Defended the investigation into the. Nearly 200 militia trains and chemical warfare have been sent to Soulsby were. Exposed to a nerve agent midst of all is said the police and military need to time to exactly what has happened we'll determine as a country that we. To this methodically we give the police and the experts the space to gather the evidence so that when we move to a series of attribution we do so based on site rumor and we do so in a way that has credibility based domestically and internationally the Coventry pop legend Pete Waterman has so b.b.c. Covered. The Rolling Stones are probably the greatest rock band in the world fans are getting ready to get the tickets for the stones of announce that playing at the Ricoh on the 2nd of June tickets go on said on Thursday at 9 o'clock Pete Waterman told Lorna they are a great band to see even though they're all in their seventy's Oh yeah there's no question. It's still probably one of the greatest shows there is a very good thank you mom at all you know that all of the sudden but I promise you they are so inspirational. They were saying Chris to copy back our pre-marriage source let's just nearly impossible West Midlands Police studying c.c.t.v. After a space of Alson attacks at a Coventry supermarkets the fires were started at the Saints restore uncannily destroying children's clothes and causing what's been described as a considerable amount of damage the resignation is also underway into the cause of a fire in a factory unit Wells Bourne airfield fire crews were called yesterday afternoon the fire is now contained so I would say they've been working with the Environment Agency to minimize any impact on the community at least email from the medical director of Northampton General Hospital and it just truss claims a man died in a knee because of dangerous overcrowding the 85 year old man was assessed than an hour of arriving to suffered a cardiac arrest while waiting to see a senior consultant and hundreds of dogs which is taking part in crafts at the ne see this weekend have taken over a hotel in Birmingham the facilities include a doggy dining room where owners and their pets can eat together $22000.00 dogs are taking part in the competition in total and you can find the most up to date stories from across the region on our Midlands life. Page just go to the b.b.c. Don't cut out u.k. Forward slash. Lets in place one for the river lemon by flooding of low lying land is possible the other is on the stock some periods of rain will continue this morning but with a few tries spells as well and even the child's occasional brightness often in temperatures around 10 to 13 degrees Celsius that's 50 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit the news here on b.b.c. Coverage next up tonight is at 10 o'clock. If you. Look at your Saturday here on b.b.c. Coventry I'm sorry. To say in the sense of Saturday you get into on Twitter. To talk about this article. The 1st determined by the lies you keep the place you. Call the tree and worry. Know what you're going to be with your friends today in a sentence here on b.b.c. . 345905200 or text 8 trouble 3 Start your message with. Let me know what you're going to be up to this in a sentence. Split . Ily Ily. Ily. viewers a country more shocks and such all morning this morning we have a reflecting on the huge music news that there is for Coventry ahead they saw some of the Rolling Stones. We have live gala guest stereophonic So the primitives Snow Patrol writing Keating the list goes on and on and tonight at the Coventry and it's the warm baths this evening as well a sold out one though I must say very much of any that's helping Coventry and Phil Rooney is one of the men behind and he's with me in the studio now how I feel more than a few years to how how exciting discover and treat look it's our summer music play he's fantastic. It's long overdue but it's absolutely fantastic the last few days have just been just really excited as you have rumors I've heard rumors about the big weekend probably going back about 67 months ago we'd been to in talks with the b.b.c. About one or 2 fringe things I'm so new what was something was happening with that wasn't really too sure about the acts. But yeah we had whispers. You know whispers go now I really. Need. Not really was the Stones a surprise yet fantastic surprise I mean I was on more personal Facebook and one of the guys on there put a little clip on there and I literally couldn't believe it so I went off into Twitter world and saw the approach the recurring resists true and finally we got a yes it was one massive Stones fan I ve seen before I haven't no not seen our night my uncle when once he was a huge step no longer with us and I think he went to Hyde Park and I was I think he went I have feeling he went to see the Madison Square Garden I really was very travelled. Might make it not up my memory might quite right on that but I think that he did and he only stayed like you I couldn't stop talking about it to the point where you just go Ok we get you big Yeah I don't need to tell you because it was all you know it made such an impression on him yeah I was home Tom Clark is one of our directors Tom is obviously the former front man of the enemy they supported the stones at Wembley Wow yeah I say and he does tend to sort of tell us all require a lot does a year while he well might. Yes a bit different from I was in the audience Isn't it absolutely I supported them slightly different so what that was he told you about what they're like that I think are on the on the day they don't have much to do with them but the band the stars themselves were sort of the stage watching any reply and so I gave them a. Of a rough love that Arris I will tell you a little of a sort of films I had one say yeah well so you know so yes oh my goodness that must be such a feeling and what a buzz Yeah I mean they've been doing it so long the stars and they just everything they do is fantastic isn't it because everybody is but there were so much they must love it so cool but because they don't need to do it let's be honest no absolutely not they're very very wealthy man and I think when they're all in that's all mid seventy's now that's tall is the day they started make jackers a showman it's just it's just noble want to be honest I would say that probably the biggest band in the world yeah I don't so you can knew you were going to be going then I think so I'm hoping to of knowledge to my wife the tickets gone Salix there's an Arctic law Yes my wife's had a couple of notches in the ribs so let's say it's going in secret it's the kind of talk about it just I think you probably set out just for me just like music fans in the car you want Yeah really I want to be out last night fans it just sounds like one of those gigs that you really need to be at what are you going to say in terms of gigs of Coventry's the street because obviously they've played Coventry before I absolutely talked to Pete Waterman a little earlier oh yeah in the program about how he was involved in the car no and you know Coventry in the sixty's was a season massive I mean it's I mean I'll do a lot of sort of on a lot of them accomplish a lot and you know a lot of history and a certain love of music history and recently we've got about fru a lot of the other Lanchester poly flyers you know posters Yeah I'm amazing some of the acts have played there Pink Floyd and such not multi multi Peiffer did their 1st ever live show in the Bowery seated is a comedy Fringe Festival but going back to the Stones Yeah I mean another played lots of small intimate digs didn't they before they went on tour Yeah I think it's been a long time coming back maybe yeah I think he saw it last cultivate as a it's got to be like the number. On gig Coventry's had in probably ever surely. Would jump a high fuel drug I was at that one yes that was good very much that. He didn't think there was much connect the worse Yellow Brick Road in this because by how I feel rather than take your wild wild and want to just get a little better I thought I wasn't the greatest audience connection and then I mean the request seems to be do you know they put it in yeah into is a big venue does that help you the empire when you've got when you have that kind of it does around the place does it help you I think anything positive for commentary helps empire I think when you're doing so there's different levels of venue I mean we're a 1000 capacity venue in the city center of Coventry off the recurring or is more to capacity I think it goes from 600 doctors source 1000 people for them it's a hard job because they've got actual get these big brands in as a lot of money is a lot of investment as a lot of infrastructure that goes into put in those big means on compared to what we have to do. But yeah trying to question is very very good recovery is good for empire because what he does he actually puts Coventry on the map to the agents in the bookers and the bands when they're plotting or touring and routing their tours Coventry's and such a surprise to them anymore because going back to when we talking about the Lanch and the country theatre in those places probably she was a market we're now a big market for yeah bands you know burning those over talkers and we can we got to otos lesser of got no so we're hopefully hopefully our goal was to be not a No 2 but that sort of venue we could pass it is about right it's about right yeah it's about right similar sort of sizes but I want to take added birth Yeah so we're so away me at most of you know 500000 passengers aground gates in the Bronx and see a couple of people over there. There. It's because it's a really close space for us it's it's incredible Jack. Was amazing in a venue Absolutely yeah killed a venue not that well we heard we had the liberties we were very lucky fruit Tom's connections we had the liberties do a full day pre-production so they came in they were going on toll road in Reno till they came in for dissect the license sounded like up just missionaries working yeah they ran for that sets and on the Tuesday morning we know about choosing one of the Laos they were playing on that night and we sold a lot of a 1000 tickets in 20 minutes. But. Afterwards picked up so you and he was saying to me that he loves that not so much of his empire but he loves that closeness you know I once saw them in Cardiff a response from after the show and he hated it because his big vast warehouse are full but you know that I you know purist musician you want to. Make use of it and will continue to talk to throw Rooney with us here on b.b.c. Coventry I want to find out a little bit about where people come from to go to the Empire after the death can he. Live. Yes. I feel it's. It's. Just. It's. Thankee and together we. Met every such little time it's made my music collection and you know nothing washed 1st my 1st money in life honestly I suspect most sisters prom and they used to freshen my. Coca-Cola and I used to charge threatens for doing it very well it was great until I decided I could make a bubble to carry for sex 4 times often drove 1. 101 of my sister's farm world where. Half history will show you some brilliant memories and some great music that's good together let me die. B.b.c. Coventry and the worry. That he was known was only here on the breakfast program with me a little earlier on this morning talking about the Rolling Stones coming to Coventry it is a justice sensational summer of music coming to Coventry The Rolling Stones named Gallagher stereophonic sound we've been speaking to Phil Rooney from Coventry's empire. This morning on the program still with us in the studio the one box that is T.V.'s a little taster of what they sound like to. Sell now I should just say. I'm trying to push to get something I don't already gone and they're going to fix if I was going to go off when Joy Division song comes on without help I secretly Pouncey love it but who have you put on there at the Empire that you've Connick on. Liberty's was massive for us we did we did sell out nearly a 1000 tickets in 20 minutes for the lips Afro Turner was good he did a sort of a bay marquee tour which took a lot for smaller venues nobody's paying big big arenas have a revolution at 77 a back up on the rise be managed by John Doerr He's now of the old manager of the n.r.a. That is quite well. Yeah I think from the Jam I mean I'm a bit of an old model so from the jumper is foxed he's played for you 34 times now do you would you who would you know money no object anybody you could possibly have that play he would you have it would be stunts absolutely to know that could happen can he get her woman up to the end of the head of the recovery we want to tell over a tribute. To sell his house sure. Yes I want to I can't. Just a quick on the you know kind of warmup thing the day before you never know you never know in the middle of a massive stadium toll that might quite likely interest say they might say well we don't have any style established. That say that you definitely know how to get. Good next May Have we were trying to be that we're hearing that note there are behind the stones and he's next. I think Ok at least that headlining I would have liked to something I mean I love the Eagles of Happy Mondays I've got such a diverse music interest from Northern Soul to Motown that is you know is think about the current small and somebody asked me what my favorite song was so any possible question is it. Because yes because remember the emotions what you doing. Today I would say the Stones Happy Mondays a maybe if I wasted 3 forms Oh that's quite a gig Yeah you'd sell that in the past and we can see how you will wait for that one here there's a there was a period piece of information that's come via Twitter and Dean who's a bit of an historian I married a year yet so apparently the Rolling Stones played the co-operative society 2 shows in uneaten in 1963 and during this gig they did in a junior session earlier on apparently if you were them and you remember this I would really love to hear from you Ok but it was full of 6 to 10 year olds who didn't really like the music so they threw their ice cream afternoon tea at the stones which is it a major I'm adoring Yes the idea that the Stones were trolled pals but 6 to 10 year olds that cake is just phenomenal It's like Mr Jagger this is actually how it's yeah real rock really apropos rock n roll is throwing the cake everywhere and you toys at the same time and why do people travel to. I mean we have we have access to our our ticket to portal which gives is basically every postcode every country that people have come from we've had people come from from Japan we've had over $25.00 people travel down from Aberdeen for very shows for is the one batch tonight looking at the customer list yesterday and it's Warsaw isa Lestari Stoke on Trent is Manchester Birmingham London is coming out from all over is probably more people from outside of the city tending tonight's gig than there are cover people is about c.v. Thirty's of which is by meeting way isn't it so here they come from all live and I mean we get to speak so I mean I'm very front of house as well unlike a friend and sort of the Christmases that. There are more Coventry conventions coming in using the venue it does you know why because we've built with hopefully building it for the people of Coventry but I mean they do support you know the way you know you some of the smaller gigs he might well be that they just haven't been able to get tickets quick enough that because it's hold out very quickly these people may just be pure wombats fantasy you know way in you know ready to press not for with a credit card yeah absolutely you got coming out. In relation to we got we have to not have to but we put one or 2 tributes on but we tend to put the sort of the the high a great tribute to the play The o 2 Yeah so not you know they're not they're very good musicians we've got cabbage commit Republica and we've got a fantastic house mines in beautiful South tribute called the South Martins they're different level Tom Tom Clark who are mentioned is one of our directors he's touring his acoustic show now compass his all of the hits of the enemy plus this one is some of his new stuff which I've heard and that song made the 19 I am worth with a very close a sale on the 150 tickets left on that. Yeah lots going on in. Thank you very much. Thank you very much Phil Rooney behind the Coventry empire. 20. He was makes it love as a stranger on b.b.c. Coventry and war it should just Foster just popped into a sheet over the chocolate and a biscuit waist Thank you Jack Jeff Foster just into us and oh yeah we were going to speak to call back on the program this morning and then he went and saw me and for coffee interest he yesterday I was on the scene and now it's happened Diddy and he has Jeff. Probably. Between you have made. Me. Oh David Tyree on b.b.c. Coventry Marshall for a Saturday morning. The I. Still don't know what I was waiting on a much. Running with. The streets of Britain the God of Mary it it seemed that it was not so sweet. So I try my ass out to think. Of never going to glimpse. How I was missing but. I'm much too fast to say that yesterday to. Been listening to. The one of the men something to tend to. The somethings it. Was going to have to see a different matter. What . Changed the south but never any new stream They are about is changing its own b.b.c. Coventry and war actually are if you missed the news yesterday I saw. As for my Scotties caption Kobe can rejoin the club until the end of the season the 35 year old's been trying to get Coventry since injury forced him to bring his time the Indian Premier League to a 90 and. 160 that your patience is in his fastball this company is between 20102014 enough to m.k. Dons in it my my middle son happens to. He wanted to be a football mascot it was like what you want to do about not Tom I want to be a football mascot and it was it was possible to to achieve that to m.k. Dons So that's what we had so that he could be a football mascot that's what he wanted that was his birthday present and a call Baker was the man that he was a song and the football they was on he was not like them that we are and we were supposed to be talking on the program but then he went and signed for Coventry City yesterday so that's not happened today and still to come on the program the full monty Greene is with you at 10 o'clock with the gardening phone in at 10 the world of crafts now we're trying find out what it is about crafts that make so many people very excited and happy motion I fully understand it I'm not I don't have a pat so I'm missing out of a slate if you could explain it to me I'd love to hear from you but we have a few little cruft facts for you as well between now and 10. This is. The Al Arab. Ally . Coventry and work she would loan us through until 10 then Molly Green is going to be with you with the gardening phone in today and then off to Molly Pete Waterman who will be here on b.b.c. Coventry and war with music from Pace collection and stories from his life and then describe his life big mash the softening this comedies taking on bondage and will be life from the recap I read way the full commentary at 2 o'clock and your reaction right after the game while the big sky bee's knees of course yesterday was that Karl Baker has rejoined the club until the end of this season it's going to be through until 10 as I said the money with you and don't forget you can get your gardening funding questions in on a 3459. 105200 now we've just got the time we need off for a window of a long walk taking place a charity and I say long it's boldness to Sunderland hold in aid of frankly Larry that boy who really kept the nation's hearts during his battle with new right last month Bush is walking in his name Hello Mark hello good morning how are you. Tired. But we're fighting through how you all out how your feet. Not so bad we got the blisters in the 1st few days and I think they were just sort of paid a forgotten about them now they're all safe so good and so one day you on walking so we are on this fall so we started what is there from all the forward and yet. We worked all day today all day it's a bottle and we have a day off and just a failed on look they're Ok and I said How do you mosey do today. It's very easy depends on the route in the process and before we planned it so on average it's around about $35.00 to $30.00 some some longer than others some of us over the choice of 35 miles a day I will today's today's a $32.00 so that is a shot on today's an easy day mark execute. Ok so what So you're coming through our area today where did you start 1st getting Smalling on the Amish even Carcajou on yeah we we were supposed to start. From the Rachel Ward because that's what we were supposed to finish last night but when we got that way it was on the new management it was on the resort so we couldn't stay so we lost 10 miles last night and we had to stop short So what happened this morning was I in the middle of covering not and my look we lost yesterday but I'm just cause for the remainder of the same move forward to start from where we were to stop. Some say so. They should be in and around the Daventry role within the next hour and I'm just playing but we think by long time we'll all be back together and in around only then we'll be back on track fantastic Ok you're playing catch up well you're having to walk much quicker. Really much quicker really really. Say what how would people sponsoring you how many of you are that there are 9 of us in the team insults Ok. The majority is around 778 for whom we don't want guy whose people we support driver needs to instill a sense that if 3 or 4 of the guys in the same. 2 some of the guys in here in 60 some of the guys are in injuries so we're all taking around to make sure that we're back over 20 to 25 miles a day and then. Doing the whole of the whole flaws the same way we're covering every inch of samba over the sentence 27 miles and I'm sure we are the most beautiful best of the country that you've seen so far. You know I've been saying much about just a minute. That's a little bit so it's always a pleasure to come for you that was like much best democracy on Sunday. And now tell me and it'll be about why you've been 7 spot to do this what was it about the wonderful and incredible brought to not only this reading most of it you will to put you will compete on what I think the film the oath and then say it was wonderful inside of Bill and many more of the soldiers that we've been given it was just I mean I think the sons of Saddam was something quite close to home anyway and it was such all the guys over just the 6 months ago that you know it we were known to as. Charlie's on the cheese a on major all the signs are these days there are so many signs to come here to get . This time around it has to be something that. Resonates with people this is something that as they relate that it was just a smile his bones off his son says that the sun glinting the the gym in the soul and it just all trying to came together in a good mate. And we just decided that's it we'll go and do something and obviously you know sadly probably when he passed we you know the mission the football world has come together to raise the money for his treatment but sadly it was too late and the foundation and his men with the money that was left was just just just a fabulous thing to do by the family Yeah it was we wish you the very best of luck with the rest of the won't fully an incredible inspiring young man and I'm sure he'll be the wind in your sails definitely to get you back up center and West Tuffy stadium and I hope that this week that was the last that was what So I'm this awful as I think players half of the sentence stadium this week and they decide that from next season you know I mean the top Terrell something did I read that right. Often you just try to put me on a downer I haven't got the freak out but. It's difficult it's difficult you know times like that without you know years like that what I have and they don't know exactly what you need to double check. Ok let me just say you best in that with the rest of that with the rest that. I had when you stray Coventry and weren't sure where a beautiful part of the world where you'll soon be told to talk on paper qualifications Coventry watch now Crufts it it set the day afore at the any c. As Don't worry just compete for their responses and what is the world's greatest dog show now for those of you who like me don't have a documented f.a.q. . Which jokes parading around an old school course there is much more to it than that and here are a few reasons why girls began in $1891.00 but it wasn't until 1928 when his prize consecrate best in show I was born with us when it was primly schizo a greyhound owned by Mr Herbert Whitley of primly Paignton And if you think he sounds familiar Well that's because he is Mr Whitley gave us Penton soon. To be more than $88000.00 Poles prancing around the ne se as $20000.00 junks for more than $200.00 breeds do that best not to do at Libby as it's 9 after 2012 mixed breed contestant became the 1st and so far only dog to live on t.v. In the main area it's right down to base level stuff pulling on the. Building. That is from the cattle class bad is where there is now higher Bell Good morning how you are more I seen you had nobody doing a lib a so far now we have a you know when when a dog has to go dog a stick and we know that cause a slow full of amusement we had some fantastic things happening so far and so how busy a weekend is this feel on we know from the travel reports an f.x. The rides around the ne say 7 corn except for how many people come any dogs come well 160000 last year through the door so it's a really big show it's the biggest event that is all here the ne say this that you 20 we take up 25 acres of horses it is a fantastic thing for dog owners to come as they are anyone who loves dogs anyone who's got a dog he really is the place to come and see dogs and see them live so is there more to it than we see on the telly then I don't it isn't seen it's you know it's like it's obstacle courses and it's parading and things were a 20 Can I have 25 acres of bats there must be others to get it on as well there is absolutely and I think at the heart of the heart of cross is a competitive dog show where you see all the breeds compete against each other for the ultimate prize best in show craft but of course there's lots of these days it really is an education event is the opportunity for people to come and see the dogs with this 220 different breed dredged by the kill club so that the people who come to see most of those dogs here they can actually talk to it's was we have what we call a Discover dogs area which is where we have experts in every single breed and people can come and speak to them they can speak their experts to make sure that the dog that they want is the dog that fits into their lifestyle because we don't foresee people we fall in love with of love to see a dog with a fluffy Co perhaps or dog with a flat face or what we think they look lovely However you really need to look past the appearance of the dog to really look at what they actually what their country 6 are what the temperament is because they need to fit into a lot of styles need to be pets their family. They can live till 12 years so we want people to make the right choices level we really about what about putting happy healthy toes into hell into the front lines oh well listen the very best of luck for the last couple of days I was not too crazy for you and you were able to enjoy a lot of it as well both thanks for the times I know you are busy at the moment you know you'll welcome you take a bailout and that's from the kennel club that the ne se crafts song last day. Is one of my. Just in case you're wondering. You know our alibi out to our to the out. By our . Thanks to our . In Coventry is inspired to take out some of those basic services you despise Holmes will say that you find on the. Great day money green is next to the gardening phone in. The. Morning. Traffic that.