Everybody. Be open about yes your presence and I would do now as a bit later when I get home from my tasking here we should be on ruffling and then I'm a then what a way to me mate Al was for the I'll give him a ring in a bit see what's for lunch because I need to know these things you know he never actually put a proper menu up you know but then they'll be choices i Good morning to my very good old friend the mayor of new norm bridge Terry Jones morning as a good day to you and a Merry Christmas to you Bob and everybody else if you haven't a good one at the villa he says yes it was I think that I think the villas pretty Christmas presents to their fans was about as good as the Warriors' prick pretty dress was present so there funds are most of it are used Oh you should love the old local Darby's on Boxing Day because that was a choice not so long ago in the world of association football but it was quite a long time ago really whether used on Christmas Day Christmas Day and Boxing Night would play the villa Villa play the wolves and things like that local dog is Christmas Day and Boxing Day but doesn't anymore thankfully does not mean in non-league football so tomorrow we've got the bulls in the areas Hereford F.C. Against Kidderminster which is course live on B.B.C. Hereford and if you're not going along if you can't get that you'll know where you'll get so for commentary on that one not only a cloud won a say Rob an eater and Cynthia I pronounce that right which means Merry Christmas in the in the Welsh language want to shoot unless they're swearing at me very good money each year Robin H. And Cynthia battle yesterday morning for a for a jug of tea and a potter coffee very nice to see all a very Merry Christmas to you don't miss Christmas messages sent out today this is the place to do them who's this this is it looky Burch all nookie Burchill Lucy Burch and it's been Mitch multiway whoever it is would like to thank all the staff at the Richmond club working to see that we get our lunch says John O. Of Hereford So whether it's looking at Lucy Well looky well done to you who else has been on. Dennis good morning to you yes and a Merry Christmas to you Dennis and your was. Sad all the way Bill the thank you very much for having my wife's birthday and it was something I had forgotten he said he's not allowed to disclose arrange their age. Can we play a bit of every web home we might see if we can squeeze out in every Christmas to you Bill an old yours. Merry Christmas to the other Radley or believe Cook your Christmas dinner yes you know he killed people i told me this story Bill. Finished you off to the plane racquetball last week say you shouldn't tinker with the big dogs mate so yes he was very keen to tell me that story actually an email seem a bit later we'll get him on an image to make sure he's got everything right this is from Good morning Margaret would like to wish you and all the station a very happy Christmas Could you mention my friends Tony Smith at Galway Hill and Dot Harris at Eton bishop and wish them a happy Christmas and a healthy healthy New Year from moderate Mark good to hear from you so Dr Harrison Eaton bishop and Sony Smith a girl way home Christmas wishes to you I'm going to couldn't dream very today are 4 bits of music something links them together. Nothing to do with outer space nothing to do with holidays nothing to do with sports of any sort of here that he the wrong answers this morning but a phone on Christmas Day you think you know 801218181 is the phone number the text is 813 double 3 H. W. Should be out at the start of your text email Dave dot Bradley a B.B.C. Doco don't you K. Yes treasuring kid right did get your by your previous text about Dominic but they didn't end OK it started but then it said text missing so if you can send me the whole text again the world would be a better place so thank you very much. 3 a story the start for your A text messages who's traveled the fur this we want that we don't somebody further in this we had Paris to overall year which I think was 600 not more than a car number that was at least an hour ago so if anybody has traveled through travel the furthest to get home for Christmas it was cooking the biggest turkey you had a 25 was a kilogram Anyway we had a big pig somebody is cooking in an oven so I think this is pushed get into the into the into the what you know next door not quite sure what you want to portray. He would by bringing something some of them an alcoholic nature there what do you to Lizzie brought in very kindly a bottle of aholic books oh very nice we are currently just popped the bottle because OK. Interest just what was not alcoholic should be all right you're right so it's just the 2 of you drinking that is if you were going to share it with your friends you wouldn't want to trust me. You know I made you like a nice cup of tea that will do me from there thank you very much for coming up very shortly would you today's the day also on this program we've got some Christmas facts for you which I don't know many people know that you can do that 1st on that he could do it again I don't know many people know where not a lot of people not many people will know this would do that for his job this is this is actually no I'm not a Christmas song this is Jonah Louis called Stop the cavalry but because he mentions Christmas and we should be home for Christmas it's become a Christmas song Little protests some really. Interesting and. Very. Funny and. There is a school bus stop of the cavalry which is a site has become a Christmas song it was something of a 1st world wall kind of a not joining the 1st World War but it was a bit of a protest song about the 1st World War what to do today is the day very shortly on B.B.C. One. Machine amusing. Start. Every 10 is very trying. To kill. Me we'll just. Blow us starts New Year's Day at 9 on B.B.C. One. We know we know me on that and to to to to to to defend something a bit more room or more festive thing. To do. TODAY IS THE DAY It is Saturday the choose this one if if that is Stephanie the 25th of December. 14th the leaders of the Christian Church fixed the date to be observed as the birth of Christ for 40 when this became Christmas Day trend about 20 to 40. 800 in Rome a Sholom along King of the Franks was created Emperor of the Romans by Pope Leo the 3rd. 1066 William the Conqueror. He was coronated. Westminster Abbey. Between great Whitley intend Westminster I believe. In 1800 Britain's 1st Christmas tree was put up at Queen's lodge Windsor by Queen show last of the German wife of George of. 899 and this day Humphrey Bogart was born in New York. $914.00 of course the famous Christmas truce. When the football matches were plays in the presence was swapped in no man's land between the trenches and there was no fighting that day. The 5th became the 1st royal Christmas broadcast of the Empire. 946 the comic actor and screenwriter W.C. Fields passed away. It was his phrase any money to make small dogs and children can be old. Charlie Chaplin died on this day in 197-7950 the stone of Scone was stolen from Westminster Abbey to be left 650 years Scottish nationals claimed responsibility. On this day 957 states. 61 years ago the Queen's Christmas broadcast was tell of all is for this is tolling. Celebrity birthday today Princess Alexandra is a teacher who says he's Space X. The actress is 69 and he Lennox's recent grand old age of 64 Shane MacGowan a soma reached behind old age of 61. Gary McAllister form a footballer who is 54. The singer is 47 today. And 43 but still play Marcus Trescothick Somerset and former England cricketer. Today's the 25th of December. As Michael would like. Good stuff how to talk about old Christmas cards because I'm sure all the ground under my gran used to send each other Christmas cards. Allegedly they used to send them to each other. Every year are not quite sure that they did I think it was just one of those things that the family will learn. Of a family not tradition but a family room or a thing. But the friends it was to share exchanged the same Christmas God of the 49th year in a row Chris a clean alum Braithwaite but not in over the same car with a new message added each time since the late 1960 S. Just in Sarah was there for her know if we've got the car going back again as your . Who are I think I'm sure leaving these would only near over it. All started 969 you got a card a charity card you thought going to send this to me mate but you wanted a little instruction in that because you were let's face it too tight to let him keep it that's correct yes yeah no I didn't know what be received or when it would come back but I was expecting it to come back beginning of December 196970 then it didn't appear until just before Christmas and all I got on the back was sorry I'm a bit late and I said to him what happened to my instructions and he said you don't think on buying a card as well for went on from there well let's have a look at the card now this is 50 years old please return by December the 1st 970 and that was written on the back of it and then it's just cut it's just covered it's absolutely covered in what essentially is the chronicle of your friendship it might only be a single line but we know that it's like everybody having their Christmas traditions each time it comes back and yeah OK He survived another year and gone through a few challenges like all of us but it's just a very important record. We do treat it very carefully now so they really do tell the tale of a friendship of 2 best mates if we start look right back at the top of 2003 it just says how much do you weigh 2004 a little more each year for the I know is sincere murder and you know I was more human and they like me we just put a little bit a little bit of something on that means something to both of us and that we now each of the law if. It reflects not a lot of that year and it's just it's just brilliant it has to mean something to Bob's office and it's just it's just brilliant How does I we've we've known each other for 50 you know 50 years we were new young farmers it could have been 3 for in the 1960 News and the like we we grew up together we were we were both of the same age and we both was born and we both were moon in 147 and you know I mean we we've been my Jefferson's version probably and it is brilliant well done to them what a good little story that is a Christmas card that's been said backwards and forwards 49 years chrissake Lee and Alan Braithwaite in pesher just in Sarah was the baby see her friend was the reporter for the. Great song after about the 1st 40 seconds I would say there was corrupt service. To show. Us. This yes. So. This. Really. there is no N.Y.P.D. . It was in the N.Y.P.D. When he's in that cricket scene when he told me there was no one key thing was. Nothing to do with the whole bill said I am afraid the year. The the competition thank you very much for your wishes now is a thing who's come the furthest 4600 miles I reckon from Vancouver to Droitwich. Brahms Grove. From least 4 miles further that's Linda's cause another song has come from Vancouver. To Brahms' grow for the Christmas so well now that's the furthest so far. Trish in converse here your messages keep coming and they go off dominate the front Dominic the donkey for you. Because we got some sort of our own order to try and stick to this morning but we didn't have to worry too much doing now are we talking with chef a little bit later he's cooking crease and he knows he knows he's doing it so he's cooking me Christmas at Christmas lunch a bit later so I'm going to have to find out what's going on also of course today is is a big day in the hospital so be forming at all the Christmas baby showed him a competition to get me off Orbitz and do this up till 11 o'clock then we're knocking on the end ot answer the bell I'm going to. Fortune something links them together what could it possibly be if you think you know it's any bit of fun on Christmas Day 080-121-8181 text is 813 double 3 H.W. At the start of your text email Dave Doc Bradley a B.B.C. Doc you can a Christmas Day babies of cause whenever we had any so far this is the question. Jenny Bishop is the senior midwife on Judy Hereford county hospital and she's on the phone or Jenny Good Morning Good Morning America's most American you guys. Richer and all i women that are pregnant right now. Have you got the babies we. Are hearing in the day with the president minute but we may be hopeful that one will come later on in the day but nothing so far cry Oh right so we are saying doctor the president but something how do you know this one while you are now you can charge your own let's say you're. Thinking colds and the something they did of labor when people we have a department here the women form and give us. Men we can do our. Thing and wonder if they will come or not. This is a bit of a disappointment if you don't get one on Christmas Day. Generally woman you know that you're not going to go into labor on Christmas Day. It's never that and you're perfectly and they're married together then aren't they Yeah you know I always feel sorry for people whose days are on Christmas Day because you just get one big present and you know yeah on the page because you don't get you to make sure there's a really good and see all of these things that you should be you should have your birthday in the middle of June if you're bored bored bored to Christmas. Morning Christmas is over. So how many people are getting working today the journey we have been about. Not counting the doctors. We all have a registrar with us and I can open on call. And talk about medical stuff. Yeah . Don't call people we need them and a nice atmosphere at the hospital yes luckily we were blessed with a really good team here and everybody makes an effort to. Bring things in with them and try and make it clear where you volunteer to work Christmas day Jenny knows it's just a right to their room but some people are very trying to put themselves forward to . Do that yes I can well I hope you get some bad habits thank you very much yeah it makes everybody have a good day legend you know women why we're here when thing. Thanks Jenny. Is doing a great job there are Jenny bishop and on behalf of the stuff I have a county hospital today waiting for the baby. To a publisher to. See Mistletoe and wine but as with you on Christmas Day Nam I am on Christmas Day off the new No WILL BE year this is filled with the festive feeling food so well you're going to have a chat with with. It's actually cooking millennium on Christmas lunch and he's now as I speak in the in the rap is from the on Bess's put in this morning Bob. Bradbury are you on very well and very well how are you on this fine Christmas Day because the bee want you Christmas Day is on you when when you want a Christmas Eve and you were very well on Christmas day you're all right today oh you go down about Mt got him or. Are you going to talking to the night or I couldn't find a more. Subtle I think I want to go out that. It's not Christmas tell us a month. It's no Christmas Day and I some on the radio about what are we having today come on then let's go through the menu by OK what we're going to do we're going to go to the menu are going to be. Oh you're breaking up there might start to standstill you're breaking up I'm. Here it's a cheap phone you go if. You can you. I'll give you a. Line. So we're. Getting back to the well we already want to hear him but straight from. The. Side says the. They talked to him he didn't just come. Out as do they got to. Go over comes to town and brings you to judge. The junkie. Down Christmas donkey. Was. Johnny. One I'm not. A very Dominic a Christmas classic if ever there was work about to get out of and. Well and I know I'm fine at what he's for Christmas lunch on if he were a technical health nut could make a logical one this Christmas time together on B.B.C. One. But. How is everything I know the system and I think if that's a couple except for the writing something nice to school the small commute friends I'm told do you think you have any idea hopes might get used to the Mediterranean do you think you want the full and changing time soon so do people bring something to some of the rules now rates with use of my own who can make one so I'm sure it was sold in the plants I'm going out tonight at 745 on the one that will be at night to this radio program today you stuck to the news 12 o'clock we will be playing the celebration of Christmas recorded show number 8 per show the B.B.C. Had a fit most a celebration of Christmas and what phone is going to be so if you want to stay around after 12 o'clock today has some great music and want to want to funny bits as well shall we call it. She. Phone to. Take. The president to. Say that on Tuesday. Version of Mary's voice. Well as we have in the New Year children born Alicia de known in Hereford we were hearing few minutes ago. Let's go to Tom Jones was the midwife on the West a show hospital this morning Pam Good morning good morning good morning to you how we got the baby is. We have a baby. 119 minutes past midnight and really had one well one every few hours really. Would you normally have 8 babies by 11 o'clock on anybody Yes Yes We kids yes so it's not unusual very much possible. That all fits and healthy all day they're all lovely yeah we're having a lovely productive day here and if we think i'm there and all the moms are OK Yes Everybody's Fine if he's having a lovely morning and he's been here they've had little gifts. So the surprises look at me. I'll go as a center Jenny you know if a Jew Do you volunteer to work on Christmas Day or is it just. You and your name just up to come up oh no no no we. Yeah let's get so I mean people you know every people working out this morning in Palm Oil Well we've got 21 midwife right and health care workers so we've both pretty and OK well I know you very very busy so thanks for sparing a thought Mr Cohen have a chat with us and the rest of the good day goes well and. Congratulations to all the moms and all of it is thank you so much to everybody thank you very much there Pam Springer but it's obvious they're very very busy this morning the hospital so good to have them on chatting away with us today B.B.C. Have it must have brought us on Christmas Day isn't one of my favorite shoes it's only a winter. David Essex. Above . The sun cold to. Me. If it. Does the. David Essex IT WAS ONLY A Winter's Tale really got my knight back on the cheap funny out in a cracker last Christmas has packed up on him good welcome back good man Bob. A merry Christmas once again. Ready right now we were going through the menu because this is what we know we are going to do. Before I. Go on OK you know most people that I. Run know how to. Burn and not use. I say get burned in Matthew's beautiful I didn't think we could say that brought up well I think I just did it. Anyway didn't they. Fight a Christmas in the. Right and what they used to do to quote I mean. You know what. Go on. Down to London. Well the road to balance the 2 numbers to go. Even if you do track all of it he takes a lot to want to get into London before the sort ready of the only one of. The I know that I know this guy does know many people not. I know he's probably some I think really serious. So to. Get to keep hoots to keep it this is not something you know should be something else you got out of a cracker innit. You know it's true it's true. Food if your food is absolutely making make it if you look at countries where they are they are both. Flavor the meat on the plate so when he went round it they couldn't they couldn't taste it and that's where Kerry comes up oh probably one of what if. He's got a bit of leather in it this afternoon it will be the boots you want to get to London will it. Be Going to the menu Yes now we're going to we're going to we're going to be we're going to be honest with the listeners most Christmases I can't remember I mean Christmas we've got to get it now but too many too many but most to distil to be honest what our fair Christmas party gets Yes Yeah yeah so what I'm going to consider today we've got because what we do is we have families around and each time he buys it to me so we have the perfect Yes So this week. Today we have eaten roast beef Yeah I'm hopefully pinkie site not to happen stuff crown of. With a poor scratching cranberry and topping you know wide and we have my place coming at you and your darling wife and said Hello yes. So what I'm going to concentrate on today complements. OK darling that's the green I'm always thinking some stuff we all know what they are really know what they are carrots and spreads that's what it is exactly is exactly what it will you. People love pigs in blankies don't they. So well that's always the you know pigs in blank a space a little tip for you yeah all right Poppy of and just put a little bit of honey on toasted sesame seeds on them just before you serve raw and all this stuff you listeners can do you darling this disease can do just before and still is thought is still hard stuff this now we're going to get on because it's a big push on people of face tools and everything like that of the moment what we do is going to intensify the flavor of the vegetables so we'll start with carrots taste so we're going to get a carrot for pop launch it with a little bit of starving some butter and a little bit of sugar OK Pablo and she say it's a thing called out that takes place just crisp take it out strain it pop it in a roasting tin and then kiss him Amaretto is. What your name was go into it just the way to on the right side that's the one I mean I want flavored look you know you can buy other brands out but I put it in that and then roast and that's not the almost flavor all comes with a carrot. You know Bob I'm salivating in. A color white and I'm that they'll be large will do them today my daughter will do no wrong the last one is the Brussels a lot people of issues with Brussels don't like Yeah yeah well we have breakfast I mean a lot of issues with Brussels at the moment let's say exactly. Take your Brussels sprouts out and finally slice them. Taken a new right and there's so to The Onion a little ready bit a butter so in the Brussels sprouts sliced right with a little bit about you can they will put a cream and some butter. I know you know that but I would recommend you know possible stats as well yeah yeah just in case someone doesn't want it just in case they don't allow their stuff like that that's my. 2 little twists on a traditional Christmas lunch today like good man good night well you know. Make it round I spect a bit later you know might be a fit if you can marry go for office Yeah. I'll go all out yeah I mean I'm a swishy stickers Well you never could have Christmas day without your swishy stick might. Do you. Think people don't come from the father's part yes yes I did 3 people I want to mention gone quick as I got to get going to go in the news so it was very good mate Michael BOB Yeah and these mothers come across from South Africa Port Elizabeth. Great good like when I lost my bike and then I made a point where I would just emigrate back to where we could go. To talk. To them and I would have a fantastic time Bob thanks for letting me come on your show this morning. Cheers mate about I'll see you later. On digital radio. These B.B.C. . Christmas tell you exactly 11 o'clock on B.B.C. Haven't watched the news with Lizzy lane 2 teenage boys both age 15 been charged with the murder of a man in north London the teenagers will pay the full magistrates tomorrow which Galpin reports 25 year old will amend as a keen boxer was pronounced dead after being taken to hospital in East London on Saturday morning he was a Portuguese national who'd been living in this country for 3 years the 2 boys were charged with his. Both 15 years old they cannot be named because of their age they're also charged with robbery they do to appear at Westminster Magistrates Court tomorrow teams of rescue workers in Indonesia are going from village to village sifting through the.