Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow wow wow wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow Wow. Wow. Wow Wow. Wow. And lift freak that's a good way to start this hour of the show more fun for volunteers on the way and another little chat about the triathlon that is going on Reddit on Sunday that is a triathlon for all it's a very inclusive sporting and the focus is time for a Wednesday rewind where we go back in time to play 2 songs that were in the top 10 together this week in a chosen year and tonight we're going back to 996 S. . With Morrison. Thanks. To hours. Morrison return of the mag. I love that song and I love the Sera that was in the top 10 snuggled up in the charts at number 4 this very week 1st week of April in 1996 alongside it at number 3. Was this little. Miles and children leaving shows Wednesday to mean life. Rewind I do quite like the robot miles on children what do you think of that one as a party chief I like it. Where was you don't say that was your raving is the question that was 996 how long ago was that. 20 that's unbelievable 3 yesterday years ago right now 2123 that song is 23 years old yeah I'm getting old I really Anyway that was it 996 for all Wednesday rewind will do Throwback Thursday with a different year the same time tomorrow and on the way next we've got a new song from Killarney and someone called time I don't assign. OK T. Why did my dollar sign yeah time well isn't inventive 9 not dollars. Well naturally tie dollar sign Yes it's called knots like this it's on the way to. Use Just gone tell me I. Care Lonnie with Ty dollar sign nights like this is kind of cool I'm relaxing that one I like the vibe we're going back for that is simply bad for you in a moment but 1st we're back to a conversation with Jenny about the Reddit triathlon that is happening this weekend go try in red it. Is happening on Sunday and Jenny spoke to me about the event earlier Don't worry it is doable OK so it is just a couple of kilometers on the running 2 and a half kilometers 11 K. Bike ride and a 200 mi to swim so it is you know if you reasonably active you don't necessarily have to done much training for this OK if you understand what I'm saying. And you can still be a triathlete said Jenny was busy telling me how you can take all you can enter for our website which is triathlon message the code out U.K. Or the British Triathlon website and you'll find this quite a lot of events you'll find out on the the entry close tomorrow at midnight so we need to really have everybody entered on there so we can see you know where to start people in the pool and then it's 315 registration on Sunday with some past 4 start in the pool and we aim to finish by 6 o'clock OK so it's actually quite a short thing to relay on in the day it is. And this year we've combined with hash tag try January which was an initiative done by the baby say connection with the shyest once and I was actually got my Bushell coming along on Sunday and he's saying this thought Oh that is fabulous isn't it on a guess it's all part of trying to get as you know off the couch here I'm just doing some different as I said earlier on you don't have to be a fantastic run as you know if you're just doing running you know you feel you have to be a good at running or if you just swimming you have to be good at swimming but because you've got all 3 sort of disciplines the swim the cycle and the run as long as you can get around it then you can compete well I think if I wasn't doing them until Sunday I'd be sad because I reckon I could I could manage that and it something that seems so varied and would give me such a sense of achievement but is manageable less of a really inspirational thing because I could probably run 5 K. But it's a bit boring but Ventura HOFF And then of us women I totally get it was a great idea so the best place to go to I mean if we can do this weekend if you want to join in and do fun a bit more about Reddit strawman you mention the website is not the best thing today yeah and we've also got an open water event in June so that the mensch is Lakes either 350 of 750. Me to swim with an 11 K. Or 20 K. Right and a 2 and a half scale 5 K. Run ride to the countryside that will be fun slightly different When's that one 1st I want to do that. Well Jenny thank you very much indeed for explaining it all to us how many of these events do you do here do you actually take on yourself. Out of the way I'm trying to get back into into training but we've had 4 events Sherry might we buy from another one later on in the year so yes please enter and come along. And just say you know if people want to join in just come and say hello I think it's going to be. People and that right you see alongside the 60 other people Jenny great to speak to you thank you very much thank you so did you write that down I'll repeat it for you in case you were thinking oh Aladdin I missed the details so won't pull the. You can have a look on their website triathlon Reddit dot co dot U.K. W W W dot triathlon Redditch to U.K. Get in touch Jenny through the website and turn up on Sunday afternoon the stadium Sports Center on Birmingham road in red it this is the challenge a level 200 mi to swim 11 kilometer bike ride and a 2 and a half K. Run camps all reasonably doable good luck if you are taking part in that one and I think if you fancy doing the June 1 which is out in open water. I might see that. The book . Would. You. Please. Come on you. Tube. Of the man tube. Easy to blame. a small. Plates lack. Of knowledge of Bob Dole it is still a. Small. Bump no. It's small bronze in a Miley Cyrus nothing but sock hop just a minute. Having some in the sea which I think is quite so. If I lost haven't had fish for a while still the talk sing ALEX Oh yeah well I'm not to talk sing this is now I just don't eat things that are toxic. Which other people might may or may not agree with me about now this is another divisive topic OK. Snooping. Looking on your partner's phone yeah big news for Alex this week he's moved in with his girlfriend Demi announcing that do you get your butt in check 1st that's all right so you bought a house with a girlfriend yeah very exciting times and also stressful Yeah yeah so you were off last Friday when you sort of move in Friday across the weekend yeah yeah Has it gone yeah yeah well really. What there's been a few hiccups on the way it's a new house so that's to be expected we still living without blinds or curtains so we have to do that 6 month Yeah so we have towns don't know yet on that haven't we haven't got a wardrobe at the moment it's closer right I was. A bit of an fill Yeah yeah it was someone for a bag I think you know my clothes are on the floor yeah big wardrobe so you know where they are so yeah we took a few bits and pieces here and there but we're getting there OK Well congratulations on your 1st Hank you very much and you think with your girlfriend do you sneak on her phone. And actually say that no well you know you these days you've got these phones where you don't know if you know your number and well because so for example if we're both in the car and obviously you can't touch your phone when you're driving you know If so you need to go somewhere and you want to use a sat nav that's on your phone Well I've been if I'm using my girlfriend's phone which is got much bigger screen so it's better to say. You know I can put my From. Say I place it saves your details Yeah yeah that's not that's how it is for me as well yeah so we buy so we buy it and she's got it I'm on and off with it and I was yeah and I actually occasionally if phones close I'm going to Michael Dukakis pick up her yeah yeah and so there's that trust that was most there is that I like it and I like it some people would suggest that actually you know if NOT situation is fine because neither of you mind but some people would suggest if you prefer to keep your phone private from your partner they shouldn't demand to look at it and they certainly shouldn't look at it without your permission whereas other camps might say that why would you want to keep anything secret from the Palma there are so many questions here anyway we've been discussing in some detail throughout the day story the sort of big going around so we'll ask you were opinion. Weirdly good song speech here for them with the evening show Kate and antics actually with you tonight until 10 o'clock and we're talking about well we're talking about snooping on your partner's phone it's an awkward subject but to some people when their partner's phone that is normally locked and inaccessible to find it unlocked can be a new year and the temptation could be too great to snoop Now according to research a 3rd of people in Britain admit to checking on their partner's phones because they suspect that cheating and I guess if that's your state relationship then you've got more to worry about than just whether or not you're allowed to look at their phone I suppose. I'm talking to you Alex right now but I see no you making a statement let's put Nina what would nod and say yes yeah right anyway full in 10 people who are admitted snooping on their partners phone say it's a regular occurrence for them with some sneaking away with their significant others phone at least once a week but you know if you really want to catch someone cheating you've got to do it more from the not just say 13 percent of people go as far as using their sleeping partner's fingerprint to unlock their are yeah I can honestly say well I'm not but I'm not much of a lot yeah if I didn't have access already with the print thing I wouldn't because I wouldn't do that you can be both you know I wouldn't do that just seems really weird to me Well I think if you prepared to go to those sorts of lengths to try and find out with your partner's cheating or not then you've got more problems than using the thumbprint in the sleep anyway we threw this out there we sent Gavin come back out to ask you if you have ever taken a peek at your partner's messages I don't know you could it be trolling through a lot of really boring messages you know I don't have the time or inclination to be bothered but I think no. No you'll be the works but they got to cheat on me then all power to you at stake right here. I have done it to you yeah and I did regret it. I felt really bad and I found all this so hard some stuff that I would rather not know as free human beings I think it's important that we do have we are allowed to keep our secrets and we just have to trust one another so it's personal There's a nice surprise and I to mean it's use for yourself only to think it's justified if perhaps you think your other half is is up to something and you want to find out for sure can you perhaps justify it and you think. You just have to watch them and . Yes the response I guess it comes down to trust you know you just got to trust one another and if you don't trust them then oversee something with a relationship with someone I think is. So even if you think they might be up to something that still doesn't justify you looking at their private messages and that's that's a tricky one isn't it because you know when you go to family and get in or so you hammers a lot of stake here and I really need to know if war I think is true is true I guess ultimately we humans we would be pushed over the edge but I think. I would recommend anyone does it because he just is going to get naughty isn't it well that's. If you've ever gone through other Hoff's. I've had my phone rifled through plenty of times but law says. Be there for hours when you most people's phones choice will be boring mundane stuff TROLL TROLL TROLL. Oh yeah oh I mean who's got time time to be suspicious you have to stay up all night. Anyway thank goodness Alex you and I am in such wholesome relationships that doesn't become an issue yet so early days those early days when she's moved in together. With the same question in 6 months. Ever the optimist. my weekends and school wasn't weekend like normal kids it was actually out and my mom singing you know now I was there my behind and Mannings my mom still is my biggest inspiration and the reason why do I do a big estate of 6 easy music out of physics cammies go to college I may see in this Does a P.B.S. Bought a taste touch show punk Queen Toyah Willcox X. a John Barrowman and Pop Idol will ya tell me good AI to morrow bring 1 o'clock and Egg. We love that the police Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic Now that could be about Nina could knit bless her heart with Messina now as promised when to talk about home brew my grandfather Pappa as we call him is now king of home brew he was a legend throughout the West Midlands for his homemade beer What about having a bar in your house you have a fancy doing that well one was to shift farmer has just done that after opening a pub in his cellar I've seen this done before last year Tom's bills very open to the white face and on his farm in Stamford Bridge and it's also inspired him to start brewing is only lager now used to started selling it to the public so we thought going to send our reporter Phil made them long to find out a little bit more about this as a the bars based in our are 2 cellars underneath the Georgian farmhouse and then if you come outside and we just are here now looking and served to the left we've got hopes in between our grass paddock. As we pan to the right we've got a lovely beautiful river tame with just nice rapids below we can hear in the background. Yeah on a sunny day. We'll just go by then Tom So this is the bit since buyer to end up making your own beer if we just walk through this doorway here said Just tell me where we're going so yeah we're going into the original cellar where we started the wife hasn't. Once we decided to start doing the white 1000 because obviously we do apples We also supply off of my farm we supply Robinson cider which is a nice local cider. And I mention with Timothy Taylor and we do supply bigger companies like for Guinness The idea was really to try and stock everything on draft include agreed that we sourced off the farm and then as we got into that yeah I've always been wanted to get into brewing and then I met Tony my business partner suppose when Jones brewery competition and he was a larger specialist Brewer and I always wanted to get larger because we looked at it was one of the only products that we had we had to sell that we couldn't actually say that we could source that had our ingredients so that was one inspirations behind the brewery and then before you got to that you walk in through the doors he just heard and you come into this beautiful arched cellar you've got seating we've seen the outside area as well you were saying to me that this place opens once a month yeah it's the 1st Friday in the month through the summer we might open up for the Saturday and Sunday he was just going to the winter and it was just easier to sort of compacted into one but from that it's a great shock when dairy because we're looking to do private functions but the wife hasn't it's a habit running up. So what's it like being a part time pub landlord. Late nights getting up to do spraying hops in the morning is sometimes a bit of a chore but now it's just good fun I always want to run a pub but being pretty busy on the farm we never really had the time or opportunity so having essentially a pub in my sorrow was just great fun What's it like having this pub here and above it it's a family home to be honest the boys have had to move bedrooms to a more quiet a bedroom the other end of the house so they can get to bed decent time and also as well we're kind of out in the middle of you know rural was quite far from from towns but you have a bit of local support Yeah absolutely yeah we have lots of locals come down it's nice because it's only once a month it's a good change and we always have live music we tried to use local artists like Don Greenaway Polly Edwards really good local talent from sort of the broader temporary was and now what we're going to do is go and have a look at your brewery you know we've been doing that steadily since last summer the plan is we always use our own hops and the plan by the end of the summer is to use our own water from a spring source our own barley when it's cut in multitude at the end of the summer our own hops and hopefully brewing off an awful Berry use our own yeast right where So good Brian Adams and shine a light. And it is approaching 9 o'clock now after 9 we're going to go and try some of this rather marvelous larga that Tom spills Barry is making on his farm now this is happening quite a lot I think farmers are having to diversify in order to kind of well keep their farms going and keep them alive etc So Tom has opened the pub the white pheasant pub on his grounds and he's now started selling his homemade lager to the public Phil maiden through the long stroll to go down there and check it all out and we'll hear how the log actually tastes in the next hour of the show plus we are going to play for you the fabulous talk talk song called April the 5th Now that is based on the fact that this wonderful vigil is coming up for talk talk on April the 5th which is this Friday now if you missed that story earlier on the show I will explain all when we play the song in full That's all on the way and you never know we may squeeze in a conundrum for you tonight so please don't go away the evening show we're here until 10 o'clock tonight and our 1st song after the news is from Texas. Is B.B.C. . B.B.C. News at 9 I'm wrong decision talks between 2 reason may and Jeremy Corbyn aimed at breaking the parliamentary deadlock on bricks that have been described as constructive the prime minister told the Commons earlier that the public expected her to reach out across the political divide to try to find a solution but she's faced a furious backlash from Tory planks it is for had to sit in as N P leader Nicolas Stajan also met with the 2 leaders and afterwards outlined her concerns in a rush to reach some compromise with the court. What will happen over the next few days if anything happens over the next few days is that a bad compromise will be reached people will probably say he was a relief that some agreement has been reached but then very quickly realize that it's not in the interest of the U.K. It will satisfy him no one and of course would be open to being unpicked tonight M.P.'s have backed a bill to prevent a no deal Broncs it by a majority of 5 earlier a motion to hold more indicative votes and alternatives to to resume A's withdrawal agreement was defeated by just one vote in line with president the Speaker John Bercow used his casting vote to reject the motion in tonight's other news the Crown Prosecution Service will apply for a retrial after a jury failed to reach a verdict on the Hillsborough much Commander David Duncan field the 74 year old denies the gross negligence manslaughter of 95 Liverpool fans the government's promising millions of pounds in compensation to right the wrongs of the wind rush scandal hundreds of people were mistakenly told they didn't have the right to stay in the U.K. The Army is investigating after a video on social media showed British soldiers in Afghanistan using a picture of the Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn for target practice the Ministry of Defense says the behavior is totally unacceptable his the Government Minister Nuri Stuart I really believe this is outrageous behavior and at the very least the should be a very firm conversation of the soldiers it's so important the obvious independent of politics our soldiers defend the nation and the Queen they should not be part of political I totally disagree with this and I think these soldiers have made a very very that will stick to the heritage crime writing festival has an unlikely name on the bill this year Scotland's 1st Minister Nicola Sturgeon the B.B.C.'s con Patterson explains Nicholas Sturgeon has signed up to host a Q. And A with Val McDermid at.