Like this you have to have special training and special people to handle the aircraft hat's off to the pilots of not only earth on the part of public safety but to the military who assisted us with our rescue efforts last night the emergency workers are searching fields outside Moscow for wreckage of a Russian airliner which crashed minutes after takeoff killing all 71 people on board some witnesses say broke up you made a slight Lanna patrolling Coast speaks for the Russian investigation saying that I'd also for the planes Deborah has spread over a radius of at least one kilometer investigates is a using modern equipment in the light of the large area involved using drones to get a view from the air the investigators will examine all possible causes of plane crash including the weather conditions human factors on the technical state of the aircraft London City Airport is closed until further notice because of the discovery of an unexploded World War 2 bomb in the River Thames Royal Navy experts and making the device safe senior officials at Oxfam will meet the international development secretary today to discuss the scandal about aid workers allegedly using prostitutes after the earthquake in Haiti and 2010 penny mordant has threatened to withhold the $32000000.00 pounds a year the charity receives in government funding and as it shows moral leadership now diplomatic correspondent James Landale reports the International Development Secretary Penny mordant will meet senior figures from the charity and asked them to hand over everything they know about past and current abuses she wants to find out what concerned stuff heard about the recruitment of workers in Haiti and she wants to know what Oxfam is doing to stop it ever happening again with allegations of sexual misconduct spreading to other aid organizations Ms Morton will also meet the Charity Commission to discuss what more can be done to regulate the sector Oxfam says it will take further action to improve the safeguarding vet. Thing and recruitment of stuff. For the phasing out of diesel trains in the u.k. Is being said by the new rail minister. In a speech today he'll call for all of them to be removed from service by 2040 rail companies are being given 6 months to come up with ways of meeting the deadline b.b.c. News at 3 minutes past 3 now next fall. The radio. And. Just. A. Soul. In. Self. a losing game the final single from Amy Winehouse in her lifetime despite not being a successful as other tracks from the amazing back to black it was pretty universally admired George Michael chose it as one of his Desert Island Discs and Prince often performed it live In fact I had with him at the on the final days of his 21 gig Mathen So I want to bring you down too much it does make you think when you consider that those 3 artists George Michael Amy Winehouse and Prince no longer with us before I mean White House we had to James Taylor's cover of the classic Drifters track up on the roof or. By Gerry Goffin and Carole King but can you guess which of the. Covers has been most successful here in the u.k. 10 points if you said Robson and Jerome Yes 995 Good Morning I feel Gail welcome to Monday morning and Radio 2 playlist in the course of the next hour expect to hear from the likes of Patrick Swayze Tina Turner on the current single from Liam Payne and Rita Ora will say with recent releases right now passing James is from a small town in South Carolina he describes his music of conflicted pop gospel. No idea let's hear it and then we'll see what we think he has only you and. Me. And then. Went on to live. And then. Down. Down a number. Mikey's cold cold. Cold cold. It's not so. Close. To my head. Lol. And you. See it's not so. Cold. Dido I'm sank you which gained a huge following in the us after I met m. Sample that. Elton John will sacrifice in just a 2nd because 6 Music as a society. There was a point From the dirty dancing soundtrack Patrick Swayze and she's like the wind he wrote that himself and I do recall that when Dirty Dancing was 1st released everyone myself included thought it was just the teensiest bit naff so much so that I'm still only slightly embarrassed to say that I still haven't seen it even though everyone now says it's a modern day classic. That song always reminds me of the guy to Terry Wogan he used to introduce him. Of course Captain to Neil with do that to me one time. 7 when Chris of across wrote sailing he was sitting in his apartment in the woods just poured out of him he was so excited and convinced he had a hit on his hands but then they got stuck took him 2 more years to come up with the bridge well worth the White You gotta love Tina Turner when she's belting out hits like Nutbush City Limits all the best but he she is in more reflective mood with the song you've probably got something beautiful room. Lot of Del Rey's breakthrough songs called video games maybe she should have called self love and Blu ray so I did that before her. As a bizarre David Van de well but there in the name on thing maybe his name should have been bug a van de given that he was a proud proprietor of what I'm sure was a very she she mobile food outlet in Brighton it's true that movie on Up next another do at this time from Liam Payne and Rita Ora with Rita song for you I'm not next p.c. Music I can't take connections Hello welcome to Celtic Connections celebrating 25 years here the sense of for the contemporary all time sucking all streets in Glasgow. I was a student Glasgow University in the 1st you can see connections and then member coming to see. And she laughs It's just amazing how it's going to be enjoying the sofa is good isn't it and. If you're listening it's going to be a performance of Vogelsong for 2 rooms of hooky from issue I say add a 4th part was totally make room for her guys extraordinarily generous of you to give her a leg open show business b.b.c. Music I can't take connectionist online now but the radio 2 website. Please please. a. Shi'ites have you seen that Toni Braxton breathed again before that new family in pain of Rita Ora for you and that is our latest pop ballads playlist but the father has only just begun that was just a warm up next Monday motivation and what better way to get you up and at it than Queen Bay and crazy in love after the news. This is b.b.c. Radio 2 online on digital radio 88 to 91. This is just sales a senior police officer says that forces may take longer to investigate crimes because of the volume of evidence for mobile phones the warning comes from the head of the national police chief's Council Sarath own son Danny sure reports the collapse of a series of trials including rape cases has revolved around the failure by police and prosecutors to examine and disclose text messages and other information from mobile phones Sarah Thornton acknowledged place with challenge by the sheer volume of data people stored and then.