Made by more than 2 to one even though male students are more than twice as likely to take their own lives figures from 100 universities for the B.B.C.'s Victoria Darbyshire program show just 31 percent of those who are asked for support were male JIM MIDDLETON accounts stepped up at University says stigma prevents men seeking help it was very difficult to take the initial step of asking for help men also said that they had difficulty coming forward for small problems and there was definitely something about the need for men to be masculine in society today a restaurant project where President mates are trained to cook and serve high quality food is making a significant difference in cutting re-offending rates researchers from the Ministry of Justice found that 4 main ways who'd been through the program were much less likely to go back to prison Sean Cochrane reports the klink restaurant teaches in makes in a prisons how to serve up food while they're serving their sentences but a study from the Ministry of Justice shows that it's succeeding in its real purpose which is to stop the revolving door of reoffending and to provide prisoners with training to go straight into jobs for adults leaving custody after short sentences 3 offending rates could be higher than 60 percent but for those trained in the clinics kitchens the real bending rate is down to 15 percent with the flagship restaurants in Brixton Prison getting the rate down to 11 percent and today's weather forecast some sunshine but scattered heavy showers and thunderstorms will develop particularly in Scotland and in the north and east of England the temperature will reach 20 Celsius in Edinburgh in Belfast 22 in Cardiff and 25 in London as the B.B.C. News of 5 past 7 thanks very much Tina on the B.B.C. Sound on talk radio and 88 to 91 B.B.C. Radio. Welcome to all good to Monkees it's a new month it's so New Morning and summer is passing me way too far for me think this side of things down I do want to wish it away. Oh my goodness me what are you The BE. As useful as an acreage Michael said. I don't seem to play on national girlfriends' day suddenly Misty's coming in steep in Suffolk says can. Wish Michael just a friend John and a wonderful Kate we are proving the Law of Attraction works every single day I love her that I'm back and A.J. I'm from Devon she says as it's National Conference Day Stay could you wish my wife Andy happy 1st wedding anniversary please H. And it would be my pleasure and Mark says mornings I mean can can you wish the love of my life Vanessa home a happy day she's already very busy out what this morning you see this is the thing that may seem like a bunch of softies but sometimes funny telling tonight they might just need to know that they're loved and appreciated so I said that it's a lovely thing you get is coming in 88 to 91. Everybody says we've dealt so-called monsters little. He has been to Northern Ireland he's been to Scotland he was in England yesterday and today he completes the final leg of the we stop. Monster toll in a Wales maybe go at their news media crowd kind of fun for me it's I doubt motoring to think and how I want you to do that bowling more important going out one of them on the beautiful beautiful day I am in Wales you know kind of I'm taking the. Lovely morning blue guy not the. Warm sun It just so way in Wales all you what can you see from the blue sky scan Well I can only see the buildings that are about really by much like one 0 no please this one is a young one and I'm just about to open a letter which tells me we're going to be very careless so it isn't fair. All right morning Can it hold back a polite letter that I love it. Welcome to Wales along on the way to opera pop out your I hope you're not completely ignorant but I'm no no no no no no we plough me. Morning you will be enjoying the sunshine and heading up good coach all nice right now I would listen to the current. I think any time or any other day and yes some would say you'll be all. Right you're going to the end of a career. But if you'll go my amusement by. Live music. Then it's going to you have to find out and learn all the problem all in. All it's the ultimate T.V. It seems to know what he wanted to see that in Amazing I know if I had to I don't know logged on a lay me McDonald Scouting For Girls. So I love Kember he's going to the end of a pier so much from Swansea he will be effectively the end of the pay as show. The last time I was on the end of a pay and we can bring it was in Brighton I was shown him around and we went on this raw eat his the basic right that basically I was in the way Tiffany is we spawn against the foals I was crushing embrace that's one of the funniest. Something left of me going to. See about a rider the end of the pier OK Ken so that's all we know then that's all we know. We have to wait till 930 to find out I mean you're going to 3 do fantastic and if you want to play the Don't forget you have to we'll open the lines a little bit later on I can and it's been such a burning way to enjoy you whiles I know I'll be to revolve thank you go buy a car oh yeah we can buy you see we still sell pop muscle. to sounds like he wants me to disability ladies or she's lovely so here. Goes and boy. Should have a look at the paper is she going to get the paper says nothing to it there's a little look at some of the stories in the business morning baby wrong to ease the great white hope for the species biologists have hailed the birth of a southern white rhinoceros conceived through all to show insemination as a historic step in the program to save everyone takes up species from extinction is a massive means of course the baby Mychael born at San Diego CA is the 1st Rhino born in North America as a result of all species have a nation giving scientists hope that they could ultimately use up. Whites to act as mothers to host the embryos of Northern whites the world's most endangered animal of which only. Remains is this incredible all they use is really is they could actually save a species Dr Barbara Daryn the director of the reproductive sciences at San Diego Zoo said this is a significant and it was a critical step in the conservation which is great news and also in other good news for the planet fingers crossed supermarket plastic bag you stand by 90 percent 90 percent almost since the 5 pence charge began so that you know you have to have a collection for how many of the bags that you buy you now have seen say we're now going to have to stop buying those products because with all the materials that they're made over going to run live I could retire on how much the COBRA to my sink is worth I know not that was just changing our habits isn't it of course the government has announced measures to. Eliminate all avoidable plastic waste by 2020 that's not far away and congratulations and she's off Muslim teen jockeys to a place in history this through the Daily Express today a teenager will make sporting history a glorious could do today by becoming Britain's 1st female muslim jockey. He's 18 years old will ride in a ladies' day charity race despite only getting in a race horse back in April to do just taking her A levels will compete against the likes of lympics cyclist Victoria Pendleton and model vocal Williams in the Magnolia said good luck to her today and also such a fantastic photograph actually won an award and this is in the Daily Telegraph today but I think you should find this photograph. A chap from Cypress has captured the moment a pair of European praying mantis danced on a stork to win 1st prize in a moment in nature category in a photography awards I'm going to show this picture to Ritchie now. These incredible insights they are actually a tightrope walking holding each other's hands and. Credit Check the spice girls out there it really is an amazing moment quite impressed. How they a 406 because when I. Diverted that and the M 25. From 182314 legs out on the anticlockwise side that's what they recover a broken. Leg thank you very much here is lovely friend of the show Tom Walker just you know. He's been hard time goes on and. So on and all the things that we. Hold this only if you understand our feeling here. I can tell you. When a. Trial or judge should let you go to. Sleep as mine told me. To come up players play ball to come up. The clock to play just plain. Stupid. Common Man So go out there day a week and think it's freakin chips at the weekend when I would jump down to steal You weren't there. You know suing the I O. a Tom orca just you and I penned up his suit in Benson he says on national girlfriends' taken you say hello and said lots of off to my 3 best friends morals and since I was 11 and that was a long time ago so a lovely day for me this morning by a she is one of our favorite color friends Carol Kirkwood gorgeous I'm only telling you how are you good morning Zoe Very well thank you Howie I'm OK actually do I run into Charlie yesterday I think he was at the hotel to interview Quentin Tarantino or busy Brad Pitt somebody yesterday and we were having a having a chat about somebody else who wants to be seen using the money single a lot more but economy to fight against that Anyway back to the important matters what's the weather going to do today Carol Well it's once again today quite messy and we do have farther slow moving showers so this morning there are a few showers door to derive but there's a lot of dry weather across the U.K. And also some sunshine now as temperatures rise through today the slow moving and heavy potentially thunder showers will be from northwest Scotland through northern England down in the direction of the East Anglia and unfortunately some of those could well fall in areas that have been flooded on either side of that line from northwest Scotland to East Anglia we're looking at sunshine and just a few showers of the Northern Ireland could well stay dry for much of the day now for temperatures we're looking at a bite $22.00 in Edinburgh $21.00 in Belfast $25.00 in London and in Swanzy for the final day of Cannes part master 2 or we're looking at . About 23 degrees and can tell your brolly you just might be unlucky tonight well the shows will fade temperatures very similar to the night just gone 12 to 15 degrees and then tomorrow high pressure builds in so that will settle things down tomorrow we'll have much lighter winds and just a few heated the day showers with temperatures between 16 and about 25 the weekend with weather front coming in from the West will eventually bring us some shabby rain but not everywhere that's great news Thank you Carol oh gosh sorry didn't see that quite. Busy just. Left he just given the soul jukebox info later this afternoon with pics into musical mastermind head to head in another fantastic all new jukebox jam it's literally minutes of fun to see later from 5 droids go all the way we have some show and tell don't get on the show today my interview with the mag as stars of the most excellent Once upon a time in Hollywood Quentin Tarantino's you film Marco Rubio Brad Pitt and Leonardo to Caprona Caprio also today 5 Time now for the headlines a week Tina on radio to. A.B.C. News at $730.00 this is Tina to Haiti the government setting aside an extra $2100000000.00 pounds of additional funding some of the money will be used to support businesses and make sure medicines remain available in the event of a no deal break Sates label called the move an appalling waste of taxpayers' money the number of single use plastic bags handed out by the U.K.'s biggest supermarkets has fallen by 90 percent since a 5 pounds challenge was introduced 4 years ago the government figures show the average person now picks up just 10 bags a year down from 140 before the FI disruption the in the north of a good is expected to continue this morning after 2 days of widespread flooding buildings have been damaged roads want to. The bridge has collapsed don't have held a new both as a potential lifesaver for people who fall ill with acute kidney injury one of the biggest killers in the N.H.S. The system allows clinicians within minutes of blood tests suggest patients have developed the problem and the way the subsumption but scattered heavy showers and thunderstorms will develop as we've just been hearing most of these will affect Scotland the North East of England asked the B.B.C. News on Exit 8 Q very much Taina in a bit. So I'm coming to the Breakfast Show this morning and eighty's birthday people is the 1st. Date special It means if you want the chance to behave in the studio tomorrow with a plus one to watch the show and meet all the gas cap one of the funniest ladies on television. Channel on television and we'll have live music from the brilliant Emily Sunday well come and pay the price drop these crazy 60 seconds of showbiz questions you get 5 correct answers and you could be here in the morning all you have to do is text the word stall to $88.00 to $91.00 right now that's the word start this T. To $88.00 to $91.00 and it we might be giving you a call back here is showbiz beach with the all important tease. You need to be 18 or over to top picks will be judged. At any one takes will be counted before but it will still be charged you can bring a guest with you but you need to make your own way a decent season for the Radio 2 website close at 8 am pleased if you missed them stumble and. If we call you back face morning thank you very much go to SHOWBIZ MC So text we did a picture of mix before and now that he gets accepted. You can text the word star to 88 to 91 your last chance for about 3 weeks to do the beat. That text. And. Someday. Congratulation kooks hung up on. Happy nesting. In. This city. Games to. That is truly I'm such a baby pretty. Soon to stand out is by Rolling Stone a country country country to cover all of the Shia in case you're wondering how I would like to wish my girlies happy go for a day they are Angie Justin Maria Del to be happy 60th to she's a wild cat the dog and Linda that comes from Carol hi Sally I would like to wish a happy go friend to my lovely friends Jenny and Lesley we all in Southampton and life is a waste fabulous when they are around from Kerry dates and I'm very tame I'm feeling great this morning as it's only one more get up until my holidays when we can escape the rain 1st and French sun in in North Wales same say so I did I. Have to disagree. On the shape of the 7 pm series Yes Well you know when to do a Cinema Club on Jesuits and I know where I'm going to be this evening. OK it's time for some show and tell it's 741 listeners and we welcome to the show today Harry Jones from. Enclosed to share and he's 10 but most importantly he's going to be 11 next week Harry Jones Good morning Harry how. Is a lovely welcome of a morning Harry how you feeling about being 11 next to a hairy young feeling great about excellent anything on you wish list the presents because if anyone who knows you is listening it could be a good prompt loud story all or they all know how you'll know that you know what they need to get used. To an amazing 10 almost 11 year old what do you show and tell going to be happy today. A poem I wrote oh yeah. My favorite. I know a lot of other people whose favorite food is beets or actually who might live in my house where when did you write it already oh mom oh yeah. I read to in my house you retain your house you wrote in your house brilliant and what was it written for was it just for fun no was it for school it was for the school. Oh and how did God I came from. Nice was high 5 to you young man did you win anything to get a trophy are met Lou and think oh no oh. Oh oh oh just for fun a fair enough fair enough so who have you told this poem to be ready too many people. Many right. Pound Eve actually done recording it of it for B.B.C. Radio Gloucestershire as well yeah I have he looked keep he pulled well Harry are you going on holiday this Morrow tomorrow brilliant goals are lovely we're looking forward to most back and. When we're grown no way we're going to study. And test. Driven past it so many times how enough never stops can you come close to how many to be generous actually your hobby sound quite interesting what are you into Holby vice Harry Holzer I'm. Excellent I guess you must never do these banks at the same time because that could be dangerous if you found in the sighting with a metal detector. Yeah of course but since Korean. The Prasco don't just tell him to be like huge massive eyes like no way thinking you. May be an old watch what and how did you find out that it was kind of you know with a bit. He goes to a club a bully we call Wednesday night. Archaeologist So you know well look ordinary That's amazing I laugh at how it's gone my mate down the club you know yeah my dad got he lets out for is whether it's funny that's fantastic needs well well done this and I am pretty talking on enough listeners out there are desperate to hear your poem my favorite food is pizza How can I just thank. You both is coming up as well you're splendid fellow are you ready yes drumroll for Harry please. Take it away Harry my favorite food is pizza my favorite food is pizza I eat it for my art people need to be so I make a fridge my favorite sport he lets nail home he sleeps a lot he come on the House when these alone my favorite thing is I do it while I come are far so we're promoting the barn my mom is not a farm my favorite game is rocket leak is really it is hard not to play it or not I thought I'd miss people for much my favorite teacher was Mrs Flo She never makes a pool. I should get extra prepared now to get my brain the way my theory my thoughts of stride take I think remember drool but I keep my feet all nice and warm because that's all folks for my favorite take a stroll through the years. I'm very fond of father to the trout let it be the rest I find a favorite time I spend time when I can close my eyes I dream of tasty pieces falling from the sky my favorite of Pisa I use it for my sake are keeping me in peace so I make you free. And pass from a carry on you Spike many good think I think. I know you moved into a book of poems sorry but is still new to me read. So to the sounds of. You being a you would like to show and tell again a grown up Miles that we've all been shocked code don't you. Want to know what we've been hoping the spot is that when you slip a scooter around and you hop over it I magine out something big thank you so much Carrie really and. You need. To. Get. A. Says she. Plz. Plz plz. Let's. Live For us my friend used to saying Africa is like a star. Out 750 Hi Sally show and tell IS EPIC this week ending in Perth I have to peek and agree with you it's just been so good to say talent I don't like Peter says love that poem Harry 5 star red do for you I want to get metal detecting with Harry as he sounds like he's got a modest touch literally he's finding us I know never got one I don't think she's found much she said he did go in the garden and up the back is very So you know I've got an awful lot under that I don't get this year law school for the 5 If you want to come in the studio tomorrow and meet Mike Mike you talk to spall I think it's not really but that's the travel I do know a lot of my friends of a disagreement that I don't come to meet my going to come in to be the proud squalled if you like to meet Tina to even I mean that is a big as the real problem that is simply people popping by Cathy is going to be hey a bubble and any sound a thing in life that is a strong friends around Friday will be such a laugh if you want to come you can text Wordstar to $88.00 to $925.00 stop is crazy and then you could be here so just been checking out my i know look I don't look at social media that much these days especially perhaps not today but I have noticed that my photograph of Brad Pitt. And Leonardo Dicaprio where I've sort of nicely sandwiched myself into I mean like of all the people to stand next to I should probably know is that there is demography I mean the world's most beautiful woman but I'm quite pleased with my pose great because normally I go. Clowns style face but I've actually tried to sort of do this so I did show that yeah I mean it but anyway it had 20. 1000 likes Why don't Mike Allen quote unquote please. Write in joining strictly that news on my Instagram that 16000 my photo atomics got about 14000 the one I was really chuffed with is when I went to give blood for the 1st oh yeah I got 14000 and that was great because that kind of you know really appalling that other people at the moment my son would be doing the bright marathon is beating everyone with. Marco and Leo can they can and can make it up there I'm not sure what's it like Only Fools and Horses You know the classic play call trick play call someone. Play it call it you've got 3 Hollywood mega-star and it's just you know just it's so hot I was actually quite proud of myself I was on my best behavior and I was trying desperately not to have a medical part of the same toxic quite warm in the room where black enough you know where you were allowed to take a photo because sometimes these people have their own people to take their place or no I just my breast Tom who are amazing guest on our show I don't want Steve right he puts his some brilliant people doesn't he Tom finally lucky he did he took the photograph the crowd always looking at this thinking. Thinking this is not going to be the greatest show but I'm actually quite pleased to be how do you what I said yesterday suggested yesterday would you say that you should have got them to you know look abroad when they were there and hold on or lie about us I was going but you didn't know Dicaprio one way or the volume what you meant if I even said the words Brad could you hold me I'm going to ask what about I'm in here a minute where. You know why have you got to go I think Margot Robbie would have been well up for human pyramid and I think she is going on about everyone was very jealous that I got to meet Brad Pitt and I just kept up I tell you Margot Robbie She's my new my new crush she is just so we have to hear that she comes up and check after 8. Boys gets me I can bring her in next time yes we can yeah could you come in next time. Well welcome to going to into you and then you won't be able to speak oh yeah well you know I'll get my numbers but you know cool yeah I think they might like to punish them and. That's not happening. In my clothes so England's cricketers will be hoping for some pinch and a punch on the 1st day of the month as they prepare to take on the old enemy in sports greatest rivalry springs into action goes. Can we go short ball they go straight up boxing pretty good up a little break a New Hampshire is a ruthless this 71st Ashes series between England and Australia starts this morning Day One of the 1st of 5 Test matches begins at 11 am Eastern cricket fans can't wait and neither can the captain's very exciting time for everyone involved coming up the back of the World Cup when I think all nations very excited about cricket which is a great place to be great to be a part of an England team that timeline to strive had some unbelievable teams come here and sights just another great opportunity for these teams to create some sort of history that's healthy Captain Tim Payne an England skipper Joe Root can the Yorkshire men how to get the home side off to a great start all New York should day build up it's already started I brought my sports extra right now but commentary starts at 11 am in the play video clips on the B.B.C. Website and as well meanwhile there was a victory at last for England's women last night in the final match of their Ashes series they won the 3rd and final T 20 international with Australia in Bristol by 17 runs in the opening round of golds women's British Open on the way it was business is the last women's golf major of the year former Georgia hole is the defending champion and a special come out. To play my home country and have enough people's 4 Georgia gets her 1st round on the way at 1216 the softer look out for Charlie Hall as well playing on her home course she's just started her opening round and in tennis and B. And Jamie Murray return to court together for the 1st time since 2016 yesterday a lot. Because of a broken down. Because . It's been sitting there for 40 minutes. More in half an hour. By the way once upon a time in Hollywood. You are going to love it. Only human coming out and a 5 star. You could be hit with Malta and. OK let's get together and. Come. On the show this morning there will be the possibly squeeze but also when you get me that interview with Brad Pitt Leonardo Dicaprio. Companies now with Tino this is radio T.V. On the beach sounds out on to story and on $88.00 tonight one of. The B.C. Is it 8 o'clock on Thursday the 1st of August Good morning this is Tina de Hailey the government says is putting aside an extra 2000000000 pounds for a no deal breaks it's flood warnings remain in place across the north of England to add figures point to a drastic cuts in the use of plastic bags the government says it's intensifying planning for the possibility of a no deal breaks AIDS by making a further 2 point $1000000000.00 pounds available half the money has already been allocated for $500.00 more border offices extra freight capacity for vital medicines and an advertising campaign targeting small businesses labor says the government should have ruled out a no deal and avoided Warsi is called an appalling waste of taxpayers' cash the Chief Secretary to the Treasury where she said Act which acts that a lot of the money that we're spending is going to go on things that we would need to spend anyway because we're leaving the European Union that means we're going to be leaving the single market in the Customs Union so of course that does mean changes to how we trade with Europe so investments in things like our ports our border infrastructure the systems getting companies ready for those new changes all of that is money that we should be spending anyway for those new arrangements flood warnings are still in place across the north of England after heavy rain left people stranded and calls damage to buildings roads and railway lines last night Cheshire's fire service to head a major incident in pointed one of the worst affected areas Reith in North Yorkshire is also been hard hate cold postman is from the areas fire and rescue in 27 years I've not seen anything on the scale of communities in the open L's. And swelled over use this type of weather but this was really extraordinary I think in a short space of time we see well over a 100 millimeters of water which caused people a great risk government figures suggest the sale of single use plastic bags in England has fallen dramatically since a 5 pence charge was introduced 4 years ago the biggest 7 resale is including out still Sainsbury's and Waitrose sold 90 percent fewer plastic bags than in 2015 James Kelly has more these figures indicate a policy designed to reduce environmental damage caused by plastic pollution has been a significant success the average person in England now buys just 10 bags a year from the main supermarkets compared with $140.00 bags before the 5 pence charge was introduced last year alone the total number of single use carrier bag sales reported by all large retailers fell by 37 percent compared with the previous year the environment secretary Theresa Villa's said the figures were a powerful demonstration.