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This is real money and you are the most important part of the somehow and tweet us and facebook. General motors is under the spotlight again over handling on the faulty ignition switches linked to the fatal crashes and the report released today criticized the Management Practices and faulting individuals within it and the managers failed to disclose the information to the top managers. Here is gm ceo. Repeatedly individuals failed to disclose the critical pieces of information that could have changed the lives of those impacted by the switch. If this information was disclosed and i believe this in my heart the company would have dealt with the situation much differently and appropriately. This is gm reporting on itself 325 pages long. Referring to a decision to reduce and deploy the ignition switch in the fall of 2002 the personnel made a decision to leading to catastrophic results and gms top managers only made aware of the issue 11 years after the decision, only now in 2014 has gm taken action and recalling 2. 6 million vehicles to fix or replace the switches inside of them. Regarding the allegations of a cover up, the report gives up the management a pass. There was no conspiracy by the corporation to cover up the facts and they have found no evidence that any employee made a tradeoff between safety and costs. The pattern is complex. There was a pattern of misjudgments and incomplete data. And to try to shake up the business as usual, 15 em floiees were judged to have acted inappropriately and forced out and in addition five ores are disciplined and starting a Compensation Fund for those victims. The awe automaker is under a congregation. Gm could Face Criminal Charges from the Justice Department. We have been digging through 300 plus pages of the gm report and clearing up a lot of mistremendouses surrounding the recalls and he joins us now from baltimore and cliff, is this a turning point for gm . Well, i think it is going to clear up a lot of a misconceptions that were missing in the early time lines of the recalls, but there are a lot of questions that remain, especially another Congressional Panel hearing coming up and all of the class action lawsuits are on going and for a lot of the families and other people that want damages, they are asking a lot more questions. Tell us about the mysteries that are now cleared up in the report. Well, right now we are seeing they are mostly pending most of the blame on one of the employees that was let go and they dont know why there with no other basically no checks or balances essentially within the system to change the part. No one knows why no one else in gm took a look at the report. There are things missing. Given the understanding of the structure and management of gm can a switch being made without the executives not knowing about it . That was the case with this one. Going forward there is certain Going Forward that is not going to happen again. They have admitted they dont know if a similar change happened this on other gm models, it is possible, but that is speculation. Is it possible that this is a gm report and clears upper management of knowing anything about it perhaps some information that Congress Might be able to find out that could contradict parts of the report . That is possible. Theres always new documents that come up. There were some executives that, she mentioned, she didnt name names but it is possible that the hearing sz theyll bring up the names. We know that the recalls wiped out the First Quarter profits and the company is remaining strong, right . They are. Overall it is not having a government backed bailout and that helped with any bottom line, beyond that, the gm products are pretty good. I have driven a lot of the new models and similar to what happened with toyota, the dealers are treating the people well, the product is good and they are continuing to come back. What we are reporting on the business end is not matching what people are doing on the product end with the dealers, so i think that anyone that looks at the products now versus a few years ago it is a Different Company in terms of the type of vehicles that bimding these days. Are those products enough to sustain gm for a number of years or a short term momentum . It is different demending on the brand. Cadillac has a strong strategy of attacking the luxury market. Chevrolet is doing a better job of that too on the lower end. Especially all of the new trucks out there, gm came out with a new taho and they are se selling well. I would say there is a lot more competition now. General motors is not a world leader now. They are going to lookal gm where they didnt possibly in the smaller segment, they have wouldnt have looked at it five years ago. Clifford, thank you for being with us. Bank of america may pay 12 billion the settle the government probes on the handling of the toxic mortgages and it is in talks with the Justice Department in a number of states. 5 billion is going to consumer relief. Jp morgan agreed to pay 13 billion the settle the charges over bad mor mort ajs. There is a new cabinet secretary overseeing the Affordable Care act. She served as a white house budget director. She replaces kathleen that led the rocky rollout of the healthcare plan. Just ahead, Europe Central Bank is going negative with Interest Rates and are the steps too late to fight the inflation. Another warning to russia if the meddling in ukraine continues. 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This is a right we should all have. Its just the way it is. Theres something seriously wrong. Theres been acrimony. The conservative ideal. Its an urgent need. And a host willing to ask the tough questions how do you explain it to yourself . And youll get. The inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5 eastern only on Al Jazeera America europe is taking steps to pump the lackluster economy and preventing falling prices known as deflation. They have on the. 015 and lowered the rate on the funds to negative one tenth percent and the banks have to pay to park the money overnight and the move is driving to lend to other banks and sparking the Economic Growth and lowering the value of the euro and making the imparts more expensive and spark inflation in the zone. They are expecting the rate this year to be 7 10s of a percent and they are calming to weaken the Exchange Rate and welcoming the Central Banks decision. They are worried about the impact that ukraine could have on it. They wrapped up the summit today and projected a united front in threatening russia with the sanctions. But there appear to be cracks in the unity. Mike is travelling with the president. David, the g7 is over and ariefed to paris on thursday night. Before leaving he spoken the european unity and warn thad the allies cannot allow a drift in resolve. We have been talking about this. Putins moves, made gestures and removed some of the troops along the border, many are still remaining and president obama is saying hes useing surrogates. The president , other g7 leaders before leaving said their resolve is firm and putin has to turn back much of the aggression and what hes up to in ukraine and recognize the elections that took place and Vice President biden is due to attend the inauguration of the new president. If russia doesnt change the tactics or reverse the course they are talking about the sanctions and impacting the russian economy. Meanwhile in paris, president obama had dinner and had a private outing with friends, we are told and meeting at a separate dinner with putin, putin is meeting with the chancellor of germany and David Cameron separately and raising the eyebrows in the talk of unity. A little closer to home, bermuda and the Cayman Islands they are vacation spots but for the fortune 500 companies they are tax havens and when a Company Reports a profit they can avoid paying the taxes in the United States. The Research Group and citizens for tax justice issue add report and finding 72 of the fortune 500 companies stash the money in the shell companies, and the Companies Keep 2 trillion off shore that the United States government cannot touch and some of the biggest corporations are in on the game and apple with the noes money 111 billion dollars offshore and General Electric fom followed by microsoft. Joining us now to examine the implications of the off shore havens and the length that the companies go to avoid the taxes, kimberly, thank you for being with us. What do you make of this report and how much money could the federal government be getting that it otherwise cannot get . I think that the report draws attention to a problem that has been around for a long time. It is useful to bring it to the public attention. The government in some of the work that i have done suggesting that the government is losing 90 billion to this type of tax avoidance each year. That doesnt mean they would get the 90. That is a rough cost to treasury of this type of activity. 90 billion is a lot of money, some companies are doing it better than others and what is the preferred strategy for a company trying to get through the loophole . Lots of different strategies. What is often very common is create a chain of ownership and moving the income, not necessarily away from the United States and to a low taxed country, but creating something that is referred to as stateless income, it is disregarded from the United States for a reason and not treated within the jurisdiction for other countries and that is a popular strategy that is being used the hybrid chains of ownership. And change in the i fill yat finance structure and earned in the low tax countries and paid in the high tax countries and things like that. Look, you know, the tax code exists, it has a loophole, we are not doing anything illegal and why shouldnt we as a duty to the Share Holders do everything we can for the profits . It is relying with the season than the particular actions. Google and apple and General Electric shareholders are happy they are doing their best to reduce the tax burden, but the same companies have also lobbied for the loop hopes that we see in place and for even further loopholes and unclear if they are completely exempt from the blame and looking at the system deline and the political pressures on the system. Is the Corporate Tax language, is it complicated and difficult for congress if they had the will to close to loopholes. Some would be easy and others are complicated. There are lots of opportunities or low hanging fruit for improving the system, closing the obvious loopholes, like check the box. Explain that, what does that mean . The check the box lets the companies literally check a box on a tax form to create entities that are disregarded for tax enties the abroad. To be far more successful because you can create an i affiliate. And so that facilitates this sort of takes avoidance strategy. That is something that can be undone with the political will. Some of the other changes are complicated and a lot of reforms out there that could improve the situation. It is difficult to track down this information . Yes, it is hard. There are a lot of data restrictions and the nature of the problem makes it a deliberate obstruction of a what the happening and you dont have to designate the taxes you are paying in which country. I relied on the government surveying data. It is difficult to get a clear grasp on the magnitude of the problem. Professor, thanks for being on the program. We appreciate it. My pleasure. It is an offer that some parents cannot refuse, november from the suburbs into the city and get Free College Tuition for the kids. We bought a house within two weeks without selling our home. Someone also wants to live in the suburbs. More on the Kalamazoo Promise coming up. Plus the rise of the machines on wall street and how frequency training is leaving humans with no chance to compete and the regulators are taking a closer took look. I think that al jazeera helps connect people in a way they havent been connected before. Its a new approach to journalism. This is an opportunity for americans to learn something. We need to know whats going on around the world. We need to know whats going on in our back yard and i think al jazeera does just that. Real reporting that brings you the world. Giving you a real global perspective like no other can. Real reporting from around the world. This is what we do. Al jazeera america. Now inroducing, the new al jazeea america mobile news app. Get our exclusive in depth, reporting when you want it. A global perspective wherever you are. The major headlines in context. Mashable says. Youll never miss the latest news they will continue looking for suvivors. The potential for Energy Production is huge. No noise, no clutter, just real reporting. The new Al Jazeera America mobile app, available for your apple and android mobile device. Download it now you may not be seeing this yourself, the house hold wealth hit a record level. The Federal Reserve said that the rising stock markets and the rising home prices helped to hit a record in the first three months of the year. Checking account balances and Pension Plans and savings rose. However, the gains are flowing mainly to the wealthiest of americans. Graduates are graduating with no student debt. They are the are sip yents of the Kalamazoo Promise. 3,000 gratds received 50 million in scholarships. We see that the Kalamazoo Promise is a model that other cities are trying to emulate. Michigan State University freshman is already thinking about graduate school. Law school is definitely something i am into. Shes part of a social experiment funded by a donor and designed to revitalize kalamazoo, michigan. It is giving you the extra push. Completing school in kalamazoo gets the tuition fees covered at a michigan State University. Requirements, live within the school district, no gpa requirement and the money is used for ten years after high school graduation. College student was homeless when moved to town and without the promise he would be a different man. I would be dead or in jail right now. Kalamazoo has 75,000 residents and one in three live in poverty and many are struggling to stay in the middle class. Since the promise announced in 2005 enrollment shot up 24 and the families that would otherwise i void kalamazoo started to move in and snatch up the promise. People telling me i am crazy. I want my kids going to College Without the debt. Shes saving over a hundred thousand dollars on the College Tuition for the daughters and going to open a business downtown. Executive director of the promise says because of the increase in the enrollment, more teacher jobs are created and 70 of the promise students enrolled in the schools. 30 million in the community swirling around that wasnt there before. Dr. Brown is the only one that knows the donors behind the promise and shes not telling. But she does say they have paid more than 50 million to send the kalamazoos children to colleges and traited schools in the state and pledge to do so forever. They live in this small unique little place with a weird name called kalamazoo. More than 30 similar programs are popping up around the country and dozens more are in the works. Pittsburgh has 26,000 students. They estimate it needs 250 million endowment to honor the promises and the university of Pittsburgh Medical Center pledged a hundred Million Dollars and considers the money an investment. They are becoming nurses, doctors, hr professionals, finance professionals, all things needed. Hundreds of scholars are hired by the companys that helped to pay for the College Tuition, and pittsburgh relies on the generosity of the middle class people and not the super rich. Some of the programs are struggling because of the Fund Development needs. Professor miller adams wrote a book about the Kalamazoo Promise and it is still too early to tell if the e peerment is changing the economy. In 2012, almost a quarter of graduates were eligible for the Kalamazoo Promise scholarships didnt use them and many of the people in kalamazoo are convinced the the economic boost is coming around the ten year mark when the students are returning home as professionals with a job and an in addition mission. I would like to return to kalamazoo and help where i came from. Most other promise scholarship programs are not as generous but the goal is having the families committed to the hometowns and guaranteeing a college education. O speed is the name of the game for the high speed traders. The new rules proposed. Plus, own your own robot. Seriously, they are going on sale. More on real money. Im Joe Berlinger this is the system id like to think of this show as a watch dog about the system. To make sure justice is being served. With our personal liberties taken away from us, it better be done the right way. Is justice really for all . Misbehaving children locked up doing time while they should be in school. They have to prepare for jail throwing away our future were using the same failed policies in districts throughout the country are we failing our kids . Fault lines Al Jazeera Americas hard hitting. Theyre locking the doors. Ground breaking. We have to get out of here. Truth seeking. Award winning investigative documentary series fault lines the school to prison pipeline only on Al Jazeera America there are new develop 789s today in the debate over the High Frequency trading. Mary joe white is dropping new rules to reign in the trading. The chair plans to force more trading firms to register with the regulators and open their books for inspections. This is coming in the wake of the scrutiny. There was an entire week devoted to this subject and how much the market has transformed with the speed. Back on december 5, 2013, something remarkable happened at the closing bell. On that day, a Company Called ultra salon released the Earnings Report, mill seconds after 4 00 p. M. And that report fell short of the expectations and market data is saying High Frequency data sold 14,000 shares of the stock at about 121 each and totalling 1. 6 Million Dollarses worth of stock and at 4 00 p. M. The stock closed at 118 and losing 3 in less than a second, in the rapid selloff with the stock, the one second after 4 00 p. M. The High Frequency traders could have pocketed 28,000 and a fete only they could have pulled off. It is all legal. Operating near the speed of light turns what happens on the floor of the new York Stocks Exchange is little less than theatre. The only participants in the time frames of a half second are the fast machines, humans are able to receive the information to act on it in that time frame. The founder is aware of the High Frequency trading and growing to hundreds of firms from new york and chicago to london and hong kong. The High Frequency trading is measured the milli seconds. It takes 300 milli seconds just to blink and 200 to recognize a word. How long to trade 150 times, one single milli second. Forget about investing the fundamentals, these days if you are not trading as those speeds, you are toast. It is not just speed, the traders have their own special sauce. That secret sauz is a complicated formula, called a black box algorithm and costing a half million to 10 million each. These scour the market for cues, including what stocks other investors want to buy or sell, stock prices moving higher or lower, chains in Trading Volume or a disappointing Earnings Report and react to the words and twitter feeds and news reports all in the blink of an eye and tens of thousands of times a day and with a fraction of a penny per trade and that all adds up. If you have the code doing that, literally hundreds of a thousands and millions of times per day it is printing money. High frequency trading if i weres some have bragged in the press they have never had a losing day. It is helping to set the prices for everything that is traded, stocks, bonds, futures and commodities and affects everything, orange juice, price of gas and mortgages. Some think there is nothing to worry about. Are the markets are broken, absolutely not. I can think back years ago with the telegraph invented. Same thing when computers or the telephone came to the trading area. For mom and pop, i think focussing on the long term, being an investor ultimately you are okay. Others are calling for more regulation and saying High Frequency traders have unfair advantages. Regulators are investigating the relationship with the exchanges. Out going commissioner of the Trading Commission calls trader who use High Frequency traiteding programs cheetahs and worried that the technology are running wild in the market. Technology is great. We all love technology. I dont want technology out of market. But currently there are no rules or regulations. Zero, none, on cheetahs and im concerned that the traders are impacting the people in a negative fashion. It krinted to a flash crash in 2010, where the dow fell a shocking one thousand points in five minutes, briefly erasing a trillion dollars in market value only to recover a few minutes later. April 23, 2013, they reacted to a hacked Associated Press account saying that barack obama was injured in an explosion and the false report forced a flash crash. The real fear is that next time that the market wont recover from a flash crash. And hundreds of billions of dollars will be wiped out in a matter of minutes. The complexity of the trading is making it hard to understand to Pay Attention to what the traders are doing. By getting in the middle of trades thanks to the high speed they are charging equal to a tax or toll on every transaction. And that tax is paid by the big Institutional Investors that manage your money. Taken individually the tax is small but taken together the amounts are adding up. Now to the new rules that the sec share is proposing and sure to spark the opposition from the high speed trading firms. He helps to educate students in finance and some of whom to go to work at the firms. George, you read the chairs speech today and what stood out about it . It is very important. It is a very impressive and thoughtful speech. It is something that obviously has a lot of substance behind it. Look, the way i would characterize the importance, she says in the speech that the last time they looked at the Market Structure was in the 1990s and that was 20 years ago and none of the phenomenon existed at that time. So regulator have to step in once every 20 years, like rip van winkel and the market continuing to evolve. They have to catch up with that again. That was the tone of the presentation today. They are going to put back on the table the big issues of market regulations. But the knock on the regulator and when they jump in, jumping back and saying ten years ago but not up to date on what is happening now, did you get that impression . That is what impressinged me about the speech today, shes saying we are not turning back the technology clock. They are going to embrace and she says by the way that the markets are actually by most measures healthier today but there are issues the unintended consequences of the technology, if you will. So i treat it as a very thoughtful, substantiate orientation of this regulator to what is going to be a complex issue and taking years to probably sort out the rule making in the right way. In laymens terms what is the way that the regulators can go in and examine and review what the firms are doing . Well she lays out five or six initiatives in this presentation and several of them are easy straight forward things to do. So they are going to bring the High Frequency firms and some of the dark pool trading firms, so called, under a little stronger regulation, more disclosure and mur transparency and not changing things in a big way. But the really important things are the points that the end of the speech and saying we are going to put this entire regulatory structure put in place ten years ago to try to guarantee fairness in the markets, but a lot of people criticized that structure as having had the unintended consequence of propagating a lot of markets and so many traiteding venues it is created a lot of the gaming opportunitys that the people are taking advantage of. As far as gaming is concerned, the firms are saying we have invested a lot of money, people can invest and do the same thing, and what is wrong with that argument . Look as an american and capitalist, nothing is wrong with the argument but i know the e quil equilibrium will set in. It is going to take a number of years to sort out the language and how much pushback from the High Frequency traders or being cooperative. I think they are going to generally cooperative. I dont see anything in the speech if i was a High Frequency trader that is a threat to the business model. There are a variety of studies that support the idea that the costs have come down, the liquidity improved and things are working better because of the presence of the High Frequency guys. Shes not threatening the business model. George, thank you for coming in. Thank you, sir. Ahead, if you are looking for a babysitter or a friend to bring to a party, you want to meet pepper, pepper is a robot and responding to Human Emotions with Human Emotions and will never turn you down. Saturday on the stream. The superstars. I love the underdog role, its us against the world. We have this fight and this pride to play for the country. Pushing for success. Weve gone so far forward, the games really really grown. Gaining popularity. People are crazy for it. Is now the time for u. S. Soccer . Anything is possible. I believe that this u. S. Team, we can beat anybody. The stream, saturday 5 30 eastern. Only on Al Jazeera America. This, is what we do. Al jazeera america. A number of key players in the Telecommunications Industry could be becoming smaller, sprint and tmobile is closer to a merger and the price is said to be 32 billion and the biggest hurdle is getting Regulatory Approval and the ftc and the department of justice expressed to have more kofrn competition. Finally, a robot with a heart. The Japanese Company soft bank has a robot full of emotions and the name is pepper and can dance be with you, but cant dance as well as our tech, jake, it costs 1,900 and is that a bargain. Ool it is something of a bargain. It is like a personal servant. This proto type can gather the information from the cousins and put the information into the cloud and the software is figuring out i should cry or laugh and getting more and more charging Going Forward. The company is a majority holder in sprint and looking for a nurse or technician and actual babysitter in the future. So i have an 11 month old daughter at home and i can leave her where the robot . Right, it helps to wipe away the tears, i dont know, it is unusual. Japan has an interesting culture history with robots. We think of them in terms of the terminator and in japan they think of a them as helpful. A long history of characters, the idea of leaving a child alone with a robot is appealing there. Whether that really works here, i dont know. Will that work here or in europe . There is a fight brewing between europe and japan over the robotics. There is a project that the European Commission is putting together to compete with japan. Here in the u. S. , we think of them has helpful repetitive tasks, build cars with them and things like that. The a general purpose helpful robot, getting your pills for you. That makes sense in japan and the people are aging rapidly. Whether that takes off in the u. S. , i couldnt say. I am aging when i think about the number of tablets that google has produced and now a new one. Yes, that is right. This is part of project tango. It is basically the idea is quote unquote make the devices sense life on human scale. That means they are packing sensors into the small devices. In this case, the tablet has a big fish eye camera on the front, built in depth sensor on the back and attempting to understand the environment in 3d down to really, really small units of measures. It is supposed to recognize your face and gesturing and the idea is releasing this into a field of developers and available for a thousand bucks so they can create the software that does fancy things. Google has taukt us to web surf here and you shall going to the next page and the ads are tailered to you. And now that case in real life. The tablet knows you were playing in this room with your daughter and offering you a drink because you are thirsty, i dont know. They are trying to figure out a perfect censored device. That is what this is. Im holding you about the drink. The secret service with new technology to detect sarcasm. What is up with that and why do they care . Well, it is a very interesting thing. They have put up an rpf for any Software Maker to track twitter, track social media the aggregate and among the things they are saying, explorer 8 when we come back compatible and detect sarcasm and taking the threats to the president or the leadership of the United States seriously and if you are making threats on social media are they serious or real and have to figure that out. Jake, always a pleasure, we appreciate it. Thank you. It is troubling trend. Cash strapped americans are raiding the 401ks before retirement and that is a big mistake. Using that as a piggy bank costs you more money when you need it the most. That is tomorrow at 7 00 p. M. Coming up a small California City with the fortunes are riding on a racehorse. We explain. Triple crown style, coming up. Saturday on techknow. The earthquake business, its similar to the weather business. Understanding our earth. But everything happens faster. Limiting disaster. These are the guts of the Early Warning system. Saving lives. Having 30 seconds of advanced warning is like a lifetime. Techknow, every saturday go where science meets humanity. This is some of the best driving ive ever done, even thought i cant see. Techknow. Were here in the vortex. Saturday, 7 30 eastern. Only on Al Jazeera America. Al jazeera america. We understand that every news story begins and ends with people. The efforts are focused on rescuing stranded residents. We pursue that story beyond the headline, pass the spokesperson, to the streets. Thousands of riot Police Deployed across the capital. We put all of our Global Resources behind every story. It is a scene of utter devastation. And follow it no matter where it leads all the way to you. Al jazeera america, take a new look at news. Weekday mornings on Al Jazeera America start your day with in depth coverage from across the country and around the world. The future looks uncertain. Real news keeping you up to date. An informed look on the nights events, a smarter start to your day. Mornings on Al Jazeera America start with one issue education. Gun control. The gap between rich and poor. Job creation. Climate change. Tax policy. The economy. Iran. Healthcare. Ad guests on all sides of the debate. This is a right we should all have. Its just the way it is. Theres something seriously wrong. Theres been acrimony. The conservative ideal. Its an urgent need. And a host willing to ask the tough questions how do you explain it to yourself . And youll get. The inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5 eastern only on Al Jazeera America it has been 36 years since a horse won all 3 legs of the triple crown, that could change on saturday at the Belmont Stakes in new york thanks to California Chrome. The california bred horse won the Kentucky Derby and the preakness stakes. The biggest fans, the home of chrome coowners. The city is located in the sack remen to valley. Like most of the state, it is struggling through the Third Straight year of a draught. The city leaders have big plans to show the support for California Chrome and hoping that the horse is an economic boom for the businesses. We are joined now with the mayor. Tell us about what is planned for saturday . We are excited. We are closing down the main street downtown. We have 25,000 people expected to come down and celebrate. We have two large screens on the lawn and live bands and green and purple beer as the horses colors. So we have all sorts of people from the nearby communities coming out to help us celebrate and especially the folks that have not been here and dont know about the city, they are very, very well surprised. The celebration, the green and the purple beer and how much is helping with the string of the draught . We are drinking water, just a little bit. Getting the visitors here and hope they come and stay in the hotels and shop and if nothing else, we expect them to come back. I know that in some others of Northern California the rice crops count for 3050 percent of the Economic Activity and how the farmers doing there . The farmers are doing very, very well, we are comprised of rice and peaches, prunes, and the home to sun sweet growers and shipping the prunes around the world. It is a hub for Northern Californias agricultural. A lot of the farmers do get water from the districts, but majority is the ground water from the wells. Up to the north, it is gods country and we have land and water. What are the Biggest Challenges for your city . It is a matter of trying to retain jobs. We are a small community. We are 70,000 within the citys population and the county we have 110,000. So it is a matter of trying to bring in new jobs and retain the jobs and you hit the nail on the head, we are an agricultural based community and we are the home of an air force base. And then sun sweet and the air force base. When a community is happy, say the sports team wins a championship or a world series or particularly the horse wins the triple crown or the excitement over it and when people are in a good mood that translates to Economic Activity, they are going out more, buy more, go to shops and restaurants and are you seeing that there . I have seen that. I have been here my entire life and the last two days nothing but solid interviews from news stations all over the nation. There is a buzz in the area. There is a buzz in the community. There is a buzz downtown. It is new excitement. The horse racing, if you know the story about the martins and the horse, they paid 10,000 for it. They are normal folks. They have turned the horse racing upside down. It is a super bowl of racing. If you have never been the horse fan, you should be now, especially for California Chrome. We are referring to chromies. On saturday you have 15, 20, 25,000 chromies and celebrating that hasnt been done for a long time to have a california horse win, especially when the owners live here. Mayor, good luck to you on saturday. We hope you get the opportunity to put up a statute in honor of California Chrome winning the triple crown. Good luck on saturday. Thank you very, very much. Charity phenomenon that began in california is now spreading around the world. It is a Charity Treasure Hunt and involving social media. They are posting the clues where they have left the envelope filled with money. What started in San Francisco and taken to los angeles is picked up and going to san diego, denver, kansas city, indianapolis, cincinnati, miami, washington, d. C. And new york just to name a few. That is just in the United States. Hidden cash in london started today. Some critics charge that the thing is demeaning and we shouldnt encourage the people to behave like salve skav venningers. Rep the game show featuring a glass case blowing money in the air and the contestants could keep what they grabbed. In the cash of case of the hidden cash it is encouraging the people to share. It is making the donor and the finder feeling good. It is an american expert that a lot of communities could use. That is the for today. On behalf of real money, thanks for watching. Pieces of a neighbor is illegal and violates the sacrifices they made 70 years ago. Veterans of the dday landing return to nomady. World leaders and dignitaries are joining them on the beach to his pay tribute to the dead. Hello there, you are watching al jazerra live from london. Also coming up, women and children are evacuated as the situation continues to deteriorate in eastern ukraine. See staff at the Seattle University stop a gunman as he embarks on a shoot

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