Candidates take to the stage this year, three weeks before the Iowa Caucuses a look of people in american politics, and how they view the race for the white house and our top story this saturday night, mexicos most wanted man has been recaptured. He may face the rest of the his rife in an american prison. He hopes to grant a request to extradite Joaquin Guzman. He is believed to be behind billions of dollars in drugs. The king pin was captured on friday after a 3hour shootout in his home state of sinaloa. We have this report from new mexico. Mexican marines are positioned outside a house from where a gun battle takes place. Authorities have been watching the property. They had reason to believe Joaquin Guzman used it as a base of operations or taking refuge. Authorities moved in. A 3hour gun battle ensued. Five killed, six arrested. But the main went down into the suers, as he had in the past. He surfaced a few hundred meters from here. They allegedly stole a car, took off. Were pursued by marines. This location is a few hours drive where he was recaught a little less than two years ago in 2014. He was holed up in the city in sinaloa state. It is the base of operations for the sinaloa cartel. When he was found, he was found in the state where he felt safest. Adam raney in mexico. In 1983, the king pin was in a tough prison. In 2001, he escaped for the first time, after being smuggled out through a laundry cart, and disappeared and was caught again in 2014. It was last july that he escaped from another maximum security prison, from a sophisticated tunnel. In october he narrowly escaped when officials decided not to shoot because he was with two women and a girl i. S. I. L. Inspired a man to shoot oo Police Officer on thursday. He faces multiple charges including attempted murder and aggravated assault. Authorities are trying to determine if he is connected to i. S. I. L. Or other groups. His family say hes mentally unstable after suffering head injuries. Occupation of an oregon wildlife refuge had company. Up to a dozen pick up trucks carrying men and rifles arrived. The men are reportedly members of the pacific patriot network. And the leaders say they came to deescalate the situation and provide security. The wildlife refuge has been occupied since december 2nd. Protests after the new years eve out break of Sexual Violence against women. Police used tear gas and water canons to dispersed the crowds. Dominik kane has more. Reporter it was a day of protests that culminated in moments of violence. Supporters of the far right antiislamic group had been demonstrating against the Asylum Seekers policies of the government. And those that carried outside Sexual Violence on new years eve. In the event, some of their followers ended up throwing bottles, stones and other objects at police. Police responded with water cannon, to try to restore calm. A number of people were held. Others injured. Earlier, the citys planned had seen a larger rival demonstration by the left wing opponents. They came to prevent or disrupt the far right rally, and call for greater tolerance in german society. I would say society is divided at the moment into those holding onto the welcoming culture, and the fascists. Its incredible what is happening. We must fight the racism. Many have forgotten germanys past. Whereas the message was stark. That is about to happen, what happened on new years eve is a no go. It cant happen again, well stand up for it. When the going gets tough, us germans will fight again for it. The fallout from the sexual attacks and robberies continues to resonate more than a week on. Complains have been made to the authorities, a young woman told me how a female friend of hers was groped and she was threatened. Translation i was really afraid and insecure. It is not like me. We didnt know how to react. I didnt know how to respond. I started to stare at the floor. I was afraid of the looks. Reporter the clamor for something to be done claimed the job of the police chief. Now the german chancellor Angela Merkel says the law needs to be strengthened so if refugees commit serious crimes, they can easily be deported. Its in the germans best interests, and those, the vast majority of refugees that arrived here, and it is important. The two demonstrations have been staged in the city center been staged in the city center came to an end, with the Police Moving in to restore law and order. The debate about what this country does about the Asylum Seekers that it has encouraged to come here is far from over france honoured four jewish hostages and a police woman killed in a terrorist attack a year ago. The french Prime Minister led a ceremony after a gunman took them hostage. Family members and friends held a vigil outside the supermarket on saturday night. Voters in South Carolina spent the day hearing from republican president ial candidate on a forum. They shared views on eliminating poverty. What are the takeaways from the forum . Well, all of the candidates great that the g. O. P. Needs to be more sympathetic to the poor. They also great that the federal programmes designed to help the poor are not working. Where they disagree is what needs to be done to help people out of poverty. Ben carson says they shouldnt be involved at all. I believe that the real answer to poverty is not government, but the private sector. We need to look at that 2. 1 trillion, in terms of corporate money, we have the highest stax rates in the world. What i suggest is a 6 month hiatus to allow the money to be repatriated with no taxes, and a process requiring that 10 of it be used for enterprising. Other candidates talked about tax credits for the working poor and welfare to work programme. I know that is foremost about the economy, is that the biggest concern for voters there . Well, the economy is a big concern in South Carolina, the state is doing well. Unemployment is higher than it is around the rest of the country. One Restaurant Owner that i talked to said there has been skilled jobs that have come to the state, but he worries that the chronically unemployed would not qualify for those jobs. One of the things that i have been troubled bias a citizens, a business person is that we are not getting proper training. College is important and does well for a lot of people. There are a lot of folks that cannot afford college or are incapable of attending college. We went to a marco rubio event. And a lot of people talked about it economy or ways of getting kids changed to high school. Welding, plumbing and that sort of thing. Diane eastabrook live in columbia, thank you so much. Staying with politics, a Muslim Advocacy Group is waiting for an apology from trump after a muslim woman was thrown out of an event. She was thrown out. Audience members heckled her and security showed her out. Trump has not responded to a request to meet with american muslim leaders. Coming up, a deeper look at american muslims and their view on the elections and as a whole further action may be taken against saudi arabia after severing ties with tehran. Tensions rise in the region, a week after the controversial execution. Saudi arabia seems determined to build an International Front . They want them to issue statements of solidarity and statements denouncing iran. This is what happened. It is destabilizing the region, in the internal affairs of saudi arabia. Its a critical moment for saudi arabia, and for iran. Iran presents itself as the defender of shia islam. And saudi arabia as a sunni powerhouse. And we are going to see tensions in the coming month because of issues at stake. You have places like yemen. Syria and iraq where saudis are accused of supporting shia groups on the other hand iran says that saudi arabia is not helpful. In the sense that it is not willing to negotiate political settlements. This is why it is crucial to have regional allies saying firmly that they are opposed to the policies of iran. That report today. Video footage shows Iranian Missile fire near american warships. The video shows ships launching missiles near what appears to be a tanker. The u. S. S. Harry truman, Aircraft Carrier was nearby. It has not responded. But recalled earlier reports of mice ail fire false news. Still ahead Al Jazeera America an image war in venezuela, the new government strips away pictures of hugo chavez, and its followers protest. We have been part of the nation for centuries. First, Muslim Americans you meek view of the race to the white house. Who they might support and why. Welcome back, islam is a central talking points in the 2016 campaign, tonight we take a deeper look into how murn american muslims feel. Donald trump called for a temporary ban on muslims, offering few details about how it worked some say it could include u. S. Citizens. This is a long way from former president george w. Bushs post 9 11 speech defending islam. Either way the views of voters are left out of the discussion. Bisi onileere is here with more. An estimated 2 million voters practice islam, it is expected to double by 2050. Nearly 80 of Muslim Americans supported republicans in the 2000 elections. The numbers flipped since then, with about 85 of muslims backing president obama in 2012. This person was born in kuwait. Today the married husband of two children lives in new york city and runs several small villages. We have been part of the fibre the nation. He is among more than 2 million living in the u. S. Adding conservative values are rounded in his belief. And takes a moderate approach to politics. As a muslim american, its difficult not to stand where democrats. Muslims are more likely to identify with or lean to the democratics party, than the Republican Party. My religious beliefs tell me that we should be treated differently. And i think that we are not seeing that a lot. The landscape of muslims in american politics saw a shift in the past 15 years, according to the council on American Islamic relations. Several voted republican in 2000. In the years following the 9 11 attacks, muslim store terms to the democratics candidates. On the issues, he is concerned about health care, jobs and Police Surveillance of muslims. We think that the government should look to anyone that does anything bad all the time equally. And no one group should be oppress said. Muslims make up 1 . In some cities across the country, they are leaving a political footprint. For the first time this past november. They elected a majority muslim council. Doesnt matter which faith it is. Still on capitol hill. Muslims are largely underrepresented. Democratic representatives andre carson of indiana, and keith ellie son of minnesota, are the only muslim members of congress. As attention turns to the election, many muslims are eager to show their influence at the polls. We are going to mobilize our community, well do the early voting. Well have busloads and shuttles to the polling stations. They have to get involved politically, make political contributions to people. Protecting our human rights and digni dignity. Believe me, we are many. In a time of growing sentiment. He hopes more muslims find their voices. Muslims tend to show up at the polls in high numbers. According to a survey by the pew research center, 64 of u. S. Muslims voted in the 2008 general election. Thank you. Joining me in the studio to talk about this the executive director of the coalition, and a law professor in detroit. So with you, why this flit, donald trump aside, ignoring donald trump. Why have we seen american muslims switch from republican to democrat. Its a party that protects minority rights more. Take a look at the audience, any Democratic Party event at the Democratic National convention. Its a mosaic of what america is turning into. You take a look at an event, and they are 99 right. Muslims as minorities and arabs are drawn to the party that has its arms open to people of colour. Muslim ideals and republican ideals align. And they are generally profamily, choice and small business. Why the disconnect . You can say the same thing about black voters, latino voters, those segments tend to be what we consider more conservative. But they go more towards the Democratic Party. That shows you that inclusion and policies and walking the walk is more important than to talk about policy things that many agree with. You are an interesting story. You used to be a democrat. You flipped to become a republican. Because of the stance of prolife. That i felt the party represents. It is supposed to be about traditional values, and issues aligned with the Republican Party than the democrats. I couldnt see myself supporting major issues now, when you look at the Republican Party. With donald trump at the lead. What do you think of him . We are working on donald trump, i would love to see him change his views. I feel he could have strong policies. The bigotry and hatred, coming out is concerning. That is why reforms reach toupt to the g. O. P. President ial candidates, changing their views. Donald trump, if he becomes the partys nominee, he would. I didnt become a republican. I still dont see that myself. We have seen a failure of foreign policies. Wed like to see the change. Its very concerning as to why we have a huge opportunity for republican muslims to reeducate politicians about what we want, like any other group that we should lobby for our interests and make our voices heard. A wonder if its a concern for you. That the lobbying effort. That theres not a clear strong voice for Muslim Americans in the political process. Our voters mosts are young, highly educated segment of the population. Especially now a days. Its mine boggling to me to say that if trump takes the issue, she would go for them. Thats like a black american saying they would vote for george wallace. The trump movement, and the Republican Movement are becoming almost exclusively the party of white americans, that they feel they are losing the country to nonwhite americans a lot of republicans say listen, donald trump is popular, he does not speak for other republicans. A lot spoke out against trump. Well see when the i rr caucuses and the Iowa Caucuses happen. He is leading. We have to look at ourselves in the mirror in this country and say we have to take a stand. I would disagree, thinking that hanging out with people like donald trump, and hoping that they are more educated. That its not the way to change the minds. We need to work to eradicate the way racism works, and not apiece it. Your reaction to that does me raise a good point . I agree, its why we are meeting with donald trump, he needs to meet with Muslim Americans, we are having an interfaith meeting with donald trump here in new york city. You will be meeting with donald trump. Yes, we will. And imams will be here. We are trying to coordinate a meeting. We are working towards that. Wed like to see him visit a mosques in the next two months, probably march or april. You are not going to change Donald Trumps mind overnight. The only way to change a politicians mind is to sit on the table and have discussions, like we host Hillary Clinton fundraising. Why cant koran, cruz and others invite them. They dont really want the fear of anything to do with Muslim Americans, thats the perception. That is the perception. I med with ben carson, cruz and we are hosting fund racers with them. If we get active, the way other groups get there, we have no barriers. I dont see it as a country open to everyone. That is a concern i hear. That Muslim Americans are not active enough. And politicians are not doing all they can. A complaint i hear is that president obama has not visited a mosque. What do you think about that. You can always do more. I wouldnt say its a fair criticism to say we are not politically active. We are, theres a lot of Muslim Americans involved. The amount of Muslim Americans registered to vote has gone up. A lot are voting and voting for the Democratic Party. Does it go beyond that, where some responsibility should lie with politicians to include them more . As someone that comes from the muslim community, especially attacking a large swath of voters that label him a muslim. It would be nice if he came out and said he was a muslim. He hasnt done that, it would be great if it did. I dont think the speech he made, when he talked about making sure the muslims are seen, as part of the fabric. You dont here that kind of stuff coming from the leading republican contenders. Saying you want to sit with ben carson and trump and others, nears are people that will never be registered. Only because very have muslim advisors, why do we note see them on the captain trail. We see them on the democratic managers. That plays to his point. That is why they are leaning muslims move to the democratic site. They dont seem to embrace minorities. I feel like if our islamic values align, we should have equal value. Islamic values are about justice as well. They are more espoused by the Democratic Party than the Republican Party. They are coming to the party of ethnic isolation. We know make america grate means make America White again. Let me jump in quickly, a final question. As we see the divide between two americans muslims, as the group changes. Lues limbs coming from different countries, do you feel they will change. This may change the agenda for the group. Some have a lot of different interests in the areas. One of the important ideas are the idea that we should feel like we belong in the american political discourse. Right now the Republican Party are not doing that. Thats why the Democratic Party may espouse notions that some might thing they are against our interests social and conservative ideals, you see a vast majority going towards the party, because inclusion, and walking the walk is way more important than rhetoric about pro life or anything like that. Thats what we see in our community. Well leave it there. There has been a flip amok the Muslim Americans. Thank you both for joining us tonight for eboni deon. For a deeper look still ahead hugo chavez has been dead for a number of years, but remains at the center of heated debate. This one is over his image. Im sick, my family is sick, community. And outrage over a large natural gas leak in american history. The Syrian Government announced it about attend peace talks in geneva later this mon, on the continue that no group considered a terrorist by Bashar Alassad can take part, includi including anyone drying to overthrow Bashar Alassad. Missiles struck areas used by nonted today. In iraq, thousands of refugees are facing a harsh winter. Mohammed jamjoom reports from northern iraq. Reporter whether escaping war or bracing for winter, those displaced have become accustomed to one catastrophe after another. In a camp meant to protect them, supplies are too few and aid distributions too far between. Its why some children walk around in slippers, despite the freezing cold. Translation the condition here is so difficult. The tents are soaking wet. As if on queue, while we were talking, a deluge begins. The nightmare described is real once more. To give you an idea of how bad the weather conditions are, it was raining a few minutes ago, now it is hailing. And this hail, and this rain is coming in to this tent. Thats why so many of the internally displaced are worried about what the worsening Winter Weather will bring in the weeks and months to come. Concerned for the welfare of her children. She took what cautions she could as early as possible. We paid for and built a second makeshift room. Sometimes the tent flies away. One time the tarp flew away. We had to bring it back. After three months of saving, they had money to buy the wood for the makeshift shelter. Tiny, compared to the tent they reason in. They now feel more secure against the elements. In other parts of the camp, things are far worse. The evidence is all around. Like the tarp that collapsed under the weight of the rain, or the trash piling up in the mud. U. N. I. C. E. F. s worker tells us that getting money and resources to help the people is extremely difficult. What people are forgetting is 322 million displaced People Living a miserable life. The fighting with i. S. I. L. Makes the news. The plight of the people does not go to the news. The situation children were facing has been described. They are haunted by the memory of seeing a child so cold he tried to warm himself under the engine of a car. Life for many children is as punishing as the weather, and they are becoming accustomed to the suffering the syrian Peace Process is the topic of third rail. Ali velshi interviews the executive director of Human Rights Watch middle eastern, and the impact on efforts for peace. Here is a preview of the episode. Clearly therell be no deal without syrias government at the table. The last four months shows intervention, including the iranian intervention, underlining it, putting it in bold and cap letters. If it was not clear there will be no solution without the government at the table. I think that everybody pretty much recognises this and accepts this. Which did agree to be part of the Peace Process, including the notion. What is now the new goalpost which is shifting, is that it theres a period that theyll transition out. That is less of concern, as well as the reality that is recognised, and there probably is not any party. Including many in the opposition. So the question that we have to ask ourselves, if the purpose of these peace talks is to end the devastation and destruction of syria, why do they contemplate the continuation of war in a third of the country where i. S. I. S. Is located. Is that the best vat any you can watch the entire episode 5 30 eastern Chinese Markets end on an uptick, starting when a measure meant to promote stability had the opposite affect. Patricia sabga has more a miserable ending to the most abysmal opening week of trading in u. S. Stock market history. The trouble started monday in china. After a weaker than expected reading on manufacturing sent chinese stocks into a tail spin. A spiral dragging down stock markets around the globe. As worries mounted over the severity of chinas economic slowdown and crucially the ability of chinas leaders to manage it. Its not so much that the Chinese Market slowed down. The problem is panic in the air of chinese policy makers. Reporter like the short flirtation with Circuit Breakers that shut the stock market monday and thursday, before they were suspended on friday. When analysts suggested that beijing was buying back shares to lift the market into positive territory. A page from an intervention playbook including restricting stakes and currency that rattled investors confidence. As chinas economy desell rates, so does the appetite for war materials, hammering commodity, and contributing to a slide in mile prices, hitting the lows this week. It added up to a war of worry, high enough to eclipse a rally, triggered by strong growth. As investors focused on stagnant wages, and what the tea readers tell them about an economy, whose fortunes has the power to shape the world. Disturbing now, the allegations of sexual abuse coming out of germany, more than 200 children from a germans boys choir were allegedly abused over four decades. A lawyer said the abuse ranged from beatings to rape. Its one of general yips famous, a brother of the pope. The lawyer detailled the abuses. Something the brother must have been aware of. With regard to Sexual Violence, i can report cases ranging from stroking a buttock to rape. With regard to physical violence, its about withholding the food. And force feeding on the other side. It is about feeding with tools and a bunch of keys. Of 232 incidents are 0 potential rape cases. Speaking at a press conference an investigator detailed the attacks. An image war breaking out in venezuela. It follows the removal of chavez images from the controlled legislator. We have more from caracas. Reporter downtown car abbing us woke up with pressure graffiti images of the late leader. In response of the removal of his portrait, and independence scene here, and the message that reads the opposition has the assembly, the people have the street. Wednesday, a day after the first opposition parliament, close to 17 years, the new president said the images had no room under the new generation. The spirit of the paintings hit a nerve in this deeply polarized country. People have been gathering in a square to protest what they say is an affront to their larger than life leader. President Nicolas Maduro suffered a crushing defeat in decembers parliamentary elections, his predecessor and mentor is revered in an almost cultlike fashion. The movement over chavez spearheaded, might have suffered a setback. Most of the other government institutions remain firmly under loyal camp. The reaction is emblematic under deep divisions. And the political deadlock that the country seems to be heading to police in mexico city are cutting down on minor traffic offenses. Mean think new laws are petty and a waste of time and money. Many of us have been in this position. Stopped by police when explaining, or in this case arguing fails, ticketed. This driver was fined for leaving the doors of his bus opened. 5 million cars clog the roads. This mans is one of them. His car has been his office for more than a decade. Since more stringent traffic laws are implemented, the private car company has been complaining. The rules are there to punish you, not to teach you. 5600 are injured each year. Translation we want people to learn with a simply fine before they have an accident. People realise, its not just my life, but those around me too. Laws banning smoking, having a pet on your lap, honking and shouting at others are only angering people. Police insists theyll give warning and focus on speeders and people using their phones. It limits me, annoying me i cant do what i want in my own car. Many are concerned the new law will pave the way for more corruption. The city requires Police Officers allowed to give tickets to wear a special armbands. Citizens know officers without them are not allowed to demand a fine. People use an app a called my police, you click on a box. You import the name of an officer. If authorized, the name and badge number pops up. It will be months before the city knows that the laws have driven down accidents. Despite the irritation, he is choosing to focus on the joys of the job, meeting new people. He is not so sure that the new laws are making it easy for him to stay calm behind the wheels. Still ahead tonight outrage in california over the largest natural gas leak in u. S. History. My daughters children will not come to my house. She doesnt want them there, because theyll get sick a communitys demands for action is next. Plus 900 million is at stake. And you have just about two hours left to buy a ticket. In the biggest Lottery Jackpot in america. We are watching heavy snow from chicago. As well as temperatures diving to dangerous numbers. All the details on that when i return. Its been 11 weeks since a massive methane gas leak began. The government declared it an emergency, the gas company says it may take until march to fix it. We have this report from porta ranch where the people are furious. Chant chant reporter they chanted for change. My friends have been sick, family sick, and community suffering. Reporter and then took it inside. These people from north of los angeles have been clamoring to get state and local government to stop the largest natural gas leak in u. S. History, happening in their backyard. This is what they are breathing. Methane spewing into the air since late october. Captured by infrared cameras. The investigation is ongoing by many different regulatory agencies, it will be a matter of if not months, years. As this comes out, and we get more and more information, time will tell. Reporter the leak is coming from a blown well pipe at a Natural Gas Storage facility owned by the gas company. First detected on october 23rd, the leak continued to release methane for the past 11 weeks. Its the largest environmental disaster we have seen in the united states. The air Quality Management district which regulates the gas called the hearing to take testimony from local officials and residents. 12,000 of whom have been fleeing their home since december. The hearing could go on for hours and days, air Quality Management is looking to impose tougher measures on the leak and gas. The company says today it will agree to. The people say its not enough. They want the facility permanently shut down. Shut it down. The hearing board has the authority. My daughter her sons wont come to our house. She doesnt want them there because they get sick, they could get cancer. I knew id get emotional, i didnt mean to. Please do something. If they cant provide guaranteed protection for the community, nothing short of a shutdown will suffice. The gas company is working as fast as possible. With no shut off valve, drilling a relief valve is the only option. Thousands continue to wait for somewhere knew to live. We understand and are sympathetic with the customers. We dont want to stay in our homes. We are prisoners in our own chome. Do you think you can get it to shut down . I think i do. If everyone bands together, we can make a change. A meaningful change in gas operations that residents say they cant wait for any longer a tough situation in l. A. Lets great to the weather. Some are facing extreme temperatures. Thats right, we are looking at cold temperatures, some of the coldest in terms of windchill this year all season. Its been deadly. The same storm has caused problems, especially towards oklahoma. On the roads we had five fatalities, weather related because of the snow pushing through. Now its going through illinois, into wisconsin, and into michigan. We expect to see 812 inches more snow across the region. Its the temperatures that will be the problem. Especially all the way through tomorrow morning in this area, you have cold temperatures behind the front with strong winds. We are seeing wind chills. This is at minus one and factor in the gusty winds. This feels like minus 20. That is what it feels like on the skin. You can get frost bite with this. I want to put it into motion, showing you what the wind chills will be doing. Notice the area of pink. We see the minus 20s. We see it moving to the east. By 11 oclock tomorrow, temperatures come up. I think that as we go towards monday morning, well see the wind chills come down as well. From yinned indianapolis, temperatures will stay low. That is stream. Thank you stream. Thank you, kevin the cost of living in new york city is forcing many to consider neighbour ads away from manhattan. Developers are focussing on the bronx. This has some people concerned. Reporter michael teaches photography to schoolkids in the bronx, a neighbourhood with a reputation of being high on crime and low opportunities. These kids see Something Different here. A proud tradition of working class new yorkers, many immigrants, many worried about a way of life. I feel like im in a way saying goodbye. New york is planning to redevelop a place known as jerome avenue, a place where many work and live in rented store fronts. And automotive shops. We need the places as working place for people here, not a way for millionaires to make more money. The citys plan to redevelop this section is yet to be finalised. Its already displacing Small Businesses that long thrived here. Property values are going up. Rents are going up. So, too, is the image of the bronx. Celebrities made their way up town. Looking for a place cheaper than manhattan to live. The bronx, with a burning theme played off an old stereotype. It offended local residents. I think it is the future of real estate. That developer says the experience taught him the importance of talking to local residents. His Company Planning to invest half a billion to bring market rate apartments to another section of the bronx, dominated by piano factories. We are taking what is highly underutilized areas, with truck traffic and parking and turn it into quality housing, with public accessible esplanades and creating space. Local residents want more affordable housing. They are making their concerns known. We saw what happened. We are ready to make sure what happens is done in the right way. So that the poor and working class can continue to call the neighbourhood home and finally, time is ticking to try your luck at winning the biggest u. S. Jackpot ever. The power ball lottery is worth more than 900 million. I have my tick. 18 previous drawings for the lottery failed to produce a winner since november, forcing it to roll over. Thanks to lotto fever, tickets were selling at a pace of 8,000 per second. If i win that big money, im going to take care of all our veteransism. Weve been waiting two hours. Its important. Its worth the wait. I hope so. The odds of picking the Winning Ticket of one in 292 million. Officials check your numbers, smaller prizes are awarded even if no one wins the jackpot. Thats it for this hour. See you 11 00p. M. Eastern, 8 00 pacific. Stay here, america tonight starts right now. Inside story takes you beyond the headlines, beyond the quick cuts, beyond the soundbites. Were giving you a deeper dive into the stories that are making our world what it is. On america tonight behind the scenes of the national gun debate. We need reasonable legislation to reduce crimes while still not eroding the Second Amendment a police chief advising the president speaks with america tonight. Good evening, thanks for joining us, im adam may stitting in for joie chen. Its been a

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