J Z charges can be removed for every 5 minutes plus made to someone if somebody asked you. If you fly as an honorable ambassador Alexander. 2019. She is going to welcome back to business initiative which has a ministry often use one. Session or Martian Manhunter would pay someone a strong. She's got these you know Carnival is a point to. Destroy a monster Montana with a carnival to get more someone to join me on the show Friday. Very much looking forward to make sure you know for a. Nice weekend when it should be given you all of the new Carnival because so much Carnival Cruise and if you can't make it down to no end he'll. Break sysadmin if you're with me right now. And you will feel closer to 20000000 See that's what he. Is. But for some of the filmmakers and historians. U.K. Jungle and song. Really Shouldn't the one of the over the general. How are you guys fabulous fabulous extremely excited to that's a great great what I mean this time the years breaks and I know people ready for the night you know on with how do you guys do what is called the on of feet of the table I mean I mean be a convoy about to be a massive time what exactly does that mean. I would say isn't on a yes is an honor to represent our culture I think is very important nothing Hill is one of the most important is that I am for that. And I think it's an honor to be chosen to be a representative to be the voice of session in very important and what is actually your role during this time of Carnival. Basically to endorse Carnival and. That but I've been living in London for 20 years and I'm a filmmaker but I am also head and Caribbean historian I specialize in Caribbean history specifically because I think is very important because within the Caribbean is over the time lot and I think kind of especially is so important. Because a celebration of freedom that everyone knows will kind of others as his big giant party people don't know the history behind it to space the. Celebration of freedom from slavery because back in the danger in slavery. The enslaved are not able to sing or dance or just enjoy himself. To play instruments you know. Even the drum was banned because you know Germany so incite spirits and. Because the Europeans use the feather break they own prelims and celebrations in the sleeves he stood behind their back and imitates a mimic. Make fun of the Europeans so what happened is when we were a month defeated we celebrated the fact that we could sing and dance and not be held back I mean in one of my years of the economy I never needed you know the story behind. More young people. We just got to kind of wave you just the time not exactly to try to use it more and I think it's really important we know the history can we get more people to know about what I run up to Caribbean which is on Instagram and basically people don't care about history is how you deliver it especially to the young people in our history is so cool I mean even within kind of oh when you think of how we dance. And everything the whole point of Carnival was so offended that. The whole point was how it started the procession and how we are so extroverts in our dance and in our movement yes it has African influences but it was also fans the people they used to oppress us so does that look at me whining look at how I dance and look at my cost to me you cannot tell me no anymore so this is wife is very important if people know it is history. Even more because it's a celebration of our food for you know I almost around the clock protest as well exactly it's a rebellion. I genuinely feet. I always say that incredible work has to be one of the pool time biggest carnival records yeah I mean it launched in June 2994 flags so we are this is the 25th anniversary of incredible Yes so amazing they came out in June and Carnival is an old saw imagine when the dropped in June 20019948 had been fomenting for 2 months and then Conover came up and it's such a rebellious to the energy that I put into that song days my do all of that month be in them like I when man that's my dog hold it and people have to understand it you and it did it was like it came from a place where it's a rebellion it's like way we rejoice in with free it's a freedom yes but we still vigilant. Understand So that's what incredible embraces and embraces the jungle of that that the dance music and the reggae music so it's bringing to give up black people and white people. To feel. A vibe to feel positive I mean because it's not just black people we've been suppressed but some people in England have been suppressed as well white people even people who have been from England as well so I think I came to a stage with that song there well the reggae which is known to be a rebellious music and a rave music which was coming from the European English kind of culture coming together and it brought fruit it was of opportunity for addition to the oppressed people of all nations not just black but also could is not just that people in the struggle to some white people go through something things that's where they understood how right so it was I think like that and that's what the Futa full thing of thing credible was and I for it brought when you went to a jungle or even just what Out to come once they brought Asian people black people white people together for sure what was their weapon see cut off D.J. Or ice. I am or sentencing juror in a convoy that you remember all just going off. When the truck came out I was on I was in Japan tool so I missed that kind of. Dusty talk to your tongue as you can see for your son and I knew when Incredible was door because I knew about what happened I maybe it was but I wasn't dead all right because boy it was not some kind of dying but I was still here when I buy it yeah I'm still here in the Bible I was a book called Park which was in July or I did made a pro quo but by the time in all this time I was actually on it all the time yet despite the kinds without I know I know if I knew it was canceled if I knew to get it but you know it was good let me use it to the tool kit and I could probably if I was did it would have been too much like the music that people have the imagination and vibe going to start because boy when I mean call it what I'm often going to see that I haven't you come see my friends I see for 20 years so sometimes Carnival is a party thing for me so it's good I was a kid and the music was talking and it had such an impact in night and I 4 in the carnival I'm right I'm hanging out with Fiona coats and I generally be going to talk about some of their favorite carnival memories from O.C.D. If I run I just get into these 25 years old and be generally incredibly nice if I can still do it. It's not down so just going to. Leave it alone is that N.B.C. Is it felt good. Sense to use I know what it got me. Going to the General Synod to let. You do it let them see them not come out of it about that I mean we. a black but a new generation that was that was like you know I must say it was it was a change the way it was a. Profile immensely because I didn't know what I hadn't connected with the young generation and they connected me with a whole new generation of MCs and Reva's So the tool anywhere in the world Australia Japan anywhere I am in the woods people talk to me and asks me about that moment there it was a real real to me it was it was just it was like I would be on this light work but the impact I had all bring in there was my light Dizzy of all schools in the room John was in the room fact he was in the room Leif Wolf Blitzer was in the room Jamie was in the room I didn't know any of the time but. He's no disrespect man because when I go home I do it was like yeah that's the piece that was a friend but you know Martin I was Mamadou it was like I mean. I was like wow you know so it looks like it was a good. Movie A Would there was a good move really to get those artists to wish them all the best some great kids and they became 14 years old at that moment that day it was a good moment because just like what I see my heroes if I cease my the culture I leave out if I write become 14 years old because that's how we each have the pasta and I know some moment of respect I think we should have more of in the music business I reckon team that we did it we got to really respect your roots and where all come from I started from not included insurance liability as I do all the time people to. Be all these guys that influence the Freddie all the guys in from Joe 90 influence me and never stop after you have to respect the foundation of course the tree will for Dot if it gets the roots I agree speaking of foundation feel to tell us about some of your favorite color or memories from over the years. And say my favorite thing about kind of it is dirty my ass that happens on a Sunday because I don't know people who have been to kind of a see it and you don't know what it is but when you have you been to kind of an outstanding I knew when you see people covered himself they saw a great holiday all that so I think that to me is like the most liberating moments and kind of all because you know why because you don't that is the time when you really don't care about what you look like you don't have time to take selfies is because everyone is completely covered in. Oil and what it means as well because basically you know that of the history behind it is that when the most efficient happened this leads went down to the plantation in the covered themselves in my ass it's the same same I says they had to toil away every day they come again self and if it touches I decide to draw on one thing so that is how. So if it evolved into the. Goodness of God So is the fact that everyone becomes anonymous on the road and everyone looks the same you're just a mass of people covered in something and. It is just the most free time so that's my favorite part of kind of us every had that the masses might think if my son don't. Know I took it when I was 8 months pregnant Oh well every single Yeah my son has to be in kind of both points and for him to know it and feel it you know raise right I love that he. Says you have to be in it and I really encourage people not to join spectate but participate because it's a completely different feeling when when you are part of the procession and you wonder if it is completely to bury to not do it or what is the US so I encourage people to come in to that's a trade that he mustn't Sunday if I can just add to that as a youngster I still go to Carnival in Trinidad every year because I'm from Trinidad heritage for you know device so up to the age of 10 I used to go to college with and Trinidad and we stop at the playschool Queen's Park so if I don't have a jew fish that I don't think much of a team or the put time that people put on most in these kind of things and I must say if you really love Carnival you need to go to the root of carnival which is Trinidad because I went to Trinidad and I'm from I'm scared of carnival now today and it has happened fear reasserting you call your stomach to hold weak the whole country even though even the that the shopkeeper the bank everybody the whole island shut down for this for this week of Carnival so I feel I knew carnival in U.K. When I went to Trinidad carnival tree times more more time and then they got to a bagel Carnival as well and this is that and if you take a salary you call get tired you cause the type if you tied a lot for you I'm not going to deploy it in which I thought about what it's like a fuel economy was one of today's base on whole weekend is to hold your car hide because they hide in your room and going carnival everybody the whole island so the energy has been transported over to the U.K. To an extent but we still goes OK if you really love Carnival go. The Queens parks are not interested add on to a bagel that's what I've been going to give you some money but I know how many good looking. For you to feel if you're talking about kind of what I was a big carnival you know I mean I my family was involved in Kano for years so I know about Carnival but it's funny how my team he often called It was incredible because my. You know I mean called it was part if I missed it so it's great that coming from Trinidad a big part of war is you know. I mean I don't people don't see one of the preparation others it's all about how long he's the perforation When do you guys this is a stall prepping for Carnival as soon as kind of a finish is really about it hasn't been designed as a concept folk kind of the year before on it from then you know costumes take months and months and I realize the people who I understand thank you it's beautiful to see these costumes and you want to take pictures and you want to touch but I understand it takes people months months and months of sleepless nights Listen I had a kind of a section last year I could read why because I had like 72 hours no sleep I was so exhausted times with making costumes really like binding why a stick in day is jam this glue hey whatever and it's so much work and you know it's just I wish when I want to just encourage people to take the time to to know the bit more about the mass bands and the love that is put into the good is so much of it of these must make money it's not a profit. Thing and every single band you see on the road every year it is out of love because it just takes months of people given the time for free making the costumes and is just it really is like a family thing and that's one of the things that within a kind of a community we have a big family you know we meet up every year and this is the time though it's like a big family reunion and what has to be a perfect time to begin. He fell because once he got to Moscow My son. 5 a never he never had a bodyguard he never had security refuse all of those things on his because he just never thought that he had to separate himself from the people so he never because he was always connected to them that if you connected to the land you'll never be separate from the people so my father never made us feel like we know any different . You know if it was you want to install it in you a Caribbean history that was a. Sense of pride of so no feeling because he was he was how come you believe in Him never lose the accent because I'm speaking English I grew up speaking English to English speaking country I just need to change myself to be respected. Is that my father was very very very Caribbean strong and always he's the one abroad. Because he thought we could do it you know as a small nation so I think that immunology. Is very important for me and for me to try to help people reconnect to themselves and to believe in themselves because I think. The you to for each and I have so much to offer and we have brought so much beautiful things to the world and I just want to encourage people to embrace. This weekend anything we want to happen in this week and that people should be going to be a millennial. Like I said on a Sunday if you could. I think the beautiful experience I just encourage people to participate and to support the bonds there are all. Parties all we see fit. Yes so many facts going on I mean if you're going to think so can use I just even this. Is. My last there's so many fanatics. There's so many people who are doing so many things this is that is growing so much but it is encourage people to participate there's just a very different experience once you are. Commander of the road and the freedom is really are as. Real to you Mr Levy. Just taking it one day at a time when. You know Carnival is the go. A quarter and they end up somewhere so I'm just going to encourage people to do is dress adequately right don't be a. Train is the way heels you know I mean leave the heels all for the ladies and them go over a drink don't get too carried away with the drink thing because we've all had it so I don't know about you Bob I said experience here and. How this has grown to over do it now over to it's always about work hard to get on the cheap when you know when you have you know you do what you've got to create and what you think people in fear of heights and we did a thing for nephew we did a show for it nephew and it was free from backstage here in Memphis is dangerous it was awful I'm going to die so listen to this because if what you call was tough. Oh always what I'll do I don't think you need to sit out with you while I'm a one time seen you perform it was a few years ago and he was like that incredible salt and people say I was a one he'll eat off that now well I don't always set with me like I said all should play and show you how you should be and 25 years later you know he still nice smile is he getting one hit you need to leave them wondering. If it also brings them I hear them wondering if you're not using that we used to always that can have the tunes that big of a not lost and not you don't you suppose I know this music nowadays is like and we're involved in and just every day it depends on how it's good if it comes from the heart and it's genuinely We generally leave that to give I like VIA but would bring in elements that have a small mass it's not a formula the production and B. It was a great but you saw his father. Had it was a great push our of the truck it's all things behind the truck as well the production my delivery was a great performance on the truck because I don't think there's ever been a MC truck 5 minutes long no singing straight away down the song no hope. So I just think that basically this is possible to get out of this this way and we were placed on the thank you to the Most High about amazing I mean I find that everybody spoke I thank you Piers so and over 25 years of incredible list. If you and I would like to know how can people find out more about history because I think some of the stuff that you just you just hope is the monies that they are not to read more about how can people find out more about even on Wednesday and Caribbean history OK I'M SO and my thoughts on this snowy Caribbean says K.-N. O.-W. You know Caribbean Instagram and also I don't want people to feel that. Our coaches just black you know because if you look at the Caribbean we have everything we have Asian We have Chinese we have white Syrian we have back we have Syria and we have everything and I finish well it's mine is you know we are melting point of all culture yes we are heavily African influence but we have a lot of the world is found in the Caribbean if you just that closely to it so I Next it's a combat ready refuse the Museum be backstage Ready to. Know the. Truth light upon them. Their friends and a friend. With the city takes. To. The street like. The sun is. About to be the. 26. Foot. 4 challengers. Know that. The street I'd. Like. To. On ready for. The 1st clue. To discuss the. 2 of them. To see which. Light the binds them. On the bottom. Are friendly enough to me friend whom. We know. For. Sure the city takes. The street light to. The. Back door. To. The street like. To. Start O.J. Would dumplin's 20 minutes to 1 o'clock a sewn one extra messy shots a few P.C. Radio one Xtra and a legend generally before passing through the studio today are we armed ready now I'm actually super ready for now in a month or so you do want to. Get as many of us in radio today at 1 o'clock she's fun at 4 pm by Misty jammies and a house with a way to 7 o'clock when it's all about these 8 songs even the guides a brand new music not E.J. My sister and she's on the radio to mad at 9 o'clock bring you a brand spanking new R. And B. To one extra resident species for the 11 o'clock by snooty shop with some late night music and madness on your radio I'll be back here tomorrow morning and I am everything R. And B. And I have D.D. Initiate a massive on in between popping off right now the song many years I mean streak so may she looks in tomorrow morning. Everything. Is good for this one. Night. I. Am for everything already Musser shots and. Nukes intruder was here when they were. Calling. Us we needed a special program about racism in football film. Has enough. Of a rooms the social media. Community. And surprising that's what an official reports had to say about children this is news. With young children living in shipping containers and if you can find this out. And if you stand in any way. You can also. B.B.C. News this time. The season. But already the problems off the page is a nice piece special. In one of the professional player. Who sometimes gets on line. And. Now it's come up again because the angler and women's manager. Should boycott social media companies do something about. This season Investigate. The social media and we spoke to the F.A. About this and they want to see the same 0 tolerance attitude to racism online as there is in stadiums. For him the solution is pretty simple. He's asking for. The. Pound. On a future relationship. It . Must be removed to secure a deal. Any changes saying it's the only way that keeps good easily across the border but I think. I think there is a real sense that something needs to be. Getting through. As you'd expect a relief on the 31st of October with without a deal and will continue on Europe saying this. Can't block leaving without a deal they can it's tricky they need a consensus of M.P.'s to vote down the government and that looks odd So no deal is simply what happens. If nothing actually stops it no deal is where the leaves without a few chip plan on how in the U.K. a Move about and there's been a lot of talk about the effect on things like faith and farming and. That's because while the. Far eggs to other E.U. Countries without paying a charge. On the. Key to Germany for a fiver that's what they pay for of course in a no deal that will be $5.00 quid plus 40 percent in tariffs However the government's plans have some plans to help these farmers that could involve buying meat and then storing it while the tariffs Alright thank you very much for the P.C. . If you couldn't. You have to have had to ask the government for help how would you feel about living in a shipping container in west London for this 11 of the places where this has been going on for a while. Children's Commissioner a government employee in charge of represents. The use of converted office blocks and shipping containers. It talked about children growing up in cramped conditions boiling in summer and freezing so. This is the kitchen. This is mail. Thank you for coming. This is basically the ground. For me and. I came. We found ourselves to be home. For just over a year we started with a. Complete stranger. One and a half and we had to be moved from that because there was a. Man who was living next to us obviously I have maybe have a different outlook from the other tenants who I live in have because I've been somewhere so to me I'm just happy that she's saying quite enjoy living how. People think people being housed in shipping containers and people being. Quite different you've got. You know it can happen to an average. Situation where we are problems with places you've been before you know some people would say. You just take what you give and I agree in a sense if you ask then if you are essentially homeless then you will take anything because you don't want to be on the street the same time we have to factor in things like people having children and people having children with disabilities is not really. Human beings just like everybody else sometimes people just. Because. It's. A path. The country's. Largest. And 10 percent. Now. Women who live in the. Climate campaigners say President. Puts money and development of conservation they say he encourages farmers to clear trees from the land that's known as deforestation which can make. The president disagrees he says the space agency lying about the amount of fire instead he's argued it's the time of year when Fama set fire to the land this is happening on the other side of the planet is there really anything we can do change it particularly the moment whenever he's talking about climate change deforestation the destruction of rainforests all over the world is on people's minds how they can stop forests in Brazil getting destroyed meat he's from Greenpeace and environmental So there are 3 things you can do to reduce your impact on forests The 1st is eat less meat and that's it's not just beef chicken and pork as well one of the biggest causes of forest destruction is soil and that's going into animal feed which. We can also be companies so if you're in the supermarket and you see some peanut butter with a cool company to make them prove to you that coming from forest destruction ingredients with companies and the 3rd thing is just to use less so particularly with things like paper if we're not using recycled paper we should be trying to cut back and think before you print B.B.C. News you might say Spider-Man's been trending it's because. The film rights has reached a new deal with Disney so we had to get Radio One's film. And Ali you've been tweeting about having to. Essentially a few years ago was having a bit of Disney approach. With the Avengers movie. Incredibly successful why don't we come to an agreement where you'll. Also. Make Spider-Man a big deal in cinemas again but now I can't come up with a new agreement OK so what is the history head and why was it this had the Spider-Man Disney's got some of the other rights in the ninety's as far as I understand it was mainly at that point a comic book. Out of all of these amazing characters from Hulk. But they were running out of money and so they decided to sell whatever they could to different studios who might be interested and we sort of Sam Raimi films in the early ninety's we sold those Andrew Garfield films and now we're getting these new versions so why now has this deal between Sony and Disney phone and trade Well they did a deal for 5 movies account and he said we'd like to get a bigger cut of the profits at the box office and Sony was thinking actually we can go ahead and make the movies all sells so go do one guy said those films going to be any good it depends if the director of the 1st 2 films comes back there is more of a risk but the Spider-Man movies not be as good but there's also another opportunity to be a little bit edgy a little bit risky and maybe a bit more interesting but is there any chance they could still get a deal at some point powerfully negotiations still ongoing on not so sure as we got a hit and 2 other big film stories got to ask you about quickly getting a full 20 years after the fest if they get the writing right and they have a story to tell this could be good but if you remember last Matrix movie it was not right and we know what the next Bond title is going to be now but Greg was a bit confused on Radio one breakfast this morning. As I look over a. Little bit. I'm ever so busy I have no time to die. Oh it could be when James Bond is like I think it's time for a martini and the bad guy goes. No time to die. I have no idea what inflection they're spending almost one it feels to me a lot of taking a bunch of sounding words like tall and a dog and smoosh them together thank you very much. And that is it. Back on your radios with a quick update. Now that he's got some idea what Yasmine on one extra B.B.C. News beats. A. Minute we did a one hour. Cut. One. When a good image represented India as a batsman and feel. That. You know. I spoke with. Some from beginning to take place when I. Broke. Up said it would. Begin. With. Said. That if you don't. Keep thinking you miss the most to see the flash you don't. See the past. Try. Try. Try. Try. Try. Try. A little. Time for this. There's no point for. Cliches. It's a clue.

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