One of the transcriptions by Brazilian A The premier few going to Legros B.W.V. 998 music by Bach played by both hotter that's a new CD out I think is possibly his possibly his 50th he's recorded lots and lots of music down the years the B.B.C. Music Magazine calls that the recording which is out a week today the clear current benchmark. This classical life on B.B.C. Radio 3. Joyous some highlights on the show so far for me having seen Sagan Akon on I just grew even in the studio I absolutely loved this happens in real new discoveries in me with every home and find a hypnotic and beautiful and addictive and only how it's been so passionate about the music that he loves I think is one of my speech a piece of music ever written for me music is something that can really bring people together and there is something that we can share in and take joy from and the appalls is really gravy as well as you said it this classical life with me Jess kale and Tamara lunchtime at 1230 on B.B.C. Radio 3. The on. Wonderfully energetic version of the fandango from the quintet for guitar and strings by Bach arena John Pienaar he was the guitarist joining euro pergola and directed by fabulous beyond hello this is Ian Scully with the essential classics on B.B.C. Radio 3 Still to come this morning I have a slow moment offered by John Dahl and we're going to return to the voice of Wilfrid Brown before the morning is out and the violinist Janine young son brings the morning to a fine finish with colorful and lively music by Sun sauce but I have lists on the music stand next played by the London Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by the man who's just announced his retirement having turned 90 it's Bernard height Inc conducting lists symphonic poem inspired by the lines of an ode what else is our life but a series of previews to that unknown him. When you. * Her. The probably would the 3rd of the 13 symphonic poems by a list played by the London Philharmonic Orchestra and conducted by Bennett height Inc recently Rick and I'll sing his retirement not finished yet though he's going to be at the helm of the Vienna Philharmonic at the Proms on the 3rd of September which should be a splendid evening Bruckner 7 and Beethoven's 4th piano concerto pariah the soloist I think the ovations and encores will go on for quite some time that night and with the problems in mind just to say do have a pen and piece of paper or perhaps your smartphone at the ready on Monday morning Susie presents the program for the next 3 weeks and on Monday she's going to have the 1st of the essential classics proms competition questions for you we have a chance to win tickets to a prom each week well past 11 now this Friday morning time to bring you one more slow moments this week that moment on the program when we prove that slow but steady wins the race something John Dollar certainly understood it's his music providing our slow moment today his lackey may or 70 years composed in 1604 and rather appropriately given its Haslem moment I have a vial concert here to play it's called the sit fast concert. Lakra may or 7 tears by down and played by the sit fast vile concert are slow moments this Friday morning on essential classics now where you hear on Tuesday listening to the program when I played a recording of the tenor Wilfred Brown You may remember a listener called Irene told her she done some babysitting for him without ever knowing what he did for a living and then went along to hear him sing at the Royal Festival Hall mainly to give him some moral support because she was worried he might be nervous not realizing that he was one of the best professional tennis of his generation will make Sheppard was one of the many people email emailed to remind me of his singing and indeed come up with a few member is Mick says I was very pleased privileged to have a few singing lessons with Wilfred Brown in the late 1960 S. He was very ill by then but one of the humblest men I ever met when he listened to me sing he talked only of how much pleasure my voice could give to others and I never forgot that remark throughout my singing career with English National Opera and elsewhere in the years that followed and Roger Gibbs also got in touch to say that when he was 18 Wilfred Brown came to sing with his parish church choir and in one of the items wanted to sing a solo from within the choir so came and stood alongside me but 1st of all he asked me if I minded I was speechless I sang the cell and he sang many times afterwards always with Wilfred alongside me in my mind well thank you for all of you getting in touch it made for some very moving reading I must say let's hear a little of that wonderful voice cut short so tragically this is with her brand with the guitarist John Williams singing a couple of of the Chinese songs by Benjamin Britten. Don't. Have to. Make your. To. Speak about the sort of the old to eat make yourself. The lieutenant form the leave you try not the one to do there's. The sea floor the. Thing about the sort of the old or you. Just. The was losing the. One just starting. To. Do or think about the sort of was about the sort of. The sort I was alone was. All 4 didn't kill you or you still. Need to. Be true to me. And say. Just. Was turned car the fish from. School has come. To take to move. Onto the slope this is just 2. Clues. I do not refuse to pay. If you won't meet. Her to find. Us. Because of the cheering from. Such precision one of addiction to the big carrot and the old lute 2 of the songs of the Chinese by then human Briton sung by Wilfred Brown with John Williams playing guitar now earlier this morning we were building a playlist on the back of profit us classical symphony his 1st symphony where he deliberately attempts to indulge in a bit of neo classical composition taking structures and forms from are the sorts of music developed by Haydn lots of people suggested we should include some of Haydn's music on the back of that so we thought we had some time now to do so and here he is in typically jokey mood with a movement from his surprise symphony. You . I want. Her. On. Her. Alone. Last. Night. Last. Night. Playing. 2. Haydn giving London audiences a bit of a surprise with a 2nd of what became 12 symphonies he wrote for his trips to London in the 1790s the concert about locust runs to them was conducted by calling Davis a contemporary of Haydn is all composed of the Week this week C.P.E. Bach Donna MacLeod is here in the next 10 minutes with the final episode in his series this week to take us there we have some celebrate pre-filing acts in effect Janine young son lights the touch paper gently to begin with but don't return to check it's lit the flame may be small to begin with but stand back for what follows a musical Firework by sound songs. 2 the. Earth. Early. Who. Do. Yes. From. The. Getting. A little you know. The little man. The introduction and rounder Capriccioso for violin and orchestra by sound sauce Janine Young's was the violinist the role for the monocoque is to conducted by Barry Wordsworth I mean Scully thank you very much indeed for your contributions to the program after the poor past fortnight Susie Klein is here to bring you all the music and conversation for Monday at 9 join me tonight if you can already 3 for that splendid farewell concert to Steve include King's College Cambridge half past 7 this evening and have a great weekend maybe catching up with some B.B.C. Podcasts. You can hear out of this world pod cast on B.B.C. Sounds right. As we approach the 50th anniversary of the 1st ever moon landing listen to how the story unfolded 13 minutes to the moon continue your go where you are and be brought back to earth with the lighter side of breaks it with cast this is. Always fun to states that's exactly right catching on brand sounds download the free app now to listen without limits. May Day is the time now time already 3 to join Donald MacLeod for this week's composer of the week C.P.E. But today we take up the trail again of the missing manuscripts of the zing Academy of lead in the German capital was subject to 363 air raids during the 2nd World War In August 143 as the Allies bombing continued the Nazis and moved this cultural treasure out of Lynn to the safety of the remote Castle that Dorothy had lots inside present day Poland by the end of the war trail had run cold no one seemed to know what had happened to this precious archive which included a great many manuscripts of members of the bark family mainly Col Philip Emanuel It was assumed that the entire collection had been destroyed or was irretrievably lost but then in the late 1950 S. a Few quiet books from the sing Academy were returned from Moscow to East Berlin suggesting the collection may have found its way to the Russian capital the inquiry's on both sides that then followed drew a blank what wouldn't emerge until some 4 decades later was that in September 945 trophy brigades of the Red Army moving through eastern parts of Germany had located the archive and seated artistic materials like this and the paintings of the Dresden gallery which had also been evacuated were handled by the Russian state secret police the N.K.V.D. And they had arranged for at least 7 freight cars of archival materials to be shipped to Moscow as cultural compensation. Then in 157 a classified document of the Red Army that had been commissioned by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union revealed that 5170 items of music including manuscripts had been deposited in the conservatoire in Kiev in the Ukraine the experts realized that something of that size corresponded to the Z. Academy archive but when the Conservative I was asked about this they said they had no such what time deposited materials and yet in the late 1960 S. Works that had been part of the sing Academy's library well being. Guided me according to your will like a child though it may lead me on rough dark paths the words of that color spicy mentoring exactly what he'd said in his dedicated a letter to his old friend oppression court Frederick the 2nd sister the highly musical Amalia we heard the chorus lightening not by and hidden performed by the vocal ensemble humus account or I and defeat leap conducted by good Raimi finally the institution that the missing Music Archive had been transferred to was identified as the archive Museum of literature in key have when the music historian and Bach biographer Christoph Wilcke contacted the archives and asked Is there any material with the name of Bach in that collection The answer was yes very many different 1st names to the family name of Bach that clinched it Wolf knew that there was no other collection that had that kind of family material he eventually got permission to get into the Archives building when the director opened one of the 14 boxes packed with manuscripts and 1st editions and pulled out one of the manuscripts wealth was delighted to see stamped on the cover zing academy to Beldin . The excitement of this amazing discovery rapidly spread around the world Christoph Wolff gave an impression of just how important this fine was Imagine for a moment he said that you knew only the drawings and engravings by Rembrandt but not the paintings all of a sudden the paintings which really are the chief works shed some light almost smaller works the same is true of Philip Emmanuel Bach because the vocal works the large scale mixed pieces church music secular music with choir soloists and orchestra from the sing Academy collection really the representative pieces they bring out the best in the composer said Wolf if you compare those works with the smaller works orchestral pieces chamber works and keyboard music then you can see the broader context all.