds and we can't excitement because cake all the hat because we used to call the other medicine cold so that they know somebody does this not only keep a few bowls in the fridge nearly all the kids need to not use the 2nd run this room for the new series a day since the fire is by duty gratefully Adriel says. Given the signals also give us trouble this morning she'd know all looking technological society a central point Penn Station in the House complex of underground cool but since loose games soon the best. Way to go it's much. Now going to start for you that's just the right place because the 4th year. We are in front of a ceremonial. They're thinking of a gal. Oh a special treat for me it's got a favorite ice cream 50. A let. Soak in there's nothing rightful owners like this so I did not in this way even want to stand in the back and then sit like Joel. You know data all day she was dreadful she was already gone all day and now we know. The changes going to go get ready Oasis just is going to cause any harm getting the kids until I'm not and you know me. For the leader forces twice over 7 years. So I get the phone so you know Tuesday night is no one wants to go there's a short. Who's even song that can be like but not to use room bring me home and have me by the phone want to book. It to Lizotte day. 8. He said. We must. Also worry about Friday. Can you tell me about heroes not all of course I go but a sampling across that guy the ones that because of some exceptional features stand out from the crowd they were all before I met you before his name. Even runs to you which he doesn't give me come on I for instance why do you have 4 Americans you said Major I know for American growth tell America all along Canadian Hockey Well they made you lie across a pillow I think they got out of Hemingway and the Welshman a Stoke he was going to stoke a oh yes he was shocked because you used bad words in a posh accent book when it came to getting off your frock he was so rough in the seats Henri I wish I'd never told you anything you said we should be honest you tell me all about yours fest 03 looking at all of them for the next few weeks you made a short list you may. You must have enjoyed that blokes at the time know what to do I told you you want to go on with it then once you get to certain stages a man is how do they know most women manage with me any rate 30 god knows how many thousands I tried. I didn't know a good thing when they still were at uni who knew they gave me the 1st song you know how I walked around for days feeling like a falling symbol of hope well perhaps I didn't ring the bell very often but at least on her own good wow. She'll stick with me I went on happily because I got magic superzoom without it cold stop. Til Friday. People these never been near me I think we should still be honest even about you believe me cold and your brothers for me even within them you pushed me into this drama not you said I should get out speciality is Forth say there's you keep its mark on a rope. But a few. Books. That she took no. But. You look pale just so those nasty effects. Never mind. Lovely soft and you've got like silk ladies' arms were never done before work well I'm going to take apart practice or acted sort of a bit in work round the or later to the fun was to show jumping I spent this jump in the Usually it's. No don't jump it. There's a film about in the decision in the fight against injustice among disease then other you know this is the doctor. When you think what they did so were book before that guy to get remotely to join the other lovely to either job loss or buff play to the dogs. You know. That small bedroom. Probably took an address of. He put his stockings on you change in time. Every student. They look at herself in the glass thinking oh I can my figure. But I'm not really most There's 3 a time before and into the bedroom with cribs you know the carpet my dinner not to go no fear of them all I care about sole loss of dignity and I know months ago started on how much of the article she took every bloody practice terrible says a Jew to your mil what we're doing talking to you. Might as well be talking to the wall. No but she's a wonderful woman my wife that girl stays in the bedroom of the green room wherever she is no seriously lessness fully integrated person. For me read her eyes as you know give you an example she's disturbed by anything she's not just mentally upset about not only miserable No she actually grows ill boils back ache vomiting not pretense real sickness she works as a whole not in parts when like me for instance I'm instantly get one for Christmas endless for a mate of his and go along for most lengths of string fag ends magazine into film clips all stuck together we watch is a last week school dinner what I mean she could have pretended passion she doesn't fail whereas I can't sustain a passions of the end of the sentence. I start to cry. When I think you must do you think you are God and things go ploughing and wheels fall off and people get terrible You must have felt like this catching yourself in the mirror how in a way or somebody says My wife has been run over and you want to burst out laughing Well you may say why not if that's the way you feel but other people don't like it so I pretend you saw me pretend machine but try to guess which emotions appeal to and then I sink might say thing I don't let go until a bone dry why would you go there already it felt all due me at 1st but well 10 years just going through the motions now Sheila I'm sure put in a way that will prevent a sudden stampede for the awful Sheila embraces all living things she really deserves I get my hopes somewhere between the budgerigar and the stick insects which is the reason for all the small to talk calling attention to myself to make sure I get more than my share. Otherwise you have to settle for ice from hands on the heads of a therapeutic box once in a blue. One which I think this is one which I don't think you should discover like us online which. Well we'll see what she's left for to. Get it 2 2 2. I wouldn't normally speak to a lot of complete strangers but one of these days are hitting honestly he thinks because he throws a tantrum I'm going to stay at home comforting him and missed the rehearsal and. If things he's only got to cried to get what you once I blame his mother she gave him the kind of suffocating love that makes him think the world revolves around them. But because he's too intelligent to believe it really gets into these parties and depressions and when he's in one of those he'll do anything to draw attention to himself that began his face and all this stuff about Freddy and yet it was Brian made me join these amateurs in the 1st place he said I needed to get out have a rest from Joe but she's no trouble it's Brian I don't know which is the greatest day watching somebody as limited as Joe over 10 years I've begun to feel she's only one kind of cripple. Everybody's damaged in some way there's a limit to what we can do well Brian for instance he goes so far and hits the ceiling just come out fly any higher then he's up to the floor and we get self pity again and despair I'm sure that if he could go far off that he could be a marvelous painter Well that's another reason I said I'd join the Amatus the thought that I'd be forced to go upstairs several nights so we can actually put paint on the canvas and even if he isn't any good he seems to need some work he can be proud of something to take his mind off his jealousy of anyone or anything I take to relatives friends pets even pot plants I'm sure it's because they take up time the things I could be devoted to him and Joe most of all people love. Look innocent assume I feel like this in the ordinary way even when I am a bit down but all this childish temper of a Freddy the showing off is more than I can stand it makes me boil honestly when we feel the same a grown man jealous of poor Joe but it's all well. Intervention Joe. She was going theory about Joe's birth she doesn't blame the doctors she bunch of self I don't say that I say I wasn't entirely the doctor it was because she choked it back it was partly that because she'd slept around I think it was partly because I'd been from misc us yes my subconscious was making me shrink or withdraw from the whole doorway African soldiers it was all the devils doing what do you believe that it's about was brilliant if it comes down in the end to what you believe I'll tell you what I believe I know what you believe they don't. I believe the doctor Dr there was no the cause but specialist said as much he said are nothing to do or with the way you lived or whether there was a knot in the family or what kind of funky small town it is saying the doctor did it is that no he didn't say yes he's a shoddy midwife my colleague always was I'll see he gets struck off the register very true we can smell argument so he'd only say for certain that it was a chance in a 1000000 it could happen again. Yes and that's not that she was yet to get that. It's due to this that Joe lives at home of those she's out of that she was on the way before we were married that feeds the furnace of guilt to tell everything it was a white why did the math sake but I became 6 months later I did my exercises and let the antenatal books I don't know with any feeling like me but I have expected to have snatches of the Hallelujah Chorus I was sympathetic book queasy the idea of sharing the birth seemed irrefutable choir idea but not so gay when it came to the blood and fluid was Apennine of were it not oh your labors last 23 hours a day Sheila 5 days. From the 1st show in the seat to the last team of the forceps 5 days you'll all be saying he should have done something by I didn't know at the time you don't know you this doctor kept on driving me he was stoned I couldn't remember the excise I couldn't even tell me just kept crying I couldn't make anyone understand I couldn't salivate I'll swallow so I stayed I'm great Also I kept hoping you'd be there when I opened my eyes but it was always the midwife that your mother you were outside again drunk Well what else could I do my speech faculties seem to have gone I couldn't tell them to stop the drugs so that I could manage the birth. I'd say always trouble get out and spend the rest of his life trying to get back to you well place ourselves at that level of a Scotch you never thought it was going to you know do you believe the sun don't you My mum taught me to believe in doctors and joining the labor she said example of quiet faith and afterwards when Jo was ill she said she knew all the time it was nothing to loan me up but at last I thought she was going to die one of them a told you this love well I don't mind admitting it prayed Did you really. None of that you know honestly I went down on my knees and I prayed I said God I have only just found the baby doesn't matter if it's a question of a swap. But I found it was so drunk I could never get to be feet again and then the prayer was answered Yeah. I see him as a sort of money depressive rugby football he looked down and thought to himself Oh fix not bust that he did that's how the damage was done they took me to hospital and the next minute he handed me this hellish yellow baby with forceps scars all over the scalp. Seems go to us but at the time I got home scars that don't discipline and she was in with you know what if you had a cold that's right in that's look after you more than a cold flu delayed action I think most of it was quite cool. And then I began to notice these funny turns we asked our friends who have babies but they said it is most likely wind so in the end we took it to a new. Hello by doing so she. Could get a good enough. I leave the wrists are feeling better it's morning doctor not a reassuring course it is and I've never been before when you in the district want to seems to devolve only now to funny tell face may say oh no not me the baby now they must roll with this little lad at last a classic for me to observe so how would you describe blinking with our eyes working with the tongue shaking a head and then going the limp funny terms of deity your right since you better go where all you see but what do you think it is when it gets off I think it's always wise to get a 2nd opinion have you tried gripe was about the use of Swear by a coup or anything to say well let's see what we can find the. Guy says postal clerk at the Post this morning bank is pretty rare holiday don't I wish you could see one of these Tylenol I've seen the day go 3 great monsters fire oh I'm sorry Whoa oh you children being and no I mean great thriving brutal monsters No your 1st baby is it Yeah well there it is like this your 3 hole flaws got things down the old takeover it's like running in a new car till all the top it's in contact break it's going to just have to be absolute value take it easy do much else same to the shops let's see 3 times a day do they often miss Wilson feeding before Alice Florence or the 4 I was there are 606 times a day oh look this might be one no. Now I live that way through from people via you try it with this and come back to this no improvement and say a week make sure you win the well and don't fret they how the little devil you know Bob I miss some of. The 3 days lights up. Next please. Follow up with Dr just a minute I'm going to call this to see if you sit down please Didn't I say come back in a week why so soon she's going to have to try to mention 2 good things you said that's a nice hop. Do you let me bring in the hospital getting the children's hospital quick no panic they're just routine and quite your husband is in the waiting room AC going to our blog I'd like to think you shall feel the baby out go better go over the child and fairly respond when he stood before I was half plucked off no hello no call any chance of an ambulance understood oh there's something seriously. Oh oh there's something seriously wrong don't start worrying dad look at it this way you know when you get a start of Mota jam seem serious at the time to put in a 2nd good rock the whole shoot back and forth she says right as rain we haven't got a call I don't know what I want you to do you know the cutest most people you know the man go in the end not forgetting to take the baby you've got to bust from the end of the street on Mill desperandum 32 well the box number 320. 0. 000 on the post said to Brian I've got a feeling they're not going to bring home as you know he did eventually every cloud has a jet black light. I don't think. So I stayed in hospital with her for a few weeks and then I left to having tests and came home to look after Brian who contacted him to tell I go. Oh it was painful not beating so Brian out in front of me and trying to express it oh really the same drugs like become a super In the end a woman from the clinic carry off with a sense of class most simple and now it's later they called me to collect if you spill by which time look out that that she wasn't going to amount to much but I was determined to know the best we could expect and the worst the pediatrician this and general Fanny's that I'm not too sure of. This baby of yours has now been forwarded to stay there and he needs the beds Ross about baseboards battle who played the whole I seen going to promise you won't be any trouble to keep a vet is the date that you'll have to know she said. Can you tell me the results results of the tests which ones somebody Elektra and stuff I like about 3 dimensional eggs or a blood do you want to do that and still analyses business with the needles in the fontanelle is that why has it been just Oh well of course you just began to go ahead and did the needles make that's going to head around our minds this was a little biopsy to take a sample of a brain tissue so really I thought at 1st it bored a hole in the skull to let the devil out some schooled to do timed well with my colleagues as we don't do that anymore. But if you excuse me the doctor tells them don't inhibitor What can she do. She got the loss in a little better let me turn to you want your daughter East like do love I mean but I say don't both of us a wedge but yes you mean your daughter wasn't much to the East Village is always bilby I trouble visits English for upset when people say to me what kind of cripple is your child so. Stacey's a. Festival you want to vote for oh you could say she is especially these damaged subtable cortex mopey pledge epileptic Buffy snow in organic mode formation of the brain that lone mother which is why I prefer Westbury that's to them visually but why if her brains physically sound Why doesn't it love you imagine it's reach for the telephone speech yeah what's the switchboard operator once he's won the barbell imaginable sittings at Mount facings aboard Sol So some lines tied up some baiting to be used suddenly. Incoming call exactly plugin you know does the same thing while that is the thermo at full time before one of the with the stunning universal shifted story of your life but at that moment i'm most of the incoming call and you panic and plug into the 1st one and leave said talking to each other and you answered an extension and he formed thought where you weigh station but you probably want to see connected results and they all started buzzing and flashing and it's too much to flip your lid and pull out all the light thought now there's your epileptic feet your granddaughter plenty not according to stress the number of calls all right but it does having him old I'm very busy man Mrs Oh I know you must be a better use isn't the only prank earnings The company says Phone bore everyone powers you don't know what I did on Yahoo call as bad as this case of course isn't there anything it's all we can do for the most viewed of us some of these people who are just like any of them a lot better have no organ that anything can happen you know but the moment you are whooping cough all about will be toe. Was just thought of as terrible So what happened that we grow our own and the hospital passed the can back to the local TB and the last of his fault it was. Which is why they suggested the vicar Michael. Do you guys think. So concerned an absence of the sounds of Joe the fits one usually bad bad day so we left during the cards and we had our chats in another room. Hey I do take a few. She's a beautiful child yeah isn't she it's tragic that only when you 1st knew there was nothing to be done how did you feel. Cause you find out glad to leave or not once but. But there is a clue when you finally accept it and that. It's very nasty. And you think Why me I don't know about it is a must but I keep saying why me why others all day long and then you get tired of that and you say why not me indeed you love humility you recognize that we are surely innovative tears and you are the exception I recognize that I was worse I've been permissiveness you see all kinds of men it seemed to me I was responsible for the job put me. I held the baby back out of guilt really you mustn't believe this. Tell me what was your husband's reaction to the child. He used to say think of something worse and of course that safety Joe could have grown older and developed into a real person before it happened or she could have been a very intelligent spastic without the use of podiums which is worse I think being the kind of living postman you count your blessings. And that gives you 40 to know but it's something to do when you're up against a disaster of this kind an act of God. It so knowing you feel you must make some sense of it otherwise you just give up hope yes my husband doesn't feel the need to make sense of anything he lives with despair. She said of no mine Purcel say well the only card you know. He say's I shouldn't look for explanations he doesn't believe in God or his own kind of god I'm manic depressive rugby football and I need to start provide some basis for all him he doesn't like me probably you hope and pray what House committee I look at the flaws little body and clueless eyes and appraisers Americal to get us started it seems if we only knew the key or the combination we could get a blue thing do you think the story of the Sleeping Beauty was about to spastic who can say indeed by your child sickness doesn't please God in fact completely brings him down why does he allow what the devil is busy day and night Doug does it best that we don't help it much now and then some innocent bystander blunders into the crossfire between good and evil and. I'm still I don't want explanations I've asked the people who should have been able to explain and they couldn't what do you want. Once or twice over the years we have had in this parish children like all gospel despite Oh yes. Now for those poor innocents I did laying on of hands of it would just be a simple ceremony in your own home a few prayers a him or 2 a blessing and imprecision of hands nothing flashy he'd be you your husband anyone you choose my husband yes and it sounds as though he needs instruction his prayers would hardly help as if addressed to a manic depressive Rugby Football. God might feel affronted to deal he's only human but no he's not how silly of me a how you could have a word with him as a pint. With you half of the chest not. You the children did you have any not did go through you know there was one boy I know better than Joe makes such rapid recovery after I'd done that laying on a few times the medicals confess themselves bewildered he's 12 now and this spring he was runner up in the north west area tap dancing championships fantastic how big the article he did give me no doubt be tough do you really think he could welcome there it cannot be my idea if a miracle happens it's only through me but remember gyrus is dog dogs a lot of say I want to be your eyes who knows perhaps in a few years time we shall see Little Joe animal crackers in my soup or lives outside your life and you wouldn't do it. He was a good man kind and Cincy and he was yeah and that boy was killed certainly improved and yeah he was runner up in the northwest area top dancing championship but I never have been as bad as Joe I looked into it when. Well did we have nothing well well I'd rather have nothing than a lot of lies your usual 1st didn't do it for us then we've got a few of his mates in to give the Prez more watch more power before long if I was doing it in church blow to go buy all those death watch beetles like the victims of disaster it could have worked he my asthmatic I'm sure it's best to stop it then later on after if ratio. Anyway if the thinker Agarkar we should only have one personality as it is with given the dozens down the years. As soon as we read me to the freemasonry of spastics parents we saw she had even less character than the other children so we began to name them for so never really suited them like that concert pianists dying of TB I thought the drunken baggage who bottles out was if we didn't touch a gin and tobacco it with a will to active the face expression wasn't really the one that stuck is the coach tall a day part of pink felt hot white Globes Cuban heel shoes fuck a cow and does it tell you how much just in case it ought to stand 10 she loves the queen and Angie says she sees him as an eccentric English gentleman sort of Lawrence of Arabia very disapproving of plan not all pleasure and nice Julie Andrews film a tiara which reminds me I'm supposed to give her it's only the title x. Just something to say summation of the undercounted my thing that's only for a very sleazy we're going to stop here I tell her. I join in these jokes to please him if it helps him live with. I can't see the how . He hasn't any faith she's ever going to improve Lara healthy see even if she showed improvement Bry wouldn't notice. He's dense about faith faith isn't believing in fairy tales it's being in a receptive state of mind I'm always on the lookout for some sign. One day when she was What about 12 months old I suppose or she was lying on the floor kicking their legs about and I was doing the flat and I made a little tower a full clip breaks plastic breaks on a rope near head and I got on with my Dustin and when I looked again I saw she had knocked it down I put the 4 picks up again and this time I watched her 1st her eyes usually moving in all directions most of glanced in passing at this bright tower then the arm that side began to show real signs of intention and her theist started clenching and spreading with the effort the other arm held there like that. Didn't move at all you see the importance she was using for the 1st time one arm instead of both she'd seen something touched it and found that when she touched it whatever it was a changed fell down and now her bent arm started twitching the wards the brakes. To taken. I should think 10 minutes strenuous labor to reach them with the fingers and then her hand jerked in a spasm and and she pulled down the tower. I can't tell you what that was like but you can imagine currently and. Several times the hand very nearly touched jerked away by spasm and and then she try again and that was the best of. She had a will a mind of her own. Soon as by came home I told him I think he said something stupid like you know oh that's great put down the piano lessons but when he tested or put in piles of bricks all along the circle of a reach both arms and even sometimes out of reach so that she had to stretch to get there well of course he saw it was true. Wasn't much to wait for one on these men completed and even that was sure. She'd fall asleep the firelight would distract sometimes there for it would bring on a fair but more often than not she'd manage and a vegetable couldn't of done that. Visitors never believed it they hadn't the patience to watch so long and it amazed me I remember being stunned when I realized that they thought I was deceiving myself for one thing it wasn't deception and anyway what else could I do we got very very absorbing the day games found colored balls and bells and a Kelly those clams that won't lie down and then she caught some bug and she was really sick and. Had hit after hit the grand mile not the others what amounted to a complete relapse and when she was over it we tried the bricks again but she couldn't even seem to see them and that was when Brian lost interest and. I still try though of course I don't bother telling him I'll tell him when something happens it seems to me only common sense if she did it once she could again I think while there's life there's hope so you. I wish he talked more seriously about. I wonder if he ever imagines what she'd be like if her brain worked id. And bride's mother always says Wouldn't she be lovely if she was one in about. Which makes and cry with laughter. But I think it too. Perhaps it's the norm. Mason says that this is that best that this is Simi says this is out Steve left he says Steve says I need to step back to see me says he misses the. Ladies and gentlemen that will now be a 42nd musical into the lead and then they would see me play will continue I'm going to try to show you what happens and she returns home with I meet 2 friends friends in Pam thank. God the evolution. For her. Yeah that must be working in the attic or going to bed at 10 o'clock. It's really. Not absolutely Goorjian none of the rooms much more you don't really cost absolutely nothing it's terribly t.l.o.u. Isn't it has that the other people lack of that dresser that instance Tomsic sooner and countryside on Hopson duty who just well I'm greedy you know you don't need it how many cars. Pink eject cough very cream brown and green lowered the plagues and then lover tricolored said hey you don't feel I played here well into coming back here oh sit there Dana go why feel like they carried on like that crying I think the whole code of the sense oh don't tell privately not if you say so please my house is like coffee often often not know it it's nothing to be real how often how lucky you stuff you to be ashamed of which I do have a good way most of my emotions must be yours my waterworks which up until the pope said to you oh it's an be a book city gives me the creeps a man in tears that's why you can give so much on stage and with our right tonight the whole night was alright bit more than All right Jackie surely truly an electric leave me oh awful power user it was that all of you were absolutely gorgeous the lovely part where you drew our own deep wells of come. Here last fully an. Elegant hour. That was good about bullying you what you it was and then keen to get it they fell out of the car fell from a car because my ankle was caught in the safety belt. No one is yourself of course they need help oh we can afford to give it you've been spoken like a furnace all night to smoke on board if you will board go home cause outside limbo all of that too all day then interest yourself in someone else she'll Princeton's that we've done a lot fishing that darling we mustn't stop now you know me. Well . I'm not the sort to sit around but to me now I'm talking to the listener as. I'm not the sort to sit around making sympathetic noises and doing sweet f.a. So naturally soon as I heard she'd been on stage I saw the way to help go down to join the play is friendly crowd my sadness fear worked like a dose of salts so well in fact we're all brides gone slightly Hatch I think I'm getting my end away with Sheila not surprising he's left holding the baby exactly it yes tragic which is why I'm here to tell him there's nothing in it be to get them both to see sense about the poor kitty and see to give poor Brian back an interest in their life it's gone 10 now well the thing that you have in mind I thought for a start to get him down to see his wife in the pride of course you'll just know you tell me stand back 1st part of your children image if you love the woman and he claims he does not even any good asking for you shift. Why he she ill see in a flash getting charity as he's hardly the kind of man. Yet seen it. I don't want to sound too for Terry no factious but there's only one useful approach to any human problem and that's a positive one no use saying this is no way to live in every night with a hopeless cripple No you said to loosen with problem teenagers you don't say naughty boy go stand in the corner you say get out of these nails I have up then you're in business. I'll do it. Right right Oh I think of me so good they're really not enjoying life do joy from life to say this isn't our lives you know a bunch and she had nothing to do we'd be there ages deer in the way when the arctic air sea the sage It was a little hazy Wild Bill Hickock I meant to do journals are your sense of how us I got somebody on the scene would block you know and then takes a lot of can see say Wow Well it's a pain but the reason I do these pos Oh you go practice Oh more blood sweat and tears you know the place things you mustn't tell so that's what sense woke me up you got some drink on me Brian Oh you mean the usual bit more than usual what do you think secretary also has come Brian what do you mean by more than usual roast runs I don't struggle. No see. He's alright around not talk about it we are all set for civilized conversation for about the whole car off the bus when you're pregnant Thank you. Parents for our friends who are legal students in our side no boy just repeat your socialist story for us you go buy a car was that as it hurts it now I don't go in for that is misguided a blow against fascism apartheid very likely Well you heard some poor peasant Spanish Oh yeah it is good coffee I want for us each day I. O. Brien sure you thought you were leaving teachings and love the company paying off your debts only thing going to go wrong but still no law paid to learning all the things they could have changed. I was teaching her we keep above the street you know life's problems that we still don't like it that's not exactly Goodbye Mr Chips all the same I have you know really in many ways often wish I'd been a teacher play instead of a rich and powerful industrialist Yes it must be a. Rich wish getting out of your average British come to know. Me nor powerful you've been watching too much telly. John's near the market I'm like a last ditch color of your running things divinations ago never know how to take the reins you are right I don't know what will come. With things of the year I'm from right oh what you said you know what struck you like Joy Yeah. Perhaps are mean where angels fear to tread you with good but. Why don't you see all the doctors money can buy until you want another baby put it bluntly ask why you're not I think one with nothing to say cast me are you dumb yet she was an artist I was very close most concentrated will off oh time now I have my you enough for me most people he fancies knowing for sure now as specimen I held out to have the next major in here 10 really nasty when I tell him he was so fast well when they kept saying but I was a nobody on days I didn't already come. From a fella how absolutely terrifying Oh oh. How about boost his own fertility boost this I know a gynecologist in London did so well by a friend of mine his wife supplied to be sterilized so I think the point when I did my No one else fails I'll give you Dr Bashir a movie take some time as Aruba has a bunch of ginger on the right people get moves it's all the Dr who was back out of interview very You've hit the spot. So what happens next you'll have a proper working child to children instead it was you all like you go she likes to listen or Surely my day you can see are you prepared to give up your life to Little Joe because there's no one else wants a girl normal healthy baby looking up at she smiling in your cheek and does she smile she used to not all that often often a real baby every time you look at a had to come to it you keep you up every night and crew and they all come to light yet I've seen them off well then these 2 be in a position to decide whether to let Joe go into residential school with pride got served Oh push him away yes to cool it oh what else is that she worried all the time with less I'm on the pull of a wonderful place in the prisons you know not these days they're run by nothing and devoted teachers hideously on the paper to work had that direction I don't care how good the nest Senos is he was in that place so you garter she was pining that this is not hospital it's a special school oh time going out private house trees who are around is the obvious article in November about it you remember and if she proves she can join their activities I'm seriously painting wheelchair gardening and speech that nothing better not so I hope she thinks she's very nicely spoken one thing she does probably sell for oh she wouldn't go to a special school not even if you put Ginger under them we've seen the place you gotta know how the House now the lady must sign with a cause of the graceful part of Victoria Gotti gave a oh me set this like a transit camp except not going anywhere. Friday that's the time that it's to lay on the sly that's left in the 30 days or until you do yeah just the 1st is a possible well she could Al if you know we now want a man of $76.00 just ahead a Boy Scout They said they would have a millionaire in a. Completely these jokes may I say my piece about these jokes I've obviously helped to see through a useful anesthetic but isn't there a point where the jokes start using you. To please place this person is not the whole fallacy of the sick joke it kills the pain but leaves the situation just as it was looked brought up when we met again how many were 6 months ago used our Remember as a striking metaphor describing shoes state of mind you said a cataract a close ally like a mother's net curtains squealing on.

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