639 played by Simone Dinnerstein and requested by Ronnie or Jay Lott thank you very much Ronnie or for that YOUR but before 7 suggestions very welcome other musical ideas for the program too and also sounds of summer suggestions 3 breakfast a B.B.C. Doc dot U.K. Or on Twitter at B.B.C. Radio 37 o'clock Thursday the 1st of August Debbie Ross has the new summary the government has announced it stepping up planning for the possibility of a no deal breaks it by earmarking an extra $2000000000.00 pounds in funding the plans include $500.00 extra Border offices measures to ensure vital medicines continue to be available and an advertising campaign the shadow chancellor John McDonnell has described it as an appalling waste of taxpayers' money it's understood that the son of the former leader Osama bin Laden has been killed in a military strike there's been no official confirmation from the Pentagon but reports in the US media quoting intelligence sources Hamza bin Laden is considered to have been a potential leader of the movement the former US Vice President Joe Biden has come under attack from rival candidates for the party's nomination for next year's presidential elections during the televised debate in Detroit they were heated discussions on health care and border control policies one senator question Mr Biden's record on race many parts of northern England are still experiencing disruption this morning after heavy rain caused damage to roads and railway lines flood warnings are still in place in many areas as further downpours are forecast and a major incident has been declared in the Cheshire town of Pointon. State media in North Korea is reporting that the leader Kim Jong un has personally supervised the test of a new type of guided rocket system which could expand its ability to strike South Korea it's believed to be the 3rd new weapon system to be unveiled by Pyongyang since President Trump and Mr Kim met in Hanoi in February a charity which monitors anti semitism in the U.K. Says that abusive behavior online is largely to blame for a rise in reported incidents the community Security Trust said they had been $892.00 reports in the 1st half of this year the highest since the organization began work in 1904 the Trust said the figures reflected deepening divisions in society which was causing anxiety in the Jewish community a prison restaurant project that trains inmates to cook and serve high quality food is significantly cutting re offending rates a Ministry of Justice study has revealed that just 15 percent of prisoners that took part in the scheme returned to prison compared with more than 60 percent of other adults the custody after a short sentence. And England's cricketers will begin their attempts to regain the Ashes in the 1st Test against Australia at Edge Boston this morning the home side have been Boyd by this success in the Cricket World Cup but will be anxious to avoid a repeat of their 4 nail defeat in the last Ashes in Australia 18 months ago that's the B.B.C. News it's 3 minutes past the weather forecast some sunshine but scattered heavy showers and thunderstorms will develop particularly in Scotland and in the north and east of England top temperatures 20 degrees Celsius in Edinburgh Belfast 23 in Cardiff and 25 in London. Rory McDonald conducting the B.B.C. Scottish Symphony Orchestra Nicolo Benedetti the violinist Paul Campbell's arrangement of my love is like a red red rose it's the white rose that dominates Radio 3 breakfast this morning the White Rose of Yorkshire it is Yorkshire Day today what a day for its story picture in The Guardian this morning of the bridge it called in guild the agreement and swept away by water coming in off the hillsides in waterfalls lots of cleaning up to be done there but I'm sure this day orchestra 1st will still be celebrated the Yorkshire feast song was 1st performed in 1690 at the Yorkshire men's feast a Merchant Taylors' Hall in London Music by Henry Pursell text by Tom Durfy who provided a text that told a history of York from Roman times on words filled with flattering references to the city and describing the events of its long history yesterday vis sayings of the pale and the Purple Rose a reference to the rival houses of York in Lancaster and the Wars of the Roses. Hold. 5 her. Close told her to slowly was a neighbor's homes. And used. To be slowed to a bowl of soup and the. Will of a little. Slow leak just didn't lose to the man he will lose it. And then he spun. Like slow to. Bolt because. He just. Said it was slow to think she did you. Hit you need. Which did. You. Get to. The pale and the Purple Rose the Yorkshire feast song by Henry Pursell sung by yesterday with Pamela thought B. And Tabby playing recorders Richard Egan leading an ensemble of instrumentalists from the keyboard speaking of a history of your today instant Samson Square in New York it'll be turned into a Yorkshire cinema for the day a large screen playing historical archive footage of your crumb 10 A M. And Yorkshire musician next John Hebden born in Spofforth near Harry gets as a young man he played in chamber concerts in Yorkshire along with an ensemble of unnamed German and Italian musicians based in New York around 742 he moved to London and joined Thomas arms orchestra at the Vauxhall pleasure gardens as principal cellist and bassoonist also played in performance of Messiah conducted by handle this is his concerto in C. And remorse plays the violin with Kent Alaina the music of John have been. Live. Lol. Andrew Morris playing the violin Kent Alaina directed by Adrian Sheppard concerto in C. For strings by John Hempton born in 1712 in Spofforth navigates formerly in the West Riding of Yorkshire we mentioned earlier on Granton in what was the North Riding South Riding I have yet to read when if it Hopis novel but I must use a my list we go next to the East Riding of Yorkshire to Hull and folk royalty the Waterstone's with the tell of an north country made. She's Was she. Once. Was good was it at. The new year a. Lovely shot at the been. Through the. Home. To long. * Was the ring. Magnolias. What is the illusion was love to leave it there he. Told her leisure the. Sure he. Loves. Her. Spain Obama comes from. Lance. 7 Lance I'm not gonna say. The water SNS normal allow and Mike with John Harrison singing the tail of a north country made 22 minutes past 7 we are celebrating Yorkshire Day on Radio 3 breakfast this morning Richard Watts and David Walker have both emailed 3 breakfast at B.B.C. Dock U.K. To ask us to include Eric Fendi as a bitch or receive any on Ilkley Mole the ROB ALLISON Fania is conducted by Gavin Sutherland. RINGBACK C OK. OK. OK. Erik Fenby introduced that work by saying no man loved to receive any and this over chill parenting his manner and based on the famous He watches owns an empty mall bought it and Scarborough Fair though making merry at his expense is intended to be in praise of his genius Eric. Mold the Royal Ballet Sinfonia conducted by Gavin Sutherland. Isn't it so incredible how breath can be used as part of rhythm. Something about the way the musicians breathe one another from the top from inside knowledge you pull the string away from the fingerboard let it bounce back against it which creates a loud stopping effect inside the choicest time just as. The the difference distinguished musician each week I implore you to turn the volume up inside music every Saturday afternoon at one on the radio 3. In the next half hour on break for Sarah Chang plays the lock ascending by Vaughan Williams and we take a trip on the worth of Valley Railway $731.00 Debbie has the headlines the government is stepping up its preparations for the possibility of a new deal breaks it by setting aside $2100000000.00 pounds of additional funding substantial sums will support businesses and ensure that vital medicines continue to be available labor has called the Government's announcement an appalling waste of taxpayers' money American media is reporting that Hamza bin Laden the son of the former al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is dead he's understood to have been killed in a military strike the former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden has come under attack from other Democratic Party candidates hoping to run for the White House in a televised debate ahead of the 2020 election the pasties front runner shared a stage in Detroit with 9 others they had sharp exchanges about health care border control and race. Voting is taking place in the Brecon and Bradley Shear by election in Mid Wales which was triggered by a recall petition 6 candidates are standing the polls will remain open until 10 o'clock tonight and the result is expected in the early hours of tomorrow morning thank you Barry the weather forecast they'll be some sunshine today but scattered heavy showers and thunderstorms will develop particular in Scotland and in the north and east of England top temperatures in the Newcastle's County Newcastle upon time in New upon time in Newcastle on the lime 19 degrees Celsius Edinburgh in Belfast 20 longer in Gloucestershire in Portsmouth 22 Cardiff in Ellesmere Port 23 London 25 degrees Celsius next on Radio 3 a prelude by a contemporary Canadian Chinese composer. Shing wrong the pianist in the prelude in C. By the Chinese Canadian composer and Dune Chong It's 23 minutes to 8 this Thursday morning patrimony with your breakfast very nice to have your company George it will be presenting tomorrow because I'm off to Gothenburg to present your a vision choir on Saturday evening to watch at her past 7 Saturday night on S 4 C. In Wales on B.B.C. Alba in Scotland and across the U.K. On the B.B.C. I Player Let's hope it will be a case of deuce point for the choir's from Wales and Scotland who are taking part your vision choir on Saturday evening now a sounds of some a suggestion from and vile surely says than the glorious song of the Skylark is the sound of the British summer Well at least it is for my generation is a charm my family used to holiday on the North Yorkshire More's memories of picnicking and then lying back listening to the birds in general and the skylarks in particular while trying to follow the latter's flight with binoculars come flooding back with the drastic decline in Sky large numbers I now realize how lucky we were would it be possible before hearing the Lark Ascending by Vaughn Williams to actually hear the song of the Skylark where Sarah Chang is the violinist but 1st of all is birds. I am. Who. Lud. Move. Sarah Chang playing the lark is standing by Vaughn Williams with the London for the monic conducted by Bennett height Inc Thank you very much and vile for suggesting that happy memories of holidays on the North Yorkshire. We are celebrating Yorkshire Day on breakfast today the Keathley and worth Valley Railway was built to serve the local mill trades in the late 1900 centuries just over 4 and a half miles long it's a preserved rel way now travelling through how if the home of the brunt a sistas this week steam hold passenger services and vintage scenic bus tours are running the 1st train depart Oxon hope at 10 o'clock Gordon Langford in his 3 Howarth impressions painted a musical picture of the worth Valley Railway and no choice in terms of who we're going to have playing it's Queen's braze own the Black Dyke Mills band. Through 3. Worth Valley row away one of the 3 Howarth impressions by Gordon Langford Black Dyke Mills band conducted by Major Peter park's rave review in The Times this morning for the late night problem by key show the force of nature writes Clive Davis who was born in what is now been mean and has built a career in the U.S. Knew exactly how to win us over this was the most electrifying world music gig to be served up to probably not as in a decade or more a night of rare passion and musicianship you can watch it on B.B.C. 4 at 10 o'clock on Sunday evening tonight at the Proms it's the B.B.C. Symphony Orchestra conducted by Edward Garnet desolate funded by Mahler and Britain's Piano Concerto the 1945 version played by life and snice Here he is Life of and snares playing from Griggs lyric pieces a piece $57.00 and he's at the problems tonight. This focus Edinburgh hosts a smorgasbord of musicians from around the world 3 weeks of performances that take us across the spectrum of classical music. Wills is multi award winning pianist clear Williams plays Greek and Wagner. Marcellin is quite at a crossroads delights with Haydn. And Edinburgh zoned to need income so it play a selection of Bach concertos. Radio 3 at the Edinburgh International Festival $2900.00. Beginning on Monday morning at 11 o'clock here on B.B.C. Radio 3. Of those in the station Chuen for a moment rather lovely Good morning it's 8 o'clock on Thursday the 1st of August of will welcome if you've just joined us this is breakfast Debbie Ross has the new summary. the government has announced it stepping up plans for the possibility of a new deal breck's it by am mocking an extra 2000000000 pounds in funding the money will help pave a 500 extra borda offices measures to ensure vital med since continued to be available and an advertising campaign the shadow chancellor john mcdonnell has described it as an appalling waste of taxpayers' money it's understood that the son of the form al-qaeda leader osama bin ladin has been killed in a military strike is been no official confirmation from the pentagon bought for ports in the american media are quoting intelligence source is the u.s. Offered a 1000000 dollar reward for information that could lead it to hamza been not an early at this year the former u.s. Vice president joe biden has come under attack from rival candidates for the party's nomination for next year's presidential elections during the televised debate in detroit there were he to discussions on health care and border control policies one senator question mr biden's record on race many parts of northern england i'll still experiencing disruption this morning off to heavy rain cause damage to roads and railway lines flood warnings the still in place in many areas as further down pose off full cost and a major incident has been declared in the chessie a town of pointon voting is taking place in the breckon and ratna ship byelection in mid wales which was triggered by a recall petition 6 candidate saw standing the polls will remain open until 10 o'clock tonight and the result as expected in the early hours of tomorrow morning president putin has ordered the russian army to help fight the wild fires that a burning across iberia and the russian far east the blaze has now been a light for at least a month and is covering an area roughly the size of belgium smoke his affecting major cities and making it difficult for people to breath The charity which monitors anti semitism in the U.K. Says that a piece of behavior online is largely to blame for a rise in reported incidence the community Security Trust said there had been $892.00 reports in the 1st half of this year the highest since the organization began work in 1904 the Trust said the figures reflected deepening divisions in society which was causing anxiety in the Jewish community. And a new mobile phone app which can alert doctors within minutes if a patient develops acute kidney injury has been hailed as a potential lifesaver the condition is dubbed the silent killer as it's hard to predict and is one of the biggest killers the N.H.S. Has to deal with that's the B.B.C. News is 3 minutes past 8 and the weather forecast some sunshine but scattered heavy showers and thunderstorms will develop bitter.

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