Transcripts For ALJAZAM Weekend News 20151012

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The government says isil is the prime suspect. Back to the basics in bolivia, traditional farming is making a comeback thanks to a new mother earth law. Israel forces shot two palestinians in occupied east jerusalem. In the latest incident, police say a woman was shot after she attacked Israeli Force witness a knife. Shes been taken to hospital and is in critical condition. This comes just a few hours after a palestinian teenager was shot and killed near lions gate in the old city. Israeli forces say he tried to stab one of their officers. Meanwhile in in gaza, a rally being held there in solidarity with palestinians across the west bank and occupied east germ. Violence is escalating across the region. There were clashes across the occupied west bank on sunday. Palestinians through stones at israeli soldiers. They then fired back with rubber coated steel bullets and tear gas. Crossing over to mike hanna, joining us from wes west jerusam to first tell us what you know about the latest stabbing incident in east jerusalem, mike. Well, theres been one, as well within the last half hour in a settlement just on the outskirts of jerusalem. There allegedly, two palestinian attackers attempted to knife some israelis. Two israeli minors were injured, one palestinian was killed, the fate of the other is not known. Two earlier attacks, as well, a woman seriously wounded being shot after she allegedly carried out an attack on police, and earlier, a man outside the old city of jerusalem allegedly attempted to attack some border guards. He was shot dead. Now its very unclear the exact circumstances of these incidents. Police reports come out, but at the same time, very difficult to ascertain independent verification of exactly what happened. For example, was there an opportunity for police to make an arrest rather than killing the alleged attacker. So many question still arising about this, tensions remain high with three stabbings in the course of the day. The backdrop to all of this, Israels Parliament is resuming proceedings after its summer recent. They are beginning meeting at the moment. This obviously the first parliamentary session since the current wave of conflict has risen over the past 10 days or so. Theyll be discussing a number of issues, important policies legislation that has been backed by the cabinet which introduced mandatory minimum sentences for those who throw stones or fire crackers and imposes fines on the parents of minors who take part in such activities. Controversy legislation, indeed. First briefing in parliament this afternoon. I wanted to ask you what to expect out of the knesset meeting but you answered that for me. Delegates from the quartet will be arriving this week to the region. What will they be putting forward . Until this time, people saying that the International Community have been silent on developments. That is the perception, certainly among the poise in occupied pal type, also israel, as well. Theres been little from the International Community in this particular round of conflict. There was a General Assembly meeting at the United Nation, discussion of a new french inspired plan, a new french inspired proposal at which there was discussion about no details are known about this, whether the quartet are bringing some idea to push the process forward or a nonexistent pros forward, restarted thats open to conjecture, whether they are going to attempt to mediate between these warring parties, thats also open to conjecture. Remembering, as well, the whole nature of what this conflict is going on that takes place within the concept of the occupation. The occupation palestinians insist is the primary reason for why conflict ebbs and wanes and reaches heights as it does at this present time. Palestinians argue strongly you end the occupation, you end the conflict. Israelis say they need their security. Thank you for that update from west jerusalem. Syrian kurdish foists fighting isil say they are joining forces with a mix of rebel groups. The new mill at her alliance is called the democratic fores of syria. The syrian kurds or y. P. G. Are backed by the u. S. They have the support of christian and arab tribes, but not more hard line opposition groups such as the alnusra front. Recently, the j abandoned plans saying it would only provide weapons to vetted groups. We are following events from beirut. A new alliance on the ground, not necessarily a new force, but a new name. The y. P. G. , the Syrian Kurdish forces have fought alongside other arab brigades, as well as syrian christians on the ground as they fought isil over recent months but now have formalized this alliance and calling themselves the Democratic Forces of syria. What we understand from leadership is that their role will be to fight isil and what they are calling for a new syria, a democratic and secular syria. What they are also saying is that theyre hoping to become the new nucleus, a nucleus of a new army in syria. The leadership have told me they have the support of u. S. And russia. They lend credence to these claims. The announcement after the u. S. Said its not going to train the rebel force any longer, its going to provide equipment to vetted groups on the ground, and those groups that comprise the Democratic Forces of syria ever long been partners of the u. S. Coalition, so there is cooperation already. What we also understand is that the leadership have the syrian kurds have been in talks with russian officials, and they have expressed support for some kind of cooperation. Russia has made it very clear that it is ready to work with what it considers moderate groups, consider them partners in peace. We know one of russias objective isis to try to say what is left have the syrian army and in Corporation Opposition forces into the army. Its part of its Peace Initiative for syria. Now we are seeing the emergence of a new alliance in the northeast of the country. They tell me they hope to be the nucleus of the new army. What is very clear that this is going to cause even more divisions on the ground, because powerful groups, conservative groups refuse to work with the kurds, and but at the same time, both russia has been targeting those groups and the u. S. Hasnt provided them with any help. The u. S. Does note consider them at partners. Were seeingest another new alliance on the ground as diplomatic activity intensifies to try to find Common Ground to reach some sort of a political solution in syria. Russias president Vladimir Putin has met saudi arabias defense minister to discuss the syrian conflict. He reassures mass co is not planning to form an alliance with in syria. Iran along with russia are serious allies. Russia said they are targets isil positions and putin reissued his support for syrian president bashar al assad. We dont want to get involved in any religious conflict in syria. We have only one goal, to support the legitimate government and create additions for peaceful solution. That was our initial position and we stand by it. The u. S. President barack obama said he doesnt agree with the russian approach. What we have not been able to do so far, and im the first one to acknowledge this, is this change the dynamic inside of syria, and the goal here has been to find a way in which we can help moderate opposition on the ground, but weve never been under any illusion that militarily we ourselves can solve the problem inside of syria. Turkeys Prime Minister says the government is close to identifying the two suicide bombers it says carried out saturdays bomb attack in ankara, saying isil is the prime suspect. Funerals are taking place all over turkey for the victims of the blast. 97 people were killed. Bernard smith was at one funeral in istanbul. When the bodies arrived, the crowds chanted martyrs do not died, chanting isil murderer, chanting president erdogan, murderer. There is a widespread belief that the government is somehow complicit in what happened in the bombing, citing an intelligence failure that allowed the attacks to take place in the first place. There are calls for stirring up of National Sentiment in the country in the last few months. The Government Forces would say that the bombings were the responsibility or claim somehow some unnamed foreign powers who want to destabilized turkey. Whatever, so far, the identities of the bombers remain unknown, although intelligence sources have been quotes saying they believe they might have been members of isil. Much more to come, including controversy in south korea as schools change the way they teach the countrys past. High in the oblivion mount thats, traditional farming methods are being reintroduced to work in harmony with mother earth. In sport, well show you how the Toronto Blue Jays kept their series with the Texas Rangers alive. The latest from the Major League Baseball playoffs, coming up. Australia agreed with cambodia last year transfer Asylum Seekers but so far only four refugees have moved to phnom penh. Opposition politicians ridiculed the scheme as an expensive failure. It cost nearly 55 million. Australia intercepts refugee boats and sends them to camps in papua, new guinea. Providing sanctuary to hundred was refugees who fled vietnam in the 1970s, they built a vietnamese village in the island for eventual resettling in other countries. The recent plan to settle Asylum Seekers who attempt to reach and you say as by boat is not quite the same. Australia has reportedly offered over 100 million to the Philippine Government in a span of five years to take the refugees, something officials here strongly denied. In this recent issue of refugees, we can consider, but at the same time take into account our observe resources and capabilities. Refugees have tried to reach australia shores have been sent to hundreds of prisons in the island in papua, new guinea and the tiny pacific nation where the Living Conditions are difficult for many. Cambodia agreed to accept refugees who tried to reach australia by boat. The 55 million arrangement has been criticized by many. Australia has long taken a hard line stance on Asylum Seekers trying to reach its shores by boat, the government saying the policy is mainly to prevent deaths at sea. I want to reiterate in the strongest possible terms that the resolve of the Prime Minister and myself, the whole of the cabinet and the of the government that we absolutely are determined to stair down the threat from people smugglers and not allow the boats to recommence. Since australia is a signatory to the convention, it has a responsibility to do more. Is it fair for Member States to transpose its responsibility to another member state . Thats an important question which must be answered, you know, in full consultation with all concerned state lawmakers. Rights groups say australia can very well afford to look after its Asylum Seekers, and it is a burden to resettle them in a country that is largely impoverished. Also more than just the potential International Backlash for president aquinos government, they worry that resettling Asylum Seekers here may entice more human smugglers to consider the philippines a drop off point, too. Al jazeera, manila. A spokesman for the australian Advocacy Group says the arrangements with the philippines is unlikely to work. National community rightly recognizes that people who have come to australia are australias responsibility. They shouldnt be on the road. They shouldnt be in cambodia and shouldnt be in the philippines. I think the governments approach to the philippines is just one indication of the fundamental flaws in the processing arrangements. It doesnt have any resettlement arrangement. Theres no resettlement arrangement with papua, new guinea. Only four people have been willing to go there. Its clearly dead in the water, as well. Syria is at the top of the agenda at a meeting of European Union forces in luxembourg. The u. N. Fortune chief is concerned by russias growing military role in the conflict. It is for sure a game changer. It has some very worrying elements. We will discuss them. In particular when it comes to the violation of the air space of turkey. Ive always said and i believe that is going to be also the outcome today, intervention against daish have to be clearly against daish and other terrorist groups as defined by the u. N. We have Common Ground, the u. S. , russia, all have Common Ground, which is the Security Council resolutions that were already passed in the u. N. Framework and has to be coordinated, otherwise, the risks can be extremely dangerous not only from a political point of view but mainly from a Military Point of view. The head of the United Nation Refugee Agency inspected shelters for refugees on the greek island of lesbos. We spoke to Asylum Seekers and aid staff at a reception center. The European Union agreed to relocate more than 60,000 refugees in greece and italy to other european countries. Unity was urged in resolving the crisis. This is a european problem that requires a european solution. The whole union must resume responsibilities and this giant effort he that lesbos is making, that society is matchedd by an effective european response. South korea is rewriting its school textbooks. Critics are saying its trying to portray the president said father, the 1960s dictator in a better light. Harry fossett reports from seoul. Todays lesson is on the growing economic i am fluences on the 19th century. One of eight authorized textbooks that schools can choose from, the government announced it will be bringing in its own single text to be called the correct history textbook. It is an inevitable decision on the part of the government to correct errors of historical facts and put an end to social disputes you caused by biased history textbooks. Critics say its a result of the president , keen to burnish the image of her father, the strong man dictator of the 1960s and 1970s and correct what conservatives see as overly sympathetic left leaning teaching in history. People have signed a petition against the move, the protest led by teachers and academics. The contents of the textbook can be changed to suit the states taste, the contents can be changed and distorted. Already the section of he slavement of comfort women by japanese soldiers features very longly on the school syllabus, that subject is facing further standardization. As well as a single textbook, the government is introduce be teaching materials specifically about the comfort women issue, kind to promote what it calls an accurate understanding of Japanese Military sexual slavery and correct awareness of history. Information is largely absorbed rather than debated in classrooms. The debate will go object in the political severe with the opposition providing further chapters in the fight for opposition. Votes are being counted in guineas president ial election. Its first democratically elected president is set to win a second term. This is the second independent election. Voter turnout was high. People waited to cast their ballots, mindful of the violence that marred the election campaign. Let peace be assured in guinea and let people of guinea shake hands. We are all brothers, same mother and father in guinea. There is no racism. Everyone should know this and come out to vote. Thats all i ask of the people of guinea. Out of the 7 Million People eligible to vote, 6 cast their ballot. I came to perform my civic duty. I hope they do well, because guinea needs peace and unity. A delegation monitored the vote. There were certain electoral materials missing. I understand they are being fixed, so overall, nothing to this moment, we feel we are seeing an election that is living up to our expectations. One of the main opposition parties called the election a masquerade and said fraud was widespread. This is a time to be vigilant, to be sure that the rights of the people of guinea are respected, and the best candidate wins. 20,000 Police Officers and security guards were deployed as people headed to the polls. In the end, voting took place peacefully, but as Election Officials count votes, people in guinea are braced for more possible violence once the result is announced. Al jazeera. The weather with richard now. This dramatic scenes in china. Yes. If you have a look at the satellite imagery, you can see a cold front which is lying now to the east of japan. As i run the sequence through, its moving away, but if we were to rewind to that friday. I think this frontal system may have been partly responsible for the outbreak of water spouts we saw taking place just north of the yellow sea. That combination of the instability in the atmosphere and also some quite high sea temperatures. Water spouts usually around nearly as severe as tornadoes. Thats not always the case. They can on occasions be pretty nasty features. These didnt cause any problems, three altogether reported. We have cold air pushing in from china and russia. Weve got cooler air pushing down from the north. We should find clearer cbs across the whole of the region. Further toward the south, weve had quite nasty conditions developing through the china sea area. We could see heavy rain affecting parts of vietnam p. M. Weve also got torrential rain impacting myanmar. Were keeping an eye on these areas, for the next few days, there could be flooding. The mother earth law was introduced in bolivia to give nature equal rights to humans. The government has been accused of allowing big businesses to ignore the law, but it is working in some areas. Our reporter visited a mother earth project. This is bolivias mother earth law in action, in the Remote Community 3,700 meters above sea level. This a few years ago was unused waste land. Now producing flowers, potatoes and onions. Our parents always looked after mother earth, and we are simply following in their footsteps. This is part of the project, one of thousands across bolivia administered and financed by local people, employing traditional farming methods with guidance from the government under the auspices of the mother earth law. Many Business People take decisions that only relate to money and the accumulation of capital without thinking about the damage to our planet or that they are putting human life in danger. The law gives nature 11 basic rights, designed to reduce pollution and control industry. Mineral deposits are classified as blessings, vital cycles should be free from human interference. The idea is to work in harmony with the environment. The Indigenous People here have done that for generation, adapted with modern methods and technology, emerging with some things to teach the rest of the world. While the law raised environmental awareness and few question its good intentions, it has proved difficult to implement and questioned by some at the alternative Climate Change conference. This law is very pretty, but none of it can be applied. You can break the law and nothing happens. You dont have to pay for the damage caused. Nothing. Bolivias mother earth law gives the environment the right not to be affected by big infrastructure and development projects. It seems to work up here, but their intentions are proving tough to fulfill elsewhere. One of the poorest countries in south america is demanding improving infrastructure and development. Al jazeera, bolivia. Do stay with us on the al jazeera news hour. Still ahead, court in iran issues a verdict against a Washington Post journalist in an espionage case the paper calls absurd. California becomes the first u. S. State to ban schools from using the nickname redskins, a decision that could have consequences for washingtons nfl site. Details coming up in sport. For months, his name was outside the headquarters of the Washington Post, reminding passers by that for more than 400 days, one of their own, newspaper reporter Jason Rezaian has been held in captivity. His time in prison has been difficult. Jasons been isolated for much of the time hes been in custody. He has spent a lot of months in solitary confinement. Hes had very little contact with the outside world. He was arrested, along with his journalist wife and two photo journalists in july, 2014. All were released except rezaian who was tried in secret inside this tehran revolutionary court. His family maintained rezaian is innocent. Since he was a little boy, my son loved iran. His love is to infectious that he has made a career of sharing its beauty with others. He holds dual iranian and United States citizenship. He joined the Washington Post as its iran correspondent in 2012. The newspaper has worked for months for his release, appealing to a United Nations Human Rights Panel for help. At a black tie dipper in washington, the president spoke about his imprisonment. Jason has been imprisoned in iran for nothing more than writing about the hopes and fears of the iranian people. The white house maintains the issues of prisoners and the nuclear deal were separate. The increasing trend of locking up somewhere else is alarming. Were used to the threat from armies and from wars. What weve seen in the last couple of years, though is just as trouble, its the governments seem to be arresting and holding journalists for the crime of doing nothing more than acting as journalists. And paying a price for telling the stories governments often dont want to be told. Al jazeera, washington. The Russian Gas Company gas prom resumed supplies to ukraine after receiving an advance payment of 230 if you have million dollars. The company stopped supplying gas to ukraine in july after a price dispute. Under the deal, ukraines state Energy Company will have to pay a total of 500 million. We have more from moscow. After weeks of trilateral negotiations concluded in september, ukraine has a gas supply once more from russia. Its paying about 230 per 1,000 cubic meters of gas. Thats actually not a particularly bad deal. Its slightly less than it was paying at the beginning of 2015 before the taps were shut off in july of 2015. Its also a bit of a discount on what russia charges most of its other long term european customers, so you could say this hasnt worked out too badly for ukraine, but ukraine still does not have really the money to pay for this, so pretty much all of the cash that is going into russias state coffers, pretty much all of that money is coming from International Financial institutions in the form of bailouts to kiev. The political implications of this are obviously russia has a reputation, is fairly notorious for using energy exports, for using gas as a means to pressurize and control its customers, its neighbors in europe and other parts of the world. Now, whats going on in Eastern Ukraine at the moment, there does seem to be a notable tamping down of the conflict there. It seems as if the two sides, kiev and the prorussian separatists are talking, finding more room for agreement. There are people who predicted this, people who said that as russia increased its commitment in syria, it would start decreasing the conflict in Eastern Ukraine. So you can look at the gas deal probably as a feature of that geopolitical landscape. Were taking you to our top story now in the israeli knesset. That is the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaking right now in that session in the knesset and mike hanna joining us from west jerusalem has been listening in to tell us what he is saying so far. Mike, what do we expect hims to . Well, doreen, what hes been saying is attempting to reassure the members of parliament gathering offer after the summer recess that his government has the situation under control. Hes outlined measures the government has taken in recent days in a bid to increase the security, as he put it, of israeli citizens. Hes mentioned specific steps taken, such as the demolition of homes of those who carry out attacks, working against in sight, he says working towards banning the Islamic Movement in israel, one of the bodies that hes accused of being responsible for incitement of the current situation. Hes also said that the legislation to introduce minimum sentences for stone throwing will go ahead. Hes asked the opposition to support him in this particular measure, also asked the opposition to support him in a measure which provides for the parents guilty of stone throwing to be find. He is outlining measures his government is taking, saying there will be no change in the status quo at al aqsa mosque compound. This is an important point at this stage, because part of the source of the current friction has been palestinian concerns that Benjamin Netanyahus attempting to change the rules that gone israeli access to the al aqsa mosque compound. Here he stated in parliament that there is no change whatsoever being considered in these really. You were just mentioning legislation a moment ago when it comes to stone throwers. For example, quite controversial, isnt it, this legislation. Also for netanyahu, its a slim majority he has in this coalition. How much support does he actually have . The governing coalition number 61 seats. Even whatever the legislation thats introduced, each one ins tense. He needs all 61 members. If one crosses the floor, hes not going to get his measures past. That being said, the legislation was discussed at the last sitting of the knesset introduce be mandatory sentences. There was debate at that particular time. Its unlikely any of the opposition groups are going to go against such legislation in the current climate. A month ago, they might have opposed it, but in the current situation, no israel politician is likely to go against legislation that is intended as the legislation says, to combat what it calls terror, so it is likely that these laws will be passed by the knesset. The First Reading is likely today, the second and third later in the week and then it will become law and later no emergency legislation as it is present. Mike, thank you very much. Farmers in iraq say their industry is on the verbal of clams. They blame years of conflict, government neglect and the rise of isil for nearly destroying the allege agricultural sector. We have a report from iraqs south. All he is able to do in his field is loosen the soil so the ground doesnt harden. This stretch of land should be plant the with barley, but he hasnt been able to grow any crops this season because of the severe shortage of government subs sides seeds, fertilizer and pesticides. He said if the situation doesnt improve soon, he may have no choice but to give up farming. We need so much help. I dont even know where to start. We dont have fertilizers. We dont have enough water this year to grow our crops, our cattle are on the verge of death. We now find ourselves having to sell one cow in order to feed the others. We just cant handle all the expenses on our own. After months of Anti Corruption protests. Prime minister al abadi announced sweeping reforms and billions of dollars to invest in industries, including agriculture. While farmers welcome the announcement, they are still awaiting the support. Nearly a third of iraqs population works in the agriculture or related sectors, providing jobs to more than 11 million iraqis. Few here believe al abadis promises of reform will save the industry. Thats because there are other major issues affecting iraqs agricultural sector. Isils take over of three Northern Province that is produced a third of its grain is causing a major shortage of food, so much so, the United Nation food and Agriculture Organization is warning iraq now faces serious long term Food Security concerns, including shortages and sharp price increases. Government officials insist that they have made efforts to reverse output declines in relatively peaceful southern provinces by modernizing irrigation channels. These farmers say its not enough. We just arent getting water needed to grow our crops properly. You can see the low water level. It isnt enough and still the government wants is to produce. They press us hard to grow as many crops as we can, but at the same time, disregard these basic facts. With so many problems facing iraqs vital agricultural sector, its not surprising that farmers are thinking of giving it one, a trend that could put even more pressure on an already struggling industry. Al jazeera in southern iraq. Activists in brazil placed cough finance on Rio De Janeiros beach to highlight rising Violent Crime in the city. More than 4,000 people have been killed in Rio De Janeiro state this year alone, many gun related. Rio is preparing to host next summers olympic games. Countries in the americas are marking the moments Christopher Columbus landed on the continent. In argentina, october 12 has become known as diversity day, celebrating indigenous communities. Many tribes are unable to return to their ancestral lands. Not far from the picture of argentinas former first lady, eva perron, members of the indigenous communities are back on the streets of ben airs. This man leads the fight for people of ancestral lands. Our land went from 10,000 to 5,000 hectares. We only have 3,300 left. The state has been responsible for this. We have been tricked out of our territory. This is the second time in five years these people south the intervention of the federal government. People have been camping in this tent for eight months, waiting for a meeting with president kirchner to discuss the situation on their territory. They say without land, they cannot survive, but until now, nobody has given them an answer. The government has passed several laws that acknowledge the rights of the the indigenous groups in the country. It has removed the monument of Christopher Columbus next to the president ial palace, replaced it with a statue of an independence fighter of indigenous origin. Amnesty says that the fight for territory is one of the main problems affecting indigenous communities. There are 183 identified conflicts with indigenous groups. Most of because of land or because companies were working near indigenous territories. Argentina has had a brutal history against indigenous communities during colonial times. Millions were either murdered or enslaved. In modern thames, deforestation and lack of access to land have left most indigenous groups in extreme poverty. The loss of territory is linked to lack of food, water and exclusion. Many things have been done. The problem is that there are no Health Care Centers where doctors did not want to give care because of discrimination. Schools do not have teachers that speak both languages. Daniel fernandez says this government has done what others have not many hectares have been recognized at indigenous territories. The second stage is to give them titles. The rights that are granted in the constitution are effective and not rhetoric. Even though many have been benefited, indigenous groups continue to be among the most vulnerable in the country. Land is only one of the many problems they face that needs to be resolved. Al jazeera, buenos aires. After the break on the al jazeera news hour, well have all the sports news four and another member of fifas executive exitee suspended over alleged crumbs. Details in just a moment. Botswana banned big game hunting to promote conservation. Since then, wild animals such also lions and elephants have thrived but increasingly coming into contact with villagers. They want the ban lifted and tourism profit that it brings. We have more. The sleepy village in northern botswana used to earn 300,000 a year through government sanctioned big game hunting. Local land was leased to hunt organizers, but hunting was banned two years ago. Since the ban, more lions and elephants come into the village. We dont know whether its because during hunting losing all of her goats to a one night lion attack. There are no jobs in the village and we rely on livestock for income. I applied to the government for compensation for my loft animals but i am sometime waiting to be paid. Few eerie sources mean the village cant continue patrols to keep dangerous animals as well as poachers out. The installation of modern sanitation have come to a halt. The government urges the village to encourage photo tourism. The village in the delta is surrounded by wildlife, elephant, buffalo and hippos. People say hunting kept wild animals away and provided the community with meat. They want the ban on hunting lifted. It is the best way to promote conservation. In a population of thousands, under 40 elephants have been poached this year. Communities will benefit from tourism. It goes for the entire year, and it employs more people. So if we can increase those numbers, there will be more tourists. It will only benefit as neighbors countries return to hundred dollaring and wildlife seeks refuge across its borders. Time for all the sports news now with raul. Thank you very much. Fifas Ethics Committee dismissed complaints over the way in which a suspension was completed. The Ethics Committees said arguments werent valid. He was suspended for 90 days thursday along with fifa president seth blatter, following reports of payments received by the frenchman from blatter in 2011 for work done nine years before. Meanwhile, one of the former colleagues on fifas executive committee has been suspended. Head of the italian federation, it is said a breach of the code of ethics appear to have been committed. The details havent been revealed. He has been under investigation for his conduct during the 2018 and 2022 world cup bitting pros. Word champions germany have the result they needed to make sure of a place in next years european football championships. A 21 win, they lost to the republican of ireland but now head to the finals as group winners. It means they finish above denmark, going into a playoff also threw from group d, the republican of ireland going to the playoffs off the losing in poland. Northern ireland finished top of group f. , romania finished automatically. Up to 45 people are injured following a domestic football match in the congo. It happened during the game where fans of the two teams clark after darrin club took the lead. The two clubs are known for their fierce and violent rivalry. Rugby captain may have played the last game of his international career, injured playing france. It means the irish will avoid the defending champions new zealand in the quarter finals. Ireland captain might have led his team on to Millennium Stadium and kept ireland into an early lead, but both were soon on the field. Playmakers look of concentration changed to a grimace after crunched in this tackle in the 24th minute and anguish as he walked off. Just before half time, he inadvertently did the splits injuring his hamstring. It is feared he may have played his last game for ireland. Ireland extended their half time lead to 156, and while scorning the first try in the 50t 50th minute. Sealing the match in the 72, minute, after an initial surge, the irish half back scored against the post. It has decreased a little bit. The quarter time lineup looks like this. Next sunday, ireland faces argentina. Australia faces scotland. For the first time, the hosts around in the quarter finals, theyre england and theyre already out. The next world cup will be hosted by japan. Finishing with a win from the United States, despite beating africa, japan not quite able to make it through to the last eight. The third win of the tournament running out 2818 winners against u. S. A. To the latest from the Major League Baseball playoffs, where the Toronto Blue Jays have kept their postseason alive. They were in arlington, taking on the Texas Rangers in game three of the American League division series. The blue jays in the playoffs for the first time in 21 years had to win on sunday to stay in them. After the rangers won the first two games, and they did just that. That threerun homer helping his team to a 51 win and they trail the rangers 21 in that series. It was definitely huge. In the moment, i was definitely pumped up, got back to the dugout and everybody is obviously excited to put us up by five, i believe was, you know, a little breathing room. I think thats the goal down 20, coming into the accident was hopefully to get on the board first. We did that tonight, kind of what they did to us in toronto. Hopefully tomorrow, we can do the same thing and get back to toronto and see what game five is. Staying in texas, the Houston Astros lead their series 21. This time helping them to a 41 win, continuing their good form postseason, which saw them lock out the yankees in the opening wildcard game. Weve got good players and a good team. Ive often kind of down played a little bit of how good that we feel like we can be or how good that these guys are coming up in the moments and watch guys flourish in some high pressure, high intense only game on today until later, and those coming out parties for a club is good, especially a young club like us. More sport on the website. For all the latest, check out aljazeera. Com sport. Thats it, more later. See you later on then, thank you. Do stay with us here on al jazeera. Thats it for the news hour. Well have a full bulletin of news coming your way. Stay with us. At least two palestinians are dead and two israelis critically injured following more violence in jerusalem and the occupied west bank. You are watching al jazeera live from our headquarters in doha. Also coming up, kurdish fighters in syria join forces with a mix of other rebel groups a coalition they say will form the nucleus of a new army. Another funeral for victims of a bombing in the turkey

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