Testing revealed it to be a smaller version from the artist's studio that's the B.B.C. News 3 minutes past 7 thank you V.G. The weather today a dry day for much of the U.K. With lengthy spells of sunshine after some morning mist it'll be windy in northern Scotland but any rain will tend to ease the temperature will reach 12 degrees Celsius in Kettering Weymouth and up a rest with 13 in Darby Belfast Cardiff and Edinburgh 15 in Grimsby Grimsby 16 in London and 11 degrees Celsius in Florence in Italy and I mention that because as we just heard in the news with V.G.A. British but a chilly sort of has been identified the Madonna of the pomegranates was originally thought to have been a copy but this new conservation work has revealed its the real thing or at least made in bought a Chinese own workshop although we don't know the man himself would have had much involvement because apparently he had a big team of assistants There's a picture of the painting in the Times this morning it's got that wonderfully gem like quality to the colors the Madonna is wearing which is a peacock blue colored robe and she's holding a typically cherubic looking Christ child in her arms he's holding the pomegranates of the title English heritage have done the restoration work and the painting will be going on display at ranges house in Greenwich in south east London next month so here's some breakfast for you now this is. From her speakeasies 3 Bhattacharjee pictures. The Earth. For the borer the 1st. Blue blue. Blue blue From 3 pictures played by the office chamber orchestra there and we play that in honor of the news that the Madonna of the pomegranates really is about a Cheli and it goes on display in Greenwich next month it's 10 past 7 this is breakfast on B.B.C. Radio 3 welcome if you are just joining us George a man with you until 9 o'clock this morning will keep a spring in mind next with Mendelssohn and a short piece that he wrote inspired by a walk in the woods Mendelssohn said the most natural music of all occurs when 4 people go out together in the woods or in a boat and carry the music with them and inside them this is the primrose. What. 2 6 ready ready ready. The Primrose by Mendelssohn sung by the real Chamber Choir conducted by Hans Christoph Radha. Last Friday on breakfast we played some Steve Rush the request of Mr Brown a music teacher in Scotland and I asked for more music teachers and students to get in touch because it's wonderful to hear from them and James Webb has done just that he is director of music at home school Good morning James asked us to play spring from Rican posed take on Vivaldi's 4 Seasons Mr Webb writes I'd like to dedicate it to my lovely peoples at school who performed at the spring concert which was all music from Venice in Hull Minster back on the 16th of March which a parent included 2 concertos by Vivaldi and also his Gloria he says we had a lot of fun. C Yes. The out. There. Daniel hope was the violinist and enjoyed to read or conducted the concept House come out OK then in spring from Max rich his Rican posed version of valdés 4 Seasons and we play that for Mr Webb who dedicated it to the peoples at how Collegiate School this morning if you are a music teacher or student and you would like to send a musical message via US on breakfast perhaps there's something you're studying and loving or if you're a teacher and you want your students to have something more we could play it that might help to get in touch 3 breakfast at B.B.C. Doco dot U.K. You can text us 83 treble one remember texts will be charged at your standard message rate please check with your network provider for exact costs. 24 minutes past 7 I have another barrage reversion ing on breakfast for you now if you caught the last piece in through the night this morning it was handles sublime last year less Spina composers in the we're really not shy about recycling their own chewed and especially the tunes was good is that one handle himself recycled that aria in his renowned and then handles contemporary William babe will reject it as a solo harpsichord pace and it was a big hit yet again here is that William be able remix if you like of Handel's. Yes the crystalline sounding harpsichord that Paolo Zenza was playing it and it was William baby arrangement of Handel's last year piano. Now here's some important information from the other end of the day here on Radio 3. Incredible live music. Inspired performers. In tune on B.B.C. Radio 3 next week features the pianist Steven Osborne and the choral group for Che's 8. The early music ensemble arc Angelo and from Canada folk music from Live wrong in your. Interview with Michelle rapid a Monday to Friday at 5. On B.B.C. Radio 3 and available on B.B.C. Sounds. Well still to count here on breakfast Debussy's portraits of the girl with flaxen hair and symphonic music by gig No Right now the time is half past 7 the G.L. As has the B.B.C. Headlines tourism is offered to resign if M.P.'s past Brooks a deal has won over some senior conservatives but many other Tories have joined the Democratic Unionist Party in refusing to back her the head of the British Chambers of Commerce has said that M.P.'s need to stop chasing rainbows to resolve the BRICS it impasse Adam Marshall is expected to tell the organizations and your confidence that uncertainty is already doing real world damage to the U.K. Economy the chief inspector of probation has said that the use of private firms to monitor offenders is irredeemably flawed the government has admitted the current model is not working and independent study says that dust and debris from the Grunfeld tower fire in West London have polluted the surrounding area substances which can cause cancer and breathing difficulties have been found in salt samples. Experts clipping what was thought to be a copy of a bottle Charlie painting have discovered it was in fact from the Italian artist's studio extensive tests were carried out on the work to confirm its origins thank you B.G. The weather forecast a dry day for much of the U.K. With lengthy spells of sunshine after some morning mist it will be windy in northern Scotland but any rain will tend to ease and the temperature will reach 12 degrees Celsius in Kettering Weymouth and Aberystwyth 13 in Darby Belfast Cardiff and Edinburgh 15 in Grimsby and 16 in London on this day March the 28th 842 auto Nicholai conducted the 1st ever concert given by the Vienna for the monic Nikolai was one of the founders of that orchestra and he has quite a dramatic backstory his parents divorced and auto was so unhappy at the time that he ran away taking refuge in Stargardt's with a senior legal official called Adler who treated also like a son sent him off to bird in to study music and this is the overture to auto Nikolai's The Merry Wives of WINSOR. LULU The only. The only. Thorough. Clive conducted the Vienna for demonic in the overture to her Nikolai's The Merry Wives of. And while we're talking Shakespeare The reviews are in the papers today for Romeo and Juliet at the Royal Opera House that's Kenneth MacMillan's ballet. School The Guardian gives it 5 stars Winship says that Lauren Cuthbertson is a monster full Juliet's and that the pairing of Lauren and Matthew board is a totally convincing one and it's forestalls from the Times Deborah Crane says that Gary Avis really makes the role of Tybalt his own she says stalking the stage like a hot headed charismatic as Errol Flynn in his swashbuckling heyday which is enough to make me want to go see it that is Romeo and Juliet. Her house until June 11th and they will apparently be a live cinema on June 11th it's 741. A composer who took inspiration from a huge variety of from the paintings of to the poetry of he is now inspired by a poem about a girl with golden hair the beauty with lips of cherry. The 2 6 6 6 2 2 the light infused arrangement that was Lisa friend was the flautist and Ro hand to silver the pin assist in that arrangement by Peter Kohlmann of Debussy's Lafayette . And that's is from a new release of French music also including music by 4 right on the chandeliers label and it is out now. I have music for you next by Frenchman of a slightly earlier era shall goon No he's known primarily for his of a Maria and his own profile spot we're going to hear him in symphonic mode now in you know 2nd symphony you can certainly hear the influence of Mendelssohn and Schumann but the lightness of the woodwind writing has a very French flavor to it this is the 4th movement of Symphony Number 2. And. Let. Yacht. But. 2 the on. The bus lane. You. Use it. Yan Pascal Tortelli a conducted at the Iceland symphony orchestra in the 4th movement of good nose 2nd Symphony It's 6 minutes to 8 I was at a concert in Southampton is turn a Sims recently with the brilliant viola player Laurence power he opens that concert with Bieber's but Talia sort of madly futuristic brought piece that effectively turns the strings into a warring Army complete with cannon fire and all sorts Lawrence told me that evening that for him Bieber is the most innovative composer of the baroque period which is quite a claim when you think about who the other contenders are Baber is composer the week this week so I do remember you can catch up with all those episodes with Donal cloud on B.B.C. Sounds now so his some breakfast Bieber for you. You. The adding a. Thing as the each. The ear. Thanks to a Louis. Louis. The al the at. The in. The evening at. The at. How each . You no after false ending or 2 did you can handle conducted concerto Palatino in Sonata sung copy. Still to come on breakfast this morning us an answer by one of Newcastle's finest Charles Davison and Max Brooks writing for 2 pianos and orchestra that's all right now is 8 o'clock this is B.B.C. Radio 3 The news is read now by V.G. As the government who is intensifying its efforts to rescue today's amaze bricks a deal after M.P.'s rejected all 8 alternatives during votes in the Commons last night some prominent brigadiers have said they will not support the agreement after her pledge to resign if they did so but many other backbench conservatives have said they will not back the deal the Democratic Unionists.