Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20160330

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Is sworn into office. The u. N. Backed unity government has entered the city defying threats of violence. It was formed after talks late last year when the u. N. Attempted to bring together the countrys two rival administrations into one government. Some members of both sides disputed the deal. We have the latest from tripoli. Its come, its really quiet here, although during the last couple of days, we heard shooting. It was like showing of muscles with the brigade supporting the government, others opposing the government. The news is all over the country that the president ial council of the national of the government of National Court have finally reached the capital tripoli and now in their headquarter. You can see behind me, the maritime base, this is their new headquarter. Until this moment, it is quiet. It has not gone violent so far, but again, there is a lot of challenges facing this government, especially in the capital tripoli, two major opponents in this city that members of the General National Congress and also the government of the National Salvation government, they are are both opposing the national the government of national accord, but now, the question is how this new government will manage all these challenges. Irans Supreme Leader said missiles not talks are the keep to the countrys future. He says irans military option must be maintained. The u. N. Secretary general ban kimoon said irans Ballistic Missiles test this month is causing alarm in the International Community. Out of for this agreement now iranians have launched the bliss system missiles, that, it is true that that has caused alarms and concerns, but what kind of sanctions, what kind of measures should be applied is up to the Security Council members. A professor at the university of tehran says iran is largely honored the nuclear agreement. I think its quite obvious that the iranians have gone into the Nuclear Negotiations and they have made concessions and that the iranians believe and the iranians have carried out their commitment and now its the United States that is not doing so. The United States has pass add new law restricting visas and the u. S. President supported it. That really is against the agreement, at least the spirit of the agreement and the americans are putting pressure on Different Countries and banks not to do business with iran and that runs against the agreement. The iranians have committed themselves to their side of the bargain, unlike the americans. Protestors in pakistan agreed to end their sit in protest outside parliament in islamabad. The demonstrators are angry at last months hanging of a Police Officer for the murder of a secular governor. Tell us what sort of deal has been agreed to. Well, the deal was arranged after the government sent two clerics last night, and that was on tuesday evening, to try and calm these people down. At the same time, the interior minister said that they would be given just one night to decide on whether they wanted to leave or that the Supreme Court forces would have to go into action. What the government did was they employed 7,000 policeman. At the time, there were about 700, 800 protestors at the venue and at the last minute, before the police went in, a deal was reached under the deal many of those who were arrested by the authorities will be released and the details worked out. The four day saga has now come to an end. We are told and just to recap, on sunday, thousands of people had marched on islamabad for a moment, it seemed as if they had achieved their objective, but then as days passed by, many people left the venue, there was no food, no proper accommodation. The government was trying to reduce the number of people so that it is easier to handle them. I think they have already achieved their objective, but the last four days has cost the country substantially, because 150,000 people who travel every day just on the Metro Bus Service had been deprived that have, but the last three days, there is extensive damage, trucks have been burned. Government property has been damaged, so its a tense situation, but the government finally achieving the objective of resolving this peacefully. Whats the situation outside parliament . Have people left and if not, when his the time line for them to do so . Well, they are now leaving, because they have agreed the leadership has told them to disperse pausefully. They have already started trickling out and we would expect within the next hour or so for the whole place to be empty again. However, one thing is quite clear that the group that came to islamabad belongs to a certain sect of islam. They dont have a vast majority for support of the religious parties. They didnt have a plan, they held the government hostage for a few days however the government prevailed in the end and the understood news of course is there was no violence at the end of the day. That is good news indeed. Thank you so much ink frances president Francois Hollande dropped plans to strip citizenship of dual citizens convicted of terrorism. President hollande said the department failed to agree. The National Assembly and the senate have not agreed on the text of stripping french citizens accused of terrorism. We have more from paris now. These proposals to reform the constitution included not only the plan to strip dual nationals of father french nationality if convict of terror offenses, but also a plan to make it easier for the president to introduce a state of emergency. Currently, the system is that parliament has to vote on that. The idea was that the president would simply be able to bypass parliament in declaring a state of emergency. In the end, Francois Hollande was not able to muster the Political Support for these proposals. We have to remember as well the atmosphere in which this constitutional reform was first raised, when it was first mentioned. It was in the aftermath of november 13. He was under a lot of pressure from politicians and the right wing republican party, the far right national front. A lot of criticism of the French Security forces, intelligence agencies, why havent they anticipated these attacks. This was his response, his way of trying to appeal so that five populace opinion. Months later, weve seen there was not the support from the leftwing of his own party, his own Justice Minister actually resigned on principle because she would not support this idea and ultimately, when it came to it, the numbers just werent there, not in the parliament, the National Assembly nor the senate which is why weve seen this climb down from the penalty. A new political chapter that begun in myanmar. After 50 years of military rule, power has passed to a mainly civilian government. The countrys new president was sworn in. An emotional moment for many in myanmar. After a long and difficult fight for democracy, a civilian president is sworn in. Witnessing this historic event, many who were jailed for years by the military. The new president is relatively unknown. He has been handpicked by the Prime Minister who constitutionally is barred from the highest office because her children are foreign nationals. He immediately announced he will try to change the constitution. As the new government will try to establish the constitutional principles which are national reconciliation, the Peace Process and the establishments of Democratic Federal union and well try to work to develop the lives and Living Standards of the people. She will lead four ministries, she will be the foreign minister, education and Energy Minister and head of the president s office. She is seen by many as the person who will in fact be exercising the powers of president. All eyes are on this lady. Many here in myanmar are looking at her for change, but many are not sure how much change she will be able to bring. Despite the excitement, celebrations throughout the country were subdued. I really wanted to make a big celebration to celebrate this era, but i cant, because i have to earn money for my children. The last farmer after the military evicted hundreds to build a new city, he hopes the new government will be less corrupt and compensate him for his land. We have lived in a dark era for a long time. We were always afraid to do something, but this time, we hope and believe life will get better. But with the military still playing a crucial role in parliament and the government, many worry expectations might be too high. The new president has asked the nation to be patient. For decades, the burmese have proven that this is exactly what they are. Al jazeera, myanmar. Sometime to come on al jazeera, the Worlds Largest mangrove rain forest under threat. Calls to protect it are going unanswered. All you care about is getting that next fix, whatever you have to do to get it. From businessman to drug addict, claims that doctors may be part of the problem, not the solution. The only Live National news show at 11 00 eastern. We start with breaking news. Lets take a closer look. Welcome back. Lets recap the headlines. Libyas u. N. Backed unity government entered the capitol defying threats of violence. These are the latest images in tripoli. Some members of both sides dispute the deal. Irans Supreme Leader said missiles not talks are key to the countrys future. U. N. Secretary general ban kimoon says irans Ballistic Missile tests have caused alarm in the International Community. Protestors in pakistan staging a sit in protest have agreed to disperse. The deal reached with the government ends days of chaos in the capital. The demonstrators gathered angry at last months hanging of a Police Officer for the murder of a secular governor. The u. N. Appealed for International Solidarity to deal with what he calls the biggest refugee crisis of hour times. High level talks are being held in geneva aimed at resettling syrian refugees. The u. N. High commissioner for refugees urged world powers to take a more united approach. We must find a way to manage this crisis in a more humane, organized and equitable manner. This is only possible if the International Community is united and in agreement on how to move forward. Syrias president Bashar Al Assad says military victories will speed up a political solution in geneva. His forces recently retook palmyra from isil. Russian forces are instrumental in the advance. Now archeologists in russia are offering to help rebuild the city. We have this report. When that the first pictures emerged it was clear large parts of the city were destroyed. Other parts survived. Overall, images are very frustrating, especially as an archeologist whos been looking at these images before. Its a horrible sight. We recreated most of the things we thought that were damaged. We made models and created an animation of the 3d models and realized what if we can make a holographic reconstruction of this. As the syrian army backed by russian air power advanced on palmyra, far away in st. Petersburg, a virtual reconstruction was already underway. Satellite imagery along with isil produced videos had shown that the temple, three towers, another temple and the 2000yearold average of triumph had been destroyed. Here theres a certain pride that russia played a key role in saving what is left of palmyra. Parts of the city were once flattened. That was when it was bombed out during the siege, 872 days, one of the longest and most destructive in history. Like isis now, the nazis during world war ii wanted to see st. Petersburg reduced to rubble. Many landmarks were looted and vandalized, yet russia restored it to its glorious past. An experience which the director said could be fundamental in healing palmyra. After all, st. Petersburg was once known as the palmyra of the north. We were very happy, because people understand that palmyra was very important, not only militarily, but culturally. Some of the monuments are still there, the stones are still there, but it can be rebuilt only to a certain point. It will never be like before. The museum houses ancient artifacts from syria, including this unique piece that revealed a tax system at this important hub along the silk road. After the dust settles, a new army will invade palmyra, one made of archeologists, but as much as they can restore the beauty of palmyra, isils lust for killing and blood will always be linked to its history. No charges yet for the man accused of highjacking a plane from egypt to cyprus using a fake suicide belt has appeared in court. Officials described him as psychologically unstable. The motive behind the highjacking is still unclear. All the passengers and crew are now back in egypt. The u. N. s Childrens Fund says six children are killed or injured in yemen every day in the past year. Almost 1,000 children have died and more than 1,300 wounded. Nearly 10 million children require humanitarian aid. We have this report. He should be in school but is out trying to make a living. He scavenges through urban waste, scrap metal is now a precious commodity in taiz. On a good day, he can make up to a dollar. I try to benefit from the rubbish and i pick them from here to help my family. I rarely make it. Last march, Houthi Rebels took over the city, cutting it off from the rest of yemen. Earlier this month, progovernment fighters broke the siege, meaning he and his family and some half a Million People could attempt to return to their lives as usual. Like the garbage, frustrations been filing up over the last year. People are burning the rubbish to get rid of it. The fire is creating smoke which is creating Health Issues especially breathing problems. There are now more than 2,700 cases of respiratory illness. Those numbers will rise. With Emergency Services in disarray, a Plastic Factory in another neighborhood has been burning for weeks. Toxic fumes fan across homes. Its not clear whos running the city. The war is making life harder for some of the poorest people in the gulf. Saudi arabia and its allies wanted to use their air power to reinstate president adou Rabbo Mansour hadi and defeat the Houthi Rebels. The rebels wanted to have a bigger say in governing their country. Its been a year. Neither side has achieved its goal. Al jazeera. Fib iraqi policeman have been killed near fallujah. Its believed up to 60,000 civilians are stuck inside. We have the story. Fallujah, a broken city, caught between isil fighters and a siege by government sources, residents here are being pushed to the edge. Please have mercy on us, we are trapped june the ones outside have left. We call on them in the name of humidity and mercy to help us. We are just ordinary citizens. The goal is to break the hold on the city of the thousands of isil fighters inside, but civilians have not been spared. June the delay in retaking the city is causing suffering and a severe shortage of food and medicine. A solution depends on the opening of corridors to evacuate civilians or the dropping of humanitarian aid. Fallujah was the first iraqi city to fall to you isil in 2014. Video footage is scant. Journalists arent allowed in. Tribal leaders have voiced the alarm that food is being used as a weapon. What is happening is not a matter of coincidence. There is death and starvation being carried out systematically just like any other war cream against humanitarian. The u. N. World food program has not been able to deliver aid since last september. Its too dangerous. Reports suggest that those stuck here are sub sifting on dry dates, grass and wild plants. Its not enough, but they have no other recourse. Gerald tan, al jazeera. Brazils president is under more pressure to be resign after a Coalition Partner decided to leave the government. The centrist Democratic Movement party of brazil made the decision after mass protests against rousseff. Its another blow to the embattled president who faces possible impeachment over corruption allegations. U. S. Penalty bo announced more steps to fight the countries growing heroin epidemic. He criticized the traditional view of addiction and is requesting more Treatment Centers. He says its a medical problem, not a criminal one. As tim ryan walks the streets of chicago, he knows that by nightfall, 78 americans will have died on this day of a Drug Overdose from open you said, prescription pills and her win. His 20yearold son nick was one of them because he taught him to you to do heroin. People dont realize how quickly it turns into a monster and you live to use and use to live. It takes away moral judgment, all you care about is getting that next fix, whatever you have to do to get it. He was a successful businessman turned addict, turned criminal for drug crimes. This is not something thats just restricted to a small set of communities, this is affecting everybody. Young, old, men, women, children, rural, urban, suburban. A growing problem that the president was told is deeply rooted in the u. S. Culture. We then developed this culture, also of a pill for every pain. If i fall down, i bruise my knee, i may not need opioids. Im sure i do not need opioids, but somehow we have said that our goal is to make people painfree. The white house said the problem is simple. In 2012, american doctors gave out 259 million prescriptions for powerful pain pills, enough for every adult american to have their own bottle. That leads to addiction and an eventual turn to heroin, which is cheaper and easier to get. The president is announcing moves making it easier for doctors to treat addicts, and asking for medical schools to address overprescribing, increasing federal funding for Treatment Centers. Ryan says its not enough. If you take illinois, the states broke right now. Most of the state funded Treatment Centers are cutting resources left and right, a majority of people struggling have state insurance or no insurance. Theres nowhere for them to go or its a six, eight week wait to get someone into treatment. Were losing the battle. That means losing almost 50,000 american lives every year. U. S. Republican president ial hopeful Donald Trumps Campaign Manager is being charged with battery, otherwise known at assault. He is accused of grabbing and bruising the arm of a female journalist. The he incident happened at an event in march. He will plead not guilty. The Worlds Largest mangrove forest is under threat. The rain forest is a World Heritage site. There have been three environmental accidents in the past two years, and little is being done to protect the site. In the Late Afternoon of march 19, a barge carrying more than 1200 tons of coal sank in a dolphin sanctuary. Thats not what these men are working to salvage. Instead, theyre painstakingly securing the coal from another vessel that sank in october of last year. We have to be vary very careful when we lift the coal out. If we move it around too much, it can dissolve and spread in the water. The barge that sank this month is carrying almost three times as much coal and salvaging that wreck is expected to be a much slower task. It was the third time in just two years that a vessel carrying coal or oil has sank in this protected stretch of the water. The government announced a ban on cargo vessels in the river, but a ban had also been previously announced in 2014 after a large oil spill, only to be lifted last year. This is the only route that connects to dakhar. The others have become too shallow, so to shut this down was a blow to the country. It is the largest mangrove forest in the world. Environmentalists are angry not just about cargo vessesl carrying hazardous materials. They are worried about the power of a coal plant built just 15 kilometers from the World Heritage site. The rain forest seems to remain the center of a tug of war between activists and government. Al jazeera, bangladesh. Oscar winning actress patty duke died at the age of 69. She suffered from an infection due to a ruptured intestine. She won an award for the miracle worker when she was only 16. Later in life, she opened up about her struggle about bipolar disorder. Well get more on that story as well as others on our website. The republican president ial candidate back away from at uniony pledge to support the eventual nominee. The state attorney general of North Carolina said he cant defend a law. A deadlocked decision, the divided Supreme Court by fee doubt hands a major victory to organized labor. How the decision could impact the

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