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Russia claims one of its ships fired warning shots at a turkish fishing boat to avoid a collision. And the sport asias football champions pull off an upset at the club. This time, a semifinal in against barcelona. here our top story, an International Conference called on libyas warring factions to back a unity government under a u. N. Proposed deal. Libya was pushed into crisis following the toppling and gilling of Muammar Gaddafi killing of Muammar Gaddafi. Since august last year two rival parties has been in operation. The recognised government was based there in tobruk. But the tripoli based Supreme Court, that backed the government in the capital, the capital city tripoli. A push for peace hastened by the growing strength. And in talks in tunis on friday, a rival government agreed to a peace plan, a deal calling for a new government in 40 days. Zeina khodr from rome. Rome is where a united voice was expressed to bring about a government of National Accord in libya, it was in rome where some of libyas rival factions showed support for the International Communitys plan. They are expected to sign the deal on wednesday, but there is opposition to the plan. U. S. Secretary of state john kerry addressed those concerns. Theres some inside and outside of libya. For their own selfish purposes, who are uninterested in reconciliation, unwilling to compromise, and who want this process to fail. Those who are responsible for violence and those that obstruct and undermine the libyan democratic transition need to be held strongly accountable. Libya has two governments the General National Congress in the west. And the house of representatives in the east. There are splits over the deal. The delegates that came to rome represent powerful groups from both sides, among them a demonstration from misrata, their forces are among the powerful, and they can guarantee the newly form governments security. The consensus was to address the problem of security, security in tripoli, to bring the government, which must be based at the end of the day in tripoli back to the capital. Institutions and government of national unity. There were encouraging statements by leaders, and they warned that problems need to be resolved, and it could be a long road ahead. The u. N. s envoy is warning that libya is in a race against time. The military conflict is taking a toll on the population. Lawlessness is worsening. Its not just that. World leaders gathered here amid concerns that i. S. I. L. s growing are strength in libya will give it a gateway to europe. Thats why the International Community says libyas rivals are pressured to come together, stop fighting each other and focus on defeating i. S. I. L. , under the plan the government will be able to request International Military assistance in the fight against the armed group. The military option is on the table, and the world is in agreement to prevent libya becoming a base for i. S. I. L. The threat that i. S. I. L. Poses is significant. Its concentrated in the area around cert. The International Community will tackle this threat in the next few months, the same way we tackle it in other countries. For now, this is a victory. Libya seems to be on the road. And in the words of the envoy, the train left the station. Power struggles and divisions means that the road ahead could lead to a turn for the worst exit polls show in france the far right has been defeated in the second round of regional elections. The al nusra front failed to win any province, despite record high results a week ago. Jacky rowland from paris. There was no clear winner really from these regional elections. The center right did gain a couple more regions than the left. However, there was very clearly a loser. And that was the National Front. It was a reversal of fortune for the far right leader. Her National Front watched as its first round gains evaporated. For a moment they had looked well positioned to win several regions. In the final round french people decided otherwise. Le pen tried to put a brave face on the outcome. Now the operation is not between the right and the left, but between the globalist and the patriots. The globalist fight for the dilution of france and its people in a global amalgam. The patriots believe the nation is the protector of the french, and that is each and every one of you. Voter apathy worked in the National Fronts favour. But the turn out this sunday was higher, with nearly 60 taking part. Before the elections socialists controlled almost every region in france. Now the map is far more evenly divided between the republicans and the socialists. Its clear that the republicans, to an extent, benefited from tactical voting. In two regions, the socialists pulled out of the contest after the first round and instructed supporters to vote for the republicans in order to block the extreme right. Arriving to address his republican party, the former president Nicolas Sarkozy and there was a promise to learn the lesson of the first round. This mobilization in favour of our candidates must not under any pretext make us forget the warnings given to all politicians, including us, in the first round of the regional elections. The socialist party bounced back in the second round. The president has seen his personal popularity soar after the paris attacks a month ago. Nevertheless, the socialist Prime Minister struck a cautious tone. There is no sense of relief or triumph or victory. The dangers of the extreme right has not vanished. Far from it. I cannot forget the results of the first round or recent years. Im conscious of my responsibility and that of my government. All that obligations us to listen to the french people more, and act. This was the last time voters would go to the polls before the president ial election. That is more than a year away. And the out come of these elections offers few clues. So a lot of stocktaking to be done by both of the main parties, the republicans and the socialists, looking really at the lessons to be learnt by that strong showing for the National Front in the first round, and seeing how they can better address voters concerns, and voterss frustrations before the president ial elections of 2017. Jacky rowland reporting there. While economic worries influenced many people in france to support the far right others were prompted by security fears. The aftermath of the paris attacks in november, its a month since gunmen opened fire on bars and restaurants in paris. 132 people were killed. Jonah hull looks at what the world learnt since the attacks. The i. S. I. L. Attacks in paris that targeted sports fans, concert goers and diners happened a month ago. A month in which life from the banks of the seine changed dramatically. The world is going to become dangerous as a result of the things that are happening. And that is a consequence of the fact that the Islamic State is strong, and global jihadism has become so strong. Reporter it was friday the 13th, and at least eight attackers opened fire randomly, several detonating suicide vests. All were european citizens, some returning with battle experience from syria, and others lived as social outcasts in the suburb of paris and brussels. Theres an umbilical chord between the wars raging in syria, iraq and security. You have radicalized networks in the heart of europe. I. S. I. S. Could not have carried out this massive attack in paris without having local recruits. Reporter paris followed a string of i. S. I. L. Attacks on civilian targets, including the bombing of a jet over egypt, that killed 224 people a fortnight earlier. Western capitals responded with the rhetoric of war, with an expanded Bombing Campaign against i. S. I. L. , amid the creeping fear of attack at home. The western powers will not send boots on the ground to syria and iraq. This means that the response is, in terms of rhetoric, basically vocal. We are at war, the reality is we need a strategy. Air strikes and supporting local forces on the grounds. Its a long, gradual strategy that could take years. Its been a bad month for refugees, filing into europe by the thousands each day. With perhaps two of the paris attackers believed to have entered europe among the refugee influx, border controls have been tightened and support grown for antiimmigrant parties on the far right. Its arguably been a good month for this ban, Bashar Alassad man, Bashar Alassad, whose army is the dominant force on the ground in syria. With the spotlight now, he may benefit from the ancient proverb, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Reporter above all the emerging code between western countries and Bashar Alassad signalled a new reality, a threat to incident life, for years to come. Coming up here on the Al Jazeera Newshour. Violence disrupts a referendum. The Central African republic seen as a test for National Elections. Women win seats on local councils for the first time in saudi arabia. And in the sports news, arsenal returns to the top of the English Premier League. Sanaa has that story in a few moments. Moments. The Russian Defence ministry summoned the ambassador of turkey. A russian ship fired to prevent a collision, they say. They say small arms were used against the boats after it failed to respond to radio contact and warning flares. This report from the turkish port city. Reporter the Turkish Foreign ministry confirmed that the Turkish Military attache in moscow was summoned by the Russian Defence ministry and the turks were not giving further details, saying they had no command. What we know, the version of the events coming from one side and according to the details that the russians are saying it that the rubbishan ship was close with the turkish fishing trip and was about 550 meters between the two. They used visual signals, and other means to try to persuade the turkish ship to go away. Then, according to the russians, they had to fire some small arms. After that, the turkish ship went away. All of that comes after the deteriorating relations between russia and turkey. Turkey downed a russian fighter jet last month. Turkey said it violated turkish air space on the border with syria. The russians were angry and imposed economic sanctions on turkish products after that. Theres heated rhetoric between the two ocuntries, and things could escalate further. A professor of social skinses in ankara says turkeys reaction so far has been cautious. What is interesting in this event. In this incident is that turkey, foreign ministry, dont show very harsh reaction to this incident and say we listen to fishermen and captain and make new evaluation. Turkey is not interested in the technical detail, rather it tries to show a precautionary attitude about the incident well on the other side of the debate, from the Washington Institute for policy says russias options are limited. I dont think either side wants a military escalation, to be frank, russias options in terms of retaliation are limited. Certainly russia has active economic saks, we are seeing angry rhetoric, the ban on tourism but beyond that, theres little Vladimir Putin can do. I think broadly what is important to keep in mind here is that Vladimir Putin wants to divide the west. Ultimately, everything that hes doing, including what hes doing with cert, in turkey and syria, is he wants to divide western institutions and n. A. T. O. In syria, 40 people have been held in the rebel held eastern outskirts of damascus. Syria and russian jets targeted the rebel held region killing dozens. Reporter in this moment of sheer panic and desperation, talk of a truce is irrelevant. Bloodied bodies cluttered the floor of a temporary basement clinic in douma. In this rebel strong hold lifeless infants are checked for vital signs. On another table, a doctor tries to save another child who lost his legs. The streets of duma are littered with debris and chards of glass, making it difficult to meet those in need. Most of the victims were children and women at a market and at a school. Activists say syrian and russian jets were targetting rebels, who shelled damascus. It comes as the humanitarian chief toured homes anders a. He is trying to assess the needs of million of syrians. The u. N. Proposed a ceasefire deal allowing humanitarian aid in, and some civilians to leave. And its hoped it will lead to a United Nations truce. The leader of one of the most prominent armed groups, nusra front is criticizing the proposal, saying the government is no longer in charge. Translation the regime lost the power. It controls 20 of syria. The army has turned into groups of factions. This is not an army. Now the armoured troops has more weapons than the regime has. The u. N. Says 220,000 has been killed since the start of wash the war in march 2011. And for the millions of syrians living in this devastation, there appears to be no end in sight. The bombardment we saw was reportedly in response to rebels firing rockets. At least two were killed, and 30 others, mainly children were wounded. A camp for internally displaced countryside was hit as well. The forces and rebel groups failed to agree on a ceasefire. Protestors across brazil called for the impeachment of the president. She was reelected, Dilma Rousseff, less than a year ago. Since then frustration grew over the economy and an expanding Corruption Scandal protesters filled the main avenue in sao paulo, wearing green and yellow, the colours of the brazilian flag. This is the heart of brazilian financial, and also where Dilma Rousseffs Workers Party was established. A founder was 93yearold ellio, disgusted with corruption, he left the party. He filed a petition. The crowd roared. When he said dill ma, it was in the his or the republican party. A scene of protest is a plan of popular brazilian flag. The brazilians are set out to pay for the mistakes of others. A reference to widespread government and the economic crisis in the country. Youth leader has become a celebrity of sorts in brazil, saying young people who are facing 19 unemployment are mobilized both for and against impeachment. I believe the majority is against the government. Its a generation that wants political change. We dont believe in Political Parties or the politicians that are in power. Reporter retiree, says shes been waiting for change for 30 years, and calls Dilma Rousseff a puppet. And nose if the president is impeached, the next one that replaces her may not be better, but would send a message. We can implement the beginning of the biggest change in my town. Organizers wanted 100,000 people to turn out on sunday. President Dilma Rousseff supporters are planning protests of their own next week now, the United States has advised its people to leave burundi after the latest wave of violence. 87 people died in clashes on friday in the capital bujumbura. Dozens of bodies were found on the streets. Some with their hands behind their backs. The army says it killed 79 people after coordinated attacks by unidentified gunmen on three military sights. Eight soldiers died in fighting. Mohammed adow is in the kenyan capital, and it gave us the latest on the crisis in bujumbura. It is my in the burundian capital, tensions are high. Theres a police swoop. Some neighbourhoods of the city, particularly areas where Police Arrested a number of young men and took them away. Others were shot on the street. The government has deny the that it killed civilians. Its calling the inmiss. They have been involved inmiss. They were involved in the violence with the man considered the face of burundian opposition. They say that its up to the government to tell the people of burundi who is carrying out the killings, and who is continued with the violence saying this are united. They have the capacity to carry out killings against everyone. The continuing violence in burundi, there are fears that it could rekindle civil war in the country, based on ethnicity. The country has gone through a civil war from 1993 to 2005, and this is something that is still fresh in peoples minds. That is one of the reasons why more than 200,000 crossed the borders to seek asylum, and the United Nations on the issue of civilian protection, and is contemplating deployment violence prevented many voting in the Central African republic. Two have been killed, 20 injured in a shooting attack. It is seen as a test for National Elections scheduled for later this month. It descended into conflict in 2013 after muslim rebels overthrew the president. A Million People have been displaced there were 11,000 troops. There was a report on how french and u. S. Troops my struggle. French soldiers on patrol in bangui have been here for two years. They are not welcome by everyone. Along with suspects, french and foreign troops have been accused of sexually abusing children and women. Beyond this case, theres widespread issue of Sexual Violence against children. French commanders told al jazeera those involved have been dismissed from duty and are awaiting trial. French soldiers have been accused of siding with christians against muslims. The the french ambassador denied the allegations. When one interferes between two opposing sides, there can be clashes. Criticism is from both sides. Our mission is to protect all civilians from eminent assaults. In muslim areas, the welcome for the french is guarded. The french intervention helped, reduced killing, destruction and looting. The roll is on the decline. The number is shrinking. The country is vast. We do not have an army. French forces have been cut. Cut to 900 soldiers. There are nears that it will not be enough to keep the piece if fighting flares again between the warring rebels. The change of perception is not a positive sign. Most who met expressed fears of the worst. If the troops were to defeat. And the worst means another mass agger, killing hundreds of innocence from both sides. After two years, the desire for prevention crosses the line. At least 24 people have been killed and 50 were injured in a bomb explosion in the northwest of pakistan. The attack took place in a busy market. Close to the border of afghanistan. Its believed the Shia Muslim Community was the target. A sunni group linked to i. S. I. L. Claimed responsibility for the bombing. Saudiled Coalition Air strikes in toez killed 54 rebels and their allies. Fighter jets hit a storage area for ammunition and military vehicles. Fighting continues in the run up to the meeting on tuesday. The u. N. Brokered talks in switzerland are aimed at a ceasefire deal. Still to come on the Al Jazeera Newshour we meet a Palestinian Family fighting efforts by settlers and the Israeli Government to evict them from their home after decades. Plus. Here in new york, street art like this is more prevalent and the street artists themselves gaining worldwide attention. Im gabriel elizonda that coming up and after a 24game streak, the Golden State Warriors finally drop the ball. The ball. I just wanted to take care of my mom. And no remorse. She giggles every time she steps into the revolving door of justice. She became legendary. The finer the store, the bigger the challenge. We are scared. Have an organized rightwing movement trying to kill others. Welcome back, youre with al jazeera from doha, a reminder of the top stories an International Conference calls on factions for a ceasefire. Urging them to back a unity government under a u. N. Backed peace deal. The group looking to sign the deal in morocco on wednesday. The far right party has been defeated in the second round of regional elections. The National Front failed to win any province despite high results a week ago. Russias military summons the turkish attach aafter a russian vessel shot at fishing vessel in the southeastern city, kurdish residents have been protesting against a curfew imposed at the beginning of the month. Many left their homes after clashes between kurdish forces, following the death of a kurdish law. 14 women won seats in local council elections. It is the first election open to women. Women will comprise less than 1 of the elected membership. We have this report the doors have opened to a new era in saudi public life. With two milestones reached. Women gaining the right to vote. And to stand as candidates in local elections. I feel happy that kink kink king salman has given us the right to vote. Reporter so far saudis voted in three local elections, to choose councils that are the only elected bodies in the kingdom. I want to see the woman, to be more involved in every institution in the government and private sector. To be part of the planning, the execution, performance, evaluation. She has to be there. Behind the scenes, suede women do have powerful positions. They sit in the countrys top advisory body, the sewera council. Yet with ashura council, with the stride. The women did not drive themselves to the 308, a freedom elsewhere enjoyed. An interpreter and supporter of human rights in the port city of geeda, she says it is a milestone for all saudi women. In this election this year, not only the women appellanted, but they lowered the age of participation to 18 years of age. The idea of imposing all spectrum of the society within this important election, or important positions i think its its a huge success and a huge step forward in the development of saudi arabia. We have loads of issues, loads of things. For instance, processing all my we have an issue for women is that when she comes to process the works, like her passport or her i. D. , that she needs a guardian to go and apply for it. For right now, the strong movements and the government actually is trying to make this change where women can go and finish the paperwork without the guardian, without having a mail by her side to be able to finish these words. Another thing is that personally im looking forward to it. So see more and more women in high decisionmaking positions of the government. I believe this will improve a lot of things not just for females, but also the saudi culture and general. So hopefully that we will get there one day. Construction work is beginning an a 10 billion pipeline in turkmenistan. Leaders from afghanistan, pakistan and india attended a groundbreaking ceremony near the city. The project will supply billions of cubic gas every year to the three countries, the 2,000km pipeline is scheduled to be finished by 2019. It faces several risks, including the security situation in afghanistan. This flag ship project will usher in a new era and transform the lives of million of our people making it a symbol of shared prosperity and social Economic Development. We must Work Together and resolve to ensure that negative forces to the success of the project are addressed in an appropriate manner. In doing so we must recognise that the forces of violence and destruction can no longer be allowed to threaten Economic Development and security of our people. In this project, it will ensure that afghanistan, pakistan and india will all have a positive carbon footprint. Congratulations on moving the first goal point Foreign Policy analyst outlined the benefits and risks involved with this project. The pipeline is has been pushed by washington and supported by some of the regional players, and brings a variety of benefits to many actors. It allows afghanistan to gain a transit revenue as well as some of the gas that would be produced. More importantly, pakistan and india would gain needed access to energy resources. But the main problems have been that the pipelines assist currently laid out will pass through areas which are either contested in afghanistan in terms of war zones are or controlled by the taliban. And in this began when the taliban was in power and it was difficult to get the agreement to the project. Theres a lot of distrust between pakistan and india, and theyve never been able to agree on a project of this magnitude and theres fears that it will disrupt the supplies, of the pipeline, as they have done with other projects in in the end you have actors benefitting, and theres net benefit to the rooej region, and a loft of players that can block the projected and it can be difficult to align them. Theres widespread optimism after a landmark deal in paris, some activists warn the real hard work of implementing the deal begins now. Tarek bazly has more on the challenges laying ahead. Reporter for thousands of delegates and many World Leaders that spent the last two weeks, relief of a deal. Once the chairing subsides, the job of turning promises into action begins. Paris agreements sets out a target to limit warning to below 2 degrees celcius, and drive to keep temperatures at a maximum of 1. 5 above preindustrial levels. The commitments made by 170 countries in paris are not enough to do this. If achieved it will only help warming to 2. 3 degrees. We are more ambitious. We share concerns that it does not put us on the path to prevent temperature rising. The agreement asserts that Greenhouse Gas emissions must peak as soon as possible. To do this it relies on voluntary plans. Its an outcome that brought protesters to the streets of manila. Parties like the philippines they are leaving decisions for countries, and not having a welldefined targets for emissions, making it more dangerous for countries like the philippines for Climate Change. The overall agreement is legally binding. Some elements of it, including the pledges to curb epolice stations by individual countries are not. This means the success of the agreement depends on political will, with each country sitting its own goals and deciding whether to sign up to a 5year check up on the progress its making. A leading scientist put to this way . Its a fraud, a fake. Its worthless words. Theres no action, just promises. As long as fossil fuels are the cheapest fuels out there, theyll be burnt. The agreement recycles a pledge from previous talks to raise 100 billion from the 2020s. Overall success in tackling Climate Change rests as it has on the shoulders of individual governments. Its now up to them to honour promises and good intentions and turn the words into actions Supreme Court judges in israel consider an appeal from a Palestinian Family threatened with eviction. The family lives close to the alaqsa, known as the temple mount to jews. Stephanie dekker reports. Reporter in the shadows of the dome of the rock noras family has been renting this house for more than 60 years. Now she faces eviction. They talk about peace. The reality is they are taking the land. She should fall under protected tenants who cannot be evicted but based on a courtenforced principle abandonment. The family can be evicted if its proven they didnt own the property. Its been proven. The familys appeal. It submitted a petition to the american constitute. Its a complicated storey, and boils down to a wider law that says any property owned by jews, as this building was, should be returned to the historical owner. Israel maintains that East Jerusalem is an integral part of israel, and so the law obviously applies here. Settler groups use this loophole to take over property in East Jerusalem and try to evict tenants living in such profit. This law, of course, is discriminatory. In the same israeli legal system, and under the same laws. Policy by the palestinians, like most of the properties left behind by the Palestinian Refugees in west jerusalem, all that cant be returned to the palestinians. This area is what is knowns a the muslim quarter of the old city. We are on the roof of noras house. The fear among the palestinians is that over time theyll lose their homes to more israeli settlers. Nora breaks down during the interview. Its not fair, she says, her mother died in the house. All her memories are here. Over the years, there has been an increase in settlement activity here. While we were filming, a young girl under armed guard tells nora why are you still here, this is ours, you are delusional. When i ask her what the problem is, she said the court has kicked nora out. At least 23 people died in a fire at a Mental Health clinic in russias sworn region. Many of those killed were bedridden when the fire began at a staterun facility. 23 were injured, 23 were unhurt. Poor safety and staff negligence have been blamed in the past for similar fires. Campaigning is under way in spain. Opinion polls are predighting no single party is likely to win a majority. There seems to be a break through in a diplomatic spat over a wikileaks founder. Swedish authorities are able to question Julian Assange at the ecuadorian embassy, he took rev edge in the embassy in 2012 to avoid extradition. Still to come the force is strong. Kind of. At a star wars shadow puppet show in malaysia. And in sport why it was a Family Affair at badmintons biggest event of the year. Year. Welcome back, an anonymous street artist has been placing street characters made from tiles on new york buildings. As part of a lucrative art scene with some street artists world famous. Gabriel elizonda from new york. Reporter all over new york, some artististic works have people looking up. Works by a parisian artist is appearing on the scene. New york city was the latest target of til muir ags, installed in 65 other cities around the globe. It catapulted them into the top ranks of street artists, works selling at an auction for hundreds of thousands. I enjoy what he does and stuff. I want to see him. A lot of people like to destroy the stuff. You have to act quick to see him. 2013 when he visited us every piece ha put up was stolen. Now he has to go higher. Reporter sometimes as high as the top floors. Graffiti and street art may have started as a reaction, but more often street artists are gaining worldwide attention. I think of street art of growing up in a different moment, a moment of gentrified cities, where the experience people have on the street of adds and brands, and people are coming along doing stencil based. Image placed stuff. Its doing their own brand, taking back space in that way. Classic art collectors may look down on street artists, people here continue to look up at the next piece of art to appear time for the sport. Arsenal have gone back to top of the English Premier League things to a 20 win over aston villa. Its been a good week for arsenal, making it through to the last week. An early personality gives the lead, and sealing the win in the 38th minute. They are a point clear of Manchester City and lester. Maybe in points, it was to take the heat, against a team low in confidence, and then a tough time. The second half was difficult. Then one or two opportunities. Surprising results in sundays two other games, tottenham lost for the second time this season. They were beaten 21 at home by newcastle. Liverpool drew 22. A tense game finishing with two m failing to shake hands. Do with this what you want. We had words in the game, sometimes you need longer than two seconds to cool down. If you want to make a big story, please. Sometimes it is like this, do with it what you want. Usually i shake hands. I didnt, not today real madrid lost ground in the spanish title race, losing 10. Cristiano ronaldos side are five points behind. Scoring the only goal of the game against his former club. In general by, dortmund is doing all it can. Sunday saw it winning 41. They stored an 18th goal of the season. There are five points adrift. And theyll start 20 on saturday. Asian football champions have set up a semifinal showdown with barcelona at f. I. F. A. Club world cup. They were taking on mexican side club america in the quarterfinals in osaka japan. The clubs open the scoring in the 55th minute. They levelled the game with 20 minutes left, and Brazilian International they clinched a 21 victory. A tougher task ahead for the chinese team. Bars re will be without the injured neymar. Translation barcelona without notres dame are a great team, a perfect team. I think neymar is a top three player in the world, and has been thought of that way. Not having neymar in the club is good for us. Japanese teams hiroshima will play. The j league aside. A spot booked over african champions. We were not ready, thats all. I have to say, they played their game. They were concentrating the longest winning streak at the start of an n. B. A. Season has come to an end after 24 wins. The Golden State Warriors were finally beaten by the milwaukee bucks. We have more. Reporter 24 and o to start the season. A record unmatched in n. B. A. History. Coming off a Double Overtime win, the warriors looked off the pace from the outset against the milwaukee bucks. A 3 point play put golden state in front. By halftime they pulled out to a 5948 lead. True to form steph curry put on 28 points in a bid to keep the warriors in the contest. It wasnt enough this time, the bucks prevailing 10895. Golden state won 28 regular season games dating back to last season, falling five short of equalling the alltime effort. 27. Now we can have a regular season. You know, its had kind of a play off feel to this. Theres no reason for anyone to hang their heads in the locker room for losing the game. Theyve been incredible all year. And the losses will come winning streak over, the warriors still sit comfortably clear at the top of the western conference. European club toulon recorded a big win. Two tries helped them to 249 victory and history has been made at badmintons biggest game. The world super series final. A husband and wife team won in the title. A british pair are looking ahead to a gold medal shot at next years rio olympics. We were excite about rio, every athletes dream is to be in the olympics and win a medal. Theres a lot of time before that, well train, and well be excited to get going. Thats it from me. The latest star wars movie the force awakens will be released this week. Its the seventh film and in malaysia its used to revive interest in an ancient art form. This is a muster puppet ear providing room, narration and the voices. A traditional band of musicians plays the music. It was a concept joined up. It was to reconnect youth. If they use something they can recognise darth vader, to help the project. It came to fruition with the help of a veteran of the art form. Dane has seen the popularity dwindle over the decade. This is another way to keep the art alive. Thee started a galwey for visitors, and a school. In the waft, a performance attracted crowds of up to 1,000 people. The number halved. The renewed interest is a plent surprise. I never expect there are so many coming to watch. This is, to me, a good sign the troupe travels to malaysia giving performances. Many thing that this is crazy, how can you do science fiction. However, the show, which has received permission, the producers of the star wars films, needs funding. Until then, its only a 15minute performance. Still enough to revive a dying art do stay with us here on al jazeera, half hour of world news on top of the hour. Check out the website. Aljazeera. Com. Aljazeera. Com. Water pressure hitting faults and making earthquakes. There were a lot of people that were telling me i need to be careful how i say things. How many lives have to be lost . Faultlines. What do we want . Al jazeera americas hardhitting. Today the will be arrested. Groundbreaking. Theyre firing canisters of gas at us. Emmy awardwinning, investigative series. This is Al Jazeera America live from new york. At 7 00 news roundup. Tony harris gives you a fastpaced recap of the days events. This is the first line of defense. We have an exclusive story tonight. Then at 8 00 John Seigenthaler brings you the top stories from across america. The question is, will these dams hold . And at 9 00 im ali velshi, on target tonight. Ali velshi on target. Digging deeper into the issues that matter. Im trying to get a sense for what iranians are feeling. This is Al Jazeera America. Im bisi onileere in new york. Here are the top stories. Calling for a ceasefire world powers meeting in rome to come up with a peace plan to end the civil war in syria, and to stop the spread of i. S. I. L. There under investigation the l. A. Country Sheriffs Office releases Surveillance Video after deputies shoot a man armed

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