Turning on each other all three republican president ial candidates are now backing away from unconditional support of whoever becomes the partys nominee. Welcome to your world this morning donald trump, ted cruz and john kasich each given the chance at that town hall meeting last night to say that they would support the eventual nominee. All three declining that goes back on a pledge the candidates signed with the republican party. It also makes the race important complicated also this morning donald trump defending his Campaign Manager who has now been charged with battery. As al jazeeras michael shaw reports it is an issue that is over shadowing policy discussion. Reporter please welcome ted cruz. Reporter senator ted cruz was first up in cnns g. O. P. Town hall in wisconsin. Right off the top a talk about the news of the day. The arrest of Donald Trumps Campaign Manager the reporter alleged that she was physically assaulted. That i will say its consistent with the pattern of trump campaign. The culture of the gain has been a campaign built on attacks, insults and i think there have no place in politics for insults for personal attacks, for going to the gutter and there should be no place for physical violence either reporter with that ted cruz brought up the vitriole between his campaign and Donald Trumps im not an easy person to tick off, when you go after my wife and daughters, that does it reporter when the audience had their turns to ask questions, substance. How and why does your religion play a part in your political Decision Making . Most farms in the dairy industry cannot find american born workers. What is the shortTerm Solution to keep our Current Labor Force intact. Would you send a force of unrestricted use of power to owe blit rate i. S. I. S. . Reporter about spouring the nominee if donald trump is the nominee would you support that . Donald trump is not going to be the g. O. P. Nominee. Were going to beat him reporter when donald trump was asked if he wanted ted cruzs support i dont want him to do something that he is not comfortable with. Reporter even john kasich wouldnt promise support for the g. O. P. Nominee. If the nominee is somebody that i think is really hurting the country and defying the country, i cant stand behind them, but we have a ways go. Lets see how it folds out. Reporter is fair to say that you believe donald trump looks like he would harm the country if he was the nominee . That will be up to the voters here. Im not going to get into that. Thats too much below the belt reporter donald trump spent a third of the time supporting his manager i didnt know we in all the security cameras. I said this is wonderful. In exxon rates him totally reporter when asked about the tweet war with ted cruz youre running for president of the u. S. Excuse me, i didnt start it. I didnt start it. With all due respect thats the argument of a five year old. No. It is the argument of a five year old. You would say that reporter he was booed when he went after ted cruz so phony. It is so false. The whole thing with the five. Reporter john kasich continued to take the high road and talk policy. I have been able to be able to accomplish things in politics. Im going to tell you not because im so great, but ive been able to attract people throughout the years. Some people have been around me for 30 years. We form a great team. Reporter michael shaw a different legal battle could soon be back before the shorthanded Supreme Court. The justices split four to four in a closely watched union dues case out of california but the plaintiffs, a group of teachers, have vowed to seek a rehearing once a ninth justice is confirmed. Reporter this is a victory, a big victory for ploik employee unions and if zcalia had been on the bench it could have gone the other way. It involves the California Teachers Association and the question of what is called fair share dues. These are dues that teachers must pay even if they dont want to join the union, dues they have to pay to the union because the ideas that they still get the benefit of any contract negotiated by this group. A number of teachers had sued arguing this violated their First Amendment rights of free speech. Well, in a simple onepage ruling the Supreme Court said reporter reporter it was a four four split, no National Precedent is set and the court has simply affirmed the lower court judgment, the ninth circuit, which found in fact that these fair share dues are legal. The head of the National Education association issued a statement saying the u. S. Supreme court rejected a political employ to silence Public Employees like teachers. On the other side, the center for individual rights, they represented the teachers who were suing over these dues, they said this is too significant a case to leave as is. Reporter this case really brings into sharp focus the absence of Justice Scalia and it could be one of many that end in a tie this session, including cases involving abortion, affirmative action, immigration and parts of the Affordable Care act the court will hear arguments in two cases today, including one involving the arm corporation of engineers and protected waters. The man who could fill that Supreme Court vacancy will be back on capitol hill today. He will meet with democratic senators. On to us he sat down with republican senator mark kirk of illinois. It was the first meeting he has had with a republican. He said he would consider voting for garland over the objection of his Party Leaders this morning the u. S. Is ordering hundreds of people to leave turkey. They are relatives of personal there. Officials say there is no specific threat, but after weeks of attacks in turkey, they fear americans could be targets. Reporter both the pentagon and the state department say the mandatory order to departure of more than 700 u. S. Military and Government Employees dependents is not the result of any specific intelligence but, rather, in response to the overall degeneration of the security situation in turkey and the increasing threat of a mass casualty attack reporter at turkeys base where u. S. And Coalition Jets launch daily attacks against i. S. I. L. In iraq and syria, the base school was closed last week. Officials citing unspecified force protection concerns. Now the u. S. Is ordering most but not all families of state department and American Military personnel to pack up and leave out of an abundance of caution we want to take this step now as we can and in a safe and deliberate fashion and to try minimise the disruption to those families. We realise this is a disruption. We, obviously, sympathise with that but at the same time we feel we have a responsibility to do everything we can to ensure their safety and thats what this represents reporter it applies to dependants in three areas of turkey considered dangerous, these three areas. Not affected are those in ankara in the north and istanbul both of which are considered safer. The state Debt Department says the Evacuation Order was weeks in the making and done in full consultation with turkey. The decision to do this, first of all, wasnt taken lightly. It was done after careful thought and consideration and Inter Agency Coordination i might add, and i think it is very much a result of our ongoing assessment of conditions there in turkey and in recognition of the threat environment in southeastern turkey from a regional perspective. Reporter while the order applies only to families of u. S. Government employees and military dependants, the state Department Also issued a general travel warning for any americans in turkey. It is cited increased threat from terrorist groups throughout turkey, noting that foreign and u. S. Tourists have been explicitly targeted and urging everyone to avoid visiting south eastern it you are key, especially areas near the syrian border. The departure comes as turkish officials are travelling to washington for a summit on nuclear proliferation. They insist there is no connection. The u. S. Command says the move is temporary, that socalled accompany tours may room in turkey as soon as the threat subsides turkeys president is in the u. S. Today. He will be taking part in that National Security summit laut later this week. The white house turning down calls for a formal talks with obama. Erdogan will be holding talks with the vie president tomorrow. The administration saying its not a snub, but just about logistics. There will be more than 50 World Leaders attending that summit. The white house expressing concerns with turkeys crackdown on Free Expression in the media president obama will sit down with president xi jinping in a summit this week. There are lots of issues on their agenda. Including north korea. Reporter the Largest Nuclear Safety Center in asiapacific recently opened in beijing. Its funded by china and the u. S. A sign of the two countries increasingly close cooperation on nuclear issues. It is a relationship spurred in part by north Koreas Nuclear ambitions. The government is believed to have conducted four Nuclear Tests in the last 10 years. The latest in january and has said it is planning more. How to curb north korea is something that obama and his chinese counterpart president xi jinping will have to address. What china is unwilling to do is to be so tough on north korea that either the country or the regime become unstable which means millions of refugees flooding across the border into china and which could mean a take over of the north by south korea which is a u. S. Ally and potentially extending the u. S. Influence. Reporter its not only in the Korean Peninsula that it fears an expanding u. S. Presence but also here in South China Sea where china has become more aggressive in recent years in asserting what it seize as its territory. Several other nations lay claim to parts of the South China Sea. The u. S. Says its neutral in the dispute, but some of its actions, including sailing a warship into the area has angered china. The president xi jinping is a more nationalist leader and more risk tolerant. Ache has a vision of china being th this regional value. The u. S. Is already a super power. China wants to become one. To do that it is ready to redefine its relationship with the u. S. And the rest of the world. The man accused of hijacking an egypt air flight will spend eight more days in jail. He and before a judge in cyprus today. He is facing charges including violating the countrys anti terror laws. He is accused of threatening to blow up the jet with a fake explosives belt. One passenger spoke to al jazeera about what it was like on board it was a horrifying moment. I thought it was an april fool joke. It cannot be real. I think like most of the passengers everyone thought that it was no end. Theres no hope for this plane to land because we were above the sea and with these people, you can never know when or how they can proceed with this act authorities in cyprus say he is psychological unstable. During the hijacking he asked to speak to his exwife. The interior Ministry Says he has a criminal record but what happened tuesday was not terrorism related switching gears and talking about weather, you have to hold on to your hat and Everything Else yesterday. Another system moving east reporter this is what we watched across the rockys. Still very widespread. You can see the moisture. I will have more on that in the next half hour. Raining move up in the mid west. Look at this moisture flow from the pacific. Then this will tap into gulf moisture as well. So this is going to be a very wet system now over the next couple of days. Here is a look at the next 24 hours. Portions of the south where we have already had recent flooding just a couple of weeks ago could get widespread areas especially in the deep south getting five to six inches of rain, some places going over that half foot mark and because we already have the recent flooding in the saturation, we already in advance of this, the rain hant started yet, we have the flood watches up across the area. As this continues to pull along, anywhere from the great lakes south ward, we will look at those areas of rain by the time we get into tomorrow this starts hitting the east coast later in the day and the Severe Weather risk. We have enough dynamics and moisture that we watch that shift from a little bit father to the west today through the east tomorrow, but all along the gulf coast and that include the risk for tornadoes thank you for that when we come back, a new era in myanmar the countrys first elected civilian government is sworn into office also a National Treasure becoming endangered. We look at what is destroying the grand cannian. The gr new fallout this morning in north carlina over a law discriminating against lgbt people reporter the protest over a new law many are calling discriminatory against the Lgbt Community. We should not be here today. Reporter tuesday also turned into a war of words between the two men vying to be the states next governor. Were here because the governor has signed statewide legislation that puts discrimination into the law. Reporter cooper says he wont defend a law which among other things makes transgender people use the bathroom of their birth sex our office has defended the state, its officials and agencies when they have been sued. Our office will continue to do that except it will not defend the constitutionality of the discrimination in house bill 2 reporter cooper called the law an embarrassment. That prompted a response from the governor later in the day released on youtube the real embarrassment is politicians not publicly respecting each others positions on complex issues. Reporter the bills sponsor has called on cooper to resign and the governor wants him to change his mind when you are the states lawyer, you are a lawyer first and a politician second. Therefore, i would like to encourage the attorneygeneral to reconsider his flawed logic cooper points to the number of big corporations like ib m and pay pal that denounced the law. He points to official travel bans like new york and San Francisco and the potential for more lawsuits as evidence that the law will cost the states lots of monday i imagine the govern noor has a different take on that reporter indeed. With regard to all the National Condemnation that his anti law has received, he says that his state is the subject of a Smear Campaign on the National Stage and that politicians like cooper, well, theyre just manufacturing conflict for their own agenda ib m is a huge chunk of the revenue of the state. Also this morning critics calling on mississippi delegate protesting the law. Much like the bill that was vetoed it would allow businesses to cite their religious beliefs and deny service to gay and lesbian customers but this allows employees to hand out marriage licences the First Amendment of the constitution protects everyone in their freedom to believe whatever they want to. But its never been used as a tool to deny someone their krif rights it is not yet clear if that bill will pass to the state senate or if the governor plans to sign it. It has been approved by the state house for the first time in half a century today myanmar has a civilian president. Htin kyaw was sworn in this morning. Hand picked by the woman most expect will really be running the government. Reporter an emotional moment for many in myanmar after a long and difficult fight for democracy a civilian president is sworn in. Witnessing this historic event many who were jailed for years by the military. The new president htin kyaw is relatively unknown. He has been hand picked by Aung San Suu Kyi who constitutionally is barred from the highest office because her children are foreign nationals. Htin kyaw announced he will try to change this constitution. Translation as the new government we will try to establish the constitutional principles which are national reconciliation, the Peace Process and the establishment of Democratic Federal union. We will try to work to develop the lives and Living Standards the people. Reporter Aung San Suu Kyi will lead four ministries. She will be the foreign minister, the education and Energy Minister and head of the president s office. She is seen by many as the person who will, in fact, be exercising the powers of president. All eyes are on this lady, Aung San Suu Kyi. Many here are looking at her for change, but many are not sure how much change she will be able to bring. Despite the excitement, celebrations throughout the country were subdued. Translation i really wanted to make a big celebration to celebration this era, but i cant because i have to earn money for my children. Reporter this is the last farmer here after the army evicted hundreds. He hopes the new government will be less corrupt and compensate him for his land. Translation we have lived in a dark era for a long time. We were always afraid to do something, but this time we hope and believe life will get better. Reporter but with the military stale playing a crucial role in parliament and in the new government, many are worried expectations might be too high. The new president has asked the nation to be patient. For decades, the burr meez have proven that this is exactly what they are burmese more trouble for brazilian president Dilma Rousseff as she tries to fight impeachment. The countrys Largest Party voted to split from her governing coalition. It is likely she wont have the support to block impeachment when it comes up for a vote. Dilma rousseff and her allies say she wont resign over corruption allegations that have ensneered her predesaysor ban kimoon urging world powers to take in more refugees. Nearly five million syrians seeking retch assuming so far in neighboring countries, turkey has born the brunt of the crisis taking in more than two and a half Million People. Our correspondent is live in the camp. What could the meeting mean today . Reporter it Means Nothing for them because i asked a few of them, they didnt know that the meeting is taking place and i asked a few others whether they were registered with the United Nations and the answer was no. If you want to be resettled somewhere within the United Nations or you nhcr you need to be registered with the Refugee Agency turkey says it is having trouble handling many refugees as many as it has had no take in. What does that mean for the crisis . Reporter turkey did actually say it almost reached the limit when it comes to hosting refugees. It has over 2. 5 million refugees. However, not all of them are living in camps like this. In is the biggest container camp. One of the best standards, if you will, in the entire region. You have half of the 272,000 refugees who are in refugees container cities, as well as tent cities, the conditions are not promising. When it comes to geneva, there r92 representatives for Different Countries and the u. N. Says almost five million Syrian Refugees are in neighboring countries. If you do the math, every country would end up with about 52,000 refugees and by doing so, if they really wanted to solve the crisis, then the syrian refugee crisis is over. One final point is that not all of refugees in turkey and neighboring countries would like to be resettled around the world. They actually want to go back home to syria we have been hearing from all of the politicians in bodies sides of this issue. What are the people saying specifically both sides of the this issue. What are the people saying specifically where you are . Are they frustrated with this going on for five years with no end in sight . Reporter yes. Absolutely. I was having a different chat with a number of people, different people, different ages and this is basically they are frustrated. They didnt realise the whole thing, this war will drag on five years. They also said that, perhaps, the world has forgotten them. The people who are in this camp, the 23 or 24,000 People Living here in refugee standards they are considered very lucky. If you go outside to other camps they are not as lucky. People here testimony you they want to go become tell ethey want to go back matrimonial home and they want the war to end. They do say that every country within the powers are aiming for their own interest and thats why the war in syria is dragging on and its not ending thank you for that a good reminder that a lot of people just want to go home and the kids there were so darling. Theyre the ones that are caught up in this crisis yes. There is a group of principals accused of a Million Dollar kickback scheme reporter cuba is a maul country with a disproportionately large number of ballet stars. Im in havana at the National Ballet school. From where i will tell you the secret of its success. Et of its success. Ive been treated very unfairly. Reporter by who . I think by basically the rnc, the republican party, the establishment donald trump not the only republican candidate backing away from that pledge to support the partys eventual nominee. Ted cruz and john kasich also saying the same thing. Trump questioned the need for long standing u. S. Allies. He suggested boycott be saudi oil if the king doesnt send Ground Troops to fight isil and said opec is obsolete. From the first moments of his campaign. I will build a great great wall on our southern border and i will have mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words. Donald trump has talked about how he will change u. S. Relations with the rest of the world. Several months in, he started to give a little more detail how morn policy would look under president trump. In an interview with the New York Times he revealed he would renegotiate a long standing security pact with japan saying the u. S. Needs better terms. He would cut oil prices from saudi arabia. Even though the u. S. Still needs middle east energy and open South Carolina to develop Nuclear Weapons and withdraw troops from both countries unless they pay more for the deployment. He very much seems to have not even a cost benefit nationals toward foreign policy, he seems to have a winlowes approach. That is to say if america wins, somebody has to loose and if somebody else wins, america is by definition losing. I think thats concerning when betalk about International Cooperation on any issue. Trump sees unpredictability as a strength and his strength has discredited republican thinking. The United Nations is not a friend to democracy. Its not a friend to freedom. Its not a friend even to the United States of america where as you know it has its home. He has tapped into the row emotions of the american public. He has also been skillful in tapping into certain emotions and sentiments when it comes to american poles. How many average American Voters are really going to know the nuances of the islamic state. Their very afraid. Weve seen levels of anxiety spike to levels we havent seen pins post 9 11. When it comes to tapping into that emotion, hes very smart. Trump will be forced to give more additional of his policy. When asked who his top add sizer is, he has replied several times, well, its me. Charlotte allen is a freelance writer based in washington, d. C. , also a trump supporter who wrote about it with the opening line i went to stanford and i voted for donald trump. Im quoting from our article. You say the common wisdom is that the majority of Trump Supporters barely literate knuckle draggers, theyre low information. Clearly youre not, so why are you backing donald trump . Well, im backing him for serious reasons that a large number of republicans are actually backing him for. If you look at the massachusetts exit polls, youll see that trump not only polled ahead among low education voters, the kind of people who we think or the pundits think at any rate are the bulk of trumps support but actually very High Education voters with college degrees, even post college degrees, trump was still first. Youll see those results in new hampshire, in similar results where hes ahead with the College Educated in vermont, in South Carolina and so forth. I wanted to point out that there are actually serious reasons why people like me and other educated people are supporting trump. So those are the poll number and number one reason what are the serious reasons . The serious reasons are these. We know members of both parties will tell you the polls all show that the economy is americans number one concern and this country has been in a slump, an economic slump since 2008, a recovery that hasnt provided very Many American jobs and certainly not very many high paying american jobs. Trump has zeroed in on two very Important Reasons for that. One of them is unlimited immigration. The republican party, its elite seems to be devoted to the idea that weve got to appeal to hispanic voters especially by giving amnesty can i push back a second, though. Sure. Because of the decline of what is known as the rust belt, these steel mills were built on the back of low wage immigrants. I know, because a lot of them were my relatives and friends i went to high school with. My grandfather suffered from black lung and a lot of these people retired broken broken. Unions fought for better wages, republicans fought the unions and donald trump doesnt even support increasing the minimum wage, so why back donald trump . Isnt he a little disingenuous on that issue . I dont think so. I think the minimum wage is an entirely separate issue. Most demands for minimum wage, for raising the minimum wage have had to do with raising it fairly high, so youre getting into a level thats really a lot higher than a lot of Small Businesses can afford to pay. I think thats a completely different issue from whether there ought to be jobs at all for americans, and of course, the industry mining, you mentioned black lung has had a bad record and unions fought to get better jobs, Better Safety conditions, and basically won. Once the unions had actually assured that most americans would have pretty good jobs at pretty high wages, such as we saw at the carrier air conditioning plant in indiana, then let me ask this question then. Donald trump is a business owner, and he had a very successful clothing line until macys dropped him. His ties were made in china and his suits were made overseas, as well. Doesnt that make him hypocritical . I dont think so, because hes a businessman, so hes really bound to take advantage of whatever the situation is. That doesnt mean hes not going to want to change the situation to something better. It was only 20 years ago that most of those clothes were made right here in america, and moved offshore to china. You probably cant even find american manufacturers right now, and so, its very understandable that thats the kind of thing that would happen. Thats what most rational Business People do. What trump is trying to do is to change that situation by making it more expensive for china to have its American Industries offshored in its factories. Let me ask you this. Donald trump has been described as being racist, zenophobic, anti feminine excuse me, anti woman and insulting people with disabilities. Which of those is not true and why are you backing him . I think none of them are true. I dont think a single one of those is true, i can go through the reasons, hes never uttered a racist word against our own minority people the hispanics. He questioned whether the president was born in the United States. Do you think he would have done so if the president was not an africanamerican . Thats a question that i cant answer and i would assume yes, i think, im not really sure but think his campaign has raised doubts about ted cruzs qualifications to be president because he was born in canada. I think raising that issue has very little to do with race. It has to do with the fact that possibly obama was not born in the United States. I mean, i dont think thats true, but i think that there has been a certain amount of fudging arent his birth certificate. It would have been really a good idea fed come clean, come cans parent. Do you believe him on that, as well . I think this, trump has called for a temporary moratorium on muslim immigration into the United States until we get some of these terrorism issues out of the way and terrorism is a high priority for americans. Hes not calling for a permanent ban. Certainly nobody has a right to enter the United States, no one has a right to be here except those who were born here. What about the thousands of soldiers who are muslims . Im sorry, i didnt hear that question. There are thousands of soldiers serving in the united army who are muslims and members of police departments. What about them . Theyre u. S. Citizens. Theyre a very different bunch of people from the people who want to come here. Not everybody has a right to come here. The people who are born here or who are naturalized should naturally have all the rights of american citizens, should not be discriminated against. Trump has never called for discriminating against american muslims. Charlotte allen joining us from washington, d. C. , thank you for being with us. Thank you. It was great. New questions today over leadership in detroits embattled School District. A group of principals are accused of taking kick backs from a vending company at the same time the district says its run out of money. The alleged scheme involves 12 current and former principals an administrator and a vendor. The criminal complaint said they received thousands of dollars in bribes from a vending company which in some cases did not deliver any of the goods or only a portion of the goods for the purpose of making transaction appear legitimate. In exchange for approving these fraudulent invoices, bribes were paid to these principals. The total amount of the bribes paid varied for each of the individual principals but the total is 900,000, so just under a Million Dollars in bribes. In exchange, he received payments for 5 million and of that, we believe 2. 7 million was fraudulent, so the loss to detroit Public Schools is around 2. 7 million. The vending company is accused of scamming school after school for 13 years. Its a blow to a School District already struggling under a 500 million deficit. Earlier this year, teachers marched in protest over dilapidated schools, overcrowded chooses and not enough industries. The victim are the students and families who attend detroit Public Schools. The teachers, the educators who really want to make a difference in the lives of Detroit Public School children and so a case like this is a real punch in the gut for those who are trying to do the right thing. We hope that if there is a message today that it may seem easy to take a bribe, ill tell you what, its also easy to get caught and we will catch you and hold you actable. The vendor paid the kick backs in the form of cash, checks or gift cards. Each of the 14 defends faces five years in prison and fines of 250,000. How will they make sure that this doesnt happen again . Theyve put emergency measures in place, including topping all purchases by individual schools, also the principals are not allowed to sign off for invoices unless a Superintendents Office also signed off on it and they have an independent auditor. The last thing detroit needs but at least its been brought to light. Forget spring. Blizzard warnings are posted in parts of the rockies. Lets bring in Nicole Mitchell for more on that. This is part of the big system weve watched for a couple of days. You can see how widespread the moisture is throughout the United States. All the way back to nevada, were still seeing some of those areas of snow getting a little bit north of there, theres enough warm air in northern part of the u. S. That thats rain. Especially around the state of wyoming, thats where we until about 6 00 p. M. This afternoon have the blizzard warning in effect. The snow will wind down through the course of the day finally but we still have high winds reducing visibility. Speaking of high winds, when you get a temperature change like this, you know theres a big pressure change and a strong low pressure. 44 in denver versus 79, almost 80 degrees in wichita, youre talking a 30 or 40degree temperature falloff just over one state line and that same area will have high winds so we have a fire danger in the southern end of all of this as we progress to watch this system. Back to you guys. The grand was not i dont know a National Treasure but has become an environmental battleground. Mining threatens the parks water supply and they want it stopped. The politicians argue the industry is too important. Al jazeeras jennifer london reports. In one of the most photographed places on earth, its likely youve never seen this before. The remnants of an old uranium and copper mine tucked in the shadows 1,000 feet below Maricopa Point arent the iconic image little associated with the expansive beauty and wonder of the grand was not i dont know but just as the Colorado River runs wild, mining is linked to this National Treasure. Walking along the south rim, you cant escape the footprint and legacy of mining that happened inside the park. At this point in the trail, it actually detours around the old orphan mine which closed in 1969. Today, its a superfund site and is fenced off to protect visitors from radiation and contaminants. It breaks my heart to see people do that to my land. My sacred land. Colleen is a member of the tribe who says her people have already suffered damage done by the mine, but its new mining around Grand Canyon National Park that poses the greatest threat. Its going to contaminate the water and we dont want to see that. Water is very, very sacred. Weve got to preserve it. According to the grand was not i dont know trust, four written a yum mines operate near the north and south rims of the canyon. One is the canyon mine known as a zombie mine because it lay dormant for decades before resuming operations earlier this year. It operates within the ground water basin that provides the tribe with their primary source of Drinking Water and located just six miles from grand canyonville, the main Tourist Center in the park. Its a time bomb that is in the landscape. We met roger clark with the grand canyon trust as he was leading a group of College Students on a walking tour of mining sites. When rainfall on the piles of other, the rain water coming off it is radioactive. In 2012, the federal government issued a 20 year ban on new mining around the canyon, but mines that were already in existence have been allowed to continue or resume operations. Additionally, some Arizona State officials and the Arizona Chamber of commerce are working to overturn the ban, saying new uranium and Copper Mining will create jobs. In terms of arizonas Economic Health and in terms of even from the day of our founding, mining and copper have been a big, vital part of our life. It would almost be like saying lets shut down the Financial Service industry in new york. We dont believe that the federal government needs to come in and basically make unusable a land chunk the size of the state of delaware. The National Mining association also wants to overturn the ban. In a 2015 letter posted on its website, the associations president wrote the i am the impact is minimal and on the park itself, virtually no one existence. Why are you laughing . Well, you know, its like b. P. Saying theres virtually no impact of deep offshore drilling in the gulf, until there is. What it is, when it happens, its irreversible and irretrievable mining uranium contamination in the ground water is forever. It happened here. It can happen at the other mine. I think those that dont live here who want to tell the people that have to live to the consequences that theres virtually no harm is really an insult. In 2010, the j Geological Survey reported 15 springs and five wells near Uranium Mines in grand canyon watersheds have dissolved uranium concentrations greater than Drinking Water standards. This has the potential to impact 40 mommy people who depend on the Colorado River and nearby watersheds for safe Drinking Water. Does the grand was not i dont know need that to protect it. Its the best we can get and the fact that theyre trying to overturn it well before the tent year occurs says their attack on that is at risk. It was a decision made by this administration, an executive decision that coulding changed with new leadership and the president ial office. Does that worry you . Yeah, it does. Thats why were pushing for a permanent ban under a designation of this entire area as a monument. Outside of the park, the public land, the bml land if designated as a monument would put an end to all new mining. A permanent ban is the only way to protect her people, she said. My future doesnt look promising with the uranium mining, but we will still continue to fight the uranium mining for the protection of the environment and for my people and everybody. June as the fight over the future of mining continues, fences along the south rim and rusted relics clanging at the cliffside of a constant reminder of the prays native people and Mother Nature have already paid. Jennifer london, al jazeera, the grand canyon, arizona. When we come back, an actress and activist. We remember Academy Award winner patty duke, her legacy on camera and off. The road to russia, team u. S. A. Averts disaster in a crucial world cup qualifier. Hollywood is mourning the death of as car winning actress patty duke. She was 69 years old. Duke won an Academy Award for playing helen keller in the miracle worker and played twins on the patty duke show. She was best known as an advocate for Mental Health. She publicly talked about her own struggles with bipolar disorder. New york diocese auctioning off a car used by the pope last year. Since the pontiff rode around in it, bidding starts at 130,000. The auction ends tomorrow. Proceeds will go to new York Catholic schools and charities. Turning to cuba now where ballet is considered a National Past time. A National Ballet school is funded, giving a lot of young people a chance to dance. You can tell by the way they walk and carry themselves that these are no ordinary students, and that this is no ordinary school. Down the hall, some of the older pupils are putting on a special performance of gisele in honor of the visiting british patron. I first came here 20 years ago and so you how wonderful the school is. I want to do everything i can to help. Everything year, more than 50,000 cuban boys and girls from all over the country aspire to study here but only the 300 best are admitted. We do not let a Single Person with talent slip through our fingers. That is the truth. Ramon has been the director of the school since its inception in 1962, a protege of cubas grand dame of ballet. As was the case in the former soviet union, the school combines Academic Studies and dance under one roof, an integrated teaching system financed by that the state of which there are very few in the world. Our school has its own unique style. You can distinguish a cuban dancer, the woman by feminine at this time and grace, the male by virility, powerful leaps and spins and the way they move about the stage. Like a great many of the students, 15yearold alejandro is dreaming big. I want to dance in the royal ballet or at the american ballet theater. I dont want my career to be only here. I want to be a great ballerina. For me, ballet is something glorious. In recent years, it has become easier for dancers to leave cuba and join a major foreign company, like carlos acosta, today a star of the royal ballet. He, too, started here, at the age of nine. There are no luxuries here, not even air conditioning. Yet, these students know that if they have the talent by the time they leave here, they will have the tools necessary to join the ranks of the very best in one of the worlds most competitive professions. A profession that requires discipline and sacrifice, but which as the ballet schools benefactor likes to, lifts the human spirit. Lucia newman, al jazeera, havana. The National Soccer Team One Step closer to a world cup in russia. They beat guatemala 40 in that crucial qualifying game last night avenging last fridays disappointing 20 loss to the same team. They advance to the next round. Ahead, divided and deadlocked, how Justice Scalias empty Supreme Court seat could have long term consequences for resolving divisive issues. President obama pushing for reforms in fighting the war on drugs focusing on treatment rather than prevention may cost more than money. Well be right back in two minutes with more of your world this morning. Well see you then. This is one of the most important sites in the century. This linked the mafia and the church. Why do you think you didnt get the medal of honor . I cant allow you not to go into that because that is your job. We gonna bring this city back one note at a time. Proudest moment in my life. He doesnt have to support me. Im not asking for his support. Do you want the peoples support . A vote of no confidence, all three republican president ial candidates backing away from their promise to back whoever wins the nomination. North carolinas governor faces off against the state attorney general, why the top lawyer wont defend a law many call anti lgbt. A major party splitting with brazils president and she faces impeachment for corruption. A case like this is a punch in the gut for those trying to do the right thing. Corruption in detroits schools, principals accused of taking bribes in a kickback scheme. Good morning. Welcome to your world this morning. Im del walters. Im stephanie sy. An unconditional pledge by the republican candidates to support the eventual president ial nominee is all but dead this morning. All candidates were given the chance to say they would support the nominee and all declined. That goes back on the pledge signed by members of the republican party. Donald trump is defending his Campaign Manager charged with battery. It is an issue that is overshadowing policy discussions. Please welcome ted cruz. Senator ted cruz was first up in cnns gop town hall in milwaukee, wisconsin. Right off the top, a question about the news of the day, the arrest of Donald Trumps Campaign Manager. The reporter alleged that she was physically assaulted. That, i will say its consistent with the pattern of the trump campaign. The culture of the campaign has been a campaign built on attacks, on insults, and i think there is no place in politics for insults, for personal attacks, for going to the gutter and there should be no place for physical violence, either. With that, cruz brought up the have it rio between his campaign and Donald Trumps. Im not an easy person to particular off but when you go after my wife and daughters, that does i have the. When the audience had their turn to ask questions, substance trumped salaciousness. How much does your religion affect your Decision Making . Most farms in the dairy industry cannot find american born workers. What is the short Term Solution to keep our Current Labor Force intact . Will you send an overwhelming force with unrestricted use of power to obliterate isis . Last, a change of heart from cruz about supporting the republican nominee. If donald trump is the gop nominee would you support him . Let me tell you my solution to that. [ laughter ] donned that would is not going to be the gop nominee, were going to beat him. When trump was asked if he wanted cruzs support. I dont want him to do something hes not comfortable with, just like i cant imagine jeb bush. Look, i beat these people badly. If the nominee is somebody that i think is really hurting the country and dividing the country, i cant stand him him. We have a ways to go. Lets tee how this owl folds out. Is it fair to say that you believe donald trump looks like he would harm the count rip if he was the nominee. That will be up to the voters here. Im not going to get into that. That is too much below the belt. Trump supported his Campaign Manager. I didnt know we had these Supreme Court cameras around all the time. I said this is wonderful, this chronritz him totally. Youre running for penalty of the United States. Excuse me, i didnt start it. I didnt start it. Sir, with all due respect, thats the argument of a 5yearold. Its the argument of a 5yearold, he started it. He was booed when he went after cruz. So phony. I know you have a couple of people out there, because you put them in the audience, but its so false, the whole thing with the john kasich continued to take the high road and talk policy. I have been able to be able to accomplish things in politics. Im going to tell you, not because im so great, but ive been able to attract people throughout the years. I have some people have been around me for 30 years and we form a great team. Michael shure, al jazeera, janesville, wisconsin. Nationalout in North Carolina over a law critics say discriminates against gays, lesbians and transgender people. The state torn general is refusing to defend it as he runs for governor. The protest over a new law many are calling discriminatory against the Lgbt Community played out on the streets tuesday. We should not even be here today. Tuesday also turned into a war of words between the two men vying to be the states next gone, republican incumbent pat mcrory and roy cooper. Were here because the governor has signed statewide legislation that puts discrimination into the law. Cooper said he wont defend a law which among other things makes transgender people use the bathroom of their birth sex. Our office has defended the state, its officials and agencies when theyve been sued. Our office will continue to do that, except it will not defend the constitutionality of the discrimination in house bill two. Cooper called the law an embarrassment, prompts a response from the governor late in the day. The real embarrassment it politicians not publicly respecting each others positions on complex issues. The bills sponsor called on cooper to resign and governor mccrory wants coop tore change his mind. When you are the states lawyer, you are a lawyer first and a politician second, therefore, id like to encourage the attorney general to reconsider his flawed logic. Attorney general cooper points to the number of big corporations like i. B. M. , pay pal thats denounced the law. He points to travel bans for cities like new york, San Francisco, and points to the potential of lawsuits as evidence that the lawsuit will cost the states lots of money. Weve heard about the companies that dont back the law. What about the ones that do support it . The North Carolina values coalition, says 300 businesses contacted them in support of the law but only 36 have allowed their names to be published by the coalition. Of those, cold well banker in raleigh have disavowed that saying individual employees spoke when they werent authorized to. Critics are calling on Mississippi Senate to vote down a bill they say discriminates against the Lgbt Community. Dozens protested the law outside the capitol much like a bill just vetoed in georgia. It would allow beliefs to be cited in refusing business. The First Amendment of the constitution protects everyone and their freedom to believe whatever they want to, but its never been used as a tool to deny someone else their civil rights. Its not clear if the bill will pass in the state senate or if the governor will sign it. Its been approved in the house. The man who could fill the vacancy on a the Supreme Court, meeting with democratic senatorial franken and kristin gillibrand. He sat down with republican senator mark kirk of illinois, the first meeting that garland had with a republican, kirk telling reporters he would consider voteling for garland over the objection of Party Leaders. Brazils Largest Party abandoning penalty rousseff, voting now to split from the governorring coalition. That could make her more vulnerable at opponents try to out of the her from office. Party bosses from the pmdb, brazils Largest Political Party and strongest ally for many years of the ruling workers party, but on tuesday in a vote that lasted all of three minutes, leaders decided to take a starkly different path that thrust brazil deeper into political crisis. From today on wards in this historic meeting, we are breaking from president rousseffs government. Many saw the move as perhaps a fatal political blow to president rousseff who now very likely wont survive mounting pressure in congress for her impeachment when it comes up for a vote as early as two weeks from now. Rousseff and her allies say she wont resign, reminding brazilians that 54 Million People voted her into office less than two years ago and she has not been convicted of any crime. The political mud slinging on all sides continues. With their countries politicians fighting for power, many regular brazilians are watching it all unfold, wondering whats become of their country. The politicians are destroying brazil. No one cares about anything. All prices are going up and no one does anything bit. Im telling you its difficult. All of this corruption, politicians hide money in underwear and socks and the poor suffer. As for the opposition, they have more marches planned to call for rousseff to step down and no doubt are energized by the news of her coalition crumbling around her. For a president , time is running out of time to save herself. The man accused of highjacking an egypt air flight will spend eight more days in jail. He appeared before a judge in cypress today. Hes facing charges include be violating the countries anti terror laws. He is accused of threatening to blow up the jet a a fake explosives belt. One passenger spoke about what it was like onboard. It was a horrifying moment. I couldnt believe it. I thought it was like april fools joke or whatever. It cannot be real, and i think like most of the passengers, everyone thought that it was like no end. Theres no hope for this plane to land, because we were above the sea and with these people, you can never know when or how they can proceed with this act. Authorities in cypress say the man is psychologically unstable. During the highjacking, he asked to speak to his exwife. Egypt said what happened is not terrorism related. Iran is defending its launch of Ballistic Missiles. The leader said the key is in talks and not minutetaining military strength. It did he haves u. N. Security council resolutions. There will be a decision whether new sanctions should be put into effect. Ban kimoon urging world powers to take in more Syrian Refugees. Nearly 5 million syrians seeking refuge in neighboring country include turkey, lebanon and jordan, something that needs a worldwide response. The magnitude of this particular crisis shows us unmistakably that it cannot be business at usual, leaving the greatest burden to be carried by the countries closest to the conflict. Al jazeeras omar osela is live in turkey. What could todays meeting mean to the refugees where you are . I spoke with a number of refugees and they had no idea about this meeting to start with. I asked them whether they were registered with the uncr, because if you want to be resettled, you need to have a certain paper, so for these refugees theyre in turkey or in this camp at least are not registered. In other words, it Means Nothing for them. When i ask them are they looking forward to be resettled somewhere in the world, europe, or in the western world, they said actually, they wanted to return home. Home mar, turkey said it is having trouble handling the number of refugees its already taken in. What does this mean for the future of the crisis . Well, yes, turkey did say that and said it spent somewhere between 78 billion u. S. Dollars on more than the 2. 5 million refugees and just to give you an idea where i am, this refugee camp is one of the biggest with about 24,000 Syrian Refugees. The operational budgets for this camp is approximately about 2 million u. S. Dollars every month, so you can imagine the expense for the turkish government, what it means for the future of the crisis im not quite sure. I think people here are looking for the long term. So give you an idea since this catch was created in 2013, there are about more than 3,000 newborns, so people here are already multiplying. They are given hope that the International Community will step in and end the war in syria, i think they think that the refugees will stay longer in refugee camps like this and others across turkey and the region. Omar, as always, thank you very much. A federal judge in indiana rejecting a move by the state there to block her order over refugees. The judge turning down a request for a stay as the state appeals. This case surrounds goner mike pence and his decision not to allow refugees to resettle in the state. The governor cited concerns over public safety. The judge said it discriminates people fleeing war in other countries, including syria. Winds are causing damage, gusts up to 50 miles an hour took down trees and wires on the east coast. In new hampshire, one gust topped 133 miles per hour. High winds are blamed for knocking a tree into a car there, killing the driver. There is rain this morning that is putting much of the south at risk for flooding. Lets bring in nicole for more on that. The radar doesnt look that ominous yet, unless you know some of the telltale signs. We have the moisture streaming across from the pacific. As the system moves along, it will tap into gulf moisture and this is the same storm system producing rain to all that snow weve been talking about back in the rockies in some of our areas through the west. If you look at the radar, you can start to see a little bit of a line forming um in oklahoma into texas, not much yet, but this is just the beginning as we get into the heat of the day and especially this afternoon and this evening, all of that blooms into a widespread area. This takes us through the next 24 hours, so initially of course starting westward and by tomorrow morning, starting to, initial bands, hit the east coast. Theres also an area of Severe Weather. The next couple of days through the south, widespread areas in the deep south that could get five or sixinches of rain, some places isolated higher than that half foot mark. These are places that had that significant flooding just a few weeks ago. Were is the rated. This additional rain will cause more problems. Other places are putting up advisories, watching that rain closely and thats just one side of this, as this spreads, this is once we get into a little later today and as i said, hitting the east coast through the day tomorrow, depends on where you are, but on the backside of all of this, we already have the risk for Severe Weather. That includes tornadoes and the same thing for tomorrow, just slides a little bit farther to the east, but a couple days that we could be watching these very spring storms producing anything from wind, hail to tornadoes. This on top of last months flooding there, thank you very much. A tie on the Supreme Court gives unions a victory by default. A deadlocked bench leaves the nation without its highest authority. President obama hosts World Leaders this week but its hills meeting with chinas president that could shift americas foreign policy. A battle over the power of unions could be back before the Supreme Court. The justice splitting 44 in a closely watched union dues case out of california. The plaintiffs have vow to seek a rehearing once a ninth justice is confirmed. This is a victory, a big victory for. Employee unions and if Justice Scalia had still been on the bench, it could very well have gone the other way. This case involves the California Teachers Association and the question of fair share dues, dues that teachers must pay even if they dont want to join the union, dues they have to pay is because they sometime get the benefit of any contract negotiated by this group. A number of teachers had sued arguing this vital their right of free speech. In a simple one page ruling, the Supreme Court said in other words, it was a 44 split. No National Precedent is set and the court has simply affirmed the lower court judgment, the ninth circuit which found that these fair share dues are legal. The head of the National Education association issued a statement saying the u. S. Supreme court rejected a political ploy to silence Public Employees like teachers. On the other side, the center for individual rights, they represented the teachers who were suing over these dues said this is too significant a case to leave as is. A full court they said need to decide this question and we expect this case will be reheard when a new justice is confirmed. This case really brings into that were focus the absence of Justice Scalia and it could be one of many critical and controversial cases that end in a tie this session, including cases involving abortion, affirmative action, immigration and parts of the Affordable Care act. The court will hear arguments in two cases today, including one involving the army corps of engineers and protected waters. I want to go now to Ian Millhiser at the center for American Progress action fund joining us from washington. Thanks for being with us. A 44 tie in a decision means the court cant set precedent and it didnt really rule either way. Does this case show when the justice are tied, the Supreme Court is essentially render the impotent. I dont think that this case is necessarily the best example of the courts dysfunction, because in this particular case, the plaintiffs were asking the justice to recovery rule a 40yearold precedent, so that precedent remains in effect and we all know the law now, its what the law has been for the last four decades. The problem is youve got so many other cases going down on Birth Control, on immigration, where the law is more unclear, and this is just an appetizer of what could come if we have a bunch of 44 decisions in these other cases, where you could have a great deal of confusion, you could have Conflicting Court orders, parties may not know what to do because the Supreme Court wont have ruled one way or another on it. Right now, the court is considering, i know youve written about this whether further accommodation to the Birth Control mandate in the health care allow should be made to religious groups. Thats another important case. What happens if theres a split in that decision . Well, there you could have this considerable chaos. The issue there is affectively whether or not religious bosses can prevent women from receiving Birth Control coverage in their health plans. Most courts have said that no, a womans boss doesnt get to make that call, but the eighth circuit which covers several states in the middle of the country have said that a womans boss does have that authority. You could potentially have a situation where a woman moves from the accident to arkansas understand she loses her rights because shes moving into the eighth circuit. You could have a situation where someone sues in the eighth circuit and he gets an order saying that one exactly. You end up with a federal health law that is sort of implemented piecemeal by state. How do you think the members of the Supreme Court feel about these splits . Do they do things to try and avoid them . Well, their side certainly in the Birth Control case that theyre trying to make it work. They issued a very strange order yesterday laying out a very light tweak to the Birth Control rules and essential lip asked for briefing on, hey, if you make this slight change, would that be cool, which is not something that the Supreme Court normally does and is probably a sign that at least one of the justices is casting about trying to avoid a 44 split here. What impact do these splits especially like the union fees case will have on the debate whether republicans are going to consider obamas nominee judge garland. Republicans want to maintain their control are the have of the Supreme Court. Theyve had it many years. There really hasnt been a liberal court since the nixon administration. Theyre afraid they are going to lose their majority and i dont think a little bit of chaos is likely to overcome their desire to control one of the most important branches of government. Which is why the president ial race stakes are that much higher. Thanks for joining us this morning. Thank you. If you study civics, this has been one fascinating year. Its been one heck aviles son. A new strategy in the war on drugs. The president outlines plans to tackle addiction but many say the dream is too expensive to become a reality. Security concerns forcing the u. S. To pull personnel away from a key ally in turkey. [chanting] yes we can an historic election. You and i, were going to change this county, and we will change the world. Monumental decisions. Mr. President , theres a one and three chance of a second great depression. Firsthand accounts from the people who were there. Their opinion was shocking. The challenges. He said, i am president of the United States and i cant make anything happen. The realities. He stood up and said, thats it, im finished. Welcome back to your world this morning. It is almost 8 30 eastern, taking a lock at todays top stories. All three republican candidates are backing away from backing their eventual nominee. Donald trump said he feels hes been treated unfairly by the republican party. The front runner spent much of his time defending his Campaign Manager, cory 11 in dos ski has been charged for attacking a reporter. The republican governor saying the state has been the target of a vicious Smear Campaign, the tomorrow general of North Carolina saying he wont defend the law in court. Penalty rousseff in brazil is under attack. She says she wont resign over corruption allegation. The white house is out with its latest plan for addressing prescription abuse. Giving 11 million to states to expand treatment programs and spent another 94 million for Community Health centers nationwide. Robert ray has more on the reasons behind the push. Barack obama. [ cheers and applause ] 2,000 medical professionals advocates listen to president obama and others talk about the opiate and heroin abuse crisis in america. Its not enough just to provide the architecture and the structure for more treatment. There has to be actual funding for the treatment. Crystal is a mother of two and now in recovery from heroin diction. Her hope is that the struggle she endured can be a lesson for others. It slowly happened from weekend to then needing it throughout the week, needing something to go to work, eventually, i need something stronger than the vicodin, i was doing oxycontin, dilaudid, things like that until it eventually led into me doing heroin. Opiates, drugs like morphine, codeine and others killed 28,000 people in 2014, more than any other year on record. The president is calling for 1. 1 billion in funding to expand diction treatment centers, increase Mental Health coverage and heighten awareness at medical schools across the country. Frankly, were underresourced. I dont think the public realize little the scope of the problem. My hope is that by being here today, hearing from people who have gone through heroic struggles with this issue, hearing from the medical community about what theyre seeing that weve got the opportunity to really make a dent on this. Gary mendel lost his son to heroin and said the president could do more without waiting for congress. There could be an executive order tomorrow, emergency executive order. This is spreading 30,000 people are going to die this year. Thats half of the vietnam war. President obama is pushing congress to act on what the c. D. C. Calls a problem of epidemic proportions. My hope is that all the advocates and hopes and families who are here and those listening say to congress this is a priority. Robert ray, al jazeera, atlanta. Lets go now to daniel raymond. The policy director of the harm coalition. He is attending that conference where the president spoke on tuesday. He joins us this morning from atlanta. Thanks for being with us. Did the president s commercials yesterday represent a sea change in the battle against heroin diction, in your opinion . I wouldnt say a sea change so much as a culmination of a lot of work the administration has been doing the past couple years to emphasize a Public Health approach to the important of treatment and really shifting resources to the areas that have the most impact. This problem is in some instances nothing new. I actually sat and watched a heroin addict shoot up in washington, d. C. Back in the 1990s. Is the problem that there are more heroin addicts these days or that the once urban problem has moved into the suburbs. Its coming on the back of a huge increase in prescription pain killer misuse and overdose. Weve seen it spread geographically into areas and communities that never had a serious heroin issue before and many of them are unprepared to deal with it. Treating addiction is often putting a bandaid on the root cause. How did we get here . Why are so Many Americans taking on that yes, i dos and isnt big pharma mostly to blame . Isnt anything going after the pharmaceuticals. Theres been a lot of critique of the pharmaceutical cross and marketing of pain medications. Over the past 20 years weve seen a significant push to provide pain pills that are often very powerful and have their own risks to a broader and Broader Group of patients. Twenty years ago, they were reserved for end of life care and Cancer Treatment and now used for headaches, lower back pain, other conditions that could be better treated through other means. Isnt this creating what some would say would be a perfect crime if big pharma is to blame for pushing these opioid in the first place, now theyre going to make billions which dollars off of the solution for drugs like narcan. Id loves to that we are spending billions of dollars on narcan to prevent opioid deaths, but were spending 2 billion a year on pain killers. I dont think its going to be easy to get out of this problem, but i do think that theres a role for medication, theres a role for counseling, theres a role for Community Education and its not just about what the pharmaceutical companies can do but they have a price to play for their role in contributing to this. You said we are going to be paying for the original sins for years to come. What are the original sins . I think theyre twofold. One is a belief that we can make these pain killers widely available without any consequences and without any risk of addiction. That was a terrible mistake. The second is that weve never taken drug treatment seriously enough, so when we were hit with this growing toll of addiction, we lacked the capacity, we lacked the financing, the insurance coverage, we lacked the prescribers to actually help us stop this issue at the core by getting people into treatment quickly. Now were going to be digging ourselves out of that agreement gap. One of those people featured in the report said that the president could solve the solution tomorrow with executive action, but shouldnt congress bear some of the load . After all, congress is deeply divided on this issue. It has been divided on the issue of Needle Exchanges and narcan handouts, what is the congressional role . I think that congress has actually been taking a very bipartisan approach to this issue. Theyve come together in a different way than in the 1990s on saying that theres a new con sense on Needle Exchange as part of the illusion. Theres a consensus on narcan as part of the solution. The one thing they have not come together on is how much money we should be spending on this issue. This affects broader debates around federal funding, so the more conservative postures that we need to cut funding, cut the deficit and then the counter to that which the president is pushing is that if we dont invest the money now, well pay for this for decades to come and losing to many lives in the process. Mr. Raymond, thanks for being with us this morning. Thank you, my pleasure. Also this morning, there is a new report out accusings jails in louisiana of failing to give inmates routine h. I. V. Treatment. Some people were made to wait for extended periods without receiving any h. I. V. Medications at all and after inmates were reds, the jails failed to refer them to proper medical providers for continued treatment. Louisiana ranking second behind washington, d. C. In new h. I. V. Infection cases. The state department is ordering hundreds of americans to leave turkey this morning, the families of diplomats and military person necessarily. The state Department Said there is no significant threat but they fear americans could be targeted. Both the state department and pentagon say the ordered mandatory departure have 700 military and Government Employee dependents is not the result of any specific intelligence, but rather in response to the overall deterioration of the security situation in turkey and the increasing threat of a mass casualty attack. At turkeys air base where u. S. And coalition launch daily attacks against isil in iraq and syria, a base School Closed last week citing concerns. Now the u. S. Is ordering most but not all families of state department and military personnel to pack up and leave out of what the pentagon called an abundance of caution. We want to take this step now as we can in a safe and deliberate fashion and to try and minimizes the disruption to those families. We realize that is a disruption and we obviously sympathize with that, but at the same time, we feel we have a responsibility to do everything we can to ensure their safety and thats what this represents. The order applies to dependents in three areas of turkey considered dangerous, near the air base in the south, along with two other areas in the west. Not affected are dependents in the turkish capital ankara in the north and istanbul in the far northwest, both of which are considered safer. The state Department Says the Evacuation Order was weeks in the making, and done in full consultation with turkey. The decision to do this first of all wasnt taken lightly. It was done after careful thought and consideration, and interagency coordination, i might add and i think its very much a result of our ongoing assessment of security situation in turkey and recognition of the threat environment specifically in southeastern turkey from a regional perspective. While the order applies to only families of u. S. Government employees and military democrats, the state Department Also issued a general travel warning for any americans in turkey. It cited increased threats from terrorist groups throughout turkey, noting that foreign and u. S. Tourists have been explicitly targeted and urging everyone to avoid visiting southeastern turkey, especially areas near the syrian border. The departure have u. S. Democrats from turkey comes at turkish firms are traveling to washington for a summit on nuclear proliferation, but the state department insists there is no connection. The u. S. European com mapped said the move is temporary, that socalled accompanied tours may resume in turkey as soon as the threat sub sides. Jami macintyre, al jazeera, the pentagon. Turkish president is in washington today, taking part in that National Security summit later this week, so far the white house turning down calls by president erdogan for formal talks. President erdogan will hold talks with Vice President joe biden tomorrow, the administration saying its about logistics with more than 50 World Leaders attending that summit, the whites house has expressed concerns recently with turkeys recent crackdown on Free Expression in media. The president will sit down with chinese president xi this week. There are a lot of issues, among them north korea. We have more on that. The Largest Nuclear safety Asian Pacific recently opened in beijing funded by china and the u. S. Its a relationship spurred in part by north Koreas Nuclear ambition, whose government is believed to have conducted four Nuclear Tests in the last 10 years, the latest in january and said it is planning more. How to kirk north korea is something positive and his chinese counter part president xi will address. Be so tough on north korea that either the country or regime becomes unstable, which means millions of refugees flooding into china and which accounted mean a takeover of the north by south korea, which is a u. S. Ally, and potentially extending the u. S. Influence. Its not only in the Korean Peninsula that china fierce an expanding u. S. Presence. Its here in the china sea in which is asserting what it calls its territory. Several other nations claim control of the saw the china sea. Some actions, including sailing a warship into the area have angered china. President xi is a more nationalist leader and more risk tolerant. He has the vision of china being this regional if not global power. That vision will ultimately affect the relationship with the United States. The u. S. I also already a super power. China wants to become one. To do that, its ready to redefine its relationship with the u. S. And the rest of the world. Al jazeera, baseballing. Meanwhile, china wants to make sure its citizens dont see foreign websites, beijing is blocking everything from domains registered outside the country. Its the latest in a series of tough measures designed to bolster the socalled great firewall. Facebook, twitter, going and you tube are already blocked. Myanmar has a civilian president , he was sworn in, handpicked by the woman most expect will really be running the government. We have this report. An emotional moment for many in myanmar. After a long and difficult fight for democracy, a civilian president is sworn in. Witnessing this historic event, many who were jailed for years by the military. The new president is relatively unknown. He has been handpicked by the Prime Minister who is bored from the highest office because her children are foreign nationals. He immediately announced he will try to change the constitution. As the new government will try to establish the constitutional principles which are national reconciliation, the appeals pros and establishments of Democratic Federal union and well try to work to develop the lives and Living Standards of the people. She will lead four ministries, be the foreign minister, Energy Minister and head of the penaltys office. She is seen by many as the person who will in fact be exercising the powers of president. All eyes are on this lady. Many here in myanmar are looking to her for change, but many are not sure how much change she will be able to bring. Despite the excitement, celebration throughout the country were subdued. I really wanted to make a big celebration to celebrate this era, but i cant, because i have to earn money for my children. The last farmer after the military evicted hundreds to build a new city hopes the new government will be less corrupt and compensate him for his land. We have lived in a dark era for a long time. We were always afraid to do something, but this time, we hope and believe life will get better. With the military still playing a crucial role, many worry expectations might be too high. The new president has asked the nation to be patient. For decades, the burmese have proven that this is exactly what they are. Al jazeera, myanmar. Some dramatic video to show you from boulder, colorado. A skier survives an of a large, recording it all even as the snow took him down a thousand feet. So far this season, there have been four avalanche deaths in colorado, 23 across the United States. Makes you dizzy watching that video. Colorado bracing for more snow. Lets bring in Nicole Mitchell. That broad system weve been watching as it moves cross the country, you can see the leading edge of this has movement to it. Look at the snow area. That has hardly budged. Were winding down today, but still plenty of snow. Its been a couple of days of snow at this point, so everybody is getting sick of dicking out from that. Heres a look at that moisture especially over wyoming, the rest is hit and miss, but its been a challenging morning once again. This his the one place left where we have even a couple of blizzard warnings in effect, because winds could still gust 3045 miles an hour and even the snow thats already on the ground is blowing a little bit with all of that. Now, this is of course on the cold side. Theres a huge temperature contrast with this system. Highs for today, denver, were at 60, that is great. Today only in the 40s, contrast that with wichita, kansas, about 80 degrees, Oklahoma City 82, so theres about a 40degree drop just between one state to the next as this front comes through. Thats going to be pretty dramatic through the course of the day. That heat will also be the setup for part of what were going to see in terms of Severe Weather. Of course with the dynamics of this system, as well, but watch anywhere from oklahoma into possibly alabama through the course of the day, that would bement core of where were most likely to see the Severe Weather. Hail of all the different elements is the most likely, but i would not be surprised if we see a couple of tornadoes over the next days. We should point out that was not you skiing through that of a large. This time. A dozen detroit principals accused of being on the take. A bribery scandal and school strict still struggling to pay its bills. Al jazeera america. That is one hot car being auctioned off by the new york die ceases, the fiat used by pope francis last year. The used hatchback worth 25,000, but the bidding has reached 130,000. The auction ends tomorrow. The proceeds go to new York Catholic schools and charities. New problems for volkswagen, this time with the federal trade commission. The f. D. C. Filed a complaint accusing the german automakers of deceiving the public in its clean diesel campaign. Cot is facing a criminal probe over the rigged emissions tests. A group of principles in detroit accused that taking kickbacks from a vending company. It comes at the same time the district says it is running out of money. The alleged scheme involves 12 current and former principals an administrator and a vendor. The criminal complaint said they received thousands of dollars in bribes from a vending company which in some cases did not deliver any of the goods or only a portion of the goods for the purpose of making transaction appear legitimate. In exchange for approving these fraudulent invoices, bribes were paid to these principals. The total amount of the bribes paid varied for each of the individual principals but the total is 900,000, so just under a Million Dollars in bribes. In exchange, he received payments for 5 million and of that, we believe 2. 7 million was fraudulent, so the loss to detroit Public Schools is around 2. 7 million. The vending company is accused of secretly scamming school after school for 13 years. Its a blow to a School District already struggling under a 500 million deficit. Earlier this year, teachers from more than 80 schools marched in protest over dilapidated schools, overcrowded chooses and not enough industries. The victim are the students and families who attend detroit Public Schools. The teachers, the educators who really want to make a difference in the lives of Detroit Public School children and so a case like this is a real punch in the gut for those who are trying to do the right thing. We hope that if there is a message today that it may seem easy to take a bribe, ill tell you what, its also easy to get caught and we will catch you and hold you actable. The vendor paid the kick backs in the form of cash, checks or gift cards. The city is putting a stop to purchases by individual schools and bringing in an independent auditor. One of these principals is away outstanding principal. What punishment do they face . Each of the 14 defendants faces up to five years in prison, also fines of 250,000 and the vendor faces charges for tax evasion, as well, so he could be seeing more punishment, as well. Thank you. Remembering patty duke. The actress and activist who change pitted conversation over Mental Health. On the golden road, seth curry with a chance of breaking an all time nba record, another one. The Gay Rights Movement . It gave us courage to go on. The Gay Community in particular was being portrayed incredibly negatively. A lot of peoples lives have been put on hold. Were prepared for the fight that we know were facing. Twentyone people were killed, nearly all of them transgender women of color. We have a reason to wake up and live just like everybody else. Its easy to demonize something that you dont know. They forget that youre human and everyone deserves some respect. One woman, one man marriage is a civil right if they redefine marriage, what is it to be . They are pushing social change on some people who are still very resistant. Im willing to face my consequences as you all will face your consequences. The next big day in the battle for gay rights at the Supreme Court. We absolutely believe this is a states right issue. All were asking for are the same rights everyone else has. Gay marriage is legal. This momentous, historic, landmark decision. Samesex marriage legal in all 50 states. We just felt like we had to be here. Our Human Dignity is being recognized. This is just a watershed moment. I saw some other people that actually started to cry. This ruling will strengthen all of our communities. I couldnt be prouder of our country. Theres no gender. Theres just people. I finally get to blossom into the beautiful flower i am. Al jazeera america. Proud to tell your stories. She was a teenage star who used her career on the screen to help others. Potty duke has died at 69. She won an as core for one of her first big roles but her special struggles helped launched a national conversation. For a 16yearold, it was the role of a lifetime. Water. Water. Patty duke played helen keller in the miracle worker opposite ann bancroft as sullivan. Years later, oscar night memories never faded. Joan crawford told me i was wonderful. Gregory peck i met gregory peck all of it was truly a wonderland. With the awe came plenty of adversity. Her father was an alcoholic, her mother a manic depressive. Duke herself struggled with bipolar disorder, a battle which hollywood turned into a sitcom classic. Theyre cousins, identical cousins all the way the patty duke star made her a t. V. Star, playing cousins. Duke, who was married three times, including to the addams familys john astin went public with her illness in 1982. From 1985 to 1988 she served as president of the screen actors guild, an actress, and advocate, when she was asked how she would like to be remembered she said. Im proud that when im given a job, im going to give you have what i paid for and main even more. Her son shared a picture of himself as a baby in the arms of his famous mother, patty duke, the caption, i love you mom. Erica pitzi, al jazeera. Shes great. The nbas Golden State Warriors keep winning. They beat the Washington Wizards last night. They have tied the franchise records. The bulls hold the nba record for 72. There are still eight games left in the regular season. Thats it for us here in new york. Your world this morning back tomorrow morning at 7 00 a. M. Eastern time. Until then, have a great day. Welcome to the al jazeera news hour. Libyas new unity government denies threats of violence. Well be live there with the latest. Irans Supreme Leader said Ballistic Missiles are part of the countrys future as the u. S. Expresses concern. A new dawn in myanmar, the countries first elected government in 50 years is sworn

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