It is going to be a bitter ne a lot of people listening cheer one thing knows that sometimes you imagine what other people are thinking about you and I say you have no idea what somebody else is thinking about you so you know you might think that harboring all these feelings and there might not be so might be worth having a little check. You can reveal. The b.b.c. News with Katie Couric good morning the prime minister is meeting her cabinet under fish oils from the Democratic Unionist Party after failing to agree terms in Brussels last night to move on Bracks it talks the d.d.p. Which props up the minority Conservative government is unhappy with plans to create what's been described as a hard border between island a Northern Ireland the n.p.a. And format breaks it Minister David Jones says discussions will continue today as I understand the d.p. Were spoken to about the proposal but the presides wording it seems was not made clear and when of course the weasel words like regulatory alignment which was interpreted as being no divergence in regulations then clearly they thought twice about the government's being age to provide a better compensation deal for Northeast victims of violent crime when the criminal injuries compensation scheme was set up in 1964 people were eligible for awards at the same level as civil claims which could be in the millions but over the years the maximum compensation is being capped at half a 1000000 pounds on the rules have been tightened up might seem Thompson Cayle campaigns on behalf of North-East victims of one punch attacks she's been helping the mum of Calvin McClellan who died after being attacked in South Shields should be part of what he they're ready availability We never mind after the tide or should he should have to we the money is government money and it should be ready available people wait 2134 years for claims to come true. The government says it's paid out over $140000000.00 pounds in compensation in 2016 to 2017 and applicants can seek a review of its decision and appeal to an independent tribunal if they so wish average rail fares are to rise by 3.4 percent in January it was previously announced that fans regulated by the government including season tickets will increase by 3.6 percent the National Crime Agency is one that children who use live streaming services online to being targeted by sex offenders it says suspects are exploiting ups that allow young people to broadcast live from their phones and tablets the agency says a weeklong operation in October against child sexual exploitation led to nearly $200.00 arrests and protected more than $200.00 children from fear the harm it's head of safeguarding is so Hilton we're seeing over $100.00 reports a month that we would consider a high risk child involved in child sexual exploitation we are increasingly seeing live streaming for part of that high risk group and I think it offers offenders an immediate connection to children young people you're more likely to miss a g.p. Appointment if you're between 16 and 30 according to new research the medical journal The Lancet claims that appointments made 2 to 3 days in advance were more likely to be missed in those 2 weeks ahead Dr Mike Scott is a senior partner to sit in New been on Tyneside maybe folk at that age group usually on the trail so maybe it seems less crucial may be this kind of less respect for the n.h.s. And doctors amongst people who've grown up with that whole lives and just expected to be the. Never mind a classroom for a school lesson How about among goalie in yet stead lane primary school in Bedlington has added an extra 10 light classroom known as a unit that you just knew used as Holmes in Mongolia but this one will be used for math English and science lessons as well as learning about Mongolian culture these people say they can't wait interest in seeing how the made because of wooden frames roam the walls will have felt the plastic cover on the outside I like because like it's like little b.c. a Full access to be like its size like it's big deal b.b.c. News it's 4 minutes past 10 Thank you very much good morning Ed dry and often cloudy day today however some sunny spells are likely to break through with time breezy this afternoon and highs around about 8 Celsius south of the roads look in. Oh no traffic in truth Ok will come back to that no problem at all I tell you what's happening the Sefton in Simon Logan here at 12 we hear from the band who did something the problem they're paying tribute to actually could never do the bootleg come to the region shortly and Simon's going to be chatting to them about playing Sergeant Pepper live that's a little bit later on this afternoon 12 o'clock of course Simon sea with your chance to get. Some. Travel. See what we can do get to travel and travel now Dave tell us how they're all to look in. The moment you heading through or towards the white mare pool roundabout going to ports that traffic very heavy all approaches which have a huge family in lane $1.00 and $4.00 also looking quite to congested and also watch out for some heavy traffic just down to Gateshead as well if you haven't get near to where he was stationed you French if you slow on the stretch of the one and 4 around the roundabout there but you have made it reports out and now we have news you had up towards the 184 on the way one of the keep it on the slow side which I believe that team Valley and we've got so no major problems at airports on a public transport Virgin Trains east coast falling are the problems down there too or don't cast them and isn't. I will. Try to take over the 5th floor of the Savoy and have flowers everywhere. Thank you so much for you. To morrow morning going to hear in the next few minutes the story from for that very specific. So we can enjoy the festive season just a little bit more we'll talk more about that in just a 2nd but childhood fees can sometimes cause really big problems for the what's the best way to talk we're going to talk to. Our resident d.j. This week. With them and he's passing on some top tips for Christmas Tree picking and maintenance he'll also be sharing with us before Levin o'clock this morning. The musical as well from Jon Bon Jovi for Christmas I love that one this is city open just want to have for b.b.c. Newcastle radio for the Northeast morning. Chancellor radio for that all fixed it's Tuesday morning how are you. What is Tuesday got in store or do you know have you got all mapped out or you're just going to take it one step at a time maybe you just sat in relax and right now having a cuppa and listening to the radio I very much thank you for joining me for you company got lots to talk about this morning and wanting to know what Christmas stuff so would say tat I would not refer to it like that I would say stuff precious stuff to you look forward to using every year I am over the moon this morning absolutely cock a hoop the fact that I get to use my Christmas mugs at last I looked like Christmas mugs the main reason I love my Christmas mugs is a they say Merry Christmas and I think that's a cheery thought to have while you sit a cup of tea but that massive There are really big mugs seeking a really good cup of tea the problem is that at the end at the end of Christmas whenever there is no house when the decorations go down sometime after New Year they get put back on the really really high shelf so I can't reach them only by the hearth He's very tall can reach them and I can and they stay there until the beginning of December and last night I made my play yes it please please get the Christmas mugs down I need a big cup of tea so they were brought down. And I can now use them and I am so happy about that if I could want to work I would have but I'd be scared it got smashed or stolen but she said Clay has got a Christmas pudding bath much people out to start using last Friday and a Christmas towels all the things that you look forward to using At Christmas they are special Christmas things but until it hits kind of December the whatever you know allowed them in the house for various reasons will play with the people shall we tell me about them maybe even send me a picture you could tweet me a picture at b.b.c. New Castle of your special Christmas stuff or you can text it to me want to pull 3 study message b.b.c. That would be brilliant or just give me a call for a bit of a chat share your love of your Christmas tat 019-123-2656 extension 5 maybe you've bought some new tap this Christmas you absolutely love it but it had nothing but derogatory comments from everybody else around you so you can aspire old stuff then in that case I bet they use you Christmas mugs 009-123-2656 extension 5 join in the phone and I'll play you a special Christmas song from Jon Bon Jovi next to the train. To. Put his money out of the destruction the roof and the players should know the doors in. A day to. The finish line look there's no place to go through scream along the truth in today's northeast bringing the stories of today. From. Newcastle radio for the Northeast morning Lisa show with you through till 12 o'clock thank you very much for joining me quarter past 10 and of course it's panto season. No it really is and it's good clean fun for all the family isn't it well one little boy from Prada although he wants to go along and enjoy the show when the rest of his classmates go with school before Christmas this year there's a bit of a problem phrases to it is 5 and he's developed a fear of baddies now as one Karen says it started with a visit to the Panda last year so she wanted to help a son conquer his fear she put out an appeal asking anyone who works on the pantomime to allow him to see their body up close without the scary makeup and costume to prove there really is nothing to worry about while our reporter stepped in and heard about the story and offered to help so with that Fraser his mom dad and Steph found themselves granted backstage access at the customs house planted inside shields we can just go on to see if Georgia Nicholson who plays there by the poison pen could persuade him that she's not quite as scary as she looks current tell me a little bit about Fraser because he's he went to the Panda lasted a day went with it went with school last year and now it was when he was 4 and it was a deliberate skate and these. Started to have a little bit of a fear of bad guys and he did it just start then started at pantomime last year and it's sort of developed so now he says he won't watch any t.v. Programs with our guys in the cinema with these. Friends because he thinks there's going to be bad guys in and he's terrified of his own shadow and since the pantomimes been mentioned this year for school it's been in our bed every night because he saw terrified to go and saw try to be a bit more proactive about it and think What can we do to try and address it because it's this fear started a few know so ga obviously when you're older that we look completely different just do you define the kids are a little bit scared when you read about in yeah I did my 1st scene the kids you can see their reaction which is obviously lovely as a performer to sit there and see that it's work and. I also like the fact that by the end of the show we've kind of gotten a better grip of poison pen in the sea She's actually just a bit sly an episode last year really by the end that may just be when I'm going along with it instead of just. Sort of this is this. Work this is. The donkey maybe when we go backstage. Just. Write the code and it's going to look so this is my best. Source because this is so it's too good to live in here and you've been getting a number of these goodies Oh you're all right. And she's put next to you. This is great to have a phrase I love your sparkly thing well this is my me so I have to go. Look at that green. Salad Do you ever have fake eyelashes to cover my hair and then this is my think green hair which is here now I think is so heavy and I have got to carry this on my head haven't heard the whole show so I put it on. Oh it's so heavy it doesn't look as scary with the glasses on No I look at my takes it all doesn't to look at all like my knees make up this mess trying to have the way crazy but I do it. You know so you just plop it on so what changed I helped was a quick on. The front if it's Ok And you just slide that on the front for morrow you'll see me in the show freezer this is what I do is in there because I've got to try and be scary you know but I'm not really scared so I do a lot of this I hope I do a wicked laugh which is I'll tell you every laugh so that you knew all that it's just pretend. Ok. Just pretend Ok So every time you hear me say that you can think it's just a Georgette do you want to see me fun again do you wish we could practice Oh yes I want to read my we probably should write I have I do given All right John I want to do. With. To 3 was. Not you know up the pump mind you can make as much as one shower can you can laugh things so cool are the noise that they're oh yeah I love the loads of people that make an all or doing funny sounds but nobody else of. You the way I know. You think that you think when you and George were good on the other. My So for example just being backstage you met George didn't you yes yes she was nice wasn't him yet and you saw all the costumes his old dog costume did you have fun yet so just not scary if you think it's helped because he met George a re so our makeup we saw a costume and she was lovely with it yeah I think once you see there on stage then we can say well that's just Ga and she's just got a makeup on and I think once she actually sees I think then it's just. Trying to reinforce that. It's just people with make up in costumes on made a big fuss of them so it was lovely so that 5 year old Fraser Stuart his mom Karen and obliging Ponto buddy George Nicholson talking to a reporter Stephan in about their attempt to try and help raise enjoy his school trip to the panto later this month overcome this fear he has of bodies so did it work well we will hear what Fraser made of the performance and we'll ask a psychiatry for some insight into childhood phobias and how best to tackle them that's all and next. We'll see some Simon and Garfunkel in New Castle radio for the Northeast thank you so much for me this morning I hope you doing all right before 11 o'clock we'll hear from Mark child now Mark is the operations manager for the whole thing in forest district he's a resident d.j. All this week on my chins he kind of looks up to trees he knows a lot about trees and so we thought what better person to get in this week in particular for my chickens than someone who can help us out with some top tips when it comes to choosing Christmas trees looking after them as well because a lot of the time you might think with a real tree you get it and by the time it comes around to Christmas all the needles of fallen off it's dead that doesn't need to be the case all this week Marc will have some top tips for us as well as providing us with a brilliant soundtrack is going to be choosing a memory song for us today before 11 yesterdays motivational song was the Baywatch theme so that kind of gives you a taste of Mark's musical taste and we'll find out a little bit more in the next half hour talking of Christmas I want to know all about your Christmas tat your Christmas Michonne dice the stealth that you keep especially for this one month where you get to use it you put it out you display it so proudly could be a Christmas Batman Batman like Producer Claire her Christmas towels after Christmas t. Tells a little bit when I can use my Christmas tea towels and I got all really excited last night when my other half brought down the Christmas mugs from the top shelf spent ages yesterday with my sister looking for Christmas pants and socks for her son and daughter and I have that's brilliant right because she does this Christmas Eve box you might have heard about these things Christmas Eve boxes a lot of the. Do them where you put special gifts in Christmas Eve for them to look at and get excited Christmas pajamas All right the thing is you can only wear them on that one night can you really Christmas Christmas jammies and Christmas socks and Christmas plans they're good for one day and one day only what Christmas merchandise to look forward to using each and every year would love to hear from you send me a pic of even better want to pull 3 to text start your message with the letters b.b.c. Or you can tweet me at b.b.c. Castle here until 12 o'clock this morning. Mrs Robinson. 27 is. Second. Simon and Garfunkel Mrs Robinson a b.b.c. Newcastle radio for the northeast Kate and I just discussing Christmas tat we have a chat in just a 2nd Coming up music from John Paul you will find out how you phrase a 5 year old phrases from Put a reacted when he got to meet panto bodies in real life before they put the make up and all that kind of thing on because he has a full b.-a of panto bodies he's scared of them he doesn't want to go to the punch my With school because he's scared of bodies so we took him to the Customs House in South Shields backstage he got to meet one of the bodies before they got the pan to make but all that kind of stealth put on so we'll find out how he reacts whether it did any good or not and also talk to a child psychiatrist about the best way to overcome childhood phobias in just a few moments time. To Lori's music. Tended to now let's get the latest b.b.c. News headlines with Katie Cole good morning the prime minister is meeting her cabinet and officials from the Democratic Unionist Party after failing to agree terms in Brussels last night to move on Bracks it talks the government's being edged provide a better compensation deal for Northeast victims of violent crime and rail fares are increasing by an average of 3.4 percent from January the 2nd it's the biggest rise in 5 years so Katie Christmas tax is something that kind of comes out you know the 1st of December does it all come out in your little boxes of it it all came out on Sunday the house looks like someone just took the 4 boxes all over the living room to be honest it's been sick and you have a 4 year old little girl now so she wants to decorate the tree she wants everything to go everywhere we've currently got about 6 Teddy's place down the stairs poking their heads through because what you do with a Christmas Teddy. And we've just sort of collected the move in the years so we've got a Rudolph we've got an angel we've got a snowman and I will poke in the headstone so when I get back and I'm like all those teddies when I let you know she'll like it looks good I'm like look tacky it looks awful but this is kids at Christmas it's Christmas you see political these beautiful trees they're all macho like Where'd you put your kids because they do you know get involved in the decorating and what you kids that's the next question I'd like you to ads here at b.b.c. New Castle thanks very much Katie a dry and often cloudy day today however some sunny spells also likely to break through at times it will be breezy this afternoon and highs of 8 year olds look and . Said looking a little bit on the flow side of the time bridge approach which outlays are heading down I ask the road or husky road towards the bridge a bunch of kids queuing up with major there to report on the roads we do have issues now on trains once again issues on the East Coast main line because so often incidents need to Darlington's a service is heading through from Newcastle to Donington are currently at a standstill so that's affecting cross concrete northern transplant and Persian across the border with incident in Donington trains off the spending sort of check amount of before you travel and it also gives a call is $3.00 to $9.00 that's the latest on Dave Chip thank you very much Dave don't forget to all sports here at 530 Simon and the guys there for you to kind of vent your views if there's something you need to get off your chest make she get involved with the phone call lines up at 530 or indeed you can get involved on social media. Travel. Visit and. This is easier. Said. Than done. And it's only a. We've we've. Been losing. We've. We've. We've. or. Jump or your love is in the air at b.b.c. New Castle radio for the Northeast sorry I got carried away there's a tweet in talking about your Christmas tattoo things you get out once a year and you really look forward to it thank you very much to Gary he tweeted with a picture of his singing Christmas pudding that's the kind of thing I'm talking about still for the makes noises my mom is obsessed with Christmas things that make noises Santa his reindeer things that ring bells What's the still that just fills your house at Christmas time and that's the one and only time of the year that you get it all out hello to I think it's t. Man it's come across anyway on the text that you've sent to us want triple 3 star in message b.b.c. And you say us Christmas pants and you use Christmas hankies from Christmas Eve to New Year's Day brilliant want to pull 3 to text message b.b.c. To tweet it at b.b.c. Newcastle. So we talk about the things that kids get scared of which can appear to be quite random sometimes can they how much should you try and help them counter their fears and how much should you let the maybe avoid the things that are actually scaring them 5 year old phrases to you it is from producer and last year a visit to the panto sparked a fear of bad guys in him which isn't a bad thing you might think except his mom Karen says it's really preventing him from enjoying anything with bad guys in bodies from films t.v. Programmes to theatre trips and she's really worried that he's missing out well Karen wanted to take him backstage to meet some actors which i Reporter Stephanie arranged for her and he seemed to enjoy put the interval alas he decided that he didn't want to stay for the 2nd half he has what he had to see the dame Bella ballcock say a lot your phrase here yeah how is that. Pretty cool and so if you enjoy bits of it didn't you and some bits were scary you know which bits were scary . Even though you met before and which bits did you like then which bits were funny . For Tigers. When they got high in the face and with a sly name you like it yeah yeah it was funny yeah yeah so it wasn't too bad but yeah we were hoping that he was a bit scared of me but I think it's progress step in the right direction we didn't think he was going to even go in at the start you just take one step at a time had it small steps that's what it's going to be and you know that he could see through. Some of it and I and I are both that they look at the small stuff. That you did see some of it so good well done Fraser well. Well Dr Stephen West is a child and adolescent psychiatrist based in the Northeast I spoke to him earlier and I asked him actually went to childhood fears come from. It is probably preprogramed so it's no surprise that people are scared of spiders as scared of insects as get of snakes and the things that would have probably protected us from an evolutionary perspective you know fear of big dogs things like that I think you've really got a proportion of them going to see them in that context but very many faces are really quite strange So you see even things like plastic bags all you see them afraid of buttons or you know just really cookie things quite possibly We've got a sense of there it's a dangerous world out that but because actually our current world is quite safe we end up with this sort of looking for danger when it isn't that and it gets latched on to you know that these things that scary I mean it's not exactly a phobia but you would see children being scad all separating from the patterns that we would call a separation anxiety but it's a very similar Proceso. The jollies scad of a certain situation and it activates lots of anxiety related processes the keen on being avoidance when when we scatter things we want to avoid it and thus troll but the problem is by avoiding what we skedaddled of we never get to learn that it's Ok so you know a child might have a separation anxiety or fear of the dog or they they feel as though they need to keep windows closed to stop bloodlust coming in but instead of going to sleep completely in the dog or with the window open a little bit or you know for facing that fear they always make sure they avoid it and then they never fully realize that it's safe to do the thing this get off so they never learn that it's you know they don't need to be scared point Stephen should parents actually get in. Volved and try and help their children overcome their see as well parents are best ally in dealing with a child so be it because. The parent just wants to help that child will do anything anything that they can what often happens though is there's a little the child is anxious and most to avoid things the parent sort of sees that and for any empathize and feel feels the child's upset so then wraps them in cotton wool and this often helps the child to avoid what less good of what the parent can do best is understand the key thing the child is scared of because sometimes it's it's a little bit difficult to tease out so you can do a lot of listening and then once you know what the child is really scared of you've got 2 approaches and sort of that explains what he's floating which is what you see on I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of a way just the person in a in a coffin full of cockroaches here now whilst we're it's pretty horrible so we don't tend to use that the other is systematic The sensitize ation or you will says it is exposure response prevention where the child is gradually exposed to what they're scared of and we voice the response which is usually avoidance for example don't phobia you would say right I'm scared of big dogs we'll start off with the easiest thing you can cope with with dogs which might be as a small picture of a dog or a cuddly toy dog and then you will your way up through to puppies or puppies on a lead a puppies at a distance and then slightly smaller larger dogs and then you know you'd get up to the you know something like a great day on the lot lot depending on the child which is Godfrey is a phrase that was taken because he had a fear of of bodies in pantomimes and things like that phrase was taken to kind of meet the bodies was got a good idea do you think yeah absolutely you know because we know it's safe it's not a nice image to. Danger education is debugging this idea that it was really about a it's helping them that this was just and nice actress one of the challenges though is that Humphrey truly wanted to leave it possible being a bit too much and the real key to dealing with a phobia is understanding the void and she's going to come again and that child will want to avoid that what this good of she's got to structure what the exposure you've got to structure the opportunity for the child to be with what they're scared of in a way that small enough stats on these plans for the child knows exactly how long it's for what they've got to what they're dealing with so just little steps planning and he's got to be often enough for them to really get used to it and I always say to people be that we were aiming for boredom or aiming for you not to be Skinhead but just to feel well this is just easy and boring most childhood phobias know let's say thunder or the dark or bad days they we know they really will get over it it really just depends on the level of distress it causes them as to whether it's worth seeking help and is worth seeking help because actually of all of all the things I treat phobias are one of my favorite things to treat because you usually get a really good result so one could freeze mom try next then for example Stephen should you just write Pam 2 off altogether for the time being or is there another small step she could take to try and help with this phobia Well it's tricky not being able to assess him properly but I mean broadly speaking not necessarily exactly to phrase but broadly speaking. Be thinking well how does this fear of bodies affect him and it might be that he sees all the boys on the corner of the street he might be that easy you know he has television programs that he tries to avoid so you would develop a hierarchy of least scare. The most scary. One I wonder where punter would fit in. Might be quite intense experience I don't know start at the bottom of the hierarchy and they might be some simple little cartoon things with bodies on that you can control and you can regulate and say Ok we've got half an hour of what the latest children's cartoon and I might be doing with his mom next to him 1st of all but the new chair I do it on your own next so I would hope not to avoid mum's approach is absolutely right in principle is exposing the child to the scale of a long enough so that can come down from 789 out of 10 get it down to 3 or 4 are making progress and of course stick with scared of long enough for them to 'd say and start to drop Dr Stephen my scarf a child an adolescent psychologist based in the Northeast talking to me on b.b.c. Newcastle so does that ring any bells with you did you or your children have surprise fears that you actually had to deal with really interested to hear stories any advice is well you might have the phrases mum talking about that we've had a lovely call from a lady Unfortunately we don't have a name but you said that your little brother he was 17 I was also scared of baddies and he grew up to be a very kind hearted months of phrase and his mom need to be reassured that this isn't necessarily a bad thing thank you so much 411-123-2656 extension 5 could Sunderland be the u.k. City of Culture in 2021 it's focused on someone but if we were to win it it would reflect brilliantly I'm. Told will hand over the baton to one of 5 cities this week in a b.b.c. Newcastle special series Sweeney and Johnson bring you the results life Thursday folding full of manhood we face the. Blame and while the bad. Is coaling in my band to see. Me was. The scene was revealed was just. Me and. It is that we turned up the Christmas on the show haven't we but that's tough to buy jeans there this week our d.j. Is on hand to make sure you have the tree which is the envy of all your friends and neighbors child these operations manager the whole thing going for us district so best to ask what to look for in a real tree and how to look after it once it's actually home and decked out so Mark you with us all week we've got lots to talk to you about but obviously working with trees super busy Christmas I'd imagine yes yes of it with that Iran thing especially our Christmas tree sales points at roughtly amps and being busy have a rush of people looking for a perfect tree do you enjoy this time of year yes it's cracking especially if we get a frost in the snow it really makes the outdoors look up to the stunning and it's just what we do it's a time of the year isn't it and it's something it's a tradition now with families going and choosing the Christmas tree and I think it's just must be such a nice thing to be part of you kind of part of a family's Christmas tradition in a way on it I mean it's hilarious I've been working on Christmas tree since of being in the northeast and since 2010 and it's great when you see families coming from a standpoint and discussing witchery if it's a couple years it's always going to be that's my argument as to which is of estuary which one we're looking at to get the kids involved as well is a really great time of year and focusing on family to get you tree so how soon would you start preparing for Christmas so would you have had an old trees growing constantly how do you work that out so well we pride ourselves on our sustainable management and by grow all the trees ourselves we make sure. I saw sustainably from across the country and I was on and on year continuing cycle told the trees out and growing for a couple more years whereas the smaller trees are by for a shorter period of time so I just try to plan what we want in terms of having stockade for what people want and it's just arranging Most orders and getting the trees harvested ready for Christmas and delivered to us I was point ready in time for people to show up and then pick a tree good stuff Ok Well we're back to the music now though and teased as a member of the song choice tell us what it is he's chosen and why I've chosen Nickelback and how you remind me it was my 1st ever gave when I was down in London and noticed phenomenal when I was 18 and so I really could. Sense. Nickelback and how you remind me Mark child from an all singing far as district with the memory song choice on b.b.c. New Castle he'll be back tomorrow with a guilty pleasure song and it's a very out song for somebody in his line of work if you're interested in getting one of the trees which marks help to nurture than you can do so the forest actually until the 17th of December or at Rothbury auction Mark base and next weekend so back to the day here b.b.c. New Castle do you do something a little different at Christmas to help all the people out perhaps you open up your home or you volunteer at a homeless or an animal shelter we're going to hear from a care home in County Durham which is spreading festive cheer to people in my own.

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