Directness had saved him a lot of time and money. The final episode of a documentary series about the life of Jade Goody is to air on Channel 4 this evening the reality star who made her name on big brother died at her home in Upshaw in Waltham Abbey in 2009 Eugene Sally brick brother his 6 contestant says the show changed his life come up they will call you names of course OK You wrote something out you shouts of insult but I think I got up quite like an impact but it was all quite public but also. A certain amount of. You know going shopping in the underwear department and on the. Busy telly in B.B.C.'s exporter in Essex have moved $23.00 points clear at the top of the county championship with a 3 wicket win over Kent to Canterbury Somerset have the chance to close the gap if they chase down a victory target of $258.00 at Warwickshire later today and for the 1st time since 1992 in football Southend United have lost their opening for league matches of the season the bullies were beaten to know at home by Peterborough or to leave them still searching for the 1st point of the season and coach just united threw away a 2 narrow lead at Grimsby to finish all square in league to the weather for Essex Well a good deal of join a dry and a fine weather today hazy sunshine the odd showers still possible and a top temperature of 19 to 22 Celsius 66 to 70 famine night B.B.C.'s 6 news in sport just gone 6 minutes past 8 thanks Clare. RICK'S LIST with Sonia Gandhi in one . Case is B.B.C.'s. This year marks 10 days since the death of Jade cutie at her home in Upshur in Waltham Abbey she had contracted terminal cervical cancer and died at the age of just. 27 she of course found fame by appearing on big brother back in 2002 her life life and death has been charted in the documentary series Jade The reality star who changed Britain the final part as tonight at 9 o'clock on Channel 4 has just a little bit of it an emotional Divino macaw recalling Jade to treatments in Big Brother. Was I remember Jade saying how you know she's always looked after her mum I call her life and I will think of going into this fast or into being yourself and. Escaping the past for drugs and addiction and then turning that around I mean it was nothing short of packing miraculous what she did in there. Is to be quite emotional actually what it was called lots of emotion in the episodes that I've seen so far and much of the series makes from comfortable viewing from the extreme abuse that Jade got initially as a contestant quite unbelievable when you think back to some of the media coverage about her at that time too of course the racism Rao after she insulted fellow Celebrity Big Brother contestant Shilpa Shetty during his 2nd stay in the house Jack Tweed Mary J. Just a month before she died you might remember the pictures in magazines newspapers call an emotional tie and Jacqui joins us now on B.B.C. Essex Hi Jack. Hi It was quite uncomfortable for me seeing some some aspects of the documentary What was it like for you to to watch and be part of it. Yes pretty difficult because obviously it brings everything back up. A step aside. When I 1st got into big brother I was pretty young I was only like must have been 12 then really watching it all take any notice of the newspapers or and if I didn't realize how much of it suffered from newspapers so that was pretty difficult as well and you know we were recollecting a bit I noticed on on the day that I saw that she said about doing a photo shoot I think you work in that tradition when you have the time and then she said oh you're going to get my 15000 pounds for this this photo shoot. Being catapulted to to another level of fame and celebrity What was that like for her and for yeah. Well yeah it was pretty bad and they said I was worth. Electrician's 300 quid a week or whatever I was on and then all of a sudden I get in flowers and powder one by so it's pretty it's very last change in . What you go free when you go into that maybe a sort of stage or. Child was sold was any sort of whole life I mean since since. Then it's big prophesies. Longer she. Was used to. She was certainly young when she 1st went in to the Big Brother house we have our impression perhaps of Jade from those T.V. Moments and from the T.V. The magazine the newspaper articles What was she like in real life what was the real job I'd like. To share is very down. She didn't she didn't want to kill anything for a cell she always put other tape. And that was she was just like that consolations she always always for the people before. To think she was quite misunderstood by the people he said it was quite hard he to watch how the media thought about her and described how when he was in Big Brother and some of the some of the way he was described in the papers at the time it was pretty dreadful Yeah it was discussed and some of the things I said I won't I was he wouldn't get away with it now guys Conner fat taken whatever whatever else they said and so yeah that was I thought I don't know how she dealt with that as well as she did because all of a sudden we're at that stage but. That was pretty difficult to watch and. Also the 2nd episode as well this was tough to watch because they concentrated a whole hour on the ice. Which did not fit kind of thing as they should have done. Obviously from Berman see and that comes out in episode one that I saw last night but did you feel at home in Essex Jack. Yes 6. A set amount which everyone loved. Their. Good 9 years so yes she she loved in Essex she would have to lift all of. And we all know what happened to her dying 27 cervical cancer you know married to her shortly before death and you were only 2021 I think at that time so. That's an awful lot for anyone to have to deal with let alone how how is that affected you Jack. It's August. It was time. Is still difficult. As a. Relationship I just don't remember anyone compares as a child or so about where you want to put the other person for science why. It has been difficult for especially times like this when they say 10 year anniversary a nice People are constantly asking me a. Problem and it brings it all back so sadness so you go for stages some Kartheiser are. Jack good to speak to you this morning thank you for joining us Jack Tweed who Mary J. Just a very short time before her death 10 years ago now Craig Phillips was the very 1st winner of Big Brother in the year 2000 so kind of knows what it's like to go from that position of being an ordinary life and then all of a sudden catapulted into the limelight Good morning Craik Good morning guys did you meet me as a shock to the system the kind of catapults it into you know fame and never even asked the kind of cause with it there after winning the 1st big girl that it was a lot for me to adapt to initially you know when I was the last to know about so I was in the house after 64 days no the program got bigger and bigger and bigger in the press in the public operand it more and more and more so I felt as if I was the last person to know about the course I was very naive about I came out and I could honestly say you know I was well looked after by the production company and there was guided bodyguards everywhere I went which was quite terrifying really and it was a bit of a whirlwind I can't contemplate massively about it what I experienced Did you did you get to meet Jade because obviously she came in 3 so a little bit after after you as Big Brother as you say was gaining momentum did you Mr. Yes Yeah I'm a change on many many occasions I actually lived with Jade I lived with Jade in a new show called back to reality in about things got 20052006 them I mean Jade and I are the other funny relationship we didn't really get on to be honest we kind of clashed in in many things we did I mean one thing springs to mind now we were shooting a. T.V. Program I think for Chris Evans and we were singing to get a you know when we were on stage bouncing around with a microphone and a course a song tooth with a microphone on clock tick you know little things like that so she hated me for and we just we decades and decades and decades over various different things we did and I don't really know quite know why we kind of clashed or many many occasions went back to reality I think it was 3 weeks we lived together in the house and it was a very like a Big Brother kind of crossed with the I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of a program and I found a is is kind of down to with a she is in areas and she could be very overpowering and and a little bit 1000000000 as well in is in so much specs with Jade you know it's it broke my heart what happens here is horrific that could happen to any young certainly a mother is well. I can honestly say that I was a lawyer and a fan of G. 8 we just we just seem to clash all the time. Thank you Craig for talking to us this morning giving us a little insight into the world of reality T.V. In that Big Brother house as well Craig Phillips the 1st winner of Big Brother back in the year 2000 the time just passed right now B.B.C. Essex. From B.B.C. Essex We'll have more on Jade Goody with a body language expert who worked on Big Brother in just a 2nd but let's take a break for the travel news holding. Very busy and. She's really junctions 262 were because after 25 so what I'm about to just after a 10 going towards 24 possible are the days left over from Bright down on the clock why sign it into a security pretty little bit so it patches towards and past junction 34 the A 13 in the 11 the other side of 5 at Loughton down towards the North Circular now in Loughton the I want to one is closed on the high road because of a burst water main diversions affecting bus routes 216-7397 they're all having to divert as a result of that the accused has roadworks on the who is to road going to an awards doors hill and they supposed an area a 13 Stamford I hope little bit so through diagonal too bad today a 12 bit busy a wife from London coming up the By-Passed going past the sands and turn towards Bora looks like that little bit of a queue on the plane tree bypass coming down towards the mark's farm or a towards the galleys corner roundabouts having a white from the Marx farm roundabout and coming into cultures to the Sutro and the high ridge road both looking quite busy we still got the army and navy fly over closure think it's going to be on for a long time by pass certainly very slow towards their other approaches not too bad at the moment next update is in half an hour Keeping you informed when it masses B.B.C.'s extravagant to. Be coming down the I shall use for about 20 S. Alex Dinesh is on summer's day I am sorry to have such a fantastic day. With the children and that is great. Everybody B.B.C.'s 6 will be there on boats. Days providing exclusive commentary including the evening flying display live across the county library radio show we are one of 3.5 F.M. 79 medium wave and a long quite often say 6 fears if it were to try to show B.B.C. Essex. And of course even why it's alive for the British show from Clacton tomorrow morning more of an all out for some isn't a bacon sandwich is all round here we'll look forward to that 69 I'll be in the studio in what will be in Clacton just ready for the build up for the show which starts tomorrow it's all about Jade Goody at the moment there's a programme on the telly at the moment on Channel 4 the final part in that series is on later on tonight at 9 o'clock it's called Jade The reality star who changed Britain you might remember her going into the 3rd series of Big Brother I think in the year 2002 she was quite character from Bermondsey in south London got a lot of attention some of it quite negative during her time in the Big Brother house but then she came out on a self catapulted into this world of going to nightclubs in Mayfair being photographed by the paparazzi see a very sore lavish lifestyle just the flick of a switch she was she was there she went into Celebrity Big Brother and then found herself and broiled in a very high profile races in RAO with a Bollywood star another contestant he was in the Big Brother house for that series it was totally dominated the news agenda at that time didn't it we had the prime minister in all sorts commenting about it and then sadly she contract it's Herman or cervical cancer and died 10 years ago this year and she was just 27 when she died because he had a massive impact on the rate of of young women getting tested which was a real positive impact but let's go back to her time on Big Brother which kind of launched her into this. It's massive tonight Judy Janus is a body language expert worked Olympic bronze that duty good morning what are your memories of Chinese Good morning. Yes it was respectively watching what was I think a tragedy. You know she cheated because the queen reveal it it's easy and I don't think anybody would have ever guessed that was going to happen when she went into what we scored the 1st civilian one I used to work with Larry on the follow up show and the I did there was sort of poke a bit of fun and do sense of light hearted analysis of them. Turned around from being deeply unpopular and the name calling was absolutely pulling and I was quite pleased I think it's come alone on the show last night who actually sized some of the things that she'd coat Jade in the press. And suddenly when she came out and it was almost a turn around she stepped outside the house the people suddenly and that's one of the audiences who is interesting psychologically is the people in the house suddenly embraced Cisco who in a way appeared to my big brother's ability to take somebody who had a dreadful life. And that going in there might be gone through the mill of being unpopular except for. Coming out almost as big brother royalty of this is she was embrace this she's one of our own I think and they wouldn't really picked her up and run with her eye and allies on the run and I remember I didn't actually may have by so when she came out with a lot of the finalists I met this thinking she was incredibly elegant and she was very well behaved and she was quite gracious and some of the of the when you get the final stage sometimes they can be a little bit like Altai they want to be treated like celebrities. I don't want to speak to people and she was a light that shoots Surrey but I feel very pleasant very sits but then of course. She came back in the celebrity one and we so it's almost like a Greek tragedy of the downfall which she then just about managed to haue way out of when suddenly she found out that she got cancer is an interesting social experiment at the time when the I know the 1st pieces people were greeted it was must see T.V. Was in it how do you think people cope in the house you watch the body language how did how do you think he's fooled you know I'm Varma because he's very very intense isn't it it's and it's such a good question because when Craig was in there and it is a little bit of a cliche to say I was working on the 1st of an era it was seen as an absolute social experiment how would I cope in there would I be able to survive in there and I sing by the ton joy it went and I sing Paypal it forgotten that it was an experiment I think it was saying by the end of the experiment so it's fun it's entertainment now we know that people can live through it get through accept and as we found on not show the experiment was still very much ongoing and I think people expected the civilian one to be the really difficult one I sing and there's a lot of celebrities in the show that we saw last night who I think you know why I got of quite lightly from having the spotlight turned away from them by giants behavior because there was some absolutely appalling behavior I remember one of them. In there was an American story though and I mean I'm a he had problems and I think he was recovering from cancer as well and I remember listening to one of the very sophisticated as Job Woodside Pashtuns threatening to break him while he was in there deliberately Sciences' the other group or break. It was very very very bad behavior I mean if. We got a glimpse of in there the name calling was absolutely life and icing in a way the celebrity one became more of an experiment because. More of those fell on their own so we're still doing so I think Roy near the end of the run that he sees and experience celebrities would go in there and have to leave the back door because they sent the wrong thing or done the wrong thing it's very easy to get tripped up isn't in that kind of setting do you think Jade though particularly the 1st time she went into the house in 2002 do you think she really knew what she was in for. I think I mean I know it's a. Sign with the stank to learn things on that I think perhaps urge caution hadn't been particularly good she was quite canny when it came to I remember thinking you know more about this business and I do know why but nobody to make your point nobody would have known what that was going to be like because when she went in it wasn't as big and I think by the time she's going to the celebrity one and all of that started to kick off it was almost like watching a huge chunk of them with the break left of rolling down the hill it going to all of almost everybody's control I mean you know Google Brown burning effigies a. I don't think anybody ever expected it to be that huge for those reasons as well it was probably almost frightening by that stage she was she wouldn't have got that she was very canny though and I think that's why you know why Kaling of the queen of Big Brother I mean the queen of reality T.V. And I have to say well it's easy to if it doesn't exist anymore we've got something a lot more neutered now probably for those reasons scripted. But nobody knew what to expect any point really I suppose cheap she managed she was quite clever when it comes to television and the major exception but nobody could have been that Leveson on what was going to happen and you do I went into the house a few times for a couple of tough it's amazing how it works and it's a thing is you go in and within about a matter of seconds and it's very strange you sit at the cameras are on your. Yeah I can imagine you do thank you Judy good to talk to you Judy James a body language expert who has had firsthand experience of big brother worked on it and actually it was interesting because the she appreciated the racism around involving Jade Goody on Celebrity Big Brother it was huge national international news at the time and some of people in the documentary was saying because Jade went into the celebrity house with her mom and with Jack her other half it was just I can see on the program Jack Tweed it almost felt a bit more like she was at home because she was with her other half she was with her family and some maybe that also cause more of a problem in that she forgot this is actually a bit of a social experiment there's T.V. Cameras rolling everywhere I don't know if I'd like it was an interesting social experiments to begin with but it's going to tell us the journey in terms of the series of Big Brother wonder if you've watched over the years and how do you feel about Jade getting a lot of negative. Coverage around her time in Big Brother then she came out seemed to win a lot of people over did she win you over and of course the tragic end losing her life to cancer at the age of 27 but do you think Bermondsey princess or queen of Chavis Where do you stand on Jade Goody 10 years since her death this year can't believe that I was on air the morning she died I was doing the Sunday breakfast program and actually we spoke to Max Clifford who was representing her at the time he came on and spoke to me very soon after the news was announced. And I did actually get to meet her. Shortly before I think it was before the 2nd big brother but it was certainly after the 1st and she was a big star she turned up a big B. C. Essex were recording like in a to Vittie for Christmas in UNGAR and we had real donkeys and it was at Mowbray house in on go her sort of stomping ground really we didn't know she was in the audience she turned up and she was with a fresh. And some children and she came up and chatted and she was very very nice just a nice person and chatted and then of course the stardom it didn't seem to have affected her in that way she was quite normal to chat to but it just went through the roof I mean we hear stories in the newspapers and from last night's documentary that I saw 25000 pounds for a set of photographs Yeah is this the sort of money she could could be paid for in this house into a softer a matter of weeks you know massive 1000000 South London girl very working class next minute 1520 grand just to turn up for a photo shoot one morning partying in Mayfair enjoy being around in very posh cars or how do you feel about it when triple 3 if you'd like to text us are 800 triple 14041 if you want to give us a call of course she moved to Essex to the west of the county Joan got in touch from Waltham Abbey saying I walked past her house and saw loads of papper at sea on silver ladders once trying to take pictures of her in her garden and her house it was sickening So John seen some of the attention she witnessed 1st hand must be quite something must Nick going from you can't imagine anyone extreme of life to the other really like that at you know that's the downside of course may be you remember some of the the criticism that came out at the time what did you make of that I mean they say you wouldn't see it so much in the newspapers now because it was really really well that was a clip of hard core I mean. You know take you back to when Big Brother was in its prime the eviction nights were absolutely crazy weren't they with giving him a call and there was a live crowd of people outside the Big Brother house and they were all cheering and banners waving and chanting and some of the stuff they were calling was pretty B.C. Of stuff to the contestants I member there was one night and it featured in the shark where she was sitting in the Big Brother house and they were chanting Get Jade outs. So loud that she could hear in the house and then burst into tears because why wouldn't you if you heard someone calling your name out in that way a lot of people call you that way Mike in chance with text how can people criticize Jade Goody for her lack of knowledge of East Anglia sure it should be a criticism of our education system it's failed to raise levels of education nobody knows everything that we should learn from Jade's determination to get ahead and realize what you can achieve if you try it was difficult for her to deal with fame as it would be for anyone Mark says don't judge her too harshly maybe since she says Jade is like Joey Essex became famous because they pretended to be thick so if you want to add to your add to this conversation if you'd like to text us start your message with the word Essex. Is B.B.C. Or 6 just turning up our state Good to have you with us this Wednesday break 1st let's take a look at the B.B.C.'s 6 news in sport now with Clare good morning thanks Ian Ryanair who fly from Stansted and Southend airports are taking legal action in the high court today to try and stop some of its pilots from striking the move comes after members of the Union bell per voted in favor of the action earlier this month it follows a dispute over pay a 40 year old man remains in hospital after being arrested on suspicion of the murder of a woman in great sailing near Braintree the victim who was $41.00 was found unconscious and address in the street on Monday afternoon the children's commission of anglers says it's a scandal that thousands of homeless children are being housed in shipping containers and old office blocks councils have blamed budget cuts for the situation and the weather for Essex there will be a good deal of dry and fine weather today with a lengthy hazy sunny spells and some fair weather they all show is also possible today's top temperature 19 to 22 Celsius 66 to 70 Fahrenheit. In B.B.C.'s export their own cricket an Essex is Adam wheat A says overcoming difficult abutting conditions. Proved Katie in their latest key championship win the wicketkeeper finished their tea not out to help our 6 to a dramatic 3 wicket victory over Kent at Canterbury a move of 23 points clear at the top of the table waiter says there bolus dismissed Kent for just 40 in their 2nd innings and realise chasing a 153 wasn't going to be easy when I go out the 1st time I felt like it wasn't. And it was probably one of those wickets where it did enough not all source enough sometimes. Enables collapses and sort of. England's Jimmy Anderson has told B.B.C. Sport a joke for Archer is using with confidence and he'd love to bowl with him in the 4th Ashes Test at Old Trafford Anderson who is recovering from a cough injury says he's never seen a player have such an impact on international cricket in the 1st 3 months of their career England's women's head coach a mark of Robinson has stepped down after nearly 4 years in the role Robinson guided England to a World Cup victory 2 years ago but recently saw his side leaves in the Ashes series to Australia football now and the Southend United manager Kevin Bond says the mentality of the players has to change if they're to improve the Blues were beaten 2 nil by Peter bar at Ruto last night meaning they've lost all 4 of their opening a leap long games of the season Vaughan says things won't be changing overnight I thought we played well since I've been here back and losses when I was here we didn't play in the lead we're not in a state of mind where they thought they could play any football and we've got a lot of new players trying to change the mentality of the. Coach yes to United all still looking for a 1st league to win of the season the U.S. Had to settle for 2 or draw at Grimsby last night having been a team now up at half time Frank new play and league noise got the goals but head coach Joe McGrath frustrated they couldn't hold on for the win it's cool. You know it has worked at this juncture. The 2nd. We get a penalty away busy just as we can. Give is that injection great awakening rovers have gone top of the North Division as they beat Tilbury to nail to maintain their 100 percent start moved in and Tiptree want to burn wood and carry on and be grazed also make it 2 wins out of 2. Knighted was 6 nail win as while the games between Highbridge and Coco show and wisdom Barry ended all square and in the south central hollow lost but watched them beat one of the England women's money Phil Neville says action needs to be taken by the footballing author it is to tackle the abuse of players on social media never as comments come off the Manchester United midfielder Paul Pogba received racist abuse after he had a penalty saved in his side's one of the draw dwarves on Monday night I'm just focusing really on the social media aspects of what Paul went through my players daily and I think social major is a massive massive part the problem in society that's my that's my take on it and I challenge the kept governing bodies is what can we do as a football community now to waltz policing of social media that's all the sport for now more at the top of the hour but your conversation about Jade Goody imagine if there'd been all that social media then. And the thing is I mean that the fact that there was and as it's come out in the documentary meant you could sell your story and your pictures for magazines for much more money I mean NOW course it's all everybody splashes their lives across Instagram and Twitter and Facebook all the time so there's loads of pictures so funny old world we live in isn't it on your knee and with you until 9. Break 1st. Andy in one piece is B.B.C.'s a. Yes we really do talk about the range of things on the break for show including . Would you like to check in all of the big. Deficit chicken imagining working for them go a ways yeah what they're doing is not what would I get from a putting. One of those little chocolate brownies in a new system spending the free to buy them at the putting when you go on the fly used to quite like a lost world problem. But I don't often do long haul these days and you don't get it but I used to quite like that I love that you're you for a day out silly at we we're not just talking about flying we're actually talking about islands there's been a lot about islands in the news over the last few days one in particular Iraq that large island called Greenland off to President Donald Trump decided he quite fancy the idea of bullying it says lots of things that he might be interested in like. Other minerals and things apparently in America have tried to do it before the ID number it's. The 1st time to try to buy green it's it's all coming out again you know yeah it's just going to. Denmark have said no because Greenland is an autonomous Danish territory Denmark and said No I'm lazy This is. The setting and the light is being present Trump says long not coming to Denmark for a state visit next month now. I don't know how I don't want time to voice he said in interviews how you say no interest in case you need to worry about that so with thinking about the islands not necessarily just Greenland though I don't think we've found anyone who's plane to Greenland ice a cause of 3 but if you have got another favor Island to mention many of them seem to be warm and sunny don't like $100.00 trip or 140414 example and he says he's been to the Seychelles and. Wendy lovely family genocide and Mike Cinco Chester Good morning Mike good. Zani and I my Even in all places around the world waiting to tell us about Ireland's welcome just wish but others had taken their ways just to today oh of course she can you just have the most pressing yesterday to host. The hotel so we acquired trips around the world so this is the. Story subs 3030 so. AROUND THE WORLD out of love What did she think of that as a present Did she like it there was. This one from. Any from an island any from an island that you visited Mike just a few hours just to come on or just a quick little so the arms would be. Stocked up 2020 say well I don't know if we're going to have tons of guys through all of the mike so we just the best. Leader Ponyo on the still talk about. The jungle. One story. It's not terrible they are picturing your left knee in the jungle so the bullet is on the trunk by the old lady's Well the right need I can't oh no no no don't you still have just left me united I thank you for that clarification very important that So Bony are you like so you. Know why oh you. Know why. Oh my goodness not sounds rather dramatic to see climate Eros in Hawaii because he hides from Hawaii just up the grasses go. Thank you so Hawaii him but when E.O. a Couple nice ones there Chris is from Rai Good morning Chris so it just cracked up when somebody gave a pregnant. Lady that's a very good boyfriend I mean I have been known to you know take the soap with you when you've gone to a hotel and you pass about isn't it Paul and then you use so many get home and it saves you money. I think so I don't mind of you being CHRIS Oh well like OK So somewhere exotic and very quiet I choose having a starving. Oh yeah us are very nice things almost one of the largest songs off the coast is any sort of force on the biggest part of the English coast. Yes we know he's a priest and pretty something yeah the scenery is meant to be peaceful from found a silent isn't it if you really some spot is especially a time when you can only get out there once I think once a month on the Sunday so Sunday the month between right in October you can go to Heritage Center but it's owned by the Ministry of Defense so I think you have to you have to sign in to get across to go across to send it well worth a visit and of course Wallasey Island I mean are Jody from your Essex was on Wallasey yesterday recording for a future show but have you been to Wallasey Chris or subsidies and never got the burgers which is extended to all the schools of course. It's gorgeous and you know but for the protection of the current Yeah it's fabulous may Clagett planetoid Army joint sacrifice nitrate or Twitter icon of noches do it like that social media isn't Twitter as you sleep if your birth or child tell us a bird need to a car show live you know we personally feel that program well if you will come in with a feather. But we don't let my Our behind that are any more islands that you want to share with us that you have visited we've had quite a mix from the likes of found S. Island heats of the Isle of Man Gibraltar Puerto Rico Solutia Fraser Island off Australia or Chris who need G I can't remember if that was how we pronounce it it's a home from a Shia very fancy F. An island off Mumbai we had somebody went to India for a holiday and then went on an excursion to Elephant Island any others you want to tell us about Bob says on the text Good morning I've been to the Isle of Dogs a standard not good for you I went to the Olive Sheppey earlier in the year I was training on the ALU shopping can never been there I haven't been there. We will go to more of your island messages before the end of the program a promise but we must just quickly mention the invisible concrete cycling divider which was in Devereaux road in Southend it was the subject of our brain teaser earlier we sent Richard Smith to investigate it's this funny little piece of road which some people are saying is dangerous because you don't see the curb because it is an invisible cycle lane divider Southend according to Sally have similar cycle lane dividers in the pedestrian area by the council offices rushing home from the 1st day of a new job in Southend I fell down one I managed to recover myself telling the helpful people who came to my rescue that I was fine and I drove home to mold and but then my partner promptly took me to any and I found I broke my elbow out not the best start to a new job says Sally No that's not good at all if you have any other experiences you want to share or you are aware of this invisible concrete Smikle lane divider. Easy for us to cite as raising the tone that doesn't work within our own to be careful it's not rude is it that we haven't checked concrete sides like little lane divided or equal because of the whole reason because it. Doesn't make any easier to say when we do it that way islands if you get in touch but islands he visited on our e-mail which is Benson at B.B.C. To take any malice any time day from Pretty Ricky Good morning to you he's a mouse a lovely subject been to motor 31 tone I just love it 31 times that's a lot of love for Malta nicest Island Dave says is would be Island I hope I've said that correctly which is just off the coast of Seattle in Washington State stunning apparently says Dave it will be the I bet that is actually pats on the subject of islands patent Chelmsford says Cyprus Minorca May your car I be ther Isle of Wight Crete roads cool food mercy Gran Canaria Tenerife learns a rotter you seem to like islands for holidays great places says pats on the email got another one just coming from Derek as well he's visited Penang Singapore Hong Kong Sardinia Crete May your car Isle of Wight and Cam me your car. One of my 1st holidays abroad many years ago has been Yorker but from coaches visited St Kilda and sailed around rock all but to. But too rough to land now that's a shame venture we made our way home to Tulsa brewery says Bob So he's been sailing around some island it's very good and I've been to. Oh do I learned which is the biggest in the Persian Gulf Yes I really want. A lovely hot oil and in the motion golf beginning with Q If we were doing an 8 a set of islands I mean that would be in the queue sorted out being a very rare letter Thank you Ben 3 if you're texting stuck to a message with the word Essex. News from B.B.C. Essex and the time is 14 minutes to 9 let's get the travel news now B.B.C.'s X. With Russell holding all the latest on the M 25 has been very busy all morning thanks to a breakdown earlier the breakdown was actually further along between junctions 25 and 24 from the Potters Bar The delays are further back people still waiting to get going part way between 27 and 26 so much of the way really from the 11 to Waltham Abbey still looking very busy but it clears port $26.00 while still it is East a lot the further along towards the BART way between the half way to 20 $5.24 from the A 10 to Potters Bar it starts to look so in patches on to around $23.00 for the A one south Mimms possibly 11 still it's a bit slow for the down towards the North Circular in Loughton the I want to one high road closed because of the burst water main bus route 2167 and 397 having to divert as a result of that 25 clockwise is looking pretty slow at junctions 381331 West thorax are going towards the bridge to laze coming in the approach to the Army Navy roundabout mostly the bad old by pass quite a stretch as a good 3rd of the way back to the A 12 slight delay on the road and Prince's road approaches where the flyover remains closed and the A for one for having a way from Chelmsford towards Danbury there's a bit looks quite slow approaching the well Lane junction both directions but mostly towards Danbury where we're seeing the. Delays right now along that stretch it's also been pretty on rocks well road in chance or because of road works and apart from that there was a report of an accident on Rory Lane in Reilley the next update is in half an hour Keeping you informed when it masses B.B.C.'s extravagant. Good morning it's Wednesday morning with on your knee and still 9 and then it Saidee up next 9 till 12 Take me through to lunch time on Wednesday cuppa things she's going to be talking about today taking calls on people who make a decision not to have children Kathy Burke the comedian says she has no regrets about not starting a family have you made a similar decision and how do you feel about that she's going to be talking about on her show today also talking about how going for a bargain are you an excellent How girl or or do you find it quite awkward aspirates generally tend to find it quite awkward don't we but I do when I'm on holiday I do like a bit of a haggle I get into the spirit of it you know and often with a battering over like a few pennies you can see experience Yeah but I feel sorry for people as I like it's only a few pence OK. That's a bank holiday Monday Bank Holiday Monday of course highlights include live soul request show on B.B.C. Essex with John Leech from 4 o'clock be fun and games with Alex Lester from 2 and around midday there's a special program marking the anniversary of the modern rockers clash on South empiria a special on that modern rockers cellphone pier those memories at midday on Bank Holiday Monday we're going to try and get to as many Island calls texts and emails as we can in the next 11 minutes on the program so let's say hello to Viv's John and Joe C. Hello to all of you hello. Even Stanford lite let's start with you where have you been so I didn't actually look at apply but I just thought years ago this month we . The flight took a kind of death and a man was taken ill on the flight and I had to live and on back to an island which is on Greenland not one part of the Hudson River thing and it was in a new way to my seat I magine a great big blind I'm not sure what was but a big Well good to be kind kind of and I had to get the. A list you know one of the how I lift things to lift it up to up to the plane and to get the mind off and then when a power we've been spotted sitting there watching on the plane all the Innuit people were coming down from the village to look at the plight because it was such a big one when I went to take off I had to get in touch with land and find that much fuel to Jackson's jets and that's what I call a. Jet today. You know what a night when we went to take off I had to have the front door of the plane and so that I could watch the width of the van why because it was a little Tell me why not nice big plane and I went down to the end to and close the door when I took off we went bullish flight you need a lot of others it was obviously it was it was the 1st flight most or if I'm ever been on a kind sigh up into back you know I look at about on my lips preacher I'm I'm sorry wow yeah I was I think a couple of months life so they I think that was one of the boys from tyke that one of the row family was on the plane sloth got a smaller plane which also it's a line there that's available I know you don't just have to look at it online culture much 16 to read that. Looks very stunning actually passing on and great stories from the fact Milo drama that Jones unlikely Hi John Where have you visited morning he takes you out is going to see the beautiful scenery found stunning organ of Great Britain by simply and also. A lot of movies seem even more broad group going to be on the new. The next couple of days oh nothing on the whole island well with we found we did a long distance actually while you all share overseeing leg snow in one god yeah yeah we're going to church through the arms is silly and you know I can't deal with the Arlen's ingests we've got really into the into the wall brilliant what a great project Well good luck and send us some pictures of your walk around here love Mazzy just seething cracked and moaning just a good lonely man what did you bring some made just just as exotic to kill a man. And what did you go to hang Cleo island for on the Chinese coast but not company time and I just bought my previous company and so go and get the Chinese A.T.M. Late and I ain't said we left the hotel a nice hotel was clicked the local pop and the popular have an e only. That's your biting memory of him. He's a member of. The 2nd No I think that's the MO is. If you really thank you Joe Clapton he's going to play Arlen to the pump didn't have any ice when it comes to me some of the stick in your mind when you visit certain places Louise is in great co not and is a 1st time cola highlighting the ways Good morning tea about. Welcome to the back to show what you want to tell us. So summarily time. Last year lovely lovely lovely place 1st time down to Asia and 1st time doing a connecting flight which terrified the life out of May but that all worked well but like luggage ended up going to Bangkok instead of coast Samoa a. Solid lights are on but we got there at the end of the. Half and it was wonderful Well I suppose you only need to pick a new you. Don't need a lot of luck only I've got some stuff in the hand like Agent for that razor. Yes very. Lovely Thailand is a beautiful place thank you for calling Louise make sure you give us another cold as well as got a cult just announced Sue is there good morning see good morning bed and good morning everybody which islands if you visited the stunning mall the Nastia who made you want to go to the beautiful white powdery sand beaches of the mall. I guess saying that you know on T.V. And so on and the islands are sinking into the say so I thought only before they disappear. Yes On a serious no there is a lot of talk around I've but I went there quite a few years ago to one of the authors of the motif and it is quite something and you didn't know likely that's like it yeah well yeah it's just the fact that you know there's hundreds of violence every little island has a hotel on it and there's no roads there's no shops these There's nothing to do as such but you go snorkeling and fishing and out to see the the shops and the tortoises or the turtles and things. And you just lazing around and have a really chilled out time. Yeah before sounds of course you have to say exactly same the one we stayed on you don't have to wear shoes because all the restaurants and everything is just the floor is sad and also we just don't wear shoes there's no cash to worry but obviously you do have to pay for everything they just give you a bill at the end of. Term and then. You don't have to worry about so much stuff so thank you so nice to hear from you as well quite a few texts to get through Sam says the island of St Michael's Mount off the coast of Cornwall when the tide is out you go across on a big tractor lovely castle and views that sounds really nice does Carol says my significant other half and I have been to paradise island in the Bahamas My cousin lives there Madge and there's your address Paradise Island We also stayed on to Haiti in Fiji barley so that a nice little collection there Carol in the whole bridge thank you another Carol on Twitter at B.B.C. Essex hands on Twitter to say up into the Isle of Wight Alex in Burnham on Crouch says the Bahamas very nice another shot of the Palmers Capri and Penang in Malaysia Hazel from Langdon says Ellis Island off New York is at the on the Statue of Liberty's on was at the let's call a pretty island Yeah you're right there is now and then there's Coney Island isn't there and you can visit. Where to start Staten Island Yeah it's very very has done that the free hairy that takes you right past the Statue of Liberty thank you so thanks Hazel Ellis Island of New York thank you very much we stayed in well it's spelt K R K But it's pronounced Kirk on the island of Kirk then in Yugoslavia now Croatia beautiful scenery says Mike and Sheila but every meal included big Truett Well I would never properly like to go to bed like that every. Day would point clear good morning to you does the Isle of Sheppey count says Absolutely it does say we've. I wanted it one of the world's most beautiful islands is bunk and I think we've said that Roy or hope I've said it right which is off the south coast of Barly sparsely populated We stayed in one of the only 8 round grass huts built on stilts on a glorious beach lapped by crystal clear waters only one other hut was occupied when we stayed it was a real Robinson Crusoe experience says Chris on the text doesn't sound very lovely and it curious island of Jersey says Gorton in a sort that's another I haven't done the all Channel Islands go to get home or got a lot to do at least stuff this isn't it thank you for all of you cause we've been dreaming about the islands today it really has been lovely take a look at the weather forecast before say the 9 joins us and is Lucy coming or not she's on her Why should we wait for her we can mention that it's Facebook Friday coming up very soon so Ben is the 1st name some S I N is the sign I'm find us on Facebook friend request as you can see pictures and videos of what we get up to in the studio and beyond and guess what if you from request us this week you'll get your name right out on the radio on Friday just before the end of the show let's get the weather now on B.B.C. Essex with Lucy Martin hello good morning over the next few days high pressure will build drag in some warmer air so we are going to start to see the temperatures picking up over the next few days getting into the high twenty's through the Bank Holiday weekend through the day today it's looking like it will be dry and fine for most with some sunshine and perhaps a bit of the other cloud bubbling up chance of catching the odd isolated shower but most people say a dry day with highs of $22.00 degrees Celsius in a south westerly breeze overnight tonight temperatures falling to a minimum of 9 to 12 degrees Celsius there be some clear spells and then tomorrow brings another day of sunny spells and one or 2 isolated showers temperatures and a maximum of 24 degrees Celsius the. Touch up on what we're looking at today and then its hands will Misto through Friday and into the bank holiday weekend now if you're unsure what is forecast wind westerly backing southerly 3 to 5 visibility good weather fat sea states made or slight and the tide times for today the next high tide in heritage is 3 minutes to 4 to height of 3.8 meets says West Mazzy it's at 24 minutes past 4 at a height of 4.8 meters and Southend It's 11 minutes to 5 at the height of $5.00 metres that's the focused. On twenty's for the bank holiday we'll take some of that we will see you tomorrow from 6 of the breakfast show on B.B.C. Essex Up next inside a 9 Thanks very much indeed will be live at a children's playground in Rochford as it through the 16 sites in the district will be given a maid with a 1000000 pounds worth of funding. Did her go for a bargain do you only on holiday what about at home parent you have of those find it too awkward to even raise a subject or price when buying something but in the 1st hour of the show argue like you who's on being a child a furry Kathy Burke says she doesn't regret her decision not to have kids and says she's fine with being selfish but what about you. Is B.B.C.'s. 9 o'clock so give me a cool place did you decide not to have children and to people who you so fish or sad 0800 trouble 14421 taking your calls on that after the B.B.C.'s 6 news mail it clear Sawyer Good morning and Asics man arrested on suspicion of murder remains in hospital police were called to great selling neighboring tree on Monday afternoon Tim get reports from B.B.C. Essex officers were called of a house on the street short. Before 225 they had received reports of concern for the welfare of a 41 year old woman should suffered stab wounds and was unconscious she died at the scene a 42 year old man was arrested on suspicion of murder he was taken to hospital after becoming unwell and remains in hospital as exe police have a new in their appeal to try and find a missing a 13 year old boy Alston disappeared on July the 10th but extensive inquiries have failed to locate him police say they've received a number of sightings and believe he is in the area and being helped to stay missing by people he shouldn't be with. Donald Trump has cancelled a visit to Denmark because of the Danish Prime Minister's refusal to discuss selling green and to the USA The president said it met a Frederickson directness and saved him a lot of time and money who is the editor of Greenland's national newspaper he says America is trying to get its hands on the island's natural resources we are movers and we used a special well rare earth elements that China has been knocked off the last one is further trading away between China United search go on there are rare earth elements will just fall where you. The Conservative Party says that the chairman the M.P. Braintree James Cleverley was involved in a minor accident with another cold Friday and issue a statement given to the B.B.C. The party said the matter is now being dealt with by mistake level is insurance company. The final episode of a documentary series about the life of Jade Goody is to end on Channel 4 this evening the reality star who made her name on big brother died at a home in 4041. And also be looking for a playground memories as Rochford gets 1000000 pounds in funding to oval sites in the area will be larger than one later on in the program we'll be asking you for your playground stories. What were they like and what did you cool those things you went on I mentioned to the team that we had the cheese cutter and the panda they didn't know what I was talking about. But I'm reading articles where they you and your partner have decided to be childfree and I'm not really talking about those people you would love to start a family and come to the You're very welcome to get involved of course I'm talking about those of you who actively made a decision not to have any children the comedienne Kathy Burke has been talking about it in a documentary on Channel 4 saying that she has no regrets about not having kids and doesn't have a problem with being selfish in that regard so what about you. Do you regret your decision not to have children or was it the best choice you have a madman allowed you to live your life with more freedom more money more choice. And just yesterday in the paper they were saying the actually. People are more happy when the children have left time and they can just enjoy them as I don't friends has that happen to you when are you jealous now of those who have these lovely adults who come to visit every time you look after them in the eye each. Of you don't fancy having the children running around 0800 trouble 14041 was it a decision you made and did you make the right decision if you're listening to say the 9. 08. 100 triple 14041 text 6 to 81 triples or a tweet tweet 6 days is B.B.C.'s akes. Classic you Duran Duran fans now to kick it up hungry like a wolf. In. The suburbs. With. A plan. To move closer. To our. Planet.