Tour de France rice and a look ahead at Friday's weather a brighter day for many places tomorrow some sunny spiles later in the day some showers around as well but these will mostly affect central and western parts of the country took temperatures of between 14 and 19 degrees B.B.C. News It's 3 minutes past 11. To. Be a 38 Kingsbury road both a Nation series mean blocked at the moment to slow traffic G.H.D. Flooding in the area between for Julian and midpoint Abilify are derived by getting on to the M one side by money in remains closed there also due to flooding at Junction $15.00 However traffic likes to be coping well and had a circus in Birmingham both Day Nations closes his G.T. Major extension Rice. ST That's the tests I make let Mike into. The late night Graeme Torrington I'm away their machines I haue a lift to the top 10 in the world and it's number one in the community challenge each story on the way but I have that knowledge while I'm We are strong. Also the way simply read. I am a love song so much sticks. With the letters the turtle just a little taste a little teaser that's a love song some might be like that acacia branch is the song so lazy you can come to vacation and those songs coming up simply. B.B.C. Doco but you can't even text triple for a strong message with. Love songs and 12 Boy George coat on time clock about Hamas. So. It. Didn't. Say. It's. Hands. There's some basic 1st a 10 to one line of French origin Culture Club fire truck a bunch of songs by very soon got Zed also some snow patrol coming up in a few moments Thomas wall. Street Police $912.00 it's still this Who is it what's the scripts tell him it's not the wrong guesses that have come in so far are Michael McIntyre Richard made Lee Piers Morgan State and Frank Skinner honest Campbell Hugh Grant's Paul Merton Lee Macca John Cleese Alan Carr John Sullivan Hugh Dennis Jimmy Carr Michael Portillo Steve clamp Richard E. Grant Sean Lock George Cole Simon cow Tony Blair Phillip Schofield Charles Hanson John for Prince William Eric Idle jack white or rich male Laurence Llewellyn Bowen Nigel Havers Tim want to karts Nicholas Lyndhurst James May 8 Edmonson Ian Hislop Alexander Armstrong are Prince Andrew Stephen Fry Jenson Button Larry Grayson Greg Davis Prince Edward Jeffrey Archer Griff Rhys Jones Chris Lintott are all wrong so who is it that writes the script OK play Monday to Thursday run about this time no prizes just for fun need to get your answer in by 11 the only way I can take an answer is on the phone to not text and email or do not post the Facebook page we can call when you call counties and the 1st time call us through that are from a man and you can only appear on the show once a week when you come on air I have to accept the 1st name that you give to me so Thursday nights 8 needs to go tonight please or. We have white supplies Thomas going out tonight let's begin in Kidderminster and it's your hello. How are you oh not too bad thank you get what we've got planned for the weekend oh God we want to get the stuff for any good luck. Who are here they goes a story right then I need a name who's This is what's the script who's that and. Where Elliot Webb. OK. How long you were thinking F O O. Couple of days rather easy to early a web. Mystery Felicie said no. Thanks I'll go and good luck with the gardening Let's get a map now and Fred Hello Fred. How are you tonight. Too but not too bad. To get OK what are your plans for the weekend. So appointments. Well wish you all the best without Fred right thank you very much OK Who's this is the script. Promise healing. But it might be Bradley Welsh Bradley Walsh. Why does your own. Voice again. Memory. Well I thought it could be. Your voice and it's not. Easy Bradley Walsh know who it's not. All right Fred Good luck with the. Things that will happen this weekend let's go back to new insta and John hello John. How you tonight job. Or get it right what of your plan for the weekend. Nothink that's what we like some we can as many will or will enjoy doing nothing together and show it right then John who says writes the script who sat Joe. Bobby Vee Why are we going why bang there are no way is it Bobby very no. Busy Joe Have a good weekend. Too maybe Now Jackie Hello Jacki Hello how are you yeah I'm good good now we've not spoken to have a Jackie No Now why not. Turn the radio station up this Will you've never in your life own a radio station know now how exciting this is an exciting night isn't it for everyone Yeah so. Chosen to make your 1st appearance on the radio on my program yeah nice Holly on the Jackie right what do you got planned for the weekend and going to take me to also if you see a lot in I why you're. OK and then else your plan for the weekend. Just with what's work want to do. Or possibly Oh Melissa Kay is that your own company would you have somebody else yeah you know well we are going to partner OK Really kids so people bring in all these old suites and things in there fantastic for me yeah it's not you that I care why it's quite work and you must be really pleased when you see the finished result all morning long yeah more than anything they must be faces as well it's yeah it's like they bring the shabby also for and then when they come back they go wow. Well then you're right then who is this writes these scripts who's that Jackie Russell one Russell Brand. We must be dead because you never found a radio station before. Just listening to that sounds like him as a Russell Brand but he said. No all. But OK they're my words All right Jackie thanks for the go and thanks for calling me OK Thank you bye bye have a lovely weekend as well so that say it right OK I'm really sorry that it hasn't gone but that's because you know I worked hard enough night 12 Nobody's got a right so it means couple things it means we're going to add to my name to be nice 13 and I decided that from Monday I'm going to give you a clue a night and surely get it right because I don't want you know I don't like doing that I really don't like doing it but you're struggling you really are struggling so Monday a clue a night night 13 I'll be asking once again Who is this who writes the script. Late night when talking to him. Coventry in the kitchen. Is. Sat on the stand. The Cadmus of. This week that into this. Week and I'll get into. To live. Just. To set. The kids implausible. And just to get into she's a. Good in. The. Game. Just told. Me. The main thing. Said Mary Morris and gray and the middle on late night Grant aren't And so then the weekend is looming up to get back here on Sunday night after tonight's program and will be some love songs and will be celebrating Father's Day on Sunday nights. Friday with the next round of Minot love songs before we get to that's on the way I got some Tom Robinson also great song from Mike mechanics as well but in a moment she's a power lifter who's in the top 10 in the world and she's number one in her community count story coming up the other side of snow patrol in chasing John Graham Torrington on B.B.C. Coventry in. I want to talk tonight a it's a late night crime trying to my guest who is Karen cheats she's just made its way into the top 10 power lifters in the world but she's number one in the community and she's the 1st sick woman to represent Great Britain he say she's got powerlifting in her blood and if you can pull in the pun she's been gone from strength to strength Karen GZ joins me from let me to spar Kountry thank you very much indeed for joining the program tonight. Thank you very much for having me Graeme So let's start at the beginning then tell me a little bit about your upbringing where were you born and brought home oh well I was born in Warrick I'm very fortunate to grow enough been a very sporty family. My dad is actually my coach he's a former bodybuilder and polish the temper of the sisters yes I do I've got 2 older brothers and they were national level 400 meter had left so very sporty and competitive environment. Well I'm thinking them not only brought up with a school we always goods during sports lessons. I always enjoyed sport I found it one of my most favorite lessons and I really enjoyed it. Was showing what sort of sport we did in the school. My son from an athletics background so I was a sprinter my niece to do the 100 meters change meters and even the long jump I think I held. 7 school echoed that my through school something. And also participated where actual level one. I think in a strange metas I won. The gold twice as well so there's a school to kind of background and how to access it so when do you 1st become aware of white lifting then. I always kind of was very curious about weightlifting and polish thing for instance I would always see my dad's training in the gym with the weight and would be very curious so I always had an inkling who would fit my dad I think he knew from a young age I was strong so I think yeah I was a mix of the environment and my curiosity to. So how do you get started with something like that you know at home which is a go to the gym tomorrow or something in the whites where I don't stop what do I do how to get it I would say is that it's always good to have a coach to teach you good full men come to technique. I was very fortunate to have my dad you has all the knowledge to help me with that. I would say you know what it was like to wait and make sure you get the technique right and then just build up from that really what sort of whites did you start off lifting then so I started Pollock thing at 17. 3 months training I was able to squat 90 he lays down I can I could deadlift 110 K. They think I could bench 45 kilos up time and I can see in the end the 63 key like us agree. When you powerlifting light this source of you know what you have to face what you have to get your body prepared like to be able to do this well I'm very fortunate my mom's an excellent cook she has been amazing in terms of helping you know prep and making sure that I get the right kind of. Pretty For example like chicken and egg couple hydrates are important like cluster in rice. I keep it healthy but I do enjoy the odd treat now and then we'll have a treats every now and then way yeah definitely. How did you feel about you lifting weights them because you know this is the cheese background but your history. They were a the really really love the idea very very supportive and very lucky to have a job you always supported me and my brother. Being with you know girls and boys the same he never made any difference between a. So do you brother whites and yes they do they do you lift weights but they do it more in a sense the keep fit you know they look after their bodies whereas I take it more competitively centipedes against your brothers than in the gym occasionally. Sometimes we have a good training plan is to have the show we push each other in the gym they can get very busy at times in the evening I'm sure WHAT ABOUT YOU moment yes she's a great cook and she provides you know all the protein and everything but she feel about you lifting the. White's family she loved my mom actually she's a very full of the lady has. In athletics she won 10 gold medals up to watch a championship since she came from descended from a family of wrestlers say she was also very very happy that I was taking part in a strength full. You'll see people would think it's not for a female what are your thoughts on them yeah I know I believe them it's often a safety aces that powerlifting and strike force is a very male dominated pool however the number of females is definitely growing to be able to show that you know women can be strong as well I think it's also a misconception that because if you lift weights they think you'll end up looking very muscular and very masculine but it's really not the case and I think that's the kind of stereotype people tend to associate with it and he started to break through that because obviously seen the Women's World Cup at the moment in the football and that's breaking through what about female powerlifting. Definitely I think we are breaking 3 for sure the number of female polish does is growing and if we just look even at the recent World Championships where we competed the levels that these ladies are competing against is truly phenomenal. So I think it's just going to go from strength to strength really so you mentioned you started to compete at the age of 17 Tell me about your 1st competition. My 1st competition so I competed at a regional competition that was the word championship Actually I walked into the venue with my dad and my brothers and I was quite funny because we had the referees coming up to us when they went if it to my brothers actually and they said no you guys are looking to compete today. And they're like my fist to play I think obviously because. I think thinking about it quite red to see an offense so how do you feel the 1st seek female to be doing this really I that level I'm very proud and on and I'm very proud of my roots to show my hope to be able to understand I am the best Tiger I definitely don't want to be the last. I can kind of from the flood gates up too many more diverse people not just people from mystique background but really seeing different ethnic minorities on the platform would be truly amazing so you became Great Britain junior champion when you were just 17 Tell me about that. Yes So I won the championship. 6 months training so it was an amazing experience so I think from there I kind of knew I had a tugboat as well and I knew if I worked hard committed myself I could go as well so yeah it was it was really good and a great memory for show so what did your friends at college think about you doing powerlifting. I think initially they were quite taken aback because obviously as we discussed you know I strengths court is often very male dominated However they were very supportive in terms of you know go power. And you know it was it was great it is quite literally girl power is now. Literally. So you can teach it through university as well what's the challenge of being an athlete while studying at the same time which it is definitely very challenging I mean from my experience I currently balance work so I work as an accountant I study at their own universe to see and I will say studying for my A C. A chartered accountancy exam so I'm balancing my sporting career around that it's definitely very demanding and challenging. But because my school is not funded in terms of I don't have sponsorship and that kind of. Is my only option at the moment parents let's just take a break here for some easy but come back in few moments time and talk about the future I will do that and a few moments time on late night primetime B.B.C. Comfrey morning. I can see you. From the kitchen. Can. You. Don't trouble done. Once was in this dignity and grace no arms I've been through the cracks are. Restored prayers please. Could you found it down slow. Little sympathy LP a kinship. If you are now this song. If you live in the area let me down slowly let me down during the. Downtime the background I'm learning if you want I'm in the Now this song. If you lean in the Beat does slowly. Call spam Jack I feel bad as I am going down the car. I am so I am looking far in the building coming down Let me down slowly let me. Be done slowly here is 1 o'clock tonight 8 slam a gram Torrington to cling to power lifter Karen sheets she started lifting as a child following in the footsteps of her dad and now he's one of the biggest supporters and coach who is counting her to the World Championship success which we'll find out in a few moments time so Callen she them What sacrifices have you had to make for your sport powerlifting. If you want to achieve anything in life I believe you have to make sacrifices I think it it's definitely taking the law in. Always being my training for example if I have to miss them social event or make sure that I go to. Bed on time and get in the rest it can often be quite a isolated kind of power but you kind of know the goal you have in mind and your friends are supportive then it then it can be done so what drives you forward then Well joining me for that is that I have a dream my dream is one day I'd like to be world champion. My old imagery and I prefer to be the 1st week female world champion would be truly incredible what drives me and makes me to keep pushing even on the hard days competing for Great Britain how do you prepare for a competition like that. Preparing for such a large championship the World Championship is the powerlifting equivalent of the Olympic Games so it was a huge deal for myself never competed on such a large platform before in terms of I would sit down with my father and we would meticulously planned my training sessions and ensure that I had certain targets and wild things I had to hit each week for example and weight the and reps and is just tracking the progress then making sure that I'm able to perform to the best of my ability it takes months of planning told me through a training session for you then what does an include Oh of course. I train up to 6 times a week a space for example on cheese day Id that live. I would obviously start from a life the weight and warming up and then progress that we move up to the heavier set that we would be required I would also say to you supplementary excess to be exercises as well as help my main less often I would be training late in the evenings after a day university so that she's a session often on Thursday I do you squat and the bench press together so it's all about kind of planning the training sessions and knowing which states you want to go heavy or which days you want to have more volume in your question. Let me just ask you if. You have a poem or so. You know is it OK what you think about guys who might be thinking about approaching for relationship do you think they're a little bit worried that maybe he you know you're a bit too powerful. Possibly. Maybe I guess that's not my problem. But yeah I guess maybe it does run to the head but I guess that I'm a woman that has a dream as a passion and that's kind of a monopoly and then it's up look the most and now it's not me really. And I've only just come back from the well classic powerlifting championship and sweet and so how did that go. It went and they sing I am I went This is the kind of championship the had on the world stage so I went in with 2 aims I wanted to get them huge personal best. They wanted to place in the top 10 and I'm happy to say that I cheat. So I placed 9th in the world on the fish the the line strongest and the 63 G.S. Being well what does something like. It's really amazing is just all the hard work and I put into it and I was able to see. An awesome performance on the day I squatted 140 kilograms on the day I will say bench pressed 80 kilos and I had listed a 167 on the HOF kilograms wow it was. Just been an amazing experience it's surprising how adrenaline can help you push in the atmosphere it was just a guess I'm kind of thinking one proud dad. Has pushed the show very very proud I think my whole family was proud to show there was very supportive whenever I saw my championships I think so especially for my dad he kind of it was in a sense I'm achieving one of his dreams. So he's living it really really bicycling and yeah and I'm glad I could make them all proud. As we mentioned you all the 1st Sikh women to represent Great Britain for powerlifting How does that make you feel. I'm just extremely proud and on is very very proud of my heritage and my coach and I really and I'm glad to be able to hopefully be a positive influence to other girls in my position who may not have the opportunity all who may not have parents the supportive the I can be an example to them to see that you know I'm balancing academics with my sport. And then it can be done. Well I can say how do you think you were treatments have impacted other young people whether it was some of the background he self. Yeah I think it's really been a positive influence I've had a lot of welcoming messages on my social media for example I don't want one on one in. Instagram so kind she and the school Baines. But yet been amazing in 10. People's of messes and said that they're going to start lifting weights or they kind of speak to the parents and they're going to start training so it's just amazing to show that maybe I've made a change in this and the way fantastic permission is it OK if we post on my Facebook page with the show so people can follow them that was yesterday my Facebook page from our listeners is like not GRAHAM TURNER And I just need to go there and they'll get hold of details like and follow the links there funny then what's next for you then count sheets. The next steps that is on my she eyeing up the Commonwealth Games later this yes I recently won the all England Championships I think of one not 3 times now so that qualified me to go to the Commonwealth Games that would be September of this be it in Canada for me and some more personal bests and I think with the medals this time you told me a few moments ago about your dream when do you hope to achieve your dream how close are you. Oh I think I know it's going to take a good number of years because at the moment I'm balancing a lot and obviously it does affect my training for example with my university and my studying and my job I think once I get some sort of stability and I've qualified as an accountant I'll be able to. Dedicate more training and. Then the next maybe 5 years well well. And I will watch out for you in the 4 or 5 years. Such great stuff you really are for females of your background is also thank you very much for joining me on the program so much thank you thank you for having me stories. Make. All of the very young very beautiful. With the ball but. I don't even. See your shadow in the swimming. Face in the shape. Time and time again. Follow your steps so quietly the fact that I know what I pray never gonna find me that small. Sit. Still with such. A THING. At the end if. great that your affluent guest is following her dreams regardless of the particular sport normally be male being male dominated I think it's wonderful that she's doing something that she believes in at a Goes to show that there are no barriers what you want to do in life if you have that passion and determination absolutely true thank you very much indeed for sharing that our the weather there may be some rain again tonight maybe i'm sure it will but however the rain will return early in the hours and only expected to be heavy as it has been of the last few days temperatures between $9.12 sauciness Friday morning there are largely cloud with outbreaks of rain in the afternoon we'll see some more rain becoming more sherry as brighter spells to developing it's going to feel a little bit warmer during the day as well between 14 and 17 Celsius. Let's go to Minot love songs then with Michael mechanics and Saddam. Let. Well what do you know it's Friday morning I'm ready to get into the father out of the love songs for this week beginning with Alison Moyet.

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