Goal difference Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola says they have to try to be calm and funny Steve Great Britain's Fed Cup team of playing in front of a home crowd for the 1st time in 20 C.C. Is this afternoon against Slovenia thank you very much she will be back with share of cups right after 5. O'clock. Told. Let. Slip. Slip. The same. Place. LOL Larry Flynt. Mum. Lives. And. Flew. Live. 11 . Years. B.C. Has this afternoon announced that the missing spinoff back to East will premiere on Sunday famous 17th at 9 pm B.B.C. One fans have been excited since the trailer featuring the French detective Julian Baptist was released recently Pet Shop Boys are announced a new E.P. It's to be called agenda and will be released on Friday so far they have shared 2 tracks from it giving stupidity and almost social media and Neil and Chris will share another new song. All the socials hash tag breakfast must have his training on Twitter merry tweets hash tag breakfast must have waffles and ice cream Oh no Martin tweets all I want for breakfast is bacon and me it's weights peanut butter and jam on South is a breakfast dream really wow and cheese cheese Gromit is trending on Google after a well known supermarket has announced a selection of cheeses named after hit songs so we've got Guns and Roses Sweet Child of Mine when Wake Me Up Before You Go out to flip but poor some Gowda on me OK A very clever Pink has been given a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and she was so pleased or was pleased to disapprove the doubters in her acceptance speech I feel like a lot of people probably only ever thought I'd make it to the walk of shame but here I am. A little letters make such a big difference. It has been a ship lately thinking back over the course of this career that I've somehow managed to have I signed my 1st record deal 23 years ago. And I'm only $23.00 and a half that. I luckily Pink's very close friend Ellen De generous was there to fully bigger out I mean the world knows take as pain but I know. Is it a listen Alison. At least recently she. Finally shut. Shy. Lazy at quiet. Timid. Doormat. No one has ever used those words to describe you. Only me at alland the generous son as you've been hearing John Humphrys has confirmed that he's decided to leave the Today programme over there on Radio 4 John was interviewed by a ceremony to give on the world one and she also him the big question when. This year Yeah well but I mean that's how the news is it you know could have what are we talking to Sam barrel Fed maybe a bit of that sort of fudge in the autumn something Moten. Good. To. My name even. To find. It would leave those. Around us a. Good Be said that only one person in 2000000000 will live to be 116 all old old though it's getting better Here's Bobby Praia in Bethlehem and it's Romeo and Juliet The film every sign billfold piece of paper featured in the movie contains a Shakespearean reference that's really all that is pretty out of secret stuff in films yeah me too what do you think Max posing and cold invented in chimney in 1920 pogo stick most opposed to what they. Did recently is seriously toting P O H L I N G N. G I would double to go ga ga of Pogo they know ya gotta. Look at yes I got another one yeah each year a forest the size of Wales is required to provide all the paper the used in Britain Buzz Aldrin was the 2nd man to say. Foot on the moon was also his father's might. though I mean let's face it in the last 5 years for example I like this very busy success we like to say for Netflix which will air the yeah. It's like everything you've ever done and. I know I know true I know from my to this month you're on stage in the at the killed theater in London the sun is the final part of writer Florian family trilogy series The play is set in the present follows the story of Nicholas he's a 17 year old teenager who sinks into a deep depression after his parents separate and I'm thinking that this is highly relatable in this day and age Sadly yes and you play the mommy I did play the mom yeah it's not a fast no What's the nature of her personality she's worried about her son she's on her own now with her son and her ex-husband now lives with his new partner and a young baby so she's seen this downward spiral of her 17 year old and it gets to the point where she can't cope with him anymore and she goes to her ex-husband to try and resolve it and that's when it really begins to unravel when you say try and resolve it together so he can be more of a hands on father because I'm worried about him I think my our son is sinking into a deep depression and I don't know what to do about it so I call him my ex-husband to help and that's when it really is there a reason for this depression yes I mean you see as it unfolds throughout the planet I want to give too much away because there's quite a lot of stuff in it that you'll want to see yet you realize that there are catalysts within all their relationships that makes him like he. Is he happy to take the sun and it becomes a big bone of contention with him and his new partner So if you're even seeing the mother in the Father which Florian did as well it's the final part in the trilogy of kind of kitchen sink type drama so he's been skipping school for 3 months being very difficult so she calls for help as you say he's a lawyer I understand who's now married to younger. Woman And is your character bitter about his fantasies we discussing this the other day about the characters and we came to the conclusion that maybe she suffers from depression as well because we were talking to a child psychologist and she was saying that one 3rd of all depression is genetic it filters down throughout families so there is an idea that she's suffers from it as well which makes it worse now I know it's acting but I mean I would imagine all the players including the lad you have to get into it you do but we've got a lovely director called my long Hurst who makes a room so much fun I'm always one of the 1st people to get up and have a laugh and make sure that we can't balance being really serious with that she just like breaking out having a cup of tea and just taking the mickey out of each other and I think particularly with the content of this the subject matter of this it's vitally important you talk about within the rehearsal room thank goodness yeah otherwise we would just be all going home and sobbing into our pillows because you have to get into character just prior to going there that I know I never do that I mean my people do I think it's great but I just think well now I just have guys this interesting I mean because I was there you don't have somebody who preps quite hard goes through the stuff so you research if you something like this of research clinical depression child depression and things and then my lines and I turn up that's pretty much my job yeah so if only you had that kind of attitude in the lines. You must be really happy with your career because going great guns and has been for the last 25 years and it really Yeah I mean I think of plodded steadily and you know their peaks and troughs sometimes I don't want for months but then I can be a mum and stuff like that so if I can counterbalance da I'm happy show look at Point or not totally absolutely shifted completely in the perception of people watching an audience members and stuff like that and within the industry as well people went oh yeah OK let's see her yeah what do you think of the changing face of theater and also of platforms when we talk about anything on Netflix people like Netflix and Amazon are doing a really good job because what they do is they give you loads of money and then they let you just do what you want to stick which is great you don't have to answer to produce or net. I think so I think if we have more people like that I'd like to see more female directors more female writers and things like that but generally I think we're in a healthy state at the moment we make good stuff we make quality stuff certainly yeah what's it like out there in the theatre especially in London I think there's always quite a lot of musicals there was a lot of musical I'm not a huge music fan I like some of them and I like the classical ones but I like plays like the one I'm doing straight but yeah I like comedies I love going to see a comedy I think we need to make new place a new writing place like the Royal Court but if we could have new young writers now brightens and just good stories that's what everybody wants they want to nice good story can I just say this compliment for you you look fantastic You look well and I like your short yeah fine so why the look well I'll give you the part for the parts we set in Paris because the mental health system out there is different to this one OK so I thought well I'll just go a little bit short and a very feminine boy look she looks appraising chic What do you say you came in and said you do your resume you know yeah and in my mind because I was feeling particularly. Today. That she was so good just shoot me crazy you should definitely come in and pull out of 3 children from a number yeah I'm available in the summer you fancy. Come on in with all the I'll get on with it I guess you can see Amanda having turned in. The killing sitter in Kilburn in London from the 26th every until the 6th of April it's very nice and Kilbane plenty of places to eat it's just gorgeous and it's not that Amanda get out. Look here's the. First photograph go to the Am I on the response side to 15 to 13 surpassed time had we still got 2 lanes blocked falling in Iraq since the M 66 that Ramsbotham now northbound of the breakdown just passed as it runs on the A 56. M. 62 in the sponsored 1000 for Haywood only access road going to write down. To the M 6 mil. Between 6 and 7 so it's slow up toward Spaghetti Junction also on the M 6 heading south 382 services had a breakdown that it's now cleared am 40 northbound going off at Junction 10 that's the A 43 to the service isn't broccoli on the exit routes a break down to take care as you go off but you can get past it to the M one problems now southbound Axton 2726 is cleared southbound through Milton Keynes really have a following. Breakdown so it's slow 14 to 12 all lines are open on the A 45 pound at wedding brought without a vehicle 5 between will be way on tunnels LOL and that's the 2 a 50. So from towards Little is very very slow but you can get through that and then the M $25.00 bit of breakdown $27.00 to $28.00 which is now I'm finally on the M 4 on the bridge between 22 and 23 West. Said to me on the Prince of Wales. If you bothered to contact me it seems to be getting lighter give me that. Because I need somebody to you. From Henley on Thames from live a pole to my medical school interview please say thank you for driving and old that's the way the way back thank you from. Loving the show can you remind me. Stephy that's. He's supposed to wait when we're out walking or in the garden not necessarily on the plasters to keep the faith. All. Right. Hong. Kong. But. Something. You haven't had me. Down to the way. To direct. Several. Movies of course directs right producers and costars in the new emotional coming of age and coming out drama boy. It's about a young man's journey to self acceptance boy raised tells a story of Jarrett the son of a Baptist pastor in a small American town who is out it to his parents at the age of 19 it's a very emotional piece of course wrote produced and directed everything Yeah except I did it yeah well you probably did that as well that would be sick. I mean I read the book turned the book into a screenplay and then directed the movie and I mean it but I play a small part in the movie really hedges at the center of it and parents Kidman and Russell Crowe in 2000 and something 2004 was added to his parents and he went to conversion therapy where they took him from the men playing this version of therapy I mean explain it a little bit if you would well conversion therapy is the assumption that one can really aren't somebody sexuality in the majority of cases people are trying to. Bring them back to a heterosexual life and over time this movie is saying one absurdity that it's a complete absurdity and one of the reasons I wanted to turn the memoir into a film is because mother the real fellow's mother. On the call in the film she helped him not only sky from the place when she realized it was doing more harm than good she really examine her choices and understood that she had made a mistake there's an incredible conundrum in that family you could have a family doing what I prayed judged as a hateful act in fact what they were doing was born out of a desire to help him and what they need to understand is that isn't really helping and. Does a child like really need help because nothing wrong with it so who's read. That was a question. You know you were. Able to read. What about yourself because I mean you prefer to direct to produce to write. Act What might you do look I'd love to do all of it I love doing an activity when you're acting in a film there's a certain percentage of the day where you derive satisfaction from you know generally in a box and someone pulls you out of the box and goes right there you dance get back in the box the best way to describe it is that being an actor is like being a child and you have almost no responsibility but to play your part and dress up like a part of the other stuff is you're the dad yeah you're running the family directing a movie you know what you'll be doing soon I read that you going to be in sting ray Well sting was moved by the months trying to MY which hasn't been my idea yet the next thing you'll say Made in is a movie called The King which we shot here and in Budapest the basically the story of Henry the 5th Maine to me shall my Ben Mendelsohn and Lily Rose Show us a sense great you can see Joel Edgerton in boy raised in cinema from this Friday it's rated 15 very nice to see very nice to me I think I write it 15 as a 15 out of 10. OK oh no sorry. We're doing good here that. I can see. I want to say the same every time when I'm away from the line but always by carefully remove them to safety. Remove them but do you like run down Sam's Rhythm Nation and I'll be trying the best thing so to be from the old stuff. To move. Everything else including. Ram announcements redemption and seemed nice from B.B.C. Radio to cover. Returning for some factoids here it is probably profit pigs to have very long memories and can remember things even years later and pigs are one of the small T. Sawmills on the planet their intelligence ranks higher than dogs and even some primates and they are much more tolerant of colder temperatures than heat is a pig is to new research has shown that couples who are in love unfold in a romantic relationship. You can synchronize the hot lights off to gazing into each other's eyes only 3 minutes while that's a trick and it is really yet baseball began the fast horses with the size of Siamese cats and they with the smallest forces that have and that oh my God you can ride them Katrin not break their backs women spend forever getting ready in the morning that's what it says here while men just grab their stuff and go right. This is according to Woman's World magazine today the average woman spends 55 minutes getting showered dressed and groomed how long 2 men spend doing the same things 45 minutes 51 so actually the woman does spend more time but not much ball yet but if we've got more to doing something also it's not all women or men because like to him he doesn't have to do his head like I have to do my hand because he can just do with me do my hair was a sham Asian whose face shape you should be telling you that you did and she started it now you got traffic to chit. Have. Need. To. Try. Dirty dirty. Work sick. Like. Shaken. Baby shake with a shake it off. Thank you Steve M. A is spot on Glasgow 15 to 13 still 2 lane shots past town heads on the queues about to 27 at Paisley and then we've got problems on the M 6 heading northbound now 10 to 10 I up towards the M 54 that's a breakdown so one lane is shut and 5 northbound walk to the top between 2 and one to West Bromwich they've just moved a broken down caravan the queues about to the M 5 a junction straight then we've got problems on the M one northbound 30 to 312 lanes shots emergency repairs Pass works in Sheffield south so you've got big queues building behind that on the M 20 if you. There's an accident between junctions 2 and one so the Spawn 2 lanes are shut just past the bronze Hatch tunnel for him and then finally the M 4 westbound 13 to 14 got one lane shut I think it's because of an accident I'm waiting more for more information but queues anyway with another one for half an hour thank you. Press the button.