Liftoff, ill speak to Virgin Galactics chairman about the future of space travel. Im ali velshi, this is real money. As i told you we will keep an eye on those protests continuing across america tonight. But let me tell you about news that happened today. Part of discontent about the economy but november turned out to be a gang buster month for jb job creation. 320,000 new jobs added to the economy, nearly 100,000 more than economists had forecast, boosted this years total figure by an additional 44,000 new jobs. America has now added on average almost 241,000 net new jobs per month so far in 2014. That is about where monthly gains should be for the job amarket to have room to grow oop to take advantage of new workers coming into the labor market. Unemployment stayed put 5. 7 , thats the lowest number seen back in 2008, ignore that for a moment. The more important are the month. Of the 321,000 jobs added last no 20,000 were added in construction. Thats good. 28,000 manufacturing. Another 29,000 in health care. Health care has some low paying jobs but generally these are high paying fields that indicate improve confidence going into 2015. If this trend continues we are looking at the biggest job growth year since the 1990s. While this is all welcome news the recovery still feels far off in some places and one of those places is rhode island. Mary snow explains. Its a state that boasts of its beauty, but rhode island has one of the highest jobless rates in the country. An and lorraine brooks says, sin 2007, nations economic recovery. I any, seriously, i think we are, i dont kno know of anybody that has recently got be this gotten this wonderful, wonderful position thats make life easier for them. Its still a struggle. A state food bank finds that more than one in four cant have adequate food. Highest Unemployment Rate in the country, it peaked at 11. 9 in 2010. It grew significantly but remains above the National Rate and ranks third among states with the highest jobless rate at 7. 4 as of october displp what if w one big factor behind the high numbers is the lack of a Skilled Labor force. Were a microcosm of the country in that respect you have people with skills but we dont necessarily have the jobs to use those skills. They may end up having to be used in the service sector, jobs not as good as they might have had. This lightbulb factory is one of the industries that has left rhode island. Its been especially painful. 24yearold james deosa, is the mayor of that city. It declared bankruptcy before he took office. The closing of the lightbulb factory is very personal. His father worked there after emigrating from colombia. Deosas priority is to build the middle class. We are seeing a lot of these blue collar jobs leaving so its been very difficult. So it is admi diminishing. It will now be the job of governor elect gina raymondo. Its going to be tough, to take a lt ever examination of our soul and our essence and its not always going to be pleasant. Mary snow, al jazeera. Now back to todays job report, nationally were seeing more jobs being created but wages are stagnation. 9 cent gauge since october, thats huge but only a 2. 1 uptick since last november. Signals that if nothing else more gains may come, as long as wage growth are continues, ultimate ly come down almost 40 since the early summer but americans spend more of their income on food than they do on fuel and fuel price he are rising. Theyre up more than 3. 5 since last year. Joining me from washington to talk jobs and wages is tom perez. He is the u. S. Labor secretary. Secretary perez, thank you so much for being with us. Jobs report lets get that out of the way. These numbers are higher than people thought, good, broad based, thats the good part. The tough part is the over the course of the year still pretty shallow. What do you see there . Well again, i think its important for your listeners to take a look at where we were and where we are. We lost 2 million jobs in the three months before president obama took office. Two million in three months. Here we are, 57 months of 67 job growth, and last month was the highest of the months. The challenge as you also correctly point out is that in the plate 90s the rising tide of the recovery then lifted more boats. Right. Right now, the rising tide all too frequently is lifting the yachts but not enough there are too many people on the dinghy and they are teetering. There are a number of things that give me great cause for optimism and its not simply last no. You look at the last really two years and you look at not only the quantity of jobs but the quality of jobs being created and we are absolutely moving in the right direction. One area when you were describing the various job sectors that are doing well that you didnt mention is actually the sector that is seeing the highest job growth which is professional business services. Right. These are middle class jobs and above. So the thing that i like the most about the trend data is that its not only the quantity of jobs but its the quality of jobs. We saw wages go up last month and making sure we address the issue of rising real wages is a big part of the unfinished business. And theres a lot that we are doing and theres a lot more that needs to be done. When you pick up the pace of growth, such as we saw occurring last month and really all this year, thats one of the best things you can do to help real wages. Because as labor markets tighten then employers have to pay more and thats good for workers. Were also investing and the story about rhode island is a very good example of what were doing. We are reinventing and transforming the way we deliver skills in this country. I actually spent time with the governorelect in rhode island, very impressed with her and her commitment and she gets it. We need to upskill and upskill rhode island and upskill america. Enabling more people to punch their picket to the middle class. You and i usually talk every month. Your last job you were a of an assistant attorney general for civil rights. Last month i started looking at income and poverty from a slightly macro perspective. I want to go back to 2013, the last year that we have full numbers, 51,9 therein, for blacks it was 34,598. And lets go back because youre a civil rights expert, when blacks made 66 cents for every dollar, that number was 59 cents, not just about police, theyre about economic disenfrash enfranchisement. Let me give you one more number on that. You look at the Labor Participation of Young African american men, in 1950, i it was like 65 or 66 you look at the most recent data on Labor Force Participation of Young African american men and its Something Like 37 . Im talking about 16 to 24yearold Young African american men. There are serious opportunity gaps and the reason why the president is so committed to the my brothers Keeper Initiative is he firmly believes that zip code should not determine destiny. We see gaps persisting in so many communities of color. I spent more than 10 years of my life at the justice department, and im proud to have done it, working on reform cases and i understand, those are my former colleagues, at the same time we have to take and the president is well aware and is committed to taking a more holistic look at how we expand opportunity for everyone. And we all succeed only when we all succeed and African American unemployment is down over a point and a half or so from a year ago. But its still somewhere in the 11 range and thats unconscionable. The gap is still there yes. Thats why we focus like a laser on not only raising the minimum wage for everyone which will help communities across this country, including but not limited to communities of color, but were focusing on investing on skills. Secretary perez, thank you for this initiative that youre launching. Well follow up on you good to talk to you. Always a pleasure. Tom pers th perez, the secretary. Young people speak out. Well bring you the latest after this break. I know we will win a dirty deal. Struck at the heart of government. Egypt mismanaged its gas industry. Taking the country to the brink of economic ruin. Its obvious that egypt was being ripped off. Its basically saying to the israelis, look if you want to screw us, heres a tool you can use to screw us. Al jazeera exposes those who made a fortune betraying an entire nation. You dont feel that you owe an explanation to the egyptian people . No. No. Al jazeera investigates. Egypts lost power. December 17th. Protests continuing for a third night in a row. This is new york city, live pictures in new york city. Were following protests as well in chicago, boston, miami and other cities. Lets go on the phone to duarte jeraldino. They have been walking down south down fifth avenue. Duarte tell me whats going on. Im on fifth avenue. The crowd has progressed quietly. 200 people, this looks much bigger, this is one of the most crowded areas of the city. Its hard to tell the because as they pass these iconic stores in the city, more people are joining. It seems like commerce who were there were in complete shock. The workers hold them back as crowds, media and police went inside the apple store as the protesters chanted, i cant breathe i cant breathe i cant breathe 11 times to symbolize what happened to mr. Garner. Right now they are walking down stores that have all these ornate Christmas Decorations inside. That is significant because a lot of money is spent up here along this street, that is why the real estate is so expensive. You see the folks with the fur coats, the leather gloves, all these expensive items, the protesters are marching by them. It is orderly if not loud. They want to make sure there is no damage to the stores. What is key again is that these protesters went into businesses. Now, when we think about ferguson folks went into businesses but here in new york nothing is being damaged. However, the crowd seems to be really strong, growing and really pushing that message, they cannot breathe, they cannot breathe, they want justice and prepared to attack profits. Lets talk about the mood. I can tell its a rainy night, cold, what is the mood in the area, what is the relationship between the police that we can see in the shot there and the crowd . Tell me is there tension between them, is there any interaction between them . Its very peaceful. The crowd is on the other side of the street, police making sure the crowd doesnt disrupt vehicular traffic as much as possible though it has slowed. People are angry but theyre not violent at all. As you can see im in the picture right now theyre yelling and its a really diverse crowd. I know much of the recording today has focused on this being a young crowd but here in new york tonight the crowd seems a lot more sophisticated, a lot older and very diverse. Including tourists chanting that phrase, black lives matter. Its really impressive. I cant tell, is the this the same protest that started in Columbus Circle, i know thats where you were headed. One of the slogans on the posters is no justice no profit, is that the same rally . This is exactly the same important. When you track the distance from wherever you are in the world, they place you rite back to Columbus Circle ands this where this protest started and its walking down fifth avenue again the symbol of power, the iconic symbol. When people come to new york city to experience whatever lifestyle they want they want to walk down fifth avenue, these shops these stores and tonight its filled with protesters. Duarte, the new york police department, these are not Police Coming out in militarized gear, we see officers in helmets because theyre on motorcycles i would presume. We heard from paul beban and patty sabga. When are the police . The police are brought out especially for these which they may be retired. Many of them are carrying weapons but Something Like the weapons we saw in ferguson, fairly tame but no one is brandishing any weapon. They are marching alongside the crowd, there are no displays, the crowd is people. Where is this crowd going duarte . Theyre just marching south, at one point they were talking about specific stores after the apple store but that seemed to be the first big store that still many people went in. Small packets of people, but now mostly theyre marching down fifth avenue. All right. Duarte, well check back in with you, duarte jeraldino, marking with that group down five avenue. President obama nominated carter after chuck hagel steps down. Well look at the challenges the cast sytem is alive and well in america a city divided this is the third shooting in 24 hours in baltimore raveged by violence. For any black community its always been a recession can a community break the cycle . The way the game is rigged. They cant win. Fault lines, Al Jazeera Americas hard hitting. Today they will be arrested. Ground breaking. Theyre firing canisters of gas at us. Emmy Award Winning investigative series. Baltimore anatomy of an American City only on Al Jazeera America on tech know, i landed head first at 120 mph a shocking new way to treat brain injuries transcranial direct stimulation. Dont try this at home. But some people are. Its not too much that weed fry any important brain parts. Before you flip the switch, get the facts. To say that passing a low level of current is automatically safe, is not true every saturday, go where Technology Meets humanity. Sharks like affection tech know, only on Al Jazeera America largely peaceful protests across the United States tonight. You are looking at pictures of new york city where protesters are marching down fifth avenue heading further south in midtown. You know we were talking to duarte about whats motivating them now but theres really a bigger story now, ben is also the author of if mayors ruled the world. Dysfunctional nations and rising cities. I dont think he meant for the title of that book to be ironic, rising cities. Ben says that poor Police Training is the single meece important problem that cities face internally. Focused on the topic you have been focused on for the last year or so is the cities, the financing of cities, the disparity twin whites and minorities in cities, the bifurcation between the two in cities, this is coming together in boston, new york city, and chicago. Right there in the center of town they were laying down in the street they were peaceful but they were angry and they were resentful and it points to the great white on cities here and also in other parts of the world where muslim immigrants are having the same problems that African Americans and latinos are seeing, all over the world they dont get equal justice when it comes to policing and the police are there to protect people. To make them feel safe and to protect their rights and most of us feel that way and times square last night, whites are saying yay nypd you do it. But blacks say i know it works for you but not for us. And a mom in new york city when he goes out to get milk i dont know if hes coming back at night, not because a thug is going to get him but because a thug policeman is going to get him. A policing training cannot be as good their policing cannot be as diverse. Why do these problems persist in the bigger cities, bill deblasio says, the 22,000 police were going to be undergoing training, i would think that would be something they would undergo all the time. I say we need deep education its got to start young and its got ostart with an acknowledgment and awareness that our cities are great. Cost cost mo cosmopolitan, talk about being scared. In ferguson he said im scared he was a hulk, he was a big guy i was scared i had to get him in a choke hold. This fear factor we know its catalyzed by race. These cops are big guys but somehow if you are black if you are of color it looks monstrous, it looks big. Mults cultural cities in multicultural cities theyre thought of as great places to be but for a lot of inner city minorities, theyre not part of the coolness of multiculturalism. They dont feel safe. They cant afford the housing. Often there arent proper jobs, they need two of them to make a living, minimum wage is not enough to raise a family in but above all when they go home at night they dont worry about being mugged buy thug. They worry about being mugged by the authorities. There are enough cops to do that that make young black men tritenned. We treat our young black men like they are thugs and we turn that into just that. Thats not just the problem for the black people but for the cities and the Police Departments and you cant do that with cameras on the lapel and three day training about not to get in trouble when you are having crowd control. Knowledge in the 21st century world we are part of an interdependent planet where races either live together or we die together. Call for protest in Columbus Circle, just talking to duarte jarrodino. Shut i. T. Down. Economic shutdown, no justice no profits. Talk to me about that. There was attempt to shut down some black friday shopping asking especially African Americans not to take part it didnt really work but tell me about that . You dont close the bridge the west side highway nobody is going to take pay attention. Look at us, this counts, your shopping is important but so are we. The real part is look at us. This is where the economic eleads have to understand. If we dont have Racial Justice we are going to have racial unrest. We saw newark and los angeles in the 1960s burning down. Ferguson, it was their own neighborhoods, no justice to peace no profits. If we cant stabilize our cities and make them safe for all citizens the cities are not going to work for everyone. Things are too connected. You cant have a wall street in an unstable city when people are beaten because of the color of their skein. Destroying life not just for the poor not just for the people of color but for the rich and wealthy too. Rising cities, thank you ben. Well stay on top of these protests for the rest of the evening but president obama nominated Ashton Carter to replace chuck hagel. If confirmed carter will take over when the president s budget is at a critical point. Patricia sabga explains. Today im pleased to announce my nominee. But is president obamas nominee for defense secretary prepared to live within those limits . The new secretary who is going to come in is going to have to decide whether he pushes for more money or he tells the chief this much and no further. Chafe ing under mandatory budget cuts, the chairman and the army chief of staff, bigger budget to train equip and organize new forces. Fighting new forces Like Fighting against i. S. I. L. And the resurge ent russia. The increase resurgents russia. The overseas Contingency Operations fund, a separate flow of cash that is not subject to budget cuts. Congress is loath to cut the war budget because they dont want to be accused of undercutting the troops when the troops are in the field and the war budget supports the troops. Reporter there is plenty of room for noncombat belttightening. Says gordon adams. 1. 8 Million People are essentially the back office for 1. 1 Million People in uniform. There is very much that the pent got could do to trim back that tremendous overhead. The necessity for a leaner military going forward, the Incoming Republican Congress will likely give new defense secretary plenty of breathing room with the Nations Defense budget. Patricia sabga, al jazeera. For more on the nominee, we turn to jamie mcintyre, good to see you. What are your thoughts on this . You know ash carter will face a lot of issues. Combating i. S. I. L. In both iraq and syria but these financial problems are a big deal. The pentagon is chafing under sequestration. Ash carter spent his time as trying to cut the pentagon budget especially for modernization and weapons procuring. The pentagon still is going to say it needs more money and that its readiness are affected if the sequestration effects are not lifted. Something chuck hagel wasnt able to do, penetrate the inner circle. Im reminded of the case of William Perry who was elevated to defense secretary when the others fell aside and ash carter is a protege of perry and like perry he is a keen because of his mathematicians brain he was able to describe problems in a way and Logical Solutions that made him very influential in the Clinton Administration and i think that might be ash carters strongest point, his intellect, his deep understanding of how the pentagon works and how weapons work as a physicist. Those are the things that are going to be facing him. He should be able to be confirmed easily, hes been confirmed three times before. Just because the republicans are not happy with the president s foreign policy. After two and a half minutes with you ive learned more about carter than i had previously, quote unquote degrade and ultimately tee feet i. S. I. L. That is the armed Insurgent Group wreaking havoc in iraq and syria. Took part into investigations into al qaeda and other radical groups in the middle east. He is specifically credited with uncovered Khalid Sheikh mohammed mohammed, he has written a book called the black banner, describes the time working with the fbi and the events leading to 9 11. I sat down with ali souffant. Here is what he told me. U. K, most of the people that are going to syria, in france most of the people that are going to syria they come from north africa. If you look at the number 1 recruitment pool if you want to call it is nija more ja more ja morocco. Until now it did not provide an alternative that can fill the vacuum and a lot of people are taking advantage of that. The fighters who go from the west are not well trained as soldiers and you said they can be dangerous. For our viewers in the west in what way will these people be dangerous . When they go they will be trained. They establish networks with other extremists. They become battlehardened. If they come back home i. S. I. S. Or al qaeda or el nusra, or whatever organization, they worked with in syria and iraq, will reach out for them and they can utilize them to do attacks. With the technology we have today. Whole issue of people from the west or from the middle east or from Southeast Asia going to fight in syria and building that dangerous. Are you worried about those who never go over . Because i. S. Puts out messages to say commit crimes or do these things in the name of islam . Sure, and those individuals are dangerous. And its very difficult to figure out where they are. Because individual nature of the threat, individual nature of the radicalization process and of the operational process, they go from radicalization to being operational is very personal and sometimes very short. However i think with every threat i look at it as an equation. Threat equal intention plus capability. The intention will always be there. Youre always going to have people who want to attack us. Will they have the capability to do it . Thats what our system is designed, the National Security system is designed to identify and disrupt. However, they need to be successful, only once. We need to be successful all the time. You can see more of my interview with ali soufan, 5 p. M. Eastern, 2 00 p. M. Pacific. Hes a fascinating person. The idea that any of us could be an stroarnt. Astronaut, but with the crash my name is elenor and for the last 25 years i was Bernie Madoffs secretary. An unimaginable story of betrayal. They lived this incredible life. It just never occurred to me that they were living on the dime of the clients. Greed. Bernie was stealing every nickel but he wasnt trading anything. And entitlement. You took my grandchildrens future away from them. Today was a momentous day for nasa. It launched the space shim orion orion. Marks the biggest moments since 2011, the 22story rocket soared over the Atlantic Ocean and headed into orbit. Three two one. And liftoff. At dawn. The dawn of orion and a new era of American Space exploration. The orion shuttle orbited earth in a four and a half hour flight and then slammed back into the earths atmosphere at 21,000 miles an hour. Nasa plans on eventually sending the shuttle to explore into deep space and send astronauts to mars. The question is why send humans into space when its safer, cheaper and according to jake ward, more effective. Humans going into space but we sort of came around to that idea before we knew that robots could be just as good maybe better. I mean this is a classic debate in science circles. Should a human be sort of your exploration device or should a robot be it . The argument is that humans have greater Decision Making capability, they have incredible sensors built into anything. But its really robots that can withstand the incredible risk of spaceflight. We certainly forget, this launch went perfectly but when it goes wrong it goes so disastrously wrong for human beings. I think we forget how incredibly risky it is to get ospace. If you decide its robots other than humans, you can risk losing a robot more than an american life, is it easier with robots . You have to have a more choreographed plan. You have a less flexibility once you get a robot into space. You need humans in theory to be making decisions on the fly. Thats been the classic thing about them. But we have such extraordinary robotic systems, the japanese system thats going up to take a sample of an Decision Making that really is beginning to sort of do the fundamental science that we always decided you needed humans to do. I think thing people forget is the most fragile thing in the daisy chain of creating a space journey is the human beings on board. You have to build all kinds of systems to accommodate people and their fragile devices, the human body cannot take it. The cost of doing so adds so much more to spaceflight than it would cost if you sent boxes that dont need a view. Jake talk about th the fragile side for yourself, im about 25 pounds over being fragile. Thanks ali. I had an opportunity to have a conversation with george whitesides. Hes the ceo of having. Virgin galactic. Here is my conversation with him. All week weve been taking you in the business of space. Tonight the risks of spaceflight. Since 2003, over two and a half billion has been pumped into developing commercial spaceflight. A big driver of that growth is the development of space tourism. Thats the idea that any of us could become an astronaut. But recently we got a stark reminder of the risks of doing so. Over the weekend, Virgin Galactic 2s crashed into the mojave desert. Our cameras were rolling as we interpret the space port, just days after the Virgin Galactic 2 space crash. One test pilot died and one was critically injured. The tone at the space port somber on edge, security was extra tight, at one point asking us to leave. Bus we were here at the invitation of stewart witt ceo of mojave air and space port. You hear that noise . That is the noise of a rocket motor being tested. Roughly the equivalent of silicon valley, for spaceflight, where dozens of other companies have chosen to develop their space programs. Ive been chief executive of virgin flak tick. I dont know when the next mishap will occur but i know it will occur. Virgin galactic was the front runner to take paying customers into earths low orbit, the Company Answer high powered front man richard branson. But it was a different narrative after the crash. Branson was visually crushed. Its a horrible day for Virgin Galactic for space travel. Its a massive setback. The crash, for virgins competitor, x corps, cancelled after the space crash. Spaceflight is dangerous. The death rate for humans who have gone into space or earths orbit is about 4 , thats 18 of the 430 humans have who have flown in space have died. By comparison only 2 out of every 100 million passengers have died on commercial air flights in the last decade. As Virgin Galactic and other Companies Compete to get off the ground, while tragic death is inevitable and it will probably happen again. All of us who flew in apollo were very, very well aware of the fact that we were involved in an intrinsically risky business. When you do things of this kind you will have failures. If human life is involved you will have people dying. Thats the price of advancing. But critics say thats exactly the problem. The price of advancing is too high. We want to build a spaceship that is 100 safe. And Space Companies are forced to cut safety corners in order to reduce costs. If you try to get to 100 reliability, those last few Percentage Points of reliability cost you a lot of money. And so at some point to contain the cost of development you sacrifice a point or two of reliability. And you take the risk of possible accidents. But many in the industry including bob richards, the ceo of moon express, says the private sector can build safe space ships and will. The private sector can do things safely. Sometimes people die, thats okay thats what theyve chosen to do. If we dont take risks were not going to move forward. Virgin galactic isnt giving up. Its already looking to a new spaceship, unofficially called by its nickname, hope. Virgin galactic hopes to test fly in 2015. George whitesides, thanks for being with us. Nice to be with you ali. Richard branson when he says the success of the program the speed at which youre able to reestablish depends on what the cause was, where are we to determine the cause of spaceship2 . The faa, is making i think fast progress. They have already essentially said that theyre not looking at a engine failure, that theyre looking at essentially the unlocking of a particular feature early. And so i think that theyre making very good progress. And at the end of the day, you know, well take that information and well make our vehicle safer. Thats i guess the next part of it. The first half of next year is around the corner. Whats going to be different about this new vehicle youre calling hope . I think were going to have to let the investigation proceed a bit further before we fully answer that question. You know if there are recommendations from the ntsb were going to look at those carefully and try integrate those into the vehicle. But i think right now were pretty hopeful that well be able to put this vehicle into service. And move forward. Because thats what you know were all here to do. Weve been talking a lot about Spaceport America where your space crafort i spacecraftt to take travelers into space. Many are saying are they going to see a return of their money or because of the delay with Virgin Galactic, delays are inevitable and thats for the long term. What is your response . I think its going to turn out to be a very important investment for them. Once were finished with our Test Flight Program with the second spaceship we will do so. Look i think the important thing is we are in the industry exploring a new frontier and its hard. I knew when i got into this that this would be hard. But its important that we have resolve to move forward. Thats what weve got. Weve got a great team filled adversity. In fact part of the reason theyre doing it is because its hard and thats why were here. Lets talk about Virgin Galactics business, are you accepting new potential customers or has anybody cancelled . We have a Customer Base of about 700 people who have put down deposits. We had a few of those, 2 dozen decide that they didnt want to go forward. But weve also had a substantial people who have signed up since then and its really interesting to hear what they say twh they when they do this. They say they want this thing to exist and they put doin mone down money because they believe this thing should move forward. About 680 of our customers have stated theyre going to be with us is very heartening to us. They restated their view that they wanted to stay on the list of people who would go up in spaceshiptwo or the next version of it. Until the crash, the Space Administration decided to keep their mitts off of it until there was a fatality. Have you noticed the relationship with the faa, are they getting too close or is it going to shut down the space efforts . If you are talking about faa or congressional stakeholders, they all want to sort of understand just as we do what happened. And i think that everyone is sort of saying lets let these investigations move forward in a professional way. Lets read the reports, lets understand what happened. And then theyll think about things from that point. And so ive been heartened that everybody seems to be taking so far you know aan attitude of lets let the professionals thir about this and then theyll think about what happens next. George whitesides is the ceo of Virgin Galactic. A debt free christmas is next on real money. A conflict that started 100 year ago, some say, never ended. Revealing. Untold stories of the valor. They opened fire on the english officers. Sacrifice. I order you to die. And ultimate betrayal. Drawing lines in the sand that would shape the middle east and frame the conflict today world war one through arab eyes continues episode three the new middle east on Al Jazeera America americas middle class, rebuilding the dream. The latest in our year long series. We check back in with the sabinos, struggling paycheck to paycheck, as always the holidays present another financial challenge. However, they find out cutting up their credit cards, help them keep their spending under control. The holidays are supposed to be a peaceful time. I like to be organized, even though we may be financially stressed, i look for the sales. I used to use charge cards. We both did and this was years ago. Seven years ago. One day, so we were sitting down, he took my pocketbook he said give me your charge cards, he got his. And he choched everythin chopped everything up. We were never credit cardaholics, or junky addicts or anything like that. We had some debt. I negotiated with a lot of the creditors. If we owed 7,000, i tried to get it down to 4500 or whatever. If your credit got hit, who cares . Now you dont have any more debt. That christmas season, i was in a state of shock. I did it. I got every present for everyone. Everything was paid cash and on christmas night i had no bills on our charge card so it was good. It was really good. We have spent the year taking an inside look at the polite of the middle class. On tuesday, december the 16th, the sabinos and two others we have been tracking will join us in the studio, its part of an hourlong study of how it is being middle class in america. When we come back youre watching real money. All right we got pictures here of the protests that have been taking place across new york city. The latest we have is that protest that began in Columbus Circle in new york, moved itself across the south side of new york to the apple store on fifth avenue. The protesters, if you look at the bottom right of your screen those protesters started walking down fifth avenue. They have now reached macys Harold Square and duarte jeraldino has sent pictures that they have moved into macys Harold Square. That was video from inside the apple store thats what i think this is. This is a live picture near Harold Square in new york so these are what the protesters are doing right now, moving their way through new york. We are following protesters in miami, new york, washington, d. C, cameras, watching the protesters, rain has let up a little bit. This is the third night in succession of Peaceful Protesters across the country. Im going to leave you with the sights and sounds of whats happening in new york city. Off the sidewalk. Off the sidewalk, off the sidewalk,. Off the sidewalk. Its a chilling and draconian sentence. It simply cannot stand. This trial was a sham. They are truth seekers. All they really wanna do is find out whats happening, so they can tell people. Governments around the world all united to condemn this. As you can see, its still a very much volatile situation. The government is prepared to carry out mass array. If you want free press in the new democracy, let the journalists live. In this this this. It themselves equip and train people to document abuses. The renowned musician reflects on a life event that infliences his work now. I was bullied by a group of kids. They took my clothes out and these were people i thought were my friends