Pull pull pull pull. That you know I have seen this many times in the back to the next and that is try to lift up the little bubble pull pull. I have to say is it true what they say that hitting balls hard that you big smile thinking of running it for the Democratic nomination that will will will will will will show you now a white man speak with. Jimmy Carter must have a canteen I am I 00000000 well it's good for a man that's bad they. Say. That and. I . Saw. Enemies. I think I was I. Well there we are in except from the backing of the Little Big Horn in which Red Indian Chief Sitting Bull destroy the entire cavalry of the United States and of course Chief Sitting Bull is just one of many distinguished mass murderers bushes and carnage merchants who are gathered here today at the Talk of the town I grew up on I want of them most respected colleagues Ganga's com who this month celebrates 800 years in small to have is and I think that the celebration proper is now to begin. And gentle man at the bows majority of you your post by the evening Dr Crippen. Thank you. Thank you and everybody around as in reception have a distinguished doctorate consumption wise now happen to all as a great favorite with the grad here at the top of the pan as he ascends the mob on staircase in the Michael. Thank you thank you ladies and gentlemen our special guest of honor for the night gang. Thanks. I hear you saying is that right there elder statesman I thought well that night you were 816 years old now cos and the last of the red hot among us I sat beside him is he is my funk agent and Man and Son is a man. No mean hand of carving office eyes and so I'm going to go is feeling Mr Khan's pounds just to make sure hasn't had a recurrence of his own death problem. Well well mystic I. Was at E.B.'s and gang is gonna just nice the Toastmaster's had on my I was proving he still hasn't lost his outsides am I to the audience loving every minute of it would be no no no no no no lights please let's be serious for a moment know we are here tonight to pay special on into going to see is fantastic 800 year long career it's a career that began at the age of 16 when he was spotted conquering a go us Bush by the top Mungle impresario of the day 6 images as weeks later we later he came to London and saw Huey Greene but he quickly recovered in turn too well and I Finsbury Park him and it was here that he took the tricks of the trade that have today made him a household name again gets caught in the. Ladies destroyer of civilization seems Ketut bar accounts. And the rest well of course the rest is history and tonight we'd like to pay our special tribute to him and his family by looking back at just a few of his many award winning performance. We apologize to listeners in some areas for the loss of Joe Kendall in this week's edition of the back his way to dynamic living in the meantime the program will continue in Chris Emmett Nigel Reese and Fred Harris only performances which began with his. With his welcome caught in this famous seat. Show. I know it's a shock I just won't gain. That story. Well what you want and this is the Lewisham high price and you know it we go another radio character yes yes that's right what you want well I wonder if you could help me I want to buy a gramophone. And I Grammont their grandmother found a way down to grandma founds dad. What's that them there are stereo records dick oh well what's the difference between that and a gramophone 30 years in a plastic cover. Might be well I want one of those peas sure yes but yes this is going to be a good one all right. What sort of output were you looking for a night out poured out but what did you want. What sort of you got no no no clues now please you. Got to do the something you know not to go. When I want to. Medium one. What exact value well I should think about about. 151550. 658. No no no not 15 I meant I meant 2000. Was Ok to do do do those people have to sit there like that. And want people died when those people in t. Shirts with frizzy hair lounging behind the counter chewing gum how you know them yeah dad yeah they're on the staff see. What are you going to do about these output they're not to tell you or give you 4 options 20 watts 8000. 950 kilo or 23 and off in Salt Lake. Yeah come on the choice is yours $8000.00 Iowans wrong hands it's 20 watts is measured in what you say right so that's the fishnet stockings on . And on oh. Ok Ok look not no look this is the last piece of embarrassment now all right this last piece of banishment and that stereo reco debt could be yours right ready Yes Yes Ok all I want you to check out the wolf is in the tweet is great I will 1st and the tweet and see if they're so ill before. Wolf and tweet is all right if you go grabs right. Here person. Wrong wrong soweth the age sliced off blog Angus Carr now a fan. Thank . You no we fixed that gate. And now it's time to head over to your next post for the he's a man who really needs no introduction but unfortunately heavily into what to write it so here he is the stocky speak days behind the wallpaper that Ted really took place himself Christine thank. You. Thank you thank you once again we apologize for the temperature loss of Joe candle which may result in poor quality women's parts in some regions but to those of a nest of Redgrave. Has to put matches right anyway it's a great preparation now for me to introduce the next level gang Here's an action Amis with another of is an earlier performance as. Well a very good habit Thank you Arnold of the new if only it wasn't Andrew's goal of course just about just these final days play in the overview on one hand you have a 978 b.b.c. Radio dongas deliberately golfed on that now just a reminder that this is a game of golf for the benefit of the Irish viewer who phoned in last week saying it seemed a hell of a lot of trouble to go to the planned 18 potato of the. Well now. Well no I think I can just hear it thank you I don't see the 2 teams coming out for today's play in those 90 in 70 ad which odong is the labor to torment them out on the right of your speakers is a Richo don't use a fold as you obscene the will to. Use caddy and wallet chauffeur Norman peak gap just smoke years ago for him on his lived for to school one of the most obscene Lee wealthy men in the country and I believe he's involved with the yes ever that's what he does all right of the. And of course of course the pornographic play prosperous that he can't afford to live in Britain anymore so they had to shoot him last August and of course in his will fight in all pens was left to his wife 18000000 pounds was left to his friend Pat on the rest was left to the imagination. Just there behind him How do you think you wanted we can see his burden to Henry Cooper. As Lord road need to screw who to make the team zips through to even has been put in with the Sec of cement wearing a special on deodorant. So personally I almost Thank you he preferred the smell of the cement. So those are the 2 teams and so I thought his skill is now placing his ball on the tee and let's see how he goes about his opening shot Well now this is very interesting here appears to be taking his trousers off yet he's removing this rather stable pair of wool worsted black slacks and changing into a pair of checked trousers and up goes the zip. Oh look at the delicious swing of his over to you have you on the if they have to make this he is really changed into a bit of check trousers here he is absolutely changed into them now but unfortunately the ball doesn't seem to have moved very far off to you so let's see if you didn't see if Henry Cooper can do any better no. Just. As cook as get he pulls them oh Bob wardrobe over Cooper is sorting through the coat hangers and what's this Lord Rawdon is taking out a golf club he's taking out a golf club and handing it to Henry Cooper or is it the sack of cement I can't quite see oh yes Henry is taking hold of it and I think we could be in for some sort of breakthrough now. But do we have to leave it on the fridge we can recoup a struggling here to pull a gold club owner over his legs. Return you to the. Faith that. There will now be and Shawn into a mission. To die they're called black. It's a great lie down here in the at back we all see that cows abided the static by sophisticated and above all illiterate. Mapping debated you now the wide open riling empty stomachs price trickle up a cool flying wagon or in your drip feed. The land of opportunity all right in fact I do sigh Australian Brame's of the best in the we'll all certainly wouldn't have a floorboards made from anything made. Sappy all sitting there in Palmy I am feeling sick with it and why only saddle up on Abba and flying Quantas to Australia bury your kids and tomorrow and calm down and. Yes Are you ready to go down and then come to stiff guy have your cares and worries Barrett and a good deal more besides that shift guy. You very much everybody and now it's time for me to go over to the daddy of them all oh where you find the energy from I don't know that the original cure for sore throats him self Jack the Ripper. Thank you thank you. All you ladies a got your ears blue for a moment because me around is the only safe way to keep in mind. That seriously seriously I'm not one for speeches so I just say God blessed again yes good luck for another I don't. I don't endorse this next clip from a smart outstanding parishioner work it is not. Was it was. The. Internet's quick to see. If we were going to listen to the new album the best of Johnny Rotten but unfortunately it disappeared when they put the horn in the middle. If. Great chair well the hot news of the day the 6 pistols have added a new chord to the repertoire. That brings their total wage now up to a half. Dreadful in the foot festers have got a new single out decibel feedback. Well I think it's going to be one hell of a release just as soon as they stop playing it was well right now it says it's time great it's time to meet one of the really far out characters to emerge on the new We've seen this year he really is foreign just too far out to tell us your name please every 5 you know was. Great. It's really far out. Perhaps you'd like to come in a bit further so we can hear you here right there. While. Now I see you have a safety pin through ear does that to have any adverse effect on you at all. I have. To rethink. I see also wearing a rubbish bin liner that's right yeah yeah I noticed you left the rubbish in it though. Now it's just a bit tell it straight enough you know. Where. Well now I get the you just couldn't use English throw Yeah it's just wrong I wrote when I was in the bar really yeah so I must be about 25 years old now. If you know the 1st version guy was already. Being a punk. Like the young teen age group. Now I have 6 different but r.j. Every night you're not short of goofing on bread I. Wild really wild Well thank you dipstick that was take that. Thank you. My lord ladies and well just a reminder that we would like to punish the annoying way in which we keep apologizing for the loss of Jane Campbell in this edition of the Baucus way we are doing our best to write this but judging from the scripts so far you can see we haven't had enough. Of that only no remains for each and every one of us to wish Ganga's can all of very best finish with this final testament to as many and varied performances over the years thank you. If. Gang is gone now rises to reply to the take. You. See you know Yet another of the diverse pieces of work from his long and distinguished career. Not Russian emigre I have an urgent message from my work that Marlon Brando wants to know when he'll be able to talk to you will think 3 more lessons he should just about money. If you send him all executive but throughout Mehmood you yes Lord Russian emigre. All Come in come in a large pool of Annex to sit down now into business I have showing up I have a got dro have a gab smoldering talent that while still getting bologna junction. I think that was Ava Gardner So yes it was Avogadro was an Italian research physicist who postulated Avogadro's hypotheses on the volumes of gases owing have a gas. That's why a book team have the right to series of 13 more apostasies with an option an option on a further 26 for the autumn. 13 more hypotheses exactly have a got DROs playoffs we'll call it stalling rage of all 8 Dick Emery Bernard Manning and possibly a comedian. Ah you sure this will work in the Russian emigre I'm not sure it will work I March didn't Boyle's law make a great detective series. General get me quite in defeat. Didn't Planck's constant make a terrific documentary about the evolution of the Irish. Ness of course no of course not because. Lord Russian emigre productions were they now all I've got a ship rose for you blows my latest discovery God. You might well. This could be the biggest things he's Carol Lin has discovered America is the daughter the daughter of a world famous film stole who think of golden ring tapping feet long the pups the pike being childish voice with the golden touch Ok Max same dream. I'm a what's your name said Shirley calm. Even she adorable she seemed a little how shall I say rebel monstrously misshapen hideous. So we get a facelift eat but I can only just see it from here all we get it we get it you know would they. Be dishonest large What do you think we'll see if we got a bit worried about the heads are told you we pulled. On his legs. And cleats they. Can't you sing Can she sing shouted I'm sure Lee by. All. Right. Well shouldn't her voice be a bit high and would be ridiculous she did Mr Mab. Good would she looked lovely singing coming out of a note. Home from still a block that is. Anyway you haven't seen the best but yet I don't think I want to. Shalem the darn well let's hear a piece to say that we can at last now return your candle to you we hope that this temporary loss didn't increase your enjoyment of the show too much. Now that last time back I just like to start by. Thank. You. This final edition in our amazing series of cars bombs going his lessons that Israel must beg as my advice is you heard during this 3 finals areas belong to oh Joe can go grab them at night a reason for how it is that I'm now out of work and therefore avoid much better scripts than the ones abide by and a Muslim David ran away all over his jets represent a positive easy bought of Sanchez who was said to fight every every listener and also producer John know if you are good by about them have a dynamic living one thank. Yo Kendall is now appearing in the unvarnished truth of the state of Cambridge I want to give the life. Will have more lessons in dynamic living the bookcase way the clique. Will next an attractive new nurse sets pulses Rice saying he was the 60s. Have you forgotten what your wife looked like I don't know I was frightened of the dock. Points under your eyes but just let me sort of media you are so rich off your television aren't you wanting to do something to shout about thanks. My command when I don't know some of you old familiar feeling Jones Sims Nicholas Phipps and one Metro bring you the truth about the advertising world as it nearly is. The. Story starts in the offices of Abyssinia this cone bargain Blythe and Gideon It's 11 o'clock in the morning at Michael Lightfoot is hard at work concentrating on the job in hand that's because Janet his secretary hasn't arrived yet. I feel like I'm going to have a private what with you of course Adrian my privateer is the one on the left and I'm glad you're alone because this is strictly confidential and top secret. I've just met Simpson of the off Department on his way down from the 1st aid room he's not been shopping his finger again has he got a new pair of glasses he's got a new better glasses that's why he went to the 1st aid when he sat on the. Past has can be very dangerous if you don't know how to handle them well anyway you'll be amazed to hear those to stop going to go send them an email she's taken her whole healing hands elsewhere and in her place is a luscious piece of goods called No speak to say rain now you show well according to Simpson he said You look like a fair bit of correcting even without his glasses. Why should she want to wear Simpsons glasses Oh I see I see you mean we've actually got a nurse who looks like a woman I did have according to Simpson This one is so feminine she makes Brigitte Bardot look like a man. But can we trust Simpson from 20 paces he can't distinguish one from the other I tell you what why don't we pop up the 1st aid room and given you got a welcome then we can check on have vital statistics at the same time now coming out oh boy I mean I'm a mad man I don't know because I thought you might be interested very big of you Adrian to give me the gender of all the other chaps get wind and I think I'll be getting all sorts of things when the word gets around. Anyway I'm far too busy to go record ordering a 1st aid room I need your own Monica sorry I need done a friend of mine gave me a lift in safety Oh well I must go back to the coffee department don't forget we got a hand cream conference in 10 minutes Michael right and regarding that other little matter we were discussing your information was most welcome Oh good well you must take whatever steps you think fit and I trust the outcome will be satisfactory for old thought his concern really is I'll keep you posted regarding all developments even though you manage thank you very well and I'd like a report on the layout for purely altruistic reasons. Well I was ill that about. Adrian I've just been discussing a new campaign something interesting of press an aging from all accounts problem is to find the right angle of approach to see the thing it's. Out and see at me. Oh my God don't you think there's something wrong would you like me. Know why would not it's. It's mild will Janet. It's image left leg her yeah Grauer it might mean you are giving your arm to get in and that I would lunging with my hat and you're young you know it all wore Janet the other walk. I remember we were flying over what to hold off at the time in this kind of a practical really there. Well there's no point pretending when anyone applied to an avocado supposed reply never be out of white. Yet I had better go along to the 1st date for the yes do I'm sure this is dependent on even sounding funny system to get oh yes yes yes yes exactly give you a hand and I think I can just manage to drag myself along oh you I had taken. You didn't say it was your left leg didn't I did I Well yes you seem to be limping on your right. But it's rather confusing I would get in a one way street. However what you were interpreting not because. I was we were flying that. You've already been in the past daydream once this morning I think you want to let me go and fast for sure and I don't know all that much I just have to take your place in the queue I mean fair do's I'll shut the doors opening the someone coming back oh thank you very much yes it was just what I wanted the patients to be and if it breaks again do come back you would tend to be preceded by to do it was a very very bad is nothing that the pleasure was all mine Adrianne Oh oh Michael what was broken the stem of my pipe. Well let's put a bit of sticking plaster around it for me would be an expedient like to come in keys oh that's me I'm probably not one of them at the office I'm not the prude partly. Almost techno this is the hand cream conferences me I'm on my desk Mavis in both cases alarmed sorry but still because afraid belief when you see he's having his patent thing. Who want us would want to look at the lift man's buff thing well the new idea in the 1st room oh beachy peaches Yes I've heard about her should I take note reconstitute maybe it goes Mr b. Yours Mr light on him I suppose then having that button thing goes looked at as well I didn't know Mr b. Was had to get it. But he said he got something that it is gonna go if any been hit $2.00 in the places see they would hypochondriacs Nessie do you think you want to cowgirl. But. Well you certainly always do something right he gunning but he's come friends I'm afraid Mike is going to be late What do you mean going to be with that pool that Daddy's in terrible pain and he's going to this day June was quite flush that was pangs of conscience not paid your beloved bosses to come to an attack of nurse itis the food your link I was going to have one come to New You mean you haven't seen her what have you been to go Al she's packed up a safety pins and. Now we've got a new one 0 now doubt in seamless knives. That's why the boys are all having a ball in the 1st aid room I see it for that's men value isn't it they're so despicable given the best years ago life they don't even give you a receipt a lie. I do know how you feel Jan that's why I took up being. I'm sorry I'm late I got held up in the copper department one of the chaps is sickening for something now read it wot well I haven't decided yet. And when I left it was a toss up between prickly heat and Betty Betty. Well I hope I have delayed the conference Maggie had to pop up the 1st aid room my own trouble you now we know. No please. Spit off the Saudi details you might have some consideration for my feelings I don't see what is going to do with your feelings is my war I got it on not particular right to come out of a cracker no court rode on be green I was. Supposed to be discussing hand cream Janet you better go back to 0 I couldn't possibly will work I feel good the need is restroom and try to piece together the shattered fragments of what might be. Anyone goodness Britain you know I've got dozens in every pocket what you need is a piece of sticking plaster Why don't you probably never grow up from the hand of that woman but. Now please we're supposed be thinking up a slogan for Chapman's hand cream and we've wasted enough time already missed the blinds waiting for us to come up with something you thought mediation let me see oh yes now what about this rough hands after using it all soft as a touch of a nest. Egg me it. Sounds very nice on the contrary it's extremely soothing. To stop thinking about the lady with the lamb top step and concentrate on chaplains hand cream puff we can have a recap on the selling points of the product Mavis everyone notes who took our last session and yes I think Sam has to be as right smack. Oh yes here we are at 11 am conference and check ins hang crazy place conference room subject Chapman's time create the time 11 I am there is present included missed half know Mr b. Was Mr Matt flick and Miss Mavis release the content status as 11 am with a discussion on Chapman's hanging over my. Goodness what the comfort of a well that would be on a different page I guess at 1145 Mr not put said what he's checked and sang tree. That 1210 used to be Osage Chapman's hand cream is good for hounds very well turn chill blank tap. And I had to get some for my grandma and Sharon. Thank you that's a great help don't manged that's what I'm here feel like. I've got a brilliant idea now then what about this massive it into your fingers and palms for a new sort of thrill at the end of your ah. Yes No I don't think that's quite what the plans looking for new actually good Pinaki says the old not issuing hand food yes I got it if you want hands I'll read add wrong it's a be you in a bad mood for each little Paul. Each to do it's not time ask. Each little pool hall just spread out mean Fidel saying. That they call it Chapman's cream if. The so be made as to how you spell pill on. Average on the back of the. Back how this man Androcles struck up an acquaintance with a knot Well you see it was limping you see because it is still stuck in it many times maybe just maybe Maggie means Paul one of those holes through which your skin breathes. Fire was. Not do let's try to get some work done in the body concentration. Conference Rometty talk no speaking of stuff no if anyone would want to speak to surprise him Oh good morning Mr Blair I just had an inquiry from a client about chap. I think I'm pretty good up to my office right. To critical eye over what one has done but one hasn't done much Mr Blythe Wouldn't it be better to wait till one has the one called way to one stop when lunch is so come up right away with Yes Mr I. Why not that does he die got to go up and show Mr blight the slogan that you boys haven't thought of yet what does that mean the conference is in a state of conclusion due to having finished my staff no. You could put it like that Oh good because reading through my notes has called to mind a problem requiring my piss test attention. Now I have a bill in chilblain type it's not great. State of affairs. Not one single slogan for chaplains What do you think Nurse Peta is Mr Black Do you realize that since she moved into the 1st stage room this morning the entire male stop is trying to move in as well no they don't have time to do any work they're too busy rushing back and forth aspirins and sticking plaster. I Really people. Writing about. You to all the crew. When they try to have a wake you know I am I the new speech is must go or you must change all the men to their desk one has to have a person qualified in 1st aid on the premises I mean the company really Mr p. I suppose one of the Stauffer qualified could they do it part time. Wouldn't have as much fun. When Mr Clyde I have always been regarded as a person with a cool head and fingers so I don't see any. Come in Oh Bunny beginning to wonder whether you got my message yes when I get being here soon and he's techno but I was intercepted by the liftman and in a manner which leads me to believe he has regained the full use of his baton I. Have I'm responding to treatment never mind. Treatment. I'm going to go back in court and crack like a firm never dream of leaving a female. God I am one of the drawbacks of being an executive not the premier man Michael I go your record when I read. About man stopping the riff or rap or was when I am working on a great. Idea if we kill that person around in the boiler room the. Bigger he might from her nappy was. I wonder if you could do some shopping for me but I made out a little list to be off task one lunch bucket disinfectant. On. All these that you know I know what you're up to you. Know one of those liquid diet . That is not a diet I think you bet we don't. Create and it's spring season safety pins plaster of Paris speaking is 1st thing you tell. 2 me. It happened when no speech is a ride she's thrown the entire completely out of joint and she's gone. I spammed to Mr Blithers he once think of dismissing until a member of the stuff is qualified insist Hence the 1st page manual see it's quite simple I'm sure it is but who's going to really get and maybe as I'm going to take an exam in the middle 6 1st aid lifesaving institution I'll get that's a difficult if it kills me in a warehouse smashing then you'll be able to stand in the back row of the pictures from Martin and watch what's going on. In the back row. On the screen. There's ladies with the eye sees that night out yeah. Now look here's some money Mavis and you won't get well you know I'm having lunch in that new snack bar called the rambling term. You know the straight to the chemist Alf to when I should think you're married to. Me. You must have some other shade of nail varnish I mean surely this sun that think will clash with Dracula red Madam I am a chemist not to be Titian I'm immune apothecary who cares you're a man that's what matters not. Really you think that I read in the thing flash when I do see how they can mate and I mean it's not as though you're going to wear them both at the same time though Diane and all 10. When they take your hands appear to be we had met them through life being oh my kid. If you want if I took my shoes I could dabble it long and intuitive this magic piece this is I class chemist. Lady I guess. Continue doing it to test you from a strain vegetables. Was. Taken sick certainly not to need to call things she was in yeah to try on doctor chordates wedding to Mormons and only then. And only then in the presence of value because she had read to. The degree of comfort when playing croquet late in the season growing heads of Saturday you would you be going to few things tobacco even against us dining out the ages deciding that is nail varnish Madam Oh yes me. Man what. 10 years maybe they need a pink. Have a nice lunch maybe over snatching that new spot it was I didn't know whose handbag are obvious by. He is talking about. Amichai in the crack of a. White. Guy who knew her have. Read it I am yet to meet her a pill or. Anything I babble Rotenberg I am. Very good or very productive are you having your grammar correct repeat Oh I'm sorry I'm here are you why did you take my list you'll find all the Anything else is written down in type c. Thank you made it. To sticking on Paddy's spring. Is that you know over not to be dying you've been watching too many commercials it's not the meat it's a fast a kick the missed tell me she must be taking out read it again. She didn't mention anything about it she said she wanted. It's so she could pass out as the 1st aid lady at the office he says maybe if we haven't a. Chance but when she's gone she won't be then this tough no will provide and she passes that before she was because she can't until she has no she doesn't she won't that's why she will. Whoa I might have known it or along I've seen that in looking or I just dying to take my car on the Thursday drum that down your call from a good cause to spend spend the extra I think you'll find you don't really don't have. As Megan decided on I need God Can you talk me of nail varnish a time like this the net is not requiring anything that I'm a 70 is can you remember what my friend just awarded the other method is weather and give this madam exactly the same. God the God. Is a conference that should start on time I've come all the way from my office next door to great inconvenience was Michael then asked me age and almost missed peaches Oh I'm sorry I'm late I've just had the most terrible shock Janet has taken up 1st aid she sweating for an exam at the Institute of lifesaving in something or other so that she can take over from no speeches she did she did you know I got it from Drusilla to go Janet she has a flat with well I might have known Janet was up to something I saw her yesterday stirring up coffee with the moment. Yes while Drusilla says that she's already started giving treatments not on people no but last Sunday when she bent the joint you smothered it was in going mint. I mean you said it was really quite upset when I say oh boy I do think we ought to put a stop to this I mean we're just not well enough to be noticed by Janet Michael Dunn Ling Do you mind if I go to a night and there I am going to the theater not operating one hand. It is a learned thing that I want to do before I go back to seeing office this year. But you create the idea and I quite agree but I mean. Should I take up this thing I have I have got the right sort of clue there anything then what's in that little black bag all caddying come on it made up. My car and it contains this no thing that might work on customs offices but it won't work on me come on Dia open up the whole very. Really the things you can doand with you I would be disinfectant a stethoscope but if you see a bit safety pin. Do you think I think you really I. Was trying to economize I did not get it does in my. Janet we all know what you're up to but for the sake of the in talk human race I implore you to give up the idea no fear not my many studying this date is where. This is true well yes you see Mr Geiger say how difficult it is to keep Nessie so I thought for the good of the friend that I take it exactly Genet we're quite happy with the 1st ed arrangements as they are we don't want them altered yet I'm sure you get a rotten thing I did sickening the way you keep looking round that knows full well look this is gusty she wants me the moment is already there it has nothing to do with speeches we just don't think you 2 would have a big capable that's all I know that good looking so I doubt Just you wait till his next and then you'll see it to be too late by then. I tell you what if one of you will be impatient I give you a trial demonstration not now who's going to volunteer No thank you no in your life under no rush age and how much you definitely know I'd stand no chance of survival if I met regular after being on a hunger strike. In an adventurous lot and then I had to sign a highly confident sees me did you want someone to take my who made this huge it was me now I live in the film I'm going to take notes that right before I. Got mad at me to break my h.p.t. Running if you're going to do this I insist on you doing it properly I mean before we start what's wrong with Mavis what's happened. To me why he's like me. I never had any complaints beef a lot no agents quite right we must. Decide what happened and play. Maybe start talking in the fall you're an emergency case where if you say Families time. Where that's up to you you're going to pretend you've broken something. No no no no no you're doing this all wrong we used to have last day demonstrations in the raf and you're not supposed to know what's wrong with the casualty then how can you possibly treat them well the casualty numbers but the 1st day Jack doesn't I know you and Maggie go out of the room and Adrian and I will tell Mavis what's wrong with us. Yes that's right Michael and then John to make it come back in and decide what to do. Right now come on Janet really Birkenhead to work out the details and then we'll take a nap but I did you know. Later Miss Mavis Mavis maybe there's nothing wrong with you not that. I'm certain practically said you know this is purely a demonstration for Janet for Maggie you're just pretty. Ending Dolly. Really wasn't time maybe now we want you to pretend you've had an accident so the journey to make you can preach Are you understand. It's a cold frosty morning you know running for the bus you slip on a patch of ice and break your fabulous. Mavis. Your feet below is one of the bones in the lower half of your leg so when Gena touches it you moan and groan Oh. Yes yes but don't tell Rachel fibula she's not supposed to know when it did. Yes maybe a Janet your patients waiting Come on You Tube. 7 by a couple of nurses there and that's his point girl lying on the pavement right thing and I could. Hear that dish Yeah half down Mr Wonderful name. That I didn't know or just told just Soon she was red means to go you 2 talking about we just see Mr Blonde then you count you know exactly like Rock Hudson didn't you know. We detect you in a minute baby. Frostbite Thanks Mick. I know I was governor one was just looking. Why is that young lady dying on the flaw as she fall and. They get. It's quite simple missed. You see we were having the 1st day practice in view of the fact the nurse Peaches is helping out Dutch we saw the need have no further fears about no speech is definite she has given a new tooth to have a work life but we 100 place in the country is tough no one has a young medical student seeking experience and he became ill while he's come to the right place and you've already started to see the gentleman who was with me when we met in the car door just now the only that goal just hung. That was that was he was tough. I couldn't tell he was pinching my think of him when there's been one with the 1st Aid room immediately might continue I did Janet I'll come when you lie need a bit of sticky pasta for my secret. Night. My cigarettes. Oh what about you Mavis Aren't you going 70 not must not that I can't possibly mean to tell the stranger with a broken feed. If you can believe your ideas you have just had something called something to shout about Michael Lightfoot as played by Michael Medwin to Maggie by Elena Summerfield Janet by phonetic fielding Mavis by Jensen's who also played in their speeches Adrian by Nicholas Phipps and most of the characters by one Mitchell The script was written on the medical supervision by Miles Raj Advani both visiting Oz 2 to 5 and a quarter Cho was produced by John. Ones who gave it the full treatment in which case I can only say there is no further hope. Than that one was 1st broadcast on the b.b.c. Light Programme in October 1961 and the be another episode of this 20 part series in next Friday's classic comedy hour. Celebrating the life and work of Elizabeth Jane Howard I was beginning to get quite worried what were you driving your new car and that seat. Goodness isn't it. Featuring readings from her best selling novels new interviews and archives of the author herself speaking as a very slow learner I feel as a mist of my life in the slipstream of experience often I've had to repeat the same disastrous situation several times before I will miss Elizabeth Jane Howard remembered a 3 hour special tomorrow morning at 9 and again in the evening at 7 on b.b.c. Radio 4 extra. B.b.c. Radio. That is. It's 9 o'clock I'm generally your program guide. If you'd like to know what the worst thing Russell Grant did as a child and be very old when you come to the right place but also find out some interesting facts about Penny Smith and Alice James in a moment in half an hour Roy can hear stars in my course Nell Grove series about the less than competent leader of a crack undercover police squad while later Alexei Sayle is back in Liverpool exploring why each year thousands of people visit John Lennon's childhood home the Lennon visitors at 130. First from 2015 miles Joe posts another round of the show all about people power. This is it's not what you know. Thank. You I'm Miles Joe It's often said that it's not what you know it's who you know this is why it's quite reasonable to repeatedly ask Wasn't it good wasn't he fine isn't it madness. Can't be mine just so long as you can prove that you know him so well. Or why it's entirely find to question the integrity of the Catholic Church's long standing teaching on priestly celibacy if your dad is the pope have on this show we have not a smidgen of interest in what you know merely who you know and you may want to make a note of this it's terribly important how well you know them each of our 3 guests has nominated someone they know well to answer a series of questions could be a friend could be a family member could simply be someone who through a program of anonymous letter writing physical intimidation and the poisoning of a beloved family pet you successfully persuaded to trim a couple of feet off the hedge that divides your 2 properties. In at number 24 big shout out. Great to be able to finally enjoy the view of longest again have my guests can work out the answers their nominees gave they could be sashaying off into the night with our star prize an all expenses paid week long residential brass rubbing course for you and 13 friends led by a guest instructor in this instance a furious Jeremy Irons have. There we can use a walking tour of local churches and an entirely unnecessary excursion on to an army shooting range that has absolutely not been signed off by the relevant authorities have been and is included but it's advisable to bring extra blankets of yours.

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