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This morning u. S. Air strikes are pounding the iraqi town of sinjar. They are there helping Kurdish Forces in their battle to retake the key northern iraqi city from i. S. I. L. Good morning, welcome to your world, im del walters. Im stephanie sy. More than 7,000 peshmerga fighters are closing in on sinjar on three fronts. Sinjar is important. Sitting on highway 47. A key resupply route for i. S. I. S. Force. By seizing sinjar, we believe it will restrict the supply route. We go to jamie mcintyre, National Security correspondent. What are you hearing from kurdish fighters. We are hearing from Kurdish Forces that the offensive will take days. What they are doing at the moment is moving towards towns and villages on the outskirts of sinjar, they are taking those and are going to use it so go into sinjar. Some suggest theyll be within sinjar, and there may be a penalty of a week of strikes. They have been planning this operation for a long title. I. S. I. L. Knew they were coming and met with resistance in the little villages. Theyve been booby tracked, car bombs. The u. S. Air strikes are targetting the car bombs that they have. Like i say, it is a gamechanger. A lot think the operation will be over within a week. Last year we saw the slaughter of the yazidis in sinjar. Many were left on the mountain to starve. Is that the reason president obama gave for launching the air strikes against i. S. I. L. And how much of the battle involves u. S. Forces . Institute well, certainly it was the one thing that got the worlds attention and immediately after the as anger took place, and a month later there were strikes in syria. It galvanized international opinion. They are not to good at getting rid of people in the tunes. Its been a gamechanger and the kurds have been negotiating with the u. S. Over the air strikes and support they were going to get. That is happening. It looks like it will be a quick push, but the strikes were a gamechanger imran khan joining us from erbil, iraq. Thank you very much back in the u. S. Racial tensions are high on the university of missouri campus. A student arrested for making online threats against back students and faculty may be in court. Authorities are looking at a similar post online. Al jazeeras correspondent is live in columbia. What is happening on campus to ease the tensions and couple of fears . Well, last night, stephanie, a couple of dozen students held what we called a we are not afraid rally. They are trying to ease fears, and it game 24 hours after a lot of fear, especially on social media and one post in particular. It popped up tuesday night, an anonymous message on yik yak security on campus was beefed up. Six hours later, this 19yearold student was under arrest. Police managed to track down hunter park at his door room at the university, 75 miles from the main campus in columbia, hes a sophomore in computer science. I was fearful and look around on higher alert. Its something we deal w. Off duty shops were closed. All of this persons classes were cans imed. I was squared for the people that lich on campus, and i was nervous enough to text my parents. Reporter students that showed up were buried. The schools, student body president posted a message that the k. K. K. Had been spotted on campus and that students should go away from windows. Vague threats of violence continued to pop up on social media, leavingerb wondering leaving everyone wondering what to believe with the arrest of a suspect in connection with the threats, students like kristina were more angry and frightened about spun that may be hiding behind anonymous threats. What makes today different. Ive been here for three years. Hopefully theyll protect us the campus is on edge as it works to move beyond allegations of racism. The student body president tried to make sense out of the backlash after the effort to dump the schools president. A lot of people are not comfortable with change. Change was never supposed to be comfortable well, the School Buildings put out a statement saying they were working overtime, 24 7 to try to get the threats under control. They criticized the misleading information, they said, on online forums, and as far as the creators of that forum, called yik yak, they put out a statement saying they were furious about the threats and the website was never meant to be this way. On the continuing fall out as a result of the protests, the professor resigned on wednesday, why . Im sorry, one more time. There was a professor that resigned on wednesday. Why was that. What led to that. Well, there was one professor who challenged students to come to class despite the threats, and he got a lot of backlash on that. Making it seem like he didnt care about the seriousness of the threat. Hes out, and this is speaks to what is going on. All the online chatter, accusations thrown back and forth. The gossip and threats poisoned the atmosphere. That report from columbia. Thank you that movement, that movement against racism is spreading. These are students who staged a walk out. They were protesting the schools president. He was there offering. Students are angry over what they say is racially charged incidents, yale students protesting this week. The storm system slammed the country. 30 in the crosshairs, as John Henry Smith reports, there has been a lot of damage. Reporter tornados, blizzards and a windswept wild nir. The storm produced a little of everything, and is impacting a lot of people. Tornado on the ground. A twister touched down around sue city, 40 miles honour winds. Along with hail and rein damaged buildings and flipped three tractor trailers. At one point tornado watchers were posted in missouri, nebraska, kansas and iowa. Wind of up to 50 Miles Per Hour. Through parts of oklahoma, leading to evacuations and destroying homes. Stragglers are struggling with slowdowns and flights. Slow going, 55 Miles Per Hour from kansas city. Thats about all i can get. Snow has been the problem in denver, utah, new mexico and wyoming, with blizzard like continues. Not everyone is unhappy. Good, great out here. At Copper Mountain in colorado, skiers are celebrating a foot of new powder. It was opening day. I was working. It was better go ski. Dont tell my boss. John henry smith, al jazeera thats the upside. There is more rain, wind and snow in the forecast. It wont be as severe. Lets bring in Nicole Mitchell for the detail. Im guessing the boss nose. Dont tell your boss. And he was on television. Dont wear the military jacket. Here is the last 24 hours of the system. Definitely the snow, the pinker colours. As it moves along. Over 100 reports. Most of the winds. Hurricane in the 70 Miles Per Hour count as a Severe Weather report. About 10 reports for tornados. The last frames you can see the spiralling, that is where the low pressure is. And it was deepening or intensifying, and that is where the pressure change is dramatic. Outside of the winds. Theres widespread high winds, and all the different colours. They are different places we have wind advisories. The reds again, thats the fire danger, exacerbated by the winds. A lot of rain with this system on the back side. It will be cold enough. Especially into tomorrow morning, that parts of the midwest could see it as areas of snow, and this would be the first snow fall for the up of michigan. Its moving each. Investigators discovered the black box from a plane that crashed in ohio. A video shows the moment it crashed. The building was empty, seven passengers and crew were killed. The aircraft was flying at a low altitude and banking to the left. The left wing hit the ground and left a witness mark. The aircraft hit half of an Apartment Building, destroying it before running up an embankment, behind the building and coming to rest. Investigators say the pilot did not make discretion calls before the crash. All the passengers were workers at a Florida Real Estate company. Evidence this morning in the u. S. Military bombing of a Doctors Without Borders. Accord d according to the Associated Press. U. S. Specialt forces relied on al social forces relied on allies. The troops were under fire, and the Associated Press says they had no firsthand knowledge if the taliban used it as a base. Doctors without borders insist there was no taliban presence there. The strike killed 30 people there is a new report out, taking a look at military vets who are on death role. According to the Death Penalty information center. One in 10 people are veterans. There are 300 in all. Reports say many suffer posttraumatic stress disorder, which is not considered during the trials or the sentencing. Also it talks about the case of the first inmate to be executed in 2015. It was a vietnam vet diagnose with ptsb. And an amp yip captain that saved his fellow soldiers is set to receive a high honour. He tackled a suicide bombers as he neared a group of soldiers. The bomb went off killing five people. This is the 10th Living Service member to receive that medal. He has undergone 30 surgeries because of his injuries. What a sacrifices. A new mission for the u. S. Official charged with taking down i. S. I. L. And revelations about a commander in chief. John meech am talking about his biography of 41 george h. W. Bush. A Birth Control battle. A pill mix up that some women claim got them pregnant. Should the drug company now help pay for those kids. The top u. S. Official in charge. Coalition fighting i. S. I. L. Meets today. Army general john allen was responsible for countries giving money expertise and military right. We look at what he achieved. Reporter september, 2014, i. S. I. L. Uses violence to claim parts of iraq and syria for what it claims is a caliphate. President obama calls in a u. S. War hero to lead the global effort to stop is it. Retired marine general john allen, who worked with sunnis in iraq as they fought to reclaim communities from terrorist will serve as the special envoy to help build and coordinate our growing coalition. Allen told al jazeera, that this would be no ordinary war, because i. S. I. L. Or d. A. E. S. H. , as its known in the region, is no typical enemy. In many respects d. A. E. S. H. Is a state, a piece of terrain that they call a capital. It attempted local governance through amirs and wallies that look like provincial governments and attempted to have its own currency. Reporter allens set up was a mission with nine goals with 65member nations participating where they can. While the u. S. And iraq coordinate the military fight against i. S. I. L. , saudis, italians and americans tackle i. S. I. L. s financing. Emirates and germans deal with humanitarian relief and dutch focus on foreign fighters with among the coalition successes, legal crackdowns. We had 45 countries, including the the United States, provided interpol with profiles on foreign fighters terrorists. Reporter i. S. I. L. Controls territory inside syria and iraq. Analysts say the fight is hampered because of other crisis, notably yemen. The problem is that now with more and more fighters being diverted to other theatres by allies, as well as ongoing discussions about what to do, like in syria, we are left on our own fighting i. S. I. S. , thats not a way to defeat the islamic state. Its a way to perhaps contain it. That means the job for news special envoy is making sure the military campaign is not the u. S. s alone. What is certain, fighting i. S. I. L. Will take years, as will the effort to keep the coalition effective as rosalind jordan reports, general john allen is chief of the antii. S. I. L. Coalition, and he is being replaced by in guys, brett mcgurk, the counter number two in the administrations campaign. He helped to craft the status of forces agreement with bag dead, leading to the withdrawal of combat forces from there in 2011. Joining us to talk about this is admiral william fallon, a former commander of u. S. Central command. Good morning, thank you for your type of. I want your thoughts on general alans departure and start with developments out of iran. You might have heard that there has been an offensive to retake the major town of sinjar. What do they need to do to cap fewer and hold the strategic town . Well, i think it will be good morning. It will be interesting to see what happens. My cut on this is that peshmerga are the probably most capable and more importantly the most willing to take the fight to d. A. E. S. H. And its an area that is favors them, in that they control the territory to the east, and to the south. And its fairly isolated. It will be a bit of a check because i recall the geography, theres a long ridge line that sinjar thats where the d. A. E. S. H. Fighters are camped out. Theyll have to take the high ground. Its probably important to them. It seats astride a major infiltration route from syria, enabling the d. A. E. S. H. To stay capable within iraq, and would be helpful tore the peshmerga, because it would open up lines for them to reconnect with the fighters in northeast syria, and on to turkey. Its interesting and a good spot to start this. Well see if they can be successful. Looking at the offense in sinjar, its what we have been talking about. He talked about surgical u. S. Air strikes, and the support of fighters like the peshmerga. John alan is leading that position. How would you gain the success of that strategy. Supporting fighters like the peshmerga with surring call strikes . That is a surring call strikes. Thats a small slice of what general allen has been trying to do. Ive known him for a long time. Hes capable. Terrific choice to take on the mission. Hes worked in the area, wellknown to local leaders and has a good track record. The business of having u. S. Support for military actions is essential to success. No one has the airpower capability we do. John was interested in doing a lot of things on the ground. We have a big coalition. Lots of people doing a lot of things, and the idea here is to get a group together to support the effort. Few of them have any military capability to speak of. Thats pretty much left to us, particularly in the air. Hes been trying to knit together people to work, to try to cooperate and the defeat this guy. I suspect hes frustrated by the lack of success and initiative on the ground by the iraqis, and by washingtons seeming inability to get the act together in a way to get coherent results. Now we have president obama escalating involvement. You have up to 50 special forces deploying to syria. Is there a chance that defeats i. S. I. L. On the battlefield. I doubt it defeats i. S. I. L. , its what we should have had from the getgo. We need to have some back bone to help the iraqis, and the peshmerga on the ground. And again, we have the only significant air capability and the ability to mesh that. You dont just have air strikes in and of themselves, not successful unless tied to something on the ground, and we are not likely to put any significant increased number of troops that Ground Fighting will have to be done by the local people and be effective in the long term its required. We can help out. And we need to have some people, in my opinion that can coordinate the air strikes, that have the confidence of our people in the air, and the focus on the ground. You dont want mistakes. Its easy to have a mistake made when you deal with aircraft moving at hundreds of kilometre miles an hour, and people on the ground, if you are not used to working with them. Its essential that we coordinate this. I think lately they are coming to realise that this is really what should have been done in the first place, back a year and a half ago. Well see what happens again. We are not likely to be successful here unless and until the government on the ground. Particular in i can get the confidence of the tribesman to support this long term. Admiral, well have to leave it there. Thank you for your time. Stephanie, russias president ordered an investigation into the allegations of doping. Vladimir putin saying the investigation needs to have the highest level of transparency, as International Sports offences are considering whether to ban russia from upcoming events. Rory challands is live in moscow. Could tomorrows meeting see russia expelled from the games in rio . The nug leer option for the i. A. A. F. Is to do that, to ban russian athletes from international competition, including the 2016 Olympic Games in rio. There are other possibilities for a slightly more timelimited exclusion, giving sport a clans to reform, back into world competitions in times for the Olympic Games next year. Theres a possibility that i might go down a selective route. Choosing individual oath lats. The russians should make clear from the facts that this is the option favoured by sergey buick tar as a competing athlete in the soviet union. He was the victim of a soviet boycott of a 1984 Olympic Games in los angeles. He says that not one Clean Athlete should be excluded from one competition. The problem is that trust has been so badly eroded in the whole russian system that it will be difficult to work out who is clean, who is dirty. Its a difficult decision for the i. A. A. F. To make Rory Challands live in moscow, thank you very much. Well, juveniles in danger dangerous situations for many doing time behind bars. Plus. This is the perfectsized island for the project. Bee sanctuary. How a small and isolated country could see themselves playing a role in saving the local Bee Population. Are miners across this region affected by the doddfrank law . Sourced from illegal mines. This is a serious problem. An undercover investigation reveals the real cost. Theres no way of knowing what minerals are coming in. Faultlines. What do we want . Al jazeera americas hardhitting. Today they will be arrested. Groundbreaking. Theyre firing canisters of gas at us. Emmy awardwinning, investigative series. Welcome back to your cold this morning. It is 7 29 eastern. Kurdish forces are bartleing isil in the morn iraqi city of sinjar trying to take that strategic down back. U. S. Airstrikes hit 20 overnight. A system is dropping rain and snow over the midwest. Strong winds toppled trucks and brought down power lines. The university of missouri campus on edge following the arrest of two people, bolt accused of making on like this threats against black students and faculty on campus. Apex expert on student activism joins us in studio. Theres always been activism on campus, but there has definitely been an upswing. It has a lot to do with the rise of the black lives matter movement, additional concern about Sexual Violence on campus and the vising cost of attending higher education. Black lives matter was one thing but that payments it with an africanamerican brush. Are you seeing more multiracial efforts on campus, more multicultural efforts . I think thats absolutely true. The campuses are moor diverse. Also no facebook, in mistake gram or internet back then. How is that playing a role on College Campus . Theres also been informal social networks, but social media like you just described it amped it up and made it easier for people to connect with each other over long disstances without having to go through the immediate. It has brought change faster because there was in a College Professor who said lets bring in muscle. She worked at the school of journalism. Without social media, that wouldnt have happened. A few years ago we saw the pepper spray at u. C. Davis. I have tracked acts of violence against protestors in the u. C. System for years at that point. Its only when it showed up in a very visual, visible way that the university was really forced to back off. Let me ask you this. This is im curious about this. Have students been angry for a while and just not vocalizing anger . When we think of students nowadays, they are texting, tweeting, on social media but not talking, protesting, carrying signs. What changed . Theres protests that any under the radar, we dont find out about. For a long time, students havent believed that they had the power to make change. The more they see Something Like the University System if the at missouri forced to resign as a result of student protest, the more theyre actually going to feel that they have the capacity to really make change. Was it the student protest or the fact that the Football Team said were not going to play come saturday and that would have cost the University System millions of dollars. I think Football Players are students, right, so thats a part of i have the. Its absolutely true that campus athletes, particularly are a Sleeping Giant that have not felt their power and that may be about a change. Thank you very much. They do still march and hold signs. The million student march, they say their angry about rising student debt, high tuition cost and low wages. More than 40 million americans are dealing with college debt and carrying a trillion dollars in student loans. One in every four americans is struggling to pay loans off. We spoke to one Law School Student who is still waiting to see his investment in education pay off. For as long as he can remember, blake how we will wanted to be a lawyer. The resident had been fascinated with the law. Like set about preparing for the Law School Admission test. I got in the low 50s on the lsat. Im not a strong test taker. It was really, really tough. It didnt make a lot of logical sense to me. His score wouldnt get him in an elite school, so instead, he attended law school at indiana university, where out of state tuition is more than 40,000 per year. First year students are encouraged not to work and take out additional loans to pay housing and Living Expenses to focus on their studies, so the debt started to pileum. Youre thinking its going to be one number and its completely different when you get out. He had borrowed 171,000 by the time he graduated, a might have been of both federal and private loans, but with interest acrossing, they ballooned up to 203,000, something he like many students reasoned would eventually be off set by the salary hed earn after graduation. After hed passed the bar, blake couldnt find a jock. When i left my swearing in ceremony, my family and i went out to eat and i applied for a job there as a server. In fact, roughly 10 of last years law grads are unemployed. Thats nearly twice the National Rate and only two thirds of them have a job that requires a law license. That hasnt stopped the price of Legal Education from skyrocketing. It has tressed two and a half times, adjusted for about inflation. Tuition at state Public Schools increased five fold. One problem with the Current System may be the prospect of all the socalled free money thats out there, something called the direct plus loan Program Gives students the option of using federally funded loans to pay for the full cost of tuition as a way of giving those people more access to graduate school. As a consequence, those government loans may push tuition loans even higher. The former president of the bar association, he offered a support meant to address the broader consequences of these policies. What he found is in a graduate like blake increasingly have to pursue higher paying Corporate Law jobs as a way of paying down the debt, while others decide against Legal Education altogether. One phenomenon that has been that the number of applications to law schools has been declining. With the median starting salary for new lawyers at ruffle 61,000 per year, law graduates face an average debt ranging between 77,000 and 112,000, depending whether they attended a public or private university. They are less likely to do pro bono work on that others have trouble just making ends meet. I want to take care of my family. I want to live life. Blake eventually found work as a freelance attorney and had his loans consolidated to lower month payments. He at times wonder whether it was all worth it. Theres a lot of decisions you can make when youre 18 and 20 years old that can really ruin the rest of your life. I never thought going to college and law school and coming to national to be an attorney would be one of those. One of the most influential voices in public politics plans to stay quiet during the primary. The Koch Brothers are contributors to gop cant dazed but charles koch tells u. S. A. Today he will not back any of the candidates. He said he would likely help the Party Nominee in the general election. Jeb bush has won the endorsement of bob dole. He says the country needs someone with experience in the job. Dole said he likes almost all of the candidates but added with a smile, except ted cruz. Theres a new buying recovery about george w. Bush and talks about the former president s sometimes rocky relationship with bob dole. John siegenthaler said jeb bush faces a much different field than his father did. How does this campaign compare to others in your lifetime . 36 years, be a you know who would have been on that stage . Ronald reagan. George h. W. Bush, howard baker, john anderson, phil crane, all pretty plausible president s. Even 16 years ago, you had george w. Bush, john mccain. We are trying to figure out who be a establishment candidate is. It just means that youve been in politics for longer than four months. Its a very strange moment. Somebody asked me the other day at home in nashville said could george h. W. Bush get nominated today . He damn near didnt make it the first time. So i think my view of jeb at this point is that he is a lot like his dad, but hes got to show more of the competitive streak that his father had but masked pretty well and that his brother had and didnt mask at all. That was john mechum. Thousands of juveniles nationwide are serving time in prisons sometimes with life sentences. Al jazeeras Jonathan Martin reports from new on or about leans. Two brothers, 116, the other 17 stand inside a narrow cell they share at the Orleans Parish prison opinion here more than a dozen juvenile inmates are in a common area. This his called the most dangerous jail in america, documenting juveniles doing time in adult prisons. In new orleans, there is a campaign to change that. Some young people who have committed serious offenses should be held accountable. They should be held accountable in age appropriate settings. 13 are held on any given day. Some as young as 15 have had their cases transferred to adult court. Many are 17yearolds and automatically tried at duties. Josh periis with the louisiana centers for childrens rights. He leads a Group Petitions city leaders to remove everyone under 18 from the prison. Even though federal law requires juveniles to be held separately from the general adult population, perisaid that doesnt always ham. This office works with children who have been sexually abused by adults, who have been been beaten, stabbed, brutalized by duties in the parish prison. Its unacceptable. This prison is one of the worst around. For two years it is under federal orders to institute reforms to incidents that led to violence, Sexual Assault and death. This mother couldnt sleep knowing her son was logged up there. The 15yearold was charged as an adult with armed rackry. He spent four months awaiting trial. After being there for maybe two or three days, he said mom, i just want to let you know im going to pray and i plan to be all right, however i do want you to know and be aware that im not afraid to die. Her son, now 18, is serving a 10 year sentence at another facility. Do you want a kid to be indicted, to come oh adult prison before found guilty or innocent . When you do Something Like that, you become the first offender. Several cities and states go further than federal law, banning juveniles from being held in the same facilities at duties. Last year, the new Orleans City Council passed a resolution that sent some run to the city run youth facility. The truth is about the facilities and treatment of youth in our facilities is something that has progressed over recent times. There isnt enough space in the youth center. The city is considering a plan to use federal disaster money to expand the center, adding at least 20 beds. It seems like weve gotten most of the people in the criminal Justice System to agree that the juveniles should not be at o. P. T. But construction would take at least two years, further delaying a solution to what many in new orleans have long considered a dangerous problem. Jonathan martin, al jazeera, new orleans. Despite all the money and effort fighting obesity, we are lose, americans losing the battle of the bulge. New Research Finds that the obesity rate now 38 of adults in 2014. That is up from 35 just two years earlier and from 32 10 years ago. Women didnt fare well, the obesity rate now higher than men. More than 100 women who became pregnant after taking Birth Control pills have filed suit. They were mispackaged, prompting a recall in 2011. How are you doing . This isnt a standard welfare check by l. A. County sheriffs. This is a search and rescue mission. The folks here to help you with that. Designed to prevent a tragedy before the monster el nino storm slams Southern California. The encampment that were currently in as you see is approximately 10 feet from the water. This encampment would be one of the first places when a significant water russias through that is swept away and taken away. On foot and on four wheels. It is estimated there are People Living around 102 miles of river beds. The Sheriffs Department uses off road vehicles to find and urge them to move to higher, safer ground. Deputies partner with Homeless Service providers who join them on every run, offering Immediate Services to those deeply entrenched in l. A. s river bed. Homeless people like ryan who lived here for seven years. What will you do if youre living here and the rains come . How will you protect yourself . Tonight, well drive you to the front lines of this unusual mission to move l. A. Ed most vulnerable out of the flood zone. If you think that you can just run up and hold on, you will be killed. Well show you life along the river bed and the new approach Law Enforcement is taking to save lives. You can watch the full report tonight at 8 00 eastern. There could be a major risk to those People Living in those camps now. This wont make it all the way down to Southern California but Northern California did get this rain and especially Washington State is going to bear the brunt of this. This is a potent weather system. Weve had a little initial moisture, more today. This is tomorrows forecast, friday and between what we see today and especially do tomorrow, where as highlighted in the red, there could be spot that is see 12 inches of rain and heavy rain across the entire region as this moves in. Between today and saturday is what we have to watch for, and then with river rises, at least through sunday, monitoring that. Thats why we have a number already of flood watches up, even though the rain in the system is really just starting, this is going to bring those winds easily seeing gusts into the 30 and 40mile per hour range across the region. That is keeping things cool here, 50 degrees in seattle, as we get to the rest of the country, that front that went through and caused wind, snow, Severe Weather has dropped temperatures, memphis is 64. Cool down fast. Chemicals sprayed on top of the b. P. Oil spill did not fully work as a chemical agent was dropped on the gulf after the deep water horizon disaster in 2010. It was supposed to degrade the spill and help bacteria eat the oil. The chemical actually hurt those bacteria. Theres a new study out in the jury room nature that says that farmers have been raising bees for minus years and thats a lot longer than they once thought. Today the Bee Population is falling fast. In a tiny island nation, they want to reverse that trend. It used to be the International Date line, home to 1200 people. Hidden away in the forest, the who i was of honey. The local bee keeper said these colonies are the cleanest bees in the world. 99 of bee keepers in the world would cry to see bees like this. Theyd be envious of the do you feel hives just ticking along. Its crisis. Andy is producing a range of organic Honey Products to fund his dream. A pacific bee sanctuary to combat the plaguings of bee the. Youve got to get the right size island. If you go too small, you know, you cant get the scale up. If you go too big, its too hard to manage with the transport and everything. This is the perfect sized island. It is isolated. The nearest country from here is 300 kilometers away which is why a besanctuary could work. We are isolated. The plan is supported, because its a struggle to make money from agriculture here due to a small workforce and long shipping routes. If we need to borrow money to ensure we can accelerate the process, well do that. I think on the island, were talking about the possibilities of becoming venture partners. Critics say new way is cyclone prone. They want scientists to come here and experience the buzz for themselves. Coming up, not leaving the northwest. More women are choosing to live with their parents instead of flying the coop. The perilous plunge that nearly cost this man his life. What he says, what he has to say as he recovers. Exclusive conversations you wont find anywhere else. These are very vivid, human stories. If you have an agenda with people, you sometimes dont see the truth. Talk to al jazeera. Monday, 6 00 eastern. Only on al jazeera america. A surge of Severe Weather, tornadoes leaving behind a trail of damage as strong winds head east. Hopefully theyll see our fear and protect us. Students worry about safety at the university of missouri amid racial tensions. Breaking the chain, u. S. Led airstrikes helping a kurdish offensive in the battle to retake a key city in iraq. Road blocks and tight security in south korea all for a College Entrance exam. Welcome to your world this morning, im stephanie sy. This morning, 30 million americans are in the crosshairs of a massive storm system, high winds, heavy rains, thunderstorms all moving east. As al jazeeras John Henry Smith reports, the storm swept through the okies and plains and left a trail of destruction. Tornadoes, blizzards, this storm has produced everything. One twister touched down in iowa. Around sue city, 40mile an hour winds with hail and heavy rain damaged buildings and flipped three tractor trailers. At one point, tornado watches were posted in missouri, nebraska, kansas and eight. Winds of 60 Miles Per Hour swept one wildfire through oklahoma leading to evacuations and destroying homes. In many states, travelers are struggling with traffic slowdowns and canceled flights. Its been rough, slow going, 55mile an hour from kansas city. Thats about all i can get. Heavy snow is in denver, utah and wyoming, with blizzard conditions in some places. Not everyone is unhappy. At Copper Mountain in colorado, skiers are celebrating a foot of new powder. It was opening day. I was working and then i was like i better go ski. [ laughter ] dont tell my boss. [ laughter ] John Henry Smith, al jazeera. Hopefully he doesnt watch al jazeera. Nicole mitchell, what can we expect. Hopefully he is watching but is a really nice boss. It brought benefits not just for the skiers, but the snow pack that brings in the spring extra moisture. As this moves along into the midsection of the country, warmer air, although this is definitely dropping temperatures. More of this has been the rain side. You can see that comma shape we get with these stronger systems. The pressure it drops, the winds go up. We still have widespread areas that are going to see the high winds today. The highest core has moved to the ohio river valley. Winds gusting in the 4050mile an hour range. Not as strong as yesterday but its still going to be rather impressive. Then the heavy rain. Not as likely that well see the Severe Weather. Yesterday we had over 100 reports, most of that wind, but a few tornado reports, as well. Today that chance for the Severe Weather is lower, although still watch out for wind and rain spreading its way eastward as this moves allege. This is the core of the rain today, but as this continues to move, this goes into tomorrow and tomorrow night. Look at this, so the cold air starts to come in. This could be our first big snow for place Like Northern minnesota, the u. P. Of michigan, some places could get over six inches, so we are getting to that time year. The Cross Country skiers are salivating, not everyone who has to drive is. This clears out by later into tomorrow. Watch for heavy areas of snow in addition to Everything Else we are dealing with. They are waxing those skis already. Tensions are running high at the university of missouri, a student arrested for making on line threats against students and faculty could be in court later today. Authorities are looking into a similar post on line. Lots of students missing classes yesterday because of threats. Whats the situation there this morning . You mentioned one student, hunter park, a 19yearold freshman at the campus of the university of missouri in ralah, 100 miles from the main campus, posting that black people would be killed and shot on campus. Hes under arrest and facing court later. There was another post about shooting black people that popped up on an on line forum. They are looking into that. Northwestern missouri state, a 19yearold freshman was arrested and tracked and traced to an anonymous on line post saying he, too, would kill black people. The school board had an emergency session last night. Can you tell us with about that meeting . One thing they are going to announce an interim president to replace tim wolfe, who resigned monday. They said they would hold open forum for professors and faculty to talk about their teaching experience during this turmoil just as a way to open the dialogue to whats been going on here. We are hearing another professor resigning, why . It just speaks to the craziness of social media, what a mess its become. This professor who was fairly well liked object campus sent out a message to his students yesterday saying please come to class. You dont have to, but i want you there and if you dont come to class, the bullies win. He was accused of not taking the threat of the shooting very seriously. In response to that, he resigned, but now there are reports that the university wont accept his resignation. It does speak to the chitchat, threats going back and forth on social media. The school is trying everything it can to get these threats and on line chatter under control. The movement against racism on College Campuses is spreading. Students staged a walkout at Ithaca College in new york. They criticized the president as he watched. They are angry to his slow response to reports of incidents at that school. We are following a developing story this morning, Kurdish Forces led by u. S. Led airstrikes launching a major offensive against isil to seize a key northern iraqi city, sinjar is a key resupply route for isil forces. More than 7,000 peshmerga fighters are closing in on three fronts. By seizing sinjar, well be able to cut that line of communication, restricting isils ability to resupply themselves and as a critical first step. U. S. Special forces on the ground in an advising capacity, the pentagon saying they are not on the front lines, saying it is going to take two to four days to secure that city. Former sitcom commander saying it makes sense for the peshmerga to see this fight to the finish. The peshmerga are the probably the most capable and more importantly, the most willing to actually take the fight to daish and its an area that favors them in that they control the territory to the east and mostly so the south. Its fairly isolated. Its going to be a bit of a challenge probably because as i recall the geography up there, theres a long ridge line that sinjar and thats probably where the daish fighters are camped out, so theyre going to have to take that high ground. I think its probably important to them because it sits astride a major route from syria that enables the daish to stay capable within iraq, and i think it would also be helpful to the peshmerga, because it would open up some lines for them to be able to reconnect with peshmerga fighters that are in northeast syria and on into turkey. I think its probably a pretty interesting and pretty good spot to start. Sinjar mountain is where thousands was yazidis were trapped leading to president obama to start the offensive. The man who was responsible for convincing countries to contribute military might to the effort is stepping down. September, 2014, isil uses violence to claim parts of iraq and syria for what it calls a caliphate. President barack obama calls in a u. S. War hero to lead the global effort to stop it. Retired marine general allen who worked with sunnis in iraq as they fought to reclaim territory from terrorists to help and coordinate our growing effort. Isil or daish is no typical enemy. I would say that in many respects, daish has become a protostate in some respects. It points to a piece of terrain that it calls a capital. It has attempted local governance through emirs that look like provincial governments. It has even attempted to have its own currency. 65 members nation are participating where they can. Wyoming the u. S. And iraq coordinate the military fight against isil, the saweds, italians and americans tackle isils financing. The germans deal with humanitarian relief. The dutch and turks focus on foreign fighters. Among the coalition success, some legal crackdowns. Weve had 45 countries, including the United States have provided interpol with 4,000 profiles on foreign fighter terrorists. Isil still controls territory inside syria and iraq and analysts say the fight is hampered because of other crisis, most notably yemen. The problem, i think is that now with more and more fighters being diverted to other theaters by our allies, as well as on going discussion about what to do in syria, were left on our own fighting isis, and thats not a way to defeat the islamic state. Its a way to perhaps contain it. That means the job for new special envoy is making sure the military campaign isnt the u. S. s alone. What is certain, fighting isil will take years as will the effort to keep the coalition together and effective. Al jazeera, washington. President obama has phoned myanmars Opposition Leader to plate her on a landslide victory. Aung san suu kyis party is predicted to defeat the military backed regime by a hard margin. He thanked her for promotion democracy in myanmar. He called the current president to congratulate him object a peaceful and transparent election. Sweden reintroducing border checks to control migrants coming into the country. Sweden expects 200,000 by the end of the year. That is the highest number of migrants per capita than any other country in the e. You u. European union taking other steps to stop the flow of refugees coming up, signing a deal with African Leaders to tackle the root causes driving people to leave their homes. It is takes place in malta. We have this report. Its become clear based on the action plan exactly how little progress europe has made to get africa onboard its proposals to get rid of migrants and send them back to africa. Some things are unbelievably vague. Prevent new conflicts, these things are willy because they have no critical abcs. On the issue of repatriations and getting african support for that in return for these 2 billion, they havent got african support for it, because the block associated with that talks about trying to otherwise bilateral deals, a time line to get 10 crick ken countries onboard perhaps by the middle of next year, but no actual numbers attached to it. In the end, it says africa as a block has pushed back very hard against europe on this. What they see is that they believe theyre being basically paid off in small amounts of money in return for repatriating a whole lot of people and what theyre saying plainly to europe is if you want to make africa more livable so people dont leave, we have to cover complete rebalances of things like agriculture, tax avoidance, these things promoted in africa. On these issues, there i see absolutely nothing at all. Thats lawrence lee reporting. E. U. Leaders saying as many as 3 million more people could arrive by 2017. New surveillance videos show the moment a plane hit an Apartment Building in akron tuesday. The building was empty, but all seven passengers and two crew members on the many were killed. The video shows the aircraft was flying at low altitude and banking to the left. We have also examined the accident scene. The leftwing hit the ground first and left a witness mark. Then the aircraft hit half of an Apartment Building, destroying it before running up an embankment behind the building, and coming to rest. Investigators say the pilot did not make distress calls before the crash. All passengers onboard were workers at a Florida Real Estate company. When we come back, well talk about the murky future for Guantanamo Bay. More in congress are objecting to closing the prison. Well talk about the army captain who will be recognized by president obama for his selfless acts in afghanistan. We were hearing that as soon as today, the pentagon could unveil plans to shut down Guantanamo Bay. The plan is expected to call for sending some detainees to a their home countries, others sent to prisons in the u. S. In colorado. Congress passing a provision banning the adding from moving Guantanamo Bay prisoners to u. S. Soil. An historian as Harvard University joins us. How will history reward the president s efforts . That dependency what happens the next weeks or so. Let me clarify something. Theres a big misconception that what obama wants to do is simply dump the detainee population in guantanamo slated for indefinite detention into super prisons in the United States. That is not exactly what he wants to do. Obama plans to basic move guantanamo north to create near or add itsent to a super max facility a pentagon facility run by the joint task force, not the federal bureau of prisons that would take care of those prisoners. People talk about the risk of mixing these detainees with the prison population but that is not what the administration plans to do. This would be run by the pentagon. If it ends up influence colorado as a secure facility in the desert, its very unlikely such a penalty could be penetrated by terrorists or others. Why is there so much confusion and pushback from congress if all the president will be doing is moving gitmo as opposed to closing gitmo. Thats a good question. I think a lot of the tumult is gratuitous. There are people simply opposed to whatever plan the Obama Administration has, since the very beginning, what obama came into office and began to talk about this, there were people who said its much to dangerous to close Guantanamo Bay, too dangerous to bring them here. The National Defense authorization act which has legislation that prohibits moving detainees here is now six years old and its bipartisan, this fear mongering, the democrats have been at it as well as the republicans. Theres a veto proof majority in the legislation that would extend the prohibition this year. Its hard why the misperceptions last, but congress, especially the republicans are opposed to almost anything the Obama Administration plans to do. Let me ask you this. History has a blind eye. Will history see this in the final lens of the battle to keep america safe or a president achieving a Campaign Promise . Thats a good question. Moving guantanamo north does not solve the symbolic problem of what it represents. One of the big problems is that there are 59 detainees slated for indefinite detention. Whether that happens in cuba or the United States is immaterial to me. The problem is the indefinite detention. That hes trying to fulfill a Campaign Promise, not actually solving a legal anomaly, the fact that we understand United States could have a prison that detains prison indefinitely without convicting them. Prom a human rights perspective knowing what the country went through on 9 11, will gitmo be viewed as a dark chapter or positive chapter in American History . I think as a dark chapter. It was a bad place to put these detainees in the first place. There was opposition in the pentagon from people who knew what kind of detention facilities work and dont. It was a place where we tortured and abused people. The pentagon admits that now. Theres no way of sugar coating that guantanamo was a disaster and i dont really think it helps to move that disaster to the United States. Thank you very much. There are disturbing new numbers about military vets on death row. One in 10 people on death row are veterans, thats about 300 people. The reports says many suffer ptsd, a condition that may not have been considered during trials or sentencing. The report also details the case of the first inmate to be executed in 2015. He was a vietnam veteran who had been diagnosed with severe p. T. S. D. The president will present the militarys highest medal of honor to a military member who saved lives and risked his own in afghanistan. He jumped on a suicide bomber. We have the story. In our mill marry members were killed in this attack. Retired army captain recalls it as the worst day of his life. I lost four of my brothers. I mean, they didnt come home and i did. Its the worst thing to have happen to me. It was the captain says second tour of duty in afghanistan. He was in charge of a security detail protecting a half dozen senior american officers and afghan commander, as his soldiers escorted the officers on foot to the local governors compound, they encountered a man wearing a suicide vest. He had seconds to do something. Its instincts. You know hes a threat, so you got to get rid of the threat. When i hit him with my rifle, he had a suicide vest under, it was get him as far away as possible and quickly as possible to protect everybody else. He survived but spent months having his leg rebuilt. His troop said more would have died except for his quick action. He is accepting the medal of honor on behalf of the four who died. One was born in france and became a naturalized u. S. Citizen in 2001, a track star at the university of married, the september 11 attacks inspired him to renounce his dual citizenship so he could get a clearance to join the u. S. Military as an officer upon graduation. I went in, and went to the French Embassy in d. C. And said id like to renounce my french citizenship because im joining the army. He insists this army, as great as it is is not the end of his service. I still want to serve my country in different manner. When this is all over, im going to sit down and figure my next plan. I plan on serving my country. Al jazeera, the pentagon. That they say is an all more than story. A major offensive to push out isil. Booby traps that could be awaiting Peshmerga Forces as they go after sinjar. Well look at the u. S. Role in the fight, as well. Moscow opens investigation into doping by top athletes. Will it be enough to keep russian teams on the field . Shot dead and the government does nothing. They teach you how to eliminate people . Ya. Weve done it and that is why we are there. My life is in danger. Anyone who talks about the islamic religion is killed. Dont miss the exclusive al jazeera investigation. I cant allow you not to go into that because that is your job. Only on al jazeera america. Coming back with another view of your word, prague. Welcome back. Now time to take a look at todays top stories. That weather system that brought blizzard conditions to part of the rockies and plains is moving east, dropping rain and snow, packing strong winds that flipped trucks and downed power lines in iowa an nebraska. Aiming to reduce the flow of refugees, Officials Say it tackles the root cause of mass mike allegation. The university of missouri campus still on edge this morning following the arrest of two people. Both of them are accused of making threats on line. Those threats were against black students and faculty on campus. Protestors want the school to do more to keep the campus safe. Those protests at the university of missouri sparking other demonstrations on campus across the country. The uptick is a good sign. There has definitely been an upswing. I think it has a lot to do with the rise of the black lives matter movement, additional concern about Sexual Violence on campus and the rising cost of attending higher education. Black lives martyr was one thing but that payments it with an africanamerican brush. Are you seeing more multiracial efforts on campus . I think we look in a more Multicultural Society and campuses are more diverse than they were back then. Let me ask you this. Have students been angry for a while and not vocalizing anger . Students nowadays are texting, tweeting, on social media, but not carrying signs or protesting. What changed . Theres a lot of protests that fly under the radar, a lot of stuff we dont find out about. The other thing is that for a long time, students have been disenfranchised. They havent believed they have the power to make change. The more they see the University System president of missouri forced to resign because of protests, the more they feel that they have the capacity to really make change. Was it the student protest or the fact that the Football Team said we are not going to play come saturday and that would have cost the University System millions of dollars. Football players are students, right . So thats a part of it. Its true that campus athletes particularly division one are Sleeping Giants who have not felt their appear and that may be about to change. Students in 20 colleges planning solid dart demonstration this is week. Iraqi kurdish fighters having success retaking a key citien northern iraq. Peshmerga fighters say they have captured highway 47 in sinjar, at least part of it. That is one of isils most important supply routes. We are joined live from erbil, iraq. Peshmerga fighters as you heard me just say are already claiming some successes. Was isil ready for this attack . Isil has been expecting this attack since they took over in august of last year. They have embedded themselves. Abandoning villages, but left behind booby traps and explosive devices planted in cars and trucks. One went off and was so large that many people thought it was an air strike. This is slowing down the kurdish offense into sinjar. That is a tact im as i say ill used time and time again. Once they get into the town, they use urban warfare to defeat the Kurdish Forces, but the Kurdish Forces have a large amount of troops ready to go in, seven and a half thousand. Theyve made successes, cut this road off and are looking to go to sinjar soon. The pentagon is telling us that this fight could take several days. What are you hearing from the kurdish fighters . Its going to take several days. They move in slowly because of the i. E. D. s in towns. Cutting off the town is key, and thats what theyve been doing. It could take several days. Thats what were hearing from the u. S. And Kurdish Forces. Can they hold sinjar . It bears remembering that the siege on sinjar of the yazidis in 2014 is a justification president obama gave for beginning the u. S. Airstrikes on isil. How involved are the u. S. Forces in this current offensive . Theyre involved in several levels, first the airstrikes, theyre also deployed at brigade level as advisors to the kurd issue Peshmerga Forces. At least one unit is call in airstrikes embedded with the Peshmerga Forces on the front line, so theyre involved in a massive way with this operation. Also, they have been briefing about the operations, saying its going to take days. They are very much involved. We heard a former cent com commander saying the air force could make the difference in this battle. Thank you. Theres new evidence this morning that the u. S. Military bombing of a Doctors Without Borders hospital in afghanistan, according to the Associated Press, u. S. Special forces relied on afghan allies for information about the hospital. Those troops were under fire a half mile away and couldnt see it. The Associated Press saying they had no firsthand knowledge that the taliban was using that hospital as a base. Doctors without borders continues to insist that there was no taliban presence, that air strike killing at least 30 people. Israel is canceling upcoming meetings with the e. U. In a dispute over labeling products made in israeli settlements. The eu said settlements cannot be labeled made in israel. Israel responded by threatening to bob those supporting that measure from entering the company. Thirty senators wrote the e. U. Saying the move was unwarrant, dangerous and damaging to the negotiated solution to this conflict. Health officials in the west bank say undercover Israeli Soldiers this morning shot and killed a palestinian man in a hospital. This Security Camera video purportedly shows the swat Team Entering the surgery unit of a woman giving birth. He allegedly had carried out a knife attack prior. Allegations was doping by russian athletes have led to president tin saying the investigation needs to have the highest levels of transparency, as International Sports is thinking about banning russia from upcoming events. Al jazeera has the latest from moscow. The option that russia faces is a complete ban from International Athletics conversation, including the 2016 Olympic Games in rio, but there are other possibilities. One of them is a ban that is slightly shorter in time that would give russia a chance to reform and still be able to compete in the Olympic Games next year. Another option is a more selective ban, only targeting individual athletes, the dirty ones, if you will. Russia should perhaps take cheer from the fact that this is the option favored by the Vice President of the iaaf. He when he was a competing athlete in the boycotted olympics in los angeles. He said not one Clean Athlete should be prevented from competing in an international competition. The problem is its not just his decision and trust in russian sport has been so destroyed by this whole scandal that it might be difficult for the iaaf to have the confidence that they can determine who was a Clean Athlete and who was a tainted one. Its a very, very difficult decision that the i. A. A. F. Is faced with now. More than 1400 drug tests were destroyed. Greek workers are walking out of their job through a bad bailout deal. They are protesting a new round of taxing hikes. Enough fees of nicolas maduros wife were caught trying to smuggle cocaine into the u. S. Prosecutors allege they traveled using diplomatic passports even though they dont have diplomatic immunity. The big storm moving east today isnt the only weather worry. Another could be rain and possible floods to the west coast. Lets bring in anymore mitch for more. We watched disturbance yesterday in the earlier frames of the radar, but especially toward the end, watch all this cloud cover come in and rain along with that. That rain is going to move in today and in tensify really more into tomorrow. This is fridays forecast, between what we see today and then tomorrow, widespread areas that could see six inches or more and a little core close to the coastline where we could see over a foot of rain. Because of that and because of the fact this is coming, we have widespread flood watches, warningings that are up especially through the day on sunday, some of the rivers, so the rain will probably taper off by saturday, but the river situation could go a day or two after that and also high winds in the area as all this comes in. Speaking of the west coast, as we get well down to the south, the rain doesnt make it this far south, but cooler, drier air, so some fire danger goes back up along los angeles but especially desert areas, places could get below that freezing mark overnight. Otherwise, the rest of those temperatures, the front, the rain, wind has been dropping temperatures pretty significantly. You definitely felt a change in chicago and memphis as that has gone through. That will continue to cool things. This is the time of the year the leaves have dropped and scientific term for it is just blah. Wait a minute and the weather will change. Chemicals sprayed on top of the b. P. Oil spill didnt fully work. It was dropped on the gulf after the deep water horizon disaster in 2010. It was supposed to degrade the spill and help the bacteria eat the oil. Researchers say the chemicals actually hurt the bacteria. It turns out farmers have been raising bees longer than once thought. That farmers have been raising bees for 9000 years and thats a lot longer than they once thought. Today the Bee Population is falling fast. In a tiny island nation, they want to reverse that trend. It used to be the International Date line, a small nation home to 1200 people. Hidden away in the forest, the hives of honey. The local bee keeper said these colonies are the cleanest bees in the world. 99 of bee keepers in the world would cry to see bees like this. Theyd be envious of the do you feel hives just ticking along. Its a crisis. Andy is producing a range of organic Honey Products to fund his dream. A pacific bee sanctuary to combat the plaguings of bees. Youve got to get the right size island. If you go too small, you know, you cant get the scale up. If you go too big, its too hard to manage with the transport and everything. This is the perfect sized island. It is isolated. The nearest country from here is 300 kilometers away which is why a bee sanctuary could work. The leaders support the plan. Its a struggle to make money because of long shipping routes. If we need to borrow money to ensure we can accelerate the process, well do that. I think on the island, were talking about the possibilities of becoming venture partners. Critics say the island is cyclone prone. They want scientists to come here to experience the buzz for themselves. Probably the first president ial primary three months away. Why one of the partys biggest donors is saying hes not going to back a candidate. Getting in school with little hope of a job, students who couldnt cut the grade. Oh, thats good. Today is Guinness World record day. That Basketball Team is setting new records. Posting this new video spinning the ball for a record 7. 7 seconds, smashing two other records, including the most slam dunk in a might be. One of the most interesting transition by the way most influential voices in politics is going to stay quiet. Chars coke is tell u. S. A. Today hes not going to back any of the candidates. He did say he would likely help the parties general nominee in the election. Bob dole is making an endorsement, jeb bush. He said the country needs experience on the job. He said he likes almost all of the other candidates, but added with a smile, except ted cruz. Students at 100 College Campuses nationwide threatened to protest in whats called the million student march, angry about rising student debt, high tuition cost and low wages. More than 40 million americans are dealing with college debt and americans are carrying more than a trillion dollars in student loans, one in every four americans struggling to pay a loan off. Al jazeeras david spoke to one Law School Student who is still waiting to see if his investment in education will pay off. For as long as he can remember, blake howell wanted to be a lawyer. The resident had been fascinated with the law. Blake set about preparing for the Law School Admission test. I got in the low 50s on the lsat. Im not a strong test taker. It was really, really tough. It didnt make a lot of logical sense to me. His score wouldnt get him in an elite school, so instead, he attended law school at indiana university, where out of state tuition is more than 40,000 per year. First year students are encouraged not to work and take out additional loans to pay housing and Living Expenses to focus on their studies, so the debt started to pile up. Youre thinking its going to be one number and its completely different when you get out. He had borrowed 171,000 by the time he graduated, a mix of both federal and private loans, but with interest accruing, they ballooned up to 203,000, something he like many students reasoned would eventually be off set by the salary hed earn after graduation. After hed passed the bar, blake couldnt find a job. When i left my swearing in ceremony, my family and i went out to eat and i applied for a job there as a server. In fact, roughly 10 of last years law grads are unemployed. Thats nearly twice the National Rate and only two thirds of them have a job that requires a law license. That hasnt stopped the price of Legal Education from skyrocketing. It has increased two and a half times, adjusted for about inflation. Tuition at state Public Schools increased five fold. One problem with the Current System may be the prospect of all the socalled free money thats out there, something called the direct plus loan Program Gives students the option of using federally funded loans to pay for the full cost of tuition as a way of giving those people more access to graduate school. As a consequence, those government loans may push tuition loans even higher. The former president of the illinois bar association, he offered a support meant to address the broader consequences of these policies. What he found is that graduates like blake increasingly have to pursue higher paying Corporate Law jobs as a way of paying down the debt, while others decide against Legal Education altogether. One phenomenon that has occurred because of the blossoming debt crisis has been that the number of applications to law schools has been declining. With the median starting salary for new lawyers at ruffle 61,000 per year, law graduates face an average debt ranging between 77,000 and 112,000, depending whether they attended a public or private university. They are less likely to do pro bono work on that others have trouble just making ends meet. I want to take care of my family. I want to live life. Blake eventually found work as a freelance attorney and had his loans consolidated to lower monthly payments. He at times wonders whether it was all worth it. Theres a lot of decisions you can make when youre 18 and 22 years old that can really ruin the rest of your life. I never thought going to college and law school and coming to national to be an attorney would be one of those. Staying at home after college. More american young women are moving back home with their parents. Youre going to love this story. Cheering on their classmates. South carolina going above and beyond as High School Seniors take their College Entrance exams. Out there. Go inside the groundbreaking research. Are you ready to have your brain scanned . Ready to go challenging your deepest beliefs. Feeling the spirit is very subjective. I dont buy that. Techknows team of experts show you how the miracles of science. This is what innovation looks like. Can affect and surprise us. I feel like were making an impact. Lets do it. Techknow where Technology Meets humanity. A Record Number of Young American women are living at home with their parents. More than at any time since before word war two. According to new Census Bureau data, women between the ages of 18 and 34 that stay at home are more likely to have College Degrees and less likely to be married. The trend is due in part to at a changing relationship between parents and their children. Although most media would say its economic and a result of the recession, it really has more to do with the relationship between parents and their grown kids these days. It has changed a lot. Parents today want to have an open, authentic, intimate relationship with their grown kids and if they feel that having them at home is going to support them in having a more successful life later, then theyre willing to have them there. Gender plays a role. She said men are more often pressured to get their independent lives started. I think its become moms cooking is usually better. I agree. Hundreds of thousands of High School Students getting ready for their College Entrance exams in south carolina. This country so serious about security, the students there have police escorts. We have the story. Its the kind of excitement usually generated by k. Pop stars or actors. They are arriving for the College Entrance exam. We think we should muster up more energy so our senior classmates can have more energy. We are cheering harder than students from other schools. Emergency services on stand by to deliver late comers. The parents who spent small foreigns on tutors and countless hours of study, theres nothing to do but pray. My daughter studied hard. I felt bad watching her. I wonder whether kids need to go through this, society like this so she can get a good job and have a happy life. Its a bit painful. This exam taking is an extreme sport and financially costing to children and their parents. This kind of mindset is almost unheard of. The 90 minute drive from seoul, you find a school day starting. Morning is tending to cabbages, a time for conversation rather than electures. This is a boarding school designed as an alternative to High Pressure learning that dominates this country. No more focus on College Entrance. I wasnt going to achieve a good outcome. I was interested in reading and writing opinion the school helped me develop those things. This kind of education is rare. Just a few dozen find themselves in the alternative. The overwhelming majority of School Children study at private cram schools well into the night. They top lists of Education Achievement but come last in terms of childhood happiness. It is not simply educational policy. It is part of culture. Deeply rooted culture or values. Outside a temple, they laid out extra mats for parents who come to pry while children take the exam. In a land dominated by education fever, alternative schools seem does inned to remain isolated outposts. Al jazeera, seoul. The auction of yet another rare diamond has set a word record in switzerland. Sold on wednesday, we heard about a pink diamond that sold for millions. This blue moon sold for more than 48 million. It was bought by a hong kong collector. He bought both of them for his 7yearold daughter, josephine. The price works out to 4 million per carat. That makes it the most expensive diamond gem stone ever sold at auction. He bought his 7yearold daughter these diamonds . Talk about spoiled rotten. Sorry honey, that will never happen. Your word this morning back tomorrow morning beginning at 7 00 a. M. Have a great day. I believe that this is as we said from the very beginning, a very important first step forward. Europe signs a 2 billion deal with African Leaders to try and stop the flow of desperate people. Youre watching al jazeera live from doha. Also ahead Kurdish Forces backed by u. S. Air power launch an offensive to retake sinjar from isil. A palestinian man is shot dead by Undercover Israeli Forces in the surgery unit of a hospital in

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