For when and what should they do should they really are supposed to look to the youngsters to see if they can get some goals before games no goals that are much more over 345905200 Let's head to the traffic and Travelocity again soon from a car Phillips have a good evening a behave yourself. B.c. Commentry and larger travel sliver a busy afternoon through Stratford I'm afraid to be heading towards the evening the a 46 still remains very slow towards the best of the bishops and island it's low for the m 40 heading up towards Long Bridge Island empathy to struggling in both directions from 3 a Towards 6 and still slow for the eastern bypass around Coventry another full update for you though in 15 minutes I am good a name is see a sky blue phone in on b.b.c. Coventry and Morris should give us your call to have your say 034-590-5200 is the number to call for the Sky Blues Solem on b.b.c. Coverage. The place you the stories you should. Be v.c. Coventry and workshop I have one minute past 6 latest big sit com Georgia News goes on more rolling in Spanish government is holding an extraordinary Cabinet meeting to decide how to enforce direct rule of a Catalonia Madrid said it would end the region's autonomy in response to a vote by the Catalan parliament to declare independence a supporter of Castle and independence callus wires said he expected a backlash from Madrid everyone expects the Spanish Inquisition so they're probably going to use force and violence because that's the only thing that they know and the polling going to try to dismantle the cattle Republic but as we saw in the referendum day if people go on the streets and protecting stations there was a chance that democracy can prevail a paranoid schizophrenic has been jailed for a minimum of 15 years of the Old Bailey the stabbing a Coventry University lecturer to death in a random attack not Loveridge killed Daniel Young in a. More than tube station in south London in general last year Mr Young who was 38 was walking to work at college University's London campus after starting his dream job a day earlier for people being arrested after the railway line between coverage in rugby was close when a van hit a bridge and caught fire up Main Street in Brandon the 2 men and 2 women all from Coventry have been arrested on suspicion of theft of a motor vehicle and driving under the influence 2 lorry drivers have denied causing a fatal crash on the m one by driving dangerously 6 men and 2 women who were travelling in a minibus were killed in the collision in Milton Keynes in August Joe Black reports from Elstree crown courts the driver of the minibus and 7 of his passengers were killed in the collision with 2 lorries name Milton Keynes some of the group lived in the Midlands but others were visiting from southern India 4 other people in the minibus were seriously injured including a 5 year old girl who lost her parents in the crash appearing in court result Mazza rock and David Wax after both denied causing death by driving dangerously Mr Wagstaff who's from Stoke admitted causing death by careless driving they'll stand trial in February the b.b.c. Has said it treats any allegations of harassment seriously following reports that complaints have been made about an unidentified radio presenter the Met Online said 8 female b.b.c. Staff would come forward to say they'd been Harris by the man 4 of whom had made formal complaints a survey for b.b.c. Sunday Politics West Midlands almost 700 firms in the region suggests more a feeling negative than positive about bricks it a chorus of the decision to leave the European Union had impacted negatively on their business but almost 2 thirds said they'd seen no impacts either way and George Michael is possible to mislead top of the u.k. Album charts with the release of his 990 hit album listen without prejudice the singer died on Christmas Day last year and you can read more about these stories on b.b.c. Midlands live or just go to b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. Slash cotton. In the weather and strides even with winds picking up through the night temperatures dropping to 6 degrees Celsius that's 43 degrees Fahrenheit tomorrow it'll stay windy with mostly cloudy skies but some bright spells and likely temperatures around 15 degrees Celsius that's because 9 degrees Fahrenheit that's the news here on b.b.c. Coming up next update is at 7 o'clock. B.b.c. Coventry and workshy school Cisco I Blues phone. Good evening welcome to the sky Lowe's phone in on b.b.c. Govern trio more Asia do you know every time the sky blue scored a goal we play a little jingle on b.b.c. Coverage more you've probably forgotten because it's that long since the sky blue scored in the league nearly 7 and a half hours I don't have it or not but I have been checking the records it wasn't on go it went rather more 10 in the quarter hours I found without scoring for the go I will make you feel better so how the scrubbers go to school goes 034-590-5200 how is the meanest offense in the whole the Football League going to cope with the biggest score as in the whole of the Football League you can pick your team for tomorrow's game who should play 345105200 text 81 triple 3 start in s u c w treatise at b b c call sports and then there's the off the field masters. Talk of takeover bid statements comments regarding Hoffman on the program this morning on b.b.c. Coverage in Borat sure we'll hear what he's had to say about Dale Evans the Sky Blues fan who says he's won millions playing poker wants to buy the club for Gary Hoffman has been talking to him and he tells us what he believes will happen next. 034-590-5200 is the number to call you can text 81 trip of 3 star images c.w. 20. B.b.c. Called Sport anything Skyblue that you want to talk about get in touch with us as a sky blue phone in our b.b.c. Coventry I'm origin will be clear I kin. The Sky Blues phone b.b.c. Commentry and worried. Yes 034-590-5200 is the number to call text one triple 3 star your message c w. What I'm talking of course after the last game against cultures that which was all too familiar I don't ever I don't go there from our minority when I had a child at the keeper takes it 1st I crossed affected the key but couldn't fight or charge on it because that was true I've even had a debate to play I tried to reach at the far post but not to big sit there to Hades plays with a shot drags it why I've got faith in Him is difficult it's difficult for me to stand here because people think you're an idiot but I haven't got a luxury of flip flopping I've got a we've got to maintain I believe in the players without a shadow over now I don't need to. Start to doubt them it's not about me it's about the players and. Recognizing what they need what they need to kick up the backside . That's what Mark Robin said after this weekend's game he believes in his players but it's up to them now to justify that belief what do you think and what changes if any should Mark Robins make looks like he's got a pretty much fully fit squad Joey Jones appears to be Ok came off the dead leg early in the game against cultures w. Has been training so he is expected to be fit. Would you continue with Ryan Haynes and as a full backs would be good to you with the same formation what would you do to the 034-510-5200 takes $81.00 triple threesome as you see w tweeters b b c call the bulls. Now this siren last week a poker playing Sky Blues family schools in a stir by saying he wants to buy the 4 point Club Day 11 spoke to us again yesterday evening tell your Cs now throw ins resources behind the consortium led by former director Gary Hoffman Well Gary himself spoke to b.b.c. Come to watch this morning to breakfast with Philip than I didn't know Dale at all before last week I was horrified to find out that I was at school with this that. I'm going to go after that with the 1st. Day All is clearly a scar and he has gone about it frankly in a way in which I and many others would not British it out there and effect from things and people have taken shots at that and I think he been surprised people genuinely has the money hopefully with that said You course will each provide See through with group of friends that one of the 1st things they will ask about. I've spoken to Dale several times and he have provided. It me with enough I'm not going to tell you what So you know that would be inappropriate he's provided me with enough to show that he is serious so of course it would be so easy for. The consulate you know not to say Ok it seems like you have somebody we are still very interested in purchasing a couple Croisset say if you would like to join us with that money then we're very happy to do separate we're going to do it in a different way to the way in which it's been done in the last few days yeah so you would you do this in a much more measured y less public private some lesson but it would allow you to up you'll beat wouldn't what the last week was that acceptable to say so that's that's it obviously site so if we go to and we will make a note the bit that it needs to increase and hopefully this will unable us to predict the gap between ceases expectations and what we are prepared to pay. For snatch Gary I don't know and even if I did I'm a big threat talk about it not right do you think Dale's involvement would be enough to bridge the gap between your valuation see 6 I cannot got no idea because I don't know what they got paid but I'm not I'm not going to talk about it any further I want a month it will be to try and settle things down that you know that come on pay off but my I'm not perfect I don't need to say I've spoken to Dale. David Weber talking on the radio anymore. Because in the way in which we want to do these things is quietly and in the in the background I'm very pleased we've got this the support of describe it is trust call on all Scottish friends to help us I never waste the people that are cynical and skeptical and I get that when I'm not going to when when I meet people you know I'll be Aleutian time tomorrow and I know to some people I forgot me I don't I don't. I know that well. Bottom line is the consortium is rock solid you want to reengage with c.c. And there will be a nother bead at some point in the near future yes. That is all true. Halfman talking to b.b.c. Coverage to more of the smaller one of us change some people's views on the situation Gary has spoken today on Evans and he has seen evidence which should Jess that Dale dulls have significant resources so he's preparing to make a bid he wants to do it rather more quietly. And perhaps less flamboyantly than the Evans was talking about some we probably won't hear from either of them for a little while there's another statement on the club's website which isn't really any different from what they've been saying consistently all along except that this statement has come from the owners it's been issued they say by c. Sue capital owners of Coventry City football club and it says c. Sue capital can confirm that is had neither the written or verbal communication from Mr Evans hence he has not made an offer to purchase Coventry City f.c. We would expect any potential purchaser to follow a professional and confidential process misleading public statements are a distraction to both the club and fans well they said they would expect any potential purchaser to follow professional and confidential process that is now what Gary Hoffman has indicated he is going to do so we will watch with interest to see what's happens there there is still nothing that's being said publicly which should gests the football club or the owners of the Raiders Celebes some people of our look to that line in the statement about said we'd expect any potential purchaser to follow professional confidential process as being an indication that they. Might be softening the stance are not so sure about that myself. And I think they're just saying that you know people will always bid for companies and they if anyone's going to do it they want it done in a particular way it doesn't to me indicate that they are ready to sell and you know Gary Hoffman was counted off this morning to admit that. Alas spent fell short doesn't know how far short because the club haven't even named any sort of price that they will accept from him or his consortium so we shall see what will happen 345905200 if you want to have your say you can text on triple 3 saw us you see w and you could tweet us at b b c cold sport about that of our own the field masters what your team selection would be for some morrow's game against Luton a fowl's in just over a 1000 scrubbers fans going it is a sellout for Sky Blue Stars or no tickets on sale What are your expectations against a team that does attack could that be what's a works out what works well for the Sky Blues. E.t.c. Coventry and work should travel mandates to the fairly busy afternoon I'm afraid at 3 bishops and up towards the ships islands to say a 46 queueing away from the else to road at the moment return Stratford much heavier than normal for the time of day actually Friday afternoon and of course the last afternoon or last Friday before the schools go back said possibly with traffic heading out and a bite of the moment to be heading for the m 40 still looking fairly slow up towards the long bridge on in the junction 15 and the input into still very slow in both directions as you move from the m 40 a junction 3 up towards Benning in airports around junctions 6 in and around Coventry though traffic is easing for the eastern bypass and Holly had right it's just really the world's great ray which sees but a slow traffic at the moment and the north side of the m 6 a little bit slave from time to time between junctions 2 and 3 if you see anything else though do give me 834-590-5200. The scribe is further know 345905200 had a few comments of a similar bent after reading that statement that I did for which comes from 6 of capital owners of Culver City football club put on their website talking about wanting any bids to be the server read the sentence again make sure get it right expect any potential purchaser to follow a professional and confidential process was that a joke and ask Gary expecting others to follow professional path this for the most unprofessional bunch of people to ever grace British football. Misleading statements that's rich coming from c. Sue says Mick who had ceased to out and play up Sky Blues and absolute onto as they're both on text on Triple Threat saw him as you see w. After atl rather on Twitter a department saying C'sorbijn professional body here they hide behind doors and never come out to justify their actions tweet and b.b.c. Cos when he goes on to bad if they're willing to sell their name their price or they don't want to sell then state this everyone knows their position to be fair that's all they have stated they don't want to sell that's that's in a way that's the problem now in the real world the world of business if you say it I want to start doesn't necessarily mean that that can be no sale you might get an offer that in the end Tenshi but to be fair to them a been pretty consistent and we had it we have Tim Fischer the studio here some time ago saying the same thing that the club at this point because they don't think they can sell it for anything that's worthwhile they don't want to sell simply that asked why they won't name a price because it ain't for sale now what's any consortium like Gary Hoffman's sort of have to do if they want to buy the club is persuade them to sell anyway but that's the difficulty that serve the quandary that they face I don't know what price would tent cities have because Cecily aren't prepared to name a price because they aren't. Saying they're for sale at all so 345905200 texts on top of 3 star you message c w the issue of the ground is still there the sky blue trust continues to. Keep going with it scan pain in the counting the days counting the weeks of written letters to everybody concerned to try and find out how the ground issues going to be resolved the club absented they body said it's a priority they will make the announcement as soon as they can still no announcement on the future about where they play next season how concerned should we be 345905200 the lack of goals of course is the big issue on the pitch but Robin says there creating enough chances. That it's not put him away and he's got a point hasn't even against culture stor it was only the stat said 9 efforts on Gore said none on target was actually not quite right because it was definitely won on style get and hope not great but that was warm however. Even though they didn't create a whole hatful of chances they created. Really good ones that should have been scored now you have the Ryan Haynes had a pastor's unfortunate Felter to Ryan Ottley can't score goals because I was not a strike and it was on his head as well not. The play you choose for default nonetheless it was a great chance there was a great chance of Mark McNulty Mickey Adams was in the commentary box with us for that game and he said that he did everything right apart from scoring at the wrong side of a defender got into a great position to make that cross or yes there was a turn in from close range and he fluffed it and you would expect at least 50 percent return from those 2 chances and they would have won the game. Margins are financed 834590500 in terms of where we are Joe The last time the sky blows went for league games without scoring a goal it was way back. In March the fact it happened twice last season the scribes went 4 games without scoring a legal. March 2017 was the last time they didn't go 7 and a half hours without scoring on that occasion might Robbins has commented a little bit on the way we're sort of obsessing a bit about the time it's 9 minutes shorter 7 half hours and I sort of get what he is drift on this because they scored after 90 minutes against Crow So we're counting the 81 minutes from that game and then the 4 games after it if they scored 9 minutes from the end it wouldn't now be nearly 7 and a half hours but the results of Cilla being the same but anyway it still sounds. Maybe more more poignant but we are talking terms of times are 7 off hours they went just over 7 hours about scoring in 2017 in the league game but swayed in a goal a 21 defeat at Bury. And colleagues in the 2 I was still haven't got the goal against Barry and Kyle Reid's end of the drought in a 21 win over Port Vale at the last Sunday went more than 4 games without scoring and the League One I can find anyway I found one in 20022003 season when they failed to school in the last 5 games of the season and that she extended that to 6 matches in the 1st league game of the following season 10 hours and 17 minutes I make it they were that illegal in that particular run as slightly quirky way these things work out the goal before the run and after the run both came against Ipswich the start of the season but one end of the run came from Michael Doyle so maybe he could be the man to end the run again this time 345105200 Let's talk to Robert Hi Roberts Hi good evening Clive Hi I want to say I'd like to talk about . The sort of ground situation at the end of the year yes Ok yeah I think there are clubs there in Ok I think they need to be where they need to be at this time in the year I think it's. Sally you know. They're in a position to to actually edible but I'd like to touch on that and yeah yeah that is a positive on that front but what's stopping me from Gary Nope especially this year is if I don't know if it's going to be any football in the city at the end of the year so we can have a fantastic season and then not be in a position to actually be a place where we can play out in games in Coventry. Now a great sense of a club and also wrote to the bully commission share of one of our dances off the use of Ok with a sigh now the English Football League of saying that they won't call them treats or remain in the city in their last meeting with a club they told them this was how it was supposed to be but the worrying thing is Email goes on to say that if it isn't possible to find a new crown and actually means to close a possible closure of the football club then they are allowed to tie the club away right or not merged in circumstances of what. It was I was also that was the the the line that the well I think they were saying that I had said that in the letter but in the past when I was going to Northampton they said they'd allow on a temporary basis because it was better they did that than go out of business that was the excuse these last time for allowing the club to move more hams and judging from the mail you've got an excuse they might use again if it arises Well yeah and a lot of fun to say in a nothing under way this room is started saying that the club could actually move 200 miles away now before of course it's only been like oh you know. It's been mentioned and clubs around the area especially the spark arena and that's more worrying because. The chairman has stated that he won't talk to the club about the issue and the fact that the club still mentioned to the a.f.l. When they had that meeting last night. It's become you know and of a talking point that they're putting forward a suggestion that isn't a real one which is what Sorry the that was the last one talk to them Well no I think the clue about maintaining to the s.l. The still a possible right and that's what the s. Olive said in their email to me but as far as on the way to. The Evening Telegraph intramural radio station and everything else the actual Chairman Issa says it won't be court cases and the ongoing mitigation is to insinuate and then I'm willing to take the club to the club about a possible ground chair that's John Sharp chairman according to rugby club and he has he said he said they E.C.C.'s it was a poison brand in the city and doesn't want the rugby field to get tied up in that I suppose if it was to be a temporary arrangement they might be persuaded but you're right you're absolutely right that of the conditions that comes Rugby Club on any ground shed seen to rule it out in on on paper what one of the clubs said he said You go to the club what do they say in response to the club. They use it on their Facebook page through their messenger page it's the same statement that put out about this. Person that employed forget his name of the name is John. Liaising chat with his supporters will block me now as soon as it's possible when that just so I did well the big play next season I actually asked the club just to Janabi that they would be taking the club 100 miles away and the fact that they can't deny that it's pretty worrying is a Coventry supporter because if it wasn't true they could certainly come out and say you know the room is about it's going not far away we can absolutely rule out that they won't do. That. I suppose the only thing A's and Einstein you concern is more or less what the scribe or trust been saying throughout until this is a result the has to be his concern about whether the have a grand next season and if they do whether being Coventry but in terms of say moving 100 miles from Coventry the reason why the club ultimately came back to the Rico Rainer was because financially it was proving a real drain on them they will often all found in the getting next to no crowds or the go under miles away the be lucky to get 3 figures I would have thought in terms of crowds and financially that would be catastrophic for them so it doesn't make a lot of sense for them to do that even if they can and I know it doesn't and you know there's a lot of supposed to be must situation. Where the last to go would love to support the club I just don't know if it's going to be. Any continuation this club in this city and I'm passionate about commentary and of course we've got a division among supporters where some are arguing that we support that same amount of water not only understand and we've got our visit by side. Supports in a team and the only way we can really move on with football in this city is to have new ownership now I believe there are new owners there and also no I don't think a business would hang around if if they had no revenue. There were no owners around when City suits. Jeff you obviously would dispute that but certainly want a lot rather than so much today for your call they say to this program short while a couple weeks ago I think it was that he hoped that the announcement will be made before Christmas so maybe we just hang on to them and see what happens in terms of what they are there plans are in terms of where they play next another have been rumors or deals or even reach of the regular arena but they are nothing more than rumors this day so we will have to wait and see how much is a concern is concerning Robert 345905200 Tex a on ship of 3 star a message c w. B c 3 imports or travel is Andy big problems nightlife for the end 6 setting North buying 3 of the 4 lanes are closed off due to multiple The Claxton between the Assn expressway junction 6 st was junction 7 for great the congestion over the way back past 25 the car supreme moment already taking at least 20 to 30 minutes to get through that stretch very very slow I'm afraid the south in this evening if you hadn't The starting to east bestow fairly heavy lifting in 40 and junction 5 in a night of Coventry I'm pleased reports a nice clear run feel many of the key routes now just a little bit a lingering traffic on the. Yet to go and if you're heading aren't strong 3rd it is again starting to ease but still fairly safe the $846.00 towards the bishops in Ireland if you see anything else to give me a 345905200. The only phone in the 100 percent sky blue call those 345905200 the Sky Blues phone in b.b.c. Commentary and worry. 345905 it Sue underneath in Texas one trouble free site text either you can tweet and you Jim wouldn't let me down clearly almost a miscalculated that you maybe didn't miscalculate because. Maybe Jim can clarify as well they are probably to miscalculate A's time in the 2003 run without a goal was 527 minutes that include I wonder because I had it as 6 games because it was a 1st league game of the following season so 6 games that's 369 hours. A week but the other point to Jim Mason I don't know whether this is a comfort or not really is that it's a long way short of the club record of 1048 minutes which was in 19191048 minutes I mean that in ours it's a loss let's have to think about as it were not rechecking that in a few games time to see where the earthquake was a broken Thank you for that Jim. We'll be talking to Jim actually by the way in a couple weeks time on this program about he's written a book about the 1967 promotion championship winning team soul be talking to him about that on this program in the not too distant future Miserables Mick is back oh goody I've got a big way on a scratch card this week so should I buy coffee said yes a 50 quid because to be honest there's not much to buy out for tomorrow Luton for City Neal if we're lucky it's as big and this is sort of the issue in terms of the purchases that. In the face of much to buy which is why the club's owners say that it's not worth I'm certain that they wouldn't get enough and it's why I haven't much money any console you might have the probably think twice about how much they they pay for it and that is a sort of the sticking point isn't it Richard money and says we will win tomorrow because we can beat top teams like we did against Notts County in Exeter and I will keep the same team as last week Luton will not school tomorrow so the school be nil 2 to Coventry interesting it's a good point that amid all the sort of doom and gloom the sky blues record against a top teams is not bad yes a loss Lackington narrowly away but they. Are. Rich said there they beat but Luton really comprehensive in the Dexter pretty comfortably as well at the Ricoh Arena 345905200 text one trouble 3 so I miss you c w 2 it is a b.b.c. Called Sport Rob is on the line Hi Robin a mental How are you I'm good what I want to write to you want to point the 1st point is this that one not wanting to sell the club because they don't like they it's not worth anything but the conundrum is they're not prepared to invest in the cloth to make it work any think well that invests in as much as half a lot of fans would like it when they have that they do. It's not proper thing to say it is a fact they do they have put money in the club and they continue to put money in the club and they continue to lose money in the club which is why some people can't quite understand why they don't sell it so they stop doing that because they know they're prepared to keep it close and yeah but they're not prepared to invest like that will keep going back to 18 months ago about Christmas if they'd invested in a Christmas we could have been playing Championship football now but they didn't and now they're saying it's not worth anything or not prepared to sell it so where is the sense in that I don't really understand and that you know like you just and moving a 100 miles away doesn't make any sense no nothing makes any sense really well. And that's but these it is a problem to me is down to them in terms of whether they want to sell the club or not and I'm. Never going to be worth what they want to be worth until they invest some money to make it worth it you know it's a conundrum then then it's never going to be worth what they think it's worth point I'm just sitting here just keeping it ticking over I don't really follow what they're you know. And made them a very fair deal in him. When he made an offer don't examine she wasn't even make them or that they would get some sort of the property if they would get what I think I think that has been the thing. This gets around this issue about it not being worth much now is it any of my have when you sign a player might have time as well and I think you could maybe the training ground for example is the one asset that might be tying the training ground eventually got so the problem also if the team got into the Premier League maybe they'll be in agreement that the season will get some about money out sort of thing but they probably only go in buying. Something off a car boot sale when it is worth a pound we think it a few years time it won't be worth a 100 pounds they not only be worth a pound still in the you know on so they've got some hold a summit with testing in it then it's not going to be worth the money I'll just don't get it but anyway Rob covered a fair bit of the I was going to say about the grand. And I had like a saying this is this uncertainty yet of us having perhaps a team that is so when we're being getting promotion. We get promoted no grants playing well that yeah. You know some people are saying well don't worry it's going to be resolved it's just it's just a matter of time until until it's actually. It's actually done. People will will question why they dug really and again I don't understand why they're leaving they appear to be leaving it as a politician said the other day to 1159 on the 11th day of the 11th hour you know the mtow the left. Why are they not why can't they be open with this insight. The They're doing a deal with what So they haven't done a deal last we won't be here next year we will be here next year. On another war they're not saying we won't be here. Be honest with just for once be honest with us you know it's so frustrating the fact that we could have had we could have on our side again. A good chance a chance of getting promoted but again this thing about score you know. Could get promoted right from the beginning of the season I don't think we've had a goal threat in the saw in the tool. From inside the McNulty was the man that was going to school but right from the 1st game of the season we have for this division we have got a north. Point shot for Intel I don't think you know. We are creating chances that he's pointed right in China yeah I don't disagree call you have actually already. But you have. That as an example we've got now is on last week I was out on the wings crossing the ball into the middle box where you got 2 foot 5 foot 6 guys trying to head it you're not going to do or are you he should be there and then pumping the balls into him so I don't follow that the the setup of the team in that respect. So what would you do tomorrow and what would you do to the same horizon are definitely put on down the middle right and then and people keep saying about on telly but you. Got mommy's nose we've got a player to play off now as on prime in the middle and have a prior the could play off him. And maybe even send. Jodi Jones if you're a journalist I don't know whether or not use them is too warm and. Least it won't give us an a different option. But on like somebody else come. Winning or losing tomorrow you come well can you. You know on the on the evidence of the last 4 games. Can you see if I. Do go back to Rich's text that against the teams at the top of the table they aren't done badly and. This is I thought cultures to with the most offensive team we have seen yet our cities and. Luton won't be like that so that might just suit the scribes a bit better so I try to stay up to Mystic it would be coming up against the 2nd best defensive start of Milly's in this division correct yes and the top scorers in the middle probably the worst and we have got a team with a worst attacking record not quite the worse or is not as 20 I think so has a bit out there about oh yeah yeah so now it doesn't bode well arguably Mali surprised if we do get a result and I'll be very pleased if we get a result. Personally I'm afraid again. I would like to see a little bit of investment if they really mean more. And I think they probably don't think the damage will I would like to see an investment at Christmas or New Year Ok Rob thank you much. 34505200 Thanks Jim again back to me on my mathematics to my delight I did quite well in mathematics a level is right James confirmed that it was 6 quarter skeins which equals function 40 minutes and 46 minutes in the game before 131 minutes in the game after 670 minutes which is what I think I said 10 hours and 70 minutes that was in 2003 last 5 games of 2003 in the 1st league game of the following season that season the start of the League Cup game of the 1st league game 6 games in a society that 40 quirky thing about it was that the 1st goal the school before that drought was against switch on the law and won a school after it was against it such as well as it happens I thank you for that Jim as ever dances I think I'll take a consortium of 28 to 30 local businesspeople to how funds to bid what cease what maybe 70000000 I mean I suppose the problems even if the consultants have that sort of money whether they had to spend that much they don't think the cup is worth anything like that even even the most committed Skyblue supporting businessperson. Just want to throw money away so that again that comes back to the conundrum that we've been talking about Nick says I don't understand the mentality of c. So they clearly don't care about the good of the club and are running the club in the last place so the club to someone who cares and only it seems to point he says point to jelly and say up front tomorrow. If it were down to me says Nick. It isn't down to you but I do value your opinion on that thank you for that one text one triple 3 Start your message c.w. Let's talk to you Barry Hi Barry Clive Hi I'm a slightly different tack on this so it's often said that they didn't have a plan when I took over but that plan could have been. Brought up if they got the Premiership well and good and if they didn't. Then that would limit a loss and take the tax breaks and the 2nd part I think they are looking to add a system that big What's with that the city would have been out of business well that is the point is made and they have whether you like it or not they have lost a lot of money and put a lot of money into the football club Yeah and I'll continue to do that Ike set the point that people feeling on Vesey enough but not quite sure to Sevenoaks by the ne because they are national I mean I am and I do hope that somebody you know somebody does come along who can can invest their money and everything to take over but I don't think it's a break people. Could be made out you know people are not grateful are they for. The snow. On the ground issue or by that is one that does concern people is one that has been the grounding stratosphere resolve that yeah that's true that's true it will never it will never know what you know with I'm locust you will never know that it's a really really responsible it was a complete. One complete right. Going to court but in the meantime that's not going to resolve by the start of next season so something has to happen before then it's ascribing to staying calm and relaxed really good ideas ideas that. Commanders potential. Some buyer will come along and say that event eventually but we're just going to take the long take I'm the. Next Guy and decide if the city do well in the next programs then promotion is certainly on the battle and promotion is almost out. Of the 3 y. Game the away games should help out the city well as you would think that teams won't play the way cultures to date at the weekend when they are the holding team. The next 4 games and losing the way you know of some other league games to get past made in the f.a. Cup not forget about Mansfield at home much France in the summer sees not really living up to that but you know they still fancy to be up there link in a way linking or a decent side and Steven a job I mean they started well so yeah those those games yes how many points would you take from those 4 games then was a good point. Well I think I think 7 yeah to 12 except Not that I would be Ok that would be Ok. I think Munster published. Could be. A challenge. But obviously the minute nobody is going to write this for 4 teams challenging for the top. Surprisingly. It's 7 points up a cop is a subtle double digit now but it's something on their one point off the play off places and I think the 6 from the top 3 Luton of course are now the team at the top and you are it is 7 points and I want to know that the 5 points behind the place Akron turns I mean the 2 wins away from the ultimate approximately it's not Ok that's it from a thank you Beret Like I said about the last day for your goal and there are 12 points clear of relegation just in case you. You thinking about that so you know the current position is still. Plenty of promise to it but the sky was cool start scoring goals and winning games 034-5105 to undertake flight one trouble for a slightly message c.w. Train is the b.b.c. Called sports. Coventry and the word should travel. Problems the name a name for the north side of the m 6 a lanes closed off with long delays following an accident where 2 cars have collided between junctions 3 at an Eton or rather and 3 nights and it is causing them at 15 minutes with traffic lane 3 I believe is closed off their keys County backed was junction further up the motorway as well the problems around junctions 6 straight towards junction 7 were seeing near enough an hour's worth of congestion following a 3 vehicle accident actually 3 lanes closed there as well actually feeding during that stretch will pick a lock and the Cure in Junction 5 that's the turn of the car so brown long long delays there I'm afraid a 46 to all stores getting word of an axe to needs the a 435 not too far away from the McDonald's trying to bite the traffic there at least seems to be Ok if you see anything else they do give me a call 345905200 weekday mornings we're. Going with the fire. And the stories are just brilliant You can't expect an incident to happen in the 1st. Well Juno all sorts of things do well I'm. Knocking over the fact. That I think I'm. Not. Really made him read everything he could in the way. You see Coventry and. Bring the stories I'll bring the cheese and I'll see you Monday morning at 9. If you watch the sky blows phone you know 345900. 200 is the number to call you can take. On top of 3 Start your text c w. Rob says how is Robin still in a job well maybe it's because the one point of the playoffs and 5 points of automatic promotion to the. Poll from all the parts says he doesn't believe what c.c. Being sais I believe that Del Evans was telling the truth it seems to don't want to listen to the fans they're not going to listen to a decent offer for the club so says poll Roy in Belgrade and says surely c.c. Need to realize they've lost the good will the fans they go before Christmas the get 20000 crowd for the Wiccan game on Boxing Day caring for the thought is that the Great. Q. Into the top is a great get you may. Only on Twitter only says would like to see robins play people in their natural positions not making people fit the tattoos people keep saying I'm not sure I mean announcer on as a case in point of announce on does feel he should be playing down the middle he doesn't like playing. On that wide of the of the midfield 3 doesn't like playing that attacking role. And I suppose Mark Minolta has been shifted out to that robot in a way or maybe because he's not scoring goals and so giving him something a little bit different is keep saying that point to Chatty it might just be may or may even be a name just playing slight. I dunno trying to. Why that but the Marlins when I asked him about the other 23 is a game did seem to imply more hear from you here shortly we'll hear from Mark shortly if I will do that in a minute so that you can hear that because I think that the interview ends with him talk about pancetta he did seem to give the clearest indication yet that he seriously thinking about Ponting Cheli. For a 1st team berth and other texts long text of inches of I win the lottery are joined at the Hoffman of the attempt to prise the club away from c. So as for the rest I'd rest a bit naughty as he's clearly long conference play pointed Cheli what's the point in signing a 4 year contract and you have to try all the alternatives so why not play Kwame Thomas it's worth a shout Also I continue with Ryan Haynes to keep beyond me in as he wins a lot of balls in the air and Bevan to start but either way we need to be on our mettle not take a point and find the croutons the down of a not making a break even as of $9000.00 which Tim Fischer stated and that support is all he also went on to say Can you show me what money seats are actually putting in the point is if the club or not are really at a loss which I think they probably are then money has to go in doesn't it so there is that and they did sign what was it 12 players in the summer so again I'm not saying that I'm not defending them as such but just stating the fact that they have put money in and continue to do so you can argue that they need to be investing much much more and that they shouldn't be aiming just to break even I absolutely get that argument but. There is money going in. And Nigel says I'd love to see it but I can't see Cecil leaving until until the last in my opinion futile court case. There's no point discussing team selection Robins will stick with the same dross was a bit unfair because he did make changes last weekend he did bring in Ryan hangs ahead of Chris Stokes he brought strip Bevan back into the side left beyond. So he has made changes. Perhaps you feel you need to make changes from a wider circle and bring lots of point to challenge him and maybe one or 2 others in Jim's a simple answer these unanswered questions is for the communication director to come on because you watch and do his job says Jim well. Yes to be given the answer is a spose to do that in the club have been very consistent on this issue of Dale Evans is interest and they have said all along they've been absolutely consistent throughout that they've had nothing more than a couple of emails from him and there was no offer gone in and they have made another statement to that effect on the ground they haven't said much but the House said that they'd his a priority and they probably did say on this program a couple of days ago that he hopes by around Christmas there would be some sort of announcement on that so we shall wait and see a lot of fans are pretty anxious now to get that news Alessa from the scribe his manager Mark Robins then he's been doing what he can to get the goals going again we've been working on various things this week which will stand us in good stead. Book you know we've just got to try and solve problems you know it's clear it's clear it takes time you know that's the only thing to say it sent to put right book I think that there are a fairly confident bunch and determined bunch and it's more as a big game and it could be a good test for us and if we can turn that around away from home then you know that again will will bode well for us book these are a good side full of confidence and they've got some players in the scene that know the league inside out and have school goals at the level so they've got their obvious threats and we have to make sure and guard against that they've got a way of playing which suits them and has been effective for them and we've got to deal with that 1st and foremost before we can impose ourselves on on them but we're going to try and deliver a good performance a better performance from one that's full of energy akin to the one that we had it was when the press have me talking about a defense enough was will be a good test going up against a team that's going to take in 7 games a season play well and it's a test of. Character test of everybody's character when you go through a period where people may be critical. Looking for reasons you know why you not doing certain things in games and not scoring goals in the clear fact is that we are creating. An inordinate number of chances in games. The stars bury now that we don't concede too many chances and we create a lot so things will turn around we've got some good good players and they are just going to relax go to be more ruthless but relax and have the knowledge that if they keep working hard and get in the right situation things also I mean how much can you work on scoring goals in training of the maze not ice if you know you've got is a situation where if you end up with a player or 2 in the same that end up wanting to do it all and trying to make things happen for themselves then it detracts from everything and we have to become about team again you know not the defenders thinking the keeping clean sheets because it's a team that quit keeps the playing Xi it's not just the back 4 in the goalkeeper the midfield ones are about a big impact on the arms of the strikers at times so it is a team game so we do everything together when together you lose together we keep clean sheets together we score goals together so everybody has an impact on that and it's was happening is that we've ended up with. A non-coherent from 4 exams so that's going to change don't. You consider changing systems will change in personnel. Have all those things and you look at it and you know I've said before as well we were not too far away so there's that consideration as well but yeah I've got I've got a few a few options because inevitably one of the 1st team most obvious schoolgirls in the 23 is going to pop for in the Crystal Palace Oh yeah who gives you food for though it's great you know one of the 2 goals for Jordan and I think he created be able to as well so at least full of confidence of the moment and rightly so and will be putting pressure on on the other much as long as we keep score and he's putting pressure on him. Well there we are reading that what you will morrow and signs on the scoring goals he will be putting pressure on the other players food for thought out from the Under 20 one's game there a way to Crystal Palace a one for 3 point show is called $21.00 was a penalty but a scored one that was set up by Dion Kelly Evans he also there was an own goal which came from punter Chinese cross and I think he set up the goal for Bill are cited to score the other girl he's got for in about 523 games lately has been a science so he's another one who's And he did that make that appearance in the in the checkered trade trophy so maybe he's not too far away either you saw a couple minutes left to go minute so 345105200. If it one will at Texas one trouble face I miss you c.w. Tweeters at b.b.c. Cough sport Monday Sky Blues phone in terms of you are special guests he's got a book out you might have heard him and shit in passing during the commentary we did encourage him to be 1st in the country last weekend but he's going it was it was very I know that people find a very interesting too in that commentary in his assessment so I will talk a bit about the current team and also about his career and his time with Coventry City he's complimentary about some of the people he worked with and not so complimentary about others so he'll be our special guest on the scriber his phone on Monday on b.b.c. Coventry in Wardak show from 6 o'clock and of course tomorrow it's the Sky Blues live Luton Town against Coventry City We're live from Kenilworth Road. Here on b.b.c. Coventry and border for that again in the sky blows the meanest offense in Leeds up against the biggest scorers in League 2 and the slightly difficult thing is that Luton are also the 2nd meanest offense so they're actually doing well at both ends of the field whereas a scriber that maybe we don't celebrate enough by the way because obviously we got another not scoring goals because it's a concern but it is the best offensive record in the whole of the Football League now. Conceding just 8 goals in the 3 divisions of the f.l. No one has conceded as few goals as the sky blue so maybe we should be happy about that maybe we should be celebrating that more and the way that we live of course here on b.b.c. Coventry and Warwickshire from Turkey last year and now with the sky was live and if you go into the game I think a 1000 just over 1000 away tickets are in sold as the entire location and no tickets are available in the days of you haven't got one unfortunately you won't be able to get in so you can follow it on b.b.c. Coverage you want to shoot if you're going to the game do give us a call give us your verdict at the end of the match when lose or draw lesser is a win over 345105200 will of course be the number to call if you want to have your say at the end of the game some evening. I would also have coverage by the way I should say of non-league football on the town at f.c. United of Manchester will be there the match of the 2 caretaker managers are limited in action as well keep across them and in rugby union we've got reports from Cambridge Coventry going to Cambridge looking to get to your winning run and we'll have live commentary on line on the b.b.c. Commentary website of wasps Premiership game against North Hampton which is a 3 o'clock kick off on Saturday have already heard about whether sky was f.a. Cup tie against Maiden has been moved to the Sunday sua start home on Saturday but I think it Mata got moved anyway I think it may be one of the games the b.b.c. Have on their red button programme so it's a took lock on the Sunday of scrubbers against Maidenhead and of course there will be a Sky Blues live from 1 o'clock that afternoon here on b.b.c. Coventry Morticia our poll wanted to be responded to what Paul Barry said Barry so maybe things aren't quite as a grim and given 6 or some credit for keeping the club going. Paul of Morsi part as he's a bit come on by is the worst one as you ever have rather has gone out of business from a bounce and left that would have been like ripping a plaster off quickly not slowly like see sort of doing would have meant of course any. You club having to start quite a number of divisions below but thank you for that poor riches ass who want to my pick tomorrow give a school prediction. Which was made to pick the team that I want you know I wouldn't change all that much I wouldn't I would be tempted up be on my way in because I know he's not going loads of girls either but I think he's looking as likely as any I'd still upon the cherry on the bench but I might be inclined to bring him on a bit earlier than has been done that we are school prediction. I'll go one on one. But I'm not really good those predictions so we'll have to wait and see. The sky blows against Luton tomorrow on b.b.c. Coverage Rio Morduch show myself a modern winch and certainly I will be bringing you all the action. B.b.c. Commentary and larger travel Here's Andy problems continue the m 6 north by no lanes may well be reopened around junction 3 at the moment following Elliott c. Vehicle accident the traffic continues to keep back to his junction 2 further north is still killing following earlier accidents as well junction 63 towards junction 7 is still bad an hour's worth of delays I'm afraid following a multiple vehicle accident all those vehicles involved have now been moved to the heart of the traffic really killing in the name and on the approach ambulances in the rest of the course of the image services remain on the scene there in Ulster the a 46 season extant needs the a 435 there at least implicating Well needs the McDonald's trying to buy to b.c. Anything else as I 345905200. Firstly the Sky Blues phone number though again after the game some after 5 years sure an element on Monday with myself in Mickey hours from 6 then again of course on Friday here on b.b.c. Coventry and it's coming up to 7 o'clock. The place you the stories you should. Be v.c. Coventry and workshop. B.b.c. News at 7 o'clock I'm afraid the Spanish government is holding an extraordinary Cabinet meeting to decide how to enforce direct rule over Catalonia but dread said it would end the region's autonomy in response to a vote by the castle parliament to declare independence a supporter of Catalan independence Carlos Suarez said he expected a backlash from Madrid everyone.

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