Drawer at Tranmere Rovers today coaches to United take on the league to his basement club Morcombe community stadium head coach John material says they must take nothing for granted a look at the games that you normally keep saying that's fine margins are the key moments in games and being going against them of late again we need to be on our God gives us the. B.B.C.'s 6 whether sheilds clearing for sunny spells a softer noon 16 Celsius 61 for night today's high tonight clear going down to 439 over night tomorrow Sunday in the morning cloudy in the afternoon 1355 Sunday time b.b.c. Essex new sport on whether it's 3 minutes after one of get Ronnie's retro larder go in as well food that you're used to go wouldn't see your granny or even your mom used to have things like black treacle turnip like treacle form was a big thing as Vorm I bought some ice my dick as well which is just I would. Ties up yes a bottle sure was not a bottle of ties or in the car but and she always enjoyed Oxford marmalade you know the Oxford Yes very dark color Yes So I would have a bit of. Things and Pete cream biscuits all boyfriends biscuits and she always out of the amount of credit but not a trifle shootings over trying those approach a lot of them on speak French hated the do you like the skin on top of a long holder do I thought they were thing as well as what was it my greens I think greens were getting in my Mum used to always have cookin chocolates a Roan's as well I forget who made it but it was always there and you got a wee bit because it's very rare he was a very nice talk like Well talking of chocolate my grandma never used to have drinking chocolate she had cocoa. Over the team Coco always has a I do with no sugar in the cocoa Oh yeah right dark it was. Go home and prepare for. For to morrow. Thanks very much you know. Ronnie barber's last year my restaurant. Larder is up and running right now as well but. I want to talk . To a cork we're collecting a whole lot of things for the larger on work product placement the theme today is sweeties we can put into films for instance The Guns of Navarone the who the the. The gums of told their own came in as well the man with the golden bubblegum the. Ocean spy 11 Stardust starburst the next generation airplane Mars Attacks galaxy an accident here Picnic at Hanging Rock the mall teaser for can flick in the 7 dwarfs. Dolly mixtures or 800 top 141 coming up today we're going to do some really clear this with the management but we're going to give our dogs he said dark jumpy chip today Champions League 10100000 pounds up for grabs the winner and the top players in the Champions League so today I'm going to give 3 dogs to throw the 6 dart board and I'm going to shoot for home any you think you'll score in that $3.00 and you can place your bets No I don't think he's a regular player but you never know so what type what scores you don't. Score do you think you'll get 3 darts will do that one as well and we'll get some great songs lined up. New tunes for ice cream vans place I'll take you keep them coming in because we've got room for a few. Tickets. Oh it's point. On my list of our arms pubs I. And let's say I sit. In the tightly. In the night. I don't know turn off the lights and go to the extreme of I'm like a fan through a lot of the stage you want. To get that. You're playing like a voice this must be play a melody anything let the band cellphone leave it there but again way back in. Play if there was a problem for me to go home. Now in the forty's with the painting and I make it quick to the point the point no faith in him see. Things we get a new phone with you when you're on a highway and with a souped up tempo I'm going to roll comical solo. Flying here Campbell. Just as they just. Kept on going to the next stop about the left and I'm heading to the next block the block with their so I continue to play one a beautiful. Thing left is the piece you love in the. Mines say with the gate on the with the not. You know because the. Constanza down like a pale grandma not a lot her pushing all in on the concrete real bad slant on things. That it is time to get away from the Jack Jack blues on the cd. They've asked me to run it all but the if there was a problem will be. Along. Room for a few more. Years . And. I'm out of the North and South. No. A leg over and can you teach by can see I'm getting just a slightly better Bubsy with there for a 2nd even in Basel the high in 08. This is quite amazing this arms thing I was talking about because as a doctor saying that he saw you know how many pubs with arms are all there and it's just amazing of cut what well over a dozen what you go from mean well also a part and it's near the wrong. Cooper's arms Yeah well of course a cooper was a bell Mike Yeah I was listening to rock the brewery and all some distant All-Stars are no but belongs and that would that would be the logic to would not. Be the logic to the other ones like the Du Bois de arms you would think not some name of a family thought to Rahm's the best church arms the beautiful or to really enter thank you very much in that class Bobbie but with me here is show me running your thoughts guys good what's your what's your arms then blow up. Or bloody are rude. There is a part in the story a little village near prying near Braintree in actually a little village of stars to them the pubs Kolby are only. The only arms yeah oh man on the other we are right and he thought so why that man I spoke got no it got no even heard anybody sort of make any suggestions you know is the only cause I wonder is well. I'm not so read to be a little older you still would end up framed or shoot. Him leave. I'm going to Palumbo thank you very much the only arms don't get a list of those for your. Stuff and for my retro kitchen Lauda food you find in your our grandmother's or your mum's Lauder you know the cupboard all of you go 0800 to 141. listen get cold as ice tea for tea $99.00 red balloons. Lonely point the cold that's another one can you put another woman. You know it's from Greensleeves. When we grade if you have let some like my boil with Paul pour Ice Ice Baby. Sorry to correct the gentleman is just on but is the only arms and tell you why arms by Braintree go up there's a problem and front cold the forester's arms in and Duncan thank you very much these are through my 2nd it's quite amazing because I was driving in this warning and I saw the preclears arms just other side advanced on and I thought oh those dots going on I wonder for how many of these facts again Doris dartboard talk of Doc's always going to come in and describe what is going to do and we haven't checked it with the bosses but Proctor should he's going to throw darts at the dart board and I'm going to ask you how many you think you'll score with the Stars but right now let's get some trouble. From B.B.C.'s akes with problems on the one to 7 Michael Holmes outlook and you know what it's looking a little bit better now it's improving which would suggest I think that the accident near to halfway house roundabout may have been cleared up certainly looking a lot better than it did when I last spoke to you we're still seeing delays for the 813 both ways approaching the also interchange the eastbound side is closed this weekend so it can happen over to drive around it but there is a claim closure on the west side as well coming from Stanford and it's busy both ways if you heading to London on the m 11 I'm afraid there is a bit of a delay coming from Junction 5 towards the a $46.00 North Circular junction for still seeing delays in Chelmsford on the im bound approaches to the army and maybe roundabout and staying in Chelmsford water House Lane and west way they're both still busy approaching the little road junction still busy I'm afraid in Danbury as well we've got some temporary lights there on main road between the bell pub and the reforms line and use Avenue can grab their roofs. Busy in culturist approaching the ongoing works and you doing work on the trains means a great angle to have buses running again this weekend between Sion field and south of Victorian Shane Filan Southminster there are also buses between her educational and heritage town and see to see her buses between Upminster and Gray's calling at Purfleet to mine and next update in half an hour thank you Michael Keeping you informed when it masses B.B.C.'s extravagant. Request with Ben fryer and so on you want to. Use it is precisely the way that you would like prosperity to take a cool man if you. Want something about yeah but he's making a point. That was. Great for us with Ben fryer and so on you want to send Monday to Friday from 6 am on the B.B.C.'s a. Lovely people a good show that as well I go I do like Sonia Sargent my favorite things Ok when he shaves is all right. Yeah because when you don't have to shave now this from my mother used to run the world as I am she had a settling legs thank you I said to lean I think the settling legs yeah the arms the centers are just quite amazing Yes fantastic different occupation Brewer's hurdle because I would cut those because I'm such a hospital or who's scanners and who says a fix the one from the desk that doesn't work the wooden Woodman's arms the pictures arms the brick layers arms the Coopers arms and the only arms as well under the forest of arms as well and the Whitmore as mentioned earlier that that is named after family that was big you know say Yeah right so that there was theory of that's why Yeah well done. Everybody. Soo says a so then to see from this cold force of arms yeah so there we go I don't know how many more will get a word Bill got tough you songs we can get your song turned songs from for the ice cream van new tunes for ice cream van yeah to get away from Greensleeves we want some of those no ice cream vans d.j. In the winter what do I scream they just park up somewhere what do I scream vine people do need to drive I say so they watch the vans it's a bit like cricket for all winter. I think it was the most recent I think the fleet is everywhere people are so deck to use the 2 during the winter for other occupation to do. You know because that would be what start to Mayo Easter Easter stay around till now if you know in September September and wonder how much money you can I when your when this all the ends and it will end when will this all ends you know I can go into making yourself. Possibly less attentive what's going to happen it's a big dark tournament in I don't where is $100000.00 pounds up for grabs is the Champions League. All of the best players play so we're going to be in Ok but we have a dark board here that's reduced today yes so what's going to happen my colleague here we have been filled and health and safety for destroying it where we are as long as I don't stand in the boat or not but near. The border just be him in the room yeah and what I'd like you to guess. And see who get can get the score the all in gets with 3 dogs only 3 don'ts only 3 dogs and I've got of go all the numbers here how much how many do you think you get what we score be with 3 darts on the B.B.C.'s 6 board. Sue says the money our viewers got the morning arms as well that came and the money arms were so please your bets if you don't mind yes place. Because we reckon you will have the board. So it could you said the last you can get would be 3 which is known through a tree now you can go along and not you need to be careful because it's close to window right that's reassuring thank you so can you place your bets please 81 trouble 3 start messing with 6 or you can e-mail Ronnie a b.b.c. Or u.k. Or give us a ring and let's see out of the names don't. I see you even going to preparation for your money you know you don't get this anywhere else how about that 180 you've got 100 neatly lined up I mean to be fair if you can is just under 90 Yeah I might be a waste of a bet be honest but you never know you could but will probably clear that just after half so one so get a place your bets please how many with $3.00 will the boy wonder blunder the boy wonder. Who $3.00 or $100.00 to $141.00 and I've still got room for a couple more songs brand new tunes for ice cream vans and if you want to give me some more Arms pub start be great. Miri give us some more. In great. Sons like a family name and so does a. Nic. Good afternoon. To her on a yeah get on it net can this is afternoon Monod there's things to be done with your afternoon or you go to the pub today Nick. But drinking alcohol free I gave up drinking about 8 weeks ago all right a reason for why. I did have a low so I had to go once meant by all 6 you know what I'm bored with out how so I just I love the taste the best so I'm drinking alcohol for a user on some great ones who just don't need the other problem alcohol yeah I guess I'm what you think is well the color of a pub a love of the art misfit of a pub and the banter loving I think nice but you know the alcohol free beer some really great ones brew dog doo some good ones all in the nick I don't you've seen those on. The Pocono any state oh yeah. Well they do they go shit yeah we did it didn't do they go ship go free yeah yeah you can get that you know supermarket nature way you are right not slowly no one but some for the new nice ice cream van song. Well I thought one by the buying cream with the sad passing of change oh yeah you have sunshine of your love for singing only a storage kernel you are on there my friend yeah Ginger because sad to see him go to next Thank you great stuff soon is on the 8th well for you soon I'm not on the I thought my running I'm home Ok I got to get serious at home she wasn't a 12th but she's managed to make a home. But I'm talking to die. Are you going to pop today not today I just got back from. All of you was a nice. Out here not just that coming up at the hey you know I'm not happy what was the temperature there at the time and so. In their twenties Oh lovely it's perfect Yeah I don't like it was too hot I don't you're not kind of you can't get comfortable Oh great now you got time yes called Almost. Just checking to check and. No one of my kitchen larder got loads of things of treacle. Ties or. Coffee what we go for so keen. I suppose you can still buy that can you know you can get it in a package. Ok cab and it was used to be in a kinda stuff. Yeah because people you had to break through to get to yes. And it was quite nice I quite like Montana where you could Mike it was scary milk which might get really really low. Because of the. What they see there was another discussed where one of those foods that was there just in case you know just in case. I was talking about free bend to a spice as well. We both. Would call just sort of right to know how much meat was in the but what we did you. Didn't your to you to get yet. You. Cannot now. And then you just put the whole and the part. I don't know so why did you bring his bike from New York. We're going back to some time but that's because I'm a part of the children me right this minute and then I'll come into the country any time it's called the sun so I'm. Rubbish you know let's be honest I was expecting something nice maybe a wee You know I don't know what one of those hot some bread or something like that but. What exactly was want me. To make. Your bike in the countryside. This is a guess is so far how many do you think own will score when he goes to the. Are you really for sports team sport league. Know your There's a chance you could not support we're asking you $3.00 only gets $3.00 on the B.B.C.'s 6 jock dart board how many do you think you'll get so far Allan's Gimme $26.00 Jeremy is 11 Adam all for he says 42 who are the numbers here Adam 42. Tom and challenge for 21 that's more real well we don't know what you mean a w.c. Or a travel. Alan Laden said. The Essex arms and Brant with thank you piles of arms are pubs 102141 you've got a boat a couple songs and then all in will go into the rest room here we have a rest room so the rest room would he call it company or the end is where you go when you you want to eat for free when the boss is looking for you can hide in there. I know that place very well I saw how many with 3 dogs do you think you score on a dart board to goes from 1280 no guarantee you'll get one but you 3 darts and it's proper dart length board length you know they doesn't seal through how many do you think you have the Aki Why is it called the Naki by the way I say Yorkie us is sports to us to abuse a sports team Why is it not the sports team then yeah you're. They don't know. Well sports team so I get your 102141 or you can text me one trouble to start you message with 6. Numbers that come in and let's see who gets the closest or who gets the right number. 3 dogs. But. I don't know what to do. I. Don't know what to do. By the way the end of this song old will be in the B.B.C.'s 6. You know they're hiding hole hiding from the bossy hole. Anyway you know what I mean. Christine's come in with 42 which is the same as all of them from Greece so you can you can play as well a number is 102 point one I'm going to go with 1616 doing so what do you think what do you think how many would he get with 3 dogs you have the end end of the song which is $99.00 red balloons red. Telling you see red blue. Back. She went on to other things let's go live to our little cubby hole from the boss all when are you there no I am here and yes in the little rule whatever room we call in and can you tell us what the conditions are Mike is there any braze any when there anything helping it is very still in hand this room actually is just very low ceiling it used to be where we we had all the records and C.D.'s. Still hangs around in here a little bit with these records. And I think hiding in a cupboard no smoking jacket from from Ben and they're Ok. The question master and here is where. Ok I thought well well talking can't talk to touch any of that stuff because you know we we are the we talked to don't do on anymore plane friend thing so make sure that happens now that's not such an answer for you on the Okie No I am I there is a marker on the floor I think it's a rupture the 'd. bend it would yeah that's where you should be robed. You have 3 dots the all in in good condition of the ready to go well they mean reasonable condition yet to believe in a multicolored they're perfect their perfect my colleague own I am ready when you are you can fire away and hopefully one of them at least to the most stick to the board. Are you ready what you could aim for 1st Unical for the 20s. That is generally where we are in for is now and at least that's the top of the boat yeah all cannot come out so people have missed how we do go here we go the 1st one is the multicolored. And all but it's hit the ball running Ok Don't say any more I. Got here we got. A 2nd. All very close to me don't have to get close to say what I want what number that you can see Yes And incidentally the. Darts I'm using got the flags on the slots that are the bit at the end oh yeah it was just not lost don't is all that's in the middle as well Ok I don't see any more although I can count up your score and come in and join me after the trouble will sort out what you go Ok that was all in the report the 3 daughters who got the closest. New tunes. For ice cream buns. Bubble a 3 color what with the flavors of those there was it was in the Green Bay. I don't know what maybe it was black now yeah. Yeah. So I said lives in with the one with the sprinkles on the top news it's not it's there. Welcome everybody is bigger than we're we don't know what we're talking about we're just going to guess and here no stay where you are or has done the tallying up we spent we've all that it was such well played long song because the tallying up was quite extensive So what do you think women need to get through my list of arms as well. As well and more songs to play but 1st of all let's get some trouble. From B.B.C.'s sakes I would like to know there Michael. How you Ronnie Earle not looking too bad to be able to service all cleared up now following the earlier acts than we had there of course we've still got delays approaching a 13. Cock in the changed side closed the weekend the west bound them to one line so these bad is the worst of those delays at the moment still a delay heading down the m 11 coming from Junction 5 heading into London tools junction 4 and the North Circular and there's a delay on the m 25 anticlockwise it's between 10 to 25 in full 24 for part of the bar there is a broken down vehicle but I think they may have held all the traffic to recover that So that is looking pretty awful still seeing pretty long delays heading into Chelmsford approaching the Army Navy roundabout because of the ongoing works still got those delays in Danbury or main road because of temporary lights and in culturist are still looking a pretty awful and reserved new cadre of new and it leaps which woad as you head in the towards the road works on the trains because engineering work this weekend again means great Ang Lee services between Sheffield and south Victorian Sheffield and Southminster replaced by passes there also buses in place between heritage International and heritage town and see to see a running battle between Upminster and Grace County at Purfleet a minor next update in half an hour thank you Michael well informed when it masses B.B.C.'s extravagant. This is B.B.C.'s akes. Day Yeah that's me trying to tell the up I had 3 adults. Start board. And sucks after they say I'm having the arcade imagine what you get so I got a 1516 which is the other side of the boat right. And a fire my math is right that's $36.00 nobody got $0.30 a spot on the note that the closest would probably be Adam and Christina are what an Adam and Chris are you know they were all north to world on yeah it was in Vanity 6 I'm unimpressed with that so 180 but. The boy says the this one with sprinkles on top was the far up yes it was yes I'm thinking you know this is Jim we're all always create all they slowly as well yes yeah yeah because the Fab will address a soft middle as well as with other a screams of the fab movie which you think yeah I think a movie was orange all the way through orange there was a Celera something that was somewhere or what was the one that was a twister recently straw and that's what is called. Do not twist it a letter to differing yellow or green and creamy to the common or is red and cream Oh Ok something were different and you used to push from the bottom and all that Celera was more or less the same Yeah I don't know it's a lovely job job which I was really into it was a pyramid shaped right block of ice with. A flavor in it oh yes no I had no yeah you have it in obvious misconceptions you have in freezer. Another one yet you could have gotten it would last you for weeks yet just the one advertised by the way when it hot it yeah go away. Little member of the sea floor and what a boat some of those screens were the movie the fab the job Lee Yeah the twister doesn't you get face or the FISA thing of beauty or the ones with it or not something on the outside for extra points can you tell me who invented the Magnum. And we go. I'll leave that with the listeners there was a very famous person invented the Magnum he came up with there's a male. Yes I just remember Terry now guys who was it him. Go This is fake f.m. . I'm sorry like Mrs Moneypenny pond a man yeah he was like hold on to each one yeah you don't want less of this you wanted you don't want less of something you want more yeah. Right yeah isn't it Roger Moore Yeah I saw some of this it would be great if a screen was depth in chocolate and then they did I did I want to ask for it could be the darts my friend Coming up we've got the sports guys ready to rock a big afternoon the sports up to a wee bit of a wrap up before the end here. I . Can't. I wonder of those who only song was not in it or Pop Goes the Weasel maybe Pop Goes the Weasel Goes the Weasel. Who boy says the movie had a nice day scream in the middle of the pineapple once yeah pineapples are much under-rated flavors now great job this morning afternoon everybody fantastic the prick the bricklayers arms that's the burglars on the one the Alma arms the the pictures arms the wood wood was armed the Leonard arms the skin as arms the hospital arms they thought their arms the because of the best church arms or might be a church they would cut of arms the Essex arms they hold the makers arms the brewer's arms the forester's arms the Morny arms the Dona moms the do bar walk arms the Coopers arms on the the only arms as well fantastic is the amazing and they all had an occupation to them as well wont on everybody and a great job with all my and my larder as well the other went really well black cat trico occur more for my smarty ties or. Come coffee with chicory. Said With no I think it to I don't know you did it with. Water in that he come Kofi I think use milk Fray Bentos spice and sucrose give me tend tend to proto all. I'm going hungry to. Life and then the guys from the sports will take you over . You need to soar ice cream that you. Are one of the lowly Goble. Ice cream in a state with a bar of soul and chocolate in the center. To remember a lot well. Good Been remiss not to mention some of the great films you gave me as well you give me a ton of films. Gums of Navarone and of course the the gums of Toblerone came an orange of the mine with the golden bubble gum parts or eat love hearts or see. To. Depths that was common store busts in the next generation that was their era playing hero Martha thought I galloped see Picnic at Hanging Rock as well and I think these are probably the converse ones the multis of full can and snowflake and the 7 Dwarfs and hello Dolly mixture. Oh Dolly mixture is there anything else you want me to say oh and. You better come and tell me what message does come of load off the screen before we go to the last song. Sportswear the next was can we know whether what Wait no I don't wait one of what was your last comment let's come in an instant I was it says we were talking about the hospital yes yes I used to be opposites the old hospital in culture and the nurses there and she has it on good authority used to say when they wanted me in the park to meet more date that didn't exist in the hospital on up to 7 that was 8 it's a lovely story that's all right and I used to work at other radio station would know that you. Had the flying pig is known as the other production office water production actually where you have to now as it. Go back home of got what have got today not an I'm not a to do oh my god watch my grass grow or yeah. I might cook Mrs barber a beautiful 3 course dinner. On the other hand I might just go to k.f.c. And get some chicken or some other one thank you very much what you do in an exciting sport this afternoon busy if they can't coming up qualifying round loads of coverage extra news as well busy afternoon thank you very much listeners thank you so much for looking after me today you made me laugh all the way through I'll see you next Saturday for another those who wrote a bob or last chance can something just between you. When I. Finally. It is perfect as it can be. Every. Something just between. Those. 3. Every single word is perfect. My point. Is that. Welcome along. It's dry. Welcome to the community state of this is advice between now and 6 o'clock the B.B.C.'s expose commentary to come from here. Looking to break into the top 7 having missed the opportunity. To cruelly. For you today as well and we will reflect. To drool. If you want to react to some people. Going out to watch today you. Might be heading to see if they can reach the 1st round of the f.a. Cup the relatively short. Away at Royston and the 4th qualifying round of the cup and been a Ricky away or out to one of the many other games crisscrossing an up and down the county this one trouble as a text you can start your message with a tweet is to B.B.C.'s explore. Contact details. Ongoing at the moment under pressure Everton boss Marco Silva on the back of 4 straight defeats will his side lead to West Ham United by a goal to nail with 18 minutes to go up there at Goodison Park how much could break into the top 6 today with their one nailed down after 70 minutes with the goal there in the Championship early game at the park and it's to a place at the moment we've got the rovers town now managed by the county brothers how to speak.

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