a good deal annoying. And I want to you know what you probably one major hand this morning 9 give me a rhyme it's not my hometown in comparison to last week it was almost tropical. But i even if you want to. Let me tell you it's. Just a bloke on the right. Welcome to News free zone on the radio between 4 and 6 every weekday morning on Robin this is the only wobble nothing nothing but silliness really here see Rex in a bit on the Etta James which I saw which I heard samosa point yesterday last night whilst watching a lot of the my favorite t.v. Shows can guess so I show next a quiz or anything like that but I'll play in a bit anyway what I have got going on is as all the different version of The Price is Right I'll explain more in just a 2nd Sonny what's in the bin fry they'll be here from 6 the Smalling with all the news you need the company with of course the lovely Jodie Alford We have cited 9 from 9 o'clock here on b.b.c. Essex she's got the idea of Essex music going down right now and it's a corker today. I'll let you fill in the blank Tony Fisher is here the softer news no more thanks and good thank you. Tony Fisher Yeah he's that bloke comes right. Yes the years absolutely yes the softer name Oh to be guess at the same time actresses Juliet Stevenson and Leo Williams Talking about their new roles in a man reste units and there's a wine tribute coming to town very soon the details of Tony from 12 o'clock the day's long showing Well that's going to go I called days monk in charge of it however it isn't here from 4 o'clock this afternoon. So that's the rest of the day for you on down but if you want to accompany for the next 1015 minutes or so. I'm going to comic going on kind of the nation of The Price is Right which I've said you know in the last hour if anyone's listening is into t.v. And wants to remake it. I'm your man as a chap All right Rob Don't jelly. My only condition is that we ask the same stupid questions but they used to ask in the ninety's for example the worship on the on the go the moment and this was a genuine poll apparently. We asked 100 miles strippers who do you consider yourself an exhibitionist. And what was the answer. To both. 7070 hours of a 100 miles to consider themselves to be exhibitionists That's outrageous. To wobble From Janny Hu 302-4841 when it's p.c. To see text makes 1373 and start your message with a p.c. . So as question so I don't question 3 here it is just 100 game show contestants did you buy new clothes to wear on the. Rights 100 game show contestants did you buy new clothes to go on the show did you buy new clothes to appear on the show on. Target so at 100 going show contestants how many bought new clothes to appear on the show you'll get these plays 81 trouble free start message with the word Essex You can follow me feel like 3024041 or just shout at the radio as fine by me as well no problem whatsoever if you have a quick stretch in the middle didn t. Rex good idea after 3 everything between the toes in the nose 123. Oh. She's now. She's about. To. Treat just. Such a. Case for us to. Stop. She's fun to. See. Such. Which is the 1st letter of this. Country question something breaks. Yeah. I'm here all week. Is B.B.C.'s exist. But I'm. Part of this quarter past 4. B.c. And 6 travel deary me is one of those Ra is pretty quiet on the roads this morning but just to let you know the Danbury a 414 section for Danbury still closed because of the burst water main roads collapse there between the eaves corner and the bell van the co-op. Supermarket their buses are being diverted of course so are other vehicles as well so just bear that in mind if you're heading down Bray at some point today and I'm seeing a little report of no service on the d.l. All this morning the same bank in Poplar between Tel gateway and Canary Wharf truckful West ferry in case use it just in case otherwise I can't see anything else wrong with the roads or the rails which is good news but if you spot anything you want to do you good deed for the day nice and early 03024041 let me know what you spotted. Keeping you informed when it matters b.d.c. Essex travel. Affectionately known as Benson they are here on breakfast from 6. B.c. Essex there are concerns more of new people are getting ill on cruise ships if you get it through the cruise if you come to the medical stuff we tell you to stay in your cabin if you get into. They really don't care we're told because the ship is coming into our morning it's turning red tomatoes when he was by 10 o'clock think you know you can ring for anything. I think we could have the food a. Great. Deal but. We would. Have. They see that's what worries me I get quite seasick even on the film scene at Mercy crab legs back 1st with Sonia once in Bend for Monday to Friday from 6 am phone B.B.C.'s exam. Room jes this is the b.b.c. Essex. Anyone fancy a slow dawn. A late is fine you're Ok fair enough. Don't another one Unca. Believe me when I say this but that song was in an episode of The Soprano's I was watching. At the Jenkins and at last 22 minutes past 5 It's Tuesday the 6th of March. And this is my favorite fill. This is the an old conventional radio. We don't even do any new. Thank you. Thank. You thank. You it's. Cut cut cut. Cut cut. Cut. Cut cut. Cut cut. Thank you I'm going to sing the Sistine Chapel ceiling and I'm real life I'm seeing pictures of it a lot and I've seen it on t.v. And film and such but I call. It now quite a lot of it and it's it's is very impressive is no it is very impressive. If you've ever had to paint a ceiling in a bedroom or you know the living room was on the other and you just had to do it one color you know you had to roll around it is a right pain you get paint on the floor it goes in the so far you get in your head and your are I you know the part of the role of. Shell would have done you because you got your arm above your head all the time the stiff neck the phone keeps going you know Milton has come around for the collection and whatnot as well e.g. Supplying cremation like the 4 years it took bottle Angela to paint it it must have been up there for the other top of the ladder if you big. Thing on a rubbish on the radio at the dam now comes down the ladder turns around and turn that nonsense off front of but was were put on put B.B.C.'s x. On the person could tunes on their own good one back up that he goes and then he gets the roller wrong 15 point now get down again down the ladder he goes he's birthday today and he just got me thinking about work and whatnot and I just you know it is impressive isn't it it is impossible why do we only have a look and one that will segment I don't know why we only have a look at one tiny little segment of the Sistine Chapel ceiling it's core a vast you know tapestry of arts it is him credit. I think we need some more you know more references to the other parts of the seating plays there are just just a request you don't have to you know you can just tell Michelle but it's fine just think we know we need to appreciate the other bits a bit more we're just a bit lazy look at that one bit that's it so if you want to really thoughts on a song that has accidentally from Michelangelo not the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle the Aussies of course then let me know one trouble 3 is my text number start your message with the word Essex a song that's accidently for Mr Michelangelo if you don't want to do that and you want to play again. Welcome to the price might be right but sorry could you repeat the question please. It's the thought that goes through my head every time I watch an old game show from the eighty's in the ninety's not only with the prices rubbish. But why do they always give a speedboat or why most people don't even live there the rules are just a thought anyway but. Above above and beyond that if you dig even deeper down I'm really pay attention to the questions they are asked. So the question on the go at the moment I'll take a listen from a real episode of The Price is Right with Bruce Forsyth 96 we asked 100 game show contestants did you buy new clothes to appear on the show. It was how hard it must have been to find 100 game show contestants. Who were also willing to share with you the personal details of their expenditure. Well apparently out of 100 this is how many of the. 53 juries are on the take said 50 out of 100 you know what stories are going to give it if it is a great guess a great guess 3 ounce good effort so the next question then for the next sort of 10 minutes consider this. Ok And just to prove that I'm not making the example he was a clip of Bruce 100. Do you ever get tired of playing the Christmas records right but also 100 disc jockeys and that's not you know I'm a issue do you ever get tired of playing the same old Christmas right chords how many out of $100.00 said yes. Text me one travel for a start message with a but I 6 and pick a number between 170. 8 . Superimposed the Michael Jackson Al was over the top of that truck and it would suit perfectly free and all right now in 25 minutes to 6 on a Tuesday morning is the 6th of March this is B.B.C.'s 6 iron rope and today's weather in the woods. Convalescing. Convalescing Yes a verb it is due to recover one's health and strength over a period of time. Convalescing your weather in the world today what actually means is today we will see some bright and sunny spells which is nice they're able to mount a cloud kind of in and out really out there a bit there is the chance of one or 2 showers with the cloud cover of course but not too likely even on a major risk of it dry this evening as well and temperatures are going to drop down a little bit tonight it's a bear that in mind on the night shift here it is a clock off back on tonight's It will be a little bit nippy highs today though double figures 10 degrees Celsius magical that's 50 in old money and the high tides are next in Herridge the afternoon at 18 minutes to 31442 if you want 3.9 metres there every 8 minutes past 3 in the West mercy at 5 meters high and will be 32 minutes past 3 south and 5.7 meters our weather watches are that of a job as always but the one instantly stood out for me as got to be felt status in felt it beautiful photo just some of the remaining snow sat there on a field of the quite deep part so it taken some time to melt quite a hazy sunshine yesterday morning and what I believe 1st was to be horses is incorrect they are alpacas it might be the 1st photo on the weather watching page without Packers in it. It's on b.b.c. . Forward slash weather won't use. Going to us . Thank you I was anxious to give. You a. Un envoy us give us the a u.s. Envoy. You are. I was enjoying . The egg you Alex. That's. Fine young cannibal is. Killing fine about cannibalism ready agood thing on the B.B.C.'s extraordinary minutes to 6 Tuesday the 6th of March on Rob and I am wearing the boots Oh yeah small boots is what I. Thought going to the gym layout there will be very practical in the gym I'm also wearing wrong socks Well the ball Sunday socks off Sunday socks on just in the sun by economy but to be honest if it doesn't of the little guy going on this morning it is a sense the city of The Price Is Right but I don't know if you've noticed this but the questions in the polls but they ask. Mad as a box of frogs. If anything they are the sort of polls and questions that I would ask if I were writing and in charge of the prices rights which by the way if anyone is going to remake it on the man come and say Hi The question on the at the moment is this one just shouted radio your answer we asked 100 deejays Do you ever get tired of playing the same old Christmas records how many of 100 said yes and the d.j. Said they get tired of playing the same old Christmas records Bruce was the answer 70. 7 see a very go 70 year of 130 of them don't ever get tired of it. I clearly don't know if I don't I'm not that way and just to prove that I am not making these questions up his Brucey with the 5th question we ask 173 attendants I am of the state. The thought of my using super live so I. Have Been there was superglue anybody I how many lives are treated suggest they would feel entirely safe using a super super low I don't even know a superglue is but how many a $1113.00 attendants said yes they would feel very safe using a super glue. To. Cheney cool 30244 to. See. A month resemble free and start your message with. The welcome to text me I will reveal its author Roxy Music but 1st. Off announcement is so new What's in a band from Mike their way to the Sistine studio plays that Sonny what's on the band for to the Sistine studio place. Watch it drinking. Whiskey. Now. Leave me. And 6 travel rights things are still a bit of a bother in Danbury day for one for between a corner and the bell still closed because of the burst water my on the road having collapsed run by the co-op buses a changing routes and cars being diverted as well but more of a media in that 25 anticlockwise stationary right now traffic is being temporarily held because of a car fire anticlockwise and 25 between Brook Street roundabout and the m 11 junction 27 Anything that changes as soon as it does we will be the 1st to let you know how b.b.c. Essex make sure he's there you are if he spotted the else that we have reported over $324040.00. Keeping you informed when it matters c.d.c. And 6 travel. Trying to get a summary moves on us and you'd like us to go down the beach I am off down the beach off this is a cracking shirt for I'd go on still I'm done with the cold colors that the winter colors I'm fed up of wearing the same dry jumper over and over again pink shirts coming out with flowers on them for listeners out there it's a passage to lovely past the light pink with white cream flowers. If you care at least orchids Illinois it's. No idea no idea if you care that much on Twitter and you have a look right utility Yeah 12. 3 Yeah you know what I mean the guy or she gets another one in 74 then. There are 4. Than 4 get out we're going to talk about something that I bet you've been on and probably quite like a bit like. Yes a lot of other people and I think for that matter don't tell me I'm going to guessing on carpet now rollercoasters see obvious. The 1000000 miles away but you sort of on the right like holographs now because I've never been a one there is a lot of people's gardens in Essex and across the country. If you look out you probably see a fair few in other people's girl the roof of the conservatory the way. So like wow we're going to talk about trampolines Ok because. There's a lot trampoline park cycling so you get quite people's back gardens but now you'll see across Essex quite a lot of these sort of park centers where kids and adults can go jump around they've got loads of different types of trampolines But on the flip side. Ambulances are getting called out Well there are lots across the country and there are 77 ambulance call outs to 3 trampoline parks even Essex alone in the last 3 years. The sense of one year yes they're coming from a that's quite something or you know we're hearing some really not you know it might just be a twisted restore a bit of a sore ankle but in some cases we're hearing about you know proper broken by humans and quite serious injuries so these trampoline Parks doing enough to kind of keep you safe when you're there because it's definitely a crisis which is increasing in popularity and I've got that response but I think we also have to take response to ourselves that why a little bit yes mostly that you know you wouldn't just cross the road without looking. Well talk about later so trampolines in your garden trampoline park safety that's a bit later in the program we're going to talk about the South End barge matches being scrapped after 53 years historic events along the Thames involving barges the council not putting any money into it anymore because they say they've got another Ira to use your money is tight and they can't necessarily fund these events but it's quite sad because we've seen it with the air show in South and before and other events here in Essex councils have got a look at their budgets but it does mean that some of these events are falling by the wayside so going to bit later on a story I'm looking forward to as well this morning great crested needs what do you know about them Well great question. But I'm a bit of an expert in the right. This is going to. Develop this shelter where they hear those words by can cause all sorts of problems if they're looking at some developers site and they go in as bylined these great quest if need is because they're an important species and I have a habitat where developments that can go ahead and that I'm going to go ahead and stuff has to happen and where they're looking to redevelop the nuclear plant abroad well at the developers there a putting a one metre high mesh fence around it that build up the story I'm so sorry you're using a lot of the rings that I use a guy you know well the all star over there but you know mate I'm going to sell these nukes try to stay I mean. Come on all of you know we don't really know a great deal about new spending I would be talking about price but it's a fascinating story in that they do Scott but so many development Yeah so there's a lot of interesting stuff we can talk about around that that's going to have 7 public votes that Sanju Watson been for on the way in 10 minutes this is b.b.c. Essex my intro screen and I'm the director of the Ses protest I fell in a pretty books when I was about 7 and someone bought me Charlotte's Web for Christmas I said maybe not but despite absolutely hated spiders I book so important because a cruiser worlds a panel Alex to escape was absolutely nothing like a good. Physical press release so important because it's the any county wide month long festival that means we have a huge opportunity to reach as many people as possible across I think it's to everyone all ages all community a as I clearly is the principal the richest the parts of the festival style as it's called classical throughout March on b.b.c. Essex. Thanks Rob Janney it. Is b.b.c. Essex I think I. Like the answer to life. Final question off the Roxy Music. Scene. She. Said some say. It's funny. Until. She passes by. A. Kiss kiss. But. It's. Roxy Music. Dance a. Song about cinnamon fry on the way in a 2nd the final answer then to my final question we all asked 1113 attendants. Would you feel entirely safe using a super. Bruce was. The ides $38.00 celebratory attendance out of a 100 felt Saif using ice. On the right Australia she has here is. The book. Comes. To the news. a. It should go easily Obama does it again I mean exactly the right sound so slight his strength but the eyesight more they. Elect .

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