Seen Newcastle radio for the northeast. B.b.c. News at 7 I'm Michael Cali hundreds of people have taken part in a multi-faith service at St Paul's Cathedral in London to remember the 71 victims of the Gran filled out his ass to 6 months ago but Reeve families held up pictures of those that lost while others carried white roses members of the royal family and the prime minister were among the congregation these people lost relatives in the fire and attended today's service I feel that we needed to do this for our neighbors for our for for the people who perished and today was a good day because it was more about their memory and they had happy memories and of happy lives a train has hit a school bus on a road crossing me a perp in young in southern France killing 4 children local authorities said 21 people were injured 7 of them seriously Initial reports say the barriers were lowered to let the train pass at around 50 miles per hour. The high court has ruled that British soldiers breached the Geneva Conventions mistreating civilians during the Iraq war some Iraqis were hooded for long periods others were walked upon lawyers say the judgement could determine the outcome of hundreds of other cases. To resume a has admitted she's disappointed after losing an important Commons vote on Bragg's it but says the government is still on course to deliver Britain's exit from the e.u. 11 Conservative M.P.'s joined forces with labor last night to demand a vote on the final withdrawal deal the foreign secretary Boris Johnson said last night's defeat in the Commons would not for one second stop breaks it all stop the Braggs it process the former Labor Cabinet Minister Hilary Benn who chairs the Commons Bragg's it Committee said the government couldn't take Parliament for granted we were never going to accept a role as bystanders in this process we are active participants and in the end the M.P.'s that we elect will determine what kind of deal is approved and I hope the government will reflect on the defeat and change course accordingly. The deputy leader of the far right to Britain 1st group of France and has been rearrested in Belfast she was detained minutes after appearing in court in the city accused of behavior intended or likely to stir up hatred detectives also detains the leader pull Golding. Police in Essex say they've started a murder investigation after what they've called a brazen attack on a man in South Auckland in the soft an in it's believed the man who died at the scene at Dilks park was assaulted by 2 men around 3 o'clock people Police are appealing for people who saw it or videoed it to come forward tonight's weather now we're expecting a mix of players spells and showers with the showers wintry in places strong winds will affect Western and later northern areas with frost ice and patchy freezing fog forming That's the weather b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 7. On day one now time is marching on it is full to the December I knew a new one I mean Time to open on the advent calendar What do we call the we show tonight who lives at number 14 anywhere in the country will factor in the world doo doo doo doo doo cold I was 34531850 I did do doo doo. Hello we got plenty of treats on the show tonight plenty of doggie treats such an a just what do you do or how do you know what do you buy actually for the dog he's got everything I'll find out later on in the show and so will you and do you have the choose advent calendar Well tonight I'm going to be the guinea pig for a neuroscientist because the taste of the cheese is determined by the color of the plates that we use and even down the time cutlery so I've got oh I've got a poll I've got 3 stinky brain I'm out of in the parades and there's messages from people saying full on it Georgie tonights your cheese sticks out from Debs with 3 kisses on the box of what you the king I got paper plates of the plastic cutlery or Google kinky The trailer is well nigh all the accoutrements we best cracker all cracker all be sealed up yeah I'll get my dog. Some. The birth. Date. Of the birth. And the sum on. The bag. The bag. In the bank. But you. See. Her the bag the bigger . The bag the bag. The Pasadena's I'm doing fine now I was doing fine until the cheeses came into the studio I'm a bit concerned because you know what happens on Thursday nights it's my b.b.c. Introducing artist of the week visitation night so Jack May Dawson is going to come in here and think my feet stink what am I do just take my shoes off. Put them back up when he pops they let me I just see what he says but a lot of Bray here I'm going to meet a neuroscientist creative neuroscientist Catherine Templar Lewis and she's going to use me as a guinea pig to try and test out this theory that the the how good the taste the cheese is to us depends on the place that we serve it on the cutlery that we use $700.00 I'm intrigued I've got a red plate a black plate in the white plate or probably cutlery in a plastic color and. I think I know where this is going I just want to get the cheese down the neck got a list of cleared the pile of committees before I came out yeah all is good in the hood also to locked. We've got Christmas parties there's a lot of Christmas parties going on we've managed to actually extricate one party goer from his Christmas party for a little chat later on tonight everybody else we tried they're all in their Christmas party so they couldn't all they said no you see the thing is the party will have been in full swing since 5 o'clock and yeah it wouldn't be good I might never work again so we will talk about party tricks and party addicts and if you've got some memorable office parties Christmas parties I would love to hear from you today I own 34538058 also the things that you buy for your pets I got some Christmas treats. For your dogs too well to share with you actually so you know you think I don't say it too loudly she might be listening. The ruble High think maybe we may have to invest in the Christmas dog stalking Yes I know she hangs on me every word on the show I mean after you know put yourself out there but anyway hopefully she'll forget you know the law. Twinkle twinkle little calendar. I've got to Open Door Number 14 Tonight we're going to take as the see evening if you live behind door number 14 it can be a house a flower a tent I'd love to hear from you know 34531858 Yup form an orderly queue and if you'd like a little mention because you have a number 14 then please do text 81 triple 3 starting your message with the word jewel Jackson give you a little shout out says Door Number 14 what. It's getting close isn't it. I'd love to talk to you about how long you've lived behind your door number 14 actually who actually lives behind the number 14 with but you know it all chat over 34531858 line and now. I'm I'm sure somebody with the blood to go around got 4 big wheels of it. I'm sure Governor said of her volley in the show. I'm the woman who ate all the cheese anyway calendar calendar all Door Number 14 that's what I'm after 034538058 I'd love to hear from you tonight you know onward it's just going 10 past 7 a little bit of LP book snow and sunshine and. We you know. Pass up. We used to go out when you were was I was Broke some sunshine after the rain just deny all mail takes a one triple 3 starting a message with the word Judy I'd love to hear from you I need to know if you live behind door number 14 and you'd like a little shout out tell me about how long you've lived there I'd also like to chat later 34531858 when you call me tonight now then how stuck are you with your Christmas presents. Is it just to love one's friends and family or is it that special special friend o. 4 legged friend you know what about the pets in your life we might have just the idea of actually a bit of Pucci pampering to dogs. I kid you not everything from facials to skin treatments and mass ologies Yes nice little shit to myself to be fine b.b.c. Radio has been to me and me flip Channel and he is a stylish a stylist sorry at the Moulin pooch dog spa bugs the. This is Cali she's a little cocker pay she's telling you she's only 8 months old say so this is my 1st time with all those Yeah she's just hard to. Drive past and I would just condition it down just a little leave very faint shell as well and the little packages I would probably be facials which I am much spawn not I can much my school life or the fair that's really good for the scale pretty much very similar to spa treatment the humans who get that well yeah rates it is basically a lot of what we gave it was taken from the I day or if what we could do with the humane. Part from my mouth. And all the hostile I know I wouldn't say that plus them out of the dogs like it on my stuff then looks a I mean we have a feeling the command in the shop with one tent pole there I would say. So you don't get some nasty dogs then that don't like they so what I wrote the the rock boiler that does it like I have been slices of cucumber put on the Zoe's you know most Rottweilers I love say that the one so command in though just chill out and let you do a she usually little dogs that dime you must be a bit nervous there when you do that with it it depends on whether we know if it's a new dog. We can be a bit wary but usually there the right time looks like a full thing just more people I just saw him say more straight talk some more thing socially was a lot more small great dogs and a lot of people like the small dog say dress in the mall and stuff like that so it's nice having more options about how he just joined the dog off what happens now so I would say dogs try. Really hard year old Michael up when I should be ready for a moment coming out back to him feed busy when it's Christmas it's got into the point now where it's like paying someone to stuff the Had to nourish just before Christmas tie that the dog's old side of the road is a really going to book remember for Christmas yeah definitely without people book in the main for Christmas and Star No it's just smart I mean Fletcher that she's a dog stand is to at the Moulin pooched dogs ball in Buxton talking to b.b.c. Radio bhalo Ruby loves the Hadron this is the most Tara in my life and she's due a little wash and brush up for Christmas because I know will happen the step will come back in the se she stings children so I know she's going to have to do that. She normally goes to the poodle Paula but I think just for a Washington Hadron I'm going to I'm going to take the plunge and do that will miss self but I'd love to know what do you get your pets for Christmas is it the obligatory squeaky toy in a bag of traits let me know this evening 034531850 what is it the your pooch is partial to or maybe the Pushkin as well all can't get little treacle she likes those little fishy dreams because crazy for them she's a count by the way. You're listening to Georgie tonight right across b.b.c. Local radio in England in the Channel Islands we're off to the pet tree next with Steph. The Be Seen you can. Radio for the northeast. we're right to how. We know following this collapses of accounts a couple of dates in the form of up into the future from a couple of days ago at the moment in a stable condition now then we're talking about what you would buy for your pets at Christmas a Langham an elbow something to share with the I'm tasting some cheese later we're putting some psychology to the test the psychology of the plates that we use on the cutlery that we use so Chris says I've tried this test this morning but I run out of plates lol but I eat the cheese I'm a total addict oh I I can empathize and sympathize with you there is no music does a cheese listen to. Chris. Aren't Brady. Thank you for that but I want to remind you was a worse than mine did they come out of a cracker maybe I thought as much anyway let me know what you buy a pooches for Christmas I'm 34531858 because you might even splash out perhaps on some rather nice way of d.c. Derek. Who is sadly no longer with us has a whole wardrobe of clothes that were bought for him by friends yeah one shirt from his friend Harvey who's another be shown for you say he had a barber jacket and a sheepskin coat because he was Derek as in Derek trust from only fools and also still got them can't part with them but if you do sort of splash out on bits and pieces What do you do you know you're right because lots of us like to include our pets so on the big day and they would well wouldn't dream of leaving them out really Stef pale owns steps pet pantry dot com and she's with me tonight Hello Steph Hi Yeah so how many pets do you have I have. 13. Varieties of we go it's. Better than Eric and I and we've got 6 minutes long had that. Oh. Oh oh well yeah. I like the working talk yeah I why I had the flat and the rest of the Opera doors Oh these are all dogs that all dogs I need quite a bit of exercise but possessions maybe not and they keep up with that I've read or yeah I mean really our list like that. They surprise nice actually even though they have a little like they're good they're good to get. You can be quite careful about their backs haven't you my sister's got 2 Dashon and they're not allowed to use the stairs Kathleen. Manage is what I like to say I can fully manage how do you treat them a Christmas while I do spoil them I started writing to you yeah so they all get presents so you get prison yeah I mean have you done your Christmas shopping all the time I haven't. Bought Mama I know I'm eyeing off all the goodies. With I so want 2 things do you get them that size I have a fuse as a ball my right for example last jab we got that I treat dispenser so I had to put the ball in the top and as a reward the tree came out now who's better at the lab or do the good the cockroach all the dash and. The little dark safe. Room. I know the very quick thinking that I but also how I can apply has pie. So yeah the doctors like Sage yet worked it out yet oh brilliant so this year what are you going to go for this year so. I'm having a lot of Islay I'm having a look round the same others got but definitely balls always feature Krisna. I and for some of the others that I do have some. People that are probable and toys so thank extra for Iraq I see that I try I try to say things just to Christmas just so they can have their extra special on this says it feels like a trait. I love it and your online shop Yes What do you bestsellers at this time of year what sort of flying off the show I think everybody's fallen in love with I have a reindeer who has detachable less which the dog can last Christmas for having And I know recently they get to play with the top I would just. Say something to wear and. And to play with absolutely like just how I like Christmas Day. You also run the candles that you we do your family so it won't Christmas you fully booked this year yet we have a that I will take bookings to sort of next Christmas now. Yeah so who's How many are booked in this Christmas so I think we question about when Try playing with us right now you've got 25 dogs playing guess you got 13 of your that's nearly 40 you don't. How do you manage all that and do they do what happens on Christmas Day for your visit to say Christmas I think of it as everything normally everybody get and breakfast that breakfast usually entails a Christmas dinner I. Call them right and then if they're not all done and present week I randomly open all present. It's just too cute an hour an hour and then if they happen all I've ever heard of any hours including the ones that are present they also get an actor tray from a. Kid and I think this is a Oh my goodness what do you want them all how do you how do you take my batches of 3. They've individually walked unless they're part of a family I know to post yeah they're all individual so you may be going on at least the old walks this Christmas yeah I would and it doesn't that So usually about how I say. Because everybody else comes oh well it's been so delightful to talk to staff oh you well thank you so much for coming on the show I. Give My Regards to all 13 of you. Believe it will pale from steps but pantry dot com That is amazing. I. The read on the Mandela's and Jimmy This is from Jackie from Northumberland. She says I'm moving down to Dorset on Sunday just want to say I have loved listening to you will miss my nights with you take care keep up the good work Jackie Jackie I'm going with you you can get me on b.b.c. Radio Sellon in Dorset I'm all over the country when I sound right across b.b.c. Local radio in England in the Channel Islands everywhere so we're going to be back together come Monday Jackie happy move because well I know how 40 can be just make sure that you leave the kettle the cups the tea bags at the milk and the sugar in the washing up on the front seat of the car that way you know you can get a break when you arrive or on the Lovely. As they move Thanks Judy could even Darbyshire we're told the m one northbound is still looking slightly off to bright down much earlier blocking 2 lines between Markham Violet junction 29 a junction 34 Sheffield South South Yorkshire at Lang said a $6.00 to $8.00 westbound reported closed after a collision between the flouts roundabouts and Me I'm for a turn off and in one further west you would head the a $6024.00 is closed because of snow blocking the road that shut between Greenfield Road and it would have passed at high peak now few spots any other problems to call in on a double 301230184 that. The latest I'm out of more Thanks Adam I'm going to be tasting cheeses in a moment Yes this is coming from Marcus in left praises Christmas should be all about little baby cheeses here I've got the cheeses of Nazareth in here love I'm going to 3 Wales of the brain harms in this studio thank you for that muggers This is from Sue She says hi Georgie cymbals and I live at number 14 in our humble abode in easing world been there 2 years now and loving it I'm not surprise you and Mandy says Daw 14 lived out for 11 years with Austin and author of historical fiction oh say. Of late I will be knocking on the doors after 8 for my advent calendar all her stuff though Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes where we belong she's next all of a mains and I'm going to this. Song. She used to. Live there but. Look good to be home. Oh. And Jennifer Warnes are where we belong now then we've got a real treat in store for you and in fact all mail messages tonight this coming on the text Lorraine in Morcombe a.b. Races Hi Georgie I'm looking forward with curiosity to your own cheese Wow this cheese has been in the fridge for a few days and it's just been well it's been out of the fridge now for just an hour so it's at room temperature. Don't worry add it up to look for I can smell it. Oh wow this is extremely creamy very and there's little and little name tags on it . To stop it from being eaten in the fridge but then someone has put your cheese stinks on a note on the cheese and yes office think you're the better actually do you remember on the show we had the cheese advent calendar Well we sniffed out these other cheesy story for you because the taste of the cheese can actually be affected by what you hear what you see and what you touch Joining me now is creative neuroscientist Catherine Templar's who's going to use me as a bit of a guinea pig evening haven't I very well Catherine So why are you going to put me through these cheese paces tonight well because we've been well down in the labs we've been eating a lot of cheese in the name of science obviously as one. Made some amazing discoveries just in time for Christmas that actually the flavor of cheese which isn't the same as the taste the taste is what you said on your tongue this in this week salty but the flavors in your play and the flavor can actually be in Hans' by sounds colors all sorts of things around you so we thought that we did this piece of research so that when you have all your friends and family around Christmas time you get the cheese board out you can actually hack their brains and give them an indulgent creamy sensation lure say See where will this research go that you're doing well it's all part of sort of what's called Cross model research to find out about how the brain. We use cheese just because it's that everyone loves cheese in fact that she found out that 98 percent of British households have cheese in their fridge they don't why not you know I had this I'd have a 700 named cheeses in the u.k. Yeah I mean quite a few She's back to coming again he said. Well I've got some as I say extra creamy brie and they're saying that it's velvety soft rich and creamy through out so what do we have to do 1st I've got various players I've got a plastic cup. 3 of gold. Chinking what I'd like is get some squares of these cheese and put them on the different colored plates you have in front row so I water policy you have got a red place a black plight and a white plate so you get now one by one I'd like you to take these pieces of cheese and look very hard at that plate and then taste it at the end I want you to tell me which one you think tastes creamier and sweeter. And you can do this with any cheese we've been testing on Excel or extra creamy green because we thought preserve a Christmassy cheese and creaminess is actually very interesting how it's formed in this way because my boyfriend gave he only cheese he will use Chettle Bree. He won't he won't do any of the blue cheeses he can and also it's going to be a mild 3 because because he can't do the street. Oh it's like I said to my. It's practically Roman you know and it's almost like so I'm just going to put a little scoops on the red plate going to put a little eye on the white plate I mean it's really interesting is a lot of this research we found out so badly but he seems to have a home with a full plate full favorite cop and what we realize is that actually it does affect the taste Yeah and the one that he does taste better out there right so I've got 3 pieces of cheeses 3 different colored plates a red wine and about social are just yeah one of the places to eat Ok yeah see what you think could be very quiet for a little while. I can tell you some more cheese backs that do part of this part of the 700000 tons of cheese that we need to the u.k. Yeah amazing and it will also affect you agree we did some work into that about that that actually blue cheese really does give you a wacky does it now and so my. I mean that was the red plate it was not if we didn't try the black. For the white you were just copying cheese now I don't know if you come of them are all doubt. But I don't place different not there's a little bit better the. Interesting actually if you take between cheese that could mean that your secrets taste really just about 25 percent of the population have extra space but. You know what this is good news if ever the radio dries up on me I'm going to start tasting chew you. Know I'm going to the black plague now I gave that you were going. I mean the nice thing is this is genuinely something you can you can all do it. And you would have some really weird crap for not lest really interesting and that is exactly what it should say that should be the read the sweet yes white that's the creamiest and the black that's the least taste of all that is ridiculous that is it's crazy that is again I thought really sweet on the red one creamy on the white well and the. Problem. Was there was not to make it in Hans's creaminess about 20 percent which is insane. So we only just talk about sort of having wine with cheese but what we really should be doing is paving place yes we have a great crockery it's not it's nice restaurants that serve your food on black plates Oh that is a no no now is my now that the place that's the now you know we found it really yeah one house with a blue plate just the same as a black Yeah we tend to dislike it because we said our brains associate it with things that are off. So we love that you love white as a you know at Christmas time you're putting you should really served in the Krieble all enjoy Red Hots the sweetness if you just give me such a handy hint look we have about the music now Catherine and then we're going to do the sound sensational the cheesy thoughts or about it tough exactly like Michael bublé I do a lot. Of this time of year maybe a week you know you're listening to your design right across b.b.c. Local radio in England in the channel as you love cheese you know you love these joint sponsor. You can. See. Lots. Of. A broken heart so many times I stop. Myself. Like. That. Her. Name. Please please. Please please please. Her motherly . Per. Hour late. I can sit still. And they have the. Luxury of. That's. A lot of a bit of a blend the way the mind. Set now we're doing a bit of a cheesy experiment because we've already looked at how the color and texture of the plate the cheese ball you serve a cheese on can affect the flavor quite incredible aka red plate white plates on a black plate and I'm with Catherine temple Lewis who's a creative neurosciences and I am still blown away Catherine by that red play made the cheese taste sweeter It's amazing isn't it the white one made it creamy and the black one made it tasteless is a meeting amazing how it has a sound and. Vision and colors affect the flavors that we actually taste you know and it's that it takes color and we sort of you know cooking next level because your dinner party will start to Q 8 these amazing experiences for people just by the colors of the plate. Down to into Could you tell them. What about the cutlery does that have any effect on the because of plastic cutlery not God was I was eating with proper metal cutlery just now I think we could try try try piece off of the plastic cutlery and see whether you like it more or less like her which of the day when you did a cheese because I use my hands quite shocked she's going to be honest but if you did want to use the speed you know how does that tasty it's not brilliant. About it but Plato's really Britta Yeah with a plastic spoon Yeah really that he would if you did it's amazing isn't it now if you used a metal spoon it should taste a little bit sweeter but what we found was not anything is it tastes sweeter better off metal but people thought the value of the cheese was much higher when used so so if you really want to impress your guests have everything on the back of the vessels. And yes Merry Christmas everybody yeah I guess. So. Now talking of sounds and you did mention sound or got some cheese music for me I may say try to I mean how does the sound where you don't tell me until I have. More days it sounds amazing what we call a brain. That hacks that way because it goes straight to the emotional part of the brain sound play around with it so try a bit of a bit of cheese 1st right and then put the music on trial of the piece and tell me what you think so I'll go for the right place with no music right Ok Ok and I guess if you're doing this at home you know music white Christmas music quite a good one I'll tell you why afterwards to be playing in the. Ok We're going to charge everybody. This story going to try out of the right place. How does that taste. I mean you've had quite a cheese by now to the. Point I have that's very smooth. Like velvet Yes it should in the heart. Which is. That is ridiculous. I can't believe I am going along with everything. I'm falling in with the result so you're saying that. You sent me a cheese truck you were. Born into the into the fundie that. I used to quote from The View. So. Why no I just want to start. With is cool the fact and what it is is that anything that sort of evil strings. Which is why Christmas music is a great want to play if you want to enhance the flavor cheese because anything that's cool things like high notes in it brings out the sweetness in the same way they learn that's a percussionist brings up bitterness and it just because we evolved in this way where we when we eating we take you know all these other senses around us what's going on to find out what's in the so we can actually use this to change in our mouth this is what this is been fascinating thank you so much for coming on the show to be my absolute pleasure creative neuroscientist Catherine templates I have actually got some Christmas music let's see how high pitched this is. I'm going to do this Catherine meeting. Our Caribbean dreamy I love it thank you so much thank you what a wonderful lady just say cheese everybody it may be winter outside. The Fritz. In here oh. I don't want to think of this when it comes to the studio my b.c.g. In the week he might just. Go gold was. Was. Out. Of the summer but in my hot spring it's Lemon limited angle a minute this is from Tony on Twitter he says Enjoying the show put you on every night and got 2 full 6 kisses on the bottom ha Tony thank you for those on Twitter you can search me on Twitter and Facebook bbc tonight is what you look for this is from j.b. I've got to buy the dog a present all naughty one year I got a so-called indestructible duck toys yeah yeah how long did that last smudge unpicked it and dismembered it in less than 5 minutes yet. Not indestructible it's always the way good old smudge j.b. You better get to that but still. This isn't the load for Thomas to talk. Time after time on the way of Christmas Past tell me what you bought your. Stories you see. B.c. You can. See the cease.

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