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Nuclear program despite initial talks didnt come to an agreement. More talks will occur this month. The Syrian National coalition will attend meetings, but was guarantees that relief will meet all areas, Political Prisoners must be releeld. Their the headlines, real money is up next with ali velshi. All the latest news on the website at aljazeera. Com. Data, the most important of all was the monthly jobs report. 247,000 new jobs was added in october. That is a lot more than predicted. Still a mixed picture because unemployment inched up to 7. 3 . It was 7. 2. More jabs were created, more people dropped out of the force. The Labour Participation rate. People who were working dropped to 62 , the lowest in 35 years. I asked labor secretary thomas perez why Labour Force Participation drops. The best remedy to address this is to grow the economy. Thats why the president is talking about investing in road and human capital. Passing immigration reform. As we create the jobs coming from the investments, youll get more people in the workforce. What are you concerned about with respect to sequestration, a number of economists say we have not seen the full effect, and a number of economists saying, we have cut the money out of the budget. Others said wait until the end of the year or january. Youll see a greater effect. Do you see it coming. We see the effects of sequestration on job creation. You look at Government Employment. There has never, since post world war ii, to the best of my knowledge been a recovery in which we had a loss offons in the government of jobs in the government sector. We had a loss of 500,000 government jobs. The majority of those jobs are school teachers, firefighters and police officers. If we had simply held the line on Government Employment during this recovery, our Unemployment Rate would be under 7 , i have no doubt about that. Its time to grow the economy by investing in the ways that the president has spoken about infrastructure. That is why hes down in new orleans today, talking about the infrastructure. You mentioned infrastructure a number of times. It has to come from publicprivate partnerships. Public sector doesnt do it on its gown. Government does not do it on time. Publicprivate partnership could be the way to do it. We dont have many of these, nobody trusts anybody. What is the likelihood of getting ports fixed and the electrical grid done, highways, anywhere . I continue to be an optimist. I look at history, at the aftermath of the gingrich shutdown. The American People were understandably and appropriately angry and wanted results from congress. Approval ratings went in the tank. Theres a bipartisan recognition to move forward. Dwight icen hower brought us the highway system, Ronald Reagan immigration reforms. Elizabeth dahl her favourite moment, the passage of the minimum wage. Let me ask minimum wage. The president came out with support for a higher minimum wage, we have a minimum wage that does not suggest we are a wealthy country in the world. People that work at minimum wage need to earn more than they earn. But we need to create jobs, many jobs are entry level. Nobody who works a fulltime job should have to live in poverty. The former ceo of costco demonstrated that you dont have to make a choice between your shareholder and worker. You go to a cosco store and workers make 15 20 plus health benefits, he demonstrated that you can have a Retail Business model that takes care of your employees, and offers a competitive product for your customers and a great return for your investors. I spoke to many leaders recognising that the increase in the minimum wage is not a moral imperative, its an economic imperative. When you raise peoples wages you put money in your pockets. They spend more, buy goods. Businesses have to make and sell goods. The economy goes. Henry ford understood that when he raised salaries of employees, because they ought to be able to afford cars they make. Theres plenty of Business Leaders that under that raising the minimum wage is an economic imperative for our country, im confident well get there as we have in the past. Americas economy is growing. Gdp grew by an annualized rate of 2. 8 during the third quarter. This number is higher than expected the fastest growth rate for the year. The jump was fuelled by businesses restocking shelves over the summer. The pullback by consumers is worrisome. In the three months ending in september, we saw personal spending rise by 1. 5 , one of the smallest gains in the last five years. Uncertainty out of washington, Rising Interest Rates are sapping consumer confidence. A segment of consumers are doing fine, thanks to bumper profits and a bull run. Designer handbags to highend homes. Wealthy americans are lapping up luxe, fuelling growth at highend retailers, such as michael corrs, seeing a 31 increase. At the other end walmart cut spending. The tale of two consumers is relevant. A survey found a growing disparity. Spending and confidence are increasing in households earning 90,000, and falling in those earning less than 70,000. For middle and lower income families theres two problems one is weak job growth and weak wage and salary growth. The second is weak balance sheets. That is loss of housing values from the downturn and for many families, more debt than they are comfort ag with. Economists at st louis estimate that the overwhelming majority of american families, 76 are struggling to rebuild their wealth in the wake of the Great Recession. 24 are thriving financially. Predominantly white, asian, over40 and college educated, thriving households owner more than threequarters of assets, such as stock. They benefitted from rebounding house prices. Sales of premium homes between 300,000 400,000 was a greater percentage of homes sole. Its a righteous circle vicious circle. When the majority of consumers are stuck in low gear, businesses have less incentive to create jobs, boost income and get consumers to feel better about opening a wallet. Americans spending, they are not doing enough of it to make up for those cutting back. You would have to have a doubling or more than a doubling of spending growth by those very strong families. That doesnt seem realistic. Its a matter of years before we feel we are back in a position where people are comfortable, broadly speaking, with family positions. The hottest ipo was a big hit on wall street. Twitter shares soared like an eagle wednesday, but one that used performance enhancing drugs and may be flying too close to the sun. The opening trade clocked in at 45. 10. Many of the institutional or highrolling investors with a piece of ipo dumped the stock and scored a gain of 73 . They sold the stock to regular folk who saw new purchases close half a percent lower than the opening price at 44. 90 on the first day of trading. You lost more money on the second day of trading, falling and closing at 41. 65. All the hoop la at the New York Stock Exchange for an Internet Company with 232 million active users, but losses of 134 million in the first nine months of year. An analyst downgraded the stock saying to justify 45 a share twitter would have to generate more than 6 billion in revenue by 2018. This years revenue is a tenth of that amount. 2008er was able to avoid the fee as call that facebook placed. What a difference a year makes. Facebook shares jump 138 . They have been able to silence critics who were afraid the company was not able to follow the world of social media. Facebook rose to the challenge and positioned itself as the darling of the community. Its their economy, stupid, and facebooks 134 billion economy is driven by advertisers. The social networking giant gets 80 of revenues from advertisers, and investors are thrilled that half of that is coming interest mobile applications. A lot of skepticism was to do with whether they could succeed. They have done that and then some. Industry watchers scratched their heads when the company laid out a billion for photo and instagram. Analysts see a method to the madness. Mobile users should be more valuable than desktop. That message is starting to find a good reception. Will facebook and instagram a favourite among young users turn eyes into dollars. A survey by forrester research, a 395 executives from the u. S. , u. K. And canada found that facebook creates less Business Value than other marketing opportunities. Facebook called the report irresponsible. There were concerns Going Forward that facebook would continue to grow at its current d pace. They saturated the u. S. Market. Its a good problem. But it makes it hard to find the loves. In addition to dig bets on noble. Facebook is betting that apps to click and draw others will be a big user. Wall street is putting its money where zuckerbergs house is. Facebook and twitter connect us to the universe in a way we never could imagine. Are you too wired . Next a woman whose name is sinnon mouse with social media, she has a message on controlling your get them to lean where we want them to go but the us delegation that came in here, they told us that that quite the opposite could happen, that that could actually poison the well and make things worse, make the stress so unbearable that the iranians will see those sanctions as pure belligerence and then walk away. If that is to happen, it will be a dangerous situation because it means that the diplomatic path will have closed and what happens after that, well, you know, there have obviously been talks of a military option but the u. S. A. Says that that should be the absolute last option on the table. They much prefer the idea of trying to talk to the iranians. They do not there has been no discussion of a complete lifting of sanctions. They say that possibly by easing some things, perhaps as the iranians would like to see an easing on the oil exports Randy Zuckerberg has a career most people dream about the older sister tv facebooks mark zuckerberg. Shes the founder and ceo of zuckerberg media a wife, mother and the author of two books this is a book urging all of us to take time to disconnect and a Childrens Book line. I talked with had about the twitter ipo. If i could tell the employees of twitter one thing they are building something for the long term. They have a huge vision and mission. Its too easy to get caught in the next to moment fluctuations of the price. Id tell them hold true to the course and remember they are building Something Big for the long term, not minute to minute. When you you write in your book about your history pre facebook and when your brother invited you to join, and you went and facebook was run out of a house. It was. It was a little operation. There was a small office above a chinese restaurant. At most there were a few dozen employees. We had 5 million user party, which was exciting to us. To be there at the nasdaq a year ago with you, celebrating a that. You have facebook in your dna. Youre a twitter user. I am an equal opportunity social media user. Be. Are you using something we dont know about . Instagram is the hot one. Oi connect with people over the world and i found through photos, it needs no translation. Its an easy way to communicate. You talk in your book about your brother, shes somebody everybody and nobody wants to know about. What can you tell everyone about your brother. I tell fun stories about us when we were younger. We were into star wars and we did fun things. I give in sight into the family. You are a performer. You are a singer, you liked acting. Youre into this. I have been known to grab a microphone from time to time. Its interesting because when i looked back at what professionals what it used to mean to be a professional. You used to have your business identity. And you go home and be who you are. At home. But now on social media you dont have the luxury of having two separate identities. You get one identity online, and so we are seeing more of a merging between your self. For my viewers, one of the things your book talks about is the appropriateness of what you do on social media. We are not talking about the crazy stuff, but normal things people do. As an experiment today, i know you saw this, i took the selfies, photographs of myself on my phone and tweeted them out. I want to go through a couple of these. Ill ask my director it stick it up here. Here is one. This is the one where i had is the expression on my face when i found out twitter started at 43 23 higher than expected. Here is another one. It was raining outside. I tweeted i dont know if thats the right thing to do. And another one thats me waiting for a train does anyone care . A what is enough, what is too much. You had a kid, is it too much, pictures . What i love is i feel like you captured your authentic self. I feel like you could have tweeted, gosh, cant believe the twitter stock is this high. The moment on your face gives impact to who you are. Thats who people want from television personalities, celebrities, they dont want a rich ied they dont want a sterile account. The reason that people go to the social media accounts is because they cant to know who you are, who is the man behind the television personality. You have facebook shots. Does it cost you something to tell people to chill out, unplug, unwire. Im not telling people to unplug completely. Most of us dont have that luxury if we want to stay employed or have family around the world. I think we have gotten to this point where we are so expected to be connected 24 7. We are expected to answer emails, we cant enjoy a dinner with our friends without being on the phone. Eventually theres a backlash because the technology is getting in the way of personal relationships. You have done a good job of not letting it happen. You have dot there. The other one is dot complicated. Randy zuckerberg. They are called the very hickular homeless, and include many middle class americans forced to live in their cars. Many are turning to parking lots run by social workers places to find help and safety whilst getting work to get back in their real homes. The people on the lots with me were professionals. If they werent on the lot, they were the people that used to house. The Great Recession created a growing group of formerly middle class americans unable to afford rent or make mortgage payments. Many ended up homeless and have been forced to live in their cars. The government doesnt keep records of v hickular homeless, but we may see the greatest number since recession. It is illegal to live in your car in many place, so safe car parks have propped up. These parking lots are a visible solution to a hidden problem affecting peel who doan fit the people who accident fit homelessness. Teresa heads towards it church. Its not religion shes after, its the parking lot. This is our office. What we use. We have a file cabinet with paperwork. Basing toiletries, snacks for donations. We want to ensure participants have what they need. Smith and her nonprofit dreams for change run a Safe Parking Program, running the lot from church and a youth center. Its a dozen program in 85 sites on the west coast providing a safe haven for 59 of homeless and live in cars. How is your case load . Smith started the first lot in august 2010 when a face of homelessness emerged. Middle class individuals and families suddenly cast adrift in longterm unemployment. They would go to the shelters, come back and its not me, im not homeless, ill in between. What do i do, where do i go . Now, 76 of those in the lot report some sort of income, but struggle with underemployment and jobs that pay a fraction of what they are used to. Because you are homeless doesnt mean you are not working or dont want to work. You do. You want you want the security that you had. 57yearold Katherine Williams worked as a receptionist until she was laid off in 2009. She found work as a librarians assistant. Four weeks ago she lost her library job and moved into a car. Having found this place, it made it easier. Police will come along and wake up, get out, go away. Smith says seniors 55 and older make up one in five of those. Others account for 20 . Its a struggle every day. Theres days that its hard to going. After 12 years in the marine corp and deployment in both gulf wars, he left the military in may. Hes finishing a degree and looking for fulltime work. Gigs. Thats the reality we live in for a lot of us. Im one of many veterans in a swaying like this. Situation like this. The Safe Parking Program has strict rules. You must be in by 9 00 pm and out by 7am. Theres zero tolerance for alcohol, drugs or violence. An agreement to have oneonone financial counselling. You can stay provided you work to get back into housing. If anybody told me id live in my car, i would have laughed possibility. In 2010 kevin spend nine months in the lot, unable to find work for two years he depleted a healthy saving k from a collection job that earnt him six figures. The people on the lot were professionals, attorneys, and a nurse. If they werent on my lot, they were the people that lived next door in my house. Landry landed work whilst living in his car and found his way into an apartment and new car. Safe Parking Programs come under fire from near residents concerned about neighbourhood safety. Dreams for change shut a third lot after complaints. No offence, but people like you come here. This. This man says a growing number of People Living in cars create problems. They steal from us, drop trsh where he want. They bring the Property Value down. Who wants to buy a house with a camp ground of america across the street. Graham helped to create seattles first Parking Program last year and said a few bad eggs my lurk among the v hickular residents. We want to have a Safe Community where we work together, where people who need House Republican get into housing and employment and live the American Dream that we feel we are justified towards. A dream that psychology student melinda forces in mind as she and her four children are crammed in her sedan. About a week ago i didnt want to come back to the parking lot to sleep in my car. You know, hopefully at the end of the line ill have Something Better to offer my kids. Its temporary. Over soon. Thats the show for this week. Ill ali velshi, thank you for joining us. Im russsell beard, in southern kenya, where the latest development in human elephant conflict resolution is creating a real buzz. And im Amanda Burrell in indonesia, to see a wasteland restored. And im Sergio Quitana in arcata california learning how to flush with pride

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