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Candidates chasing frontrunners Hillary Clinton and donald trump. Welcome to your world this morning. Michigan, the biggest prize in the four contests taking place today which includes a primary in mississippich mississippi and republicanonly contests in idaho and hawaii. In the michigan between the water crisis in flint, the States Economic troubles and failing schools, voters have a lot on their minds when they go to the polls. Bisi is live in detroit. Its early, but it looks like a lot of people are going to be voting today. Thats right, del. The polls open here in michigan just a short time ago and there are adso on t. V. , billboards all across the state urging to get out and vote as state organizers expect record turnout. Millions of good jobs lost, communities devastated, the jobs moved overseas. In michigan, the political ads are hard to miss. Hillary clinton came here to show she is standing with us. He will do for michigan what he has done for ohio. Ahead of tuesdays primary, president ial election, the candidates are hitting campaign trail hard in the great lakes state. Ladies and gentlemen, the Democratic Candidates for president of the United States. Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders squared off in flint, a city plagued by a nearly two year long water crisis. It is raining lead in flint and the state is der elect in not coming forward with the money that is required. The governor of this state should understand that his dereliction of duty is irresponsible. He should redsine. As the city of works toward a long term fix, michigan Governor Rick Snyder is under mounting pressure. Opinion monday, the board of state canvassers approved a second recall against the glofrn over flints toxic water on behalf of thousands of residents was filed this week against the governor and other state officials. The democratic debate put flint in the pot light but nanny voters remain split on whether it will make a real difference. I dont generally have a lot of hope for promises made by candidates because, i mean not that they wont do what they are going to do, but i am always skeptical first. I would like to see it before i believe it. I am glad they are bringing it tup. Its importantly they bring it up. They are seeing, you see, whats going on in the lives thats being affected. So, hopefully the debate will focus on that well see where we will go from there. Thats where i will make my choice on who would be the best for the presidency and the future. While clean water, poverty and other social issues are top concerns for many voters in michigan the state economy is improving, an issue that came up in last weeks republican debate. Saving through negotiation throughout the economy, you will save 300,000,000,000 a year. Of the four states with con tests on tuesday, michigan has the most delegates to award with 59 for the republicans and 147 for the democrats, making michigan a key battleground state in the race for the white house. And state officials tell me absentee ballots are up so far this year and at last check, Hillary Clinton and donald trump were leading in the most recent polls. You have been there since day one. How imports is the flint water crisis . How crucial was that in the outcome of todays vote . I can tell you, del, just about anywhere you go in the state, everyone has an opinion on flits water crisis during the townhall debate this past sundayif they talked about the issue, addressed the problem and had some harsh words for the states governor. Some of them recommending that he either step down or he should be recalled. So, i think that flints water crisis is going to play a big role in getting people to the polls today. And bisi, on the issue of polls, the latest polls taken over the weekend, as you point out, do show Hillary Clinton is we will ahead of bernie sandners michigan. Is there any sign that that debate on sunday or last nights town hole might have changed voters minds . Well, its very interesting. Ive talked to several political analysts, del. Everyone has different opinions. Many people feel like the voters on the democratic side have made up their mind. They are decided on who they plan to vote for. There are those who believe there is still some undecided voters out there and that that debate may have played a role in which direction voters will go in. But i can tell you that Bernie Sanders said yesterday that he has a really good chance of beating clinton if voters show up. Back to you. Bisi for us live in detroit. Thank you very much. Michael bloomberg is backing away from a president ial run, in an oped the former new york city mayor said it could put donald trump and ted cruz in the white house. He said Trumps Campaign plays on peoples fears but he also called out democrats saying they have moved tour too far to the left when it comes to wall street and trade. Bloomberg did not endorse a candidate. The Reagan Library is preparing for the final goodbye for nancy reagan. Starting tomorrow, she will lie in repose at the library in simi valley, california. The public will be allowed to pay respects. She will be buried alongside her husband on friday. First Lady Michelle obama will be attending the funeral. Nancy reagan was 94 when are she died of congestive heart failure. Vice president due by is in dubai part of a middle east tour. He met with the Vice President of the united arab emerates. He went to the air base in abu dhabi, tractortrailer. These are partnerships that are built and nurtured right here on this base. You capture the images that provide us with the intelligence we need to target the enemy and to protect our forces. You control the skies overs iraq and syria. As a matter of fact, you all control the skies and the whole damn world. Bidens tour will take him to the west bank. The visit comes as the white house is trying to restart the peace process. This was the last time john kerry saw theisitsi Prime Minister afternoon the last time he met the Palestinian Authority president , which did not come out of the secretary of states meeting in late november, a resumption of the peace process. The Obama Administration denies its given up. This notion that, you know, that its morabund, we have given it up, you know, its something that needs to be kick started would be, you know, conveys this idea that, you know, that we just have thrown up our hands or that we did at some point. And, thats just not the way the secretary looks at this. Reporter in the face, of more immediate crisis, its ill, syria, north koreaeena, some say president barack obama has given up on the mid east peace process. There havent been face to face talks in several years. Then secretary of state Hillary Clinton launched the administrations first effort in the 2010. John kerry tried again in 2013. Both attempts fell apart and a new effort has not been made. Obamas former mid east advisor, dennis ross recently wrote that the lack of u. S. Focus is putting the vision of a twostate solution at risk, especially in light of the israeli governments continued building of settlement in the occupied west bank and attacks onnitsisis and palestinians. Rosss solution try one more time to reach a deal, but dont put so much pressure otisisis to stop settlement building right now. Laura friedman of americans for peace now, which opposes settlement construction calls rosss idea laughable. What this really is saying is, we want to fundamentally change the entire concept of Israeli Palestinian peace. We want to erase all of the understands both sides have agreed on since 1993 and we want to start over based upon the situation today. And we are going to go decree that and the palestinians are just going to have to accept it. In the end, some u. S. Officials say that until they see a willingness of pal stannians and israelis to return to talks, all they can do is wait. Al jazeera, washington. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cancelling a tour he was supposed to take to washington this month. He turned down a an invitation to meet with the president obama at the whitehouse, to coincide with a summit saying he didnt want to travel to the u. S. In the middle of a primary sunni. Season. Supporters of same sex couples celebrating a ruling, it prohibited al lesbian from contacting three children. They said the justices ruled that will alabama must abide by georgias law. A spokesman for al shapial shabaab is denying allege that more than 150 fighters were killed in u. S. Air strikes over the weekend. The penalty gone says talks targeted the camp north of m mogadishu. They say they were preparing to launch a large scale attack against u. S. Troops. In recent years, Al Al Shabaab has clajd responsibility for attack after attack including a massacre in this nairobi mal. Ol monday, they said the group was planning another attack, on u. S. Troops and their african alleys in some alisomalia. My understanding is, that there was intelligence, that this is a Training Camp and that these fighters were going to be embarking upon missions that would directly impact the u. S. And our partners. Reporter on saturday, the pentagon says the u. S. Struck the camp with drones and piloted aircraft killing more than 150 Al Al Shabaab fighters saying the u. S. Was figwaving the site about the 120 miles north of somalias capitol. This strike was in self defense and in defense of our African Union mission in somalia pers. We did use a mix of manned and unmanned platforms. The removal of those terrorist fighters degrades al shabaabs ability to meet the groups objectives, recruiting members, establishing basis and planning attacks on u. S. And forces. The u. S. Has designated al shabaab a terrorist operation. The group wants to create a strict Islamic State in somalia and is thought to have thousands of fighters including children and foreigners. U. S. Strikes killed a groups top lead ner 2014, but in the past two months, shapial shabaa stepped up attacks killing more than 150 people, bombing a restaurant, a hotel and a park in somalia and kenyan soldiers at a remote desert out post. U. S. Officials say saturdays strikes on al shabaab are a step forward in tests to weaken it. This is a good example of how the United States military can use resources and cape abilities in partnership with forces on the ground, in this case, African Union forces, to counter extremism and protect the United States and our interests. Roxanna sillbury. A spokesman for the somalian government says we welcome at a time Precision Drone attack in collaboration with the some alia abbying. It will the minimize the threat of hash shabora and hasten their annihilation. Chicago police say they have charged a man with gang related killing after 9yearoldboy 22yearold faces charges of first degree murder for the execution style shooting death of tashan lee back in november. Police say the 9yearold was targeted because of his fathers gang ties. Boondodi was arrested odd gun charges as well. 14 people are recovering after a commuter train crashed in california. This happening last night in a remote part of Alameda County outside of san francisco. The the two train cards derailed, one flying off into a creek. Four of the passengers suffered serious injury but none are said to be lifethreatening. All 214 passengers on board have been accounted for. Los angeles is getting a little sun this morning after storms drinked the city. There were several rounds of lightning on monday, which caused fires and led to a brief power outage at lax. Heavy rain flooded the streets and despite temperatures in the 60s, there was hail. All of that rain combined with high winds caused a lot of damage. The storm ripped treesries out of the grounds, tour roofs off houses. People have said it felt like an earthquake and no one was hurt, but that is unusual. Sounds like kaufl doesnt stay in california. Texas is next. Good morning, kevin korveiu. For texas and south, that is going to make the hot point as we go through the next couple of days. When you go in and show you whats happening. See thunderstorms firing up since last night. Going closer in, we are seeing this line of thunderstorms right here just about an hour ago, we did have Tornado Warnings that were issued. Those have been dropped but in san angelo, we have seen some damage from tornado, we will no more about that a little bit later on. But at least wind damage coming out of these thunderstorms and as you notice, they are really not discipline issue itting in intensity. So we are going to be watching these carefullying. You can see warnings that are posted. Where you see the oranges, severe thunderstorms. The pigs are severe thunderstorm watches but over to the east, that is where we are looking at flooding, which is actually going to be a much worse situation over the next several days. So in terms of Severe Weather, we are going to watch parts of oklahoma, louisiana, and the rest of texas today. Take a look at this rain totals we are expecting out of the storm over the next 72 hours. Here, parts of louisiana as well as arkansas, we could be seeing at least 12 inches of range, but i do expect those numbers to go higher in some isolated spots. Maybe 15, maybe 18 inches of rain could be seen so widespread flooding is going to be a major issue there. As we go toward wednesday, Severe Weather threat continues across the southeast. Notice that that area of concern is really not moving, and that is why the flooding is going to be so bad. Kevin thank you so. More sanctions. South korea stepping up the response to the north nuclear test of rocket launches. No new clues two years after it accident happened. What happened to malacia Airlines Flight 370 remains a mystery. Every monday night. I lived that character. Go one on one with americas movers and shakers. We will be able to see change. Gripping. Inspiring. Entertaining. No topic off limits. cause im like, dad, there are hookers in this house. Exclusive conversations you wont find anywhere else. These are very vivid, human stories. If you have an agenda with people, you sometimes dont see the truth. Talk to al jazeera. Monday, 6 00 eastern. Only on al jazeera america. Almost hard to believe but today marks two years since malaysian flight 370 disappeared and investigators say they are still hopeful the mystery will be solved. From prashz for the 249 people who were on. One confirmed peace piece of a plane, another piece of debris was found last week and is being investigated. The boeing triple 7 was headed to beijing when it went down in the indian ocean. Al jazeeras in particularentions lui has the latest. Reporter the second anniversary of the disappearance of the flight was marked in malacia in a rather lowkeymaner. Politicians held a minute of silence in parliament behind me to remember all 239 people who were on board that plane when it disappeared. A team of International Investigators has also issued an interim report. According to the International Civil aviation organization, an interim report has to be issued on each anniversary of an aviation accident until the final report has been issued. So this is the Second Interim report. Unfortunately, it does not disclose any new information or information that isnt already in the public domain. The Prime Minister of malacia issu issued a statement on tuesday, on the anversary saying officials are doing all they can to find the plane and to solve what is being described as the biggest Civil Aviation mystery in history. Now, two rather encouraging pieces of evidence have been found, two pieces of possibly plane debris were found. One on the island and another on mozambique. Now, investigators will try to determine if this did, indeed, come from the missing mh 370. Now, investigators have also said that they expect the search operation, which is ongoings ongoings in the southern indian ocean, to come to an end in july, sometime in july this year and at that point, three countries, china, australia, and malacia will make a decision whether or not to continue the search operation. Al jazeeras florence lui from kuala lumpur. Chinese passengers families filed suits. South korea slapping north korea with fresh sanctions all of this in response to the nuclear test rocket launch. Seoul is black listing dozens of people and organizations it says are connected to north Koreas Nuclear program. They denied entry to any ship that has been to the north. Al jazeera has more from seoul. These unilateral sanctions are meant to heap further pressure on north korea coming on top of the wideranging sanctions agreed by the United Nations last week. They include identifying key individuals and organizations in north korea, banning them from having financial dealings in south korea. There are also further restrictions on trade, stopping vessels that have called in at the north korean port from visiting south korea for 180 days. Also identifying and stopping the important of north korean exports through a third country. The restrictions even go as far as encouraging south korea ians when traveling abroad not to visit north korean restaurants which are seen as a source of much needed hard currency by north korea. All of these measures, according to south korea, are meant to force north korea into take another path away from the one that it has chosen so far. North korea, though, seems to show no scienigns of doing any thing. Thats al jazeeras rob mcbride for us in seoul. The u. S. And south korea beginning joints military drills that take place every year on monday. Other Major International story, turkey and the eu map out a plan to stem the tide of refugees. We will tell you, though, why there is not much hope for hundreds of people who are stuck at a boarder crossing. Also, oklahoma shaking. The states new plan to reduce earthquakes, a link to fracking. Every monday night. I lived that character. Go one on one with americas movers and shakers. We will be able to see change. Gripping. Inspiring. Entertaining. No topic off limits. cause im like, dad, there are hookers in this house. Exclusive conversations you wont find anywhere else. These are very vivid, human stories. If you have an agenda with people, you sometimes dont see the truth. Talk to al jazeera. Monday, 6 00 eastern. Only on al jazeera america. Everyone has a story. And the only way to see all of america, is to see the human stories. One at a time. Get to know the people, their struggles, their hardships and their triumphs. It gives me a lot of pride. Our american story is written everyday. Its not always pretty, but its real. And we show you like noone else can. This is our american story. This is america tonight. Fighters preparing to launch attacks against u. S. Troops. Vice President Joe Biden is meeting with key alleys as part of a tour of the middle east. He sat down with due bys ruler, also the Vice President of the united arab emirates. He visited with troops. His trip will take him to israel and the west bank. Four states, voters casting their president ial ballots. There are republican only contests in idaho and hawaii and for both parties in mississippi and michigan michigan has the most delegates up for grab and the latest survey showing Hillary Clinton maintaining a 13 point lead over Bernie Sanders. The same survey given donald trump a lead over ted cruz who is his closest competitor. Small rights about politics for time magazine, the author of broad influence how women are changing the way america works. Jay joins us to talk about todays primaries. Besides the relatively high delegate counts at stake for both parties in michigan, why do we need to look so closely at what happens there today . So, michigan is important because its a really good indicator of the rust belt in which is going to be voting in the next few contests after michigan ohio, pennsylvania, and all sort of through the Old Industrial kind of midwest and so whomever does well in these states predictbly will probably do pretty well in the rest of the rust belt. It looks like Hillary Clinton is locking down her lead against Bernie Sanders and she certainly will do well, i think, in michigan certainly that debate on saturday, on sunday, seems to have helped her a lot because she really emphasized the fact that she could win the, that she supported the auto bailout when Bernie Sanders sort of different, although thats sort of half true. He kind of half did, half didnt. Also, shes made the flint water crisis a huge parts of her candidacy or at least in the last few weeks, it has been. Donald trump, its a really interesting on the republican side because hes actually been faltering in the saturday voting contests, he lost in the surprise rout in cousin, lost to ted cruz and did poorly until last minute voting in louisiana. Its a test to see if he could win in michigan has he still got the momentum on his side . If he does, he will probably sweep the rust belt. You talk about trumps base. A lot of people describe a disaffected, White Working Class male. There are big economic troubles in michigan we have been reporting okay, on this network. The lead water crisis in flint, detroits schools are failing. The auto industry, its affects on detroit which not so long ago filed for bankruptcy. Do economic problems translate into votes for trump . It would seem so. Its interesting because in 2008, when Hillary Clinton went up beens barack obama, she won the working class vote but that is trending away from Hillary Clinton and more toward trump even though the unions are backing clinton and the democrats and you see that particularly in states like michigan it will be really interesting, the test of this will be high how the turnout is in michigan. Yeah. In the republican primaries, donald trump has turned out, you know, millions of new voters. If there is more voters coming in, in michigan this time around and you see a lot of the union rank and file voters going republican, that will tell you that hes really pulling that vote. That could bode illfor democrats in the general election, i imagine. But i want to break out this pole a little bit more because Governor John Kasich has seen a surge in the state of michigan it neighbors his home state of ohio and he has surge asked ahead of rubio as well as in michigan would a strong finish breathe life into his prospects . Absolutely. Kasich has been, you know, like donald trump doesnt even mention him any more when he talks about getting marco rubio to drop out of the rates. Nobody talks about the fact there is a fourth candidate. He only has a couple of dozen, 30 someodd delegates. He is way behind others in terms of the delegate count into the hundreds. And he really needs to do strongly in michigan and win his home state of ohio. And if he can do that, then that will certainly breathe a lot more life into his candidacy. He is trying to portray himself as the establishment candidate that can. Thats entirely possible as marco rubio has been faltering in the last few days. He is losing momentum, could lose his state of sfla. If kasick could win it might be the last best hope to knock out donald trump and ted cruz. Lets talk about the democrats for a seconds. After the weekend debate in flint, the n. R. A. Congratulated senator sanders in a sweet. Is this a gift for Hillary Clinton, or will this help sanders in any way in michigan . Well, i mean michigan is one of those states where it depends. Its a mix of rural and urban. Right. In urban areas you see voters that would not particularly enjoy the n. R. A. In sort of more rural areas the n. R. A. Is more upon lar. It was a gift to hillae colinton not just in michigan but moving forward because her whole argument is that Bernie Sanders isnt as liberal, isnt as progressive as you think he is. She is more progressive. Internalie sanders comes from a rural state where the n. R. A. Is powerful t it didnt do him favors moving favors. He has an uphill battle. When we talk about michigan and you said it does give us a pee into what to expect, what will you be looking for today . And will part of that include whether the democrats with energize turnout in the way the republicans have thus far in the primaries . Primaries . He there feel that the democrats will be so terrified by the prospect of a President Trump or penalty cruz especially with two Supreme Court seats at stake, that will turnout. Thanks so much for joining us this morning. Federal workers are told to stay out of areas affected by the zika virus. Those recommendations coming from the federal personnel director urging democratic heads to let their workers telecommute rather than go where zika virus is an issue, trying to help stop the virus. We are hearing from the First American woman to receive a uterus transplant. Doctors at the Cleveland Clinic performed the surgery last month. The uterus came from an organ donor, the patient, lindsey, talked about it. I would like to take a moment to expression the immense gratitude i feel towards my donors family. They provided me a gift i will never be able to repay and i am beyond thankful to them. Lindsey may be able to get pregnant in two years. Sweden reported the First Successful birth from a uterus transplant. There have been five healthy babies born there after transplants. After six earthquakes that were getting bigger and bigger, oklahoma is expanding regulations on fracking there. They hope cutting back will reduce the quakes. Waiting for a catastrophe. Everything was just coming off of the shelves and the shelves were swaying back and forth and just it was scary. It was very scary. Oak he can has seen a 600 increase in earthquakes singles the fracking boom began in 2009. Researchers say the wells used to dispose of fluid using fracking are to blame. It appears the more waste water injected into the ground, the more earthquakes, but the details of that relationship thousands of feet below the ground are if you are key, turning oklahoma into the testing ground of however oil and Gas Technology can push the boundaries of science. The experiment that youve been running in the state of oklahoma for the last couple of years, its really a failed experiment. It exposes too much risk to life and limb. So far theres quakes have not caused death and injury. Property damage has been minimal but as the quakes and frequency in magnitude, seismologists warn a big earthquake may be around the corner. What is at stake . In a lot of ways, the legitimacy of government is at stake. The oil and industry were accused of being put ahead of public safety. It took three years and thousands of quakes for the state of oklahoma to officially recognize the link between busy posal wells and seismic activity. Now the state agency that regulates oil and gas is trying to get up to speed. All i can say is no one has tried to tackle a project like this before. On monday, the agency directed operators of more than 400 disposal wells to reduce the volume of waste water they inject into the ground by 40 . Is this asking or telling the operators to comply . Its a voluntary directive. If they do not follow it, then our course is legal action. In the past, Court Battles have led to settlements in the industrys favor. Theres also concern about well operators Self Reporting how much water they put into the ground. The companies are not required to use realtime monitor that is automatically report data to the state. The technology exist, what doesnt exist is the political will power to make that happen. The cost is minimal, about 8,000 a well. Then there is the question of what happens if oil prices rise. The current dip in disposal well usage has less to do with regulations and more to do with the economy. Heidi zhou castro, al jazeera, oklahoma city. Break out the sunscreen, temperatures are on the rise and could break records this week. Thats right. Weve been talks it and actually the numbers we said yesterday have been tweak up just a little bit more. Nothing wrong with that. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. Right now this is where we stand, new yorks at 49 degrees. Its actually cooler once you go from pennsylvania on up towards new england and the reason is the frontal boundary thats kind of hanging out. Temperatures from yesterday, we are 12 Degrees Higher in new york, washingtons 13 Degrees Higher and pittsburgh is 20. Tomorrow, when i show this map, it is going to be a big difference, as well, so these are the temperatures were expecting to see today. New york getting up to 68 degrees, washington at 72. Its really as we go towards wednesday and thursday that we really see those warmer temperatures. We are seeing philadelphia hit about 70 degrees. Like del and steph said, we are expecting these temperatures to actually break daily records in this area. We could see dozens being broken as we go from wednesday to thursday. Look at this, thursday, 82 degrees in washington, d. C. This is going to be the last day that we see these warm temperatures, they are going to start to go back down, by 82. You wonder if the theory blossoms are going to come out, too. I think theyre going to come out earlier. European union reaching an agreement by both sides, thousands of refugees will return to turkey from greece and for every syrian sent back the turkey, one will be resettled in europe. Earlier this morning, it was explained how the deal is going to work. Our objective is to discourage illegal migration to prevent human smugglers, to help people who want to come to europe through encouraging legal migration. In exchange, turkey will get more money, quicker access to european visas for its citizens and a fast track to the e. U. Membership. The parties plan to finalize the deal at another summit next week. Syrians on the border in greece are demanding to be let through to macedonia. They were waving german flags as they chanted germany where many hope to head. The path through macedonia is a popular route for those trying to get to northwestern europe. We are live this morning in turkey where the greek and turkish leaders are meeting. Refugees also want to get to greece, right . Absolutely. When you speak to refugees here, they really dont feel that they will be impeded from leaving, so long as they have the money to pay a smuggler to do so. Turkey is promising that it will crack down on the human smuggling trade here, that it will increase the number of naval vessels in the age on a between turkey and greece. It will clamp down and ensure that this flow of refugees stops from turkey into greece, because thats going to be very difficult to do. Were just a 10 minute drive from where you find dozens of smugglers on any given day, where you find hundreds of syrians trying to interact with those smugglers, trying to pay them. This is one of the main launching pads in turkey by which thousands of refugees each day get on those rickety makeshift boats and make the short journey from turkey into greece. Turkey assuring the e. U. That if this new deal is approved, if it is implemented, turkey will do all it can to stop the flow of refugees to contain this crisis, but thats going to be very, very difficult to do, even with increased resources, even with more money in the months to come. What can we expect from that meeting between greece and turkey . The two Prime Ministers of turkey and cypress are in the building behind me. No formal agenda has been presented to the press, but its widely assumed here that the refugee crisis is at the top of the agenda, that it is the priority to be discussed today. This is a meeting to try to enhance cooperation between greece and turkey. The issue they really need to cooperate on the most right now especially in light of the meeting in brussels yesterday is the refugee crisis. Weve seen senior officials go into that building today, but also other matters will be discussed, bilateral trade relations, economic pact, there are several ministers from the greek side and turkish side here today, including the ministers of Foreign Affairs of both countries, the ministers of commerce of both countries, there is going to be a press conference probably in two to three hours from now where well hear more about what is decided and agreed upon. Again, i must reiterate the thing that is really expected to be high if not the top agenda item today is how to ensure refugees from turkey arent going into greece and how greece will further deal with this, as well. Muhammed, thank you very much. The Justice Department is appealing a judges decision in its latest encryption battle with apple. A federal judge apple didnt have to unlock an iphone in a federal case. Apple has objected to unlocking that phone and a phone used by one of the San Bernardino shooters. Its a match like no other, the worlds best players of the ancient chinese board game go will take on googles Artificial Intelligence system this week. As al jazeera reports, the outcome could impact the future of a. I. As prefight hype goes, it was hardly las vegas caliber. The current champ didnt sound too aggressive. If the style was low key, the substance was a match for any big name boxer. I wont let my guard down but given the time constraints, i think im better. I dont think it will end up 32 or nothing. My prediction is either 50 or 41. He is the dominant figure in the ancient chinese game. His opponent in a best of five tournament worth more than a Million Dollars is alpha go, an Artificial Intelligence system named deep mind. Alpha won last year 50. Apple wants to learn by playing the worlds greatest. We chose him because we think this is going to be a very historic match, so we wanted to legendary historic player, somebody who has been at the top of the game and acknowledged as the greatest player of the last decade. The game is deceptively simple, black versus white, equal value pieces, placed turn by turn. The complexity especially for a computer lice in the sheer number of options open to each player and how to determine what makes a good move. To win a game, you want to control the maximum amount of territory that you can on the board so you choose the intersection of the lines to place your pieces strategically trying to not be surrounded by an opponent, because at that point, they vanish. I think he knows more about technical moves. I think he will win, because because when it comes to go, humans are more intelligent than computers. Deep minds designers have tried to find a way to combat human intuition rather than commute every possible outcome of every possible move, one that works slips down the choices, the second evaluates them against scenarios where one or other side is winning at the moment. What if alpha go wins . If a man can do that, that can be kind of a different paradigm of competition, really human dike. The people at deep mind hope it will be a historic moment in the development of Artificial Intelligence. I still remember john henry versus the steam engine. It would be interesting to see john henry versus the machine. Understanding adversity on and off the court. A basketball phenom proving hes got game despite battling a disease. Tennis superstar Maria Sharapova admits that she used a banned drug. Find fantasy shows. When it comes to the things you love, you want more. Love romance . Get lost in every embrace. Into sports . Follow every pitch, every play and every win. Change the way you experience tv with x1 from xfinity. Hey hows it going, hotcakes . Hotcakes. This place has hotcakes. So why arent they selling like hotcakes . With comcast Business Internet and wifi pro, they could be. Just add a customized message to your wifi pro splash page and youll reach your customers where their eyes are already on their devices. Order up. Its more than just wifi, it can help grow your business. You dont see that every day. Introducing wifi pro, wifi that helps grow your business. Comcast business. Built for business. A high profile case over privacy has landed sportscasterrer return andrews a 55 million award. Half comes from the hotel that she said was partially responsible for a stalker being able to get neighborhood video of her. Al jazeeras John Henry Smith has more. What amount which damages do i award the plaintiff erin an doctors, 55 million, correct . Yes. The jury decided that marriott shares the blame for secret recordings made of erin andrews in 2008. Former insurance salesman used a hacksaw to tamper with the peephole in andrews room and record the video, video that has been seen by millions and remains available on line today. Andrews broke down several times during the trial. Everybody put up that i was doing it for publicity and that ripped me apart. The jury found him 50 liable, on the ground her more than half of the judgment, the Hotel Management the rest, 27 million, andrews lawyers successfully argued that the hotel made it far too easy for him to verify andrews was staying there and then get a room next to the espn reporter. He admitted of cell phone videoing her through the peephole. They connected me, so i knew what room she was in. Im just very upset. If they had said we are putting this man next to you that requested you, i would have called the cops. Im so angry, im so mad. Attorneys for the hotel say they are disappointed. We believe and we continue to believe that this was not foreseeable that what mr. Barrett did was unforeseeable to industry, had never happened prior to that. She wrote the man who shot that video Michael Barrett bleeding guilty to interstate stalking, lost his job, serving two years in prison for the crime. Tennis star Maria Sharapova is defending herself. Nike is suspending the long time relationship with the 28yearold. Others will cut ties as well as. She tested positive for a drug which can help enhance performance. I wanted to let you know that a few days ago, i received a letter from the itf that i had failed a drug test at the australia open. I did fail the test and i take full responsibility for it. This is the first year the drug is on the list of substances banned by the word anti doping agency. She said shes been taking it for 12 years for Health Issues and didnt know it had been put on the banned list. She is the highest paid woman in sports. We are a week away, just about a week away from march madness in college basketball. A lot of teams competing for the ncaa title. One team blaze in division two and one star wins every game just by getting on the court. We have the story. Heres landish in the paint. Look at the finger roll at first glance, this 66 starting guard from florida has it all. A mean drive, quick feet, a killer threepoint shot. Line drives. When coach ryan marks of the university of st. Francis in joliet, illinois was considering recruiting Landis Anderson for his division two team, something seemed off. We keep moving the phone closer and closer. After a minute im going like to hes really only playing with his left arm. Whats the deal here. Anderson has a neurological disorder that allows just limited use of his right hand, but a disability, his mother was having none of it. I remember struggling and saying mom, i cant do it. She got on me about that. His mom actually learned how to tie her own shoes with one hand just to prove to anderson that it could be done. My dad helped out as well, but it was my mom that shoved me that tough love and didnt take it easy on me and pretty much taught me i could do whatever i wanted. It didnt hurt that both his parents played college another basketball. In fact, during a stellar high school career, landis was always so focused on being a better player, he never realized he was at a disadvantage, exempt for the occasional cat calls from fans of opposing teams, including some parents. Ill make like a good play or something and hear parents stay stop him, he only has one arm for Something Like that. I can remember looking up at my mom and she giving me this scary face like you better go and play farther. Landis is thriving at the university of st. Francis. Some cultures may have never considered signing him, but coach marks looked beyond his disability and saw something extraordinary. He has this upbeat energy and tenacity with which he attacks every day, so is whatever the antithesis of feeling sorry for him is what i felt for him. At a younger age, i was pushed harder to be the best me i could be. As i got older, i just love playing basketball. I have fun playing the game. Anderson, throws it down. It shows. As the starting guard, he averages eight points a game. All the while, maintaining a 3. 8g. P. A. In criminal justice. Thanks in part to landis, the team is 283 this year, the best record in school history. The team treks to Branson Missouri this week for the Division Two National tournament. The division one tournament, the big dance, as they call it will produce stunning blaze and breakout stars. Landis anderson wont be one of them, and for him, thats ok. Sometimes thoughts creep in what life would be like if this injury didnt occur, but im happy. Al jazeera, joliet, illinois. Good luck landis. One father is threatened with losing his daughter after she tests positive for lead. Well have that straight ahead. Make here. Its a ticking time bomb. Do you know what chemicals have been in that tank . My big brother didnt wake up the next day. Al jazeera americas. Today they will be arrested. Theyre firing canisters of gas at us. We have to get out of here. Heading to the polls, contest in four states kicking off this morning. They could change the race for the white house. Keeping americas friends close in the fight against isil. Vice President Joe Biden visits allies in the middle east. Al shabab remains defiant. Ending the refugee crisis, turkey and europe reach an agreement they say will help thousands stranded on a desperate journey. Welcome to your world this morning. Im stephanie sy. Im del walters. Polls open again this time in michigan and state officials are expecting a record turnout for todays primary. It is one of four can tests today, including a primary in mississippi and republican only contest in idaho and hawaii, but michigan has the most delegates and could help determine who stays in the race for the republicans. Bisi onileere is in detroit this morning. Good morning. It looks like a lot of people will be casting ballots today, what are you seeing and hearing right now . Good morning, stephanie, yeah, the polls opened here in michigan, about an hour ago, and just about everywhere you turn, you see billboards encouraging people to get out and vote. State leaders i talked to said they expect a record turnout and just talking to voters heading into polling stations this morning, many have serious concerns with poverty in the state, as well as clean water and jobs. I want to you take a look at the most recent polls. When you take a look at the polls, Hillary Clinton and donald trump are ahead. Trump leads with 36 and cruz, kasich and rubio trail behind. There you see clinton at 35 . Just to give you an idea of the significance of todays primary election, state Officials Say absentee voting is up compared to 2012. There are some undecided voters there, as well in michigan. Those polls show Hillary Clinton is well ahead of sanders there. Any sign that sundays debate in flint or town hall might have changed that . I talked to quite a few political analysts about this and many believe that those two have been undecided still dont know which direction theyll take, where it will be Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. That debate was really important for the people infringed, michigan to hear from the candidates, but again, political analysts saying for the most part many people walked away undecided. I want you to take a look at what both sand dates had to say at a recent town hall meeting. If the American People begin to stand up and fight for their rights, for example theres overwhelming support in this country to raise the minimum wage. Republicans dont want to do it. But if republicans look out and millions of people are engaged saying you are going to raise minimum wage or you are going to find out what unemployment is. I worked with all or nearly all of the republicans i served with and when i became secretary of state, i did the same. Im not saying this is easy, but as my good friend debby dingle knows, you have to work at it every single day. You have to get up, try to find relationships, build on it, you have to find common ground. Candidates have been crisscross be the state of michigan over the past days. Weve seen a number of different ads from donald trump, from john kasich, from marco rubio, so the candidates are really making their voices heard here throughout the state. Back to you. And about the flint water crisis, back to that, how will that play in the outcome potentially of todays vote . Well, i think that is going to play a final role. In the state of michigan, everyone seems to have an opinion on what happened there in the city of flint, so a lot of people want to see change. During sundays debate, candidate Hillary Clinton made it clear if shes elected, that flint will no longer be in ignored. Back to you. Bisi onileere for us in detroit, thank you. Coming up, were going to speak to a victim of the flint water crisis. Voters ahead to the polls in mississippi today. One issue will be the state flag. Both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders called for the flag to be changed to no longer have that confederate symbol on it. No president ial candidate has commented on mississippis flag but ohio Governor John Kasich did back taking it down in south korea. An independent bid could put donald trump or ted cruz in the white house, a risk he will not take. He said Trumps Campaign blaze on peoples fears but called out democrats, saying they have moved too far to the left when it comes to wall street and playing. Bloomberg didnt endorse any candidate. Saying goodbye to former first lady nancy reagan. Tomorrow she will be lying in repose. The public will be allowed to pay its respects at this time. She will be buried alongside her husband on friday. First Lady Michelle obama will attended the funeral. She died sunday at 94 from con jettive heart failure. Vice President Joe Biden is in the middle east and met the president of the unit arab emirates. He visited the air base in be a abdelhamiabudhabi. You captured the images that provide us with the intelligence we need to target the enemy to protect our forces. You control the skies over iraq and syria. As a matter of fact, you all control the skies of the whole damn world. Bidens tour will also take him to israel and the west bank that could be key in trying to restart the peace process. Now that israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has canceled the trip to washington later this month. Any efforts at peace could prove difficult. This was the last time john kerry saw the israeli Prime Minister and the last time he met the palestinian ok. Obviously having problems with that tape. Well try and bring that report to you later. South korea slapping north korea with fresh new sanctions. It is the latest steps in response to pointing yangs recent nuclear test and rocket launch. Seoul is blacklisting dozens of people and organizations it says is connected to the nuclear program. Rob mcbride has more from seoul. These unilateral sanctions are meant to heap further pressure on north korea coming on top of the wide ranging sanctions agreed by the United Nations last week. They include identifying key individuals and organizations in north korea, banning them from having financial dealings in south korea, there are further restrictions on trade, as stopping vessels that were called in at a north korean port from visiting south korea for 180 days, also identifying and stopping the import of north korean exports through a third country. The restrictions even go as far as encouraging south koreaens when traveling abroad, not to visit north korean restaurants which are southeastern as a source of much needed hard currency by north korea. All of these measures, according to south korea are meant to force north korea into taking another path away from the one that it has chosen so far, north korea, though, seems to show no signs of doing any such thing. That is al jazeeras rob mcbride in seoul, south carolina, the u. S. And south korea beginning those annual military drills on monday. The pentagon says strikes hit an al shabab Training Camp where the group was preparing a large scale attack against u. S. Troops. Al jazeera has more. In recent years, al shabab claimed responsibility for attack after attack in somalia and next door in kenya, including a massacre at this nairobi mall. Monday, the u. S. Said the group was planning another attack, this time on u troops and their african allies in somalia. My understanding is that there was intelligence that this was a Training Camp, and that these fighters would soon be embarking upon missions that would directly impact the u. S. And our partners. On saturday, the pentagon says the u. S. Struck the camp with drones and piloted aircraft, killing more than 150 al shabab fighters. The pentagon says for weeks, the u. S. Was watching the site in rasa, about 120 miles north of somalias capital. This strike was in self defense and in defense of our African Union mission in somalia partners. We did use manned and unmanned platforms. The removal of those terrorist fighters degrades al shababs abilities including planning attacks on u. S. And amazon forces. The u. S. Designated al shabab a terrorist organization and has a number of special Operation Forces in somalia aimed at crippling it. The group wants to create a strict Islamic State in somalia and is thought to have thousands of fighters, including children and foreigners. U. S. Strikes killed the groups top leader in 2014 but in the past two months, al shabab has stepped up its attacks, killing more than 150 people, bombing a restaurant, hotel and park in somalia and kenyan soldiers at a remote desert outpost. Saturdays strikes on al shabab are a step forward in efforts to weaken it. This is a good example of how the United States military can use our resources and capabilities in partnership with forces on the ground, in this case, African Union forces, so counter extremism and protect the United States and our interests. A spokesman for the Somali Government tells al jazeera we welcome the Precision Drone attack on the base in connection at the somali army. The attack will minimize the effect of shabab and hasten theyre nilation. 14 are recovering after a commuter train crashed in california, happening last night in a remote part of almeida county outside san francisco. Two trains collided or actually derailed, one of them flying off into the creek. Four passengers had serious injuries, but none of said to be life threatening. A lot of people though were shaken. Right then, the train flipped over and then i saw people, you know, falling over from the other side of the train, because the train flipped and then the next thing we knew, the water we saw water coming into the bottom of the train. All 214 passengers onboard have been accounted for. Staying in california, los angeles is getting sun this morning after storms drenched the city. There were several rounds of lightning monday which caused fires and led to a brief power outcourage at l. A. X. Despite temperatures in the 60s, there was also hail. All that rain combined with high winds caused a lot of damage. The storm tore roofs off houses. People said it sounded and felt like an earthquake. No one was hurt. A very unsure sight in california. This weather pattern we are seeing with all of this warm weather is causing a lot of problems in South Central u. S. , rains, flooding, turks not hurricanes, tornadoes. The flooding and the Severe Weather is going to be a big problem and carry over tomorrow, as well. We are going to go really close in. I want to show you what we are looking at this morning with this line of thunderstorms making its way towards the western suburbs of fort worth. On highway 20, we have a line of thunderstorms, severe thunderstorms and warnings are in effect right now. Ill show you that in just a moment. You notice there is no letup on the intensity of these thunderstorms and it is the morning time frame. Normally, when you see thunderstorms like this, its in the afternoon, evening, they get bigger and as the sun goes down, they tend to start to get weaker. This morning, we are looking at a very serious situation. Earlier, we did have a Tornado Warning that was issued and i wouldnt be surprised if a little later this morning we start to see tornado watches or Tornado Warnings again across this area. That line extends all the way down towards san antonio, not as strong there, but were going to be watching that carefully. Heres the area of Severe Weather just to the west of dallas. What youll notice over towards the east is all of these flood watches and warnings that are in effect, and that is going to stay and its actually a much more dangerous situation there. A few thunderstorms, excuse me, tornadoes today and dealing with wind damage and large hail but in terms of the rain, take a look over the effect 72 hours, what we expect to see particularly here in louisiana as well as arkansas, over a foot of rain is expected, so extensive flooding across this region, and that means all those rivers once they get flooded are going to take what, a week, maybe two weeks to recede, so a very serious situation. It is early for tornadic activity. We are getting into spring, but we are starting to see it. Using refugees as weapons of war. A u. S. Military commander alleging that leaders in syria and russia are doing just that. A multiMillion Dollars judgment, erin andrews wins a lawsuit claiming a hotel violated her privacy and let a stalker record video of her. Hey hows it going, hotcakes . Hotcakes. This place has hotcakes. So why arent they selling like hotcakes . With comcast Business Internet and wifi pro, they could be. Just add a customized message to your wifi pro splash page and youll reach your customers where their eyes are already on their devices. Order up. Its more than just wifi, it can help grow your business. You dont see that every day. Introducing wifi pro, wifi that helps grow your business. Comcast business. Built for business. Syrian refer jesus stuck on the greek border demanding to be let through to macedonia. Those are chants of germany, many hoping to there. The path is a popular route for refugees trying to get through northwestern europe. European leaders say they have reached a deal with turkey to address that crisis. They worked overnight in brussels to outline terms that would return syrians to turkey from greece and settle others to europe. Leaders are meeting right now. I wanting to live to turkey where that meeting is happening. Muhammed, what are the details first of all of this pro significancal deal and will there be immediate effects on refugees . Turkey has agreed to take all returned refugees, also a mechanism for every refugee returned from greece to turkey would be allowed to go to europe. Turkey is asking for a lot in exchange for this deal. They want an decision 3. 3 billion, thats an additional 3. 3 billion, because you remember 3. 3 billion was already offered to turkey a few months ago, pledged to help with the refugee crisis. Now they wanted double that amount. Turkey also asking in return for this, that visa restrictions be lifted for turkish citizen that is want to visit e. U. Countries. They want those restrictions to be start to be lifted by june, so a lot of parts here. As far as if this will have immediate effect, thats really hard to know. This is one of the launch pads in turkey by which refugees cross into greece. If there is any doubt about the fact that these refugees are still going, still crossing, just a few days ago, terrible news emerging, just a few hundred kilometers from here, a both capsized in the aegean, 25 were killed. Ten of those were children. This is still a daily occurrence, still happening. Its going to be very difficult for the turks to ensure they can actually try to contain this refugee crisis. They are still trying to cross. They get into the western balkan route, finding it closed at the border with macedonia. What kinds of reactions have you heard so far to this agreement . The refugees that you speak with here will tell that you they dont really believe that their journey will be impeded anytime soon, so long as they actually have the money to pay the human smugglers here. I should mention, you know, right now, were right in front of the Prime Ministers office here in ismir but just a couple of miles from us, just about a 10 minute drive, a part of city where you will find dozens of smugglers on any given day, hundreds of refugees, most of them syrians trying to negotiate a price by which they can be taken in these rickety makeshift boats from turkey into greece, so the refugees dont really believe that this will happen anytime soon, that they will be stopped from crossing. Also the unhcr expressed great concerns about this deal to be put in place. They want to ensure that refugees rights are protect under International Law and are not sure if the accord actually will protect the rights of these refugees. There are still a lot of concerns. The refugees really dont believe that unless turkey really starts cracking down, invests heavily in more naval vessels in the area and coast guard vessels that the human smuggling rings will stop anytime soon. Thank you for that update. Americas top military commander in europe saying that russia is creating that refugee crisis to keep Bashar Al Assad in power. In testimony before the Armed Services committee in the house, the general accused moscow of using the crisis to manipulate western nations. Despite public pronounces to the contrary, russia has done little to counter daish, but a great deal to bolster the assad regime and its allies. Together, russia and the assad regime are deliberately weaponizing migration from syria in an attempt to overwhelm european structures and break european resolve. Retired Army Brigadier general is a former United States Senior Defense official and attache joins us live. You heard the general saying russia is actually helping syrian president Bashar Al Assad turn the refugee crisis into a weapon against the west. Is he right . First of all, these were my own personal perspectives. Thank you, del. I think that first of all, the general, who i have met, is a man of enormous integrity and very frank. He would not make such a statement of such gravity unless he really really believed it. Based on what he said, explain to us how this works. All right. Well, if you are flying a lot of airstrikes and firing all types of ordinance, both with the precision weapons but also with what we call dunboms, especially with rules of engagement are looser. While i wont say the russian us and their allies are trying to kill civilians, a lot of them are caught in crossfire in precise targeting and at such, it creates movement and a lot of this awful term, collateral damage. I dont know if there is an intentional policy to kill and drive people out from those areas. By that the way, theyre mostly almost all sunnis. Russia is almost 70 sunni as a population and this could blow back on them. To get back to your question, if they have deliberately weaponized them be it is a short sited machiavellian tool that will work against all their interests in the long term that in the near termite net some tactical effects. If i could push back, are we being polite and using kind words for what really amounts to war crimes if they are indiscriminately bombing populations trying to get them to flee . Im not going to go into the war crimes dialogue. All i know is that dumb bombs and imprecise targeting means they are probably going after combatants but killing a lot of innocent people, too. It will create a problem. Now weaponizing it and creating more of a migrant refugee swell into turkey and the region, which then blows if you will, that pours into europe, through greece and elsewhere, weve been reading about, whether its intended or not, the effects are the same. It weakens and undermines a european institutions which in the long term will be absolutely dell at herrous to russia. Jew can putin be checked on that this part of what weve seen in ukraine . Russia has moved in many cases beyond the norms of what we would tall 21 century International Law. They have pushed and are redefining and rewriting the laws and as such, to include an illegal annexation of ukraine, and basically throwing the military weight around. In fact, the military increasingly seems to be a policy tool of first choice rather than last resort. Yes, they are becoming increasingly threatening, which is why nato very, very correctly has been doing all it can to reassure its allies and partners while showing russians hey russia, this is defensive. This is not offensive, but back off of the intimidation and back off of your more aggressive activities. Retired Brigadier General joining us from washington, general, thank you very much for being with us. Youre very welcome. Hoping for change in flint, michigan. Residents there taking that water crisis now to court. We are going to talk to a man who is filing suit after his young dear tested positive for lead. Danger in the ground, oklahoma goes after the fracking industry as it tries to stop earthquakes. Pushing the boundaries of science. We are on the tipping point. We can save species. Its the biggest question out there. Its a revolutionary approach. We are pushing the boundaries. Techknow is going to blow your mind. Our experts go inside the innovations, impacting you. This is the first time anybodys done this. I really feel my life changing. Techknow, where Technology Meets humanity. Only on al jazeera america. Welcome back to your world this morning. 8 30 eastern time. The polls are open, they are voting in michigan, expecting a record turnout. It is one of four contests happening across the country. Voters are taking part in mississippi and republican only contest in hawaii. In michigan, they have a lot on their mind including the water crisis in flint. Cameron, payton and trayvon have life threatening amounts of lead in their bodies. They filed a lawsuit Holding State officials responsible. We are trying to get action and get action quick for these families, the proper attention by the e. P. A. , by the state regulatory agencies has not come. The contamination began when state officials switched the source of the citys water in order to save money. The more corrosive water taken from a local river began dissolving lead from old pipes. Those lead pipes are now being dug up. Tens of thousands more will have to go said flints mayor. There is a crisis and we cant wait. The longer it takes us to do one line, the longer it takes us to get to everybody else. Residents say ripping out the pipes wont uproot theyre fears. Its scary, because even though the pipes are no longer lead, you still have to worry about the water. It isnt the only u. S. Town with a lead emergency. Cities in mississippi, ohio and pennsylvania have found high levels of lead in their water supplies. Lead is a powerful neurotoxin. Its particularly dangerous for the young, who may suffer permanent loss of some mental abilities. Some families in flint want someone to pay for putting their children at that kind of risk. Rob reynolds, al jazeera. We are joined live by two people connected to the flint water crisis. Luke wade is a flint resident and one of the people taking part in a new Class Action Lawsuit. Hunter is his attorney. Thank you both, gentlemen, for being with us. Luke, your daughter i understand tested positive for lead. What have the effects been . With her being such an adolescent age, its hard for me to really see. Shes really irritable, hard to keep on track, just strange things that you wouldnt see in a normal child. Luke, you were so concerned with the levels of lead you found when you tested sofia that you worried you might actually lose custody. Is that because at that point you hadnt been told that there was lead leeching into the water . We werent told at that time, and we were threatened innocent women and children that i want to talk to your attorney, hunter, who joins me on the set. Hunter, who are your clients suing exactly and whats the best they can hope for . The first thing we have to understand is the lead poisoning is a permanent problem for these children and their families. They are suing everyone in the chain who have provided the water. Its the government officials, its the engineers, its everyone right up to the governor, because each have fault in their own way. How many clients have signed on to the Class Action Lawsuit . Right now, we have approximately 900 clients who we are working with. The class action that we recently filed has seven families, and approximately i think 20 children. How difficult is it to go after the government officials all the way up to the governor, you have them saying they were not aware of the risks of the flint water crisis. Theres a lot of blame being pointed at the e. P. A. Is there government immunity issues that youll have to contend with . They have been denying and denying and denying. The governor has been saying i new nothing but there are emails saying the governor did know or the people in his office did know. These government officials are going to have to answer for what they did and not look to save their political lives. I want to bring luke wade back into the conversation. Luke, what at this point, like hunter was just saying and doctors actually say, there are outcomes of lead poisoning can be permanent. What would make you feel better at this point . Seeing food prices lowered. It costs so much to keep her on a good diet, well nutrition. Its unbelievable how much it costs. Talk about how sofia is doing today and how closely you monitor her to see if you see any other changes. We have her tested periodically and we play like every day flash card games with her, and stuff, and i can tell that her Attention Span isnt what was like with my older son. Its theres certain things that you can tell that are different. Hunter, let me ask you, you can hear luke describing his daughters condition. Its not really black and white. How do you gather evidence for a case like this when theres so Many Disparate outcomes of lead poisoning . We have worked with lead poisoned children for decades now. This is not the first incident of it. These children have to be followed closely by their teachers, by their pediatricians, by the schools and ultimately by neuropsychologists be its an insidious disease pros. You dont look at a child and say thats a lead poisoned child. What you see is a happy, smiling i would child that that brain damage that will show up as the years go by when you compare them to the other children. From your standpoint when youre vetting which clients can be part of this lawsuit, what criteria do you use, do you look at the Childs Health or at the lead testing that was done in the homes. Lead testing of the children is what dictates what has gone wrong. We know children shouldnt have any lead in their bodies. They shouldnt have lead in their brains. Babies born to mothers who were exposed to lead have neurological damage. Its the lead readings, now as the children stop drinking the water, bathing in the water and use boddled water, the numbers will come down. They see it in their bones as they grow older. What you are talking about is being able to feed sofia fresh food. Would you like to see criminal charges brought against the people involved in switching the water source to the contaminated flint river . I really dont knowal aspect of it. All i know is that we should have been warned and maybe implemented a filter or some type of device to prevent it. Its really hard on the parents going through the battled water. Its just terrible. Thank you both for your time. Later today, the city council in ferguson, missouri expected to reconsider approving the deal to overhaul the police and courts, the city rejecting the same deal over concerns it was too costly, the Justice Department suing the city as a result. The changes were recommended following the death of Michael Brown an and the riots that followed. Erin andrews received a 55 million award. Half will come from the hotel that she said was partially responsible for allowing a stalker to record neighborhood video of her. John henry smith has more. What amount of damages if any do you award the plaintiff, erin andrews. 55 million, correct . Yes. In reaching that verdict, the jury decided the nashville marriott shares the blame for secret recordings made of erin andrews in 2008. Former insurance salesman Michael Barrett used a hacksaw to tamper with the peephole in andrews room and record the video. Video that has been seen by millions and remains veil on line today. Andrews broke down several times during the trial. Everybody put up that i was doing it for publicity and that ripped me apart. He owes her little more than half of the judgment, the Hotel Management the rest, 27 million. Andrews lawyers successfully argued that the hotel made it far too easy or barrett to confirm andrews was staying there and then get a room next to the espn reporter. He confirmed recording cell phone video of her through the peephole. They connected me so i would know what room she was in. Nashville marriott called me and said were putting this man that requested next to you, is this ok and i would have called the cops and we would have gotten him. It could have stopped this and im so oary, so mad. Attorneys for the hotel say they are disappointed. We believe and we continue to believe that this was not foreseeable, that what mr. Barrett did was not foreseeable. Andrews wrote on twitter the man who shot the video in this case, Michael Barrett pleaded guilty in 2009 to interstate stawing and served two years in prison for his crime. How likely is it that erin andrews gets the compare 55 million. Not likely, Michael Barrett cant afford his pores of the judgment, 28 million and the hotel cant be held liable for his share. What a lot of legal experts think will happen is erin andrews will reach a settlement for less than half of the judgment. A lot of hotels will think twice before they allow a person saying i want a room next to that person. Thanks. After six years of earthquakes that kept getting stronger and stronger, oklahoma expanding regulations on fracking in the state. It is an industry that dominates oklahomas economy, but as al jazeera height joe kass reports, they hope that cutting back will reduce the quakes. Waiting for a catastrophe. Everything was just coming off of the shelves and the shelves were swaying back and forth and just it was scary. It was very scary. Oklahoma has seen a 600 increase in earthquakes singles the fracking boom began in 2009. Researchers say the wells used to dispose of fluid using fracking are to blame. It appears the more waste water injected into the ground, the more earthquakes, but the details of that relationship thousands of feet below the ground are murky, turning oklahoma into the testing ground of however oil and Gas Technology can push the boundaries of science. The experiment that youve been running in the state of oklahoma for the last couple of years, its really a failed experiment. It exposes too much risk to life and limb. So far the quakes have not caused death and injury. Property damage has been minimal but as the quakes and frequency in magnitude, seismologists warn a big earthquake may be around the corner. What is at stake here . Peoples lives and property, and in a lot of ways, the legitimacy of government is at stake. The oil and industry were accused of being put ahead of public safety. It took three years and thousands of quakes for the state of oklahoma to officially recognize the link between disposal wells and seismic activity. Now the state agency that regulates oil and gas is trying to get up to speed. All i can say is no one has tried to tackle a project like this before. On monday, the agency directed operators of more than 400 disposal wells to reduce the volume of waste water they inject into the ground by 40 . Is this asking or telling the operators to comply . Its a voluntary directive. If they do not follow it, then our course is legal action. In the past, Court Battles have led to settlements in the industrys favor. Theres also concern about well operators selfreporting how much water they put into the ground. The companies are not required to use realtime monitors that automatically report data to the state. The technology exist, what doesnt exist is the political will power to make that happen. The cost is minimal, about 8,000 a well. Then there is the question of what happens if oil prices rise. The Oklahoma Geological survey says the current dip in disposal well usage has less to do with regulations and more to do with the economy. Heidi zhou castro, al jazeera, oklahoma city. Record temperatures are coming to the east coast. We have a big warmup, record temperatures as you said and its going to stay a couple of days. We have Important Information coming out concerning what is happening in texas. We said we expect tornado watches and warnings to be issued. They have been issued across this area for parts south of dallas towards austin. This is something were watching all day long and do expect those warnings to be issued later. Temperatures have come up slightly since the last hour, new york 58 degrees. This afternoon, a big difference from yesterday, most people are seeing 1015degree difference warmer than yesterday. Look at these temperatures we expect to see today. New york at 68 degrees, washington at 70 degrees. We have a front hanging out here keeping areas to the north just a little cooler for the next couple of days. Wednesday is when these temperature start to break. Philadelphia expected to see 78 degrees and by thursday, look at this, washington, d. C. , 82 degrees, new york seeing about 75 degrees. This is when a lot of people get out on the sidewalks and, you know, the restaurants open up. You also get the spring allergies. Ive noticed eye allergies. You get that quickly, too. Ill take it, though. Its been two years since Malaysian Airline flight 370 disappeared. Strife to go solve the mystery of what happened to those onboard. The fallout for Maria Sharapova as she admits she took a banned drug. Find fantasy shows. When it comes to the things you love, you want more. Love romance . Get lost in every embrace. Into sports . Follow every pitch, every play and every win. Change the way you experience tv with x1 from xfinity. Hey hows it going, hotcakes . Hotcakes. This place has hotcakes. So why arent they selling like hotcakes . With comcast Business Internet and wifi pro, they could be. Just add a customized message to your wifi pro splash page and youll reach your customers where their eyes are already on their devices. Order up. Its more than just wifi, it can help grow your business. You dont see that every day. Introducing wifi pro, wifi that helps grow your business. Comcast business. Built for business. Today marking two years since makes flight 370 disappeared. Investigators are hopeful the mystery will be solved. A part of the wing has been discovered. Another piece of possible debris was found last week and being investigate. The plane departed from kuala lampur on its way to beijing when it apparently went down over the indian ocean. We have more. The second anniversary of the disappearance of flight m. H. 370 was marked in malaysia in a rather low key manner. Politicians held a minutes silence in parliament behind me to remember all 239 people who were onboard that plane when it disappeared. A team of International Investigators has also issued an interim report. According to the International Civil aviation organization, an interim report has to be issued on each anniversary of an aviation accident until a final report has been issued, so this is the Second Interim report. Unfortunately, it does not disclose new information or information that isnt already in the public domain. The Prime Minister of malaysia issued a statement on tuesday on the anniversary saying officials are doing all they can to find the plane and to solve whats described as the biggest aviation mystery in history. Two encouraging pieces of evidence have been found. Two pieces of possibly plane debris were found, one on reunion island, another on mozambique. Investigators will try and determine if this did indeed come from the missing m. H. 370. Now investigators have also said that they expect the search operation, which is ongoing in the southern indian ocean to come to an end sometime in july this year. At that point, three countries, china, australia, and malaysia will make a decision whether or not to continue the search operation. That is al jazeera from kuala lampur. Families are filing lawsuits against the airline. They are asking the courts to step in and find out what happened to the plane. It is a day for celebration for women around the world. One day we will play in the major leagues. This is Google Doodle for International Womens day, highlights womens economic political and social achievements. The holiday was first organized by the socialist party of america in 1909 an celebrated around the world since 1911. Some countries, including russia mark today as a public holiday. Many moscow residents rushed out to buy flowers for their loved ones. Value put praised his countrys women for their strength and heroism and their patriotism to russia. The highest paid woman in sports admitting that she took a banned drug. That admission costing Maria Sharapova millions of dollars this morning. Peyton manning retires, but investigations off the field still hang over his exit from the nfl. Peyton manning has restored after a stunning 18 year career but is leaving under a cloud. Since superbowl 50, the world has wondered will he, wont he that, on monday, we learned Peyton Manning is retiring from the nfl, no more number 18 on his jersey. Its just something about 18 years, 18 is a good number, and today, i retire from pro football. Number 18, Peyton Manning. Manning, one of the biggest names and earners the nfl has ever known is going off after 18 seasons and an armful of records. There were other players who were more talented, but there was no one who could out prepare me and because of that, i have no regrets. I fought a good fight. Ive finished my football race and after 18 years, its time. God bless all of you and god bless football. In his years with the broncos and indianapolis colts, manning who turns 40 in three weeks was named m. V. P. 5 times and helped win the superbowl twice. He denied he used human growth hormones after an al jazeera documentary. Charles sly, a former intern at an indianapolis clinic said the clinic shipped hgh to mannings wife. Manning was recovering from neck injuries. Sly tried to recant his story and manning has stood by his denial. Its fabricated. Its junk, garbage, i can give you a long list of other words for it. Monday, manning answered no direct questions about the documentary but pushed back hard against renewed interest about a Sexual Harassment case. I did not do what has been and would and i am not interested in relitigating something that happened when i was 19 years old. Stories continue to dog manning. These unanswer the questions are not going to go away just because hes retiring. His brother he lie is the starting quarterback for the giants. Its likely we will still hear from Peyton Manning. He is a spokesman for papa johns. Twin pandas making their first public appearance at toronto zoo monday. Justin trudeau was on hand to meet them. They are named hope and joy. The pandas represent the growing bond between canada and china. And a diplomacy they call it. Thats it for us here in new york. Youre word this morning back tomorrow morning at 7 00 a. M. Eastern time. Until then, have a great day. Nowhere to go for now, refugees stuck at the border in europe await their fate as the European Union and turkey agree on a draft proposal. This is al jazeera live from doha. Also ahead on the program weve won this battle but not the war. Tunisias Prime Minister warns his nation after an attack on the libya border. Relatives of those onboard mh370 mark a somber

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