Castle this is 5 life. So far Wolf Wolf only this one which will give football in Europe and South America. Vegas with us. Lynn take any questions you go and comments on football in the Europe generally put also plays right there playing out leagues and the legendary victories ever is in South America in Rio taking care of any cause you go to South American football players from over there playing our leagues NAFTA apologized to him I have to apologize because I said I said somewhat disparaging you. Know disparaging me with the ringleader as cools the oracle of African football where do we pay you for your politics OK and off on a charge because I didn't realize at that point how good a footballer Evo Morales was he's not bad yes he's not planted now good rephrase what is it he loves get a guy president for leaders. That's right prison for Leave it is a decent vocal I mean which of the great world leaders you know lead is very country are good footballers is what I'd like to know of course Liberia got the best football the best presidential. As a way to get the get you know president on the map make sure you vote for a football a former football or Oh leave him oh he is still on this question a very Are you not asking whether it's V.A.R. Overall an important question when it comes to football and viewer mark Vegas was bold enough to give us his theory on whether the use an acronym or use the word is such and what your theory can theory is if it's more than 3 letters spell it out neat make it work. But it's less 3 Ls. Out. And you don't say oh. Yeah I see what you're saying but Smokey Joe's tax code deli you may not be familiar with Smokey Joe's tackle Deli who tweeted me and Smokey Joe's Teko deli by the way it's an authentic Mexican ingredients place with a modern molecular twist on not sure about the molecular to its owners and I don't know I want to know and then they're calling it that S.T.D. S D. No no no no they're not this is financial place. Please my heart my heart can't say Mark. Now it is an actual phrase is a natural phrase and it's Smokey Joe's. Of course Were you trying to answer me anyway Smokey Joe's tax code early read your card out referee almost it's in my back pocket is ready to cover any time. He chose tack a dirty suggests the question of or via that we should really arse Jamie or as far as it would be hind me would it to him in Jamie Heinie Yeah you pronounce it South American where and where is he I don't know who but I'm presuming it you know somewhere in your region would be how it could be in English Jamie we don't know we really don't have enough information I don't want to get in trouble because you know when I see James in Ender's East Road the flipping kitchen sink Rangers also he really makes a point of saying of saying it's time it's like it's born and is how Ms Bond we know that you know. So anyway. They hired me lol Jason Rodriguez I expect you to leave plan. For Mark High me or Jamie Smokey Joe's Teko Deli is suggesting that we go to US. At least to me the meaning. Names could be Jaime VOD D. R R Yeah I don't know. I'm sorry it took so long to get it. All round the houses to get that one correct and I've probably there were listening less good about football so he was saying a lot of people have been asking us saying 1st of all that he wanted to tell us about which team the white region of the model of of picking young talents before it becomes we need disaster. Siren's a way of picking out young talent before you have to pay a lot of money for it taking over from Brazil at the age of $18.00 and developing it then that seems to be a model that the European clubs are really following for you to. Hoffenheim seem to be specially specializing in this book each of us who are out there Mark. Yes that's exactly what they do mainly because it's cheaper but also they think it's got long term benefits both for the chain man and obviously as you've seen with report of I mean you know. Your little. Cause is that. Lots of money. But it's missed some of the people that had disappeared trace. Got on to bigger and better things. Think the jury's still out on the Internet was a. Few weeks ago. I don't think he's going to be able to go to Newcastle often I don't care they've got 40000000 in the pocket. Probably a little bit. Give him just a little more time. On Sunday when he would have clients you know giving given just little more time with. General Johnson put in there as well you know please give him just. A could cook good I mean everything so bad if you can even if it was carried an actor in his prime he might not be a risk because the government passed the ball to him. But yeah over over Germany looks kind of follow after having been doing I mean like to get a lot of flak from rival fans a big plastic setter and all the Red Bull money but the one thing they do do is blow the young players they don't go out and spend big big money on the well no play state they get young players and they and they build them up not me Katie being there WAS example you know big sale to Liverpool so there is definitely the way an injury rates going but it's partly because they don't have the financial muscle of the Manchester City's Barcelona's to be able to go by. Big players and that includes by meeting out is exactly why they had to LOL there to witness a person of interest. From Barcelona. People in Germany Europe cast their giant team after low players doesn't really show what long term planning but it might work out very well as a sort of did with ham is this because. The 2 seasons he was OK He scored some goals it was a decent squad player but he didn't do enough to actually get a bye and so then by and went to rounds and sorry we're not buying him for 40 minutes recreate. 60 player you have to buy so we're sending him back which is horribly why Bale never came. In to buy and falls because they kind of for well if we cheekily asked a long Bale having loan. Package out they really going to say yes so therefore they know what to ask letter instead brought in continue the football know that as most people's attention tonight from our listeners by email and by tag. Is Wesley memorize and appropriately Babs because he traverses both Europe and Brazil in his career and his background to tell me 1st will mark about this player lit up Villa Park tonight. Yeah it looks a decent player doesn't. Hurt you know. And that's increasing the waves go that go to a to a small it up like a bruise prove himself 1st rate in their. League and then they look and think well this guy is proving YOUR we can take a punt on this guy Robert taking 7 as it was saying that we haven't you can't take it 23 too old to be molded into what you want you have to take them really young or you watch them in a small European league yet that guy can go to let's take him and I minded by your past records before I turn seeds to give us your thoughts on. Wesley Morris. Let me just say you can't do it in the Black Country X. And I'll tell you why C.H. In Birmingham says you can you asked him if he was the Villa game and don't even do Villa came and the performance of on you and I would sit there and I know this is good but when somebody from the Midlands asked the question I think I have respect they have their specter Yeah yeah exactly see a Jimbo using cured him and he says in the most costly dialect you can imagine he says could you was cheap if we watched the Villa game and the performance of our new number 9 Wisley a bully plays all night made the Everton players look like kids he was absent. And will be the while you get similar actual team squad is a different option and not Joe Linton also ask openers perhaps was also on Douglas Luis who was also looks. Yeah the ways and I saw plenty of when when he was coming up with Vasco and better judges and than me self thought that he was the man that he was he was going to be the future of Brazil's midfield it's been a little bit of a rocky road because I think city couldn't get a work permit for him when he was loaned here and the owner and now he's comes available he's made mistakes and he scored goals and he's done good things already captain of Brazil was under 20 three's in a recent thing so they think he has a he has a huge future and I'm so glad that he's playing you know because when he was bought a couple of years ago that thing with a long doubt you know the loaned out to a club that doesn't have a long term investment in them I think Sonny careers can go off the rails as as a result Wesley is one that we're kind of getting to now over here now because he's made his entire career in Europe you went he went from us to from a tiny little club he went to Slovakia I think. As a teenager and did a little bit there before doing a lot Belgium and I have after say anything atoms in Belgium football is not really hold the back page as far as the Brazilian media are concerned. National team don't get their national team not so yeah intellect in the legs Yeah indeed how many how many men play in Belgium. YEAH YEAH SO MANY MANY So you know we're going through it we're moving right you show me any day this week so now is in now is in in the Premier League and for I didn't see that sincerely going to know I just got back from one is only when I was a flatiron away I went to sleep my apologies to all do better next time with the villa. But now we've got in the Premier League there is I think there's a place going even if it's only on a substitute bench for a big target man center forward remembering the recent Top American Brazil home 6 games with a strong favorites in every game did well won it but why they were held to goal is draws and the if thinking you know unfair mean always a center forward to reflect player they haven't quite got the best out of him yet I think they really need someone with penalty area presence if I only as an option off the bench and there aren't that many options around the right you don't see too many who could fill that role perhaps it this fellow could and now we've got a good night for Villa he will be on the radar screen this is from day to give for both of you questions about symmetry in formations all formations seem to be symmetrical from left to right there's ever been any time your regions where an experiment with asymmetrical formations happening did it work. We had on the sorry not gone not gone no go. We are on the route towards the back fall that Brazil brought in on the route towards that 4 through 4 there was a system called the diagonal where where the midfield line is an angle to each other so there is a diagonal thing going on where there is quite a strange system is a hybrid as they were feeling their way towards a back floor and 4 to 4 you often see a lack of symmetry for a couple of reasons one is it's hard to get get left with the place so if you have on the right foot it plays down your left that you never see manes a lack of symmetry because you want to get outside on one flank where you can't really get outside on the other frankly you don't have a left foot to do it so they'll be symmetry there you see some some things that will have now a wide man on one side or tucking in and a wide man on the other side who will go outside. Sometimes it depends on just the resources at your disposal I have seen teams who are very very left sided really really left side have an addict lots of references and put them all in and that yank yank the team over towards towards that side when clearly the opposition have to respond in some way so it kind of can happen and I think that the main focus of balance is is the balance between attack and defense which is more can always get these ones wrong is like you know not be able to remember left from the right which happens to me at times it's more vertical and horizontal or horizontal and vertical but whatever it's less conservative Franks and more can more concerned with the balance down the field. I'm thinking anywhere there think of really kind of stance . Even you know T.V. Graphics you have Mark over on his own on the left side a little bit further forward. Yeah. He would go kind of been a normal line as the 4 midfield and then over must have been little for even the graphics and then you'd have an elk or and or was Christopher ray at that stage front and that always stood out to me thinking why oh why don't more teams kind of do that with with the winnings kind of like on his own a month because we as a such a rare commodity sometimes you can always have to limit the stock warm so one after when you're kind of our eyes on a little surf over to the other so that means the middle creating kind of took across more to cover for him. So way that he used to play with a great guy. In a right winger leave him out there leave a corridor for him leave him bleeding plenty spiced on anyone get in that corridor or so we got a long ball to him and he's got all that spice to work in which again comes down to using the resources at your disposal. Apparently Smokey Joe's Takio Deli is in Istanbul. Mark do you want to apologize or I apologize I did. What we were told we were told yeah you know you're a euro euro and your accurate. Acronym can stand for so many things cancer if indeed exactly. And this is from Dave been in the pub one night now home listening to well for phone in 05 Live fantastic listeners usually gentleman I think that goes to you guys not to me because my part is not been a fantastic listeners here I mean. Apparently not sure if there's been an all English Irish Premiership match but the last team to field 11 English players was Aston Villa in 1999 when they played Coventry villas 3 substitutes are also English who are interested to know that. Please guys can you also tell us if you don't mind. There's lots about Barry F.C. By the way as a lot of questions about that which I'm past will come on to again in a 2nd Sig's not going away anytime soon and lots about V.A.R. As well we move on for discussion if you've got more to add to. Think we settled right well no no no no Y.M.C.A. Didn't sell for we. Not. Just reminds me of BRYANT That was Brian Clark was on it you know it is a fabulous clip of Brian Clough off where when he was young and my commute one that Darby nice is talking about what happens when have a disagreement with your directors Well he says only thing. It should be don't tell him how I think it should be done we sit down we talk about it for 20 minutes and then we decide that I was right so Mark Meadows you've channeled your inner Brian Clough for tonight here well done you there is lots of questions about Buri as it were for you Tim is it Barry or brewery. Well I can say Buri but that would be a little bit like time Villa wouldn't you know that's so maybe I should just stick to Berry 7 listen and hear what you should stick to or not let's have the listener pay attention paid close attention to close attention. Paid to mention it back. To the frame and say and then if you know you could hear that but that's the full. BARRY know from Barry man I'm from Buri Buri Yeah I'm from a hooray as in boorish. One of my private private proudest moments is managed to get presidents evades apply to the video of kicker conspiracy with Mark E. Smith their lives in a in an inordinate football stadium we live in the translators well. Said this is relevant you know have a look at this this is how English football used to be so we're just kind of sat back with a big grin I'm a face there are you the only person inside the country that had that grin on their face I imagine. How this is never stopped me in Atlanta is no good no no for me writing that you'd stick to my level and that is a big question a big question this one is from a happy hammer. Cain confusingly let's leave that to one side a question for tonight with both Gath Gareth Bale and Neymar Jr's recent potential moves being complicated by the fact both are huge salaries do the pan. Believe we have reached the ceiling for the rapid inflation of plays where use in modern day football woo clubs be reluctant to offer such high salaries to future transfer targets or could we see shorter contracts and clubs can negotiate the risk of being left with a player. Isn't wanted or isn't happy to sit out the remainder of the contract thing. MARK Yes I do I think we're at that point. Especially in the Premier League because no one is saying that that it be would bricks it since we know planning whatsoever what's going to happen. You know you will permit rules and whatever could cause absolute chaos that may mean the bubble begins to burst. All economic projections say. The whole world is going to go into recession the start of next year perhaps USA Germany or in a bit of a sticky situation now they might go into recession as well so I think things are start going to start to come down and clubs just aren't going to be able to afford these enormous wages especially when you're paying players that then suddenly say oh I got broke at this $22000000.00 deal to years ago but it I should like it here and I want to go back to where I was well sorry son you sound a contract deal with it. Tim. Yeah I'm. Partially inclined to to agree with Mark only kind of thing against that he's much much closer to his and I am is that all that all that sounds rational to rational for for a man businesslike like football because at the end of the way when you get it right these big players they do win games in that they do win titles. That the temptation is always there to to overreach and spend too much or the risks now are so parents and surely no one wins from this handful of club stockpiling talent that they don't really need any more they don't want any more the player doesn't want to be there I mean the big thing that the player has in the go shouting table here is that there aren't many things in life that are more useless than a football who doesn't want to play for however much he paid for him you know if he doesn't want to play for you then Then what are you going to do with a man that gives the players so much power. And yes I can imagine that the club's wanting to kind of crack down on this but at the end of the day the temptation is always there to shell out on that feller is going to bring you glory you see what happens when I blew for that free kick you know the free kick that Marquis Smith took instead of hanging around. To follow it up I ran down the other end of the fish whereas I should've said Nick good morning. Oh where are you Nick where are you I man bearing like a shot you're in the area you're not in Buri. It's pronounced OK OK. When you're singing songs in the ground. You'll be singing things like. Are you going to bore a strawman all up if you don't. Want to. But all the time you. Why did you could not an hour and a half ago because I'll be making a fool of myself a loss out. I don't need be starting right. Anyway is going to question good. Right. Now and the rest of your guys are covering how. Somebody is coming. For the price of town. Whatever it is just a single thing OK I'm taking on the debt and. Paying the wages. On the end of January from. The CHAIRMAN. The players didn't. I didn't pay any of the stuff on the match days nothing what he was paid just the police all eyes the ground are being closed down the referees and the lines will be in place of them. And also at the same time the club is probably. Brought in over a 1000000 pounds. Well as the body doubles well so is already well and Cyprus Well whatever washable means trouble and actually registered well and then the end of it when he sold a truck to make himself a 1000000 pounds. A fin This is a good question move. On Amir must have come by the WHO gets him Emma tons just a moment and thank you for the conic really appreciate this is a serious topic so who devoted some of the next often to talking about this and trying to get to the bottom of the I am what's going on here as well instead mean it before you go did you know what the situation is tonight do you know what the situation is barely So we have a I don't I would have been sold I'm not so yeah yeah yeah gov or C.N.N. Def commend you guys. On some of the Birmingham an MPEG. A very I'm very jealous of him and he's been champion. Busy busy strike of the by the 12. Thanks the monitor scene for around is that the foul was nothing but the dial is trying. The new style disguised by me but as we speak is Barry's to the league. I believe that MICK Yeah we're still Bob Barr with a very big kick to the back all I want to say is the A.F.L. Are a complete opposite joke. In the future if any chairman takes over a football club I think it should be a problem variable of a year or whatever it is Barry out there want or is probably being very very. Dense but very well would he have felt no upside and then they should restart it all in the summer why leave it so August OK I can hear the frustration your voice is well thanks Nic and 2nd by so many other fans of Barry as well we'll come back and talk about this in a moment or 2 1st let's go to these 5 Live headlines as Kev Negra on digital B.B.C. Sense. This is C.B.C. Radio 5. Barry fans are waiting to find dance if late cell phone it's a buy the club will save it from being thrown out of the English Football League is considering extending a deadline in the past at midnight for a new owner to be found or for the club to prove it can afford to keep running Brazil's own forces as a Health finds a record number of forest fires in the Amazon itself the European leaders threaten to scrap a huge trade agreement with South America unless more is done Boris Johnson is at the G 7 meeting in France tomorrow with that issues on the agenda due to speak with Donald Trump's Maura Mr Johnson's 1st international summits as prime minister and China has released a British consulate worker from Hong Kong who's been held for over a fortnight's time in Chiang went missing on August the 8th during a business trip Beijing says he was detained for violating security laws 5 Live news Tim has the sport now Aston Villa have won their 1st match since their promotion back to the Premier League maybe Everton 2 nil a Villa Park thanks to goals from and while Garcia and a 1st for the club the striker Wesley a manager Dean Smith says he. Excited about the Brazilians potential there's been an awful lot of scrutiny after just 2 games and is now level with most. You know sees is a really good player watching for a long time at Club Bruges it scores goals he can make goals for others and that was in a Super League last year round and in the Champions League so awful it was excellent and it was a handful England batting coach Graham Thorpe says the batters aren't playing for their places despite being bowled out for just $67.00 on day 2 of the 3rd Ashes Test at Headingley It's England's lowest total in the ashes since 1948 Australia closed the down $171.00 to $6.00 to leave the visitors with a $283.00 run late I'm not a guy someone like excuses you know I'm not going to make excuses for him either it's tough Test cricket and if you don't get Iran to be done mentally get it right and then you know my good decisions with your shot selection you're going to be back in the house pretty quick so we've got to get better and we've got to keep working with some of these players because these are the Best Buy's we have Britain's Harriet darts is qualified for the main draw of the U.S. Open for the 1st time she defeated last year's Junee champion Wang G.-U. In 3 sets in New York now any matches evolving Serino Venus Williams at this year's U.S. Open will not be umpired by Carlos Ramos he was the umpire who penalized Serina a point and then a game for her outburst in the final last year against naming a soccer is the U.S. Open referee serene free male partners who has worked on the other grounds. It. Is going to have stopped finals for use considered for a. Moment RORY McILROY is one shots off the lead America's Brooks Kepcher after a 2nd round of the season ending torture which of an Atlanta he called it a round of 3 under par in his 12 under of a role as poor Dollon winner of this year's Cheltenham Champion Hurdle has been put down after an accident at his stables 2 weeks ago meanwhile the retired roaring lion winner of 4 top level flight races last year has died having failed to recover from a serious bout of colic. England goalkeeper Maddy Hinch admits the 8 mil defeat to the Netherlands in the semifinals of the Euro Hockey Championships was the lowest moments of her career Hinch says the defense needs serious work one on one Defensively we were not learning that's the problem I think we've got away with it through she kind of sheer grit but we're not learning from the concept stakes are making and today we had to learn from the batteries game today Renee when they're diving all over the place we just give it a shot after shot completely uncontested and we didn't even create any opportunities ourselves it just kind of shows how far away we are from them right now England will play for the bronze medal on Sunday against Spain and they are a Fell have conditionally approved the bulls has moved from also stating to choose break for the 2020 season and that's the latest from B.B.C. Sport. Straight yes to lead the series is. Run the way he is trying to all. The areas I want to. Sacrifice because you. Can see such a life from. Every battery and every week it was $55.00 large force extra to keep up to date with cost down and says try using the B.B.C. Sounds at. First for news and the best logs this is B.B.C. 5 Live. With. CRE Europe is South America. The issue now is about Barry I'm saying even though Mark left me to hang draw even though he said barriers were let me to be the plonker in the house but what about I grew up there and I say . Yeah. The friend of your from your we show you the rough and. Nick was suggesting when people go to buy football clubs there should be a probationary period would you think about. Yeah that's one way round it. But then what you do if you don't have the probation period to cite is not a fit properly how then do you or organized the future say what kind of enforced sale. I mean being a battle fan I know all about if L's rules on getting proper persons to be owners. Acid strip land pool and did nothing and it was up to the fans to finally force him out and get a new owner. You want to have a guy to come by for a pound. And then afterwards have to prove he's got a phone for the rest of the season surely that should come before. A purchase and. So much money in the game as as we've been saying to you kind of think have amassed the city got to spend millions they can give to Barry to kind of keep going. I mean you know than spend 70000000 or Rodriguez to spend 71000000 but any one of noticed you know they've already got. A on their back a financial fair play as warm goodwill gesture to help a local club down the road that might kind of ease their financial fair play worries maybe if they use a set that will keep areas for a while you know who knows next my city center back or center forward much of complete the ranks at very fortunately just in ending them we don't have the kind of collegiate mentality that they do here in Germany for example Kaiser flout him former German champions of go big money worries by minute agreed to play end of season friendly against them back in back in May I think that kind of really help get them afloat for a few more months since the cop was 10 man in a 1000000000 there in financial difficulties so dormant have agreed to go on playing a friendly. In couples in their 1st international break and you just don't see that sort of thing. It's a real shame when there's so much money at the top and very little at the bottom the man bogus for those of us who was certain generation you might remember how a businessman called my cold nights in trotted on to the pitch at Old Trafford wearing their colors almost as if he was about to get a game back in the selling of his. For years nobody else and girl who were going to stretch for a year indeed indeed he did he did and he was supposed to be the new owner manges United then it turns out the the phones weren't quite emplace for you know he had been unveiled is a new owner to the measures United faithful in the fair to dreams as it were you know you can do that you can end of the glaziers now mentions united you know the look at a family that hasn't spent a penny of their own money on purchase he mentions United is all sort of money that has been loaned to them by banks and so on which they have to pay a crippling amount of interest rates which of I say they the fans have to pay the increase in tickets does it does seem as if the rules to buy a football club aren't as stringent as the rules to. Any other company or any other business or certainly not as stringent as it would be to buy a P.L.C. . It is such a strange business in it for Paul it walks that tightrope between culture and business I'm still very very confused about the best model to run a club and we over here we don't have this thing of our lives just doesn't happen it can't happen that the clubs. Are social membership clubs which is not a good model there are clubs in financial trouble and one club or 2nd division club forget N.C. The team didn't refuse to leave the hotel and take care tech the field for going this week because of unpaid salaries looks as if there's some kind of reaction the Brazilian clubs are getting together and trying to work out financial fair play but however you do it because the aim is to win titles it's not so Mike a profit you're always balancing on the edge you know and any money coming in ends up getting getting paid on players' salaries and so on it is such a strange business that this English model where you know someone who just turn up and and buy a club and be an owner I just don't have any sympathy for the surf I just think it's wrong when a club like Barry it's a collective asset you know a belongs to the collectivity it's been kept alive by the collectivity by the community by the people being going a year after year after year investing so much of their history and some some many of their emotions in that place the idea that this can belong to a private individual who just turns up and pay a pound for it I think is wrong and hence the fact I think you were trying to get Mark to to go on about the German model earlier on you know where where it is more fan around which I know Mark is a little bit skeptical about but what I wonder Mark is from a far a really like the idea of that German model I know you say there there are a number of clubs there are exceptions small clubs that have grown with it with a different model. But you know most of the big German clubs have this kind of. Fine partially owned model do you think that that model is appropriate for the number of clubs in England you made the point earlier on about how England has many many more clubs especially the extraordinary clubs cluster as I mentioned there is extraordinary heartland of industrial revolution do you think that the German model is a political to the amounts of clubs that we have in England. Possibly you could maybe have 2 wrongs you could maybe say. The smaller clubs have to have this 50 plus one rule that they have in Germany that. No one can have complete control of the most shares your club is 49 percent to stop the sort of thing that happened at Barry and Bolton but the flip side is then it goes holding back if you're a really big club like me who are desperate for a shake to come in and make them on the same level as city and P.S.G. And what have you so maybe you could say the bottom 2 divisions have to have this 50 plus one rule being more like community clubs and the big clubs can have exceptions if they really want to be Champions League winners cetera. Sue with a loving kiss. Then this will use a wooden mode. Yes. Just taking by sticking it to do. This. He just doesn't remember Brian Hyland other nurses problem of course he does because ever. Sorry yes this is an interesting question actually both of you on this lol. Yeah well yeah he's got a point where Willow has nothing and just hit back late in the day oh my god like equalise I think you have think you know the smoke. I think I Well yeah what did was it David Cameron said that made everybody laugh he said that it was a bit of her no no no no no he said lol but he thought it was laugh out loud did it not so he thought it was lots of love lots of love that was a lot so. Long you say hello. To him long. Oh we're listening I'm not trying to expand this further but now that I'm put on this welcome member if I would say hello say low I just write it anyway let's wait and see if anybody this was that Chris in Waikiki in Hawaii. Was to talk about Alexis Sanchez. If you were his Asian What would your advice be and this might be connected to you know you proof remark to bring in all these other developments like that of really cuttin Oh could she know Tim says or otherwise and you want to talk about could she knows where no Tim there were is what is what would your advice be if you. Sanchez's agent would you say mentions night and collect the money fight for a place in the starting line up or go on loan or permanent move away to revive your career because he says and he makes a valid point that up until the move to Madge is united and it's essentially his career had been amazing climbing up the football ladder from Colo Colo river play you didn't learn an arsenal and all that seems to be forgotten in the lack of you know excitement about his career his United team would you go 1st and then Mark . What I would do if I was his agent and advisor would side take a pay cut and go somewhere else. Is obviously a very wealthy young man but he's not a young man in football terms any more you know he's. Under 30 mark I think he probably got I've applied there was that sequence that you know the World Cup 2014 copper America 2015 all the way to the final copy America 2016 all the way to the final Confederations Cup 2017 all the way to the Final 4 years without a break and for a player who covers as much ground as Alexis Sanchez I just think it's a little bit of the edge off him we should have at a bit of a rest now so if he doesn't fit in at United go somewhere else you're a long long time retired. Taking a pay cut isn't isn't a like you poor guy employee. Well. I might say the opposite just because of the situation and I actually liked it I would stay because I think you have the chance to play because they don't have enough players in those forward areas I mean they've only really got Russia that. This young lad James. I think found out about Lee and he's top class player and that's kind of the matters you know probably in his last season and hasn't got the pace to play as a winner so all the something if any one of those places since early got this young lad Mason Greenwood wants raving about as well but he's always seen as improvement . You know Rush breaks his leg all the left wing spoil their senses. So I would have gone stag. You're going on the Saudi action I'm going right chose. The rojak I was there so I did so and I want you start just a little bit OK OK OK. OK fair enough and by the way Lin gone as a mean fan oh yeah you know. I think he has I think it I don't mean to belittle that if he played for well let alone spell a. Place like Darby now in the Championship No I think it was special. They just think that's a championship play it's just because he's not it that people think oh he must be a good player Oh in an international club not a fan talk talk you move sentients Let's talk about Philly. Kenny rebuilds Munich Tim 1st. I was going to say just given what you said about Lisa Sanchez should is Joe should he go if you have to leave Gina's agent what would you advise him to do. To get past alone because it hasn't worked and it's difficult to see how it how it can work now wasn't just his mistake when 1st if you're a Brazilian in Barcelona come knocking you cannot say no you can't do it but I think it was a Barcelona major made a huge mistake because they originally saw him as a midfielder as a replacement for Andres Iniesta and he isn't. Reason actual position would rather than the midfield 3 I think is in the front 3 he hasn't really worked in the front 3 again that's not entirely his fault on part of it is that Luis Suarez has lost a little bit of pace so if they're going to stretch it out play behind the defensive line they need that pace and they look better I think we last year than than I did we so Eden they were paying a fortune for him the fans were giving him some stick when he scored a goal he responded by swearing at the fans which was really out of order you know if you're getting paid that amount of money you're expected to deliver you're going to have to put up with a little bit of criticism from time to time so we sat East sour the relationship there so get out go to go somewhere else and now it hurts because that was a dream but go go somewhere else. Is Alyssa goes there we can rebuild that's that's the question for Mr Martin Adams Mark Yeah it's a tricky one I mean it's similar to senses in no way isn't it once you pass a loan or maint. But once you pass a lot of the only way down optimally you know reached then if you are only going to play for clubs slightly below that level the worry for me is. We're. Kind of yeah number 10 that's probably kind of played both. By So you're so used to having wingers having had Robin and really for 10 years that they like to spread it really wide and easy going to play as a white man or is he going to play in the middle now Kovacs the coaches. Basically said in pre-season OK before we knew Katyn it was coming that doesn't want to play with a number 10 anymore he wants to play 433 and the 3 is a solid bank which causes problems for Thomas Miller who was kind of the number 10 and can't really be a winger either because he hasn't got. So many very interesting to see where continual play because he's already got 2 fast wing is by Munich good Napoli. I don't see that got parasites as well which they brought in because coach knows him from his creation days and he can play well I can also play all talk with neat Bay because there's no. Kind of number 2 to Robert leavened or ski so it's a risk. As I said before with families that didn't really work because sometimes he was playing as a winger which he isn't sometimes he was playing and worked and he didn't really fit in and he was always the ones that kind of miss out. But I've been to see how good senior plays with Tiago cantata I think those 2 could combine nicely. But it's up to code actually to fit him in now and it's not and easy piece to fit in the double check so how was spend your Elvis is namesake received when he made his dream home coming back to Brazil by school school the only dollar going on he couldn't have you couldn't written a script better than an elder is after more than a decade and a half in Europe back in Brazil with some powerful now some part of his is the team he grew up supporting this is this is kind of bizarre in a way because he comes from the northeast and the distance between where we grew up and some Paolo is much much bigger much bigger than the distance between London and Barcelona now gives you an idea of our big Brazil is you know it's huge distance but he was just at the age you know some part of a great side in the early ninety's coached by Terry Santana. Captain by high E. Who is the Brazil captain for a while it was high use now a director of some Paolo who helped clinch this this deal he's still Brazil's right back embrace those caps and he wants to stay around long after the next World Cup will be 39 which is stretching it I think but he wants to do that although he's not going to be prime right back for some power he's playing in a you know in a kind of free role in midfield they will support the Spaniard one front from Atlanta come into it and it was he who won France set up the goal and then Elvis scored it. So that's a that's a fantastic view and I won they won in midweek as well so suddenly back a few months ago all the pundits had him as almost certainty to get him into relegation danger and suddenly they're only 2 points off the lead of the lead of the of the championship so it's great that he's back and really part of this story is the copper America because he got a magnificent career with Barcelona did does well with eventis he goes to Paris St Germain really is as an influence on Naima And then when when Paris renew his contract that's the early warning sign that they have they've given up on my MO They had then so you're thinking then you know he's 36 you know where is he going to go is he going to be China or is he going to United States is going to be back to Brazil and then along comes the copper America and not only to Brazil win it with him as a captain but he's chosen as the outstanding player so at that point he's put himself in a shoe in a shop window you can even imagine have imagined him in the Premier League and so the fact that he chose Brazil there when he had other options gives him an extra motional appeal so it's all going wonderfully well so far and what he really wants is to still be around for there for the next World Cup can you hope Mark in Manchester with information on Ishmael Benazir. Yeah. You know K. Play I've not seen much of him. Was he playing. I think there is no. No no no you said he might be a global superstar Yeah. Don't worry about race now but I'm absolutely. Not good enough to say superstar you claim. I was once described as the one to be global superstar but I was in the junior school team of the time is a long time ago you never know what happened Marco mentions there also was you know what you can tell us about Leo do. You think this will do you know this militantly picked up by by me a line from a no center back I'm not entirely convinced I think he's a little bit sluggish for 4 European football a lot of Brazilian center backs are a bit on the slow side and I'm not sure that he's quite quick enough to shine in a in a high defensive line he's all right but I was surprised when when Milat Milan came in for a supposed for our listeners they see another side of these things not least because their own football manager and everything like that. Anyway you also give us an update on the it's the company bid to Dora's. Yeah we're we've had the 1st leg of the quarter finals and one semi final is going to be all Brazilian and it looks as if it's going to be from England pomade us who play each other on Sunday on Sunday week in the league. Big Romeo one meal a wife roaming about international to kneel at home so that both women are driving seat but it's the other semifinal that there's going to be the world stopper not just the consummate stopper the world stopper because you know last year we had the final river play against pocket juniors we had to wait nearly 60 years in the laboratories for him to meet in the final after that was all over we all breathe a sigh of relief and thought were at least we can have that again because there are no more 2 legged final was the final is now a one off on a neutral venue which will be Santiago but what's the next best or strike next worse thing is there meeting in a semifinal and it's going to happen it's going to happen happens all the time Athens 2 years in Iraq because Bach 13 Miller why IT leader of Quito So it's a terrific was a great performance up at the altitude to lose Antonio Valencia once a man united didn't have a particular happy happy time there so Barker of have a foot and a half or more in in a semifinal River Plate they want to home to nil against Paraguay on opposition several times there in the driving seat as well so if they get through their semifinal there the 2nd leg next week we have a semifinal bucket and river plight like the touch paper NAREV straight to a very slight distance delirious wombs fair and after last night's win over to Reno he says I'm very happy that we've got one foot in the Europa League group stages because one day as a friend do you prefer field seem to have an easy draw or would you like your team to me one of the big boys you know when you go from one of these European or international Cup one competitions earmarked for us well I guess is that the having a league system you can have a big team to play against up to he wants to make sure you don't qualify for state . But if you're in a qualifying rounds you know I think you. Really want these he won you know to ensure that you get through to the group stage although if you're going to do it would have swagger you know bring them all on doesn't doesn't matter who they are you're a mighty Wolverhampton Wanderers for crying out loud bring them all on Cain says your thoughts both of you on the young Argentinian. I.X. Defender Lisandro Martinez Mark. Tim are seeing more of him but yeah. He's only just. Gone versatile intelligence not part lacks a bit of physicality I think that that's where he might struggle Thanks to both of you really appreciated say many things among many things is a Enjoyed it tonight I think we covered so long ground so don't know whether it's really are over. The real Barry Well American We know that one I'm not going to be applause. I'm not the same clone could so eyes. Use. Any one on this C.B.C. Radio. Good morning this is not of. The main news this hour the future of Bury football club still unclear how did sports Aston Villa celebrate their 1st win of the Premier League season. 6 is B.B.C. . Drama is dull some bury fans the way things are falling down to a late self it's a bind the club will save it from being thrown out of the English Football League is only Steve down says he's agreed to deal to sell to an analytics company called C.N.N. Sporting risk the N.F.L. Had given Barry into last night to prove it can afford to keep running but is now considering extending that deadline or reporters might minae providing everything goes through the funds will be really. That they wouldn't have a club they think gathering outside like very slow strikes on very sound signs so Barry money is now selling about 6 tons in the morning they could sleep but so will be very very excited when they wake up there is that central future so Barry football club in the football that Brazil's military has been sent to fill its a record number of forest fires in the Amazon and comes after pressure from European leaders to do more to tackle the problem president Bowl sonorities given a televised address. This morning some encounter He's a journalist in the country and he was well shame it was really quite a conciliatory tone the president has by all accounts already had quite an antagonistic approach to the environmentalists say you know we don't tolerate criminality in this governments that might include environmental crimes so it's definitely quite a change of tack I think the 4 year old final vote from London's delights in a fine to hightail in Thailand is as we told another guest to keep the noise down whilst his wife and son slaps the family of Emmett pulsing but just say if a man forces why into their room in pecans and strangled him Boris Johnson in President Truman discussed farm policy issues in global trade in a funk all last night it comes before the meet at the G. 7 summit of world leaders in France to morrow the event starts later today.

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