This is real money. You are the most important part of the show. Jour our live conversation on twitter. Americas job market got off to a slow start this new year. Just 113,000 net new jobs were added to the economy last month. A whole lot less than the 194,000 Monthly Average we saw for all of 2013. Many economists say we need 150 to 200,000 net new jobs a month to keep up with the number of new workingage people who enter the economy. Let me put it this way more people reach working age each month than retire or pass away. As you can see on the chart, things started today go south in december when we saw a mere 75,000 jobs added for the economy for the month. Now, back then, i said to wait and see what happens in january. Two months of disappointing data arent enough to call a negative trend, but they are worrying. As much as a gashalffull guy as i am, this is tough to be optimisting about. I look for the good, and there is some. An estimated 523 people entered the work force in january. Now, these are people who either found a job or actively looked for one during the month. And this reverses the downward trend that we have been seeing in labor force participation. We still got a long way to go. In january, 63 of all americans who could be working were either working or looking for a job. Thats a little bit of an increase. Labor force Participation Rate is stuck at close to historic lows. It has not recovered from the beating it has taken since the recession. So whats going on . Economists blame the dropoff in new jobs in december on the bad weather. Lets face it. Januarys weather was no better. But that didnt stop the weathersensitive Construction Industry from adding 48,000 new jobs to the economy. Other job winners include professional and business services, 36,000 jobs there. Among the losers, retail trade, 13,000 jobs lost. Happens sometimes in january. Just as significant, the 12,000 federal jobs shed in january. 9,000 of them from the u. S. Postal service alone. Clearly, there is something more going on than the weather. Its not clear if the lower pace of hiring will persist into 2014, but we will be watching that closely in the coming months. All right. You have been hearing a lot. A lot of noise about obamacare and how it hurts job creation. Last week, we got a new report from the Congressional Budget Office, the nonpartisan division of the government that advises congress on budget and economist matters. It now projects 2 million fewer workers in the labor force by 2017 with obamacare than would have been the case if the law had never passed. Let me be clear. The cbo still projects that the number of jobs in the economy in general will grow in the coming decade but that the growth will be less than it would have been without obamacare. The big reason why the cbo says there will be fewer workers with obamacare its not about businesses laying off employees. Instead, as more workers obtain Health Coverage through the new law, some of them may choose to cut the number of hours they work or forego work all together. The assumption is that these people may want to keep their income low enough to qualify for subsidies to healthcare or medicaid. If that happens, the cbo projects the combined pay of all of americas workers will come down by 1 . And the dollar amount is equivalent to 2 million fulltime workers in 2017, rising to 2 and a half million workers by 2024. The Obama Administration was quick to refute some of the cbos claims and says this is not about businesses cutting back on jobs. Its a result of people having no no new choices. Patel it was director of policy at the whitehouse under president obama. I started by asking her about the cbos calculations it uses dollar amount and then translates it to jobs. This really looks at projections for as they are called, the Congressional Budget Office, budget implications and its not the demand on jobs. Its exactly what you said. Its really looking at the supply of labor or, as the white house put it, kind of weather People Choose to work or not. It does seem strange to me. Does it seem strange to you regardless of what the number is . 2 million seems high. 2 million jobs between now and 2017, that people would choose not to work to keep their income low to receive subsidies or medicare . Its also not clear. You are right to react that it seems strange. Something else thats added in to this confusion is that people might not work in a fulltime job because they might decide to take less hours or start a new business or do something different. So what we are not 100 sure of is if you are not taking a fulltime equivalent job with benefits, are you doing Something Else that could be more productive . Potentially more . You are right to be confused. More parttime, more freelance, more parttime work . Is that a possibility . Its always a possibility. And something that i think has gone unnoticed if you look deep in the Congressional Budget Office report, which i know you and i have done, which it states that the jobs that will get reduced or at least the fewer hours, are going to be in jobs that have belowaverage wages. So, you know, we might be talking about a phenomenon where people are taking jobs that are not very well paid just to get benefits. Right. But now they can get benefits and it may be they can do Something Else that they can have higher wage earnings. So there is always that possibility. What fundamentally . We both looked at the report the difference is one of us understood it better than the other. And that would be you. Let me just ask you this when designing obamacare, obviously, the primary goal was not employment. It was access to healthcare and coverage. There was probably a secondary goal that wasnt achieved as well. And that is the cost of healthcare. In theory, we should see costs dedeadline because america is a highcost place for healthcare. The third goal would have been greater prosperity, possibly through employment. Was there any thought given to the fact that antipolicecare is supposed to create more jobs or fewer jobsobamacare is supposed to create more jobs or fewer jobs . Absolutely. You are right about what the main points were. But there were two kind of kind of forces around the job conversation with health reform. One is that we would actually see a productive Healthcare Work force. And, in turn, that might have some effect on employment. We might have fewer hospitals. But we might have more primary care doctors, for example. And the second force was that if we can find afblingdable ways to provide forfordableable ways to provide for you might find growth in Small Businesses and growth in what we have been calling the middle class for a long time that we all know has been suffering. When you say productive because we know we have shortages of teenage things. A productive Healthcare System may mean that you have got more people who are able to to produce or provide primary care who are not doctors, but we also know we are short of doctors. But fundamentally, the people always bandy around the figure that healthcare in america costs twice as much as a percentage of gdp as it does in other developed country. So, if you want to reduce that cost, ultimately at some point, it means reducing jobs. Does it not . Thats right. We definitely thing part of some of the reduction numbers is also the fact that we may not need as many people who operate hospitals because we wont have as many hospital beds in this entire country. But i think that, you know, what that means for the overall work force, we still have to tell. I want to point out, ali, the Congressional Budget Office has been wrong on numbers before. Part of the news was that they revised their estimates about how many people would enroll in the Affordable Care act. So, i would say to your viewers that we should stay tuned and see how this plays out. A couple of other points out of the cbo report. The u. S. Budget deficit will fall sharply through 2015. This year, its projected to shrink to about 514,000,000,000, about 3 of the economy. Its going to narrow to 2. 6 of the economy in 2015. Now, thats not the debt. Thats just the deficit, the shortfall between what the government takes in and what it spends in a given year. While the deficit has shrunk, debt has not. The cbo projects u. S. Debt will grow to 74 of gdp this year. Thats the highest level since 1950. It expects debt to hold at this level until 2019, after which, it will resume growing. What you dont know about your bank account could back to bite you. Next, why overdraft protection if you are not careful could do you more harm than good. Many people are convinced twitter can help them make money. We will explain how the social media site is used to gauge stockmarket sentiment. And more as real money continues. Keep it here. Every sunday night, Al Jazeera America presents. Award winning films telling stories. She doesnt wanna come as someone who was manipulative. Revealing secrets. Information became our most powerful weapon. Taking chances. Everyone that was involved in the clandestant movement, had a code name. Each week, a new eye opening experience. Now theyre going to go to jail. Al Jazeera America presents. Remarkable documentaries some responsible because corruption is a symptom of societys failure to deal with this. Reporter this is the outcome of a second attempt to question the duchess about her finances. She is suspected of tax fraud and Money Laundering at the company she coowned with her husband. He in turn is accused of using his Nonprofit Organization to embezzle public funds. The investigators have allegedly uncovered a series of personal expenses billed to the company. They include refurbishments to their barcelona mansion and dance classes at her home. Her lawyers say she was looking forward to this day to prove her innocence. Reporter this is one of the most high profile corruption scandals in the country. Its been a blow for the monarchy. Even though the royals have tried to maintain a distance, theres no doubt that the damage has been done. And it would take an enormous amount of time to try to reverse the stream is uniquely interactive television. We depend on you, you are one of the voices of this show. So join the conversation and make it your own. The stream. On Al Jazeera America and join the conversation online ajamstream. What will be slapped on you and me when we spend more money than we have in our Checking Accounts . The cogassumer Financial Protection Bureau says overdraft protection may actually put some consumers on the greater risk of financial harm. The decks have been stacked in favor of the banks. David shuster has the story reporter jacqueline ford, a mother of two who lives in brooklyn learned the hard way about the potential dangers of swiping her debit card. Some months, i would have 250 to 300 in Overdraft Fees for that month alone. They keep charging me insufficient funds, insufficient funds, insufficient funds fees. The amount of overdraft payments that i had to make when they take out those overdraft payments, then i didnt have enough left to even pay the rent. Even though banks only make about 5 of their total revenue from Checking Accounts, Overdraft Fees are a huge profit center. How big . Last year, u. S. Banks raked in Overdraft Fees totalling 32,000,000,000. Over draft protection allows a Bank Customer to over draw their Checking Account even if there is no money left in it. The American Bank can Association Says its a Service Customers freely elect to have and it provides peace of mind to know your payments will be covered. Critics contend that overdraft protection is more like a loan with an Interest Rate as high as 5,000 according to some surveys. Many con assumers dont even know they have opted in for overdraft protection because the information is often buried in lengthy disclosure agreements like this. Indeed, in a recent survey, 54 of people who overdrafted did not believe they opted into coverage and 75 said they would rather have the transaction declined. The form is not very clear. So when you are opening a new account, the banker is handing you pieces of paper. If you just sign away, youve just opted into the most expensive form of overdraft. Even more disturbing t here is how it works. In this sample account, the transaction charges are processed in colon logical order, causing the draft to be overdrawn, an overdraft penalty fee from the bank. When a bank reorders the transaction charges from the highest to lowest amounts, the Checking Account is depleted more rapidly. Now, with monno money in the account, each in that transaction triggers another kn another fee. The total is 140. The bank has just boosted its fees by 300 . We asked several banks to tell us why they reorder from highest to lowest. Most did not respond. But one bang, pnc, did did he ever to the American Banking association which said that for some customers, paying the largest transactions first is important because it ensures that payments like mortgages, rent, or credit card bills will be paid. I have had it with these Overdraft Fees. I closed that account. I decided to get a bank that is safer, that doesnt do this kind of trick. David shuster, al jazeera. For now, the cogassumer Financial Protection Bureau recommends that you track your balances carefully and link your Checking Account to your savings account instead of opting into cosley and potentially dangerous overdraft protection plans. Chances are you have heard of payday loans, those shortterm, highInterest Rate loans with high default rates and high fees because they are so hard for people to pay back on time. In fact, they are illegal in about 20 states that consider them predatory. Now there is a new kid on the block in the shortterm place, workplace loans. They are offered by your employer as part of your benefits package. They are billed as a safer and smarter alternative to payday lenders. You avoid late fees and penalties because repayment is deducted from your paycheck. As Stacy Tisdale reports, as with most loans, let the borrower beware . Last november, melissa jones, a single mother of three boys, moved her family from kentucky to tennessee to ax septa job as an account manager at medical Billing Company patient focus. The move hit me financially at the wrong time of the year. So there really wasnt a lot of time to save in preparation for christmas. Soon after starting her new position, melissa learned her new employer offered a benefit called workplace loans. I borrowed 700, and the it took me six months to pay them back, and they took it out of my payroll every two weeks. Hundreds of large and small employers like melissas are offering employees workplace loans. T the companys contract with the near half dozen lenders who provide the programs. Currently, they are offered to about 100,000 workers across the country. Industry watchers say they could grow to more than 10 million. David frederickson, a ceo of patient focus and melissas boss says the loans allow his employees to focus . Its more important for them to be able to come to work and not have to worry about, you know, getting their car fixed or, you know, making a doctors payment. Proponents say workplace loans are a creative funding option for low and middle income americans. Nearly 30 of u. S. Households go outside the traditional Banking System for loans. Its individuals increasingly who are in the income ranges of 50,000 annual Household Income or above. Here is how it works. You fill out an application on line and share how long you have worked, your salary, and information about your Credit History the letter helps determine how much you can afford to pay. Loan sizes range from 150 to 10 dollars. Most, like melissas are in the 700 range. Repayment terms are between four and 36 months. Once the size and rate of a feasible loan is determined, you get the money, usually within a day or two of applying. Repayment is set up with the Human Resource department and deducted. Some workplace lenders report the history to Credit Bureaus. All of our loans are credit building loans, meaning we report the positive repayment history to Credit Bureaus to help people repair and build critics. When you add up the fees, workplace locations carry an average annual Percentage Rate between 36 and 165 . Well, thats at least half the cost of those payday loans. Borrowers can get into financial trouble. Any time you are caring 100 Interest Rate annually t very quickly becomes a burden that people just cant carry, that it gets you into a debt trap that you really cant get out of anything short of declaring bankruptcy. Analysts say the credit repair that attracts many borrowers could be reversed. So if that makes you less able to to pay a credit card bill, those are going to be delinquence sees that are reported to the Credit Bureaus. But most important to people like melissa, the loan provided shortterm Financial Relief while allowing her to keep her dignity intact. They didnt make me feel like i was some poor person, you know, that needed to borrow money out of a cash advance place. I didnt feel that way at all and that meant a lot to me. Stacy tisdale, access, new york. Melissa jones told us it meant a lot to her that her lender looked at her over all bucket and wouldnt let her borrow more than 700, saying a bigger loan would cause her financial strain. Well, remember when social media was just for spontaneous chatter and pictures for your cat. Now, a single tweet could be the difference between making and losing money on stocks. If you are an investor in a company and you are not paying attention to the twitter sentiment of about that company, you are missing a really important piece of the puzzle. Twitters power to move the markets and more as real money continues. Keep it here. Fault lines, hard hitting. Theyre blocking the door. Ground breaking. We have to get out of here. Truth seeking. Al Jazeera Americas breakthrough instigative documentary series. Over a year after the bengazi attacks, chaos in the streets. Unspeakable horrors. This is a crime against humanity is libya unraveling . Theres coffin after coffin being carried into the cemetery. Fault lines libya state of insecurity r. Shares fell 17 last week after twitters first Quarterly Earnings report since it became a publicly traded company last november. Total sales and profit during the last three months were expected. The opening bell sent investors to count bits of data, and these days, an increasing number of investors looking for an edge are using twitter as a gauge of market sentiment. Raj hed chanda specializes. If you are not paying attention to the twitter sentiment about that company, you are missing a real important piece of the puzzle. Examples of twitters power to influence stockmarkets include october 13th, 2013, on that date, billionaire investor paul ikon tweeted to his 142,000 followers we currently have a large position in apple. We believe the company to be extremely under valued. Spoke to tim cook today. More to come. Trading volume more than doubled. The companys value increased 17,000,000,000. Karl ikon is a smart man. Howard linson, stock twist, the company got started on twitter but it has more than a half million users. His website has rules designto e users. Posts are not investment advice. Investors need to be aware. This is still the wild west. On january 28th, 2014, ikon tweeted he just bought 500,000,000 more dollars worth of apple stock, after its share price plunged following disappointing earnings but his tweet did not reverse the stocks decline. Carl ikon wouldnt be the only impacter. Joe gets run social analystics that collects twitter data and sales analysises to investors. His company developed al program that turns tweets into bits of data and there is gnip, draatdat and social sonor. We have been selling hedge firms, big Financial Institutions that can take advantage of this in a programittic manner. The Stock Exchange is a client. Social market analystics tracks tweets from professional investors to determine which stocks groups of traders are tweeting about. It vets the traders and tries to eliminate erroneous posts. It ranks the most mentioned stocks. A positive score means investors are talking about buying. A negative score suggests they may sell. Social market an litics started selling sentiment reports to day traders. We are not taking the sentiment of individuals. We are taking the sentiment on securities across all individuals. That approach could minimize the risks of tweets designed to manipulate markets or situations like the hacking of the associates presss twitter account in april, 2013. A group known as the syrene army posted an erroneous text claiming there had been an explosion at the whitehouse. The dow dropped about 150 points, erase calling bill you dont know of dollars in market value before eventually recovering. While regulators cant always stop hackers or those intent on using twitter to manipulate the market, they are trying. The Security Exchange Commission Fined an investment manager for making miss ing statements via twitter. The sec has not really put out that much guidance partially because i think they are waiting to see how things develop. How much more powerful 140 characters can be when it comes to financial markets. Al jazeera. Final thoughts to this great nations low wage earners, if you work 40 hours a week and made make the federal minimum wage, you earn 290 a week t or about 15,000 a year. 15,000 a year. Income inequality has reached crisis proportions in america. An energetic push is underway to raise the federal minimum wage to 10 and 0. 10 an hour. Delta airlines agreed to raise the wages of 2,000 contract workers by a dollar an hour. They have also agreed to raise the wages of those making 9 an hour or less to 10 and 0. 10 an hour, though that wont take effect immediately. In another move, more symbolic than economic, delta has agreed to make Martin Luther king junior day a paid holiday. The workers affected do difficult often be thankless work, baggage handlers and aircraft cleaners. This isnt a simple decision t may cost delta shareholders or the traveling public. But remember, we are getting these people to 10 and 0. 10 an hour, 21,324 a year. Its just above the poverty threshold for a family of 4. The most prosperous nation on earth needs to find a way to let the best among us and the least among us live and work with dignity. The Port Authority of new york and new jersey which runs the airports has asked that united, america and jet blue do the same. If they do, we will recognize them as well. We thank delta for leading. Thats or show for tonight. I am ali velshi. Thanks for joining us. Real reporting that brings you the world. Giving you a real global perspective like no other can. Real reporting from around the world. This is what we do. Al Jazeera America. Hello. You are at the listening post. This week, its a war on terror. You are either with us or against us. Those are the marching orders. For the news media in egypt, the olympics go ahead underway in sochi one of the few critical outlets on Russian Television goes dark. Its just a magazine. The clinic has proven to be the tonic for journalism in chile. The Super Bowl Ad that wasnt. A commercial that gets under the skin of the n. F. L. Thats our web video of the week. Egypt is in the midst of a selfdeclared war on terror, a Political Party that eight months ago was the elected government has since been branded a terror group and there seems to be nor mittens ground in this debate. He job descriptions are for the Security Solution or they are considered to be with the terrorists, the muslim brotherhood. Since the middle ground is where news organizations are supposed to operate, the media have come under huge pressure, including al jazeera. The Network Stands accused of pushing a probrotherhood line,

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