Dept any request to extradite Julian songs to Sweden to face rape and sex assault allegations that the founder of Wiki Leaks who or is arrested in London 2 days ago is also wanted in the U.S. And historian believes he's pinpointed the location of the London home where William Shakespeare wrote much love works including A Midsummer Night's Dream Geoffrey Marsh claims the Bard took up residence next to sent Helen's church in Bishopsgate much earlier than was previously thought and finally a record by chance and Dave is the hot release collectors are after on today's Independent Record Store Day Margate which was 1st released in 1902 has been reissued on a 7 inch picture disc with 2 other tracks Chaz Hodges died in September record collectors have been queuing at record shop since the early hours and owner of fives in Leon's CD Sandra Bennett says Chason Dave is the one everyone wants a friend was right about so it was up to people through this they were like I'm here even the younger people I mean by 8 o'clock I would hope you had cut them and then I'm just not coming in. B.B.C.'s 6 the news sits coming up to 5 minutes past 8 let me tell you this though Bruno Mars who we played earlier for our space thingy right what's the real name is because he's not Bruno Mars and he is actually quite cool name and it makes me think well why did he change it I think his 1st name is Bruno but oh no no no no that's the thing none of it's real like Sir Elton John that's not his real name is it has me life isn't he what's But what's what's Elton John's fake middle name. Hercules Yes he's circulator Peter Jean HERNANDEZ I would never of No No I prefer Bruno Mars Yeah I think you're right on this. Is Chris barrow on B.B.C.'s akes. So they're on the show today we are talking about songs to do with space Bruno Mars is a great thought thank you for thinking laterally and the other suggestions 0800 triple 14041 we'll get to them shortly but now we'll start with a quotation here now it's time to save the planet as we all know there is no planet B. These are the words of the actress Dame Emma Thompson ahead of what looks likely to be a huge demonstration in central London on Monday demanding that the government do something to combat climate change activists from the group extinction rebellion are going to be walking from around the country in the same bling kind of high profile locations like Marble Arch Oxford Circus places like that that they basically want to cause disruption but peacefully. We have severe chain he joins us in our studio now severe thanks for coming in for us that you also talked to Jane Hindley very shortly who's on the line as well so far start with you there just tell us a bit about the idea behind Monday so is it to kind of go to these landmarks and want to stand around to sit down what's the what's the plan for Monday. So the plan is for people across different all regions of the country to come and gather in London across 5 iconic locations including Parliament Square Piccadilly Circus and more to the bridge each one of the locations has a theme for example immortally bridge they're going to be reimagining the garden bridge and so people are bringing along shrubs and plants and it's all about different ideas of where what we can do and how we can tackle the climate ecological crisis as bring in Jane at this point as well Jane thank you for coming on the lines of that and so you're heading out on Monday as well yes I am and what why was it that you wanted to get involved in something like this and to actually kind of take direct action essentially. Well I teach at the University of Essex and I've been studying and researching and teaching about climate change for the last 6 or 7 years and. Very concerned that a lot of people don't have so much awareness about how urgent it is that we you know take measures to change the way we're doing things and it seems to me the government has not been taking any notice of the scientific warnings and we we've had lots of protest. And demonstrations in the path been quite. Well ignored really and so this is a new movement that's really trying to raise awareness. And I just felt really an ethical responsibility to participate. On Monday you'll probably know that London introduce the ultra low emissions out of the MOMA sions I hear mean that cars are essentially now have to pay car member exactly how much easier it is in the region of kind of 101520 quid 1250 I think. To go to London e could say that you know them doing something about climate change and pollution is valid tackling cars there yes well that's the mayor of London's initiative but that's different from the U.K. Government so and the U.K. Government has been you know we really don't need things like a new runway at Heathrow. There's been very little to. Encourage people or to inform people actually about climate change and to change. Basic practice is also to to change our infrastructure so that we can move to a more low carbon economy and society so severe that just tell us as far as your concern is what exactly is it that the government need to be doing you know according to the group according to you what is what is the kind of the main message why is it get rid of the runways I mean of the it's not one thing you can do but what are some of the things that's the big question so I think for a 1000000000 have 3 main demands and one is that the government tell the truth on the urgency of the climate crisis and declare a climate imagine say you can see that creeping around the councils around the U.K. As well and the 2nd one is to pass legally binding targets to reduce carbon emissions drastically in the next 1515 years and the 3rd one is that extinction rebellion isn't saying it has the answers what it's saying is we need to have a national debate in the form of a citizens' assembly and collectively we need to decide so we need grandmothers we need doctors we need. All sorts of people to come together and really understand and absorb the agency of the climate situation and then co-create what the solutions should be a people are going to get on your side if you disrupt London for like 4 days because I know it's not just one day of action it's kind of your planning of the multiple days of actually if you you know let's say I need to get the tree to work and I can't get in or whatever people going to be a pretty annoyed but yeah so by all means. Bicycles feet all very well you can that's fine everyone will get 3 on those forms of transport the idea is that you know I think we have to be careful about. Not being polite has not solved the climate crisis and as much as you know we need the governments to do stuff we all have a role to play in this and so far it isn't working so the idea is that there needs to be a sense of disruption to the behind it that's probably why we're on the radio this morning but an openness about the destructive disruption so hopefully will feature on your traffic rip. And we're going to be respectful and we are assess sensually the messengers just to get that sense of urgency home we've heard from the doctors the prognosis is Bad Guys let's wake up and let's do stuff J.D. Used saying that for multiple days we're just Monday or what's the plan. What I will be staying Monday and Tuesday and then I have to come back to work on Wednesday and then I came back later in the week so we could carry on for a considerable amount of time is that the plan as far as you're concerned so if you do to keep it going Yes So the idea is I have flexibility with my work for the next 2 weeks and Iraq showing up to various London sites across the next 2 weeks and see how the situation evolves you've been going around the world telling people about this as well as not just the U.K. Not just London you've sort of been spreading the word saying this is a big problem that everybody knows about I wish I was that good I when initially with selfish aims to find myself about different cultures but all of that has come to a head on absorbing the P.C.C. Climate change report that came out in October and reading another science paper by Jim Bendel deep adaptation which has been downloaded 100000 times and this is not just me downloading. You know this is really bad and when you sit with that and it's working me up at night it's I've shed tears I really thought what what do I do it forces an existential crisis and you may that was compain be useful and what I found with extinction rebellion is really warm sense of community that I think was lacking you know when I was living in London for example I found my tribe there welcoming that opening with open arms and I want to be part of it and I want to work towards something more hopeful than the situation we're in right now I'm just lucky because I think people do know and I think people do care and your sort of aiming at the government essentially saying that they need to create policies and things and would it be better to go destruct. Government rather than the people getting to work on the cars and see what I mean by that like because because you know you could go to 10 Downing Street for example and kind of Congress out there rather than some of the landmarks that you know tourists and other people where yeah that's true and they're one of the congregations is in Parliament Square and that will have that very political message attached to it but I think it also comes around so this idea that actually the got the part the politicians are going to have all the answers and actually the answers are quite scary you know are we going to have to make some drastic changes and that we need people ready to come to the table and have a discussion about the kind of features I want and that takes everybody you know people who have moved here people who lived here all their lives. You know students academics scientists the homeless you know who haven't we all need to come together and decide what collectively what kind of future we want because it is going to be inconvenient so convenient truth. Is going to be inconvenient and that is the inconvenient truth just a final question about airports and runways and things but you did kind of hint at this at the beginning as well and Jane I ask you this firstly saying that airports and things like that I mean they're a great way of getting around the world but you know they cause a huge amount of pollution there's no real other way though is there I mean the less they build a huge amount of rail infrastructure and more Eurostar it's not going to happen. Well I think there's a lot of blogs anus at the moment about what we're doing and when we actually are poisoning the atmosphere and I think you know people can cut back. I for example happen to know who was taking flight for a day trip you know that kind of flying it's not really it's an absolute luxury. And you know more thoughtfulness into. Policies and practices will really make a huge difference and there are a lot of benefit you know we know. You know how much time. Midge absolution is causing to people would ask and children and so on. They're all for benefits that we will also get and we may find that actually slowing down a little bit and having a kind of more leisure early pace of life will actually benefit everybody then to health and wellbeing and there's all sorts of ways that we can discuss this and this is why this is simply important to follow what you sow fear then what are you hoping to get out of Monday and the coming days after that as well a sense of community a sense that actually there's a lot I think there are a lot of people who kind of know we're not on the right course and I hope that as the days progress more people out of curiosity will come and join us on the street it's going to be fun there's going to be music and we're going to learn a lot and I hope this is the sort of turning a small turning point if we can get the government to listen and more of the general public on open with open is the great thanks for both speak to us today thank you it's a future Jamie Hindley speaking to us on B.B.C. Essex right 60 Minutes passed. From B.B.C.'s akes road so Joe Carter has the latest for us as a looking. Not too bad at the moment compared to earlier Chris we got accident I was talking about in cockleshell earlier on I've just seen the last just being cleared Please report the A 120 looking good on the eastbound side unfortunate we have still got problems on the M 25 clockwise so there's 2 lanes closed on the bridge those emergency repair works still cause and he's taking about 20 minutes to get through that at the moment on the trains all this weekend we've got some engineering works going on meaning that Greater Anglia are going to be running replacement bus services between Shenfield south and Victoria and South and between how much international and how much talent as well as the latest I've got more in half an hour's time keeping you informed when it matters B.B.C. Essex travel. Can you songs the B.B.C.'s 6 Quest Hello it's Eric from the B.B.C. Essex crest on Sunday morning at 9 o'clock we need your help to solve for clues to form mystery places in Essex this week where are you going to be starting from your clue is. Where all the red coats true where in Essex could be. All the red comes missing and they give B.B.C. Essex a cool front page 45 on Sunday morning with your answer for clues to for mystery location listen to the latest edition of the B.B.C.'s inquest on B.B.C. Sounds Chris Spero here then all B.B.C.'s 617 minutes past the hour right now Happy Saturday is the 13th of April so that we heard about that demonstration on Monday just another kind of. Attempts at tackling climate change Aspies is the beginning of a mass movement that demands that we have to clean up our act to survive it's an interesting one isn't it because you know you've got to disrupt things to change opinions but are people going to be annoyed by the disruption and then not want to hear about it Dr Rosie Robison is a lecturer in global sustainability at Chelmsford and the Ruskin University has been speaking about this part of obviously a number of different climate change initiatives that have been getting off the ground recently of serious in the school climate strikes as well and I think it's really people saying look we know we need to do something and we want to show the government that we need to do something quickly and we want you to get on and do it really so is a almost a sense that this is the last generation to be able to do something before this irretrievable damage Yeah I mean I think that a lot of climate change impacts obviously already happening and it's only going to get more and more exacerbated as we continue to kind of increase carbon emissions around the world we need to act as quickly as possible and I think this generation is really sort of getting a little bit frustrated with the lack of political progress in the arena was as a science where sleepwalking to extinction Yeah I mean I think there's a bit of a sense partly that perhaps due to the way that political timescales are set up you know these short 5 year parliaments and so forth and some of the difficult conversations that need to take place around climate change but governments have been repeatedly ignoring the issue and not really giving it the place that it needs on the political stage this is about people saying look we want you to do something and we want you to do it now and they're still asking government to do things when some might say it's in their own hands to do something by the way they live obviously if you're motivated about climate change if you see the issue for what it is then there's an awful lot you can do as an individual for example to reduce your carbon footprint by about HALL But the issue is that even if everybody who is motivated to do that does. These big reductions then there's still so much that is in the hands of our businesses and of our political system because so much of our consumption which is really what is causing climate change is really locked into the way our society operates and without changes that the government and regulation level we are not going to be able to meet the targets that we committed to serve this demonstration as in demonstrations in the past don't work in getting politicians to lead us into policy is do save the planet what do you do well I think there's different road people are individuals and they're able to act in different ways in your own life making changes and sort of setting the example that way that can main campaigning for political change but that can also mean another area that is sometimes overlooked is all rows within the places that we were so an awful lot of resource use is actually down to business in the way that businesses are her race is so your listeners will be employees they will be manages they will be bosses of organizations and thinking about how every organization can take steps towards future proofing themselves making sure that they are not contributing more to this climate crisis really so what would you suggest I do have conversations with family with staff look really carefully about how the operations are running but have a lot of the running get informed about where carbon emissions come from we've seen a lot in the press recently about diet for example so there's a huge amount more awareness about how for the food that we eat impacts on climate change and is the same about getting ourselves informed about all the other aspects of our lives but how severe is it I mean should we be looking at giving up our cause we'll live without centrally heated homes How severe do we need to be with ourselves Well I think everyone's situation is different and it's all about thinking about what aspects are you able to act on and that will be different for everybody but everybody can make substantial changes certainly transpo is an area sort of. Individuals that's around a quarter of our carbon footprint so looking very carefully about things like how we are travelling especially for those shorter distance is perhaps giving up a car and joining a car club thinking about reducing or eliminating slowing where possible there's an awful lot that can be done these are big choices this stuff is into where you've been with how we live our lives this is why it's not easy and this is actually part of the reason why governments have been slow to tackle it because they do recognize on one level that this is about having quite difficult conversations about how we live our lives but people are absolutely doing it and we can see people making these choices and making quite big changes to their lives and being very happy with those changes because they can see that they are acting in a way that is in accordance with what you know they think is right in terms of addressing this issue of climate change do you think it's only when a country is hit by a natural disaster brought about by the effects of global warming or climate change for the government time politicians will set up and take notice and change their policies Well it's a really good point because of course natural disasters when they do happen have a tendency to focus the mind of potentially make change happen more rapidly Of course you don't want to wait for those to happen to be able to make changes but another side of all of this is that we're already seeing the impacts around the world of climate change which are impacting on earth as well climate migration is really increased and this has massive impact so we see our neighboring countries when people are forced to move because the places that they live on inhabitable and the issue there then becomes what does that get attributed to and how are people seen who are affected by that crisis so are we recognizing our role in fact in creating climate migrants and therefore looking to address it or are we still looking to pass blame on to other factors and therefore not take that responsibility. That's Dr Rosie Robertson from Ruskin University speaking to Tim So is that going to convince you to change the way that you live have you heard maybe some of the people who are protesting on Monday before that he worried enough about the feature of the planet to the need not fly on holiday for example think about having a staycation instead. Had one text here saying well why don't we try stopping the hard working people of China or America or India we only country around 2 percent of the world's pollution yet we're one of the leaders trying to cut our emissions they saying it's been less of our problem interesting Paul says our government's taking over car factories they're closing what we produce our own electric cars that would cut down on emissions give some employment as well although we don't think currently electric cars are an affordable yet expensive. Look at them but I get a hybrid I think other than your thoughts always welcome of course as you know on B.B.C. Essex it's one triple 3 to text us Southern message Essex or to call 0800 triple 14041 let's go back to the jukebox then songs that been suggested further picture of the 1st ever black hole imagery thing we've seen it if you've seen it yet you should check it out it's kind of a bit blurry. Looks a bit like if I'd taken a picture of it. And says if you want to song that works what about walking on the moon from the police. Very spacey it's on right now. Michael says back on Chris. Might try howling in a black hole to howl at the moon you can do that like. I definitely thought they said thank you. The time for a few more on the show in the jukebox today. Some about space. Not moving very clear very clear up until. Planets though that's fine by us. Geoff Wayne is not acceptable I think that kind of is exceptional to be honest with you it's called the right feel to you know the end the world. Planets aliens stuff like however the alien suggestions it. Opened a whole new can of worms that's good as if you want to get involved in 0800 triple 14841 it's to do with the black hole that's been imaged in pictured for the 1st time during the week but I think that's really you know we might have some pretty much free for example if that's on the way pretty soon I'm looking for that one other 830. This is D.C.'s A S C I was looking at the news and sport stuff like that his team get thank you Chris good morning the mother of Deacon Appleby from Kent who has epilepsy and 300 seizures a day says she's overjoyed she can now treat her daughter with cannabis oil and Appleby was stopped last Saturday at Southend airport and the oil confiscated as she arrived from the Netherlands but the health secretary has told her it will be returned after specialist doctors agreed a prescription Essex fine Rescue Service is urging people to check their smoke alarms following a blaze in West Cliff which has left a family homeless The blaze broke out in a bedroom of the property in Bruton Avenue yesterday lunchtime Southend Council has revealed its applying for a blue flag for sea front Lagoon just days after claims in a local paper but the water in it was stagnant and slimy the lagoon has strong thousands of visitors since it was installed at 3 shells beach 3 years ago Chason days it is the unlikely record collectors seem to be after. On Independent Record Store Day record buffs have been queuing since the early hours shops in Essex and around the country and the owner of fives in Leon's seat Sandra Bennett says Margate which is being released on a picture disc is top of many people's want lists sport now and cricket Essex will look to continue their fight back against sorry when their county championship match resumes on day 3 of the oval down Lawrence's 87 not out in their 1st innings of 20244193 runs behind the home side Lawrence says there's a long way to go important to talk about small steps and just try and get up there score however long it takes not look too far ahead in the game obviously if mean to know can get parts its coverage you never know we could have a crack in with a bull in them a billet which I saw on the last day we've got the results of qualifying for the Formula One race coming up so if you don't want to hear it switch me off for about 4 minutes 14 time major champion Tiger Woods is just one shot off the lead the halfway stage of the Masters at Augusta he's 6 under par one shot behind a group of 5 leaders which includes the Open champion Francesco Molinari Here's here in CARTER No fewer than 28 players within 4 strokes of the lead of this thrilling masters and for the 1st time as many as 5 share the halfway lead not only that their all season major champions yet their headlights around the man who looks what struck behind Tiger Woods after a 68 it was he was nearly injured by a slight marshal on the 14th woods trails Francesco Molinari Jason Day Brooks Kepcher Louis used Hazen and Adam Scott with Ian Poulter the leading Briton 2 strokes off the pace to football now in Southend United manager Kevin Bond says he has no points total in mind to guide the blues to League One safety they host fellow strugglers Wickham wondrous today having dropped into the relegation zone this week Bond says setting targets is. Dangerous it's all architects really don't mean anything they don't want to know just one win and if we don't we want to win you games get us out meanwhile cultures to United had to lead to crisis club Erebus afternoon knowing their playoff hopes are in the balance the use of 2 points short of the top 7 Barry have financial issues and avoided a winding up petition in the week coaches to head coach John McGreal so they can't be distracted by a battle matter what happens of late and what's going on beyond the scenes of we've got to look after ourselves with threats always it's going to be what we try and what style of play be implementable the game for Spurs could go 3rd in the Premier League with a win over relegated others filled town at lunchtime and Manchester United could go fer 5th they beat West Ham United in the evening game and Chelmsford city good secure their national South playoff place with a win today they're up against 2nd place Woking parts of battle plan speller looks ahead Chelmsford have been a virtual ever present in the top 7 this season and look odds on to make the playoffs but 2 league defeats and losing the B.B.C.'s 6 Senior Cup final in midweek have left boss Rod Stringer demanding more from his players are given the ownership of what I wanted through the season and at the moment Bob boys are extended out well to test quite alarming Concord Rangers can climb into the top 7 with a win over Oxford City as can Bill Ricky with victory at Gloucester although there Willis in 7 games a stark one the Senior Cup on Tuesday but a 4 points from safety as John Coventry side host bottom side Weston super Mare we haven't given up because we know it's possibly still in our aims hollow are likely to need 4 wins from 4 to stand any chance of avoiding relegation from the Bostic premier as they visit Bogner while brightening see aren't Burgess Hill bust ignore champions Bowers and Pitzi go for a 15th straight win at Felixstowe play of qualifiers Highbridge and Eva Lee come face to face while a win for Hubbard sports Ilford would secure them the Essex senior league title if Stansted fail to beat Redbridge rugby union. Westcliff is still in with a chance of winning the London and South East premiere or sealing a promotion play off place on the final day of legal action they must win a Dorking and then hope to be the Sutton absent more Wimbledon slip up his their director of rugby read contemplating a temptation to be distracted by the end of the day you can't control anything that's happening anywhere else will play out I meant some thoughts go see what it's supposed finally the F one news and world champion Lewis Hamilton was quickest in qualifying during the Chinese drum in Shanghai Q 2 session his Mercedes team mate Valtteri Bottas was 2nd with the final part of the session yet to take place as the sport more as it breaks on B.B.C. Essex I'm just enjoying the fact that you have a new catchphrase now I was listening everybody this is seems you catchphrase switch me off for about 4 minutes. Just as almost magical. Is crisper. Sakes. Thank you same for the news and the sports goodness me we're getting away with it today are getting away with it just about 24 minutes left apparently I'm coming back next week that's still the plan will say right there let's go to our next request in the jukebox thank you so much for sending for the black hole actually Trey is a genius and let's think laterally here anything by Freddie Mercury if you want the space the mercury so you're a genius Well I'll tell you what we're going to do this one 1st because we want to rock N roll. It's clean and so cold. I. Michael from great wealth agrees with the sentiment as well he also suggested a song for the super massive black hole 40000000000 kilometers across described by scientists as a monster he says it could be giants why not Calvin Harris and I. Told . You. Show. Me. The way on the me. I'm going to shake in the. Shape. Of. Calvin Harris with a rubber glove and that is Johnny I'm holding massive. Elisabet in cultist. Enjoying the cool yes sorry to say you have a nice voice so thank you. Posts about anything but nothing for me. With. Mike in bed please as well all of a. Kiss on my list. What else should we. Go by public service programs of thanks. Go go go. Ronnie and Leon see wanted carpenters as well with calling occupants of interplanetary craft it's lined up but it's a very good 7 minute version so I think going to run out of time the Starship Troopers been suggested as well actually by a few people Sarah Brightman lost my heart to a starship trooper thank you and sorry for that one you're also wanting calling occupants a no no no we don't have loads of time we are going to place or else a job I think is one of the team choices but also found a few requests for this one as well Rocket Man is on the way after we check on the road. From B.B.C.'s. Cheers guys let's start with him 25 clockwise still got those 2 lanes closed on the bridge to the emergency repair works causing Hughes in the area at the moment taking about 20 minutes to travel through there on the North Circular we've got some problems on the southbound side southbound it's partially blocked just at the junction of the AN 11 junction for there where there's been an accident now I can see emergency services have just arrived at the scene so of course I will keep you updated on that on the trains all this weekend we got some plans engineering works going on causing some problems to Greater Anglia services they're running replacement buses between Shenfield South America area and south and between how rich international and how rich town as well that's the latest in next updates in 30 minutes on keeping you informed when it masses B.B.C.'s extravagant. Every day we play great music. We play great music. Because B.B.C.'s. Flight. 00. 0 Month. Sloan. Such. Just. So Elton John you discussed his middle name earlier Hercules unbelievable Weisel created a course in Rocket Man and ovarian Rocket Man Ray Clark joins me now if you look at John Key days don't go breaking my heart I love that song you look at the credits is Orson carte blanche is it really who wrote the song that you were talking about middle day when different names that he used who thought me something as beautiful as that was written by a bloke from Middlesex in Lincolnshire it's ridiculous isn't it will Bernie Taupin I mean you know you know the myth the legend he was a fisherman's son apparently. Available today for Record Store Day you can get his I think is a performance in Russia or something from some C. So he's around you know seen Russian I mean he's not one of the. Back when so that was you know if you didn't see it as it's not that rock it. Was about the different well we'll be touching a bit more on Independent Record Store Day we'll let we'll check in again with the record store and see what the people are just turning out which is something you hear about on the on the radio or read in the newspaper where people are actually buying records today that the strangest thing you've ever bought or sold somebody is flogging a former Concorde engine although yeah I have to detail as a ritual but it's as expensive the ability of the city's nearly a 1000000. Now know you just say won't fly so I suppose that's the scrap prices but they're suggesting that you know you might want to use it as an art installation so I just got thinking What's the strangest thing you've ever bought or sold or perhaps it was your job you sell strange things or for that matter buy strange things I love it though the strange thing that we bought for this evening is something called tipple tower which is basically Jenga But when you pull the brick out it's got you have to have one shot to shot so it's got your your full fare on the brakes that's this evening's entertainment apparently Well yes and after about half an hour you don't remember what you're supposed to do. So the strangest thing you've ever bought or sold and bought limbs Blessitt 83 years old today out to escape this this day in 1936 in Clacton we had a balanced 1382 years later until 1903 but did you do Butlins did you work at Butlins were you were redcoats could you would be one of those big saws but it Nominee some of them get away with singing about fried chicken and making it sound good although having said that Queen also at the end of one vision they do sing fried chicken saying Actually that's 2 fried chicken make it makes one week it could happen it could happen Brian in Langham has been on as well with reference to teams new catch phrase here which me off for about 4 minutes he says no no no we don't we keep you warm for 13 hours Well there we go Brian thanks very much indeed he also says you could play a hole in my shoes why not Sadly we're out of time for tune. But we do also have a suggestion penny and Charles would say What about clouds across the moon by the rock band and Moonwalker over the rainbow so you suggested as well thank you that Deep Purple Black Knight from Tim in Chelsea Yeah or wish we hadn't had time for that at least he's got the latest in the skies I was looking out there and I get more yes it is sad that a very cold at the moment we got some sunshine and we made to see one of the showers develop a bit later on the soft But yes been a cold and frosty start the temperature already quite late today highs any of 77 to 9 degree Celsius watch out for a little bit of wet weather I think most places will stay dry but they could be some showers developing a bit later on in there will be more cloud around later on the softer Nina we're seeing at the moment I've been ait's nights cold and frosty temperatures will dip down as low as parts minus one minus 2 degree Celsius since tomorrow morning but tomorrow ever so slightly milder we still get the chilly north easterly wind it should stay dry tomorrow and there will be some sunshine in the morning but probably causing a bit once more as we head through the off to me but temperatures that climb next week with a below average temperatures for this time of year to above average temperatures certainly by the time gets Good Friday could be up as high as perhaps 18 or 19 degrees it should be nice when it quit look at the end shows the way into north easterly 4 or 5 occasionally 3 at 1st an increasing 6 seats a slight or moderate weather showers visibility good occasionally moderate next titled heritage 835845008915.7 meters that's the full cost and Thank you Lizzie you guys like. Chris Barrow I will see you next week at the same time very excited that this is a team gets and lowered all production for B.B.C. Essex. That still with me. Is B.B.C.'s is. On the way the now to get it has the latest news Chris thank you good morning health secretary Matt Hancock says he's happy but a mother from Kansas had cannabis oil returned to her after it was confiscated at Southend airport will be had brought the consignment in from Holland last Saturday morning is for her severely epileptic daughter Teagan who has 300 seizures a day the oil has to be returned after her mother.